tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business October 24, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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for the u.s. border. candace owens and brandon judd among our guests tomorrow. trish regan will take it from here. trish: the country on edge as the fbi confirms that a series of explosive devices sent to political figures around the country, they are all linked, possibly sent by the same person or persons. as law enforcement works through the night searching for answers, we are here with you with the breaking details. all this as the president speaks to supporters in wisconsin. we are waiting for updates from him as to who is behind the heinous attacks. "trish regan primetime" learned delays third caravan being formed in el salvador as we
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speak. it's expected to follow closely behind the other two caravans already en route. the number of migrants may top 14,000 and apparently the left is just fine with that. here is kamala harris saying we need to welcome them. >> the idea we are vilifying anyone and fear mongering. that's not in the best interest of our country. trish: she is wrong. anyone who tells you we should allow them all in is not ground in reality. listen to this. the ivy league institution brown university must really hate men. now it's offering a new chance to help men and i quote unlearn toxic masculinity. so when did masculinity become
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toxic? "trish regan primetime" begins right now. law enforcement putting together the pieces of a day that could have been very deadly. multiple explosive devices were intercepted, including those addressed to bill and hillary clinton. president obama, george soros and john brennan vi acts cnn news room. >> the bomb squad respond, secured the device and removed it for investigation. trish: president trump and his wife melania together condemning the attacks and calling for unity. president trump: we have to
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unify and come together and send one clear,ing strong unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america. >> we cannot tolerate those cowardly attacks and i strongly condemn all who choose violence. trish: which brings me to tonight's intel. this is a very sad night for the country. no journalist should have to experience what those anchors on cnn went through earlier today. as you all know, i am a frequent critic of that network and some of the things anchors do. but they were the utmost professionals. i want you to see you this. >> that sounds like fire alarm here. we'll keep you posted on that. >> we are going to jump in numbers a fire alarm. >> we'll find out what the latest is and we'll be right
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back. trish: the anchors left the set and went straight to the streets as they continued to report as authorities cleared the area. this is what reporters are here to do, what we are trained to do and what we are meant to do. we bring you news even in the face of severe danger. i commend my fellow journalists at our rival network for calmly and admirably doing their job. however, not everyone was so professional. just a few blocks away abc questioned why fox didn't get a bomb. she suggested -- why would you even say something so despicable as that? watch. >> be careful because we don't know yet. y but why did cnn get the bomb and fox news hasn't gotten bomb
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yet. >> we don't know yet. >> i don't want them to get a bomb. trish: all kinds of folks out there are blaming president trump for today's bomb threats. donald trump with every fiber of your rotten being incite or condoned hate. your very existence requires anger and fear. you need it like normal people need oxygen. this on you. no, wrong, philippe it's on you. it's on me, and it's on every single american right now because it's our country. i'm sick of people scapegoating and this victim mentality. take responsibility for yourself. take responsibility for your country. this is not the time for blame. this is not a time to speculate
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on why one newsroom is threatened and not another. this is the time for to us come together. enough with the partisan b.s. we are all tired of it from hillary clinton claiming we don't need to be civil to eric holder saying when they go le we kick them. the president admitted to me it's his responsibility to bring us together. watch. there is a lot of division and you have people on the left almost calling for more of it. fairly or unfairly, you as the president of the united states have a lot of responsibility in terms of trying to trying to restore that civility. president trump: true. trish: tonight i caution anyone who is trying to blame any person or party or newsroom for what we are seeing tonight. we are all responsible.
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we are all in this together. and we must all work to protect freedom of speech, diversity of opinion, diversity of thought, and all the good this country represents. philippe reines is a brave man. he's here tonight and he'll respond to way just said. former d.c. democratic party chairman scott bolden. you better not be here to tell me you are pointing fingers or blaming anyone. i look at the divided state we are in and we have only ourselves to blame for it. your thoughts? >> city was just thinking that but said it. when i thought about who can i blame for this, i came to the conclusion that we are all a part of it without a doubt. now having said that, i think we should learn something from this. we have to start at the top.
