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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  October 25, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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these in fact are bombs. several investigators say some of the packages have no possibility of exploding because of the way in which they were made even if they were an explosive. that's it [♪] trish: breaking right now. at least 8. >> 0u.s. troops preparing to go to our southern border. president trump demanding the caravan turn around or face our military. >> it's nothing short of an assault on our country. and he said today and i say myself, to those in the caravan, turn around. we are not going to allow you to enter our country illegally. trish: an assault he says, our own steve hilton on the looming invasion threats.
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a nationwide manhunt under way on the suspected mail bomber. the media is ratcheting up its attacks on the president saying the heinous acts are all his fault. the media refusing to take any responsibility for themselves. it's the victim mentality all over again. this just in, the clinton legacy could have another leg. chelsea clinton says she is not ruling out a political run. remember our peta story from earlier this week in which the animal activist group claimed milk is the symbol of white supremacy? well, peta is here to try to defend their outrageous insane claim and they are doing it against me.
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"trish regan primetime" starts right now. president trump and vice president mike pence, they are not breaking down, they are not holding back. they are telling multiple caravans in no uncertain terms, we are guarding our border. the president double down. tweeting. to those in the air van, turn around, go back to your country and apply for citizenship like millions of others are doing. in other words, do it the right way. joining me, steve hilton. former aide to prime minister david cameron. the president saying don't come in, go back, do it the right way. what happens they don't listen?
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steve: i just want to say how much i personally understand and agree with that. i'm here as an immigrant and i'm doing it the right way. i'm going to be applying for citizenship next year in an orderly process. it's ridiculous for people to assume they can just show up at the border and jump the line. that's not how it works. the president and vice president are completely right to show the utmost toughness on this. it's not just about the caravan and the people in the rare can. it goes deeper than that. it makes people question our whole system of government, rule of law. the efficiency of our system and government. when the system breaks down in the way it clearly has, and it's just a free-for-all. that undermines faith in everything the government does. so it's important to take this seriously. you have seen people on the left make an argument on the left that this is overblown. the president and his allies are
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fanning this to make a point. they say it's only a few thousand people. that's a small fraction of the total number of immigrants a year. but it's much more than that. it bps the fact we have a broken system and it needs to be fixed quickly. >> i agree with you. 14,000 people don't. they are marching toward this border. i want to go to these pictures of them holding up their flag from their country, and this gets me, steve. what i don't understand. you are coming here, you say you want a better life. you are leaving your country yet you are holding up that flag? show some respect. maybe just a little pretend you want to actually be american. steve: that's exactly right. it's so offensive. they are making a mockery out of everything we stand for and they
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claim to stand for. everyone i think can agree that immigration is a good thing. it means that you have new people coming in. we know america was built on immigrants, but it has to be done in a way in line with the rules. trish: we understand the economy and this is fox business. if we are all paying our taxes into the system, you have got people on the left that somehow think they can take that money, redistribute it and hand it out to the 14,000 people who will cross our border because maybe they will be able to get those people to vote for them. this is the crux of it. that's what gets me so mad, steve. it's all political. steve: it's totally political. the democrats go mad when you say, you are for open borders. but when you ask them, okay, what do you think is the right
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level of immigration? do you think we should have more? do you think we should have less? they can't tell you because as far as they are concerned they don't want any controls. they are so far to the left on this issue it's completely out of control. trish: you can catch steve's show on the fox news channel. the mid terms are 12 days away and there are questions about scenes like this. 14,000 migrants heading to our border. some of them holding up flags from their own country. the vice president tonight labeling this move an assault. the president is sending 800 troops to the border. this is wait has come to? the left says we need to be more compassionate here and take them all in? how is that going to play out? at the polls november 6. don't forget the political
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motivation behind all this. with me now, david bossie and democratic strategist antoine seawright. you go out and ask any american how they really feel about people pouring into the country illegally. when push comes to shove they are going to tell you they don't like it, how is this going to play in peoria when it comes to mid terms? >> i don't think this will be a top of the chart issue in the mid terms. everything i have seen and everything i have read and i have been a part of has been laser focused on quality of life issues. what i see from the gop and the right wing media -- trish: will this affect one's quality of life especially if you live in a border state? >> the gop and the media is using this issue as a red meat
