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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  October 23, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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all those stocks are good buys when they get cheap like they did today. you saw people buy the stocks again. [closing bell rings] we get to see people buy on dips. liz: there is the closing bell. andy we have you back. there is so much breaking news. "after the bell" has it all. we'll see you tomorrow. melissa: i know we're in the red but this is a recovery on wall street. stocks ending the day in the red but rebounding from session lows on heavier than usual volume as we await new comments from president trump and secretary of state mike pompeo. that is going to happen any minute from now. the dow ending the day down 126 points but that is going way back from the low of 548 points. that was a long time ago that 548 negative. connell: seems like weeks ago. melissa: seriously. amid growing geopolitical concerns, a slowdown in corporate earnings, s&p 500 also ending in the red with the tech-heavy nasdaq bouncing back after dipping into correction
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territory. i'm a little nauseous. how are you feeling? there is little up and down thing in. connell: that is in the teleprompter. i thought it said i am melissa francis. melissa: we're both a little nauseous. connell: i'm connell mcshane. this is "after the bell." what a day, washington to wall street. before washington head to ashley webster, looks like he is feeling all right down on the floor of the new york stock exchange. it was a day that could make you a little nauseous back and forth, huh? >> it was a little manic. kind of a turnaround tuesday but went south again. the dow finishing down 126 points. nasdaq briefly came positive at 3:24. i made a note. but it went down again. what a strange day. losers on the dow, caterpillar among those was down anywhere seven to 8%. finished down 7 1/2%. its earnings report was booed good but guidance was a little
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week. melissa: president trump speaking to reporters at the white house. >> we may. that is being discussed right now. mike bolton is in russia talking about various things including the whole nuclear situation. we were not treated well for many years. should have been done a long time ago and i think something good could come out of that. i very well meet with, i think we probably will, it hasn't been set up yet but probably will be. reporter: settle some of the confusion over your comments what you mean when you say you're a nationalist. what does that mean? >> i love our country and our country has taken second fiddle. if you look at trade deals, nobody knows it better than me, i'm knocking out some of the worst deals i have ever seen. we're giving all of our wealth, all of our money to other countries and they treat us properly. we're protecting other rich countries, very, very rich countries including by the way a
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country happens to be very much in the news, saudi arabia, immensely wealthy, we're taking care of their military for a fraction of the cost, not fair to us. other countries also, immensely wealthy countries and we have to get reimbursed for that. we should not be the world's police keeper and not get reimbursed. by the way, when i bring up to the heads of countries like japan, like prime minister abe, a friend of mine, i bring it up, he looks at me, and he goes i understand. they understand it. nobody has ever asked them. have you ever asked, i said, have you ever been asked, do you have to be like kept out, nobody has ever asked. so that is pretty unfair thing. i. >> i will get back to you. >> wait, wait. i'm going to get back to you. reporter: can i ask the follow-up? >> no. >> all right. >> you can't take the whole thing. go ahead, yes.
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i'm behind you please. reporter: mr. president, have you heard back, first of all, can you tell us what you think about turkish president said today -- >> president erdogan said? reporter: yes, sir. >> he was pretty rough on saudi arabia i would say. i haven't gotten a full recap. as you know i have people in turkey and saudi arabia and other places they're all come back as we speak. they're heading back. i will know, i think everything in a very short period of time. it's a bad situation but, certainly president erdogan was not complimentary of what happened. now it is a terrible thing happening. okay? yes, ma'am, go ahead. reporter: i was going to ask, do you believe him when he says -- [inaudible] >> i want toe associate facts first. look, saudi arabia has been a very great al hi. they have been one of the biggest investors, maybe the biggest investor in our country. they are doing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of invests and so many jobs.
