tv Kennedy FOX Business October 10, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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good night from new york. kennedy: our u.n. ambassador, nikki haley is one of the most of powerful women on the planet. she helped avert a nuclear war with north korea, and student to russia. but leave it up to democrats to say her resignation is a sign of chaos in the white house. she reportedly told the president about her decision about six months ago and she says she is making the move at a time when america is stronger than it has ever been. >> not you united states is respected. countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do.
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they know if we say something we follow through. whether it's chemical weapons in syria or nato saying countrys have to pay their share. and trade deal, they get the president means business and they follow through with that. kennedy: the president says she has been an integral part of the administration. president trump: she has been a successful governor of south carolina. and she did this, and this is possibly the more intense with what's going on in the world. but she is doing a fantastic job and we have done a fantastic job together. we are in the process of solving a lot of problems. kennedy: bob menendez was among the first to criticize her and the white house. he said today's announcement that ambassador haley is resigning is another sign of the
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trump administration's chaotic foreign policy. i'm deeply concerned about the leadership vacuum she leaves at this time of continued disarray for the administration. really? where were you when susan rice with us running -- running u.s. policy into the ground and lying through her teeth every type the cameras were rolling. joining us, hep. me, mollie hemingway.>> she ish note. i think it has something to do with how her political instincts are so good. she came in 2010 as part of the tea party wave. sara palin endorsed her and john
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mccain endorsed her republican primary opponent. when the trump era happened she wasn't excited about it and didn't like everything he was saying. but rather than go in the never trump direction, she thought how to work best with him and for the party. she is coming out with a national profile, and she is greatly beloved by a lot of republicans and americans. she has played this all very well. kennedy: she also created a template for other people to follow in dealing with the president. because there are many who think you cannot serve alongside this president unless you are a sycophant. and she has shown you can have robust disagreements in important areas on foreign policy and still do your job effectively, maintain the president's respect, and soldier on. what else could people learn from her time there? >> there is no doubt they have a
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good relationship. but i think there is a long standing principle that it's best to have people in foreign policy position hospital really share your foreign policy visions. sometimes presidents put people in who are almost rivals. i think it works better when you have people who understand what your foreign policies goals are. you can have them act as surrogates. as we see who is the next u.n. ambassador you might want to see you someone who understands the less interventionist foreign policy, the america first realism of donald trump. kennedy: that's something we haven't seen. people are wrapping their head around the idea of being anti-interventionist. but at the same time, using some of that forceful language and that's what ambassador haley
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seemed to balance very well. she gave a lot of tough speeches at the u.n. there was a lot of left in her word. she didn't back down, but she did it in a way that was still kind of reserved. she didn't have the president's bomb past. how effective was her message? >> she was a very good speech giver. she did condemn shenanigans at the u.n. the question is whether you want to use your strength and power and how you use your strength and power. i think she used that very well and that should continue. there is a strong desire to pull away from the war fighting that we have seen the last 16 years. and the u.n. should be a place where you can use your power and use it diplomatic all. she did that well. but i think other people can do it well. you saw some of the names being floated around. richard grinnell who was at the
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up n. not you ambassador to germany. he's have much in that mold. kennedy: the president really liked timmy scott. do you buy into this new theory that senator lindsey graham is going to be apowpted attorney general when jeff sessions is turf offed and nikki haley will slide in as united states senator? >> there is so much speculation out there. this would and possibility that lindsey graham would be attorney general and haley would be appointed to run for his seat. but there are a million possibilities out there and it's wise to speculate other than con yes would make a great u.n. ambassador. ken and he's visiting the white house thursday. secretary of state mike pompeo weighed in on haley's departure. >> she has been a great partner
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of mine for the five months we have been work together and i want to wish her well in whatever comes next for her. kennedy: somewhere down the road ♪ secretary james mattis weighed in. >> secretary haley has been a tremendous asset to those of us here in the department of defense. kennedy: what will ambassador haley's legacy be on the world ask stawj and will u.s. policy change in her absence. joining me, host of the buck sexton show. we has had an awful lot on her plate in her time as ambassador to the u.n. she also received high praise from other diplomats around the world. what do you think are the hall marks of her time there. >> i think ambassador nikki haley was good at the job. but i'm one of these people who
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does the think the up n. ambassador's role is quite as important as it's made out to be by the media. it's a lot of ceremonial stuff. yes, there is diplomatic negotiations going on with people at the u.n. i am not saying it's a nothing burger. but to suggest there will be a dramatic shift based on who is in the roll of ambassador. i don't think it should be a cabinet-level position. i think it has been elevated beyond what i'd should be in the government structure. very few people would be able to tell you who were the last three up n. ambassadors. it's almost a spokesperson role. it's similar to being a spokesperson for one of the departments or the pentagon. she is polished, she is effective. when you ask about what is her
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legacy, sure -- kennedy: why is she leaving and what will she do in the future as far as a position that will have more weight to it than simply being a u.n. ambassador. >> i know, that's not a popular view, ebb wants to give nikki haley a lot of high fives. but i think there are limitations in what it's feasible to accomplish in that job. when people talk about female candidate for the presidency. it's pretty short list on the republican side. her name always floats to the top of the list. obviously running a state like south carolina and having that executive experience is good when you are running for the presidency. but also having some foreign policy experience puts her in rare air. not just for women, but for anyone running for president. president trump didn't have this sort of experience.
