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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 18, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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lou: good evening our top story. caravan of illegal ill grants from honduras headed for united states. growing to as many as 4,000 people, authorities in guatemala and mexico trying to stop the caravan. but nonetheless it is still headed our way, northbound to u.s. border, a wide open border. the question is, how can border patrol protect the nation whether radical dimms prefer open borders, and more crimes
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and more drugs and more illegal immigrants. >> people with border people are coming in caravans we have to stop them, our laws are terrible, they are a laughingstock. we're supposed to stop people with laws that not very good, we're doing better than anyone could think. lou: we'll take up latest on that caravan and degree to which dems have and any interest in saving the nation. we'll talk with former director of immigration and customs enforcement. tom hallman. also radical dims in pennsylvania go negative, they go low, mean. viciously attack lou barletta, senator bob casey running a vicious attack ad that appears to designed to, act representative barletta and his
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family. casey agreed with the complaints but nonetheless the ads are still running, congressman barletta joining us, we'll talk about how the republican party is responding. new reports suggest robert mueller may be close to delivering what is termed quote, key findings in russia investigation. but no mention of a report, no indication that mueller will ever end his witc witch-hunt. we take it up with sydney powell and chris farrell. a caravan of immigrants making their way through central america toward our southern border, reportedly grown in size to 4,000 people, mexico assigned extra 500 federal police officers to patrol the border with guatemala ahead of the caravan arrival. president trump calling this a great midterm issue for the
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republicans. the president today tweeted -- great, mid temder term issue for republicans. our correspondent with our report. reporter: last night president epangsed that threat to include el salvador and guatemala, saying if this caravan is allowed to travel through their country, all u.s. payments to them will stop. why does president say it? history tells us if the caravan makes it u.s. border, they will be allowed in.
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that is the law. in april, 300 central americans arriving in tijuana claiming asylum, right now. according to ap and reuters this arecaravan has grown to over 2 thousand, past two police barriers, next stop is mexico. >> reason for being part of this march is to be a part of the american dream, to improve ours for our children and families. reporter: moving as a group makes sense, safety in numbers, but they are serviceable. under international law refugees claiming cre credible fear of persecution are supposed to file their asylum claim in first country they set foot, in some cases most it is mexico, it is
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ignored. >> if they leave ho hon hon durf they are fearful, how credible on that. reporter: u.s. offered to pay mexico to stop them. u.s. taking in central americans each month, cannot under the law turn them away. lou: thank you william. we appreciate it. here to discuss 4,person caravan that is headed toward our mexico-u.s. border, thomas hallman, former customs enforcement directly, fox business news contributor, why in the world can't the border patrol stop these people entering our country period? >> i listened to the beginning of the show, william 100% correct could you are. president is 100% correct.
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he has been correct from day one, like it or not, he is correct. the border patrol because congress failed the american people, democrats in congress, have failed to address the loopholes that cause caravans and people to claim asylum, i have been up on hill numerous times, commissioner of border patrol has been there, secretary nielson. telling congress here are the looclooploopholes they have refo fix it. this president is right, they are resisting, they are pushing back, they don't' this president to be successful. what concerns me, they are putting their own political hatred for this president, ambitions ahead of that of public safety and national security, it is disgusting at every level. lou: i could not agree more. let's remember too.