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so many jobs. thousands and thousands of jobs. and if you look at the other side iran, you look at what they have done to people, vicious, horrible, and that is no excuse what happened with saudi arabia, no excuse whatsoever. you take a look, it is a rough part of the world. it's a nasty place. it's a nasty part of the world but if what happened happened and if the facts check out, then it is something that is very bad. at the same time they have been a very good ally of ours. they have been helping us a lot with respect to israel. they have been funding a lot of things. i will tell you that russia and china would love to have that military order. i say it to the democrat friends too. they would love this, $110 billion worth of military and russia would pick that up very quickly and china would
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pick it up very quickly and france would pick it up very quickly. france makes a lot of military equipment. it is a very competitive market. i did a great job when i sold them. that is why i went to saudi arabia first. i went to saudi arabia on the basis they would buy hundreds of billions, many billions of dollars worth of things and the ultimate number is around $450. 110 for military, 450 billion. i think that is over a million jobs, over a million jobs. so we do that, we're just hurting ourselves. we're just hurting ourselves. i know that from a certain standpoint you could also say, well, it doesn't matter because it's a terrible thing but, we would be really hurting ourselves. we would be hurting our companies. we would be hurting our jobs. and so we'll see what happens. but i should have a pretty good report in a couple seconds. i should have a pretty good report very soon. yes, go ahead. reporter: mr. president, to
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follow up on your comments about being a nationalist, there is concern you're sended coded language or dog his to some americans out there, what you really mean you are a white nationalist. >> i never really heard of that. i never heard that theory about being a nationalist. i heard them all. but i'm somebody that loves our country. when i say a nationalist, i don't like it when germany is paying 1% of gdp for nato and we're paying 4.3%. i don't like that. that is not fair. i don't like it when as an example, we're protecting europe and we're paying for almost entire cost of nato. we're paying for a very, very substantial pouring, far greater than what it should be. -- portion. we have great respect for those countries but on top of that where they put up barriers on our farmers where our farmers cannot sell into europe. they have trade barriers, you guys know it better than
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anybody, they have trade barriers that are as severe as china's trade barriers which we're coming down. they want to make a deal very badly. they will be coming down but i am very proud of our country. we cannot continue to allow what is happened to our country continue happen. we can't let it happen. i'm proud. i'm proud of our country. and i am a nationalist. it is a word that hasn't been used too much. people use it but i'm very proud. i think it you should be brought back. i am somebody that wants to help other countries of the world but i have to take, we have to take care of our country. we cannot continue to allow ourselves to be duped on military and also duped on trade. with the european union as example, last year on trade we lost $151 billion, on top of that, we lost hundreds of billions of dollars on protection. so we protect and we get killed. we do the trading and we get
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killed. can't do it. i want it to be fair. i want them to open their borders. i want them to make it fair for our farmers, our companies, our medical companies. they sell medical equipment. they put restrictions year-and-a-half ago where the medical equipment can't get into europe even though better than what they have. so they have to treat us well. all i want our country is to be treated well, to be treated with respect. for many years other countries that are allies of ours, they have not treated our country fairly. so in that sense i'm absolutely nationalist and i'm proud of it. yes? reporter: you said this weekend and yesterday you were planning a tax -- >> we'll do a resolution. -- reporter: explain what you mean by a resolution. >> very simple. reporter: broadly how it is going to work. >> if you speak to kevin brady and a group of people we're putting in a tax reduction of
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10% which i think will be net neutral because we're doing other things which i don't have to explain now, it will cabinet neutral. it will be great for the middle class. a tax deduction of 10% for the middle class. business will not enter into it. this is on top of the tax reduction the middle class has already gotten, put in a resolution this beak. i think you folks know about it, kevin brady is working on it hard for a couple of months. we'll put it in, start the work sometime after the midterms. reporter: mr. president, why the decision now to send two u.s. navy warships through the tie wayne strait? >> i will leave that decision to myself and my generals and admirals. not to you. reporter: are you worried about any negative reaction? >> i'm not worried about anything. i don't worry about things. reporter: on the tax cut proposal, when you say you want a middle class tax cut is that acknowledgement that the
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original gop tax cut was too heavily tilted in favor of wealthy americans and corporations. >> no it wasn't. reporter: why bring it out now? >> the tax cut, estate taxes what it has done for the small farmers and small businesses, if you look at the past, talking about the one that was passed we're very proud of it, what it did brought jobs, tremendous numbers of jobs. job numbers hear all the time, that you speak, we have the pest numbers literally we ever had. african-american unemployment lowest ever, asian-american, hispanic-american, no matter what category you're looking at, women, lowest in 65 years. a lot of that was done by regulation cutting and a lot done by the tax plan. that all enures obviously to the middle class. in addition they paid less. they walk away with $1000, four thousand dollars, a lot of money. this is in addition to that, but on this one we'll not do any business, we think the business is very incentivized.
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on this one we're doing a pure 10% cac cut for the middle class, in addition to what they have already gotten in the first cut. reporter: shouldn't middle class gotten more? >> i didn't think we could get anymore. we got the max. because the economy is doing well, we feel we could have give up some more. i could have not got the extra 10% when we maxed the plan. we maxed out. we gave the middle class a lot. now as you have obviously seen business has done so well. we brought in hundreds of, many hundreds of millions of dollars from offshore because of the tax plan. and that all went to creating apple as an example, i was with them, they're going to be sending $350 billion on building new facilities in the united states. which is something as you know from a long time ago i've been saying it from the beginning, i
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want apple to build their plants here. they will spend 350 billion. they are bringing in $230 billion offshore because of our tax plan. now that helps everybody. that is good for everybody. in is in addition to very substantial tax cut the middle class has gotten. this will be a 10%, a resolution, probably introduced this week, end of the week or early next week. and kevin brady has been drawing it up, actually for a while. we've been working on it pretty hard very long time. okay. jeff, go ahead, finish up. reporter: somebody else, sir. reporter: mr. president you said -- [inaudible] hear from investigators today on the saudi case. is that still the case? >> a couple are heading back. gina, as an example went to turkey. reporter: have you heard anything? >> i heard but i rather talk about when everybody is back here. reporter: tomorrow you expect that? >> tonight, tomorrow, early tomorrow. almost all of them. reporter: ahead of the meeting in paris with put putin and
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other leaders have you spoken to any of them about the saudi issue? >> yes we have. mike pompeo has and john bolton is actually over there now. we have spoken to many of them. they are, nobody, nobody likes what happened, let me put it that way. nobody that said, oh, gee, that's wonderful. they were all very angry about it and they're very upset about it. nobody more so than me. reporter: what do you think it means for the broader relationship going forward, whether or not this -- >> well, that is a good question and i think what i'm going to be doing is maybe a little bit what i did with respect to the fbi investigations, having to do with justice kavanaugh when they were asked for, more time by the democrats. i said, look i'm going to leave it up to the senators that are doing the job. i think here i will leave it up very much to congress. congress has strong ideas, both ways. i have been told by certain senators we want that investment to keep coming.
