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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  October 26, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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lou: vice president mike pence. that's the president in charlotte, north carolina. we thank you for being with us. we'll wish you a great weekend, and see you monday. trish: breaking right now, the fbi warns there maybe more package bombs still to be discovered. this as the suspect is being grilled while in federal custody. from the beginning of this ordeal the media has been quick to blame our president for this person's heinous crimes. instead of helping us come together, the media is further exaggerating the division. something the president agrees with. president trump: the media's constant, unfair coverage, deep hostility, and negative attacks, you know that. only serve to drive people apart
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and to undermine healthy debate. for example, we have seen an effort by the media in recent hours to use the sinister actions of one individual to store political points against me on the republican party. trish: the finger pointing comes as thousands of migrants inch closer to our border. president trump taking new action as our troops deploy to the border to seal it shut. we have all the details. michael avenatti is in the hot seat again tonight. senate judiciary chairman chuck grassley calling on the justice department to investigate whether he and his client julie swetnick conspired to provide the senate committee with false
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information. "trish regan primetime" coming right up. authorities searching for more package bombs that may have been mailed to critics of president trump. the fbi right now interrogating the 56-year-old suspect in florida. earlier tonight he was arrested and charged with five federal crimes in what could be the end of the nearly three decade-long criminal history. all of this as the fbi tells us these bombs are not hoax devices. >> we are still analyzing the devices in our laboratory. these are not hoax devices. trish: the former assistant director of the fbi, my question is, if none of these detonated and weren't capable of actually detonating, were they in fact not hoax devices? explain that to me if you would.
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>> we are grateful they didn't detonate and there were no injuries. and second great piece of work by the fbi and the task force. let me try to explain what i think director wray is saying. he's saying it's not a hoax device, it's not a fake device with no lethality. i talked to a lot of people and examined the photographs. i think there is a good chance these device didn't have functioning detonators or they weren't put together well. i think what chris is saying there was some kind of explosive material in these pvc pipes, and that qualifies technically as a pipe bomb or weapon of mass destruction. and under certain conditions those things could have detonated with certain temperatures, certain type of pressure or jostling, for
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example. but they weren't really functioning bombs in the sense of having a detonator. trish: interesting, but then it leads you to the suspect that he was not smart enough or experienced enough with these bombs and explosive devices to fire them off, or waits that he was just trying to scare people? ways your sense of that? >> this surely is speculation. i don't have inside information. i think he was trying to cause the reaction that he did in fact get, a media frenzy and a lot of publicity for himself and whatever his cause is. obviously he's demented. you won't hear the investigators say he's crazy because they don't want to late ground work for earn insanity defense. but by definition this person is
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disturbed. trish: i spoke to a source who attend two years of high school with this suspect, and what he told me it was the feeling among all the kids in high school that this guy was someone who was pretty demented. he had a lot of problems and was a quote-unquote crazy. that you could foresee. i guess that's what's discouraging. after the fact they say that person was really crazy. but between being crazy and actually doing something destructive, there is a big, big path. why don't we do more to apprehend these people before it gets to something like this. >> that's walk that line between being big brother and the omnibus profiling and having a specific threat. he had a criminal record. he was known. he was a walking billboard, look at me. i obviously have my beliefs
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pinned on my van and everywhere else on twitter. i don't think the public should draw any conclusions about this particular person's politics in the sense that that --ing this receipt rick is the cause of that. there are crazy people on both side of the political spectrum. and the rhetoric -- you can't blame rhetoric. you blame the people. trish: i agree a thousand percent with you. it bothers me what we are hearing from the media right now. chris, good to see you tonight. thank you so much. that's the media's blame game. their true colors are coming through as this disturbing story unfold. the media has been quick to rush to judgment without knowing any facts. in their mind there is only one person responsible for these heinous acts. you know who. >> he spend most of of his time at his rallies throwing verbal
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bombs at all the people that received these bombs in the mail. >> all of the targets of this suspect, of these pipe bombs are democrats or poll in the critics of the president. >> this was an attempt to assassinate almost a dozen democrats. >> one of them was a news network. >> he allows the chant and stokes cnn successed -- cnn sucs rallies. trish: they know exactly who to blame before a suspect was ever arrested. remember when the republicans were targets in june 2017 when congressman steve scalise was shot by a crazed bernie sanders supporter. the media even then said
