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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  November 2, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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really is coming down to a greater level of confidence, a sense of belief in the future because of different economic policies. get into that tomorrow and talk about trade, we'll talk about china. we'll continue staying on this immigration crisis with the caravan heading our way. have a wonderful ght. see you back in new york tomorrow. >> the make-or-break midterms five days away, and each party is scrambling for votes. four big issues could decide it all, immigration, health care, the economy and the president himself, we're going to cover each and every one of those tonight. first start with immigration, president trump and the republicans attempting to capitalize on the big caravan controversy. here's a live look at the president's rally in columbia, missouri. the pentagon gearing up to send as many as 15,000 troops to the border. critics have called it political theater but border security is critical to keeping americans safe and earlier
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today, the president said he's taking a hard line on immigration because the current laws are not up to snuff. >> every day, above and beyond our existing lawful admission programs, roughly 1500 to 2,000 people try crossing our borders illegally. we do a very good job considering the laws are so bad. they're not archaic, they're incompetent. it's not that they're old, they're just bad. and we can't get any democrat votes to change them. it's only the republicans that are in unison, they want to change them, they want to make strong borders, want to get rid of any crime. kennedy: the president had a warning for any migrants who tried to break through the border like some did on the way into mexico. >> they're throwing rocks, viciously and violently.
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you saw that three days ago. really hurting the military. we're not going to put up with that. they want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. we're going to consider it, i told them consider a rifle. when they throw rocks like they did at the mexico military and police, i say consider it a rifle. kennedy: there you go. just moments ago, trish regan asked vice president pence about the border situation and he placed the blame squarely on democrats. watch. >> i think in many ways, today's democratic party is much more liberal than the democratic party of 20 years ago. i mean, you know that even early in his career, president obama, you know, called for secure borders and we can't have people coming into our country illegally, and yet really there's is a party of open borders. kennedy: of course, mixed into all of this is the birthright citizenship debate that the president injected into the
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midterms this week. is immigration a winning issue for republicans and the closing days of the campaign? joining me great american pac senior strategist and former trump campaign manager, corey lewandowski who is also the author of the forthcoming book, trump's enemies how the deep state is undermining the presidency. welcome back, corey. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: so how careful does the president have to be in capitalizing on immigration before the midterms which are just five days away? how far is too far when he's talking about it? >> i think when you're talking about the safety and security the american people, there is no place that is too far to go. president's job first and foremost above everything else is to keep the american people safe from all enemies both foreign and domestic, and having thousands of people marching our border deciding they're going to come to our country when they think it's the right thing to do. there's a process if these people are political refugees.
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they could have stopped in mexico and sought asylum from the political side of this, but that's not what they're doing. they've decided now, and the president has responded, and this is a president who's been very clear. if you come to our country illegally, there will be a recourse, and the american people agree with him. we are the only country in the world that this is even a discussion point. can you imagine for one second if a caravan was traveling up to israel and trying to walk through the borders of israel? it would never happen, it wouldn't be a discussion. we take in a million immigrants a year, more than any other country in the world. a very gracious country. we have a big heart but have to do it properly. this is an issue that the american people agree with the president on. kennedy: so vice president pence says that the responsibility lands squarely on the shoulders of democrats, because democrats obviously chose to tackle health care when they had the triumvirate
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as republicans do now. republicans tackled health care and failed. when and how are you going to see two parties come together to actually make immigration more understandable for people who live here and for people who are coming here to try and work and live legally? >> well, to follow up on what vice president pence said. he was right, there was a time not that long ago where democrats wanted to make sure we had strong borders and hillary clinton voted for funding for a fence on the southern border. in the world of hyperpolitics of washington, d.c. right now, democrats don't want to do that, and this president, if you remember what he did last year was said i will provide a path to citizenship for those individuals who are in the country through no fault of their own. a lot of conservatives cringed on that giving the dreamers a path to citizenship. in order to get that path, he wanted full funding for the wall. the democrats don't want to solve the problem. what they want to do is politicize the problem because this president has extended the
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olive branch they haven't wanted, and we've seen on the senate floor with harry reid, the former majority leader said, he said birthright citizenship is not what it's meant to be in the constitution as currently written and all of a sudden people are surprised donald trump rekindled this discussion. this is what harry reid was talking about not that long ago in the u.s. senate and became the senate majority leader. kennedy: okay, corey, i want to talk a little bit about that since you bring up birthright citizenship. the president said he's going to tackle it with executive order. i was critical of president obama crafting immigration policy through executive order. i think it's very easy to undo with the next administration, which only leads to more chaos and confusion. the way to go about it is obviously to amend the constitution, which would be nearly impossible in this day and age, or have a legislative fix. that is going to be very difficult if republicans maintain the senate and