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words do matter with if you will. and this president has been very divisive. the people who got the bombs or got these bombs sent to them. you have to concede they were all regular targets of the president's attacks. i'm a former prosecutor. i don't know who did this. trish: you don't know who did it. so for you to make to kind of conclusion and i will let you make it because i think i know where you are going on this. for to you conclude this is a conservative or donald trump supporters because they are deliberately targeting those on the left, i think that's a big mistake. >> i'm not going to go that way because i think that's a mistake, too. i think the environment we created. the political environment, whether it's donald trump and his rallies or the democrats as you say who are acting like
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extremists because they wanted to be heard because they believe everything they believe is being taken from them, the rhetoric, we have to tone it down. trish: everything they believe is taken from them. when hillary clinton couldn't get people to come out and vote for her in pennsylvania he came along. >> this is about him having rallies where he still says "lock her up" referring to hillary clinton. he encourages violence at his own rallies. trish: you never believed he should be your president. that's part of the problem. half the country can have no ability to respect the environment we are in.
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this is what your party is doing right now. >> you get out and you create a crowd what you push back on them, and you tell them they are not welcome anymore anywhere. >> get up and please, get up in the face of some congress people. >> when someone says, when they go low, we go high. no no. when they go low, we kick them. >> you are worried about a kick? did you really run the tape of the attorney general? steve a lease was shot and we condemn that. trish: what i am saying it's the wrong time and place. >> i'm not pointing fingers at anyone. i said we all share the responsibility for words matter and it's got to start at the top. it's hypocritical when he talks about unity when he's been
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divisive and he's the chaos president. we can get to the democrats, too and other republicans. but you know it starts at the top. you cannot let him off the hook for that. trish: i'm going to jump in. he has not entirely had a fair shot from you, you know that. >> what does that mean. trish: not you personally, but the entire party. the way they have demonized him. and i reported on it regularly. comparing him to hitler. using comparisons that rachel maddow did to the kkk, his call to say if you commit voter fraud you will be in trouble. somehow in her jibes akin to the kkk in the 1920s. what i'm saying your party and the mainstream media has been so irresponsible that there always lot of blame to go around.
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break right now. president trump just saying that the it in is ready if we need the military at the border. and we may need them. also we have reports of a third caravan being formed in el salvador. we are talk about three care vans. this one coming on the heels of two others. 14,000 people heading straight to our border and the left is telling us we need to be more compassionate and let them in? the former head of the cia in the middle east says there are bad actors in those caravans.
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>> people of central america, many are at risk. if they qualify for asylum we believe there should be a process where that case can be heard protecting the individuals. >> what is democratic party's message about the caravan. >> we are a nation of laws. the laws on the books deal with refugee and asylum status. trish: we are suppose to let everyone come in and make the
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case for asylum? that's what the democratic party keeps telling us. but we reported on this show last night with judicial watch's chris farrell. he has seen the markings and tatoos of ms-13. moments later the spokesperson for homeland security confirmed gang members are part of these masses. dan bongino is warning about the bad people trying to storm our borders. what's your biggest concern? >> i think one of the formative experiences for the president was the lesson we learned from the migration crisis from syria where millions of people overwhelmed europe's borders. i think the president took that message on the campaign trail
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and it impacts decision making now. you have 14,000 people on the way. at the pace they are moving it's 25 days to reach our borders. that's plenty of time for us to gather intelligence who they are. trish: you keep telling us we are going to work with honduras and guatemala, and mexico as well. i don't think they are trying hard enough. if they were we wouldn't see the group grow to 14,000 tonight. >> this is what makes it a whole of government approach. we have to do diplomacy. intelligence work. you heard the president saying on twitter if these countries don't deal with this crisis, we are going to cut aid. some of that aid goes to programs we work together on. trish: maybe it does, maybe it
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doesn't. maybe it goes to some of the pockets of these politicians. when i look at the demographics of this, and we have been reporting on this regularly. i'm struck by the number of young men. the mainstream media would have you believe women, and children and families, and everybody is coming here for a better life. we talked to chris farrell who has seen the ms-13 markings on their skin. i am struck by the number of men. i don't see as many woinl and children as some on the left would have you believe are there. >> this one calls for a lot of open source analysis. the sort that we were knowing that we needed to do around the time of arab spring. i'm sure our intelligence community is doing that and providing the president with
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details on the makeup. official statement need to be made about the makeup. trish: he said there are middle easterners there. there is a large population in paraguay and brazil. it's the largest source of funding for hezbollah outside of iran. that's a concern. he point out all the gang members there. >> i think -- way was about to say, i have seen the photos and the videos as well. i'm as concerned as you about that. under the surface what concerns me is the extent to which maybe nefarious actors, maybe even the iranians are trying to get these people to mobilize in a caravan. that would be another requirement. i would be asking for intelligence community, who else is behind this? it's become a major issue for
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us. >> i talked to a lot of democrats who say it's not a real story. the pictures are real. the people are real. it seems like a big deal to me because they are heading this way. i hear you, dan, they think it's concocted by this administration to somehow rally votes at mid terms. you have other concerns. >> i would rather not look at it through a political lens that distorts everything. let's just look at the facts at what they are. these are migrants. some of them are fleeing the most of poor places in the hemisphere and have a reason for doing so. others are used and abused. they will be kidnapped and trafficked when they are trying to travel through mexico. they need to be dealt with before they get too close to our border. trish: it's good to see you.