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at the same time that doesn't mean that they're not going to do something. there has to be some kind of retribution, there has to be, no matter what you do. i've been told by others they don't want investment of $450 billion. i think that is foolish but there are some that feel that. but i'm going to leave it very much in terms of what we ultimately do, i'm going to leave it very much in conjunction with me up to congress. and that means congress both republicans and democrats and -- [inaudible]. i'm going to have, i want to have folks in congress come back and make recommendations to me because, i would like that to be bipartisan recommendation. i think we can get a bipartisan recommendation, i really do. because they feel, i don't think they feel any differently than i do. it is a terrible thing. reporter: mr. president, why do you think something like this could have happened? failure of leadership on the
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world stage? concerns about -- >> very bad original concept. it was carried out poorly and the cover-up was one of the worst in the history of cover-ups, very simple. bad deal, should have never been thought of. somebody really messed up. and they had the worst cover of had up ever and -- cover-up, where it should have stopped because whoever thought of that idea, i think is in big trouble. they should be in big trouble, okay? yes, anybody else? reporter: mr. president one more thing on the caravan. you said there were middle-easterners in the caravan. can you explain that? are you saying there are terrorists -- >> there could very well be -- reporter: do you know for sure? >> i have very good information. i have very good information. and if you look at what's happened with honduras and statements made by honduras and
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even a phone call that our vice president had today which i think you can maybe reveal, do you want to mention that, mike, is that okay? >> probably. >> go ahead, please. >> at the president's direction i spoke to president hernandez of honduras. he told me the caravan is now making its way through mexico, headed for the southern border, was organized by leftist organizations and financed by venezuela and we, as we've said -- >> and the democrats maybe? and the democrats? [laughter]. [inaudible] >> mr. president, i know you're teasing about that -- reporter: where is the proof democrats pay for a caravan? why would they pay -- >> we're going to find out, we'll see. maybe they made a bad mistake. we'll find out about that. what did they say about isis? did they say something? >> has been organized by leftists groups. they made their way north, once they crossed into guatemala,
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crossed into mexico. some estimates north of 7,000 migrants and group is growing after the united states of america intervenes an prevents 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists from many coulding into our country every day. so it is inconceivable that there would not be individuals from the middle east as a part of this growing caravan. what the president is determined to do put the safety and security of american people first. i know president will address this in coming days about ways we need to close the loopholes that human traffickers and other dangerous individuals use to entice vulnerable families to make a long and dangerous trek. reporter: mr. vice president you say you have evidence there are terrorists in the caravan right now? >> what i can say to you -- reporter: statistically over number of years, that is the not same as saying there are terrorists in the caravan. a lot of middle easterners in the united states, americans of
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middle east earn dissent find that kind of rhetoric a appalling. isn't that true, mr. president. >> let me tell you something. i spoke with border patrol this morning, i spoke to them last evening spoke to them day he have about, speak to them all the time, they say, you know this as well as anybody, over the course of the year, over the course of a number of years, they have intercepted many people from the middle east. they have intercepted isis. they have intercepted all sorts of people. they have intercepted good ones and bad ones. they have intercepted wonderful people from the middle east and they have intercepted bad ones. they have intercepted wonderful people from south america. and from other parts further south. they have intercepted a lot of different people but among the people they have intercepted very recently are people from the middle east, okay? so you can't be surprised when
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you hear it. you have heard that before. happens all the time. and i spoke to literally last night, i spoke to another one this morning, very good relationship with border patrol and i.c.e. and they say happens all the time, from the middle east. not even saying bad or good. but some real bad ones. but -- reporter: [inaudible] >> could very well be. reporter: but there is no proof? >> there is no proof of anything, no proof of anything, could very well be. if you look what that was building, they were talking about five or six thousand people, i'm pretty good estimating crowd size as you probably figured out, you tend to get it a little bit off the real number. last night as an example, that was record-setting stuff, wasn't it, huh? they don't want to talk about that but i will tell you, let me just tell you i really, i believe that -- the. reporter: pretty big. >> pretty impressive by any standard. these are great people, by the way the vote, just heard the
