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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  October 11, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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one of president trump's most vocal supporters discussing an array of issues at the white house including bringing jobs back to america. kanye west wearing that hat. i dare anybody to try to take it off of him. melissa: there you go. all right that does it for us the evening edit starts right now. >> another wild ride on wall street today the dow ending the day down again losing nearly 1,400 points over two days alone we've got all-star coverage tonight with the forecast you will need as naked fear swamps the markets this as mid-term messaging now on full tilt, just a month ago both parties firing up their mid-term base, tonight, for democrats, it's fear mongering over republicans doing things like stealing your healthcare. it's all about identity politics , and more, but for republicans, it's about an angry democrat mob that can't govern the country that's now threatening the freedom to prospect we're take on several
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hotspots tonight from democrats and cnn attacking kanye west, defending trump at the white house, in order to keep the minority voter base in the democrat camp. also attacking trump, for scapegoating federal reserve rate hikes, and even hurricane politics ramping up too this as survivors now sort through the wreckage from the hurricane that's left many parts of florida in ruins. well thank you so much for joining us thank you for watching money, politics we've got the debate behind tomorrows headlines. i'm elizabeth macdonald, the evening edit starts right now. >> liz: well, it happened again thearkets fell out of bed and then fell down the stairs for a second day the dow tumbling 545 points ending the day down at 25 , 052, still it's sticking at around august levels. what's going on interest rate and earnings forecast worries, hundreds of billions of dollars in investor value vaporized it
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was a white knuckled ride. the volatile see saw action down 500 and then back up. big picture right now two-thirds of the s&p are either in correction or bear market territory versus their 52 week highs our own christina p you're right in the floor of the new york stock exchange you're in the thick of the action crist in a what's going on? >> there's tons of rollercoasters going on i just got word from another trader he's saying the movement you saw in the second half of the day and the downward trend was because of big companies selling off some etf's and then buying bond eft's so that contributed to the price increase in bonds, you're seeing all markets in red territory, closing for the day, we bring up the 10 year yield you're seeing that not as the yield not as high as yesterday, so part of that could be because of the bond etf buying could also be because we had inflation numbers for september that came in lower than expected, so that contributed to that number. we move on to oil. oil also took a little bit of a hammering today, down about $
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2.18 but closed $2.30, reason being as we had new reports saying that the u.s. crude supply has climbed higher-than-expected you also have opec and russia saying they're increasing their supply, all this concern right now, the talk about hitting $100 when i was talking to these guys they are saying no i don't think that will happen any time soon and if we even look at some of those energy stocks that did hit the sector where marathon, chevron, exxon, if you can bring some of those up looking at gold right now so the reason i wanted to bring up gold is because we did have that move, that flight to safety today, which we haven't seen in the past, so gold climbing higher, actually hitting a 2.7% higher we haven't seen that since brexit started so definitely a move to safety today, lots of movement people are still trying to figure out what is the reason is it margin calls, interest rate hikes, inflation fears, i don't know what's happening with the fed, or is it just have to do with ef t? so many factors to consider, i'm
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sure you'll discuss it further on in your show. >> liz: christina wow you really cover the gamut there. >> thank you. >> liz: with his take joining me now is macro chief investment officer don lufkin. this is basically a downturn. everybody saw it coming we've got naked fear swamping the markets but that's normal for a dow that almost hit 27,000. what changed in the fundamentals >> so many people have so many different explanations for this. i think basically, there's always something that you're afraid of. there's something that each individual investor is thinking is going to be the thing that bps stocks down so then when stocks come down they assume whatever it is they personally were worried about is the thing that did it so some people have been worried about interest rates going up, some people have worried about the fang stocks having something go wrong with their fundamentals, some people are worried about the trade war with china so this has many fathers as we might say. >> liz: we knew another two-thirds of the s&p are in correction or bear market