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>> you are getting right to the heart of it. she is more interesting to the press right now for what she is expected to do than what she has done in this particular role. ambassador to the u.n. is god for public exposure and getting dip make the and foreign policy experience. but when you look at the major issues of foreign policy, she was involved. kennedy: she had to shepherd a lot of the president's agenda. we don't talk about foreign policy as much. but there have been some pretty massive developments when you look at china, russia, north korea, moving our embassy to jerusalem. >> how much of any of that can you attribute to nikki haley? the president engages. the president engages in foreign policy. the secretary of state engages in foreign policy.
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kennedy: he watches the show and he's watching you right now. >> there has been a shift on all those issues you said. nikki haley has been effective in towing the administration line. there is nothing revolutionary about her approach to these problems and i can't point to any aspect of the major foreign policies challenges that have shifted because of nikki haley. kennedy: you may be right about that. but here is the difference. the way she connects with people and the way she communicates these critical messages sets her apart. you did not hear this sort of praise heaped on someone like samantha power >> she is in a very small group which at this point you would say is her and mattis of people who are entirely respected across the gop and the establishment political spectrum on both side.
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she was only thought as one of the adults. kennedy: you think she wrote the op-ed? >> no, i don't think she wrote the op-ed. kennedy: that's why you are mad at her. i gotcha. i always appreciate your expertise. >> good to see you. kennedy: why did nikki haley resign? the hot rumor this morning was she has eyes on a run for the white house. but that seemed to die quicker than a carnival goldfish >> for all of you who will ask for 2020. no, i am not running for 2020. but i will be campaigning for this one. kennedy: remember she is a politician at heart. so youer in know. it's worth noting her resignation comes a day after a watchdog group called for an investigation into her acceptance for flee flights on
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private jets. there is something more to this. marie harf is here. and tom shillue. and we have an attorney in the house. and the executive director of the law fare project. let's get into these rumors. say something bad about nikki haley. >> i'm not going to. did i just blow your mind right there. none of us have any idea why she decided to step down today. she hasn't been there that long. kennedy: you think it had something to do with brett kavanaugh? kennedy: that was something the knock 'er floated. >> she is not done with public service. i don't agree with' of the for
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policy from this administration. but i think nikki haley took her job at the u.n. seriously and represented the united states and the policies, even though i don't support, fairly well. it comes at a time when the trump administration is pulling back and doing things the u.n. doesn't like. she managed to straddled that world and not make trump mad. even though she said nasty things about him during the campaign. a chief of staff got fired on twitter. she got to resign in the oval office. kennedy: she is well regarded by this administration. it's better to have a good solid perception of her as opposed to alienating her and making her an enemy. it could have been the day after the mid-terms.
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>> that's what makes sense. that's what makes it more -- it's more notable. if she went out, she would have slipped out after the mid-terms. now she goes out with big fanfare. kennedy: she was the biggest star in the administration. >> she made it a glamorous position. kennedy: she would have upset people if they are word weren't wrapped in southern charm. >> she was liked across the aisle. for those of us who are in the human race community who follow what else the orwellian nature -- i mean, united nations is a very dark place and become a dark place. kennedy: very anti-american place. >> and anti-israel and anti-democracy and anti-freedom. this is a place where saudi arabia sits on the head of the
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women's right commission. she was able to bring a lot of public attention to the hypocrisy at the u.n. and do it in a classy way. and very, very sorry to see her go. i look forward to see what she is going to be doing in the future. kennedy: that's the feeling for a lot of people. people hate politicians. so the ones they like, they are wistful when they depart. the panel is not departing. first up, supreme court justice brett kavanaugh today on the bench for the very first time. he got a bunch of controversial cases coming his way. how is he going to rule? a once-in-five hundred year storm should happen every five hundred years, right?
