tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 24, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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kennedy much more to talk about with buck sexton, kayleigh mcenany and my mentor and hero, john stossel is here. i'll see you on the "outnumbered" couch at noon. good night. lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories federal and local authorities investigating suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats including the clintons and barack obama. president trump called the attacks abhorent, and vowed to track down those responsible. president trump: we have to coming together and sent one very clear strong unmistakable message that acts with threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america. [applause] president trump: i'd say a very
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bipartisan statement i can tell you from both sides we both agree on that. this egregious conduct is abhorent to everything we hold dear and sacred as americans. lou: tonight we take a look at the investigation, its implications former secret service agent and nypdofficer dan bongino joins us as does fox national security strategist dr. sebastian gorka. in other news the caravan of as many as 14,000 immigrants once again are on the move in southern mexico trecking toward the u.s. border and now a second caravan is forming in guatemala, all organized and aided by radical leftist groups determined to overwhelm the united states broken borders. conservative comentator best selling author ann colter joins us to talk about the caravan and its threatened invasion and what can be done to stop it tonight
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and president trump in mosinee, wisconsin, there campaigning for republican senate candidate lea bookmire. trump supporters have been lining up there look at the crowd all day long, showing the same amazing enthusiasm we've seen in all of the trump rallies as these mid-terms draw closer. so how are the republicans doing in their campaigns all over the country, with now, fewer than two weeks until the mid-terms. rnc chair ronald mcdaniel joins us tonight with her assessment. our top story, law enforcement officials on high alert as suspicious packages were shipped and intercepted on the way to prominent democratic party leaders, prompting evacuations sweeps of a number of facilities and offices. the packages all were similar in appearance, manila envelopes with bubble wrap inside each containing a device that looked like this, a potentially destructive device, as the fbi put it, we do not know what they
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contained, if an explosive was actually involved and whether there was a detonation. none of the devices were detonated nor is it clear if they were designed to do so. was this simply to send a message or done to inflict suffering. fox news chief intelligence correspondent katherine herrige joins us from washington with more on the story. >> in a manner of hours multiple suspicious packages identified across four jurisdictions targeting high profile democrats, a former cia director, and the new york offices of a national cable network. >> there's a fire alarm here. we'll find out what the latest is we'll be right back. >> reporter: this device addressed to former cia director john brennan with excessive postage and packaging all red flags along with a potentially dangerous substance. >> responding officers identified it that appeared to be a live explosive device.
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additionally there was an envelope containing white powder that was discovered as part of the original packing. >> the secret service confirmed it's addressed to former president barack obama at his washington home and former secretary of state and first lady hillary clinton addressed to their new york residence. >> after that we notified by the secret service they have received a nearly identical package in washington, addressed to the obamas. at that point, we began to take additional proactive steps. >> a federal law enforcement official told fox there were also similarities to a device recovered monday at the home of billionaire democratic donor george soros, adding investigators working theory is that an individual or a group is behind all of the packages. in florida hillary clinton thanked the secret service, then turned to the political climate. >> it's a time of deep
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divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. >> the official set is a suspicious package addressed to former attorney general was not delivered and sent to the return address, listed as the florida office of democratic congresswoman debar wasserman schultz. late in the day, democratic congressman maxine waters said his overswear also targeted. the criminal case is now led by the secret service and fbi. >> i want to assure you that the reason that we are here, because the totality of the federal, state and local authorities, will investigate this thoroughly. >> the fbi lab in quantico, virginia is handling forensic testing. in a recent interview a senior fbi expert on home made bonds noted a troubling trend was emerging. we have seen probably an increase in parcel bombs, people making their own explosives that are very sensitive, that are very volatile. >> late today fbi director
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christopher wray issued a statement saying no piece of information is too small and warning more packages may be out there. lou: katherine thank you very much. the president vowed to track down whoever sent those suspicious packages and punish them for their threatening actions. fox news chief white house correspondent john roberts with the story. president trump: we're extremely angry, upset, unhappy, about what we witnessed this morning and we will get to the bottom of it. >> reporter: with the crosshairs being set on some of the fierce political critics president trump was careful to keep politics far away from his response to the potentially deadly mailings. president trump: the safety of the american people is my highest and absolute priority. the full weight of our government is being deployed to conduct this investigation and bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice >> reporter: in a surprise move, opening an event on combating