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vote, this could be, good bad or indifferent for democrats or republicans, amount of voting at a level they have never seen before for the midterms. you heard that i don't don't know i'm supposed to say that is good or bad but i will tell you amount of people voting is at a level, sarah, that you're going to see in the midterms, a report level by a lot. so i think, i think there is very good chance honestly that you have people in there. i also think there is a very good chance that over the course of a period of time that you have, or they don't have to necessarily be in that group, but certainly people are coming up through the southern border, from the middle east and other places that are not appropriate for our country, and i'm not letting them in. they're not coming in. all right? they're not coming in. we'll do whatever we have to they're not coming in. reporter: try to stoke fear or -- >> not at all. reporter: cause alarm --
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>> i'm a very non-political person that is why i got elected president. reporter: about the caravan by venezuela? you said caravan financed by venezuela. will you share that testimony? >> president hernandez, when president trump asked me to call, the president of honduras when this caravan was initiated he told me it was organized by leftist groups in honduras being financed in part by venezuela and, and organized by human traffickers who have no regard for human life. organized by dangerous gang members, moving people north. when i spoke to president morales in guatemala, he informed me they were already busing people in the caravan back who had been left behind, left by the side of the road,er derly vulnerable families, simplest behind bit caravan. people need to understand, people driving this caravan
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north, to challenge our sovereignty, challenge our borders are doing so without any regard for human life and in doing it to advance some political statement or in the case of human traffickers, strictly for, for financial profit and the president is absolutely determined to use all means at his disposal to organize efforts to have mexico turn this caravan around and work with congress to close the loopholes of human traffics use every day to entice vulnerable families to make this dangerous trip north. >> i really think though that what this really shows is that we have to change the laws. i say this having very highly-respected democrat senators behind me but we have to do something that we all agree with, we have to change the laws. we have to make them much different.
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they're very soft and it's a different time. truly a different time. maybe there was a time where that could have been appropriate but we have to have immigration laws now that are suitable for this time and that work. and the ones that we have now are old and they don't work. they don't work and they don't come close to working and we need protection, we have to have a wall. we've been building the wall, we started wall. san diego is almost completed, the whole area, that whole area of california but we want to do it quickly. we don't, we don't want to take years to do it. and i really believe that, and i think that, i don't see anything, that kind of an asset when you look what is happening, when you look on heart ache on both sides, it really is heart ache on both sides, you look at 10,000 people, i don't believe 5000, i think it is much more than 5000 people, when you look at massive group of people on
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the bridge, when you saw the group on the bridge, i think it probably spells out to us and congress something has to be done. you can't have this happen. something has to be done. in that way, i think maybe it will be a good thing. we're going to see. we're counting on military. we have to call up the military if we need to. we cannot let this happen. we cannot allow our country to be violated like this. very unfair, people are waiting in line went through legal system of immigration, they have been going through it for many years and they have worked hard, they have done everything they are supposed to do, people just come running across the border? it is really unfair to the millions of people that waiting in line to come in legally into our country. very unfair. go ahead. reporter: do you see any argument, mr. president, for trying to improve the conditions in those countries by not decreasing aid but perhaps maintaining -- >> i heard that argument before
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but it hasn't worked for a long time in those countries. improve the conditions in our country. i want to improve conditions here. now part of that condition, improving the condition is we are doing so well, so many companies are coming in. i spoke with prime minister abe very recently and he inform me we have five major car companies coming back. i said you have to do something. you have to balance it out because it is like a one-way street, trade imbalances are different, as an example, japan, just one, japan and the united states. we have foxconn coming in. they make the phones for apple. they do a lot of work for apple. they do a lot of work for everybody. they are opening up in this country. we have a lot of companies coming in. we need -- at 3.7, lowest in many years, many decades. we need great people coming in. i want great people coming in. i want them to come in through the merit system. i look at the people we're
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talking about, i really watch, pretty carefully, all of the networks, i have to be honest with you, all of them, and, even cnn. you had some beautiful shots of some very good people and i really think that those, some of those people, a lot of those people, i think there is a lot of talent in that group. there is a lot of talent. we need people because i have companies coming into the united states. they have to be able to get workers. and our great, even conservative people that may be three, four years ago would have felt differently about it, they now feel, we have to get people to operate these big plants and factories that are opening in the night. i want them to come in. i want them to come in through a merit-based system and i think i think a lot of people will be happy with that i want to build our country. i don't want to go to other countries to rebuild. that is what we've done. we tried to rebuild the world and police the world.