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territory versus their 52 week highs what's your forecast going forward? >> i think stocks probably have to trade lower and for that i use my most reliable indicator, which is, i'm not terrified yet, and i guarantee you that when i'm terrified that will be at the bottom and i will let you know. >> liz: so sort of like go right ahead and try on any reason that fits your narrative or fits your opinion, but the real thing that i think is happening is wall street is starting to take a look at guidance and earnings reports, don for the first time since the financial crisis we saw many internet companies miss their sales targets last quarter , and they're worried about the fang stocks moving forward they are in correction mode. >> you know, of all of the different explanations, the worries with the fang stocks i think are very salient in my mind. i'm not an investor in any of them but they have been market leadership for four years. every bull market has leadership and people follow the leader and when they lose faith in the leader, they just lose faith
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completely, so what have we seen in the last couple weeks? we've seen elon musk of tesla smoking dope on tv and getting in a tweet war with the sec. we've seen bloomberg publish a story saying that apple and amazon have been using circuit boards in their data centers with chinese spy chips on them. we've seen google have to shutdown google plus, its failed competitor with facebook, because it turns out that there have been privacy breaches for six months that oh, well we just didn't tell anybody, right? so these are things that all attack both the fundamental business models of these leadership companies, and the personalities of the figures like elon musk who lead these leadership companies. >> liz: it's a great point. the sentiment is so fragile. >> liz: we know facebook and netflix are solidly in correction territory. here st. back drop. the market has been complacent, sweet spot since 2009. we're actually back to july levels we had zero volatility in
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2017. the market tripled since 2009 that's the perspective right, don? >> it is, but part of the perspective is remember what the world was like in 2009? we had a 57% correction in u.s. stocks, and an even bigger wipeout in earnings, so we got our bull market the hard way. we got our earnings back. we took them to new highs, and we are really not at all that crazy a pe multiple so this bull market has been earned. every step of the way. this is not some kind of crazy bubble like 2000 where people are bringing companies like pet public. at least tesla does make a car. >> liz: and starting to get earnings back behind that pe multiple don great to see you thank you so much. >> thank you. >> liz: let's get right to the money pros and what you should do now with your money. gary b. smith and look who else is here, jonas max ferris, co-
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founder gary b., your take on what people should do now? >> start buying. >> liz: what are you buying? >> well i looked at the charts, liz it's unusual for a market to go straight down that kind of waterfall sell-off in the technical analysis terms. we're straight down. that tells me one thing. this is nothing but fear out there. it's not like, you know, there's a housing crisis. it's not like everyone knew there was a dot com bubble so i agree with a lot of what don said. it just looked like and you look at all of the sectors and stocks that sold off. it was indiscriminate. i could understand if bank of america selling off but why would netflix care about interest rates out there? is there no one out there tonight's going to say oh, my gosh interest rates are going up i'm not going to watch netflix tonight. of course not. >> liz: that's a great point. so look, i wouldn't go all in right now, because markets don't normally finish at the bottom, two consecutive dates and then
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spring right back up but this certainly to me doesn't look like the kind of, you know, we're going to just eek out daily losses from here until eternity, when it happens that far, that fast, that tells me it's time to start buying. >> liz: starting to buy, i mean so gary b. is setting aside the acid reflux of the bears, jonas. what are you buying? >> what little buying i'm doing is long term investment grade bonds and value stocks. it's not like that's been some magic lately, in fact its been a lagger and loserment. >> liz: what value stocks? >> i use value etfs like vanguard just any kind of get away from the fang stocks and netflix for the world for now all stocks are falling globally so no like wow that's been really wonderful but the over valuation, the over invested the hot money isn't in these hot sectors and i also don't think it's right to continue to go much higher, because it was good today that they didn't, because it's really going to unravel the global economy. we're not ready for 7% mortgages
