tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 16, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
10:00 pm we broke down how colorado dispenseries worked and tomorrow night on the show steve hilton and libertarian senate candidate gary johnson who has plans for that state, maybe i've got plans for you so make sure you've got your eyeballs here 9:00 p.m. eastern 6:00 in the west. goodnight. business. lou: good evening, everybody our top stories, glen simpson needs the fifth on capitol hill. simpson the towner of fusion gps, the smear merchant firm behind the fraudulent anti-trump dossier. the fbi and the department of justice used to spy on the trump campaign and to ultimately create the russia witch hunt. simpson today refusing to answer questions from congress. his decision angered house republicans. >> i'm not surprised that glen simpson is taking the fifth. he probably should. he's in real legal jeopardy.
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very clearly someone is not telling the truth. >> house freedom caucus founder and tom fitton among the guests tonight. thousands of central americans, mostly hondurans are headed toward or southern border. president trump warning the honduran government to stop them or risk losing u.s. aid. and it appears tonight the government of mexico is considering whether to intervene and stop the caravan. this as president trump continues his tough stance on strengthening our borders. >> and we're very tough on the border and we have to be very tough on the border. we're looking at all immigration laws. they have a disaster. they're a laughingstock all over the world and this country will never be a laughingstock when i'm running it. lou: we discuss the latest in the fight against illegal immigration, attorney harmeet ht dylon joins us and mark simone.
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could we be in for another hillary clinton run in 2020? think about it. clinton advisers recor advisersy telling the democratic lewer the race could be wide open if joe biden decides not to run. what about bernie sanders and jill stein. a replay if you will with a redo. ed rollins with us tonight to take up hillary clinton's attempt to sty in the public eye and arena and so she is. that's frustrating democratic candidates all over the country as we advance toward the november midterms just 20 days away. well our top story, the cofounder of fusion gps, the firm that commissioned the anti-trump dossier used to surveil the trump campaign taking the fifth on capitol hill. glen simpson refusing to address how he and dossier author
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christopher steele used bruce ohr as a channel to move the dossier into the fbi hands in 2016 before and after the presidential election. most importantly after the fbi fired steele as a hired source. simpson's attorney ignoring questions about simpson's criminal exposure. instead he blasted the house lawmakers who subpoenae subpoenn to appear before home. >> this committee would make senator joe mccarthy proud. like senator mccarthy, this committee has largely conducted its business through secret confidential interviews and depositions, binding witnesses and their counsels to silence while the members walk outside to all of you, the media, and the public and selectively leak from those interviews to tell you what they want you to hear. lou: there is great irony in his
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attorney's comments. our first guest tonight to discuss the legal jeopardy simpson may be facing because of his statement to congress about his work on the steele dossier and work with the justice department it seems, congressman jim diswror dan serving on the judiciary and overnight committees. it's great to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: i should point out you're cofounder of the house freedom caucus. i've got to ask you as you listen to glen simpson's attorney, what ever were you thinking? >> well, i mean, first of all, you don't take the fifth unless you video have a reasonable bef that you have criminal liability. glen simpson obviously believes he has krm liability or wouldn't exercise the fifth amendment right. remember what happened. the clinton campaign paid the perkins cooy law firm who hierdz the wife of a top justice
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official, nelly ohr to put together a document that nelly ohr's husband bruce ohr gave to the fbi and the fbi used to it to spy on the trump campaign. and he' he accusing us of mccarthyism. that is ridiculous. glen simpson would not answer our questions and he wouldn't answer them because he knows he has a criminal concern. frankly if you don't have a criminal concern and you take the fifth you're obstructing an investigation by the congress. lou: this is one of the integral figures in all of this as you know better than almost anyone. >> sure is. lou: glen simpson, jim baker, all of these characters, bruce ohr, as the list expands across -- you were amongst the very first to say the top seven officials at the fbi have been demoted, fired, reassigned. >> you bet.