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it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's the final days of our fall sale. the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 24-month financing on all beds. ends sunday. too hot to work? nah. this is the gator xuv835. with game-changing heat and air, it's never too anything for anything. hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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kennedy: president trump slamming democrats over their reaction to newly minted justice brett kavanaugh. president trump: justice kavanaugh, they are talking about packing the courts with radical judges to overrule the will of the american people. it's not going to happen, folks. last week they are saying we'll
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impeach him. impeach him for what? for what? for what? kennedy: for what? democrats still crying foul today. justice brett kavanaugh made his supreme court debut. we are told he received a warm welcome from his colleagues despite a group of pros testers waiting outside the court. the court will decide whether criminal aliens convicted of crimes can be retained without bond hearings until their cases are resolved. let me ask tim carney what kind of ruling can we expect from a conservative supreme court. how did justice kavanaugh do on his first day? >> he jumped in and asked a handful of questions which is not always what a new justice will do.
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clarence justice is famous for being relatively quiet. kennedy: but the work doesn't happen during argument. that's the dog and pony show. >> i don't think it's a dog and pony show. one of the cases they are talking about has to do with -- i saw some of the headlines having to do with gun laws. some of the headlines having to do with repeat offender criminals. it's kind of both. it's about career criminals and if you commit serious violent felonies and it's armed, then you get a special punishment. so it has to do with the definition of the word silent and the definition of the word serious. it doesn't fit neatly along ideological lines. it's a law that has to do with cracking down on gun crime which is something liberals want to do. but it's tough on repeat
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offenders. if you look at the way the justices were behaving. it was mission all the partisan dramad hearings had and the trump rally had. maybe it will go beyond the partisan divide. kennedy: let's talk about the deliberation process. what will it look like with a new justice? >> you have on the bench lots of great mind. and so gorsuch was the guy who came on sort of instantly created a splash of asking the sorts of questions that others don't ask. if i were to say kavanaugh has anything unique about him, it's got to do with some of those fundamental ways in which he read the constitution. i think he's a textualist, just like scalia before them and
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alito and gorsuch. he looks at the text of the law. but he says the executive branch belongs to the president. and so where he might differ from both liberals and conservatives is how he read the constitution's idea of how the government is formed. those questions aren't on the table yet. right now we are looking at the text of the law and how that gets applied. i don't think you will see kavanaugh distinguishing himself until we get more fundamental constitutional information. kennedy: when do we find out if he's the fun swing voter. >> when we talk about the supreme court, we are talking about roe versus wade. you had republican justices upholding it. you have got thomas, alito and gorsuch are not going to stand with roe versus wade. roberts doesn't like to rock the
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boat. kavanaugh, rumors he was hand picked by kennedy who is the guy who saved roe versus wade. kennedy: gorsuch and kavanaugh both kennedy aides. >> and they are both jesuit educated. there is nothing on deck, but we see in the distance standing there in the dugouts a handful of states with their late-term abortion bands. that's when we get to see is this guy going to be a kennedy-o'connor type or have five scalias on the supreme court. >> it's an interesting process of the supreme court deciding their docket and which cases to take up. because in the last years there have been controversial cases and big decisions. and this year so far it's pretty quiet. >> there is a frog that had his case argued before the supreme
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court. kennedy: pepe. >> no, a less well known one. i forget the exact name. and it might get a 4-4 decision, endangered frog versus a timber company. but then you look back if you are talking about roe. it could be if a pro abortion rights group decides not to appeal so they don't take it up to the high court. kennedy: tim carney, thank goodness you are here on the front lines. hillary clinton still mugging for the spotlight. #resistance. sheiscallingondemocratstoforget c sheiscallingondemocratstoforgetc ivilityintheageoftrump. ihaveadviceforthefailed president ihaveadviceforthefailedpresi i can't believe it. that everything sticks to stefon diggs's hands? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico.
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kennedy: the most of visionless democrat in america is losing her grip on the party. mommy poo pants continued her dialogue. >> you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. that's why i believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and/or the senate. that's when civility can start again. but until then, the only thing
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the republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength. kennedy: how did they edit around all the causing. hillary has a lot of baggage. she is trying to glom on to progressive unrest. because she is a woman without a message and every wing of the party despises her. number two, there is no we. if democrats take back both or either chamber, it's in spite of her, not because of her. her loss still breeds resentment, not inspiration. three, she thinks the only variable here is gop half i handedness. that's because she is too thick to see what's resonating. the only heavy thing people want is their own wallets. if they get lighter because of. >> socialist playing.