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there's no, the economy is hot, it's not hot enough to handle that. >> liz: what if they could stay on that, because a lot of assets are priced with that 10-year yield, gary b., to jonas's important point. when you shake that money tree where those assets are tied, a lot of assets to that 10-year yield the rotten apples start to drop. i don't know about the global, you know, going to be a global economic or market collapse just that the rotten apples start falling, right? >> well i don't know. i disagree on the whole interest rates. yes, we were so used to interest rates being so low. are we used to, are we going to be used to 7% mortgage rates? what do you think the mortgage rate was in about 1995? it was about 7.5%. >> liz: right. now we're barely touching 5% and you remember the mid 90s was a terrific time for the economy and the market, but you have to get inoculated to it i suppose, but i think the market could handle higher interest rates. >> liz: i think you're
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absolutely right. >> especially with a growing economy. >> liz: it was average 4% before the market collapse so to gary b.'s point, we have been in the nicest sweetest market for instance since 2009 with a lot of help and that's what's at issue to your point, bull markets do not end what economic data continues to come in strong , right? and inflation is not going, like gangbusters like people are saying. >> no one really knows when they end and 95% of the time it's always a good time to buy in a dip but they also end during very strong economies, the 2000 economy was very strong in the beginning. the 07 economy was very strong before the greatest collapse since the depression. you don't really know when it's going to come back and everything is fine or it's going to spiral for whatever reason we don't see to your earlier point, we don't know what the 7% mortgage rates will do. we definitely had higher rates but we also had lower home and real estate prices in the 90s they were a good deal.
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you can't have high prices and high rates so again we could slowly handle rates going up over two years wu recently it looked like it's going to p ha in two weeks. >> liz: quickly, jonas brought up the year 2000. i was covering the dot com at the wall street journal and corporate accounting accounting scandals gary b. we see pretty clean balance sheets today. the reason 2000 ended in such pain back then i don't think we're in the year 2000 is because investors ignored the leading economic indicators turning down in the yield curve inverting. that's not what's happening now. if rates go up companies did borrow or think trillions of dollars, and half of the bond market for corporate bonds is triple b, not so great investment grade. >> exactly and don't forget, liz there's a lot of companies like apple with billions of dollars of cash on the side line they don't even care about high interest rates. amazon is the same way. back then, i guess a point i suppose you had that big
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internet bubble. companies that were literally worth nothing. these days these companies are worth something. yeah you have a couple teslas out there across-the-board but weighing against that you have the amazons, the apples, the netflix. these companies are making a lot of money out there and have strong balance sheets. >> liz: they are generational game changers. you guys are so good we'll have you back in just a bit stay right there. gary b. and jonas in just a second. now back to hurricane michael three now confirmed dead. hurricane michael ripped through cities and towns in its path. it took off roofs. it downed trees, and it left a path of destruction. we're going to bring you the very latest from our reporters on the ground but first back to your money, why are fox business panel is going to talk to you about how to ride out the volatility, something that you have not seen in a couple years, that's next. (guard) what i've witnessed...
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ends sunday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. >> liz: oh, my god it was such a day, are you guys okay out there in tv land because we're watching your money for you. the dow did drop more than 540 points today and then it swung back and its been retracing, see saw action for two days now, nearly 1,400 points to the down side, hundreds of billions of dollars lost in market value, and the fangs were looking at, i'm doing the math looks like $190 billion in losses over the last two days in those stocks. the big big story, volatility back with a vengence again down 500 back up again it looks like a motorcycle ride. let's bring in susan li and deirdre bolton. susan li what a day for volatility right? >> absolutely you get to hold and hang tight there. you know, i was standing on the floor of the new york stock exchange last week and we are 50 points away from 27,000 so yes we have fallen off those levels
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but i wanted to keep things in perspective as i've been hearing from traders we're just a few percentage points away from record highs we've been at a 9.5 year bull market run and yes stocks go down when rates go up but they also go higher when you put in strong earnings as they are expected to in this earnings season. >> liz: deirdre you were so close to trading you've been such a great reporter on the market for years and as susan li has been. at this time, people try to they sort of look at their 401 (k) balances like a weight scale in the bathroom. they should look at it don't you think? >> deirdre: they maybe should begin to contact their advisors and just ask for an educated opinion because i think a lot of the reasons we're hitting these down levels so quickly is because first of all a lot is automated and then we've kind of moved away from stock picking and a lot of people are invested in the index funds and so there's just bigger swings, higher highs and lower lows. one interest thing about today's