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president trump was to blame. >> i think in terms of political leadership right now, that both president trump and the congressional leadership on the republican side are can really divisive, and that they are really benefiting from a kind of rage machine that operates in this country. >> you obviously had this horrible attempted assassination of numerous members of congress. >> when the president says punch them in the face, you know, carry them out on a stretcher, he creates a culture of incivility with sort of lets anybody who is loosely hinged to reality just sort of go off the rail. >> whether it's an attack on the united states congress was foreseeable, predictable and to
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some degrees self-inflicted. trish: oh, my goodness. it seems republicans i guess are to be blamed no matter who is being targeted. that's just the way the media rolls. here to debate. madison and jehmu greene. why do they constantly say it's his fault? >> who is they? trish: the media. they just. you heard the sound. he single one is saying he's the one who inspired that. how do you defend that? >> i hate to start with agreeing with spiderman. but there is a really good lesson that we learned from uncle ben which is with great power comes great responsibility. it's also in the bible for unto
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whosoever is given,' will be asked of him. this is the president of the united states. the way we are as a country, get rights to more community and disenfranchised people. we have been constantly improving because the leader of our country have stepped in to bring us together. donald trump is the first president who decided not to do that. trish: here is my problem with that. if you are a republican, the mainstream media is going to hit you. whether you are mitt romney or from the bush family. it doesn't matter. this is their m.o. and they go after the republicans.
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now you have a republican who says i'm going after you back. that's not okay. when i spoke to the president i addressed that with him. he agrees that he has to bring us together. and he talked about the importance of economic prosperity. but that aside, what is the victim mentality that the media has. why is it on one person's fault. why can't it my fault and your fault and jehmu's fault. we don't need to blame one person. we ought to all have responsibility here for bringing us together. >> i know the president and his goal from day one has been to bring us together and he wants to do that through his policies. but i don't think they believe what they are saying. but they are not all stupid people. they know in the back of their minds that president trump is not responsible for what happened this week.
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>> there is a lot of evidence leading people to believe that. you are right. there is a lot of blame to go around on both side. our political discourse and political news is being driven by the fringes of society. so we are all responsible. anyone with a media platform should make sure that does not continue. and i think we have to call into account all of the conservatives and even the president himself who says perhaps this was some sort of false flag and blamed it on a hypothetical democrat out there trying to hurt him. i think anyone who allowed that to be said on their platform who gave voice to that should apologize. trish: we did question with geraldo whether there were other factors that could be involved. we get concern about the russians and the chinese as we get closer to mid terms.
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those are things authority need to be look at. but i agree everyone need to have responsibility in this. there is an important part of reporting. you don't speculate. the problem i have with what the left is doing. they are speculating. this all happening because of president trump. >> it's not happening because of the president. it happened well before president trump was in office. we need to put faith in law enforcement. there has been a lot of instances. these people could have been stopped, like parkland. >> i'm all for everybody being more proactive in terms of being nicer to each other, and that includes hillary clinton. that includes maxine waters. no more talk of heckling people. we owe it to ourselves as
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americans to show some decency. i said this to him and he agreed. you look at what he has been saying the last couple days and he stressed the importance much coming together. we all get it. thank you so much. coming up, a lot more ahead tonight. president trump sending troops to seal the border shut as the administration looks for options to prevent migrants from seeking asylum. loud mouth and brash attorney michael avenatti could find himself in the cross-hairs of the justice department. chuck grassley recommending the doj investigate the attorney for conspiring to provide false statement to congress. that story straight ahead. so a tree falls on your brand new car and totals it.
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trish: take a look at that. lots of people trying to come here. breaking tonight, president trump in an effort to deter the massive caravan you are looking
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at on your screen, he's carolina acarolina -- he's considering an executive order to prevent this 14,000-strong and still growing care vab from reaching the united states. reporter: the executive order is in the planning stages. senior administration officials say they are considering a wide range of options including shutting the border. we know for sure the white house, out of the white house, 800 to 1,000 active duty military will be deployed. support personnel. they will be added to the 2,100 national guardmen on the border. the president moving to close
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the border if he need to. at a rally in charlotte, the president blaming democrats for the caravan. president trump: the democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens into our country, and they want to sign them up for free healthcare, free welfare, free education, and for the right to vote. >> the vice president at his rally says we must remember this caravan is not a humanitarian mission coming north. >> people who organized this caravan are leftist organizations, human traffickers with no regard for human life. they are literally exploiting people, many elderly and children with no regard. reporter: the president is sending a strong message. turn back or stay in mexico.