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there are corporatist interests they are represented by chamber of commerce, business round table, croa koch brothers, and l street insisting on cheap foreign labor, that means illegal immigrants coming in, they are aligned with the left on this. >> as a law enforcement professional, i don't care, if there a need for lower level labor, fix -- fix the law, bring lower labor in with attempt rare -- temporary visa. lou: tom that is so cumbersome, so difficult that would quire honesty and integrity, and first an allegiance to united states, we're working with divided loyalties here, we've watching a
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giant, effort to this caravan for example, is it an accident it shows up before the pi midte, not at all. this all orchestrated, american people are being told go to hell. as they have been for basically the last 20 years. >> lou, still up to congress, i don't care if you are a republican or democrat, your number 1 responsibility is to protect this nation, we're a sovereign country, every democrat and republican would want to secure the border, there no down side. lou: do you know who would laugh at you if you said that, chuck schumer, you know that. and me. >> let me tell you, i know more than any of them about immigration enforcement, i have done it 34 years, i have stood on that line, as border agent. i met family members of fallen
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officers, if you don't want to build a wall or fix loopholes for president trump, how about doing it for the men and women who strap a gun on their hip every day, and put their life on the line. lou: problem circumstanc is, a a damn, they really don't, they think they are bigger than the country, bigger than the agents and officer loss have fallen in line of duty, collateral damage for interest, that so interest. you know they own half of the capitol hill and people who reside in fancy seats in senate and house. >> you know, who does care. the american people, american people need to shows like yours, they need to listen, mid tirps s are coming. if democrats take house or senate, you think it is a problem now? hole on tight, american -- hold on tight, american people care, they want a protected board
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eamerican people need too have their voice heard, i am glad you invite plea o me on the show, id we have a president that cares about border security, he cares about the country. lou: i am thinking about all border patrol agents i have worked with over the course of my career, all-times i have been on border, i have never seen a border patrol ag agent in my car step back, let people come across, we're watching patrol agents now step back, they are told to not engage, to not apprehend. they are told to evade. that is wrong. and i am -- you know i understand. you know, u.s. code 1158 seconde 8, this is ridiculous. if as a matter of national security we're told that president of united states cannot -- with an executive
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order -- demand border patrol agents take control of the border there something very wrong. you are right, we have a horrific challenge to take control again. >> lou, i -- you know, i, i respect you, i have to disagree on that point, i think there are 20,000 american patriot on that border, they are not stepping back if they are told to step back, i never heard that, i met with border patrol agents last night, they are doing best they can in a very difficult circumstance. lou: you call it doing best job in circumstances, i would not argue. the fact is, tha that ses are -- circumstances are lousy, we have to be smart enough and rational enough to step up and take charge of consequences, this is not something that we should be just witnesses to, observing, this is a time for men and women border patrol in customs and
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border patrol, in i.c.e., throughout homeland security to be charging to find a way to get border secured instead of laying back. that is what i'm talking about tom, i understand all of the strictures on people in uniform, i do not know a department of hoahomeland security that is a fixefiction in its very name. i am for the men and women of border patrol, and everyone that serves, irrelative of whether military or -- irrespective of military or homeland security. but i do not respect anyone who allows this country to be overrun, simply because of a bunch of nonsense, when they should be securing the -- this is a matter of national security. that border should be secured.
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chamber of commerce should not be in charge this is your opportunity for last word. >> again, lou, i think, men and women in uniform doing the best job they can in difficult circumstance, i have been with secretary nielsen, many timings asking congress to close loopholes, the blame belongs with congress, not men and women in law enforcement. lou: i am not blaming the men and women in law enforcement, i am blaming department of homeland security whose responsibility it is to secure this country and secure our borders and ports, they are failing. >> i am saying, i been with the dhs, they are trying to get congress to change the lay. lou: oil not being -- i'm not being clear, we don't have time to get the dims to do what is right, we have to get rid of the dims on neff 6, we have take change of borders. >> right now, the president
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needs to ask mexico stop this caravan. and turn them around. >> who? >> mexico. >> we need congress to change. we need them to make 1 enactmen. we need to fund i.c.e. lou: we appreciate it. you said ask who? >> people at highest level need to talk to mexico tell them to stop the caravan in southern border. lou: president -- >> mexico can stop it. lou: i guess joke is not established. government of mexico does not give a damn of what the united states wants and president is right, until he demonstrates, until the united states demonstrates, they are not putting up with nonsense any longer, mexico will not alike a responsible mature nation on our southern border, instead they
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will continue to alike what they have. >> we have to try. lou: i know you agree with me. tom great to see you. >> thank you. lou: tom hallman, a tough problem we'll get it fixed, we have the right guy in white house. >> still ahead, a leaking liberal at treasury department, paying price for passing confidential information to the left wing national media, we take up what was in the documents and who they were about. >> up next, radical dimms go as low as possible, using a disgusting political ad to attack a republican candidate, we'll tell you about it congressman lou barletta target of the bob casey ad. that ad is still running. very, very good senator casey. very good. he is joining us after this. projections need to be...
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[message notification] earthquake? [message notification] next thursday? i can't do thursday, but i can do friday. [arguing over each other] narrator: disasters don't plan ahead. you can. talk to your loved ones about how you're going to be ready in an emergency.
