tv After the Bell FOX Business October 19, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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like. very serious stuff. and, we're going to get to the bottom of it, we'll make that determination. congress involved in determining what to do. do you remember with justice kavanaugh, i said, hey look, the senators are doing a great job. senator grassley, lindsey, john cornyn, all of them, senator grassley, lindsay, john cornyn, all of them, every up with of them, i said let them decide -- congress is very much involved. i will in this case make certain recommendations. we have 450 approximately dollars worth of things ordered from a very rich country. saudi arabia. and 600,000 jobs, maybe more than that. and, it would be very hurtful to this country, if we said oh, we're not going to sell it to you. i would certainly make that
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recommendation to congress but, i will very much listen to what congress has to say. they feel very strongly about it also. so i will be doing this with congress. i do hope that they will be able to see the way clear to take, to make these products. we're talking about almost every state in the union is affected because it is the largest order ever given. i went to saudi arabia first. a large part of the weekend they agreed to do it, they agreed to spend $450 billion, on buying and investing in united states. so i hope we can keep that. i hope we don't lose track of that. there are plenty of other things we can do but we'll have some answers pretty quickly. i will have congress involved which is important part of your question. reporter: [inaudible] >> could be. we're going to find out. we'll find out who knew what,
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when and where. we'll figure it out. any other questions? >> especially considering curtailing u.s. support for saudi arabia's in the yemeni civil. >> what? reporter: saudi arabia involvement in yemen. >> saudi arabia has been a great ally of ours. that is why this is so sad. you look what has gone on in iran and viciousness of that regime. it is brutal, it's a brutal regime. the killing, horror stories, you hear about them, you write about them very well, i have seen you write about them very well. it is a tough part of the world, there is no question about it but saudi arabia has been a great ally. they have been a tremendous investor in the united states. they have invested in the jobs are incredible. in addition it's a big -- we're right now the supplier of energy in the world. we are, the united states. and it happened, i hate to tell
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you over the last 18 month. and we're now the biggest in the world but still they're a major, major supplier. they are actually number two. we have to take all of these things into account, very important. but we're going to know over the next two or three days we'll know a lot. we're getting a lot of information in as we speak. okay? reporter: [inaudible] recommendations for congress -- conclusion of the investigation? >> i might know a lot by monday. i know a lot already. reporter: well, i guess the question why waited so far -- >> waiting two days and making things right is not so bad. reporter: earlier -- >> we will have it, we've done a little work on this. reporter: -- investigation, do you regret bringing up last night at your rally the assault on a reporter by a congressman? >> no, not at all. that is different world. that was a different league, a different world. just a great guy and he is, you
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know greg very well, right? that was a tremendous success last night. and in montana and greg is a tremendous person. and he is a tough cookie. i will stay with that. that is, talking about a different world. anything else? reporter: -- until the indictment against a russian national who is accused of trying to influence election -- >> nothing to do with my campaign. all the hackers, all of the everybody that you see, nothing to do with my campaign. if they are hackers, a lot of them probably liked hillary clinton better than me. now they do. now they do. you know, they go after some hacker in russia, oh, had nothing to do with my campaign. reporter: any warning to russia or other countries -- >> i already said it. i always say this, kevin. you have heard me say this many times, you said it, president obama was contacted by the fbi
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in september, long before the election in november. and they told him there may be meddling by the russians. and he did nothing about it because he thought hillary clinton would win. he did nothing. he didn't do -- he didn't lift a finger, he didn't spend a time. we've done a lot to protect the elections coming up very shortly. but president obama, people don't want to bring it up, fake news, don't want to bring it up. president obama was told in september by the fbi there could be problems with russian meddling. now the good thing is, every single report, as you know, richard burr came out, senator richard burr, head of the senate intelligence, they said, you see the collusion? no collusion. i've seen no collusion whatsoever. very strong, couldn't be stronger but the good news is it never affected, whatever did take place never affected the vote and everybody agrees to