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trish: a big concern if all these people keep coming here and the left gets their way. what do you know, they would be voting. that's what you have people in san francisco calling for. that's what you have people in georgia calling for. the woman running for democratic governor of georgia. maybe that's the end game. i want to go to southern mexico for a report from fox news' william lajeunesse who is traveling with the caravan. reporter: you can see the caravan members are sleeping over here. we are right next to a rail yard for a train called the beast. it goes right through here. people in town say it's not until' later. it's not regular service, it's a freight train. some of the men tonight say they will get on that train when it comes through here. other say they will take a boat
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because gangs, members of the cartel are on that train, they are subject to extortion, theft and kidnapping. some will take it, some not. late tonight president nieto offered members of the caravan medical care and a job and school for their kids if they apply. that will siphon off some of the numbers. but most of of them want to go to the united states and tijuana. trish: you saw the people behind william in that report. predominantly male. i haven't seen a lot of women and children and the families they have been telling us about. the other thing that troubles me is how few of them seem to be showing any desire to be in america in that they are still holding the honduran, guatemalan
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and mexican flags. if you want to come here, don't you want to be one of us? clearly it suggests they don't. if they love their own country that much, why aren't they staying there. nick adams, founder and ceo of the foundation for liberty for american greatness. he joins me right now. nick, good to see you. >> congratulations on your time slot. trish: thank you. it's good to be here with all of you. nick, i know you went through a lot in terms of your own immigration process. a lot of people go through a lot to immigrate to the united states, to get a green card, to get citizenship. why should these people marching toward our country right now be treated any differently than you were? >> well, they shouldn't, trish. that's the great tragedy in all of this. what we are seeing unfolding is
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outrageous. it's disgusting and particularly upsetting to somebody like me that crashed he t, dotted he i, had to go through medical check and police checks and any other check you could possibly conceive of. i did the right thing. it took me a very long time. it cost me lots and lots of money. but for a country i wanted to be a part of for the place i wanted to call home, i was willing to do it. these people don't show any kind of love for you the united states. trish: i'll point out something quite obvious. you are in a different position in terms of your background and your ability to spend money to be part of this country and go through the red tape you had to go through. i for one would love to see it easier for people who want to come here and contribute to have a pathway to come here. you should haven't to spend that much money and go through that
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much red tape if you are the kind of person we want here. i don't understand why we can't be rather systematic about this. you proposed this. a merit-based system saying we need people that can work on the farm. we'll take the people who want to come from mexico. we need nurses. we need teachers, we need doctors, and we go through the list and say waste is we need, we'll seek as opposed to sure, come on in, legally or not, applying for asylum or getting through the border. it seems a common sense thing to me, nick. but other countries do it, why don't we? >> you are right, trish. we want people to come to the united states who are going to come to make, not take, to give, not receive. to join the place, not complain by the or change the. we want people to contribute to
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this nation and embrace our values. unfortunately the left wants to have a european union of the western hemisphere, a super nation, if you like stretching from canada all the way to argentina without borders. trish: it's not just that. because they what take in he syrian refugee as well. we went through that a short while ago. for some reason there is a sense we should open our arms up and take in the whole world. but that has serious financial consequences nobody seems to want to talk about. >> the left are trying to mimic in the united states what is going on in europe even though it's crumbling before our eyes. they want an open borders regime that would embrace terrorists and immigrants alike from war zones like syria. that would mean we would lose our cultural identity, we would lose our common values, and that's what the left wants.
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trish: i could talk to you all night, but i have got to run. the liberal media is at it again. they are questioning president trump's mental state because he tweeted at 3:00 in the morning. you can't work at 3:00 in the morning according to the media. the left one media always attacks nun they believe to be a threat. and i have proof. ters' insuranc! man 1: (behind wall) yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too! um... the walls seem a bit thin... man 2: (behind wall) they are! and craig practices the accordion every night! says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. i'm a very shy singer. you're tone deaf! ehh... should we move on to the next one? it's a great building! you'll love it here! we have mixers every thursday. geico®. it's easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance.
