tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business October 29, 2018 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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let's take a look at who's coming up next. you know what? i'm going to say thanks for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow. good night from new york. trish: breaking right now, the u.s. military preparing to deploy thousands more troops to our southern border as the caravans of migrants march north. the numbers may be the highest in modern history in terms of our troops along our border there with the south. >> by the end of this week we'll deploy over 5,200 soldiers to the southwest border. that is just the start of his operation. we'll continue to adjust the numbers and inform you. but that's in addition to the 2,092 that are already deployed from our national guard.
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trish: matt schlapp on how the president's aggressive tactics just might work. as the caravan crisis unfolds, the mainstream media is working overtime attempting to blame the recent violence not on the crazy suspects accused much these lanous, violent acts, but the president himself. this a campaign to label the president as anti-he metic. my intel on why that will never work. he's encouraging black voters to leave the democratic party and how he's selling his message. this is "trish regan primetime." over 5,000 droops deploying to our southern border as multiple
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caravans of thousands of migrants march northward towards the bored. the top border official says these care vans can easily turn violent. >> what we saw when the group crossed the honduras-guatemalan bored they did it forcefully. and on the guatemala-mexico border it was a combination of near rioting on the bridge and crossing illegally. we saw those tactics which are different than we have seen in past large groups. trish: remember that moment when thousands of people stampeded that border. rushing through the fences. rushing past authorities from guatemala into mexico. the concern right now, can they do the exact same thing here in the united states? that's why we are sending 5,200 troops. matt schlapp joins me more with
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all this. good to see you, matt. is that the fear? >> yes, of course. what people forget. we talk about these people who are in our country illegally, the millions and millions of people. here is how it works. if you rush the southern border because we are such a tolerant and decent country and because we have so many liberal judges that intervene, your chances of being released into the the interior of the united states are very high. if you skip that first hearing you can be in america as long as you want to be. we have hundreds of thousands of individuals even in the trump administration where he's trying to track down where our laws allow them to eve raid the proper process. trish: we heard about the ms-13 gang members and concerns about children and women being you are in the this horrible trip along the way as they march north. now we are learning it might
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turn violent right here as we watch them potentially crossing over into our own country. but with the president sending so many troops, and they a not just troops that are armed. you have a lot of lawyers and doctors there. how .we prevent scenes like what we saw along the guatemalan border? can we stop them from rush and stampeding across? >> i think we can. there are a lot of victims here. americans are victims when immigration isn't about legal immigration, but about illegal immigration. there are a lot of young kids involved, young girls. people who just want a better life. i love the fact that they want to come to america. but if we don't have an orderly system we don't have much of a bored or much of a country. and we don't know who makes up this moob as people calm it a caravan. this onslaught.
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we don't know because we haven't done the vetting on these people. that's why you have an immigration system so you can vet people before they come to the country. we allow people to come here and rush our southern border. we'll have chaos and we won't be able to pick the people we need. trish: to me it should be simple we should welcome people that we want here. there are lots of people including farm workers. not everybody has to have a ph.d to come to the united states of america. if you are willing to come here and you want that opportunity for your children. but let's make it easy for the right people to come in and get them in the trite way. this is the president tweeting today. many gang members and very bad people are mixed into this caravan heading towards our southern border. please go back. you will not be admitted into the united states unless you go through the legal process. this an invasion of our country
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and the military is waiting for you. it's hard to find a time, we have seen previous presidents sent national guard to the border, but never in this volume, never u.s. troops. this is really unprecedented, sir. >> you know why, right behind this group of folks -- some people in the media are mischaracterizing that they are dissipating. it's still 5,000 strong or more. and there is another group assembling as well. if we allow thousands of people to take advantage of our decency and tolerance over and over again. every single person waiting in line for a legal and orderly process to get a temporary working permit or green card, they have to wait. they are the real victims here. the people following the law get trampled on while these people get to cut in line.