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that, never affected the vote. the candidate affected the vote, the bad candidate. she should have gone to wisconsin. she should have gone more to north carolina, pennsylvania, michigan, florida. she should have gone out a little bit more. she had to work a little bit harder. that affected the vote. how about one more? reporter: [inaudible] caravan headed toward the u.s., specific action? >> we have the worst laws in the history of the world because we don't have a big enough majority. we have great people standing behind me. we write laws, half an hour would have greater laws. we need help, in the senate we need nine votes. not going to get nine votes. they always vote in a block. they will do anything to hurt the republican party even if it hurts, me in particular i hate to say, even if it hurts no
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matter what if it hurts our nation. we could have laws drawn in one hour or less, they're already drawn, to solve everyone of these problems but we can't get the democrats -- that is why i hope republicans get out and vote and give us majorities where we can do what we have to do. but we give a lot of money to these countries to, if you look at he will -- el salavador, honduras, guatemala, tens of millions of dollars. in one case $400 million. they do nothing for us. i called them, i said very nicely, you're not going to get any money if you let this happen. all of sudden, they're starting to close it up tightly. they're trying. a lot of people gathered and a lot of people are looking at democrats, why do they gather? there is a lot of information that is being hopefully you people are looking, how come
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this happened because people are saying there a lot of money being passed around so that this would normally hit just before election. but i happen to think it is of great issue for republican. this is great republican issue. with that being said i called mexico. we drew a great new deal with mexico. we have a very good relationship with mexico. i said look, we have lousy laws. i hope you will not let these people come, 1000-miles up through your country and through you borders because our laws are horrendous. at this moment you see better than i do, i haven't been able to see it, we've been busy with water for california, but it is being stopped as of this moment by mexico. so we appreciate very much what mexico is is doing. as of this moment, you see what is happening, it is being stopped. 4,000 people bottom together and they got together in a certain way. a lot of people, i hope you people are going to look why
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this happened at this time but it's okay. we are about law and order borders, jobs, they are about allowing crime to enter our country with open borders. because many of those people, a percentage, a, farely big percentage, of those people are criminals, and they want to come into our country, and they're criminals. and it is not happening on my watch. not going to happen. so as of this moment, i thank mexico. i hope they continue but as of this moment i thank mexico. if that doesn't work out, we're calling up the military, not the guard. we're calling up the military. we will have the military stationed. they're not coming into this country. they might as well turn back. they're not coming into this country. thank you very much, everybody.
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connell: live coverage on the fox business network. president trump in scottsdale, arizona, this afternoon, signing a memorandum out there on clean water in the west but making headlines on other subjects why we showed you the question and answer session with reporters. to go back early in the q&a from the president and highlight of comments from saudi arabia. we'll talk more about this coming unbut the president said he might consider sanctions in the alleged killing of columnist jamal khashoggi. hinted that congress might get involved in that. said he would have more information in the next few days, possibly as soon as monday. we'll come back through all of that, 10 past the hour, closing up the day and week on the closing bell. lauren? lauren: dow snapping a three week losing streak, up 64 point, boosted by strong earnings. take a look at the s&p 500 as well as nasdaq. nasdaq missed the mark.
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it ended the day in the red. decent day on wall street. i'm lauren simonetti in for melissa francis. >> i'm connell mcshane. this is "after the bell." let's get to gerri willis on the floor of the new york stock exchange to wrap up the big day and look at movers. >> connell, what a week. we'll talk about major indexes first. the dow ending the week slightly higher, a quarter point, big day for the dow in the green here. s&p 500 pushing back against negative sentiment for the day and the week. only nasdaq, tech-heavy nasdaq doing worse for the week. we'll do the dow winners, proctor & gamble, no doubt about it, this stock up 9%. why? they reported strongest quarter in five years. revenue up for that company in five years. it had been the second worst performer on the dow for the year. not anymore. american express doing well, up 4%. price targets on the stock moved up. disney doing well, up 2.5%.
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netflix having a heck of a time, continuation of the herd mentality on the stock. we'll look forward to fang earnings, tech earnings, amazon, google, microsoft. all these companies reporting, you see how they did on stocks, their stocks today, but, pretty good outlook for earnings. we'll see how it goes. we'll look for details in those reports of course, any impact from trade, what they have to say about the economy, consumers. connell: next week is a big, big week. gerri, thanks. lauren. lauren: next week a big week for earnings. carol roth, former investment banker, future file legacy creator. jack, you could say it is about the good, the bad, ugly for consumers, good is earnings, bad, rising rates and ugly china trade, what do you think? >> good could hardly be better.