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morning show on msnbc, they keep alluding to it. last year around this time joe scarborough said, and let me quote, people close to me in the campaign told me he had early stages of dementia. and then this summer joe's fiancee said he's not well, that's the bottom line. the president of united states is completely unhinged and getting worse by the day. you see, this is a theme with the mainstream media. if a conservative dares to demand change, to be different, whether it's on trade and the tariffs with china, when it's about demanding lower drug prices or whether it's about saying identity politics actually can end through economic achievement, well, the mainstream media's threatened because democrats are threatened. they have a history of using the crazy card. you know, when i was a kid, they used to go after ronald reagan saying he was absolutely nuts.
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in fact, i want you to see this. oh, we don't have the actual, actual cover, although i did see it. you can find it online. this is the new republic from 1987, and the headline ran, "reagan senile?" ? you see? crazy. anytime the left faces a threat, they just try and paint other side as crazy or racist or anti-semitic. you heard me this week. remember when i showed rachel maddow comparing trump's voter fraud threat to the kkk in the 1920s, and i showed you how msnbc and "the new york times" compared trump to adolf hitler? all of these his or call comparisons are grossly exaggerated, and they are highly manipulated all in an effort to instill fear in the american public. i have a word to the wise tonight to the left and to the mainstream media, try to get
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creative, would ya? because the same old same old is getting a little boring. joining me right now, media reporter for the hill, joe concha. it seems like they have the same theme over and over and over again, and they've been doing this, what, since the 1980s. >> yeah. and when you say something over and over again, trish, it tends to lose something called impact. and, look, i've texted at 3:30 in the morning, and you're welcome to anybody who got to experience that poetry. that was a long time ago, before wife and kids. [laughter] in 2017 joe scarborough, who isn't a doctor but plays one on tv the, he claimed trump was in the early stages of dementia. my question is this, if he's in the early stages in 2017 and we're almost at 2019, shouldn't we be at another stage at this point? [laughter] and so, wouldn't that be kind of apparent when you're trying to be president of the united states, the hardest job in the
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world? just asking. trish: no, it's a valid point, and dr. scar or borough -- [laughter] in his diagnosis. you mentioned the three a.m. thing, and i want to get back to that that for a second because this is a president who seems to be a workaholic, and he's always working, and he prides himself on that. apparently he doesn't need so much sleep. god bless him -- >> four hours, i think, yeah. trish: but i want to go back to a 2008 hillary clinton campaign ad in which they talked about whether or not she'd be able to work at three a.m. here we go. >> it's three a.m., and your children are safe and asleep. but there's a phone in the white house, and it's ringing. something's happening this the world. your vote will decide who answers that call, whether it's someone who already knows world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world. it's three a.m., and your children are safe and asleep.
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who do you want answering the phone? ♪ ♪ >> i'm hillary clinton, and i approved this message. trish: so in other words, she was promising to work at three a.m., because shouldn't everybody want their president working at three a.m.? now, i get it, it was a tweet, which is a little different than an important phone call. i understand that. but to criticize him for the hour in which he may send a tweet, i find just a little, a little aggressive on their front. >> trish, just because donald trump is unconventional, it doesn't make him unfit. and you made this point before, he does things differently here that, quite frankly, is like no other president we've seen before. and, look, i grew up in new jersey. i've been following donald trump since he owned the new jersey generals in the mid '80s. all i know is this, this was same person that was embraced by the new york cultural elite, embraced by the new york press, he's same person that was in
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page six and the new york post on a daily basis. and when he got to the office of the presidency, he didn't change one bit. people said, okay, start acting presidential. what his supporters like about him is that he is authentic, he is brutally candid. you may agree or disagree with the way he articulates things or goes after people, but he hasn't changed who he is. and the fact that he's not a phony, that he's not poll-tested is why his supporters like him and why his numbers stay where they are. so when people call him hitler or unfit, guess what? when you hit the quota of saying that for the one millionth time since he's been in office, it's just not going to land the punch. trish: i get it. hey, joe, thank you for being here tonight. next, everyone, a bad week turning worse for fame-loving attorney michael avenatti. chuck grassley asking the justice department to look into allegations of avenatti and his client, julie swetnick,