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democrats have the house. what could they possibly do together if you do have split chambers on this very issue? >> well, i think what you'll actually see is if the president does issue an executive order as it relates to birthright citizenship, i am certain a federal judge in some court whether it's the ninth or the fourth or somewhere is going to put a stay on that and i'm sure the white house thought through the legal ramifications and feels strongly they could take the issue to the supreme court and have a strong standing on it. but look where we really are, kennedy, i agree with you, our elected officials we send to washington, d.c. need to do a better job doing what the american people want. why don't we come together and agree we fund the wall on the southern border like many other countries have, they have walls, and we have a process to come into the country. if that means we look at what is called merit based immigration like canada does or australia does, then we can do
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that, but that has to be done legislatively because you're exactly right when. president trump leaves office in 6 1/2 years and we have a different person, that can all be undone through an executive order and the american people deserve better. kennedy: all right, corey lewandowski, thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: so while immigration may be the top issue for republicans, for democrats, it is health care, and a recent "fox news poll" shows just why that is. 58% of voters who consider health care extremely important prefer democratic candidates. at the center of the fight, preexisting conditions. president trump tweeted -- . >> the other side, and i'm just going to say it, it's not my style, is simply lying. no, no. about their commitment to preexisting conditions. they're either not telling the
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truth or really stupid. [ laughter ] >> oh, that's fun. yeah! such raised rhetoric. who should you believe? joining me to separate fact from fiction, managing editor peter suitorman, the foremost expert on computer care, at least obamacare. welcome back. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: preexisting conditions, the debate nair sxoed both sides are trying to jockey for advantage. democrats have the advantage but you pointed out republicans did by and large vote to maintain health insurance for those with preexisting conditions. they've done a bad job of getting that message out? >> democrats are saying republicans are lying when they say that they support protections for preexisting conditions. what i would say is that republicans don't exactly want to say what they really support, but, in fact republicans are telling the truth in a narrow sense when they say they voted to uphold
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those preexisting conditions. what they did is voted for obamacare repeal bills that included obamacare's main insurance regulations, guaranteed issue, which says you have to sell to everyone, and then another regulation that says you have to charge everybody basically the same amount. that's community related. >> while still getting rid of the individual mandate? >> right. and what republicans did as part of the obamacare repeal bill, they did loosen other regulations that democrats say were designed to protect people with preexisting conditions, and another part of this, though, that we got to talk about which is that there is a lawsuit right now that is going through the courts. filed by a bunch of conservative attorneys general in which they basically said that because of the individual mandate being taken down, the rest of the law needs to go with that, and the trump administration has made the somewhat unusual decision not to defend the laws preexisting conditions and rules in court.
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officially the position of the trump administration in court is that the preexisting conditions rules in obamacare are illegal and should be struck down. so some ways, democrats have a little bit of a point, but they're also going too far. kennedy: by the time it makes it to the supreme court, john roberts will have a mulligan and will be able to strike down the law in its entirety? >> i don't know what's going to happen when it gets to the supreme court. i will say they think that this lawsuit even conservative scholars who have looked at this who are critics of obamacare, they have said the lawsuit is just weak on legal grounds and in particular the way the administration has decided to not defend the law, it's kind of weak. what i would also say in terms of the republicans' defense, is that the beginning of this year, when democrats started on the health care issue, their cry was sabotage. it was republicans are messing up obamacare, they're going to try to undermine it and try to
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not work well. it's true republicans have changed it. kennedy: that message has worked, people are very confused what's going to happen to health insurance premiums. they don't know how much coverage they're going to have or how they're going to pay for it. this is the chaos that made obamacare unpopular in the first place. you point out obamacare is essentially winning. >> look at what has happened to obamacare under republican so-called sabotage. premiums are now basically flat if not going down in places, more insurers are coming back after leaving, and the uninsured rate overall has not changed. so if that's sabotage, it's not very effective sabotage. it's the hard truth for both parties is that what voters seem to like because obamacare is more popular under republican rule, voters like is obamacare as managed by republicans, and neither party really seems to know what to do with that reality at this point. kennedy: no, and it just goes to show if republicans, god
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forbid, actually grabbed entitlement legislation, you have to make it so difficult, it's impossible to extricate yourself from and the only people who could win on the issue are those who don't care about ever being elected again? >> i basically think that the future of this honestly is going to be republicans defending something kind of like obamacare, while democrats are dissatisfied with the thing they created and got no republican votes for, and end up pushing for single payer. >> it's, i don't know, peter, it's confusing, i'm glad you are here, suderman, computerman making sense of all of it like a human tongue depressor. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: i'm depressed. two issues in the midterms, the economy and the president. will tax cuts motivate conservatives, the panel joins me to debate next. hi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power
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dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm...