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issue to juice up their base for the mid terms. but i think the american people can see through the smoke. trish: i think the american people see the pictures of 14,000 people marching toward our borders. last night there were three caravans. now there are reports of more. this is insane to think we'll take all these people who aren't even showing the american flag. >> this is an important issue. the american people are seeing these visuals on television every day, and they think of it as an invasion. they see folks who want to pour in here. people can do it the right way. we want immigration. these are different questions. this is about open borders. this president got elected because he said you have a country or you don't. we need to build a wall and secure our border. this effort by these folks in these caravans are only going to
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help us build the wall. trish: antoine it seems like a common sense thing on this one. by the way, you lost it on this one. i mean your party. there was a time when hillary clinton, chuck schumer, barack obama all wanted a stronger border. what happened to those days. >> they are still here. it was durbin and graham who came to the table for a comprehensive immigration proposal the president rejected. immigration should be a bipartisan issue in which democrats and republicans come together. trish: why aren't you coming together at the table? you mentioned the immigration thing. he want an end to chain migration, you weren't willing to give that. >> and the lottery. >> several proposals were rejected by this president when
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it comes to immigration. i think the republicans should take the spirit of joh john kas. trish: i'm all for compassion. i have a lot of empathy. i feel for anybody that is making the trek to our border. this is a great country. i get it. who wouldn't want to be here. >> that's the reason they are coming, trish. trish: antoine, there is only so much we can do. >> we are not able to take care of our own citizens. we are not able to take care of our elderly and our veterans. there are people across this great country including immigrants who have come here legally who should be taken care of or helped with a hand up by the government or free market so they have a better life before we try to take care of everyone else. if we let this caravan in, what about the second one, the third
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one, the fourth one. trish: antoine? >> who says they will make it this far. we have laws in this country. if they get here those laws will be enforced. that's who we are. trish: i'll leave it there. 800u.s. military troops headed to the bored. thank you very much. coming up straight ahead, the country very much on edge at this moment as sources tell fox business that florida, maryland, and new york are regions of interest in the search for the bomb suspect. we have the details on this next. i called up peta for its irresponsible, completely outrageous claim that milk is a symbol of white supremacy. explain that one, peta. we'll see them try here tonight. i may just tell them to their face how utterly irresponsible
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and ludicrous this claim is. stay tuned. insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ state of the art technology, makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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made bombs to a dozen political officials. officials revealing tonight that they thought they were treating them as live devices, but so far they have learned they were not made to detonate upon opening. this as the focus of the investigation as to who is responsible turns to florida, new york and maryland. joining me now former d.c. police detective. knowing what we know thus far, what do you think are the most of significant clues? >> the most of significant clues is the fact that they got all of the alleged bombs intact. as a result they have been able to send those 10 bombs down to quantico, virginia to the fbi lab and take each and every one of them apart, and they are look for various physical evidence
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that would help them define the perpetrator. trish: why are they zeroing in on these specific locations, marriedland, nemarried -- marylr florida. >> i have been told they are look at a distribution center in florida where they believe all 10 of these bombs would have come from. when you look at the material, the papering with the black tape that was used as well as the packaging. law enforcement officers have been able to trace where those materials came from. trish: none of these were triggered to detonate upon opening. >> that's an excellent question. it leaves a debate. was this somebody or sob somebos
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trying to care or kill. if there wasn't a trigger mechanism and you need one to make a bomb explode. then that tells us the person may or may not have known what they were doing or were trying to care these politicians. trish: are you confident we'll find out who this was? >> let me say, joe lewis once said you can run but you can't hide. i can tell you within a matter of days they will bring someone to justice i believe in this, trish. trish: thanks so much. the media is very quick to pounce on the suspicious package story instead of reporting this. this is what they did. >> remember we have a president who talked for a couple years now about imprisoning his political rival in hillary
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clinton who has encouraged violence against the media. >> the president and his allies, they need to dial down the political rhetoric. they are making people less safe. they are making journalists less safe. and they are making law enforcement officers less safe. >> the obamas, the clintons, brennan, cnn, george soros, these are people and organizations president trump continually attacks. trish: what role does the media play right now? it seems to me they just keep hitting this idea that it's somehow president trump's fault. i would like for once people to take some responsibility. forget the victimization thing. i'm over it. take some responsibility. we are all in this together. you can't point fingers at just one person and say nobody else is to blame.
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joining me, geraldo rivera. >> at the risk of sounding like a far right-wing lunatic. i believe this was an elaborate hoax. i believe those bombs were never intended to explode. i think those bombs were intended to further divide the american people. i think it's entirely plausible -- i haven't picked a lane in this. maybe it was a wretchedly incompetent bomb that didn't know how to make a bomb and never studied the internet. someone who wanted to embarrass president trump. somebody who wanted to affect american political life. it could have been a russian invention. i think in my mind, i think having covered the uni bomb and the austin serial bomber.