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opioid addiction the first lady added her condemnation of the terrorist acts. we cannot tolerate those could you cowardly attacks and i strongly condemn all violence. >> reporter: with the mid-terms just 13 days away the rhetoric on both sides of the political aisle has become highly charged. >> when they go low, we go high when they go low, we kick. >> reporter: while he is headlining a campaign rail it in the hotly contested state of wisconsin tonight the president today urged americans to set aside their political difference s. president trump: we have to unify. we have to come together, and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts where threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america. >> [applause] >> reporter: president trump is in mosinee, wisconsin tonight where republican governor scott walker is in a fight for his
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political life. republicans are worried about turn out in the badger state, so watch for the president tonight to turn up the political heat despite his calls this afternoon for unity. at the white house, john roberts fox news. lou: john thank you very much. also tonight, the 7,000 to 14,000-person migrant caravan continues to march toward our southern border with a lot of help from the mexican government and radical left wing groups it turns out. the caravan started out on october 12 in honduras. traveling a total of almost 500 miles they took a rush yesterday near the mexico guatemala border just today they traveled 43 miles to mexico where national correspondent william has the latest. >> reporter: when i cough my chest and throat hurt. on the road for 15 days the journey is starting to take a
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toll on some migrants in the caravan. >> i feel very bad. all my body is hurting. i can't stand it. >> reporter: wearing only flip-flops, others without sock, many are fighting blisters and pain. i've asked for a cream but they don't have any so they have just wrapped my foot. >> reporter: the caravan traveled 25 miles monday, heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration forced many to seek medical attention from local clinics. >> yes, today i feel a bit better. yes, i can walk tomorrow and keep on walking. >> reporter: the caravan which crossed into mexico over the weekend still numbers some 7,000 and it rested tuesday, 45 miles north of the guatemala border. we're told their destination remains tijuana, 2,400 miles or roughly a four-month walk. members say they fear crime, hopping a cargo train, or he deportation by mexico if they take a bus.
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>> going to walk as long as i can or as far as i can do it. >> reporter: born in honduras but raised in texas, a construction site in austin last week, he's now trying to get back and says the majority have no idea what to expect at the u.s. border. >> they think it's going to be that easy but we're saying that yesterday other things is just we're going to get to the border and get a job or whatever. they have no idea what they are going to go through. >> reporter: but lou for some perspective for the last kara caravan in march 93% of the initial claim prosecution were approved they passed their initial screening meaning they were not deported and if that same rate was to apply to this group in central america thousands will be released into the united states, pending final judicial review. lou: thank you very much. stocks today ended sharply lower , losses accelerated into the close of trading but the dow and the s&p now in the red for the year.
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the nasdac bearing the brunt of today's sell-off, leaving it more than 10% below its august peak placing it in correction territory, a considerable considerable powerful sell-off today. the white house released this statement tonight. it reads in part: as we have said before, the fundamentals and future of the u.s. economy remain incredibly strong. we remain focused on the long term outlook of the economy and confident in our path of continued growth. still ahead here tonight, the energy and enthusiasm in the republican base unfold in the midwest. look at this. thousands and thousands of people have already gathered in wisconsin, just before president trump even arrived in the state and we're now less than a half an hour away. here is a live look at where the president will be making his 13th stop this month. this is as always, an amazing
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crowd. we'll be right back with much more, stay with us. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. a new way to save on travel. now when you book a flight you unlock discounts on select hotels that you can add on to your trip
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mayor radical candidate for governor of florida andrew gilla m is in some trouble after text messages were made public showing he received broadway tickets from an undercover fbi agent, posing as a real estate developer investigating corruption in tallahassee, gilla m has not been charged with anything. in the texas senatorial race, ted cruz coming off a rally with president trump leading challenger vito o' rourke by five points in the latest reuters university of virginia polling, and the latest numbers show a big move obviously in favor of the senator and what's happening to the radical dems in minnesota? well almost everything, the domestic abuse allegations against deputy chair of the democratic national committee, keith ellison have destroyed his lead in the race for the states attorney general.