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than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. . kennedy: okay. we're back, we are live in los angeles. we've got a lot more on tuesday's big midterm elections, the clock is ticking, you can hear it,
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nobody knows that better than president trump as i mentioned it earlier. he was in missouri tonight as part of a six-day, 11-rally blitz. critics challenge the outlandish claims he makes on the stump, the president trying clarify things on abc, watch. >> i always want to tell the truth. when i can, i tell the truth, sometimes it happens something different or there's a change, i always like to be truthful. kennedy: when i can. isn't it refreshing to hear a politician honestly talk about his own dishonesty? one talk that's not in dispute is the impact the president will have on people's votes, good and bad, 67% of voters consider the president to be a factor in midterm decision with 44% of him calling him a major factor and 23% saying a minor factor. this is far higher than president obama's impact which is 47% of voters cited him as a factor in their vote. can president trump carry republicans into victory lane?
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this is a very special panel joining me tonight from atlas society where she service as ceo, former speechwriter for george w. bush, jennifer grossman is here along with talk radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall and actor and congressional candidate antonio sabato jr., and we reached out to -- how rude. welcome, everyone. in this lovely pink and blue studio. antonio, i will start with you, you have obviously been on the campaign trail now -- >> for a year and a half. >> you are fighting the good fight, you know how fired up people are about the president. >> yeah. kennedy: positively and negatively. >> i only know the positive, i focus on the positive, district 26, ventura county, we're coming for you tuesday, going to win this for the american people. our soldiers, veterans, farmers and police officers and everybody in between. i'm very excited about what's going to happen on tuesday. kennedy: has the president made
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any missteps that's hard for his supporters to overcome in these final days? >> tough for america, tough for our president, we're trying to make, he's trying to do the best he can for the american people and up against walls. he wants to build a wall for the american people, they're putting walls against thim, this time around we're going to win a lot of seats, i think america is fed up. done with the past. they want to move forward, and you night this country and protect the american people. ultimately that's what we've got to do. kennedy: interesting because now we don't know what to trust in terms of polls after 2016, after the presidential election. it appears as though democrats are going to take the house. how much of a gift is the president to, especially democrat house candidates, this cycle? >> i think that the president is a wonderful gift especially among women, when you look at numbers if you can trust the polls. i'm sort of a pessimist, i hope we take the house.