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pattern different than yesterday is that i feel like yesterday, everything sold off. today, money did leave stocks, obviously but it went into gold. we saw something like a 3% jump at the highest level since the brexit vote which was a surprise and we also saw money leaving stocks for the bond market and that's very different than yesterday when investors were selling both stocks and bonds liz. >> liz: sell orders in stocks hitting levels, i think the highest level since the flash crash susan li. you and deirdre are market reporting veterans. you've seen this time and again, and this is not just they are pretty call susan li. we have to talk about flash crash fears. here is the headlines sell order s stock surge to the highest level since the flash crash of 2010. >> and volumes spiked by the way pretty heavy volume selling into this sell-off these declines and that does tell you there's a lot of automation and a lot of stop loss gaps kicking in and that is the world we live in into 2018 it's very different
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from the declines we've seen a few years ago 2008 in fact so yes there's a lot of velocity and accelerates when those you see it gap down and it gap down further. >> liz: here is the thing. when you have a rush to the exit , deirdre in the last minutes of trading, you've been watching it, so we've all been watching investors selling into the rally. they're selling into the rally what does that tell you about the future? >> deirdre: when speaking about 2008 that is what we learned at that point is that investors don't always sell what they want to sell. they sell what they can sell, right? they sell what is liquid, so i do think that shift into bonds and gold today was certainly worth noting. tomorrow, i'm actually going to be watching the banks from the floor of the new york stock exchange because we're going to get earnings from four keybancs, jp morgan chase, citi, wells fargo and pnc, so it's too early to see if there's any of this effect on the bottom lane tomorrow but that could shift emptiment and if all four of those banks perform well and we
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still see a stock market sell-off that's strong signal of rougher times to come. >> liz: susan and deirdre thank you for your insights. next up the liberal media firing back at president trump, using the word mob to describe all of the protesting going on we've got that debate coming up, but first three, now confirmed dead officials have begun clearing out the destruction from hurricane michael. our own jeff flock, he joins us from florida next. this place isn't for me. that last place was pretty nice. i don't like this whole thing. i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that.
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>> liz: to hurricane michael three now confirmed dead officials combing through the devastation. drone footage look at that, showing a gym in panama city, just devastated by the storm, and jeff flock, he survived it all. he was doing great groundbreaking reporting in florida, jeff what's going on look at that tree that's been up rooted. >> reporter: i'll tell you i just saw this and i had to show it to you talk about the power of this storm a cat 4 storm i
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don't think anything demonstrate s it any more than this huge pine tree, about a foot and a half in diameter and look at that that is just ripped apart by this storm, incredible, and if this storm can do this kind of damage to a fellow creature of nature, the tree, imagine what it has done to the rest of the manmade structures around here. take a look at the drone footage from mexico beach this is a community, well i'd say i don't know, 20 miles or so from here, to the east, and it took a tremendous hit, just buildings just completely leveled. that eye wall and that center of circulation, the strength of the storm around that was just in credible. you talked about panama beach earlier. panama beach today people trying to get back in there a lot of people evacuated. take a look at another view from the sky, shot by our own kyle
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rothenberg of the traffic trying to get back into panama beach. not only people but all sorts of rescue folk, ambulances, trucks carrying lights, everything you might need, gasoline, all kind of choking their way back into panama city. i'll tell you, liz, that's the main population center but most of the damage is in places like this, rural places where the trees are down, the power lines are down and it's going to take a long time to get back to normal. liz? >> liz: its been heartbreaking jeff and you've been so terrific throughout thank you so much for your great reporting, sir. >> appreciate it. >> liz: let's stay on hurricane michael reeking havoc as jeff flock told you through the florida panhandle ripping roofs off houses and buildings in panama city beach let's get to the mayor of panama city beach he is mayor mike thomas. your honor tell us what is going on in your city and what you need right now. >> we're having a problem with