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ellison trailing his opponent by seven points a month ago, ellison led by five all of this as omar, the democratic candidate for ellison's old congressional seat is now facing questions she married her brother as part of a fraudulent immigration scream and allegations she denies and on sunday incumbent senator tina smith failed to show up for a debate, her opponent did republican karen housley, comes as she has closed that race to six points after the president's rally in minnesota earlier this month, she had been previously down bias many as 16 points. here now to talk about the role of the president and these mid-term elections and what is likely going to be the outcome, we're joined tonight by the chairwoman the head of the republican national committee, rhonda mcdaniel. great to have you here. you've got to like the closing of these races particularly in
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the senate. >> absolutely and the president has really helped energize our base. we've seen it where he has these rallies that our voters are getting out. he makes it clear to them, i need more help in washington, i need more republicans and that's why he is exhaustively on the trail, but we've opened up big leads in north dakota, we're see ing a leader in indiana now in that senate race, in missouri and there are opportunities to pick seats up, definitely in the senate and the house is closing as well so we maybe able to keep that majority despite that blue wave that the democrats keep talking about. lou: we're not hearing as much, ronna, and i'm sure you've noticed this as well we're not hearing as much talk about a blue wave today as we had been hearing up until just about a month ago. the president, let's take a look you mentioned the house race, the house races. let's take a look at the map that shows where the president has been all over trying to help
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out winning a few races. i mean, this is incredible. this is 13 appearances this month. there will be 16 i believe that he will have completed before the month is out, and he will continue on i think then it'll be at least 20 races in places he will have rallied. this is, i mean, we've looked at it. no president has ever ended a mid-term with the energy, the activity, the support that he is giving his party and their candidates, nothing comes close to what this president is doing. >> nothing comes close to what president trump has done for our party. let's just remember all the results he's given us as the american people is record low unemployment and more jobs but now he's on the trail and you saw the epic rally in texas, you seen us campaigning every day at the rnc. he has driven our large fundraising numbers so that
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we've been able to help candidates. he's doing rallies, helping them fund raise, there is nobody out there fighting harder to keep these majorities than president trump and he will be the main reason we keep those majorities in november. lou: there's no question that he is having an impact whether it's indiana, whether it's minnesota, wherever he goes, the numbers rise. this is a man demonstrating as president, he's got coat tails even for a mid-term election. the absolute inverse of obama do you suppose would you like to give your counterparts at the dnc some counsel on taking barack obama to the campaign trail? he lost 1,000 seats over his two terms in the oval office. >> i think the dnc should get hillary clinton out there more too. i mean keep them on the campaign trail. remind people of the failure of the obama administration when jobs were not coming back to this country, waging were
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stagnant our gdp was completely stalled out. he was a failure for the american people so let's keep reminding people that was then, this is now, the results are happening for the american people, we need to keep this comeback going. you vote for president trump or republicans that he's supporting we're going to keep this come back alive. you go for democrats you'll continue down the path of higher taxes more regulation and the pelosi/schumer dark ages. lou: and we also have a president in the white house who deserves the support of every republican, no matter what. ronna mcdaniel we thank you but i can't let you go without asking what will be your margin of victory, what will be the exact total of the majority in both the senate and the house that you retain? >> [laughter] lou you can't put me on the spot like that. i think we'll pick-up seats in the senate and i feel good about the house. we've got to get our voters out. we've got to get out and vote and there's nothing we can take
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for granted we have to fight for these majorities. lou: are you satisfied the ground games are ready to roll? >> i am feeling good and looking at the numbers and i'm feeling very good about where we're hitting making our goals and turning out our votes but we have to keep that going until election day. lou: ronna mcdaniel rnc chair also working as hard as any chair in the history of the are michael chiarello to make it happen in a mid-term. thanks so much, ronna mcdaniel thanks. thanks, lou. lou: do you believe it's time for democratic leaders to denounce acts of violence against republicans, as president trump targets prominent, targeted democrats, cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs and follow me on twitter at lou dobbs and like me on facebook and follow me an instagram at lou dobbs tonight. up next the thousand-strong migrant caravan as many as 14,000 marching toward our