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20% earnings growthish, and companies beat expectations like they always do. i'm not, when you talk about the market this year, let's remember the last year you got gains that ran well ahead of earnings growth. the reason was because investors were looking forward to this year. we're here. we got the earnings growth and stock gains are running behind earnings growth. they should. we don't want a stock market that goes rip-roaring straight up, gets too expensive, ends up in a crash. looks like the market could have another leg up as we continue with good economic health right now. lauren: you brought up a crash, 31st anniversary of black monday, conflicts iran, issues with asia. took the markets two years to recover, what do you make of the situation in october 2018? >> this is certainly one of those times of the year when you end up with a lot of volatility and i think even with strong earnings, until we get past the
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midterm elections, with rising interest rates, with china trade wars, stuff going on with saudi arabia i think we're in for a lot of chop next couple weeks. if you look to make a move, you may want to sit on that for a while. once we get clear of that, assuming earnings comes in strong, assuming we get good guidance i think we haveopportunity to move higher to the end of year. lauren: panel sticking around. connell. neil: investors are close watching developments between the president and. blake burman live with more. reporter: three big story lines from president trump, remarks after he took from reporters signing of a presidential memorandum in state of arizona. president touching on murder of "washington post" columnist
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jamal khashoggi. the president moving further in the direction of backing potential sanctions. there have been many up on capitol hill who have said that saudi arabia should be sanctioned for whatever role, possible top members within that government played in jamal khashoggi disappearing from inside the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey on october 2nd. according to even the president himself, at this point it appears as if khashoggi was murdered on that day. the president saying that congress, that he would listen to what congress has to say as it relates to sanctions saying he will certainly hear what they will have to say. though the president also talked about how there are billions, hundreds of billions of dollars in commitments from saudi arabia and that is something that he is continuing to keep in mind. the president also touching upon that caravan and deal struck between the united states and mexico for mexico to intercept many of those migrants along the southern border, process them,
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send them back to central america or potentially to many other countries, one of them being the united states. the president saying if that does not work, then he would call on the u.s. military to go to the southern border of the united states. third, connell, the comments that the president made last night during a campaign rally in montana which he said of a montana congressman, greg gianfor, pleaded guilty in 2017 to assault on a reporter, the president said last night of the congressman, quote, he was my guy. the president asked whether or not he regrets making those comments regarding the congressman who pled guilty to assault, the president said there that he does not really intend on taking that back. connell: saw that. seemed to hint it was different venue, read that talking about a rally versus some sort of political event? reporter: not entirely sure what he was trying to say.
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he could have said i shouldn't have said that but no, he didn't. connell: he didn't. in addition to everything blake talked about, united states and mexico, what have you, look china into the mix as well. growth slowing there. 6 1/2%, gdp number came out, official government figures, that is slowest growth with china decade. jack and carol back on the topic. jack, your take on this we hear all the time china versus united states in terms of trade. what should we be rooting for when it comes to chinese growth as americans? >> should be rooting for a quick and peaceful resolution tariff war twine the united states and china. connell: good luck with that, by the way. >> this is going on more than a year. it is chinese governments own efforts to rein in credit and keep the economy from getting too hot. still decent growth, slowdown was domestic. consumer spending in things on cars.
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stock market has tanked. you have a negative wealth effect. not to say that the tariff problem could make things worse for china. connell: carol, jack what is describing, thinking in some quarters the chinese are more likely to give in when it comes to trade. i have to say i'm fairly skeptical of that give the fact they seem to be willing to hold out as long as they possibly can. some people do think that. what do you think? >> china government has infinite time frame we can never really trust what is going on. there we never know what they are going to do. they can sort of hold out seems as long as they want. that being said, maybe this put as little bit of global pressure on them to at least come to the table and do something. and we know that, with the "art of the deal" and president trump, sometimes he is able to take a little win and spin it as a big win. i'm optimistic we get something out of the deal together. connell: timing is everything as they say. that is especially true when it comes to china.