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lou: whatever. you've never seen that happen in a federal agency. and now we also tha understand t that is only the beginning of what has to be a cleaning of that once storied agency's leadership. >> yeah. no kidding. and what you also don't see is you don't see all of these people leaking information to the press. that's really what glen simpson was doing. he was farming this fake dossier out to as many press agents as he could and then recycling it back to the justice department people and running tight the fbi to give it added weight and credibility. the whole idea is the more people you got talking about a document that is not true, the more people are going to belief an untrue document. that's and happened and the fbi used it to launch the investigation into the trump campaign. and you're exactly right. comey fired, deputy director mccabe fierdz, chief counsel baker demoted and left, lisa page demoted and left and peter
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strzok, launched and ran the russia information, deputy head of counter intelligence, first demoted and then fired. that has never happened at another federal agency. and now we have glen simpson taking the fifth and the guy in charge of it all, rod rosenstein was a no-show last week when we asked him to come in and give us some answers as well. lou: under subpoena. what are we going see congress do about rod rosenstein? >> i certainly hop so. i hope that subpoena goes as soon as possible. he also as a duty. rod rosenstein who is running the justice department, has a duty to come in front 06 the committee with a jurisdiction over his committee and be under oath answering our questions. him no-showing last week was wrong. he needs to be subpoenaed, brought in and answer our questions under oath. after all you're the guy running the justice department. lou: i've got to go back to the president on bruce ohr today
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tweeting this. to me, it's extraordinary. is it really possible that bruce ohr, who was used as -- was paid by simpson and gps fusion for work done on the fake dossier and who was used as a pawn in the whole scam witch hunt is still working if for department of justice? can this really be so? your reaction to the president's tweet. >> no. i'm like the president he's still working at doj. he's been demoted twice but he's still there. and remember his wife worked for glen simpson, they put together the dossier. the dossier was funneled to bruce ohr. he then took it to the fbi and the fbi can say wowr, we got a top justice official -- because at the time bruce ohr was one of the top officials in the justice department. he's giving the fbi the doses yay. that gives weight to the fraudulent document and again that's the basis for going to get the warrant to spy on carter page and spy on the trump campaign. lou: appearing before you this week will be nelly ohr as well
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as james backer, the former fbi general counsel. what are your expectations and is there any light that we're going to see illuminate further what is going on or is this going to be more behind, you know, closed doors. the american public now knows that there is rampant toxic political corruption throughout doj and the fbi and that a president has been wrongly, wrongly charged and investigated through a special counsel that was a complete conflicted contrivance from the beginning. >> right. no. when jim baker comes back -- we didn't get to finish that deposition. he had to leave early. he's be back on thursday. i want to ask him after the meeting that andy mckaip cane told you that rod rosenstein as actually talked about recording the president of the united states and talked about the
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25th amendment, i want to know what you guys did. what did the fbi do? who did you talk to after that? did you do some legal research? what happened after that supposedly took place. what kind of actions did you take. and then of course with nelly ohr i want to know why were you picked? there's lots of experts on russia around the capital in the washington, d.c. area. why was nelly ohr picked. was it because your husband was a top doj official and what information did you pass to your husband who then gave it to the fbi. lots of questions that we need to ask them. i look forward to both of those depositions and getting answers. lou: and you are still going to be speaker of the house, are you not? >> still running. main thing over the next 21 days is we've got to keep the majority. i'll be in south carolina. i'm traveling around the country, across our district trying to remind people what's at stake in this election. the left has gone crazy and we've got an amazing record of accomplishments under trump. let's frame it up like that and
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win. if we have the majority, then i'm going to run for speaker. lou: good to have you with us and i know that with your efforts and those of the president, that majority is likely to be preserved. appreciate it. >> i hope so. lou: good to see you. >> thank you, lou. lou: and then you can be speaker. still ahead, the radical demdimms. they're hawkish over a missing saudi activist. >> this is going to alter the relationship between the united states and saudi arabia for the foreseeable future. >> i'm going to same-sex the hell out of saudi arabia. >> we have to find a way to condemn them. we have to find out a way to take sirius actio serious actiot them. >> we need to hold them accountable. >> severe action needs to be taken and i think the congress will take it upon themselves to take that action. >> i think everything needs to be on the table from arm sells
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to everything else. >> there's going to be consequences. we're going to take action. we're an independent branch of government. >> this guy has got to go. there is a lot of people that you can choose but mts awe tainted your country and tainted himself. lou: a little helpful counsel for our allies and for saudi arabia. what is going on? what is going on? we'll take it up here later tonight. rnc committee woman har meedz dylon and mark simone among our guests. up next, the reaction from the department of homeland security as that caravan of potentially illegal immigrants marches closer toward our southern border. we take that up as well as the action mexico may take against the group. ed rollins joins me here after these quick words.