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time to rebuild the united states and properly police the united states. that is what we're going to do. at the same time we're going to help other countries all over the world but we have to focus on our country for a change and that is what we're going to do. okay? thank you all very much. thank you very much. melissa: well, that was 26 minutes of the president there in the oval office and he talked about a range of top ibbs of course starting with the news of the day in saudi arabia. talking about the rest of the world would pick up arms deals if the u.s. pulled out. russia, china, france, hit on tax policy saying he would put a 10% tax reduction to the middle class on the table, to be signed for whoever wins the election or comes back, or not. he went on to the migrant group, the migrant caravan moving up. he brought in vice president mike pence and i believe spoke to the mexican president, saying
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those among the group, saying it was financed by venezuela and leftist groups and making the point 10 terrorists try to make their way into the us every day, defending earlier comment, there were dangerous people among the caravan on the way up. connell: some of those comments on migrant caravan will probably get the most attention. he will cover in a lot of down, throw his own self characterization as rally as nationalist, which he went on to clarify and ask a number of questions about that. 20 some minutes, blake burman joins from us the white house, the president covering a number of issues. to the best of your ability, give us a wrap-up. reporter: 26 minutes we could probably talk about for 26 hours since you went through a bunch of the topics. let me drill down on one for a second which is tax cuts and potential new 10% initial tax cut the president phrased it for the middle class, there could be a resolution coming out at some point at the end of this week, early next week, maybe even
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toward the end of that, the end of next week. the reason why i bring that up, melissa and connell, as that was happening in real time, kevin brady who the president cited there, his office, brady chairs the house ways and means committee, sent out a press release, this isn't necessarily days or a week away, but weeks, plural away. this is what they said. this was all playing out, kevin brady, quote, we will continue to work with the white house and treasury over the coming weeks to develop an additional 10% tax cut focused specifically on middle-class families and workers to be advanced as the republicans retain the house and senate. the president talked about a resolution could be introduced. i'm told that is one option that could be available to the president and his economic team. something that essentially could signal to the country that this is something that republicans are interested in but keep in mind, a resolution has zero legislative weight whatsoever.
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earlier today here at the white house, just right behind me here on the north lawn, we spoke to larry kudlow, president's top economic advisor, he too suggested that any sort of notion of another tax cut is off in the distance. listen here. >> may not surface for a while but that is his goal. that is his policy intent. i don't see anyone wrong with that. reporter: may not surface for a while. as it relates to the notion of a second tax cut, you have the president saying there could be a resolution in days. you have the chairman of the house ways and means committee saying give us weeks, we have to control the house and senate and top economic advisor saying this is off in the distance. i would remind you, melissa and connell, we're 14 days away from election. >> politically the white house is getting conversation started, practically you're able to wait until after the midterms by any analysis we've have more of now. thank you, blake. melissa: outcome of the midterm elections could be the result of
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president trump's policies and vote for america's economic future but perhaps the market is pricing in a blue wave today? >> i think the stock market is worried that congress could change and overturn these pro-growth policies. i really believe that. melissa: here now is gary kaltbaum, from kaltbaum capital management and a fox news contributor. danielle dimartino booth, former federal reserve advisor, and john lonski from moody's. we have annika green with us as well. john, let me start with you, do you think that is what the market is reacting to? >> in parts perhaps but it is important to consider the market is very jittery about higher interest rates. that's for sure. and we also find there is concern about the ultimate impact of trade policy. melissa: gary, a lot has to do with earnings reports we heard today but they didn't necessarily say anything about
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future guidance we haven't heard before. likes of 3m and caterpillar, trade wars, this and that, could be a drag on profits but right now the market is particularly attuned to the comments because they're not new, right? >> first on larry kudlow. i have three words there, nice try, larry. for me there is a few things coming together right now. higher oil prices even though they're coming down a little, higher tariffs and something called peak earnings. p-e-ae-k. came out with 5.6% gdp, raise your hands if you believe in that number. europe is has debt covered by easy money. all of the above doing the trick right now. hopefully the market put in a stand today. i'm just not sure yet. melissa: danielle, they bring up
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the idea of tax cuts, not first time president says we'll have couple days. everyone said that is possible. he locked a team in a room until they produced what he wants after. he came out with a plan cannot be voted on or enacted on in any way before the election but as part of this election, look, here is my vision. i want to cut taxes send the person back to d.c. you want to vote yes on the tax cut or will tell you no more tax cuts for you. do you think that is what he is doing? >> i think the president is pulling a very savvy move right now. there is a lot to be said -- melissa: danielle, sorry, hate to do this to you guys. we see secretary of state mike pompeo. that he will talk about terrorism. >> drove explosives into the marine barracks in lebanon, killing 241 marines, sailors and soldiers. we'll never get cowardly act of
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terrorism or heroes who came in peace who gave their lives today. president spoke as many of you know, i have five topics that i will want to address that will add color to some of the things the president said. first we're encouraged by the high voter turnout in the afghan parliamentary elections this past weekend. we commend the afghan security and defense forces in their efforts to facilitate credible elections. there were some some technical issues but despite that we remain committed to assisting the elections commission especially in their work for the presidential election that will come in april of 2019. second, the migrant caravan is violating mexico's sovereignty, laws and immigration procedures. president trump will not stand for this to happen to the united states. to those who say that this is a hard-hearted stance, let's not forget that the united states is
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a historically generous nation when it comes to immigration. we have one million people per year are granted permanent legal status here in the united states. over 33 million people total are currently here who have emigrated to this country legally. to those who want to come here, come here legally. legal immigration is the surest way to obtain the better life you're looking for here in the united states of america. from a security standpoint there is no proper accounting who these individuals in the caravan are and this poses an unacceptable security risk to the united states. moreover, many of these people are ripe targets for human traffickers and others who would exploit them. we don't want that to happen. i've spoken twice in the last two days to my countier part, foreign secretary vinagre. we trust mexican leaders know
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what the best steps are to resolve this situation and we urge timely action on their part. the united states also has a message currently part of this caravan or any caravan which follows, you will not be successful at getting into the united states illegally. no matter what. i repeat, the caravan will not cross our southern border illegally under any circumstances. if you seek to come here, go through the normal refugee process. if you apply for refugee status, a permanent solution is possible in mexico or in a third country. but i can tell you with certainty we are determined that illegal entry into the united states from this caravan will not be possible. third, the state department will continue to seek all relevant facts, consult with congress and work with other nations and work to hold accountable for those responsible for the killing of jamal khashoggi. the administration is taking appropriate actions now, given the information currently available to the united states.