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jack, carol, thank you. we appreciate it. lauren: turning around for now. the migrant caravan stopping short of the u.s. borer. secretary of state mike pompeo says we're reaching a moment of crisis with regards to immigration. the secretary is speaking. what is coming out of the meeting and his efforts to figure out this dire situation. connell: a plan to give out free money could end up hurting the democratic party politically. steve forbes with his take on that and more, coming up. ♪ ticking) (bell ringing) ticking) (bell ringing) it's time. time for a new kind of cloud. the ibm cloud. the cloud that proactively protects your business from threats, instead of just reacting to them. that lets you modernize and move more of your apps without re-writing. that unlocks insights from all your data and puts it to work with ai. get a faster, more secure journey to the cloud.
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hopes those efforts will continue. edward lawrence live in washington, d.c., with the very latest here. edward. reporter: first part of the caravan reached mexico border. after knocking down the fencing at the border to get through. mexico reached out to the united nations high commission of refugees for help. the u.n. will set up tents to pros test claims of asylum. those who qualify will be sent through. others will be sent back. >> we're quickly reaching a point which appears to be a moment of crisis, a record numbers of migrants, foreign secretary spoke about the importance of stopping this flow before it reaches the u.s. border. reporter: you heard secretary of state, a moment of crisis. state department official says the united states and mexico coordinated over the past few months to create this plan to ask for help from the u.n. representative peter king says president trump's tough talk and
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usmca agreement helped pave the way for this. >> can be at the same time good cop and bad cop. he was tough on mexico, critical on mexico. that put them in position more receptive to negotiate with him and bargain with him. reporter: president trump threatened to close the border using military troops if the caravan doesn't stop. he threatened to cut aid to honduras, guatemala and el salvador if those countries don't put an end to caravans. lauren: playing out before the midterm elections. thank you. connell: trying to keep control of congress pushing to election day. looks like they still have uphill climb when it comes to the house but are their odds hanging on improving? we'll ask a gop pollster coming up next. ♪ fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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contested senate races out there. you have the democratic candidate. connell: kristen cinema fighting for a seat once considered an easier win tore democrats. her opponent gop martha mcsally has president trump in her corner. he is rallying for her candidacy this evening. where do the scales stand in the fight for control of nation's capitol. let's talk with chris wilson, pollster and strategist. of the chris, good to see you. we see the events in realm of financial markets. what markets are looking at now, a democratic house, a republican senate, that is what is the expected november result. i'm wondering though, if any of that is starting to change in republican minds? in other words, are the odds improving with kavanaugh and everything that is going on in the last few weeks being maybe the republicans do have a shot to keep the house. what do you think? >> well they are, as you point out republicans are expected to
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hold the senate, potentially, now looking they will pick up few seats. the question is going to pick up. likely pick up north dakota, missouri, leading in florida. could pick up montana. could pick up indiana, west virginia. a lot of things in play for republicans. going on to the house. as you mentioned after the brett kavanaugh hearingses, you saw rise in republican enthusiasm. midterm cycle, democrat enthusiasm leading. now we see republican enthusiasm, in some cases meet and exceed democrat enthusiasm. most models give republicans one in five holding house. 20%. connell: still an uphill climb. >> uphill climb, forecasting models, not to geek out here, based on factors i would argue are misplaced and some of the things that led to prediction in 2016 that hillary clinton was
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going to win. balance of national polls, take large samples out of california and northeastern cities. they put overly aggressive way to in my view on fund-raising which democrats clearly have a lead in fund-raising but due to fundamentals built in through organizational infrastructure that they have got in place republicans don't currently have. i think all that leads republican as better chance. connell: better chance is being reported even and odds are improving because of kavanaugh, president's approval rating, fund-raising numbers on the screen. to your point, definite maybe not as large as it appears to be but it is still not likely, right? what is the key for republicans here if they're going to turn this around in the next few weeks and actually -- this would be a big story if get control, keep control of house. what is the key? >> it would. a few things to factor, i believe the data operation run by rnc is superior to that coming out. democrats. utilization of these campaigns by that data for specific