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the serial bomber earlier this year in austin. some of the bombs explode in the fedex depot, because you are handling these things and throwing them around. a grenade with a tape air or a digital clock attached or fuse. 10 or 12 bombs. nothing has explode. there is no indication -- i call on mayor deblasio and the fbi and everybody else to tell us once and for all are these real bombs? we have not heard whether these are real bombs. trish: they said they are explosive devices that were not triggered to go off. >> if you have a stick of dynamite and you don't have a fuse in it. is that a bomb? trish: it's a threat of a bomb. >> it's an elaborate charade with debbie wasserman-schultz
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boldly as the return to sender. why do you do that? it seems so heavy handed. going down the whole enemies list of donald trump as the recipient of these bogus devices. trish: we don't know. and this makes me uncomfortable because you can't overspeculate. speculation is tough. we do know that they tried to send -- they did send these quote explosive devices which are bombs that maybe were not triggered to detonate which leaves to you wonder, was somebody doing this as a scare tactic? >> my 25-year-old daughter is a producer at cnn. she was terrified, not allowed in the building on the day. i take this very personal. my other daughter simone was in paris when three suicide bombers tried to blow up people in the
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soccer stadium. i take it very personally. when i look at this and see the reaction. when i hear people condemning the president for his flashy rhetoric as being responsible for instigating or inspiring these attacks, i say wait a second. take a deep breath. isn't it just as likely it's an enemy of the president that put this together because he never intended to hurt anybody. terror, yes. this is a tearist attack. but i'm speculating it is just as likely the russians did this to cause political division. trish: i think investigators should be looking into every possible activist, every possible motive. i think it's not implausible. you suggest the russians. they certainly messed with us in a big way before. >> why don't our federal
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officials tell us right now. do they think these were legitimately designed to blow up or not? trish: does it matter? of course it matters. >> commissioner bernie kerik a half-hour ago believe these are not legit bombs. they were made to terrorize but never to hurt or to maim. trish: a political stunt. >> the question is, let us find out who is responsible for perpetrating this elaborate, despicable, disgusting stunt. i think it's terrorist nonetheless. they should be punished by the full weight of the law. i think it's extremely likely we have been played. trish: i think they are probably look into all of it right now. geraldo, thank you, sir. always good to see you. the media has been out of control on this one.
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one historian is claiming this recent string of bomb scares may be worse than abraham lynn consequence assassination. what? coming up, my take on how the media's view of history is irresponsible. and peta is saying if you drink milk you are a white supremacist. this is actually under your budget. it's great. mm-hmm. yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters' insurance! man 1: (behind wall) yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too! um... the walls seem a bit thin... man 2: (behind wall) they are! and craig practices the accordion every night! says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. i'm a very shy singer. you're tone deaf! ehh... should we move on to the next one? it's a great building! you'll love it here! we have mixers every thursday. geico®. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance.
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>> it's i think it most of widespread attempt on the lives of high-american officials and may exceed the scope since the assassination not against abraham lincoln in 1865. trish: the msnbc historian
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suggesting the mailing is worse than the assassination of abraham lincoln. think about that. the assassination of president lincoln. the man credited with abolishing slavery in america is less significant to this msnbc contributor than the failed bomb attempt? this is another example of fear mongering with a little bit of race undertone to it. it's designed to scare people it's a revisionist, inaccurate interpretation of history by a well-known historian. i studied american history at columbia university. and i can tell you for certain these attempted bombings, and as
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horrible and scary as they are did not succeed, and therefore are in no way worse than what transpired on that fateful night at ford's theater in washington, d.c. in 1865. so my advice to this msnbc historian, understand the significance of history and do not abuse, do not compare, do not conflate it with modern day events that are simply not the same in scope or significance. stop trying to scare americans by invoking these racial under tones. lincoln stood for greatness. lincoln stood for equality. his assassination is something the country has never quite recovered from and probably never will. but this week's bombing attempts while scary and awful, they have not caused harm to anyone. and thus they must be reported on, they must be commented on
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with context and responsibility. do not abuse history to serve your current political agenda. joining me right now, a man who knows a lot about history himself. presidential historian, doug wead. >> thank you, trish, i'm loving your show. it's hot. i am enjoying it. trish: thank you. i want to be accurate. i was bothered by what i heard from that commentator. i'm troubled by people's manipulation of current day events and comparing and contrasting them to horrible historical events whether it's comparing with what we are seeing now to the assassination of lincoln or whether it's comparing our president to adolph hit letter or the kkk in the 1920s. what's your thought on this?