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last night it was 7,000. tonight it's up to 14,000. 14,000 of them heading to our border. how are these caravans being formed? who is behind them. maybe it iranians have a hand in this. there are reports organized leftist groups may have had a hand in some of the pictures you are seeing tonight. national security and global affairs analyst morgan or -- ortagus and capri cafaro. is there plotting and planning that goes into this? >> for me there is no doubt this is staged, and coordinated and paid for by someone. there are too many people involved. there is definitely an amount of people here who are sadly fleeing incredible violence. but what we do know, what are
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the facts on the ground. drug cartels and transnational illicit organizations like these cartels profit off these endeavors. if there is somebody who is behind all this, paying for this, they are putting these people at a lot of risk. on a daily basis thousands of people have to be fed. they might have healthcare need. i am sure there are childcare needs in the process. even if the majority is young men. they will still have needs, someone has to take care of and pay for. the biggest threat is you have vulnerable people. my beef is whoever is organizing this, but also this mexican government. as it relates to the mexican government, republican senators have called on kirstjen nielsen to work with mexico on the
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asylum claims. think about the amount of money we are spending, our fbi agents. they are working overtime. trish: texas, $800 million. what's the answer here? i kind of wonder, capri, do we need to disincentivize people from coming here. maybe we need to be a little tougher on people crossing in. we make it clear that you can't just come and expect to disappear into thin air. >> i think what happened the last several weeks and several years all the way back to the syrianings are mentioned in the earlier segment. this administration has been very clear, if you come here you
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may not be able too cross into this country. that's where the zero tolerance policy has come in. trish: but they reversed it. they say we are not going to split up families anymore, and tons more people come. >> i think you also need to recognize the fact that for those individuals that are legitimately basically fleeing communities that are riddled by crime and gangs and corruption. they see whatever peril they may meet along the way is better than the hell they are living in now. trish: let's not forget that, and i have been making this point. i don't think you can divorce yourself from the human aspect of this. however, we can only do so much. >> the united nations needs to be involved and mexico needs to
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be involved. and we need to help them as well as a super power. that's the best way we can protect ourselves. trish: thank you so much. you are looking live at president trump at a rally in wisconsin. he has supporters among him. the president just saying the media has some responsibility here. the media must set a civil tone and stop endless hostility. straight ahead, one network anchor is calling the president's supporters desperate and fearful. what kind of tone is that? the full story for you tonight on "trish regan primetime." you need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. we are a different kind of financial company. we are athene, and we are driven to do more. you might or joints.hing for your heart...