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communications, as much as anything. the company that we use has gone down and that's making it very difficult, first to coordinate some things. we've been mighty lucky that we didn't get the brunt of it this time. they tracked it towards us for two days and then right at the last minute it went to our neighbors, and they got tore up horribly bad, and we got some damage over here, we've got quite a few significant problems we've got to work through, but we're going to be fine. everybody here will be all right in just a couple days. >> liz: well your honor you've been such a source of leadership for your constituents. you've been so strong when we've been talking to you. we see a lot of downed power lines in the coverage from the footage we just showed. what's your concern about power lines? what's your warning to people? >> none of them are active right now. most of them are all down and dead, but there is hundreds of
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power trucks on the outskirts of town, waiting for the surveyors to get through with the damage assessment and within just a day or two, you'll see a significant difference in power. it's a lot more comfortable when that happens so people come back and be more comfortable, but we've been through this. this is something that's not new to us. we just got a little luckier this time than we have in the past and we'll be fine. open for business in a little while. >> liz: your honor, we had the commander who ran katrina recovery on yesterday. he was saying 4/10 businesses got hit and damaged very hard. is that true for your area? >> we didn't have that many this time. we've got little damage abdomen i've got two businesses and i had a little damage, but not real bad. i'll have some significant damage if the power doesn't come back on but they're working on that hard. it's hard for us to complain
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over here when we look to the east of us. those are friends of ours. >> liz: what do they need? what do they need? >> they need some of everything , and i'll tell you, our governor has done a great job of stationing stuff around us, so i know they're getting it over there is just logistically they've got to clean the roads where they can get in there, they have to get things out of the way where they can go to work. this doesn't happen immediately and people should know when stuff like this is coming, you've got to take care of your family on your own. >> liz: i hear you, mayor. >> it just doesn't react very quick. >> liz: the scenes are so heartbreaking what we're showing on camera right now it's just beyond heartbreaking, and i'll tell you, you know, you're a hero. you're setting an example for your people the governor of florida did a standup job we're hearing as well and the unsung heros are the first responders talking about the firemen and the garbage men.
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those garbage guys they've got to come in and clear out the debris so recovery can begin, right? >> they're going to be very busy. all of these people are, this is not a one-man job and our crews have been out since before daylight this morning, clearing roads, making sure people are safe, and trying to get it ready for the people that come in and fix the heavy stuff to get in here and get at it. we've got a great city crew around here. the police, fire, the streets and water and sewer, but we just have to get it all taken care of mighty quick so we can accommodate our people back. >> liz: mayor mike thomas come back on again we want to hear what you need. thank you so much for coming on sir. >> thank you. >> liz: rapper kanye west at the white house for lunch, telling president trump his make america great again hat made him feel like superman. he talks economics and more with the president and we have that scene and panel ripping into kanye west that's coming up but first, we're getting back to
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that massive sell-off again on wall street, the market panel is back with more of what you need to do now, when it comes to your money. stay there. (roger) being a good father is important to me so being diagnosed with advanced non-small cell lung cancer made me think of all the things that i wanted to teach my kids. (avo) another tru story with keytruda. (roger) my doctor said i could start on keytruda so i did. with each scan things just got better. (avo) in a clinical study, keytruda offered patients a longer life than chemotherapy. and it could be your first treatment. keytruda is for adults with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread... ...who test positive for pd-l1 and whose tumors do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. it's the immunotherapy with the most fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this can happen anytime during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or
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>> liz: back to the market mayhem on wall street, markets taking another pounding today, the dow ending down 545 points, bringing two-day losses to nearly 1,400 points, back with me now the markets panel gary b.