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>> i believe tom perez and adam schiff tamping down the excitement about a blue wave and nancy pelosi is like i don't know. >> it depends how you look at it. i think we're going to have a gubernatorial blue wave. if you're looking at senate seats. i don't know, i don't think the numbers are there. the path is much easier for republicans going on numbers. >> they've known that for the last two years. >> in california, no offense, there's going to be a blue wave. i think it's going to be -- kennedy: always a blue wave. >> a case of red left in the state. kennedy: it's turquoise. >> if it's a blue wave in a blue ocean, is it really a blue wave? i think you and the president agree on one thing for one time, which is he's a gift to women. [ laughter ] >> he would think that. >> i always remember what happens on november 8th because it's my birthday. kennedy: happy early birthday. >> so november 8th, 2016 was a
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traumatic evening for me, primarily because i was turning 50. other than that, you know, we didn't quite know what to make of it. one of the things that changed the most and i think that probably will depress democrat turnout is that two years later, a lot more people have jobs. it's harder for people to turn out to vote. kennedy: it was a tough week, though, for the stock market last week, and after the president has been running on because it's the easiest thing to point to. when the stock market is way up, people's 401(k)s are nice. >> we have people coming to the borders. lot of things happening internationally and locally on a daily basis there, in the tariff and everything else,a the end of the day, america is going to rise up and beat every battle together. kennedy: i love this country, i do. my mom came to this country when she was a kid, you came when you were a kid. >> 1985, both parents, both adults had a release form that said you would have a guarantee of a job for six months to a
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year. we have to make it easier for people but legally. kennedy: we had the olympics in the united states. >> and we're going to have it again. kennedy: thanks to antonio. the panel is coming back, they'll be back in a little bit. issue number four, the economy, it is revving up right before the midterms, wages are rising, the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1969. consumer confidence at an 18-year high. the stock market like we talked about up and down throughout october, mostly due to the tariff threats against china. our president spoke to xi jinping later today, will they hammer out a necessary deal for many sides? fox business network susan li is in new york with more. >> kennedy, you are so far away! come back soon. kennedy: i'm right here! >> i can see you, according to larry kudlow, i wouldn't be getting my hopes up just yet.
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he is very cautious, it is a thaw in relations between the two biggest economies in the world, and it was the u.s. side who reached out. that was confirmed by the administration and also on the chinese side as well, giving relief to the markets waived by growing trade tensions between the two. president trump tweeting he had a long and good conversation with the chinese president xi jinping especially on trade, and the two are expected to meet face-to-face possibly for lunch or dinner later on this month at the g20 meeting in argentina. the u.s. has still imposed and still have the tariffs in place on $250 billion worth of chinese goods. that's roughly half of the amount so they're trying to export for the u.s., and the president said he's threatening to tariff the rest of the exports china sends to the u.s. each year if china does not offer satisfactory changes in trade negotiations. larry kudlow says if they don't make a satisfactory offer, the
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president will continue to aggressively pursue his agenda. not just the trading relationship. china holds the purse strings to north korea's economy. another topic that trump and xi had a good discussion on. kennedy, back to you, come back soon. >> i will susan li, i'll be there sunday morning going to the 50th anniversary gala saturday night. susan, thank you so much. coming up, democrats starting to feel pretty confident about their chances of taking the house on tuesday, but a blue wave could mean endless investigations and new call for impeachment, and that could bring washington to a grinding halt. i'm talking government gridlock and how that benefits you liberty lover. my monologue is next. it's time for sleep number's veterans day sale on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1299. plus 24-month financing on all beds.
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ñ??w and as if that wasn't badur brand new enough, totals it. now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car, what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ . kennedy: nancy pelosi is waltzing around the capitol
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with a giant plastic smile, mostly because she is embalmed with her smile from the dermatologist, her bony icicle fingers will grasp the house gavel like michael moore squeezing a hot dog. pelosi will be the frozen face to smother the life out of this administration and that will be annoy and time consuming and create unprecedented gridlock. if republicans couldn't get much done bowling a turkey in the white house, how on earth are they going to resist zombie faced donkeys who would rather thwart than hustle? they won't, that is the best news, gridlock means they'll be too busy fighting to spend your money. while the dum-dums are pokes around jared kushner's finance, mediocrity for all. democrats will win the house because republicans have been bad at messaging any economic
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victories and warning of the damable and real threat of socialism. it means they are not able to articulate the seriousness of the impeachment trap democrats are openly crafting for the president, and thus don't deserve to be in power given the deficit bloating crap sandwiches they're serving at the buffett. subpoenas and endless hearings are not going to help the ultimate democratic cause in 2020 because their high-capacity magazine doesn't contain the silver bullet to take down the big bad werewolf. they don't have a clear economic message, annoying the electorate to death has never been a winning formula. if they were, adam schiff and nancy pelosi would be competing for supreme galactic leader, instead they're a pair of leaky gas bags. and that's the memo. according to statistics at 538, democrats have an 85%