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conspired to provide false statements to congress. that's ahead. ♪ ♪ (roger) being a good father
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what's in your wallet... oh, c'mon! ♪ ♪ trish: liberal loud mouth, anti-trump attorney michael avenatti could be in deep trouble. senate judiciary chair chuck grassley now pushing the justice department to investigate mr. avenue that thety and his client, julie swetnick, who accused judge kavanaugh of participating many gang rape. in gang rape. pretty bad stuff. now, the concern here is that mr. avenatti and ms. swetnick may have deliberately conspired to the provide false statements to congress. my next guest says avenatti could be disbarred. trial attorney and legal analyst misty meyers. great to have you. >> thank you, trish. at 8:00 instead of 2. we've got to go out to dinner
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afterwards. [laughter] trish: you're saying he should be disbarred. you really have a lot of questions, you think this is a bad guy who did a bad thing? >> i think that if this is true, if he conspired with a client to lie for the purpose of obstructing a congressional investigation, that is absolutely would be sent immediately to the ethics committee, and there would be very little question that there would be repercussions. trish: so is he going to say, oh, no, no, no, this is what she told me, and i was doing my job as her attorney. >> he does have that sworn affidavit that. [applause] swet -- that ms. swet nick did sign, but damage oj is saying -- doj is saying it wasn't just avenatti, they conspired to tell these false statements to congress to obstruct a congressional investigation. and that will come down to the whether they agreed upon this --
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trish: well, then why did she change her tune when she did the interview? >> it's so interesting, trish, because you watch that interview, and she essentially recants all of those salacious allegations in, again, a sworn at the same time. and we know, we were covering this story that today, was there not an emphasis on this is the penalty of perjury. she recanted that. and that's why the doj is looking into this. any statement that's out there in the public, they're going to use to say this was fictitious, this was false. trish: it's wild. why would you have this sworn affidavit, and then why would you go on national television and say, no, no, no, i didn't mean it effectively? that was sort of what she was doing, and now we're getting reports nbc had some sourcing that suggested whole thing may have been made up or concoctedsome. >> there was anonymous source, also an avenue matty client, and she spoke to nbc directly as reports said and say, look, this didn't happen, i never saw
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kavanaugh spike punch. michael avenatti was twisting my words. trish: wow. >> that's what she said. but when did that story come out? october 25th. trish: might have been helpful while it was ongoing -- >> you imagine -- it's exculpatory because aha's what the whole narrative was that julie swetnick's story was supported by this other person. and the fact that this was left this the pocket, imagine, that is bombshell news. we were here covering that case every single detail as new facts came out, and it was held until the moment had completely passed. trish: misty, what's your gut feeling on this? do you think that avenatti and others were deliberately trying the derail him because they did not want another conservative? >> i mean, look, that's what the doj -- the question that the the doj is going to answer, were these false statements purposeful. was there intent to obstruct a congressional investigation. that's what the doj is going to
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the dig deep. and swetnick is going to have to answer question taha you just posed, why in the world would you sign a sworn statement if the information in there was not true? and then as far as nbc's concerned, they held on this until after fact. trish: we're going to keep watching this. misty, it's good to see you. >> thank you, trish. trish: the crowd erupting today as president trump announced the capture of the bombing suspect. take a look at that, they all got their cell phones out. coming up next, two people that were right there in that room, they were there for a young black leadership summit, and they're going to tell us why they were so excited to be there and why they think this president is doing more than many for the african-american community. megan and david are here next. ♪ ♪ >> i am pleased to inform you that law enforcement has apprehended the suspect and taken him into custody.
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♪ ♪ >> and many of you have been attacked and called vicious names for being willing to speak out for what we all believe in.
