tv Kennedy FOX Business October 12, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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working for the release of pastor brunson held in turkey for two years. kennedy: kanye took his dragon energy to the white house and breathed fire all over the press, the president and the resolute decks in a baffling display. >> there was something like when i put this hat on you made me feel like superman. you gave me the heart. when i went in 2015, with a $14 million company losing $2 million a year. i had bipolar and sleep
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deprivation that can cause dementia 10-20 years so i wouldn't even remember my son's name. legal guns are the problem. we have the right to bear arms. we have to bring jobs into america because our best export is entertainment and ideas. but when we make everything in china and not america, we are cheating on our country and we are putting our people in a position too have to end up in the cheapest factory ever, the prison system. kennedy: the fascinating part was the exploding liberal heads who could make neither heads nor tails of what they witnessed. >> i'm doing this for everybody who is watching and turned the volume down. that was won -- that was
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bonkers. >> that was an assault on our white house. >> you can't analyze some of that stuff that was said. kennedy: an assault on our white house where hillary should be. you have to appreciate someone outside of the poison political sphere who is taking things apart not to break them but to fix them like chicago. the criminal justice system is broken and chicago is a nightmare for many of its citizens. even if you hate both of these bombastic joy boys, you are not allowed to dismiss kanye because he's not chugging your stale kool-aid. the left has spent a lot of time and energy trying to get kanye back on their side.
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and kim kardashian's husband took the oval office by storm and threw it right back in the face of many on the left. >> if he don't look good, we don't look good. this our president. he has to be the appreciatest, the highest planner and the best factories. we have to bring jobs into america. i love this guy right here. i love this guy right here. kennedy: he loves him. was this proof we can work together despite the left's continued efforts to drive us apart? joining us to discuss were former speech writer for george w. bush. he's joined by jehmu greene. welcome back to both of you. jehmu, i will start with you. i have a feeling that you didn't
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like the way kanye said what he said today. what did you think of the whole thing? >> as kanye and president trump are thumping their chests around high energy. i have to say happy national date girl. when i was a girl and not yet a woman, you were the inspiration to me to am anyify my voice. there was a lot of energy this press conference today. if this is how the media reacts to these times of stunts, president trump is going to get re-elected. we have a hurricane bearing down on states that haven't recovered from the last hurricane. the media frenzy around this was somewhat despicable. i found it hard to watch as a patriotic american that this was happening in the oval office. certainly there were some issues
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put forward in interesting ways that are important and need to be talked about. but what happens today. two narls sifts walking into the oval office -- two narcissists walking into the oval office and they hugged it out. kennedy: we never had a conversation like this because there is nothing to compare it to except when elvis visited president nixon and took him a gun. kanye did talk about guns. and he brought up among the yarn he was spinning, he talked about the problem being illegal guns. he said some things that were practical and very republican, ned. >> very. about guns, manufacturing, china. i sat there and said this guy seems to have a good grasp on
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the issues. it's not republican or democrat. it's common sense. watching how vicious the left is against those people they take for granted. last week it was white women supporting kavanaugh were rape apologists, now african-americans supporting trump saying he's a token negro. saying kanye is an african-american who never learned to read. kennedy: i think the language is offensive and any commentator journalist should distance themselves from using those terms about another human being. i think it's completely uncalled for. when i look at this, i see kanye is getting so much backlash and see much heat.
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he actually likes it and thrives on it. but there are other people like oprah and mark cuban and the rock, they would devolve with this pushback. any politician who thinks they will waltz into the oval office, they have to realize what they are up against. it's cruel and brutal. >> kanye has a new album coming out. and there is a lot of showmanship that is similar to our president in how these two promote their brands. and certainly, certainly i think that it's -- if a celebrity is going to step into this role and take a platform in the way kanye west has, you want to have a deep understanding of the issues we are talking about. it appears his understanding is thin and flat in the wind.