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lou: radical dim senator. >> our daughters were 4 when
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they got sick, thank god we had health shurchghtinsurance. >> congress barletta voted to let insurance companies spring p coverage for preexisting conditions. >> why would i ever vote for barletta. >> i am bob casey, and i approve this message. lou: this kamen -- came weeks after ba barletta told casey his grandson jordan is undergoing treatment. lou barletta would deny his own grandson medical coverage? the ad did not mention, is barletta support for last year's american health care act, that would prohibit insurance
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companies denying coverage based on preexisting conditions, the ad is vicious and a lie. after barletta objected to that ad, casey thought he would be honorable and pull the ad, but he pulled it only from scranton market. it vunnin throughout the entiree of pennsylvania, except in scranton. now time for committee to respond this to kind of politics. it is an issue that is national one that pennsylvaniaians are not ignores, now they know who bob casey really is. bob casey's low disgusting campaign ad, is a sign that incumincumbent is somehow feelig heat from our next guest, lou barletta, great to have you
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here. >> thank you. lou: i can't imagine, you told casey about your granddaughter. -- grandson here at the 9/11 ceremony in pennsylvania for flight 93. what did he say then? >> i did. i told him about miracle birth of these twins, there were a story of their birth. and how devastated we were. he seemed he had compassion when i told him the story, how difficult it was for us to campaign at a time when we were so worried about jordan. we don't know if jordan would be okay, he needs 42 weeks of chemoeithechemotherapy. literally a month later this ad was on tv, devastating the family. lou: he said he supports the ad at the end.
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>> we're -- >> stunning. did you call senator casey? how did you reacting. >> we immediately reached out. on a video, asking him to please take this cruel, evil attack ad down. his response was amazing. he said that votes have consequences. and that i will be held accountable in november. which is amazing, i thought kavanaugh hearing -- >> those are nice words, this is -- this is infuriating to me to hear. i can only imagine what you were feeling. with your grandchildren, i mean. >> then take the ad down in just the scranton media market, he think it not cruel in pittsburgh, and altoona, how about what they take my grandson
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to a hospital. he is feeling heat. lou: i don't care why somebody would do something so evil, disgusting, vial and fraudulent. you would never deny, support esomeone or company that would deny coverage for preexisting conditions? >> is that right. i have said that publicly, i would not support any bill that denies preexisting conditions or raises premiums, his whole campaign is scare could peopleio are sick. lou: where is the republican national committee, senatorial campaign committee, why are they not throwing every dime they got
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to pennsylvania to support you in your race against cases, this is disgusting! >> i can't tell you where they are, i know where i am, i am working my tail off. lou: do me a favor, lou, you are one of the nicest people i have seen in politics, i say that straight up. pick up that dag gum phone, tell them what the hrl i hrl hell isn what you need, i can't imagine. >> i have a call. lou: president has been in pennsylvania twice support you, where the money, where the republican national committee? >> i have called nrsc twice, i am waiting, i'm going to keep working i'm going to win this race. lou: get them, if anyone can do it you can, we're pulling for you. >> thank you. lou: you know for all of us who cover politics in this country,
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this is about just about as low as it gets. bob casey should be deeply ashamed. congressman lou barletta thank you. >> all the best. >> thank you, lou. >> lou, thank you. lou: vote in poll, do you believe united states who is responsible for 4in our national security has authority to stop invasion of illegal immigrants by invoking national security to stop their entering into the country? cast your vote. we'll take it up here tonight, up next, president's dream. 2020. he has a number of them, there is one that could soon announce his 4th run for the white house. >> sleepy joe biden -- who ran for president two or three times. they i think i remember a forwarthirdtype. he had 1% with an arrowpointing
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left, that means 1% left, and then obama took him off the trash heap. lou: will uncle joe's rag age bg him down? interesting uncle joe is the one who brought it up. hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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lou: u.s. officials arrested an official at treasury department for a leak to the national left wing media. natalie mayflower sours edwards was charged. with transactions related to mueller targeted witch-hunt. news articles published in 2017 and. she was arrested today. >> joe biden said his age would
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be a legitimate issue to raise questions during elect, he is 75 years of age. he would be 77 were he to decide to challenge president trump in 2020, other potential radical dem candidates include senator bernie sanders he is 77, and ir elizabeth warren is 69, she would be in her 70s. their age does not concern me as much as their lack of capacity to lead and lack of character. and other deficiencies that loom larger than their age. joining me now former reagan white house political director, fox news political analyst and strategist, ed rollins. i love this story. about these people in their 70s,
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democratic party vying, you know you have what is it? jinzipy dipy veto taking on crun texas, what is going on with that party? >> it has no message. it is not just age of the candidates, old you know, still. once they got rid of the fdr agenda, they have no agenda. they have young people coming in that want something new, they want someone to tackle problems. biden has always been a tired candidate. >> he wants those names to keep popping up. >> if you don't get biden, you can have hillary again. lou: i say this to democratic party. have you not asked me for help, i should not but i will this
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president, i suggest you get someone in their late 30s early 40s. because they are going still be distinguish when it comes to competing with our president's energy level, president trump, will not be out worked by anyone certainly anyone else in that age group. >> agree. lou: turn to what going on in new jersey. menendez showing weakness in closing weeks. we're looking at montana 3 points in one poll between tester and challenger. where is the republican party? why are they not doing something, barletta is back aways against casey after that attack. >> they do, unfortunately, they do everything out of washington d.c., they have super pacs. they try to run campaigns from
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there, as opposed to redistributing money they collect effectively. lou: my question, why wouldn't they make an example? they have an opportunity in pennsylvania. in new jersey. and other places. >> well. bikboth montana and new jersey e doable. pennsylvania is beyond the pail, that campaign is not coming together. lou: didn't you beat floorio. how much of the he ahead in final weeks. >> 25 points. lou: i rest my argument. ed rollins, i don't often get the last word. >> thank you. lou: i'm give it to you. >> last word, probably going to lose house, we have to go win senate races, house because of 42 open seats. is just going to be hard to maintain. lou: keep the faith, give them hell. >> i will give themhell.