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the conservative movement -- trish: that was president trump encouraging young, black americans to openly embrace their conservative values and to never let democrats bring them down. my next guests, they were at today's young black leadership summit at white house, and they are here right now with their stories on why they're supporting this president and why they're supporting his policies. megan harris and david harris jr., good to see you guys. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. trish: did you have fun today? >> yes. >> it was amazing. trish: yeah? >> truly historic. absolutely. trish: what was so amazing about it, david? >> to be around so many other like-minded black americans, i've been an outspoken proponent for donald trump and his administration since before he won the election on all my social media challenges. i'm constantly sharing and talking about the positive strides he's making for the black community, and i'm normally, to be honest with you, i'm normally berated or
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challenged. your clip, actually, leading into this was perfect because i know megan has as well, i've received so much negativity that it's really been disheartening, but it's a fight that's worst taking on. to be around so many other black americans chanting and shouting and appreciative for our president was truly a blessing. it was absolutely amazing. trish: megan, what do you say to other african-americans who say, you know what? i don't feel like he believes in me, in my community, and then you see, of course, the mainstream media constantly painting him as a racist, suggesting that he's got all of these dog whistles out there to white supremacists, etc. you know, that kind of group think, doesn't that kind of get to you at times? what do you say to those people? >> it definitely does. it, honestly, saddens me knowing that the mainstream media has this whole narrative, and it seems like it's taken over, and, you know, this is why i do what i do, because i believe so strongly in it. i really believe in helping
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people open their eyes and becoming, ultimately, free thinkers and looking at the facts and the evidence and knowing that this simply is just not true. trish: you know, president obama today was out speaking, and my good friend @loudobbs i think, referred to it as an ego trip. i call it, you know, sort of revisionist mystery. the president -- former president, trying to suggest that he is the reason for the success we're seeing right now in the economy. and it's his policies to which -- and i won't bore you with all the reasons why it's not, but it's definitely not, because i covered those eight years as an economic correspondent, and i can tell you his policies did nothing for our economy. but, david, we're now looking at lowest level ever for black unemployment, and minorities, i think, are responding to this because we've seen the president's poll numbers and likability ratings soar among the minority community. really just within even the last
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several weeks, we've seen a big uptick. what is it that you think black americans are realizing right now? >> well, i think it's exactly what you said. it's jobs, it's an increase in their tax returns. i was actually speaking to a woman i called at godaddy over my web site, and she talks to a lot of people on a regular basis, and she actually shared that she did not vote for donald trump. she is a part of the black community. she said her tax return was over triple what it was the previous year, and she's constantly talking to veterans that are calling in talking about how much better the v.a. is. she's hearing all the positive things that are taking place. but she said for herself it was seeing the triple in her tax return coming back to her from fred that made they are -- feds that made her say, you know what? other people are getting tax bonuses from their companies as well, and i think that's what's waking black americans up. trish: i think it scares the mainstream need ya and the left -- >> absolutely.
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>> he went after a lot of traditional blue collar voters thatted 40 voted democrat for years in pennsylvania, and he got them. and they are very fearful that he's going to get many members of the african-american community as well, people that historically have always voted for democrats. kanye west has been a big supporter. he was there in the white house most recently. the media went nuts, they criticized him up one side and down the other. oh, i believe they called him crazy too. i was just talking about how much they like to the label people crazy. what did you think, megan, of kanye? >> i think it's wonderful. it's so beautiful to see someone so publicly and openly advocating for free thinking. i think him just being so public about it is helping more black americans look and kind of be open to the idea of conservative ideas. i know people even in my own life that have been are, that have looked at kanye been like, wow, i'm actually going to look
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at what he's saying. and i think that is truly, truly -- it's a historical moment. trish: i think, you know -- >> giving black americans the opportunity to think again. trish: thanks so much, guys. good to see you tonight. not every day you get to go to the white house. the white house. see you guys. its for my future. annuities can provide protected income for life. learn more at retire your risk dot org. because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. introducing the all-new lexus es. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. a product of mastery. you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, - a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your life for weeks. in severe cases, pneumococcal pneumonia can put you in the hospital.
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to our border, so we're going to be covering that for you all next week. i have a very, very big guest lined up if -- up for you. more on that on monday. have a terrific weekend. send me a tweet. maria is next. ♪ ♪ >> from san francisco, this is maria bartiromo's wall street. maria: happy weekend. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo, thanks for joining us. it was a big week for technology and earnings. we had earnings from microsoft, amazon, alphabet and texas instruments reporting amidst worries of a slowdown coming in the week ahead. fund manager dan nice laid out -- nice laid out such a she mare owe. >> what you've seen in general with boeing being a pretty big exception is that a lot of companies are guiding much lower. i'll give you an example. texas instruments reported last night, and i think they're


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