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kennedy: i disagree with you completely. i understand, but gentlemen if you when he's talking about criminal justice reform and specific issues in regard to his hometown of chicago. he doesn't sounds like a dummy. i think it's offensive that you try to belittle him that way because it's saying something so threatening to your statist world view. >> that's my point. if you want to disagree with kanye over who he supports, that's fine. but kanye is not the only one in the african-american community that's noticing what trump is doing for them. we are seeing record unemployment with hispanics and the african-american community. you are seeing that reflected in approval ratings among that community. rasmussen poll, 36% approval in
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the black community and he only got 8% of the vote in 2016. >> that poll is not accurate. >> rasmussen is one of the most of accurate polls. african-americans are realizing his policies are benefiting them. kennedy: you have an administration that appointed jeff sessions to be attorney general. and because of the conversations kim kardashian and kanye west have had with him, he said he would throw jeff sessions under the bus before he would shutdown a conversation. >> this is what i mean by his understanding of these issues being very thin. let's look at what his wife kim kardashian lobbied this administration around. to look at non-view violent drug
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offenders to address that issue. kennedy: how is that not an understanding of the issues. he talked. non-violent offenders who engaged in consent iewm transactions. >> kanye went into the oval office and called for drug dealing, racketeering violent offender to be released. those are two separate platforms. kennedy: they are. thank you very much, ned and jehmu. thank you both. speaking of prison reform. attorney general jefferson beauregard sessions still mia and the president doesn't seem to mind. here is the president talking about what will happen if jeff tried to stop his plan for
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criminal justice reform. >> we do need reform. and that doesn't mean easy. but there has to be criminal justice reform it's very unfair to african-americans. it's unfair to everybody. >> your attorney general doesn't want prison reform. jeff sessions is standing in your way. president trump: if he does, he gets overruled by me. i make the decisions, he doesn't. kennedy: senators argue over whether sentencing reform should be included. but will anything get done as long as jeff sessions is still our attorney general? joining me, shannon bream. shannon took a call from the president last night. i was watching live. these are interesting issues.
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you don't see republican leaders and presidents talking about justice reform in a meaningful way. do you think kanye west and kim kardashian have gotten to the president on his issue? >> yes. but having been in washington for many many years, for years there has been a push with a ton of bipartisan agreement about. people you wouldn't normally see coming together to try to get something done. you throw in the celebrity influence, and the president is influenced by his son and daughter. he's not a typical insider or politician, so i do think he sees this differently. kennedy: where is jeff sessions? >> i have talked to him. he reminds us he serves at the pleasure of the president and he says he'll do so swlongs the
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president will have him. the funny thing is he's getting a ton of stuff done behind the scenes very quietly the president wanted him to do when he took that position. it makes for a popular punching bag for him to go after him on twitter. but there is a big part of me that says jeff sessions says okay, i will keep my head down and do what he wants me to do. jeff sessions was a federal prosecutor, he was the alabama attorney general. he's a real law and order guy, and he's starting to crack down and give prosecutors more leeway for prosecutors to do that sort of thing and that's what the president is talking about.
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kennedy: it's in diametric opposition to what the president is talking about now. i think the president will get much more traction with this with both parties and could come cup with a huge win if he can take the house bill and get it passed in the senate. >> definitely not before the mid-terms. that's something that does split republicans. they want to coast on this newfound unity because of the kavanaugh fight. i don't think mitch mcconnell wants to put anything out there on the floor that would show any kind of split. that may be the perfect way for the president to go on this. kennedy: who is going to go first? rod rosenstein or jeff sessions. >> i would say mr. sessions. kennedy: they can go on the same day. >> they could. they could go out and speak on law and order and give speeches
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kennedy: the stock market taking a dive for the second day in a row. the dow lost 832 points yesterday, bringing the two-day loss to 1,300 points. that's a point for every calorie i had at breakfast. a top chinese economic advisor warned the ongoing trade war between the u.s. and china could cause a global recession. is it time to start stuffing money under your mattress?