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lou: ed rollins thank you. >> robert mueller's witch-hunt could soon be releasing, quote, we findings. is sydney powell and chris is sydney powell and chris ferrel join me, as we take upsut won't replace the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
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i thought he was with you? no jack! (sfx: piano plays "twinkle twinkle little star" tommy? (sfx: audience laughing) don't stop. keep playing. (sfx: pianist playing masterful duet) here we go here's the fun part
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lou: breaking news, deputy earn general rod rosenstein failing to appear before house lawmaker,
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today he agreed to sit down for a interview with "wall street journal," using opportunity to defend special counsel mueller's investigation, calling "it," appropriate and independent. as reports that mueller to issue key findings on core aspects of his so-called investigation of russia collusion. that is going to happen, we're told after midterms. if you are not sick of this witch-hunt now, i don't know what we'll feel like after the elections, it is getting worse and worse. it is an absurdity, i can't even explain it. to help us, joining to discuss this and those key findings, well, former federal prosecutor sydney powell, author of "license to lie," and chris
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ferrel. judicialwatch do about what is going on with rosenstein, i am really, really tired of him and mueller. these are supposed to be high-powered attorneys of some kind. they of clowns, caretures of what they once were or wanted to appear as. >> they are swamp creatures, they have been in swamp virtually their entire careers. they have known each other for a long time, i think one point rod rosenstein was under mueller in deputy of justice, a article in daily caller talking about how the jig is up for mr. mueller, not because he would like to drag it out as long as mr. trump
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is president, but because mr. trump holding ought cards now and a list of 20 documents that i have tweeted ad side he powell. giving public information they need to know truth behind whole russia collusion confusion narrative that blames president trump for something -- >> this is a travesty, this is ignorance. anding well profession. i have to be honest, i am sick of the legal profession. chris. give us your best thoughts on what president should do here. >> well, declassification of documents that sydney mentions, judicial watch provided a long list months ago. and then i guess there is a hit pause button on mr. rod rosenstein's departure. he is a fact witness, he is
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disqualified, he is conflicted. lou:tio shouldn 't there be sud? let's assume all of the 20,000 lawyers in justice department, there have to be 80% of them. high indegrity. and rest are rats who run the place, i don't get it. more than two years of investigation, fbi investigation. somewhere cun sell, there is nothing. why are we terroristing in this? sydney? >> because the two people at top of the justice department, have been confirmed by senate and are allowing this to happen, party to it. soon as sessions recused himself, he just totally betrayed trust of the president to handle the department of justice. and it will take a new attorney general or a new deputy attorney general to straighten it out and do a lot of house cleaning with
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clorox and fire hoses. lou: what to do about border? we understand loopholes and radical dimms will not cooperate, chuck schumer means to strip any impediment again illegal immigration, traffic of the most deadly drugs, nicing the country, he means to stay open, he means for those illegal immigrants to vote democrat, what are we to do? >> i think answer is a one sentence order to deputy department of defense -- that is secure southern bored every of uniteborder of theunited states. >> i would add to that, an executive order under president under u.s. code 1182 f that stops all immigration, all
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immigration immediately with exception of people whose names are on the list for lawful entry and take funding given to countries who are sending their people here and use that to build the southern border wall. immediately. that executive order could be entered tomorrow, it is consistent with supreme court decision, and hawaii versus trump. it is consistent with statute, stop it all, that would put pressure on congress to come back from recessions, do its job. lou: continental -- congress my gosh. >> president has a lot of authority here, he needs to move against border securing it. and declare cartel to be foreign terrorist organizations, these two well thes woul elements woud change the playing field.