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lou: another caravan headed through mexico. mexican immigration authorities though have vowed to stop that caravan up to as many as 4,000 illegals from honduras on their way north to the u.s. border. mexico's national immigration institute saying members of the caravan would have to request a visa in order to enter mexico and would have to follow mexican
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immigration law. otherwise they will be turned back if they do not do so. now it's really interesting that the mexican government can put that condition but the united states government can't do so. don't you find that amazing? we are being played for fools. the president talks about our border being a laughingstock, the fact is the whole operation is a laughingstock. and joining us tonight, top strategist for great american pact, former reagan white house political director ed rollins. first of all, let's shire with thshare withthe audience -- i'mg mad. this is the statement from the department of homeland security. you're going to see why i'm smutterring. this current reporting on the migrant caravan from ho honduras what we see day in and day out at the border as well-advertised well-known catch and release
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loopholes. as we've said time and time again until congress acts we will continue to have open borders that guarantee future caravans and record numbers of family units entering the county illegally. do you know what i say to that? what do you think? >> the bottom line is they need to -- it would be great if mexico would stop them and send them back. it's a long ways from honduras to the u.s. border. lou: they've got all sorts of help. this is contrived want political stunt by the left and by the way, the rino establishment to drive this into the midterm elections. >> there's no question. we were talking about building a wall two weeks ealg and now we're talking about letting them in. lou: what do you think about the statement from dhs? >> it's terrible. lou: they're saying they can't enforce the border. and the idea that this administration or any amount would say it's because of the
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loop holes that congress imposed. until somebody has stripped to border patrol completely of their authority why wouldn't they stop them before they cross the border? >> they need to do that and stop them as far down as they can get them. and the mexicans do the same. lou: how about the idea there be no trade agreement with mexico if you don't shut down this nonsense? >> it would happen in a heartbeat. they would do anything to have this trade agreement. lou: what are we doing? >> i think the laws are such that they can stop them and send them back. i think the border control at this point in time is looking for any excuse not to enforce it, for whatever reason and -- lou: this is the president who promised smart government. and i got to tell you, a department of homeland security what puts out nonsense like that statement, as we've said time and time again, take your bureaucratic bunk and do what you will with it but don't play it out for the american people. do your jobs and don worry about
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the optics, enforce the law. just like the president of the united states has ordered. >> he has to make it happen and he needs to be picking up the phone every day ar going ove oro the agencies -- lou: how about one order? >> one order should do it. at the end of the day it's clear what he can do and what he should do, just like he should release all of the documents that the congress wants. i mean my sense that i'm sure he's frustrated. but at this point in time you've got to push hard -- lou: the country is frustrated. you're talking about terrible opticoptics. to have a department of hemland security putting this out, watch another caravan come in not even three weeks before the midterm lexes it's bad politics, bad policy, bad government all of the things that we don't expect from this president. >> his people want the immigration reform. they want it stopped. lou: the heck with these
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people. >> the voters. his voters. lou: i thought you were talking about the bureaucracy. >> who cares about the bureaucracy. lou: and kristjen nielsen, the fabulously experienced head of homeland security, for crying out loud. >> if he doesn't do it and looks weak own this issue, his voters aren't going to turn out. they're frustrated there's not a wall, not a priority. this is still a big issue to us. lou: we got good news for the president tonight. $100 million they've raised the most since the reagan administration. >> the reagan administration didn't raise money. we didn't name the -- i was the campaign manager. i didn't start the campaign until march of '83 and then we raised money from then on. it was public money at that moint in time. thipoint in time. this is the most money raised by a presidential campaign. $100 million is a lot but he's going to need a lot more. it's small donor and he's limbed to what he can raise. lou: thank you for being here.