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let me ask brian brenberg from king's college. people are selling stuff. >> this is a result of the cheap money policies we had in this country for the better part of a decade. now we are trying to figure out how the economy works when we don't have zero interest rates. they are look at jay powell saying we are going to normalize rates, and they are saying what's normal? we are look at 3% on a 10-year treasury and people are going crazy. this guy is new. they don't know how high he's going to raise rates. but we are in a spot where we don't know how to unwind the biggest monetary experiment we have ever done. kennedy: people since they haven't been able to get it with reasonable interest rates because they have been as zero
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for so long, they have gone into the stock market. >> of course you are going to buy the risky assets. kennedy: raising interest rates too high too fast. >> it's a legitimate concern. as much as people have been making fun of the president talking about jay powell being crazy. he has a point. how fast should you raise interest rates? nobody really knows the answer to that. and nobody knows how traders are going react because it's been a decade since they had to deal with it. this is the problem when your money is always tied to human decisions at the fed. kennedy: is he as powerful as someone like allen greenspan? >> he's sitting in the same
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chair. the problem is if you give these people decision rights over where our money should go, where interest rates should be. there are better ways to do it. the problem doesn't start with jay powell. it starts before him. the problem is when the economy dips and the fed feels like it's the one that needs to save the economy. you had nothing from a tax policy perspective and regulatory perspective. they completely advocate. >> that's too much power concern glad it a small place. china is fully engaging in this trade war. they say if the president doesn't stop it it will lead to a global recession. who does a global recession hurt more, us or china. >> we could put tariffs on $500 billion of their product. at the end of the day they will
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hurt more in a trade war. kennedy: then they should flynn'. >> i think that's what they are doing. you are concerned about a chinese recession. they are publishing these white papers how they are the defenders of free trade. i am sorry, you are not. when you are stealing intellectual property, you are not in favor of free trade. as much as global leaders may not like president trump or his style, they all know on that issue he's right. they all know china is doing that. and china knows they know that. if china goes after u.s. businesses, you will see capital flee china. kennedy: hopefully the united states will be prepared. brian brenberg. good to see you. here is a hallmark moment. the saudi government being
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accused of kidnapping a "washington post" report and chopping him up into little pieces. turkish investigators claim to have intercepted a communication that shows saudi arabia authorized it. the saudis are denying it. but a number of senators are saying it could damage u.s.-saudi relations. reporter: a growing number of people are making that call. it's been nine days since the disappearance of the journalist. turkey says they are not getting enough information from saudi arabia. the u.s. intelligence agencies intercepted assaults that saudi arabia authorized the operation to lure him from his home in
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virginia back to saudi arabia president trump we are looking at it strongly. we are working with turkey and saudi arabia. what happened is a terrible thing, assuming it happened. maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised, but somehow i tend to do it, and we take it very seriously. reporter: chris murphy calls the admin response sufficient. he said nothing suggests that the journalist left the consulate alive. >> they clearly have video cams that would have shown him if he left alive. it's time for the united states to lay down some consequences for it to the saudis. reporter: he walked into the saudi consulate in turkey and never came out.
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turkey says saudi operatives killed him inside. one interesting point, turkish officials say he wore an apple watch inside the consulate but left his apple iphone outside. they are looking to see if the watch recorded heart rate through the connection. kennedy: rod rosenstein was a no-show for hearings today that were to discuss allegations that rosenstein offered to wear a wire while meeting with the wire while meeting with the president. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief
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kennedy: did rod rosenstein ghost congress? the deputy attorney general was a no-show. he was supposed to discuss reports that he wanted to secretly record the president like a gop spy. nobody was more surprised by his absence than the president himself. president trump: i was surprised at that. i would think he would. he mentioned certain things to me that are very positive about that event, and i would imagine you would want to put that down.
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and whether you were under oath or not shouldn't matter. but he mentioned things to me that i would think would be fine for him to testify when congress called. i'm a little surprised that rod wouldn't do it. kennedy: rosenstein previously denied the allegations. did stand up the committee or was he just watching kanye in the oval office like the rest of us. kat timpf is here along with republican pollster lee carter, and he's a criminal defense attorney, david bruno. so, david, i will start with you since you are the resident attorney. so let's discuss. one of the reasons rod rosenstein might not want to go before this committee under oath is he'll give them a tote haley
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differenhall -- a totally diffet than he gave the president if he' not going to perjure himself. >> what he said may have been said in jest. there were reports that came out last week that james barrack said there were two people in the loom, who say it was a very real statement. kennedy: and they memorialized the discussions. >> he may have satisfied the president, but there maybe other witnesses. he may be in trouble. and by him not showing up today is an indication there maybe a problem for rod. kennedy: it almost seems like rod rosenstein feels he has cover since the president gave hip that reassuring conversation on air force one. but you have other people as he just talked about who say, you know, this is something rod
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rosenstein clearly said. he didn't understand what the president was doing. he felt he was so unstable he wanted to have him removed from office. how problematic is this politically? >> it's problematic. i think most of people don't care about this issue. but it could become more of an issue. it's in the president's interest to keep the party line he has got going that i think it was a joke that was said in jest. kennedy: but if he had allowed the oversight and judiciary committee to tear him apart on their own. that would have given the president cover to fire him. >> it would have. but i think people want to keep chaos out of the white house until after the mid-term. i think it might be bert not to have any moves in the judiciary.