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people are more politically savvy than ever. hillary and her bottomless well of self-pity dropped this insightful nugget she should have addressed to herself. but that would require humility and introspection. >> you can't overcome what they intend to do unless you win elections. kennedy: yes, dear. you lost the election. that's the point. more than 60 people million people voted against you, allowing an unorthodoxed charlatan to win the electoral vote and he gets to do the neat stuff winners do like pick supreme court justices and take credit for the economy. you just get to be the jaded also ran and will no longer lead the party you ushered out of power with toxic unlikability.
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that's the memo. hillary clinton's comments are especially concerning given the number of trump administration officials and republican senators who have been harassed in public. but the presidential election season begins after the mid terms. is hillary angling for round two against trump and a third losing round? the panel is back to discuss. marie, tom and brook. brook, i will start with you. i think every time she opens her mouth it is a gift because it's more material. people say that, you know, analysts like me unflair attack her when she is putting herself out there and she cannot let go of her loss, and it's a desperate humiliation. >> she is parroting the so-called resistance movement. to me i find these very threatening and scary word.
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if you believe in democracy and believe in the non-violent transfer of power. you do not talk like that. i heard that as if not a condoning of civil unrest. but a wink nod to it and maybe even a call for civil unrest. you said yourself, we have had republicans shot at. republican representatives were stalked and cornered in elevators and harassed at their homes. now you have the leaders in the democratic party telling the public do not be civil with those you disagree with. synonyms of civility are respect and courtesy. it used to be leaders would call for respect to the other side. a top democratic leader is calling for half of the country to be uncivil with the rest. that's very scary to me. kennedy: she has used michelle
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obama's line that she used effectively during the 2016 dnc with when they go low, we go high. but hillary clinton has abandoned that high mindedness. >> she says when they win the mid terms, then we will be ready for civility. diet communism. did you ever say that before? that's a great term. kennedy: it' not really socialism, it's democratic socialism. >> i do not think she was in any way calling for violence. if you want to talk about civility, have you ever listened to a trump rally when he offered to pay court fees of people who beat up protesters? hillary clinton is not what's wrong with civility. kennedy: that's not okay either. what candidate trump did and where we are now, a lot has
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happened between then and now. if she is an elder states woman of the party, she should use more thoughtful rhetoric and not fan the flames like some bernie sanders fan girl because she can't get a message of her own. she doesn't have a center. >> i know how you feel, girl. i heard it. i don't think she is asking for people to be violent. i heard that, i genuinely don't think that. there are democrats getting harassed, vile threats. it happens on both side. we need to figure out a way in this country. in 28 days we'll see what happens at the ballot box. i don't think most of voters are listening to hillary clinton. kennedy: it's like she is taking the country hostage.
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it's like you take a-year-old to the grocery store who is throwing a can trump and they say if you give me a donut i'll calm down. >> i don't think that's the message democrats are running on throughout the country. >> they are becoming radical. [all talk at once] kennedy: the disaffected trump voters in imro, and michigan -- in ohio and michigan, they want to provide for their families. they don't want that nonsense that's happening in berkeley and chicago. >> the kavanaugh thing was the whole spectacle was uncivil. all the democrats were part of that. >> and republicans. chuck grassley and orrin hatch. >> it was 100% democrat uncivil.
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>> the republicans all behaved totally honorably during this? >> yes, they did. kennedy: susan collins was very honorable. she took her time and was very dignified. when she went through her reason for why she was voting for brett kavanaugh's nomination. chris coons almost cried when he heard jeff flake was going to vote to confirm justice kavanaugh. >> the messages the american public is taking. you can talk about what the democrats are doing. but if you look at the public space. when is the last time you had a civil conversation with someone you disagree with. you cannot go to a dinner party and have a conversation. we agree about a lot of stuff. and if we are having a moscow
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mule we'll find areas of agreement. >> this is rare. this relationship is rare. kennedy: hallelujah. taxation is best. coming up. there is less than a month until the mid terms. republicans are touting the economy while democrats are pushing healthcare. which issue will be more on people's mind when they head to the polls. ron! soh really? going on at schwab. thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management.