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chance of taking the house, republicans have 85% chance of holding the majority in the seat. what will the gridlock in d.c. look like in the panel is back. jennifer, i start with you, you understand the critical importance of economic stewardship which republicans have let lapse as they've all become so addicted to spending? >> yes, and i would say that on one level i agree with you. i think gridlock would be -- could be a healthy thing rather than taking the hypocritical oath, they could take the hippocratic oath but this congress has shown it doesn't have aversion to spending, one thing you can count on the president, he's great on tax cuts, thank you, larry kudlow and steve more, spending i'm not certain we can count on him being disciplined there. kennedy: nope, he's openly talked about it, he's always honest not wanting to tackle entitlement reform. democrats, if they want to look good, they have to work with
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the president on something if they do regain the house. what are democrats will be to work with the president on? >> tariffs. and i think specifically, you know, going after china. i think that something where you both have democrats and republicans in agreement. >> so more tariffs. >> more union. you have to look at our deficit with china. we've had a trade deficit with china going on for over a decade, and -- >> a trade surplus. tonight's trivia question. >> no. >> gerald ford. kennedy: the last time we had a trade surplus. gerald ford. that's not as important to the health of the economy as free trade is. we need more free trade and can work stuff out with china. i think pressing china, this is one area where i disagree with the president and look at what's happening with the stock market. so there will be a single chamber for the democrats. is there anything they can do to gain leverage going into 2020, or do you think they're going to be hyperobsessed with
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subpoenas and hearings and impeachment and all the stuff. >> i can't believe socialism is good for their country, they're not going to move forward and the american people are going to step away from that. we need to go back to our roots. america first and what's best for the american people and making sure america is economically better every single day than before. that's what we're doing internationally and locally. i'm very excited about that. we got to stand our ground and follow what the american people want. they want to be protected. they want to be rich, help the american people and make sure we don't fall back like we have during the obama years where we have $20 trillion in debt. kennedy: we can't, we have to get back to spending. is there a way of maintaining the american dream? both parties have given into the fallacy, in order to do that, you have to spend so much money and have redundant programs. there is a way of having a healthy economy and spending to the point where it feels like
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austerity? >> leslie, i hope you are wrong about tariffs, because the one thing that we need for economic prosperity is stability. and the debate about tariffs and who's getting the tariffs next is not only bad in terms of economic planning. i know a lot of people who have companies, manufacturing companies, really have been paralyzed in terms of innovation and outfitting for new products. so i really hope that's a bad thing. the other thing i would say representing the outlet society. at the end of the day, we can talk a lot about economics but need to talk about values and we need to talk about self-reliance, individual responsibility. kennedy: hallelujah! you're singing my song. i have a little tiny tear in my eye because i've been chopping onions and thinking about michael avenatti being our next president. he's telling anyone who will listen, he's a serious candidate for the job in 2020. most are laughing. some have donated money to the political action committee, amazing. today he released his first campaign commercial, check it
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out. >> we will not be silenced. >> we will speak truths to power. >> and we will fight. >> if we do it together, we will win. >> join us. >> join us. >> join us. >> our constitution says we the people, not me the president. stand up. join the fight club. use your vote as your voice on november 6th. kennedy: all right. >> he's the only one voting, by the way. kennedy: avenatti joined forces with the longtime hillary clinton adviser to build a campaign staff, while many are calling his candidacy a joke, let's not forget what we said when donald trump came down the gilded escalator. will he be lucky to win the white house or play third in "dancing with the stars." leslie? start with you. >> he's going to be on "dancing with the stars."
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kennedy: the dream candidate? >> no, no, no. kennedy: is michael avenatti the savior, what we need is more fighting, more punching, the fight club. >> i never said and didn't agree with eric holder. i do believe we need to have a candidate and written about this with, i want him to be a one-term president. michael avenatti is not going to be the democratic nominee, would not beat donald trump. he is the wrong candidate for the democrats and gets down in the dirt. kennedy: yeah, that's all he knows but this is a person -- this is the problem with democrats, you need someone with an economic message. >> why can't they all be like her? kind and nice like leslie. they should watch and learn. kennedy: alienated by both parties in washington, d.c. you have to have more than -- going to fight them with my fists. >> the ultimate goal is make americans and america first and better than ever before. that's what we're doing every day. look what the president has
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done in two years. >> what's the ad released on the playboy channel? this is a lawyer who is representing a porn star against the president and somehow decided, well, maybe i can be president, too. how does that thought process go? >> i think all narcissists like that. kennedy: anyone who wants to be a president is a political narcissist, you can't just play trump's game. that's the trap every politician falls into including hillary and the 16 other republicans who ran against him. if they try and use his style, it's a cheap imitation and he's going to jiu-jitsu that right back. >> they're not honest people to begin with and making the fuss up because they're getting their two minutes of fame. he's gone. nobody is paying attention. kennedy: so nice to see all of you in los angeles, i feel very welcome. surrounded by a competent group of people.