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we have identified some of the individuals responsible including those in the intelligence services royal court, and other ministries we suspect who were involved in mr. khashoggi's death. we're talking appropriate actions which include revoking visas, entering visa lookouts and other measures. we are also working with the treasury department to review the applicability of global magnitsky sanctions to those individuals. these penalties will not be the last word on this matter from the united states. we will continue to explore additional measures to hold those responsible accountable. we're making very clear the united states does not tolerate this kind of ruthless action to silence mr. khashoggi, a journalist, through violence. we continue to maintain a strong partnership with the kingdom of saudi arabia. neither the president nor i am happy with this situation. our shared strategic interests
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with saudi arabia remain. we continue to view as chiefable the twin imperatives of protecting america and holding accountable those responsible for the killing of mr. khashoggi fourth, last week a delegation of cuban diplomats threw a childish temper tantrum at a u.n. sponsored gathering at the u.n. it was meeting highlighting cuban extreme tolerance and plight of political prisoners. in responsive written a letter to u.n. secretary-general antonio gutierrez asking what measures the u.n. will take in response to these actions and make sure they do not happen again. finally it is my honor to tell you ambassador dan smith will become the new director of the foreign institute, something i tend to devote a significant piece of my time and attention to as the secretary of state. this is a very important institution for our foreign service officers. dan will lead a state department institution responsible for all
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of our team's initial training and their continued professional development. dan shares my vision. i knew him when he was head of inr and i was in my previous role. dan shares my vision of having the best-trained and most professional diplomatic core in the world. he is impeccably equal in the role and i look to him taking the helm at ssi. i'm happy to take a few questions. >> we're running late. start with you. reporter: thanks, heather. we're starting with you. mr. president, i don't know if you add color to the president's comments. he just called the, what the saudi operation or the attempt to conceal the worst cover-up in the hit of coverups. i'm wondering if you agree with that characterization? second if you could be a little more specific about the actions you're taking with regard to the visa revocations, how many roughly are we talking about on people here? on migrants what would you say
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to people who would criticize your comments now as being a bit disingenuous apply for refugee status when this administration slashed the number of refugee, number of refugees it will admit. >> i said i take a few questions. you asked three. i assume everyone is disappointed in you for taking all the questions. let me take the last one first. this is a nation that is historically general with us respect to accepting refugees and persons from around the world. there is no mistaking that. it will continue to be so. so those who want to come here legally have every means available to do that. people can file to be refugees in other countries other than the united states of america. and so what we know is this, we're a nation built on laws. we have an obligation, the president has obligation to protect american sovereignty and to secure our borders, to make sure we know who is coming in and out of our country not only appropriate but duty of our united states government. we'll make sure we execute that
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with great energy and vigor and professionalism. second, i'll get you you the numbers. we have them. i make sure everybody gets a chance to see the numbers. i can't say anything else more than certainly this is not the last step we'll take. we'll do you are own efforts, our own fact-finding, make sure decisions the united states makes are based on real facts, real data we can confirm ourselves. we'll certainly take information that comes from other sources, the turkish intelligence services, the saudis. we'll evaluate that information, validate that information and form our own judgments about the facts and then hold those responsible accountable based on the facts we determine are appropriate. we will work with congress. i've spoken to our allies around the world. we want to make sure everyone understands that the united states doesn't believe that the killing of jamal khashoggi was anything other than a who horric act and we hope to work together
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with congress and our allies to hold those responsible accountable. >> [inaudible]. reporter: thank you very much. mr. secretary, thank you very much. talk about afghanistan election. it was really unique, thanks. we are really happy for that but unfortunately pakistan is still doing something wrong. general has been killed. some reports says pakistan was behind that action. do you think that if pakistan doesn't change their policy, what will be the next action of the united states to pakistan, to change their policy towards afghanistan? >> so i had a chance to travel and meet the new leader of pakistan not too many weeks ago now. we made clear that u.s. policy with respect to south-central asia has not changed. that our expectation is that pakistan will not provide safe harbor to terrorists on their western border. we couldn't have made that
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message anymore clearer and that pakistan will be held to account if they don't achieve that. if they're not sincere in that effort. we don't believe we can get to the place everyone wants, right? everyone wants a reconciliation in afghanistan. to achieve that you can't have a safe harbor for taliban, haqqani and others inside of pakistan. the pakistani government knows that's our view. this administration has already made significant efforts to hold them accountable and we hope they will achieve the goal we've set out for them. >> [inaudible]. reporter: thank you very much, mr. secretary. thank you very much. given the president's comment about the worst coverup ever, does the trump administration still have trust and confidence in crown prince mohammed bin salman as reliable security partner of the united states or is there a belief that he might have been part of the coverup and should temporarily step aside until it can be