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what do you think, our border nap is basically a statement from the people in charge of securing the border that they can't secure the border. somebody needs to be fired. speaking of getting fired, defense secretary jim mattis seems to be real sure of his job tonight. mattis telling reporters that the president called him to say he's behind him 100% after the president said he's something of a democrat wick this mattis fellow. mattis added that the two have never discussed him leaving his position. what the secretary didn't say is if he's 100% behind the president, why isn't he the one saying he's behind the president? it's the way it's supposed to work, i believe. mattis has this peculiar perspective. you know, the president finds him amazing. i hope that he is half as good as a defense secretary. got some training ideas that fellow. be sure to vote in our poll tonight.
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the question is, do you think we would have a country left if he elect dimms who are planning wide open borders, wider than they are according to dhs, the free flow of drugs, mob rule on our streets, higher taxes, how does that sound? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram. up next, just what work is actually being done in congress. i would like to know. we're going to find out. follow who was there and when he was there he worked like the dickens. jason chaffetz joining us. we'll be talking after the break about another major issue kicked, well, kicked somewhere by mitch mcconnell. stay with us. we're going to solve all of that and much more. we're coming right back. this is going to be illuminating. it's going to be -- well, it's going to be extraordinary. going to be extraordinary. stay with i tell everyone to take the ancestrydna test
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lou: joining us tonight is jason chaffetz within former republican congressman from utah, fox business contributor and author of the brand-new book, "deep state how an army of bureaucrats protected barack obama and working to destroy the trump agenda." now available everywhere and we recommend tight you highly. >> thanks, lou. lou: great to have you with us and congratulations on the book. the statement from dhs is, to me, mind-boggling. especially the part that says, we'll continue to have de facto open borders that guarantee future caravans and record numbers of family units entering the county illegally. this basically says that the border patrol is not necessary, they're irrelevant and can't stop anybody from crossing a border. get to the point of entry and hang on. what in the world is going on in dhs if they can write nonsense
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like this? >> oarks, i think the men and women of the dhs that are actually doing that job, they catch -- lou: this is where we get the -- i've worked with the border patrol. i've supported them. ly give you the generic go get 'em. this is from dhs headquarters this is the nonsense that's leading the border patrol. you know, i.c.e., you know, customs, border patrol, i mean, this is a mez. >mess.>> yeah. lou: that is what i can't believe is going on in a trump administration. >> and it adds the incentive for people to try to come north instead of protecting the message of strength and piece through strength and making sure as we go around the world, projecting the strength of the united states, the message from dhs, from the trump administration should be coming, if you cross the border you're going to debt detained and
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you're going bab. back. you knoyou're note getting in ts country illegally. lou: why are they playing this game. well if congress won't do something legislatively. that is a decision too on the part of congress. then they are going to stomp their feet and not enforce the borders. i got to tell you, somebody needs to be told how it's going to be and this is not how it should be. >> and it's actually a violation of law. it is against the law for those people within the administration to lobby congress on a specific piece of legislation. they can't do that. they're not allowed to do that. so this spokesperson needs to look real hard at the statement that they put out and i think somebody from like mike mccall in the house -- homeland security committee should be pressing those people to say what in the world are you doing. and the tens of thousands of people on the border protecting it need to be buoyed up and supported, letting them know we've got their back to make
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sure that nobody crosses the border. lou: you know very well mike mccall is not exactly a strong border advocate when it comes to immigration. the speaker of the house is wide open, let's harmonize the border and send as much material across the border as possible. the mexican government has more interest in securing that bored right now than apparently our own homeland security department. >> i mean, the statement they've put out, if they really need to -- this caravan that's coming, coming north, they got television cameras on them and what not. they got to make sure that they don't cross into mexico let alone be able to traverse the entire way north all the way to the united states border. mexico has got to step up and do that. but they would do it if the united states would pressure them and say, you know, the millions of dollars in aid, you're not getting that if these people come north. lou: you know, i think you're