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>> it's been 17 years since military operations began in afghanistan. new government report says things over there are getting worse, and the united states still doesn't have an exit strategy. how do we dig ourselves out of this expensive, tragic quagmire? quagmire? combat v
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. kennedy: a damning new government report shows how much of a disaster the war in afghanistan has become, and comes months after we marked 17 years since the u.s.-led operations began after 9/11. according to that report, the taliban continues to gain territory with afghan government control at its lowest level since 2015. civilian casualties are mounting, government corruption is skyrocketing and drug production is, quote, worse than ever. depends who you ask. keep in mind, the u.s. government has spent nearly $900 billion on military reconstruction there. 2347 americans have died.
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many, many more have been seriously wounded. the u.s. military top commander in afghanistan, general austyn scott miller admitted the effort to take back afghanistan, quote, is not won militarily. so is it time to get out or get the hell out? here to tell me is kfi am radio host and iraq combat veteran, bryan suits, good to see you in the flesh. >> just think next year the afghan war can vote. vote to stay here or go off to usc. kennedy: what should we be doing over there? >> to lay my cards on the table. i understood the war, i got the war, i supported the war, i went to iraq, i supported that, too. the deal is i've always compared this long war. kennedy: america's longest war. >> unless you count the indian wars, but the goal in the indian wars was to settle oregon. there was a goal line.
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here -- kennedy: great purchase, by the way. >> and the problem here is the enemy gets to vote and they say no, and there's not one american general who frankly has the bravery to stand up and say, you know what, there are pooches that can't be screwed, this is it. we have a long illustrious history of people that we would be in line with who agreed on their own. we don't want to be -- we've been there longer than the soviets, wanted to beat their record. beat the british or alexander the great. kennedy: what about in terms of pakistan and keeping stability in the region? >> i think the pakistanis are close to -- you're dealing with a president that doesn't trust them, the prior to had to trust them, but they're dealing with a guy who doesn't trust them on the faith of what they say, and i think to mollify him, if we said to the pakistanis, listen, you hold the purse strings of the taliban, don't ever let that crap happen again or else we'll come back and be on this
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border for 17 more years, we won't mean it. but the exit strategy involves, by the way, a certain fatalistic conclusion, and that is the same s.o.b.'s that were keeping 12-year-old girls in the fields and not in school and all that, they're going to be back in charge. so if we want to -- kennedy: talking about the taliban? >> yeah. kennedy: is there any benefit to the taliban? do they keep something in check in terms of tribes and -- >> i don't want to damn the praise, they are slightly better than isis. the taliban and common government have common cause, in terms of serving isis and the taliban high-five. we hit the isis guys with the mother of all bombs, the moab air, they love that. kennedy: what would happen if we brought everyone home. >> highing five, and stop
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sending troops to afghanistan. the rest of the world can put an index finger into the okay sign. kennedy: would the region fall apart? >> totalitarianism would go right back to the 90s. it would be a horrific situation and right there on us. not a nice option. >> you are damned if you do and more damned if you do. >> i say put an index finger into an okay sign. >> i think you've always said that, suits. great to see. >> you great to see you. kennedy: you are back out here. los angeles. woo! "topical storm" is next. "topical storm" is next. i better start catching up. i'm at this wing joint telling people that geico has been offering savings for over 75 years. that's longer than the buffalo wing's been around. dozen wings. and did you know that geico... (lips smacking) offers mo... (coughing)
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motorcycle insurance? ho-ho... my lips are burning. (laughs) ah... no, my lips are actually burning. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. see how much you could save at it's too hot. oh, this is too hot, mate. a new way to save on travel. now when you book a flight you unlock discounts on select hotels that you can add on to your trip up until the day you leave. add on advantage. only when you book with expedia.