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i'm glad we have a president who says that will not stand. trish: this kind of bugs me. i have been looking at this video. over and over again the media tells us, it's families and moms with kids. i don't think there is a person in area who wouldn't feel for a mother and her child wanting a better life. these pictures don't show me moms and kids. these pictures show me a lot of young men. they are coming here looking for a better opportunity. but the media would characterize it as simply all families. it strikes me as is ingenuous. >> i think that's completely right. older teenagers have characterized much of the illegal immigration on the southern border. the journey is a rough journey. you talk about them overcoming
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the qualityn and mexican authorities. that's criminal activity right there. this is really important. even during the trump administration, we have probably 150,000 or more people that have been able to in this catch and release process which is unfortunately the law, who get to the southern border will allowed to have a hearing in america, but they don't always report to that first hearing. then they add to the millions of people who live in the shadows. we can't have law enforcement in our country if we are going to have that process. trish: how does this play out in mid-terms. democrats say you are exploiting that. as a member of the media, the fact that i show these pictures irritates some of them. they say this isn't really a story and americans don't care about that. >> my wife mercedes works for
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the president. five little latinas. her parents came over here the legal way because they were facing political oppression. y last name is schlapp. i love the fact that we have immigrants that come legally and become americans and make this country better. i think the politics work for the president because people say he's being nativist or mean. he's not. he's saying i want great, new americans, but we have to do it the legal way. i think democrats are on the hot seat. you have this unruly mob coming to our southern border. they have no answer. you know what their answer is? let them in. trish: i have someone here who might say let them in and let them vote as well. matt schlapp, my best to
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mercedes and your children. a first of its kind california program allows non-citizens to vote in san francisco. people who are in this country illegally. they are not citizens of the united states. yet they are getting to vote in these school board elections. next. before you get too worked up. before we get too excited i want to point out the numbers are pretty darn small. just 49 illegal immigrants signed up to vote. nonetheless, given that they are not here legally, one might say that is 49 too many. right? after all, last i checked. i'm not able to vote in just any country i'm not a citizen of. but my next guest disagrees and says we ought to be able to extend voting rights to
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non-citizens and here illegally. joining me. a san francisco board of education commissioner. why are you going to let them vote in the elections. >> undocumented immigrants have students in schools. they have a right to vote on the people making policy that affect their child. are you a parent? trish: i sure am. >> i know you want a voice and a say with the people who will make policies affecting your children. trish: the reality is, if i suddenly took off for france or germany or japan or mexico or anywhere else, and i enrolled my children in schools. let's assume i am doing everything legally. i have a visa and i'm working there. the reality is i can't vote in their elections, nor should i expect to vote in their
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elections. it's not -- my children are in the school system just as these illegals have children in the school system. >> we don't call them illegals were they are undocumented immigrants who contribute to tour economy. trish: are they here legally? that's a whole new term. somehow now it's a politically incorrect to say if you are here illegally, that they are here illegally. >> human beings cannot be illegal. trish: what about the status of these people in terms of the actual adjective you would use to describe whether they are here legally or illegally. >> you be documented. trish: illegal aliens here in the united states now being allowed to vote for the school board. where does it stop? should they be able to vote for
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more than just the school board? >> i think people raising families, contributing to our economy should have a say in the government that they pro expect. we need to allow more protections and opportunities for undocumented immigrants. trish: if i'm hillary clinton and i'm going to run in 2020. i would say open up the flood gates. >> i appreciate you saying welcome to america, that's something i stand for as well. trish: you know that i stand for that. i, too, am from immigrants. so don't for two seconds think i don't have the empathy to understand what people want and why they come here. i do. i get it. but i also get that we are a pretty big country as it is. and while we want all the people to come here legally, with the
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right paperwork and the right documentation so they have the best shot at having a good life here, people want them here illegally. you are saying come in illegally and vote. >> i think we have to remember how we all got here. i didn't get here the same way your ancestors got here. but families are contributing to our families and economy. they are productive and should have a voice in the democratic process. we need to make sure people are heard and they have a voice in how the government operates. trish: i have a question for you. >> of course you do. trish: we are a time clock. what if all these people came in and said i like donald trump. and i like conservatives. and i want to vote for conservatives. would you still be just as enthusiastic? be honest.
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>> our president is a tyrant. so our undocumented immigrants are not going to support somebody who shouldn't be in the white house who has been attack and separating families. that's a question we'll never see happen. trish: humor me. >> if i humor you, they won't be voting for donald trump. trish: what i would have liked to have heard and given me earn couragement in your you a then is tough is you would welcome people to vote regardless of who they are voting for which concerns me that this is nothing more than pure politics. i don't you don't get very far on this. but thank you. straight ahead, the left-wing media wasting no time blaming only one person for the heartbreaking devastating spin going shooting in pittsburgh. and it's not the guy who committed the crime. new tonight.