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exactly right. i do not know what is going on with this administration right now when it comes to that border. paul ryan told the president to go to hell on funding his border wall and all of the sudden kevin mccarthy wants to be speaker, talking about, you know, the border wall and funding it. but not until later, after the election. i'm telling you, this is more -- i've never seen anybody push the president like this ever before. what do you think he should do? >> well, look, we're passing $4 trillion omnibus packaging pt the door. they don't have $25 million to secure the border? there was a wave of people that voted ffer donald trump on the immigration issue. locking down and securing the border and building the wall was one of those key things and congress has not delivered. lou: all right. jason chaffetz, good to see you. thanks for being here. and .and a reminder, find h.
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buy his book "the deep state" we recommend it highly. thank you for being with us. up next, as the mueller witch hunt continues the president announced a major change to his white house counsel. we take that up as te take up the new top lawyer in the west wing and more right after the break. judicial watch's tom fitton joins me here next. joins me here next. stay with
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goggles policy of communist collaboration and reporting that test of the censored chinese version of google went very very well. >> always balancing you know set of values. we are, you know, providing information, freedom of expression, user privacy. but we also follow the rule of law in every country we do. you will be well over to serve 99% of the queries and there are many areas that we would provide information better than what's available. lou: he should have stayed in marketing because that was a line i could not believe. of course google will sensor information for 20% of the world earworld's population, all who e under xi jinping and of course the governance of the communist party.
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somehow google is losing sight of that but worrying about 1%, 20%, what nonsense. but that's what he's peddling. radical leftists are seeking to strip senator susan collins of her honorary degree because of her vote to confirm judge tis kavanaugh. the faculty signed a letter calling for the university to rescind her hon nair degree saying she lacking the integrity commitment to justice that we expect from the st. lawrence body. you got to love it. joining us now, judicial watch president tom fitton. great to have you with us. and when i hear that, i -- when did the student body of a small institution like this get a vote on who gets an honorary degree and who gets to keep it? >> well the question is, are the adults at the school going to let the kids run the -- lou: the answer would be yes. >> yes. lou: let's turn to what e what'g
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on. glen simpson taking, with in surprise to anyone, the fifth. congressman jim jordan was near talk about what's going forward. this is absolutely absurd. bruce ohr, his wife nelly working for fusion gps, working to, well, bring all of the rancid fraudulent trump dossier into the justice department to basically defraud the fisa courts and to get surveillance warrants. this is -- i mean we know what's happened now. why aren't we doing something about it? >> well you're exactly right. congress is threat. ing to hold him in contempt. i'm not sure whether they can or not. but assuming he's got concerns about perjury where he said he didn't meet with the doj and
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bruce ohr before the lerks, when in fact he did, why don't they refer tight the justice department. lou: i can think of a couple of reasons why you wouldn't. nothing would happen. >> congress is talking about mueller and all of these dissuggestions. we hear green simpson, fusion gps, bruce ohr, these are all mueller's witnesses, fusion gps, glen simpson. would that there would be no mueller special counsel that was pursuing key elements -- lou: without andrew mccabe there is no special counsel and without rod rosen stein there woulrosenstein therewould be no. this is wide rampant rancid political corruption at doj and the fbi and there should -- there has to be a device by which the american people can be assured that there has ban
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housekeeping of the highest magnitude throughout those two institutions. is there such a device available under law? >> the president can take action, either executive l.a.x. or legal action to hold the justice department to account and to control mueller. let's hope the new white house counsel takes a more aggressive attack. the prior counsel was under the thumb of mueller. he testified for 30 hours before the special counsel. and let's hope the new white house counsel takes a fresh look at the mueller operation and protects the president and protects the presidency from this harassment and much more aggressive in taking the out-of-control operation on that is now based on someone who has reason to fear that he's going to be prosecuted. are they going to alert the fisa court that their key witness, the head of the fusion gps that created the dossier, that generated the spy warrants can't be trusted anymore?