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lou: breaking news tonight, as we await the president set to take the stage in mosinee, wisconsin tonight. he's there in support of senate candidate leah vookmere in her bid to take the old seat of al franken. he's also supporting of course governor scott walker and he is locked in a very tight race with radical leftist tony evers, just look at this, thousands of thousands of folks, taking place in and near a aircraft hanger, that's located about an hour and a half west of green bay, and now to talk about the latest on
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the trump agenda what republican s have to do to win in november, we're joined by chris koback, secretary of state of the great state of kansas, and the republican gubernatorial nominee, chris, great to have you with us. first, your reaction to what the president is doing. i know he held a huge rally for you, your numbers show that he's had quite an impact, and you are looking good right now, so what do you think? >> well, it's interesting. when the president shows up people pay attention they come out in droves. i've never seen anything like this. i haven't seen it during the second year of the mid-term election after bush took office, after obama took office, neither of those presidents was able to show up at any city in america and pull in tens of thousands of people. lou: it is stunning, absolutely. >> it's amazing and i think the historical pattern of the president losing large numbers of seats in the mid-term
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election may be reversed this year we'll see what happens but certainly if you judge it by the crowd size and the enthusiasm of the republican party in the base it looks like it could happen. lou: it's interesting the most recent polls and looking at the wall street journal nbc news poll, we're looking at a one point and it's within the margin of error, certainly we're looking at a one point advantage for the republicans in what was going to be a blue wave and the emerson poll shows by the way in your race a very tight race with a narrow lead over your opponent what do you expect to happen here in the next 13 days? >> well i'm hopeful that we'll be able to extend our narrow lead and make it wider, but one of the things we've seen in kansas typically is governor's races have been close, and oftentimes democrats win even though our state hasn't voted for a democrat president since 1964, so governor's races are
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always tight in our state and i think we'll be able to extend that lead president trump has motivated our base, and i think also the events happening in mexico with the caravan are also reminding people that hey there's a reason why we elected donald trump, there's a reason why we recognize that republican s are the only party left when it comes to enforcing the rule of law on immigration. lou: i mean we're listening to c amilla harris it's supposed to be a big deal for the democratic party saying the united states should be warm and welcoming to this caravan as the next caravan is already loading up and as i was reminded by somebody in the white house, a caravan, about five or 6,000 people has been arriving on our border every day this is just unsustainable. it is insane, and the fact is the national left wing media will not focus on the real issue , which is that this country, according to the yale m
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it study doesn't have 11 million illegal immigrants as we have known for some time, kri s. there are somewhere between 22 and 30 million immigrants already in this country and does anybody want to do the math, what we thought was a $54 billion a year issue now turns out to be something on the order of $150 billion and the madness goes on. >> that's right. yeah, that's the amount of money that we taxpayers spend on public benefits for illegal aliens nationwide. it's extraordinary and if we keep rewarding illegal immigration like this, we shouldn't be surprised that we continue to see illegal immigration. we've got to stop rewarding it. we've got to stop giving public benefits to illegal aliens that's one of the reasons why i'm running for governor of kansas is we've got to stop giving so many millions of dollars in my state to illegal aliens. lou: and one of the things that just last week, it looked for a fleeting moment, a day or so, as
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though the trump adminitration had at least a tentative agreement with the incoming president lopez of mexico and president nieto to work together and to stop that caravan and to end illegal immigration, the building of what i said at the time i hope would be the beginning of a beautiful partnership. they have done what they have done throughout, this epic of the 30 past years. they are just basically continuing to support the export of poverty and the lack of education they provide whether it's in central america or whether it be in mexico. >> you know and they are only doing it to their own detriment because what they are doing is they are encouraging some of their most sweetener jet ic people to leave their own country and go north looking for
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fortunes in america and if they really cared about rebuilding their own countries if they really cared by the way about that 500 million-plus dollars of u.s. aid that we send south they would start thinking hey wait a minute maybe we should cooperate with the united states and maybe we should encourage our people to stay here and rebuild econom ies of those countries, because ultimately that's what this is about is it's economics. it's not a humanitarian crisis. lou: it's also a politically inspired crisis. we now know, groups and perhaps the influence of other nation states who are no friends of this country are helping the venezuelans and their role and working with leftist leaders in honduras and guatemala and of course mexico. kris koback, you've been running for a long time and you are on the threshold now 13 days ago. work hard. i know you will. >> thanks, lou.