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device to lie about so he can create more fear and loathing in his desperately fearful supporters. most of americans don't share the fierce donald trump's voters seem to share with him. loathing and hatred is the jet fuel formula for the trump campaign. trish: it's rhetoric we hear over and over again from many on the left, and many in the main real media. they literally cannot understand why anyone would be okay with this administration. somehow they forget that we have lower taxes and 4.2% gdp growth and lowest unemployment rates since 199. and the sense that we have a
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path forward economic eel. joining me right now. rnc spokesperson kayleigh mcenany and richard fowler. this is why they kept getting it wrong and wrong and wrong. they cannot believe that anybody would be okay with this administration and this administration's policy. and the policies are helping the country. what are lawrence o'donnell and his buddies missing. >> this did not work in 2016 when hillary clinton called half the country irredeemable. barack obama called voters clinging to their guns and
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religion. trish: it shows they have no empathy for what average americans are facing, to take care of their families and pay their bills. somehow it harkens back to the deplorable comments of hillary clinton. richard, the president is calling the media out on this. he just said this moments ago in wisconsin i want you to hear it. president trump: the media has a responsibility to set a civil tone and stop the endless hostility and negative and oftentimes false attacks. trish: richard, is he right, does the media have some snonlt this? >> we all have responsibility. it starts at the white house and it works its way from my house to your house. he needs to reach across the
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aisle. work with democrats and people he doesn't agree with. instead he calls them names. and it's the responsibility of democrats to work with the president. trish: i am glad you concede that. i said, you are the president of the united states and we are in a divide state. he said i agree it is my responsibility. what struck me is that he has a have much common sense approach, his way of getting rid of identity politics and division is to make everyone's life better. his feeling is if people have better opportunities, any minority group will feel emboldened instead of the victim mentality where they think they have to wait for handouts.
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>> he's result-driven. he doesn't see the world through the prism of gender or race. he wants to win for everyone. that's why african-american and hispanic unemployment is the lowest level in history. he wants to achieve because he knows we are all better off when everyone's tide rises. trish: if things are good, maybe you are not going to vote against him. if you are part of the african-american community or hispanics, et cetera. >> this goes far beyond economics. for african-american women, they have the highest infant mortality rate in the country. they have more die at childbirth. if republicans want to attract
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african-americans it goes beyond economics. if we are dying it goes beyond economics. trish: richard, you are talking to an economics reporter. everything goes back to the economy. when you talk about black women suffering for health womb reasons -- for health reasons you are talking economics. >> serena williams talked about how she almost died at birth. trish: then you are getting back to education. richard and kayleigh. a form aide to hillary clinton philippe reines is blaming president trump for today's scary incident. you are wrong and i'm going to
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trish: wrong, philippe. it's on you. it's on me. and it's on every single american because it's our country. i'm sick of people scape getting, and i'm sick of this victim mentality. take responsibility for yourself. take responsibility for your country. this is not a time for blame. this is not a time to speculate why one newsroom is threatened and not another. it's time for people come together. that was me at the top of the show. i believe someone having the right to defend themselves. i want to hear their view, which is why i invited former senior aide to hillary clinton, philippe reines on the show tonight. you are and brave man. i want to know why you are out
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there constantly blaming this president and constantly playing the victim card for everything. >> listening to what you said earlier, i agree with you, everyone should take a step back and calm heads should prevail before judgments are made. except that's not what's happening. instead you have rush limbaugh, ann coulter, candace owens saying this is a hoax. i have people thinking i'm involved. trish: i don't believe in speculating. i'm not for that. but that's not what i have you here about. i have you here about the tweet. that's way was talk about when i called you out. you said real donald trump with every fiber of your human being.
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your very existence requires anger and feed. you need it like normal people need oxygen. my point is it's not on one single person it, on you and me and every single american. you had an opportunity to win the election and you lost. >> she got a bomb sent to her to murder her and her husband. so i take that backs, it has everything to do with her. obviously i'm not a fan of donald trump. but let's give him the benefit of the doubt for a moment. let's say when he's naturallies like he is in wisconsin right now, he's just playing up to the crowd, and indianapolis his schtick. maybe what's happening is there is someone in the audience who doesn't realize it's just schtick. trish: you always under estimate people. this is part of the problem with the left.
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you underestimate of the intelligence of american people. you under estimate their ability to look out for themselves. to say that these people are not smart enough and he's going influence them in a way to do something as despicable and horrible as that. >> i think you might agree with this. i will say this as evenly as possible so maybe we can agree. what donald trump says is not equal to what philippe reines says. it's not equal to what alan dershowitz says. he's the president of the united states whether i like that or not. right now he has not only the opportunity, but the responsibility to dial it down. and do you think he's going to do that? trish: i think i saw him in milwaukee make it clear. the seriousness of the moment.