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>> this is pretty ridiculous. i like john, i like his books. it was heartbreaking to see this. this is click bait. this is fake news. it's fake history. and it's hysteria. abraham lincoln was assassinated. there was an attempt on the vice president and miss of the cabinet. you can't compare that to the 10 packages, nobody died, no member of government except except the congresswoman from california. trish: around presidential historian. you have the context around this. what bothered me is people are trying to in a phoney pseudointellectual way manipulate history for their own
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particular politics. >> it's an insult to your intelligence. donald trump of all people waltz adult in the room. he was calling for unity and said we can't allow this sort of thing in a democracy. and yet you get this kind of -- compare that to the bernie sanders supporter who walked into that baseball field in virginia and started shooting congressmen who were republican senators and congressman. that would have changed history. and the comment from the news, cbs scott pelly, wonderful guy, i always thought here is a dispassionate open journalist. but he must have had red hot flood flowing through his version ins. he said perhaps these republican senators and congressmen invited that act. compare that to trump who says we have to unite.
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compare that to someone saying republicans dede serve to be murdered because of their politics. ghandi said you can't shake hands with someone if you have a clenched fist. trish: i talked to the president earlier this week. i said fairly or unfairly we are in a divided spot and it's up to you to bring us together. and he agreed. he said yes, that is my role. it is, but i think there is responsibility everybody else has to take on, too. that's hillary clinton, that's barack obama. that's maxine waters. all of us in the media. it's a two-way street here and we are all in this together. it's our country, doug.
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>> this is a good time i felt for the president the way he reached out. he did all the right things. he's got to be feeling what can i do? what can i say? trish: damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. they were all over him last night. i had some hillary clinton advisors on the program. they said he looked terrible when he was saying that. the expression on his face. my goodness it's a disconcerting thing. when he and melania came down and said we need this unity he had a toned down expression on his face. i guess sometimes you just can't win. thank you, sir. coming up. the clintons won't go away. news that chelsea clinton is not ruling out a potential run. even the democrats are not happy about this one.
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peta says milk, it's a symbol of white supremacy. peta is here and i'm taking them on after this. it was here.
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whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. trish: the clintons won't go away. chelsea qulin on is said to be considering a possible political run. she said i think if someone were to step down or retire, i would have to think if it was the right choice for me. i guess my question is, does she really want to run? and if she did, well, i guess the democrats would be saddled with that again. joining me rachel campos-duffy,
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and andrew, would you advise her to run? >> this is ridiculous we are discussing this on primetime television. chelsea clinton. trish: i agree with you. >> hold on. trish: hear me out, you said that. no, no, no, no, no. you just said that this is not worth covering and i'm here to tell you it is and i choice because clintons might be in this political game for a whole long time. around democratic strategist. she lost. she is not running again. is it a good thing for the clintons to? >> i don't think it's good thing for chelsea clinton to run for office. i think we need to move as a democratic party to push the qulin tons behind. and not move forward with
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chelsea clinton. this is a one-sentence interview she gave to an east chester local newspaper. trish: you don't have to defend her anymore. i know you don't want her. and i don't blame you for not wanting her. she is a lovely girl. however. >> would i advise chelsea clinton to run for office? no. trish: will you let me talk? you need personality, likability, connectivity. these are things her dad that. regardless of what you think of him, he had that political gift. her mother didn't. unfortunately she doesn't. do you think the country as a whole is tired of the clintons? >> congratulations on the show, trish, i am honored to be on it.
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i can tell from your guest andrew that clinton fatigue is as real on the democrat side as bush fatigue was for republicans it's clear andrew doesn't think this is a good idea. the first hint that it's a bad idea is the way she said it. if someone steps down or retires which is political speech for when my mommy and daddy's political machine clears the field for me and i don't have to take on a primary challenger, chelsea clinton is the epitome of white privilege. but you are right when you say she lacks the charm her father. trish: you have to have somewhat of a personality. >> she did say she was running for office at all or anytime soon. trish: i want to turn to the
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crisis at the border it, a big one. 14,000 people making their way to our border. martha maccallum just sat down for an exclusive interview with our homeland security secretary. >> you took heat for implementing the zero tolerance policy that led to family separation at the border. how many children are still in custody? >> there is a few hundred. the number that is left. we have been working in close coordination with the court. of that number, the vast majority of their parents have already been removed or removed prior to the court injunction. and the parents three different times have said they do not want to be reunited. trish: i can't imagine their parents not wanting to be
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reunited with their children. let me just ask this. is there a sense that maybe we are creating the wrong incentive that maybe there needs to be more penalties so people know that they can't just grab a kid and cross the bored and get any kind of free pass? because of the trauma it puts these children through themselves as they try to make this journey. let me just ask you that question. you are a mother, i'm a mother. i can't even imagine people not wanting to be reunited. but answer that for me if you would. >> in that fantastic interview with secretary nielsen she said 30% of all the girls and women who cross on this journey are sexually assaulted, and nearly 20% of the boys are. this is a horrific journey. i'll just say it straight out.