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smith and jonas max ferris. president trump for the third day, jonas is blaming the federal reserve, the thinking is the theory is that he is saying the stock market run up was spectacular on my watch it's the federal reserve's fault we're having market mayhem, and some people on wall street agree with him. your take jonas? >> i've got to say i agree with not the hedging part that he's doing but the overall concept that the federal reserve is run by stogy people who somehow think we have to have 5% rates to be at a normal range is a recipe for causing another recession. there's no rule we have to be higher. the inflation luckily came in low today. there's no reason to continually rapidly raise rates it could cause a global financial crisis for no reason, because the longer term bond market investors are very happy earning rates right around inflation. they don't seem to care and that's great there's a lot of money in the system so he's on to something and that is watch what you're doing and i'm not
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saying we need 0% rates but the federal reserve is acting like this is the hottest economy in all-time about to burst into double-digit inflation because they're all old and they read these economic textbooks and they don't know why we had a global inflation and they engineer the economy based on something that's a hunch basically and be very careful we don't go too hot. >> liz: jonas makes an important point that by the way the president should be noted that he's not going to fire the federal reserve chair but gary b., it's like killing a gnat with a hammer when it comes to rate hikes and feels like 2005 what the federal reserve is saying we've got to raise rates because we think we have to, because we see something that we think is coming do you know what i mean gary b., about inflation and the like, what's your take on all of this? >> jonas makes an excellent point. these people in the federal reserve from greenspan now through yellen and what not, are
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all from the 70s. think back in the 70s. you had what you still basically you had three networks back then now you have hundreds of networks to watch tv on, or you didn't have a netflix. who can raise prices right now? supermarkets can't raise prices, you got to go to the walmart or i can order online. hardware stores can't, there is no corner hardware store, if i wanted to i can go to home depot or again order online. car dealers but there's thousands of there. who can raise prices and cause inflation? no one can cause inflation out there. it's very difficult, even commodities you can substitute here and there, so they're fighting a war that's been won. they need to move on to the next thing which who knows i like i said yesterday, they could probably just do with an algorithm out there they don't need all of these smart phd's who think they can forecast into the future. >> liz: i just love the common sense of you guys. here is the president, again,
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some are saying he's doing mid-term messaging for his base, protecting the stock market run up on his watch. let's listen to what the president said and criticizing the federal reserve for the third day in a row, watch. president trump: i think the fed is out of control. i think what they're doing is wrong. i think the fed is far too stringent and they're making a mistake and it's not right and it's despite that we're doing very well, but it's not necessary, in my opinion, and i think that i know about it better than they do, believe me. no i'm not going to fire him i'm just disappointed at the clip. i think it's far too fast, far too rigid, far too fast. >> liz: jonas far too rigid far too fast your take, quickly. >> nobody knows more than trump about interest rates and the affect it could have on a business that's leveraged again i'm not an anti-fed guy i'm not pro-gold. i like paper money but we don't have to act like it's always going to be the 1970s where we
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have 10% 10-year yields so behave like we can handle low rates. >> liz: you don't like paper money until you wallpaper it. gary b., you like what the president said quickly yes or no >> i like his sentiment i'm anti-fed. i don't think we need a fed. i disagree a little bit i think we can live with higher rates but i don't think the fed needs to be involved the market will take care of that. >> liz: gary and jonas you guys have been great. thank you so much. coming up the liberal media firing back at the president for calling liberal anti-kavanaugh protest res a mob. we've got that debate, but first kanye west at the white house, talking economics and much more with president trump. we'll show you that, and the cnn panel who ripped into kanye west with racially charged terms. we've got that coming up. >> people expect that if you're black you have to be democrat. that is the reason why a lot of people end up being democrat but it gives me power in a way.