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>> i don't think retweeting -- while we are talking -- while we are talk, they were chanting lock her up. he cannot call maxine waters low i.q. trish: what's maxine waters saying about conservatives? i'm tired of it being one person's fault. it's not just one person's fault. >> one person has more ability to fix this than others. you cannot argue with that. you just can't. trish: i would like to see hillary clinton, your former boss, i would have loved to have seen her say we need civility. she came out and said we don't need civility. >> she is lucky to be alive
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today. take away sarah sanders -- trish: nobody wants that kind of violence. >> somebody does. it's just plain wrong. >> i am blaming someone who sent pipe bombs to murder someone. someone is using donald trump's twitter feed as a hit list. trish: wow. i think it's kind of evil you are saying. saying it's his responsibility. his. you are effectively saying that he may have done this himself. i am just tired of it and i would like to you take a little responsibility for once. straight ahead. one ivy league college is offering to help your son unlearn his toxic masculinity.
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it's toxic to be masculine? i kind of thought it was a good thing. apparently brown university does not. that story next. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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trish: brown university is waging war on -- wait for it -- masculinity. the ivy league university is offering new classes for men to quote unlearn toxic masculinity. the university's website explains men are bad, evil, and somehow prone to violence. to make that blanket statement about half the population. i would say it's a little extreme. joining me right now, media director at campus you see a lot of this crazy stuff on campuses all over the country. >> my favorite word there is unlearn. with the implication that all men must have learned this toxic masculinity. there are men than can do
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horrible things. but to place that blame at the foot of the masculinity is wrong. they should encourage them to realize masculinity is not a bad thing and empower men with the positive aspects to be strong and have integrity and respect. trish: that's how i see masculinity. a strong man, someone who stands up for his ideals, who protects his family, who loves his family, is kind. this to me is what is masculine. the idea that somehow because you are a man, you are starting with negative. they want to penalize you. >> i wish i could say it's just ivy league schools. we did 12-plus stories of
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universities pushing this kind of thing in class. trish: i don't want young men to feel bad about themselves. what are you paying for tuition. 50k? >> my two favorite instances, a professor said we should start talking about toxic masculinity as early as kindergarten. trish: this is a popular term in academic circles? toxic masculinity. >> yes. this is coming full circle. it comes from the left's push for identity politics. it puts people in boxes of race and religion and in this case your gender and robs people of their individuality.
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it says because a few people in a group of your gender or race did these things we'll place all the blame on you. >> i also wonder what the dating scene is like when men are told not to be masculine. trish: i am a champion of #metoo. and in many ways it's so good and healthy this is out there front and centre. but you wonder if it's gone too crazy where there is a war on men to the point where you no longer trust or like them as a society. and that's the direction brown university and others are taking them. >> we have seen the other universities teach things -- a course similar to this. the problem of whiteness, unpacking whiteness.
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unlearning white racism. it's wrong to place the blame of a few minority of a certain group at the feet of all people. trish: it's robbing people of their self. of their own responsibility. the victim mentality and grouping people by identity politics. the truth is nobody needs that. cabot, thank you so much. president trump holding a rally in wisconsin and addressing the package. all of those bombs today. saying any threats of political violence are an attack on our country itself. we are expecting this to primarily be a wind, flood, and rain event. ♪ how many people are in the car? ♪ ♪
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that were sent to leading politicians around the country, and we'll have much more on this story tomorrow. for more on that caravan, ballooning to 14,000, big show tomorrow. "kennedy" is next. kennedy: thank you, trish, breaking news now, federal investigators fanning out across the nation looking for whoever sent pipe bombs to former presidents obama, clinton and hillary clinton as well as cnn and others. the question tonight, are there more bombs out there? here's what we know at this hour. the feds say the bombs all look very similar to the one you see here. this one addressed to former cia director john brennan at cnn headquarters, though he works for msnbc, that's here in new york. the secret service intercepted packages sent to the home of bill and hillary clinton, and to the home of barack and michelle obama. cnn's offices were evacuated
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