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are they going to withdraw the warrants? lou: well, the first question i really have, tom, is, is there any hope in the world of ending this charade, this fraudulent witch hunt? this is -- it smells to high heaven and yet the stench has settled into washington. it looks like it's here to say. i don't see -- it seems to me the democrats have successfully played a game. they have driven all of this way, they have suppressed any movement in the investigation of hillary clinton, the top officials of the department of justice, the fbi under barack obama, and they have played for the midterm elections and if they get elected they're home free and if the republicans win, what are we going to get, more investigations or are we going to get a resolution and someone be held accountable. what do you think? >> i think if the president takes more aggressive action and says enough is enough, stop
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harassing me, we may get something done. we can't rely on congress to get it done, as you point out. and it's the justice department on its own didn't goin isn't goo anything but right now mueller is king of the justice department on these types of investigations. lou: tom i wish we could have ended on a writinge brighter no. but you're here for the reality of the thing and the thing is getting uglier rather than better every day. good to have you here. tom fitton, president of judicial watch. wall street stocks closed higher, much higher. the dow surging 548 points, s&p up 59, the nasdaq gaining 215. we haven't seen this kind of performance in the indexes since last march. volume on the big board 3.4 billion shares and job openings hilgings hitting a rec, 7.1 million in august surpassing the number of americanen unemployed. and the federal budget deficit jumping 17% to $779 billion, up
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113 from a year ago. and president trump weighing in on the federal reserve again and its leadership with fox business' own trish reagan. >> the biggest threat is the fed because the fed is raising rates too fast. and it's independent so i don't speak to them but i'm not happy with what he's doing. it's going too fast. he looked at the last inflation numbers they're very low. >> but you put them there. >> i did. can i be honest? i'm not blaming anybody. i put them there. >> what if he gets it wrong. >> for the most part i'm very happy with people. lou: the president. you can catch the rest of trish's exclusive interview the president tonight 59 8 p.m. on e fox business network right after the conclusion of this broadcast. listen to my reports three times
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a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, hillary clinton still apparently can't fathom that americans can't just hand her the presidency in 2016. now she wants another shot apparently. we take that up and more when we continue. stay with us. we'll be right back. hillary, hillary, hillary. (whispers) with the capital one venture card... you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase,
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lou: president trump tonight reacting to the disappearance of the saudi activist and some time journalist for the washington post. president trump telling the associated press in an interview this, quote, here we go again with you know, you're guilty until proven innocent. i don't like that. the president's comments come after secretary of state pompeo's trip to talk about the journalist's whereabouts with the saudi crown prince. he will travel to turkey tomorrow for meetings with officials there. meanwhile growing calls for rinos and the radical dimms to take action by golly against the saudis. if you thoughted the judiciary committee was scary, take a look at the republicans on foreign
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relations. i mean look at that. if that doesn't install trust in foreign policy in the senate what would it take? joining us now, attorney rnc committee woman for california harmeet dylon and wr radio talk show host mark simone. and great personality, i must say. good to have you both here. harmeet, let's start with you. the president waikin weighing in saudi arabia. there is a list of republicans talking about all sorts of things, sanctions, telling people who to make king of saudi arabia. i've never seen the likes of it. and we're getting nearly all of our information from turkey, for crying out loud. talk about a rush to judgment. what do you think? >> women these countries have dubious human rights records. and certainly saudi arabia is known for funding terrorism,
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including -9d/11. that sounds, you're correct. the source is dubious as well. it would be best for all american to wait and see what the evidence is before we start talking about regime change. lou: i think that's always a good -- regime change, exactly. this is, by the way, a president who said no regime change in his foreign policy. and i believe him. the idea that this saudi thing has blown up like it has, marc, i mean it doesn't make sense. >> no. it doesn't make sense. we don't know what happened. we can't trust the turkish government to tell us what happened. lou: senators all over the placd of the senators? i would like to -- we don't have the sound. okay, great. >> you can't just cancel $100 billion order for the american company. first of all we want them using our planes, so they're dependent on us for parts and training lou: it goes beyond that.