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>> it's the bravery that helps you in this game called life. they try to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends but it gives me power in a way. it was something about when i put this hat on it made me feel like superman. you make a superman cape for me and also as a guy who looks up to you and looks up to the american industry guys, non- political, no [beep ] , and just go and get this done. if he don't look good, we don't look good. this is our president. president trump: i'll tell you what that was pretty impressive. >> [laughter]
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>> liz: that was the president trump getting a boost from kanye west today. here is what's going on right now. it is about jockeying for a mid-term messaging from the democrats and the republicans, it's about getting the mid-term base fired up to vote. it's happening right now, again, rap star and trump supporter kanye west, he was proudly defending the president at the white house and this after kanye was a target of a really vicious racial attack on a cnn segment tuesday night. he was accused of cabbies an illiterate mentally challenged token for president trump. we're going to have that after this first section i want to deal with, with coldwell strategic consulting founder and fox news contributor, first your quick take on kanye at the white house? >> well i thought it was very good that he went to the president to talk about some of the issues of importance to chicagoans, he talked about stocks being one of the issues a lot of folks don't line him ruled unconstitutional and in addition the chicago violence
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has plagued the city and led to the highest violence in the city 's history. >> liz: let's get to the racial attack on kanye west that happened in a cnn segment tuesday night. here is what happened. cnn anchor don lemon and guests laughed as they mocked kanye west's intellect, his mental health. they put kanye west down by calling him an offensive term. again, kanye west has been friends with president trump, well before the election. watch. kanye west is what happens when negros don't read and we have this now and now donald trump is going to use it. >> he's all of a sudden now the model spokesperson, he's the token negro of the trump adminitration? this is ridiculous, and no one should be taking kanye west seriously. he clearly has issues. >> liz: so they went on to talk about his mental health challenges that's not the first time cnn, gianno, has gone after kanye for his mental health challenges so they are personal
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ly viciously attacking him, your take? >> you know, i've got to say, tara is a friend of mine at cnn and i've known her before i ever got on fox's screen and i was extremely disturbed by what i heard from her and some of her colleagues over there, and as far as a couple different reasons one of which i don't know any of those individuals that appeared on that screen or have any medical license that give them any qualifications to judge kanye west's mental state. they never self-examined him so you shouldn't be making that kind of judgment. the second thing is as a black conservative which seth meyer is one of those, she's a black conservative, we, in this industry, are talked about. we are threatened we are called n words, we are called token neg ros, so for her or anyone else, especially to be a part of this umbrella as a black conservative to use that kind of language when those assaults
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have been taken on ourselves, we've been getting those kind of hits, is extremely disappointing >> liz: i am so sorry you've undergone that personally i'm just so sorry. >> we all have. it's the life and i'm thankful to serve the country from a different point of view. >> liz: but you're a human being it's about humanity, kanye west is a human being about humanity that's your point and i want your take on conservative comentator candice owens ripping into the cnn panel for its hostility and for dehumanizing kanye west. watch. >> what they said last night was not only racist, it was absolutely despicable and i can not believe it would be allowed on any network, least of all having a host that's laughing as if it's funny so for kanye west to stand up and to say that i support donald trump that terry fridays them so they are going to say whatever they can to smear him to make sure that no other black people wake up and understand that it has been the left that has harmed our community. >> liz: so this is all about kanye west supporting president
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trump. gianno, here is how the media treated taylor swift's political announcement in her talk about her support of democrats. see so here let me back up. the media really, you know, basically supported taylor swift it's her free speech right she's allowed to support whomever she wants. she didn't get savaged like kanye west, that was really vicious what happened to kanye. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, you think about how they treated katy perry, how they treated madonna, so many others who have said some very harmful things in terms of anti-trump rhetoric. it's okay. it's no problem there but when you get someone who is i know people see kanye west as a dangerous figure to their agenda why because in august kanye west started saying positive things about trump and within days, donald trump's president trump's approval rating went to 36% when they were one year ago, before at 19%, so you'd think about the
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numbers and the lasting impression that he's making on and we're talking about african americans in terms of those phone numbers you think about the lasting impressions he's may ing on hearts and minds across this country and it's super stardom hasn't ended because of the trump support he's still making records and artists still willing to work with him. >> liz: we love having you on come back soon. >> thank you for having me. >> liz: president trump calling anti-kavanaugh protesters the mob, but some in the media in an uproar are about the use of that term we've got this to be coming up. so, how's it going?