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kennedy: your money or your life. republicans are pushing the surging economy and their political while democrats are betting big on healthcare. the gop hopes to make tax cuts the center of their mid-term message. so they called out both parties. they focus on immigration and opioid. in the end it's healthcare versus the healthy economy. it's impossible to predict the future. if anybody has a crystal ball it's the man who has helped the economy and joining me, robert
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wolf is back. nice to see you. so is healthcare a winning message? >> yes. kennedy: here is what democrats have to do. they have to repackage healthcare which is not necessarily obamacare. but it's also not medicare for all. because as you know that's too expensive. they have to have a positive ford looking message. what is it on healthcare? >> healthcare is a right. kennedy: no, it's not. >> yes, it is. we disagree. that's a simple message. kennedy: people may think theoretically healthcare is a right, they don't want to pay for ebb's healthcare. kennedy: free market. >> i am a capitalist and you can't just have a free market ken yes, you can. >> you people who can't afford
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it. kennedy: that's what a safety net is for. it's not a vast thing that encompasses 300 million people. >> it's not encompassing 300 million today. there aren't 300 million on public healthcare. most of is on the private sector. kennedy: which you should expand and there should be a proliferation of choices and you should be able to buy any kind of health insurance you want at any time of the year that would fit your need. there is no reason every single person should be forced to buy a plan that has mental health coming and maternity coverage and patient rehab. >> we are agreeing on that. kennedy: i am also not obligated to pay for your stuff no matter how benevolent it is. therefore healthcare is not a right. >> i would respectfully
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disagree. we keep going back. is education a right? kennedy: it depend. >> in our country the wealthiest country in the world we should be able to make sure everyone has healthcare. kennedy: we should make sure we have choices whether it's education or healthcare. >> that's why there is an election coming up. kennedy: i would like to see people serious about cutting costs and gig choices back to families. >> we should be looking at lot of how the public and private sector work together. you asked me what i think the democrats should run on. i think keeping that simple, the healthcare right. kennedy: with the year simplification, they can't answer basic questions. alexandria ocasio-cortez who shot to fame and superstar come talking about medicare for all can't answer basic questions
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about hugh the program will be run and who will pay for it. >> the whole idea where everyone can get free things, i am not there. i'm not on the populist left. i would consider myself a pro-growth democrat, socially liberal on many issues. kennedy: socially awkward. >> that's right. but let's look at what cortez says. i think at the end of the day i'm not for single payer because i don't see the transition to that. but that doesn't make sure we can't figure out ways to make sure people have healthcare. but i also think you have to talk about the economy. i could give you the whole line for what the democrats -- we can give free hugs as well. that can be free. kennedy: that can be free. >> in this movement, i'm not
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hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these. it's a revolution in sleep.
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kennedy: liam neeson claims a horse on the set of his film actually remembers him from a movie they made a couple years ago. the next sequel is about his vitamins. i have a series of special pills i will use to get through the day. that's my lirks am neeson impression. we begin tonight in the beautiful commonwealth of kentucky. in a prison where two inmates got trashed. these fellas were doing kitchen duty when they decided to go on a couple get aways. the warden was shocked. when he heard two criminals were out on the road, they assumed they were talking about bill and
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hillary's speaking tour. the great escape didn't last very long. a witness tipped off the cops. needless to say, they are now back in the can. topic two. let's head or to the country of georgia where a soccer team is being accused of dog whistling. look at this little fella. you see him at the far end of your screen. enough with your devil language. he ran around for 10 minutes and nobody could catch him because they are not allowed to use their hands. a ground keeper tried bribing him with a burger from the concession stand but he turned it down. luckily someone had the good sense to play eminem over the loud speaker. someone give him a belly rub.
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it's nice to see someone raking a run for it beside nikki haley. topic number three. lite beer, the navi light 77 is on sale for a period of time. bus it on stays in your body for a limited period of time. the locals like it because anyone who drinks natural light from out of state doesn't have the gas money to drive in. there has only been one other person buying the 77 pack, the sky shall the guy likes beer. he still likes beer.
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hooray beer. it pains me to say this. but congratulations are in order. the announcement was made via sign language to share the news with folks who voted for him. stevie nicks is also nominated as a solo artist. she may win in a landslide. but she won't be alone. ll cool j is hot as hell. janet jackson had her first baby last year when she was 50. the event will take place cleveland. if it's anything like last year's ceremony it will be incredible.
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(avo) in a clinical study, keytruda offered patients a longer life than chemotherapy. and it could be your first treatment. keytruda is for adults with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread... ...who test positive for pd-l1 and whose tumors do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. it's the immunotherapy with the most fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this can happen anytime during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, constipation, changes in urine, changes in eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching or flushing, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects of keytruda. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. (roger ) before i'd think of the stuff i might miss.
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but now with keytruda, we have hope. (avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. a new way to save on travel. now when you book a flight you unlock discounts on select hotels that you can add on to your trip up until the day you leave. add on advantage. only when you book with expedia. kennedy: thank you for watching the show tonight. if you have any idea what was just happening in the studio, let's leave it at that and stay friends. email
1:00 am tomorrow night on the show, sebastian gorka is here along with chris stirewalt and leslie marshall. thank you so much for making this the best hour of your the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey
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