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targeting number one. number two is fund-raising. 92 republican incumbents outraised by democratic challengers. that is unacceptable. those republican incumbents being out rised and have to do better job. republicans have to work hard to get that. third, maintaining level of enthusiasm. >> right. >> comes down to republicans taking a stand, taking keys from the president. president trump does a good job, getting republican-based voters excited on issues. get them turned out. republican voters running for congress have to do same thing. connell: no doubt with the base. whether the suburban districts whether he is helping or hurting. we will find out in early november. chris, interesting way things are tightening up. thanks for coming on. >> it is. connell: you're welcome. lauren: the saudi king is stepping in. as crisis surrounding alleged murder of jamal khashoggi intensifies, king salman is intervening. what that means for the investigation going forward. unprecedented amount of iranian oil is heading to china
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to request this free guide. and learn about plans that could give you more benefits. call now. lauren: we do have some breaking news. president trump telling reporters at the top of the hour that we might know a lot by monday in the investigation into the alleged killing of columnist jamal khashoggi. the commander-in-chief also revealing he might consider sanctions over this case. joining us to react, lieutenant
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colonel daniel davis, retired u.s. army, defense priorities military expert. good to see you. >> always good to be here, lauren. lauren: the facts obviously matter. we'll know a lot in coming days, but the fact matter when it is saudi arabia because not only are they a u.s. ally but they are also a major u.s. investor, right? >> they are, but over all honestly time to reevaluate our relationship with saudi arabia from top to bottom because our values and our interests really do matter. we have to recognize saudi arabia is autocratic nation. this is not like canada where our values are closely aligned. the president talked about the possibility imposing sanctions depending how it is resolved in the coming days, i'm not a big fan of that. that is blunt instrument. rarely works for what we want it to do, we can take pretty firm action to realize our values and our interests is to cut off support for the saudi arabian war in yemen. that is definitely not our values. certainly doesn't affect our
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national security. that is a good place to start which definitely will get their attention. lauren: i do want to go back to the sanctions. you don't think the sanctions are likely or effect i have is what you're saying? i would counter look at sanctions on north korea, look at sanctions on iran, those have been effects tiff, even turkey? >> they are sometimes effective but they are a blunt interest. like a full decade against saddam hussein. four or five decades against cuba. it is hit or miss, too blunt, can't use it specifically this is related to our values. that whole issue is with khashoggi about. that is not american values. lauren: we've seen rhetoric by the administration increase as the days go on. i want to get your take iranian oil is being sent to china before u.s. sanctions go on iran in early november. what do you make of that? can they get around the sanctions? >> that is absolutely what will happen. they did something similar in
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2014. lauren: right. >> they sent it to a storage area, and basically they normally send one to three million barrels of oil per day that they normally sell. now there is upwards of 22 million bears there right now. what they're trying to do, get ahead of sanctions they expect president trump to impose in, first of november, so they can actually ride it out for a long while. but that really illustrates why sanctions are not a good thing for us. lauren: i hear you. >> gives incentive for our opponents to try to break the sanctions but it also goes against our own allies in europe who don't want this at all. lauren: but this china wannabe playing with iran i know we're in a tiff, looming trade war with them, at the same time do they want to line up with iran in this case? is that a good policy move? >> china views things across the board all together. they look at the situation with north korea and things they want to accomplish with the united states, the trade war, things they don't like, things with
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taiwan and south china sea. this issue in iran. they're looking for plays they could have leverage. they want to help out where it can benefit them. they might look for some leverage to go against us if they think that will help then in bigger economic issues. lauren: there are so many political concerns going on, pick your pocket of the world. how do you think this plays out for american voters in november? >> that is really a big question everybody is waiting to see, but that is why i say, almost doesn't matter because what, i hope the administration does, as long as the administration says i will put need of american consumer, of our markets, our economic and physical security at the forefront i don't think he has to worry about any of that stuff of the so that is why i'm always adamant we need to look out for american interests no matter what it may cost in the short term economically with saudi arabia right now. lauren: colonel davis, thank you, have a good weekend. >> always my pleasure. connell: a lot of issues coming
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from outside the country with markets and saudi arabia, mexico. lauren: our markets don't seem to care too much. connell: shaking it off. they definitely did last week and part of this week as well. we'll talk coming up about handouts of all things. democratic senator kamala harris calls for a new plan for free money for the american people. sign me up. what could possibly go wrong. we'll talk about that. we'll get into zero tariffs, why steve forbes is telling the president, this should be the endgame, zero tariffs. steve forbes after this break. to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers.