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independently established whether he played a role of any kind in the killing of mr. khashoggi? >> we're learning the facts. as facts unfold we continue to develop our understanding of individuals responsible for this, executed it, an were involved or connected to it. the world should know we intend the hold the individuals accountable when we develop that fact set. we hope to learn a lot in the last few days. we hope to learn a lot, great deal more in next 72, 48 hours. >> [inaudible] reporter: following up, thank tk you. president erdogan said this was savage and premeditated murder. you say learning facts. president says the worst cover-up. the saudis says this was an attempt to hold khashoggi in a
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turkish safe house for two days. do you accept that explanation? you personally were told one story. it has evolved over the days. do you think the saudis are still covering this up? and do you feel misled by them. you said you're not happy. the president is not happy. do you feel personally misled by the crown prince? do you accept what president erdogan said today? >> i don't think i said what the crown prince told me. i don't talk about those discussions. reporter: i'm accepting -- >> still do not intend to. we'll accept what america learns. we'll accept the data set we're able to development we have got people working all across the world to figure out what we can know, what is knowable. figure out which facts we can determine to put our own understanding together because things like, i talked about the work we've asked treasury to help state department with on global magnitsky. that has to be our work. we have to develop our own data set to have reliable judgment to
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determine who violated u.s. law. it will be our work to do. as always, in my former role, all source intelligence, we'll take in all the data set. we'll validate it, we'll verify it, learn the facts for ourselves. reporter: has turkey cooperated? have they given all the facts you need to know? >> the turks cooperated with us and turks told us saudis cooperated with them. reporter: has any u.s. official heard the audiotape? >> i don't have anything to do on particular data sets. as we do we will keep you informed. as we learn we will share the facts, more importantly you will see the united states hold the persons we believe should be held accountable, hold them accountable. you can rest assured president trump is committed to that. i take one more, heather. reporter: the senate and the house, they signed a new bill called. it is now on the desk of the president. is administration expected to to
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sign this bill soon before the election or after? >> i don't know the timing on when the president intends to sign that. >> secretary has to go. new you all. thank you all. have a good afternoon. melissa: that was secretary of state mike pompeo. he covered a lot of ground there, starting in afghanistan talking about the migrant caravan, talking a lot about what has gone on in saudi arabia, includinged idea it horrific act and allies to come to the president to figure out what to do next. saying he wouldn't share what either the king or crown prince said to him and that he was going to wait, and have people all around the world trying to find out first-hand for ourselves as americans what happened. connell: and to, at the very beginning of his comments i think he did make news. we bring in edward lawrence following from washington. saying, edward, he will, the united states more particularly will begin now to take action against those who are thought to
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be responsibles right? reporter: connell, he actually said the u.s. has identified certain people in the royal court he mentioned. he specifically mentioned the intelligence agencies and also talked about security forces where they would revoke visas and start to work with treasury to possibly put some sanctions on those individual they have already identified although he did not specify who those individuals were but the secretary of state making no quantities about it, that the u.s. would punish those involved. he left open-ended who that would be. president said the cover-up of the killing was the worst cover-up in the history of cover-ups. president erdogan laid out exactly what he said inside the saudi consulate in turkey that led to the disappearance of "the washington post" columnist of the turkish president describe ad savage premeditated murtha he said was carried out by a saudi hit squad. then he requested that the 18
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men the saudis detained for the killing of jamal khashoggi be sent to turkey for trial. now the speech was notable for what it left out. it did not mention any audio or video that turkish officials have reportedly told newspapers about. in fact secretary of state mike pompeo just minutes ago said that he would not talk about if u.s. agencies or people or himself had seen or heard any video of this. now the saudi king and crown prince both met, khashoggi's son and brother in riyadh. the saudis have many could out and said he died in the consulate but it was the result of a rogue operation there. so again speculation is still mounting what the crown prince himself, mohammed bin salman, knew. secretary of state mike pompeo leaving open the fact anyone could be sanctioned if the evidence leads in that direction and u.s. would use their own evidence. the president saying tonight or tomorrow is when the cia director will be back in washington and the investigators