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well... we had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. go someplace exotic? yeah, bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. a hospital in bermuda. what? what happened? i got a little over-confident on a moped. even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401(k) so it set us back a little bit. sometimes you don't have a choice. but it doesn't mean you can't get back on track. great. yeah, great. i'd like to go back to bermuda. i hear it's nice. yeah, i'd like to see it. no judgment. just guidance. td ameritrade. president trump: the democrats have become totally unhinged. they've gone crazy. >> booooo. president trump: they've gone
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crazy. you don't hand matches to an arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left wing mob and that's what the democrats have become. >> [applause] president trump: they will turn our country so fast into venezuela. >> liz: well the liberal media is now firing back at the president's use of the word mob to describe the protesting that's going on. cnn host don lemon and brook baldwin they don't like the use of that word. >> in the constitution you can protest whenever and wherever you want. it doesn't tell you that you can't do it in a restaurant. you doesn't tell you that you can't do it on a football field. it doesn't tell you that you can't do it on a cable news show you can do it wherever you want and to call people mobs because they are exercising their constitutional right is just beyond. >> people like ted cruz getting chased out of restaurants by a mob. you're not going to use the mob word here. >> totally a mob. is it a protest? i think it's easily a mob. >> let me move past the m word.
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>> liz: okay the m word let's get to press secretary of former george w. bush, so is the use of the word mob politically incorrect now because democrats saying mob tactics everyone is saying it's not a mob but if it facts like a mob and acts like a mob is it a mob? >> i have no interest if it's politically correct it's grammatically accurate. it is an accurate description of the crowd that are yelling, screaming and don't forget this doesn't come out of no context. the crowd that went into restaurants to harass men and women, husband and wives, eating together including the white house press isn't sarah sanders, with her children. it's a mob. >> liz: it's a mob that a bunch of protests against republican politicians. here is the thing, the democrat staffer for shield ajax on lee who posted personal information of republicans online, is that mob tactics? >> it's disgusting tactics. now that's a singular reaction
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by a singular individual but the point here is that the democrats cannot except the normal course of governing in which you win or lose in the course of having a vote and if you can't win the vote what do you do? you resort to unusual measures in which case, making public their private personal information and we already know republicans have been attacked and shot at, and twice shot at, not just in the baseball field but family research council, headquarters of republican parties in north carolina have been firebombed and then you'll go out and give personal information it's worse than a mob. >> liz: but we're reporting it we're reporting it that's what's going on. does the constitution, does the law allow for that kind of mob behavior because you hear people at cnn they act like that's your free speech. >> well that person was a congressional employee they had illegal access to put that information out and so that people is in big trouble. the protests i think comes down to a line. >> liz: i probably let me clarify. i just over stepped. i was wrong just there. what i should say is that cnn is
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only acknowledging protesters. what they're not acknowledging to your point are people menacing. >> that's right. >> liz: politicians, right? >> that's right put it this way if those same people didn't like what cnn was reporting they busted on to the cnn set while don lemon was going live and started chanting "down with cnn" would cnn call that a protest and say this is legitimate would they say they overran our security people at the doors to prevent that from happening in our live studios and you know cnn wouldn't do that they call it what it was a mob attacked so it's a mob. >> liz: we love you we love your common sense we love your insights you'll be on with us next week. you're so great come back next week can't wait to see you. thank you liz. >> liz: we'll be right back stay right there. to anticipate is lexus. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing.
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is not in the running to replace nikki haley as up n. ambassador. the president is on his way to his third make america great again rally this week. charles: it was another rollercoaster session. a self-inflicted wound by the administration. i'm not talking about the president's criticism. i think it's legitimate even a brilliant political move that we'll discuss later in the show. it was building momentum and larry kudlow contradicted a report by president trump and president xi. it was an ill-timed moment for such confusion. the dow is down almost


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