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this is just simple modest foreign policy. i mean the idea that suddenly the united states is going to be the judge, jury and decide the fate of the country just because they happen to be smaller than us and not have the world's most advanced super power military. >> you know when there's a crisis like this, one person that's never there is the u.n. this is what they're there for. why don't they do something there. lou: you got to be kidding. you got to be kidding. mark simone stargtd to brin stan the united nations. how great of an idea is that. >> that's the last thing we need. talk about 100 countries that we can't trust. 170 maybe. lou: 190-something. >> we shouldn't underplay this seriousness of this in the sense that saudi arabia really is, i think, a dubious regime with a lot of blood thirsty people in leadership. and the fact they're in a leadership change there in the country makes it a dangerous
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time in the middle east. but i think we're entitled to the facts before we start calling for heads to roll. lou: let's play some of the nonsense that we've been listening to here. we've got that video. >> this is going to alter the relationship between the united states and saudi arabia for the foreseeable future. >> i know what i'm going to do. i'm going to sanction the hell out of saud saudi arabia. >> we have to find a way to condemn them, take serious action against them. >> if they hadding ? to do with this, we need to hold them accountable. >> severe action needs to be taken and i think congress will take it upon themselves to take that action. >> i think everything needs to be on the table from arms sales to everything else. >> there's going to be consequences and we're going to take action. we're an independent branch of government if. >> this guy has got to go. saudi arabia if you're listening, there are a lot of good people you can choose but mbs has tainted your country. lou: mb is the annoying initials
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of the crown prince. >> you quot go got to give thess credit for rushing into action, how ki get on tv, how can i exploit this, what can i do to help myself in this situation. >> and any e cues to talk about anything other than the border and the security of our own country is what peopling are rushing to talk about these days. 'it's unfortunate. lou: everybody is worried about the russians meddling in our election. meanwhile we've got now, 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants in the country. you want to decide that by 700,000 to come up with a number of congressional representatives that that represents. i mean they're tilting the balance of power and the u.s. house of representatives and they're talking about idiotic things like russian interference in our elections. >> if they want to interfere get
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in line behind the "the new york times" and washington post. lou: thanking you both. appreciate it. up next, top fbi lawyer james baker, he goes back to capitol hill. this is going to be exciting, sinisn't it? after his explosive deposition last week was cut short. he needed a little more time. we take that up and what we can expect throughout the week when we continue. stay with us. we'll be right moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this.
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lou: as we wrap up here tonight. this is where we are and what we are look at tomorrow. fusion gps glenn simpson pled the fifth. congressman jim jordan on why. >> you don't take the fifth unless you have a reasonable belief you have some criminal liability. he believes he has criminal liability or he wouldn't exercise his right. the children tomorrow campaign paid the perkins coie law firm that hired glenn simpson. lou: james baker is set to testify before the oversight and judiciary committees. neither of those committees have accomplished a darn thing. as a caravan of thousands of illegal immigrants approach the
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mexico-u.s. border. department the homeland security security says our borders are open and there is nothing we do. good night. trish: president trump vowing to get to the bottom of the missing "washington post" columnist. saudi arabia denies any knowledge of what took place inside the turkish consulate. coming up, my exclusive interview with president trump. "trish regan primetime" starts right now. also breaking tonight. president trump stepping up his attacks on the federal reserve as he
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