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kanye west has a fresh message for the black community. the new term called blexit. insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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trish: a new low for the mainstream media after an act of anti-semitic violence at a pittsburgh synagogue. the left isn't wasting any time connecting what they believe are the dots between despicable violence and the president of the united states. >> nationalism goes hand in hand with anti-semitism. the idea of nationalism is to put jews outside the definition of us. that's what donald trump does. that's his theme. >> this tale of anti-semitic comments seem to follow his everywhere to the point where his jewish son-in-law has to write an op-ed saying my father isn't an anti-semite. there might be fire where that
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anti-semitic smoke is. trish: it could be those on the left would like to believe he's anti-semitic. that would scare people into saying we can't vote for him because he's a racist and anti-semitic. forget the fact that his daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren are all jewish. and he's probably done more in terms of strengthening our relationship with israel than any president in modern history. joining us now, jeff balabon. what do you think when you hear people say he's anti-semitic. >> that's totally insane. this is people who don't hesitate to politicize anything. they take the death of innocent jews and turn it into political
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talking points. people say if he's responding to charges of anti-semitism there must be fire where there is smoke. there is no smoke. what's disgraceful is the politicization of this horrendous act, and the president's response has been second spa --has been spectacul. he has taken the strongest stance against january see you semitism of any leader in the world. no one has ever said those who try to destroy the jewish people, we'll destroy you. trish: you lost your grandparents in the hole kowft. and when you hear -- in the holocaust. when you hear this rhetoric does
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it tell you about something more sinister in american politics? >> absolutely. if our politics -- the first time i heard about the tragedy was after the sabbath. because for us we are off the grid. by the time i heard about it, it was already a political football. they were already using it to throw false condemnation against the president of the united states it's an outrage. trish: when you compare this president to adolph hitler, you lost me. you have insulted history, you insulted everyone who lost a loved one. it's irresponsible and frankly, disgusting. >> 100%. i couldn't agree with you more. it's terrifying that that's where political discourse has gone in this country. he's the most of pro jewish
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leader and president we have ever experienced. this man argued he's too pro jewish and pro israel. trish: hillary clinton touting her resume saying she would like to be president and she is a qualified to be president. will this be a dream come true for republicans? this is actually under your budget. it's great. mm-hmm. yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters' insurance! man 1: (behind wall) yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too! um... the walls seem a bit thin... man 2: (behind wall) they are! and craig practices the accordion every night! says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. i'm a very shy singer. you're tone deaf! ehh... should we move on to the next one? it's a great building!
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i'm anti-termite. trish: pathetic. just pathetic. that's not the first time the nation of islam farrakhan has had anti-he meti anti-semitic t. this man who many on the left have no problem cozying up to has a history of commentary just like that. disgusting. so it's worth bringing up right now because of the sheer hypocrisy of the moment. only one hand left is determined label the president an anti-semite. they make outrageous comparisons equating him to adolph hitler. msnbc and the "new york times." but when an actual anti-semite shows up on the scene like
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farrakhan they repeatedly refuse to call him out. twitter hasn't done a thing about this horrible man's rhetoric. democratic leaders have refused to distance themselves from farrakhan. maxine waters who is calling for harassment of anyone working in the trump administration can't be bothered. danny davis told the daily caller is and i quote, an outstanding human being. he later walked back his comments. but only after backlash. trust me, congressman, an outstanding human being doesn't say stuff like that. an outstanding human being doesn't blame jews or whites or any other group. an outstanding human being doesn't try to scapegoat.
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would what i would love to see happen is for the left to ditch its hypocrisy and call people out. even if it means calling out one of their own. that's tonight's intel. new this evening. hillary clinton not ruling out a 2020 run. >> do you want to run again? >> no. no. >> there was a pause. >> well, i would like to be president. i think hopefully when we have a democrat in the oval office in january of 2021, there will be so much work to be done. the work would be work that i feel very well prepared for, having been in the senate for eight years and having been a diplomat in the state department. it's going to be a lot of heavy lifting. >> will you be doing any of it? >> i have no idea. trish: is she touting her resume, telling us why she would
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be a great president and she would like to be president? haven't we been down that road a couple of times? first she lost to president obama, then she lost to president trump. joining me, democratic strategist and former hillary clinton campaign advisor. antoine, are you willing to go down that road? >> simmer down. i don't know if you had too much coffee today. she didn't say she was running for president. what she said is she would like to be president. she would like to be president in this current moment. but the election did not pay it out that -- did not play it out that way. hillary clinton has a major role to play. her contributions will be very important helping candidates up and down the ballot. i'm not in the business of telling hillary clinton to go
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away. i think she is a wonderful woman. trish: but you will tell me i had too much coffee. >> that's because i love you. trish: i'll give you a little advice. i thought back in 2016 you guys should have run biden. he had a common man approach to things that resonates with americans, and i think she was the anita -- was the antithesis. i don't think you would want to go down that path again. >> what i'm in the business of is to allow democratic primary voters to choose their nominee. joe binder had his son on his mind. i doubt seriously hillary clinton will run for president in 2020.