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lou: appreciate it kris, great to see you republican nominee for governor of the great state of kansas. up next the radical left revealing their anti-immigration customs enforcement pro-illegal immigration agenda here we go. >> i think we should get rid of i.c.e. every new generation of newcomer s with our country with their hope, determination, optimism so those are american traits. >> i.c.e. has strayed so far from its mission it's supposed to be here to keep americans safe but what its turned into is frankly a terrorist organization of its own. >> the idea that we are fear mongering that's not in the best interest of our country. lou: we'll have more of that and more on that particularly senator harris saying we should be doing what the immigrant caravan, we'll continue in just one moment stay with us we'll be right back. surasurance that won't replace the full value of your new car?
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60 million hispanics who live in our country, or the two-thirds of them say in a recent nbc news wall street journal poll they'd rather have the democrats control congress i'm sure it has nothing to do with them. joining us tonight to discuss the caravan, make that caravans now heading toward our southern border, political comentator best selling author ann colter, ann is the author of a new book, how the trump hating left lost its collective mind ann great to see you thanks for being with us and we recommend ann's book to you highly. ann let's start with the caravan it is moving toward us. i don't see how it could possibly, now as many as 14,000 people in that caravan with over 1,000 miles to travel how could they get here before november 6? >> well, camilla harris is
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right in the quote you just played americans are not only tolerant they are amazingly generous and charitable but we're starting to feel like this is a con man preying on our chair the. we've been quite charitable for the last several decades taking in more refugees than the rest of the world combined and they're not always refugees. the fact that so many these caravans one is hooking up with another coming from all these different countries, at some point, the problem isn't one specific isolated problem with one country. the problem is that all of these countries are disfunctional. the problem is who the people are who are coming. if we overwhelm our country with even more millions of latin americans, eventually we just become another failed latin american state. lou: and the president made it very clear that that caravan will not enter the united states and that he will put as many troops on the border as necessary to stop them.
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your reaction? >> well, this is why we wanted a wall, lou. we have to keep hoping this president and some day the next president, another caravan coming we'll have to keep going through this every two months for the rest of our lives and as president bush said about the terrorists, we have to be right every time. they only need to be right once. this is why the chance that got donald trump elected was build the wall. this is exactly why we wanted a wall. we don't want to have to wait on making sure general kelly and jared kushner don't get into donald trump before his voters do. lou: well the question becomes the democrats, the mob mentality , and it seems as if the party leaders are the mob leaders, this that has been exhibited the violence toward
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republican candidates this year, which has escalated, it is repugnant and yet it goes on without apology from the democrats. >> yes, i wrote a book about this a few books back about the mob behavior, and group think of the left. it's index ic to the left. it is not something that you see on the right wing going back to the american revolution versus the french revolution. you always have the left angry, the mentally ill, storming the barricades and republicans are standing there with a powerpoint demonstration trying to explain how a wall of tax cuts would be better for you in improving the lives of lots of people. it's not part of the mentality of the right wing. it has always been a part of the left wing but boy, we are seeing it like we haven't seen it, well i guess, since obama's friend was setting bombs around the country since trump has been elected, the resistance has
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really taken it up a notch. lou: and the book is resistant is futile how the trump hating left lost its collective mind by none other than ann colter. great to see you we recommend the book highly. thanks for being with us. thank you great to see you. lou: on wall street today stocks a big sell-off the dow down 608 points s&p lost 85 and volume on the big board heavy trading again 4.6 billion shares new home sales falling to a two year low down nearly 6% in sentence a result of those rising interest rates, since the president has been addressing the federal reserve about and by the way, the president is exactly right. the fed needs to wake up. there is something called inflation. there is something called reasonable response to 2% number s. it's ridiculous. tesla shares up 12% topping off a record setting third quarter.
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look out, shorts, you've just met elon musk again, he's killing the short sellers and it cost him a $20 million settlement with the sec to do so plus he has a shorter workday now that he's no longer chairman a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next the delivery of suspicious packages today, making the radical left lose their very uncivil tone for just a moment. just a moment. >> when they go low, we go high. when they go low, we kick. you can not be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for. >> please get up in the face of some congress people. >> anybody from that cabinet. lou: wow, dan bongino, sebastian gorka join me right after the break. stay with us.