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i would take poverty for my child over sexual assault. i certainly would never send my child on their own with criminal cartels knowing -- it's not just one time sexual assault. these are repeated assaults along the journey and 70% of the men and women are exposed to some kind of violence. the left wing groups organizing and incentivizing them to promote their open bored agenda are more any irresponsible and morally corrupt for taking part in this. these are little children on a dangerous journey. the heroes are our law enforcement and border patrol who are doing everything they can to protect these kids. trish: andrew, i'll give the last word to you. you are shaking your head no, no, no. >> i would love to hear the evidence that democratic groups.
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trish: she got them from the secretary of homeland security. >> they don't have any proof that left wing groups are not behind this. ways so insensitive here. trish: they are giving 9-year-old girls pregnancy tests at the border. >> the administration has not given you any evidence that left-wing groups are behind this. people are fleeing murder, rape, to try to get a better life and we are denying them at the border. trish: why not just grab all of mexico. >> we should let them in and give them a better life. what you guys are promoting is immoral. trish: you are living in lala-land, as great as that sound, i'm well aware -- thank
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you, rifle, and thank you, andrew. the peta campaign says milk is a symbol of white supremacy. peta is here to respond next. red of financial company. we are athene, and we are driven to do more. so, let's talk about conference calls. there's always a certain amount of fumbling. a lot of times it doesn't work. we have problems. comcast business goes beyond fast. by letting you make and receive calls from any device using your business line. and conference calls you can join without any dial-ins or pins. (phone) there are currently 3 members in this conference. i like that. i like that too. i would use that in a heartbeat. get started with innovative voice and tv solutions for a low price when you get fast, reliable internet. comcast business. beyond fast.
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peta is telling people to stop drinking cow's milk because it's a sign of white supremacists. it's a little crazy, and i would say it's highly irresponsible. how do you defend it? >> first of all, let's be clear, this was not a peta campaign. this was pulled straight from reporting from the "new york times" and other national media outlets. they got their facts straight from the twitter and youtube. spencer has been using milk -- trish: why would you give a
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voice to white nationalists for goodness sake? >> we want kind people who are disgusted by the idea of being affiliated with the cruelty and violence of white nationalism to know the dairy industry is a cruel industry. trish: there are studies after studies which shows milk helps people to form strong bones. this is what i make my kids drink every night. >> with all due respect you are behind the times if you believe that. trish: hang on. ashley, be quite for a second. i want people to see this. there are 8 times the protein of almond milk. cow milk has 2.5 times the
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potassium. kids who drink cow milk are taller on average that than children who don't and the list goes on and on. not everybody else in america can afford almond milk which costs about five times as much. they cannot afford soy milk. you would rather see them lack the nutrients because you care about the cows. >> what kid can't afford is obesity and diabetes. trish: i will give you p.r. advice, ashley. i need to give you this advice. do not equate with white supremacy. do not tell people it is racist. >> let me just point out. trish: it actually [both talk at
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once] trish: drink your milk, kid, mom said so. more next. : (beeping) experience the lexus rx with advanced safety, standard. lease the 2018 rx 350 for $439 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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if you can't afford your medication, you'll earn unlimited double camiles on every purchase,. every day... not just "airline purchases." (loud) holy moley that's a lot of miles!!! shhhhh! what's in your wallet? - shhhhh! - . trish: there's a theme in this show tonight, it involves responsibility. being a responsible citizen, so whether it's peta trying to tell people that they're a white supremacist if they drink
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milk and deny kid the nutrients they need or msnbc, quote, historian trying to say that these attempted bombings that killed no one are worse than the assassination of lincoln, time to get smart. "kennedy" is next. kennedy: great, thanks, trish, breaking news now on the story gripping the nation as you've been hearing all night. sources telling fox news that investigators are focusing on florida as the possible source of ten pipe bombs sent to prominent democrats. and cnn. so 11 prominent democrats. so far, we do not yet have a suspect, earlier today the feds announced they intercepted three more suspicious packages in the mail. one at the new york city office of legendary actor and trump critic robert de niro, two others sent to form vice president and potentially future presidential candidate joe biden. authorities found one at a


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