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kennedy: my biggest problem here is it seems like rod rosenstein is hiding something. i feel they are all hiding something, but especially him. he's so deeply involved in the appointment of special crown --l counsel, and getting james comey fired. >> i do not understand why he would not have wanted to go and testify and clear his name if he hadn't done it. i thought maybe he was just partying. maybe wednesday night was a big night, partying, couldn't make it thursday. but the on thing more important than partying is? clearing your name. that's what i plan to teach my children. kennedy: they should know that and internalize it 100%. kennedy: if you are just being
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sarcastic. even if you said it -- >> then say that. >> congress can subpoena -- the house can subpoena him in front of the judiciary committee. kennedy: they are not going to do it before the mid terms. >> then it goes into the mueller investigation. >> it's a drama. kennedy: president trump is getting sick of the left's new tactics. and now he's calling out eric holder after the attorney general offered democrats advice on how to challenge the republican party. >> when someone says when they go low we go high. no. when they go low, we kick them. kennedy: that's not nice. holder later tweeted he wasn't advocating violence with the whole kicking thing, but the president isn't buying it. president trump: he better be
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careful what he's wishing for. that's a disgusting statement for him to make. for him to make a statement like that is a very dangerous statement. they talk about us. we are exactly opposite. kennedy: democrats are very good at talking point. are they to blame for the partisan shift that seems to keep hitting new lows. lee, i will go to you first. democrats are so good when they have a message, they disseminate it to all of their operatives. eric holder and hillary clinton obviously not friends. but they are saying the same thing. >> he should never have said what he did. but the rest of the statement said if i kick them i don't mean hit them. i think it's important we know that. when you are a public figure, and he has been a public figure for a long time. every word you say matters. it can be cut off at any time
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and become a sound bite. he didn't mean people should go out and kick people. the other thing is these kind of statements energize republicans like nothing else does. kennedy: you have what appears to be angry protesters, nancy pelosi filing foia requests to get more information from brett kavanaugh. they are not going to stop there. they are going to stoke the foment as much as possible. we know it energizes democrats, does it do the same for republicans? >> i think it's super energizing for republicans. and it encourages them to stay republicans. if i'm hang out and someone is kicking me, i am not going to say i would love to softly consider your views on healthcare and immigration. i am thinking why are you
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kicking me. i am thinking i don't like you at all. and it's not very effective in actually having a meaningful dialogue that you need to have in order to be effective. kennedy: if someone gets kicked, can holder get sued? >> no. kennedy: i'm going to try it out later. does holder has a chance for the 2020? >> no. what do you think the primary would be. do they have a stage big enough for all the dems who will probably run? kennedy: no. it's so cool. thank you. great to see you guys. my next guests say they are living proof the american dream is have much alive and well. the stars of the hit show "gold
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kennedy: on this day in 1975 "saturday night live" debuted with george carlin as host. back then it was actually a comedy show. nowadays you laugh harder at million dollar baby. this is the "topical storm." we begin tonight in yonkers, new york where a rescue dog gave his owner a big assist. his owners saw him have a dish. they tried to keep kobe, but he
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never passed. his video racked up 2 million hits. some say he should play college basketball. he's used to making deals under the table. topic number two. princess eugenie. she is getting married in london saturday and i think i speak for every american when i say who the heck is princess eu gerks nie. plenty of royals will be in attendance. most of of them are baseball players from kansas city. but they will be eating dinner with burger king, dairy queen and the deejay will be playing lots of prince. and the hangover brunch will feature the military dignitaries of our time, captain crunch.
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princess eu gerks nie is 9th in line for the throne. she just sold the rights to her wedding. at least we know what they will do with the leftover wedding cake. topic number three. and louisiana post office work is accused of stealing $230,000 worth of stamps. prosecutors will throw the book at him. he allegedly stole the stamps and sold them online to pay off his gambling debts. sources claim he lost $700,000 at a local casino. but oddly enough he's not as bad
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with money as another cortez we know. we just have to like to the rich, free college, free bird. free willy. i'm kidding alexandria, you are a genius all 13 months of the year. today is throwback thursday, so it's time to open some letters we should probably throw back. this is viewer mail. kennedy is leading off with do you actually spend time reading your replies? kennedy go adopt a cat. oh, god the little devil toasters are legs? no. jennifer tweets, i was disappointment in the show. there is so much more depth than
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we are serving up hot freedom an hour later. watch. my show is moving to 9:00. >> sorry. i think it' great. my show is moving to 9:00. any questions about the time change? can we count on your hot freedom vote? >> not at all. it's 9:00. my show is moving to 9:00. they told me there was a memo. my show is moving to 9:00. >> that's awesome. thank you, i my could count on you. do you have any questions about the time change? >> nope. >> it's beautiful, it's so great. >> we say hot freedom is better served late. >> i wholeheartedly agree with that statement. kennedy: do you endorse the news? >> i like fox news. kennedy: it's in many ways
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