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brennan, one of cnn's contributors in new york saying there is a total complete lack of understanding at the white house about the seriousness of the continued attacks on the immediate. jeff zucker, did he fender of the media saying the president especially white house press secretary should understand words matter thus far they've shown no co, he comprehension o that where was comprehension from the national left wing media when more than 600 acts of violence harassment and, by the way, shooting were at an against committed by those folks against republicans and supporters of president trump? >> where was zucker? golly so outraged today. and so careless with his words but then again, he is probably talking everyone at the
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network what to do with language. apple ceo tim cook took a shot at big technology today saying individuals personal information personal data has been weaponized turned into now a data industrial complex. >> we at apple are on -- federal privacy law in the united states, companies should recognize data belongings to useers and all make it will easy for users to get a copy, correct delete the personal data. >> cook is smart to get in front of the issue. facebook and google have long abused user data using the consumer if you will as their product. joining me now to discuss the number of -- well suspicious packages, that were shipped to democrats dan biogino author
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of "spygate" attempted sabotage of donald j. trump sebastian gorka, ferociously strategist to the president author of the new book where we fight recovering america's bill to win available everywhere both books we urge you read boating books especially in the especially to apply those books good to have you with you dan let me begin with you this is -- i have heard every kind description bombs put through mail pipe bombs all of this, i have not heard a word about explosive, about a detonator what was contained in those -- those quote/unquote devices. i have seen some most reckless reporting today, across the -- various networks. your reaction? >> yeah lou the coverage has been just abhorrent, i am
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watching, on social media a lot of these media outlets putting out statements that are just grow testly irresponsible we have no idea who did this devices from my experience security space very amurturish critical mistakes someone had skill in savage form of terrorism mail obeying would not have done, you brought up one initiativor not going into how they do this it didn't work thank god thank the lod lord they didn't. >> do you -- >> we have tried we can't find out if even if there was an explosive within the device of any kind. >> yeah, i believe one of them could have been functional according to some reporting i have read on it according to law enforcement reports, but -- >> words like that if i may say like, functional either a bomb or it isn't.
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and i am sick and tired of law enforcement and these incidents, by the way, i am sick and tired of everyone not using concrete anglo-saxon words to describe what we are talking about is it or is it not a bomb? that would be first question, law enforcement won't answer it. >> well that is a critical question, because it speaks to again, the motive which they don't know somehow already seemingly making conjecture opinions on what the motive may be, they didn't spell the name right, on some of the targets, moon think about it right, as was said by someone on -- on fox recently a great point, if you were so full of hate that you are willing to send a device like this in mail don't you think would you at alleviate have the name spelled right something about suspicious about this. >> dr. gorka thoughts about what is going on, by the way, most news organizations talk about there may be more bombs out there what they meant he is there is in point of fact,
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someone who is carrying out these mailings, who is still at large. >> absolutely. but i think the professionals will track them some level of am maturishness. >> one performer professor told me the photograph released looks like hollywood prop not ied brennan doesn't have a contract with cnn, has contract with another television company if you want to intimidate brennan do him harm wouldn't you send it to tv corporation he actually works for? on top of that, the -- not only the media the social media trend right now right now on twitter the phrase maga bomber is trending. that is outrageous. >> traifrjs. >> what is trending gentlemen
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hr hashtag ignorance i talk to much tonight i apologize up next president trump riverside at site of rally in wisconsin we will have more from the president when we continue, stay with us. geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you're going to clean my gutters. ooh i should clean your gutters! great idea. it's not just easy. it's geico easy. todd, you will go make me a frittata. a business owner always goes beyond what people expect. that's why we built the nation's largest gig-speed network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins.
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night we asked, do you think the radical left is working with socialists in central and south america to support the migrant caravan. 95 per -- percent of you respond yes. the president has just taken the stage in wisconsin tonight. 13 days remain before the mid terms. federal and local authorities investigating suspicious packages sent to prominent democrats including presidents clinton and obama. the president said threats of violence have no place in the united states. the caravan of. >> i grants still make their way towards the u.s. borderer. the caravan in gawtd prepares to
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make its way north again, headed for the u.s. border. candace owens and brandon judd among our guests t trish regan will take it from here. trish: the country on edge as the fbi confirms that a series of explosive devices sent to political figures around the country, they are all linked, possibly sent by the same person or persons. as law enforcement works through the night searching for answers, we are here with you with the breaking details. all this as the president speaks to supporters in wisconsin. we are waiting for updates from him as to who is behind the heinous attacks.
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