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i think we'll have a lot of the candidates on the ballots. the road to the white house and to heaven runs through south carolina. trish: the president just spoke with laura ingraham. but i have got a preview for you. here he is talking about hillary clinton. >> who is your dream person to run against in 2020. dream candidate. president trump: so far i like them all. >> hillary is not down and out. president trump: i like her, too. i would be happy with hillary. i like them all. i don't see anybody i wouldn't enjoy running against. it could happen, but i don't see it right now. trish: he likes them all. he would welcome hillary clinton too. but you are telling me it's up to the voters. fit was up to the voters you
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know who might have been the nominee. it might have been bernie sanders. >> hillary clinton won the primary fair and square. voters across the country showed up to vote forker in large numbers. she was our nominee, made history, the first female nominee from any major party. i'm proud to have been part of that campaign. what i'm most of look forward to, the mid-terms. the second thing i'm looking forward to is having a message and showing the country our message that we can connect with voters. trish: if you sum it up, what do you think of the democratic party? >> i think the message is about qualy of life issues and the iom t cntrtgave cut the fri gencoions. we want an economy that works for everyone. trish: the economy is doing
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great. but it's doing great. >> you always make the argument that the economy is doing well. but there is a pocket called the have-nots where the economy is not doing well. we need an economy that works for everyone. trish: i would agree with that. >> under this economy things have gotten worse for some segments of the population. trish: this is what our economy looks like right now. you probably can't see it. i need a better mark i are. but it's an hourglass economy. you are about helping everybody on the bottom. and there are those, i would say the federal reserve helps everybody on top. but the people that have gotten squeeze are right there in the middle. the middle class, they have been
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taking it on the chin. >> that's why you have seen democratic candidates talking about how we improve middle class working familiar police this country. trish: we'll save this more another day, an, juan. d i can tell you if you need these lower taxes to help the middle class. i have to leave it there, thank you, antjuan seawright, everybody. kanye west urging blacks to ditch the democratic party. i'm ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees.
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should happen everydred five hundred years, right? fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade. allstate is adapting. with drones to assess home damage sooner. and if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? trish: kanye west ditching the
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democrats and he's designing the apparel calling for the blexit campaign for black voters to ditch the left. conservative commentator and strategist rob smith who is sporting one of the blexit t-shirts. let's -- >> this is the black exit from the democratic party. this is for african-americans who are tired of being lied to by democrats. who have voted forward democrats for decades and decades and have nothing to show for them. trish: antjuan is one of them. you voted for democrats for decades. >> it's no surprise kanye wifts all about promoting kanye west and his brand. that's fine, i get it. if that's how he wants to pay
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his contribution to this american experience. but he ask to ask what are republicans doing to improve the quality of life for african-americans. >> we have african-american unemployment at a record low right now. >> thanks to barack obama. >> let's take it away from kanye west. blexit is the brain child of candace owens. she is a force of nature. i was in washington, d.c. over the weekend at the young black leadership conference where she launched this campaign. she cares about black americans and had tears in her eyes. trish: it was a compelling moment seeing these young black leaders. your social media post, you made an important point here. >> i want you to look at all these white supremacists behind
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me. look at that. all these white supremacists. look at that. all right there. trish: african-americans supporting the white house. >> that was tongue and cheek. it was a joke. because what we hear every day from people who don't support the president is he gets support from white supremacists, white nation nationalists. i was in a program full of hundreds of young black conservatives who did support the president. >> i'm all about the marketplace of ideas where people can make their choice. what i'm saying to you. look at the gop politics. trish: you were just insulting -- >> we have been voting for the
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same party for decades. >> look at the policy playbook of the republican party, look at this tone, agenda and rhetoric. is it beneficialn to african-americans? i can tell you emphatically no. i travel this country a good bit for democratic purposes. when we have this conversation about what's going on. democrats fear we are going back to a dangerous place in this country. >> you said fare. that's all democrats have is fear. trish: you are on to something. fear is have much the name of the game. those on the left attacking the president, accusing him of having much in common with adolph hitler. we spoke to a jewish-american who is insulted by that. he lost ancestors and his grandparents. he's insulted by that. i'm insulted. we heard many on the left say
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he's racist as well. this isn't about ideals or any of that. it's about politics as i so quickly learned from my guest earlier this evening who is campaigning to make sure if you are here illegally as an illegal immigrant, you actually get to vote in this country. i asked him what if all those people here illegally wanted to vote for donald trump, would you still feel this way? here is his reaction. what if these people came in and said i like donald trump and i like conservatives, and i want to vote for conservatives. would you still be thus as figure. >> the issue is our president is a tyrant. our undocumented immigrants won't support somebody who shouldn't be in the white house who is focused on attacking and separating families. that's a question we'll never see happen. they won't be voting for donald
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trump. trish: so, it was very disingenuous. it's not authentic, it's not coming from the right place. it's coming from a purely political place. let's get through this identity politics. >> you saw the democrats telling on themselves. i will tell you, trish, if i thought the president of the united states hated me for being black, or hates made for being gay, i would never have gone to that event, i wouldn't have gone to that lecture. trish: rob and i used to work together here at fox. good to see you again. coming up next. a new study says americans are suffering from ptsd as a result of hillary clinton's 2016 loss. this is off the charts.