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there is a chance that's the last time. 300 miles per hour, that's where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me retirement is protected. annuities can provide protected income for life. learn more at connell: so we're back to talk about free money. this is not the megamillions segment. we're talking about kamala harris, the california senator and her plan for a tax credit up to $500 a month or $6,000 a year for families that earn under for families that earn under
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$100,000 per year. steve forbes with us. i said when things sound too good to be true they usually are. democrats if all supported it would need 60 democrats to support it in the senate, we're not going there. maybe give as preview in terms of the way the democratic party in terms of economics in 2020? what do you think? >> free distribution, free college, free money, free medical care, free what we've you want, free tickets to the world series, bottom line, it is not going to happen, but two, it wouldn't do any good for the economy. what you want to do is lower tax rates. if they want to do something for people who may not pay income tax or struggling, how about reducing the payroll tax. did it six years ago, suspended two points. something making $20,000 a year makes extra $600. do it the right way, instead after crazy way that spends
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money without any results. connell: what about the political argument around this? basic issues, universal income, free college, all the things you brought up, when it is a sound bite world and speaking about it, it does sound good, whoa, free money, great. are republicans prepared to fight back against a democratic party that does appear to be going far left in terms of economics? and if so what is their best argument to do so? >> the best argument on health care do you want the government running health care? we've seen what the government does in other areas of economy, whether anything from the post office, procurement in the defense department. scandals hit veterans administration couple years ago. do you have no choice, where you go, rationed like they do in europe? in britain if you need kidney dialysis, above age 65, you never get ahead of the line. is that what we want here? connell: could backfire politically on democrats? >> once people learn about it,
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goes beyond the sound bite, doesn't sound so good. connell: you're one the signers in a letter that appeared in the "wall street journal" talking about trade, calling on president trump to push for a zero tear ref world. put part of it on the screen here. strategically offer tariff of zero tariffs allowing america to seize the moral high ground in the trade deal bait. it will put the u.s. in a stronger position as you negotiate with china to end beijing's most abusive trade policies. the administration talked about this, do you think president trump means it when he talks about zero tariffs and it be a chief? >> as he put it would be huge if something like that is achieved and a boon to the economy here and around the world. start with europe. we're supposed to begin trade negotiations very soon in achieving several industries there. yes, we can start there and push it. with china i think we ought to take other approaches, more laser like approaches, picking out certain companies like zte
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we gave the reprieve too sure privating a few months ago, guilty of abuses, not put sales taxes, tariff is a sales tax. don't put that on american people. hit companies that are abusive. chinese bank doing wrong things, kick them out of the swift system which puts them out of business internationally. pick a few companies or industries, you hit them, that shows china we mean business, we'll get results. connell: but forget about tariffs? >> tariffs are sales taxes. why hurt our sales trying to get china? hurts them but hurts us too. leave hurting each other to "fifty shades of grey." let's focus on the real stuff. connell: look at steve forbes coming with the lines. was not expecting that on friday. list of things coming to work expecting, a "fifty shades of grey" reference from steve forbes. that is funny. we'll see how it plays out with china. i ask a lot of guests, we ask a lot of guests if not tariffs,
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what? you answered that today. that is a plan for going after companies individually. i wonder if the white house is listening or if they have plans to do that? doesn't sound like it right? the president wants to drop the tariff plan real quick? >> they come up with ideas how to do it. they can certainly do it. this issue gets allies with it. canada doesn't like it. mexico doesn't like it. the europeans don't like it. that way you get results quickly and not do us any real harm. win-win all around. connell: we'll take a win-win. have a great weekend. lauren: i need a win-win. connell: she almost fell off her chair. lauren: we all need a win-win, we can, lottery fever. connell: oh, i get it. lauren: lottery fever hitting the u.s., before you enter office pool, would you go into office pool with me? connell: we'll get into this during the break. lauren: you might find yourself in court basically. connell: what? lauren: office pool for lottery together we could end up in court? i'm just reading the prompter. we'll discuss after the break.