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show me movies a grinch would love. [ bark ] nu uh, i'm picking the movie tonight. [ whimpers ] be sad, i enjoy it. show me grinchy movies. oh, goody. [ whimpers ] mmm, fine! show me movies max would like. see the grinch in theaters by saying... "get grinch tickets" into your xfinity x1 voice remote. [ laughing ] uh oh. something in my throat.
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. kennedy: boston police arrested a 19-year-old man who threw a beer and damaged the world series trophy during yesterday's championship parade, but you have to forgive the 19-year-old because at his age, he's used to everybody getting a trophy. in any event, the celebration was so crazy that police are putting it at a 9 on a scale to philadelphia. all right, duck for cover. don't punch me. this is "topical storm." in new jersey, halrene left
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the locals feeling a little hoarse. this is why you always give your kids a quarter to ride the horsey at grocery store, otherwise they are the weirdy that builds one. travels up to 40 miles an hour, quick for a horse, too slow for jersey drivers. only time they do 40 is backing out of the driveway. jersey the only state where you can see someone high-beaming a cop. i got to get to the bon jovi concert! unfortunately the story didn't end well. jersey police were forced to ticket the man for driving without a camaro. axe body spray was expired. it left them with a long freight. topic number two -- a video has gone viral of a creepy clown, and for once it does not star michael avenatti. this was posted on instagram by diddy! who used to go by p. diddy and
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puff daddy before that. for those of you under 40, he was a rapper, a huge hit on mtv in the 90s. don't fall in love with him, anyone on mtv in the 90s was a kook. looks like i picked the wrong week to bad mouth myself. the good news is for diddy. two million people liked his video. the bad news is the social injustice crowd is accusing him of cultural appropriation from the clown from "it." so long, i'll be missing you, you can shack up with megyn kelly. i'll be watching you. british royals were upset with meghan because she's violating protocol by putting her hands in her pockets during public events. psychiatrists have a word for this, they're called losers! that's meghan infuriated
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etiquette experts by dressing and acting too casually. boo hoo, i hope she showed up in a snuggy with a middle finger spray painted on her back. we should be glad the elites are putting their hands in her own pockets. meghan has not responded to the critics, if she wanted to argue with a bunch of nuts, she'd call her family. oh, dad? topic number four -- we salute a detroit man who had license suspended 340 times. if you think he's bad at driving, google beto o'rourke. gerald grand was arrested in detroit for allegedly driving with a suspended license, and if you're starting to notice a pattern, you're not alone. the cops found 41 outstanding warrants on his record. making it the worst record since radioheads king of limbs. i'd rather lose a limb than listen to the whale farting
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that tom york calls music. grant was booked at the scene and car impounded. he found a new vehicle with plenty of horsepower. look at that, he's saving money. this gets 30 miles to the hay bale. that is something. topic number five -- we've reached a time. week we give the viewers penny for their thoughts. personally i think we're overpaid. i can't believe how awful you turned out to be. that means at some point you thought i was great. i think we can get back there. vincent tweets, kennedy equals cool as the other side of a pillow. hopefully my pillow. brought to you by mike lindell. watched your show, you are not funny in any way. that's okay, sandra, you're not good at grammar spelling in any way. take me away.
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anchors the view and says kennedy i love that little growl before you go to break. very guttural, it's not me, it's my tape worm, but i hear i'm going to be so skinny. all right. my final thoughts from los angeles in just a few moments. stay right here and get ron! something's going on at schwab. oh really? thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management.
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go to
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(sfx:birds singing, distant dog barking) hi hi ♪(whistling tune: "don't worry, be happy")♪ . kennedy: i'm out here doing the hollywood shuffle.
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i keep adjusting my glasses. i want to see you better. there you are. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter and instagram, kennedy it has been a glorious week and thank you so m (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement from time life. my name is robin williams. (announcer) hold on to your hats. for those of you on acid, this is a frisbee. (announcer) the time has come for an epic entertainment event. it's mind-blowing, it's jaw-dropping, and most of all, it's-- -genius. -genius. -genius. -comedic genius. (announcer) time life proudly presents a once in a lifetime collection decades in the making. yo, robin. (announcer) robin williams: comic genius. you're sucked into drinking beer by believing it's a healthy thing. all these beer commercials usually show big men,


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