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a veteran who says this claim is insulting to all those who bravely serve our country. he's here next. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. so, let's talk about conference calls. there's always a certain amount of fumbling. a lot of times it doesn't work. we have problems. comcast business goes beyond fast. by letting you make and receive calls from any device using your business line. and conference calls you can join without any dial-ins or pins. (phone) there are currently 3 members in this conference.
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health reveals after donald trump was elected president, as many as one in four college students suffered from the kind of symptoms that lead to ptsd. my next guest thinks this is absolutely ridiculous. joining me, retired general anthony ortega. general, you certainly know a thing or two about what members of the military go through in terms of post traumatic stress disorder. is it comparable to what this study says college student are going through because hillary clinton didn't win? >> i would tell you there is a huge difference between not getting your way and the visceral emotional stress that leads to post traumatic stress.
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i have been on one knee handing the flag to the next of kin. i have seen soldiers shot next to me in combat. i have been in situations where we prayed on the back of a cargo ramp of an airplane taking the remains home with the teammates that lost their soldier in combat. what you see in the eyes of people who suffered the spider flight stress is real trauma. it's not traumatic to not get your way in an election. and perhaps what this study is doing is u -- is supplanting trp derangement syndrome for traumatic stress. trish: it didn't say the people have the full-on post traumatic
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stress disorder. but they have symptoms that lead to it. they are on their way. but we are laughing about it. but it's so, i think, insensitive when you think of all that you and everyone that has fought for his country and is fighting for this country goes through to compare, you know, as you said, not getting your way to something that's so serious is pushing the envelope, shall we say. >> right, right, trish. even the people in the tree of life synagogue in the past few days and what they went through and the law enforcement officers and the victims of physical and emotional violence. it's demeaning to compare that to not getting your way. and it's a sad state of affairs if in fact one quarter are showing symptoms of post traumatic stress, it reflects on
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how they were raised and what their expectations are. trish: what i say to people, get out and get active. stop playing the victim. if you care about something, get out there and do something about it. back to our top story. we are learning we'll see 5,200 troops heading to the border. they want to prevent scenes like we are looking at where the migrants stormed past the gates and the border patrol from guatemala into mexico. what are your thoughts on this? this seems to be the most of number of troops we have ever sent. >> 5,200 is two brigade combat teams. we are able to deploy two headquarters that can gather intelligence, can see into mexico, can move laterally along the bored and will be a deterrent and will be able to
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detain if necessary. these troops are very well trained on these kind of operations. and the original purpose our military is to defend our borders so i think it's a good we started making wine in 1948... [sfx: bottle sounds on conveyor] one bottle at a time. today, we produce nearly 20 million cases a year. chubb has helped us grow for the past 30 years... they helped us prevent equipment problems during harvest and provided guidance when we started exporting internationally. now we're working with them on cybersecurity. my grandfather taught me to make a wine that over delivers. chubb, over delivers. back pain can't win. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long.
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to questions. trish: headline. president says he will respond to written questions from bob mueller. you can watch more of his exclusive interview with our very own laura ingram tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern on fox kennedy will begin right now. have a terrific night, i will see you tomorrow. kennedy: to high-profile crimes and showing just how divided we are as a nation. synagogue massacre in the mailing of more than 1,000 pipe bombs and the question tonight how do we get past this horrible rhetoric and begin to heal? first, to the synagogue in pittsburgh they suspected shooter today in court charged with 29 counts including murder and federal hate crimes which hold federal prosecutor's plan to seek the death only in that case and according to the skaters the gunmen stormed into the tree by synagogue in pittsburgh squirrel hill area and poorly exceeded his victims while screaming anti- semitic
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