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to brief the president on what they found. connell? connell: we're seeing movement then on u.s. side in regard to this saudi arabia story. edward lawrence there, melissa in washington. melissa: here is harry kazain system. what is your reaction from the words of secretary of state mike pompeo? >> my reaction that they want to get all the facts concerning the columnist khashoggi. you can't construct a policy, doing potentially major damage to u.s. saudi relations if we don't have the facts. you can't contribute a policy that way. i was very pleased to see the president's remarks and mike pompeo's remarks are going to go where where the facts lead and i really like the potential responses pompeo laid out. we can use the global mag isn't
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isn't -- magnitsky act on individuals especially if it was some type of rogue operation. i believe that is what it was. hard for me to construct a situation where the a king of saudi arabia would order a hit on journalist. if you look at common sense way, that doesn't make any sense. >> argument is that he is drunk with power and 30 something-year-old person who is trying to hold on to a monarchy and within his own family there are some threats from other people who wanted to be named the crown prince and were not he has to show he is willing to do anything to hang on to power and exert power. >> sure, and that's a credible argument, and i wouldn't disagree with that, melissa, but it strikes me, i'm sure the crown prince has very well-paid advisors, media advisors, public relations officials, if he is thinking about doing something
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like this without those advisors he has to have it in the back of his mind the ramifications of doing something like this, hatcheting up a journalist in almost a horror film sort of way would be tremendous. melissa: okay. >> i think we're waiting to get the facts but i like, melissa the president is not rushing to judgment and i appreciate that. >> what are the odds we get the facts who was really behind it? it is another thing to put together the evidence, forensic evidence you can find or track people's movements all over the place, but to know where it started, whether or not it reached the crown prince? mike pompeo there expressed a lot of confidence about the people he has around the world doing work trying to figure it out but do you think that particular fact is one that is definitely knowable? >> well that's the key fact. melissa: right. >> that is everything hinges on this and i think, melissa, we're going to get there. i think we underestimate the vastness and the power of the
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u.s. intelligence apparatus. we have the ability to listen to millions of phone calls at will, to break into computer networks. we're very lucky to have those assets and to be able to deploy them when we need to. combined with that, with probably the different physical evidence that maybe gina haspel is looking at right now, what we get from turkey, other actors i think we can piece it all together and i think we'll have a good idea, maybe potentially by the weekend. melissa: what do you make of the saudi action we saw today, we keep showing pictures, of the crown prince and along with the khashoggi member still appears to be in saudi arabia and his children are, and ex-wife, we keep seeing that one picture, do you think that is current? do you think it was taken in response to this situation there? we have it right there, and does that say anything to you? >> i mean i think it is obvious they're trying to make this right. i think they're not exactly sure what to do.
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i think they have been taken off-guard. that is makes me think the crown prince is not involved with this. i hope that is a current photo. i think it would blow up in their face if they were putting forward a dishonest photo or something like that. again, melissa, i have to point to the fact we have to wait for the facts to come out. all the pictures in the world are great but at the end of the day, the facts will really matter here. melissa: hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it. harry, which appreciate your time today. connell: a lot more still to do there. tons more breaking news in this hour we've been covering. middle of it all, wrapping another volatile day for stocks. we'll talk about what is in store the rest of the week. a ton of tech earnings, big economic releases. what you need to more before tomorrow's opening bell is up next. ♪ t we are a different kind of financial company. we are athene, and we are driven to do more.
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! a lot of big economic data appeared on deck to merit data coming out for the month of
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september. >> thursday that weekly jobless claims will be released. get the gdp results third-quarter could end up moving markets as well. kind of a crazy day today down 548 on the dow. the attacker to install the com as well. also back, amazon could be a big mover by thursday "after the bell." >> not to mention the president making a lot of news in the past are talking about everything from the caravan to potentially more tax cuts to its going on in saudi arabia and how he plans to get to the bottom of that and not letting up in the caravan situation talking about keeping america safe in bringing mike pence to backup remarks about who is in the caravan on the richter mexico appeared david: also a lot of attention and rightfully so. probably secretary of state mike on pao made the biggest piece of news in this hour when he announced the united states has
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set and starting to take action against some of those both for the killing of jamal khashoggi for some people coming out of saudi arabia. >> people all over the world trying to get the details. that doesn't progress. >> "bulls & bears" starts right now. a transient from wall street to washington, talking about the -- "bulls & bears." i come everybody. i am david: up returning and the panel today come senior correspondent charlie gasparino come a carrie smith, qb matt grew president kevin kelly, managing partner at benchmark investments in treasury can, and primetime 8:00 p.m. rht


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