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connell: we should be checking into your background? lauren: maybe your background? ♪ hey guys. today we're here to talk about trucks. i love trucks. what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram?
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connell: all right. who wants to be a billionaire? apparently some who are already billionaires. the megamillions jackpot is now worth one billion dollars, that's right. cash option, 565 million. they're going to have the drawing tonight at 11:00 eastern time. the chance of winning it is very, very strong. one in more than 300 million. that is the chance of winning. >> very strong. connell: the powerball jackpot increasing to $470 million. the lucky number revealed at 10:59:00 eastern tomorrow night. mark your calendar for that. the chance of winning that even
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stronger. 1 in 292 million. your odds of winning both, hopefully steve forbes is listening, odds of winning both, 1 in 88 quadrillion. lauren: there is a chance. connell: there is a chance. lauren: quickly, connell, test, how many zeros. connell: stop. look at that. i never seen number on the screen. wow. lauren: so if you win the big bucks what's next? my next guest has some tips to make sure you don't end up spending your prize on legal fees that could land you in court. we have emily campaign yo, former criminal defense attorney. are you in any office pools or buy tickets yourself? >> i am not. i don't have any attraction to that kind of gambling whatsoever. the fact we count on is there is always a grinch. if you enter the office pool, write it down, keep a spreadsheet, record which tickets you have. only way to keep you out of trouble. lauren: that seems so weird. let's have fun, go into the
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office pool together, wait let me take a picture of record this and did you pay? do people really do that? >> because people really are grinches on the other side. even for one moment that guy in the office recording things, we've had construction workers that faked surgery so he could run away with 378 million. postal workers faked things. arsenal is limitless. the bottom line the judge always rules in the favor of the fact even though it was verbal contract it will be honored and that you will lose out on the money you tried to steal. the exception if it is illegal in your state. so make sure gambling is legal before you participate. lauren: let's say, you do win, okay? should you call a lawyer first? how do you handle that? >> if you have won and you are a participant in one of these pools, then just don't be a grinch. you will have to pay up. because the amount that you spend on defending yourself in court when inevitably the office pool participants sue you will just be taken away from your portion.
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really, the bottom line is, keep record, but also be honest. if you participate in that pool, know that you will have to share if you're lucky winner. >> i will not do any office pools, buy my own ticket. connell: wow, selfish. lauren: i will show up at work the next day. what would you do, connell, if you won? connell: i tried to tell you before i never play this, i know i would have 10,000 relatives come out of nowhere, all of sudden, my best friend. a nightmare if i won. lauren: all three of us, none of us bought a ticket, powerball or megamillions, it is the megabillions. none of us bought it. official office pool and do it the right way. connell: i don't know. >> three of us. lauren: you're a lawyer. connell: you would be good to have a lawyer on our side. lauren: dot all the ts. >> you can trust me. connell: my prediction steve works would win. how great would it be if he won it. lauren: zero tax. thanks emily. connell: it has been a busy
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lauren: just about 5:00 on a friday, you know you're ready for the weekend, but we still have a big week ahead, here's what's on deck can. monday, president trump in houston as ted the cruz faces pressure withless than three been with less than three weeks until election day. and on tuesday, the red sox securing their spot, ready to face either dodgers or the brewers -- connell: game tonight, i believe, right? you taking dodgers? i don't know. it'll be a good world series. over a week, meantime, after announcing plan, canada da's steel tariffs take effect wednesday. and amazon releases earnings
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reports, i believe melissa will be back. thanks for coming in. lauren: she couldn't mix it through -- make it through a week with you. s quitting time. connell: 5:00 somewhere. connell: bulls and bears starts right now. david: from wall street to washington and across country, we're talking about the topics that matter most to you and your money, this is bulls and bears. ♪ ♪ david: i'm david asman, thank you for joining us. joining men to the the panel, gary caught bam, jonas max farris, max funds founder, adam lashinsky and last but certainly not least, trish regan, host of trish regan prime time, brand new show on the fox business network that is alreadyak
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