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>> i think we're getting there. thank you both. appreciate it. >> thank you, lou. >> thank you. lou: up next. latest in disappearance of saudi activist, was he working for muslim brotherhood? was he a saudi intelligence officer? or perhaps some other interest? conclusions, the rinos and dimms continue to jump too. >> it is really disturbing, if this is the case, it is is a treacherous, we have laws for this. >> you do think there will be some type of response if these allegations are true. >> i can't imagine there won't be. >> he needing a international coalition to reexamine our relationship with saudi kingdom. >> we have to take strong foreign acted, we have to impose sanctions to saudi government. >> has their has to be a consequence to our relationship with "the kingdom" of saudi arabia. >> we have sanction laws on books for situation like this,
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you see something like this could be a real setback. lou: can you imagine a lineup of weaker character offering strong counsel to president? we take it up after the break, general jack keane will join me, stay with us. sometimes
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lou: joining us to discuss investigation to disappearance of washington post contributor, and columnist jamal khashoggi. what this means for u.s. and saudi arabia relations. fox business chief strategist, analyst, general jack keane. >> good to be here. lou: this story gets bigger, bigger it seems that facts according to various versions of story intin dwindle. we know president has asked for recorded audio and video, there no responses. >> the turks in their state00 media have been pro -- state run media been providing gruesome evidence by audio system that khashoggi was tortures.
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detained, abused in killed and dismembered. the reality is, i am confident secretary pompeo has asked for that when he was there because there -- >> president has. it should be. i think that people we want to involve in this are federal bureau of investigation to put hands on this. lou: oh, my god. >> i hope when sea secretary poo of dealing with crown prince and the king, they said they would conduct a se investigation, they ask to participate. there is a huge el fen in room, crown prince and king, for almost two weeks they denied khashoggi was involved in foul
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play, he existed the consulat the same day hig he arrived. that is false, the whole world knows, yet they will conduct an investigation, we should participate in that. to add credibility to this i fear that after they conduct that investigation, lou, it may not generate any confidence in terms of accuracy or credibility of this. lou: accuracy perhaps we're strained a bit to involve ours to this point, bringing in fbi, my god, who will believe the fbi on anything right now? where were they investigated benghazi. they have been a absolute rank, rancid politically krupp corrupt organization from the top, 7 their top officials moved out. how can we possibly' to involve the fbi? i would prefer frankly to
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understand why our intelligence agencies, other 16 of them, don't know what happened to khashoggi. and that general consulate and why we don't know what turks are up to and why president has not been informed by that high class, very expensive talent we have dispatched to intelligence circles in the world. this is a joke that we're sitting here begging the turks for information. is it not? >> well, to have access to that consulate, there are places in world where we're doing eavesdropping on embassies and the like to be sure. whether the saudi consulate in istanbul is one of those, i have no clue. lou: don't you think that smartest thing for us to do, as president said, take a deep breath and let the facts come to us.
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>> i want that to happen, my point though, we should not take any action until we get the result of the investigation. >> right, general i'm sorry we're out of time. >> i think that investigation will be questioned rather largely because of lack of credibility. jeff: and questioned it should be,. lou: general jack king than jack you. >> up next latest on thousands of migrants making their way in central mexico, and testimonyk - central america and mexico, and to united states, welcome, we'll be right bac hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting
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full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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get it. get it. get it. get it! get it! crowd chanting: get it! get it! get it! is she gonna get it daddy? she'll get it. get it! get i-- (crowd groaning) (crowd cheering) narrator: when you bring home a goodwill find, you give your whole town a reason to celebrate because you're also funding local job training and placement programs in tech, healthcare and more.
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goodwill. bring good home. lou: before we leave tonight, be sure to head over to my -- my instagram. that's me with an albino python. we had a party for them. but grandpa ronald's comment was the best. his comment was, lou, what are you doing hanging around with a dimm. i thought that was funny. sebastian gorka and sara carter are among our guests tomorrow. we thank you for being with us. it will be a hoot tomorrow, we
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thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york. [♪] he said be careful because if you move too fast it could damage them. >> stocks fall and they could get more aggressive on rate hikes. we certainly hope it does it. here are your markets from yesterday. they actually sunk over 90 points. we will show you the futures and it is continuing.


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