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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  November 2, 2018 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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economy in the history of the world. the 3.7% unemployment rate. the best in almost a half century. that's it for us tonight. congressman matt gaetz joins us monday. trish: u.s. troops have arrived at our southern border. our troops are actively guarding against and preparing for an expected onslaught of migrants trying to gain illegal entry into our country. president trump revealing more intel from homeland security. president trump: homeland security just confirmed members of the lawless caravan, the one you have been watching, come from 20 different countries and include among them criminals and gang members. trish: the texas resident who is not taking any chances.
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he's vowing to protect his country and himself. and he's rekriewghtd other members of his communities to join him. they are forming a militia to prevent members of the caravan from gaining access to the u.s. the caravan chaos unfolding as the democrats and republicans prepare to duke it out in the battle or congressional control. the dueling rallies. former white house press secretary sean spicer will tell us how desperate the democrats will, especially given that terrific jobs report we saw today. a trish regan primetime explosive. you will hear from vice president mike pence on what's
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at stake. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. breaking right now, president trump and president trump battling it out on the campaign trail with just four days until the crucial mid-term elections. one of the biggest issues for voters is immigration. u.s. borderer patrol a u.s. military preparing for what the president calls a quote invasion. and this just in. migrants in the caravan are suing the president and his administration alleging abuse of their constitutional rights. but vice president mike pence telling me exclusively who he believes, he says he knows, who is behind this caravan. >> this caravan was boirgd leftist groups in honduras, financed in part by venezuela. that according to president of
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honduras. but they were sent north for the exclusive reason of challenging the laws of the youths america by coming into our country illegally. the president made it clear we are not going to allow it. trish: joining me now, brandon judd, president of the border patrol council. you have got the it in arriving at the border this evening. the president is talking about sending more troops, potentially 15,000 if needed. let me ask you. is there any way to secure with our military this nearly 2,000-mile long border with mexico? >> what we can do is even sure the certainty that we arrest 100% of the people that cross the border illegal lire. what happens to them after they are in our custody is a different story. unfortunately the laws will
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force us to release them if they cross the border illegally with children we'll have to release them in 20 days. trish: the president said we are not going to catch and release. we are not going to release them. are you disputing that? >> unless he has passed an executive order that i'm aware -- i'm not aware of. there is nothing in law that allows us to hold parents and children in custody for more than 20 days. all you have to do is go back four days ago when the commissioner macland said we'll process them the same way we always processed them, which means the catch and release continues. trish: the administration made it clear they are changing the rules of asylum. you cannot come here illegally and apply for asylum. part of his goal is to basically
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try and process all these people along the border in a legal fashion where we can grant or deny their asylum request. do you think that will work? >> what he's doing is sending a message. we go back to 2017 and the message was clearly sent. and he personally cut the number of illegal border crossers down to next to none. he's going to do that again. but we'll have to follow through and insure we do not release these individuals. even if they don't ask for asylum, they will have to be put through deportation proceedings. it takes longer than 20 days. we'll need immigration judges and lawyer toins sure that happens. there is a lot that need to be done. but this is a marathon, it's not a sprint. we are putting the policies in place that need to be there. trish: frankly, you have got a
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lot of democrats right now that are singing a different tune than they sang years ago. we heard chuck schumer and barack obama and bill clinton all talk about better border security. suddenly it's racist paranoia fueling it as opposed to securing the borders. i don't know if you will get much success in terms of bringing people together given how split things are on capitol hill. >> the 9th circuit court of appeals allows us to put policies in place which we can do. it just takes the department of homeland security and customs and border protection to put the policies in place. that's what is being worked on today. we don't have to have congress. there are ways to make this happen. and we can make it happen. trish: we don't want violence break out at the border.
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that's of utmost concerns. speaking of that, and the concerns about violence. civilians are take matters town their own hand. they are trying to protect their southern border. one man doing that in brownsville, effects as. president of the texas minutemen. shannon, what are you doing? >> we are look at different areas. we looked at laredo, we looked that brownsville and we went out to the ocean to look and see if there has been any activity. right now we are preparing to assist border patrol or the military if they need to us do anything. and we'll support themf with our eyes and ears and notify them of any wrongful acts to stop the illegal immigration. trish: i understand you are trying to recruit members of your community to join you in the effort. >> we started in el paso in
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2005. we were very successful. won the hearts of border patrol in that region. trish: what do you say to people who look at you and are displeased by this. they think you are take matters unto your own hand. we have border enforcement and u.s. troops. 5,20 off them arriving -- 5,200 of them. why do you need to be there? >> we have always been there since 2005. when the border patrol has to run due to diversion or tactic. we notify the border patrol there is activity in the region they just left. trish: the fact that you need to be involved, what does that tell you about the lack of security at at border to begin with. you shouldn't have to do this.
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we have law enforcement. it's not for you as a citizen to group together to be patrolling the border yourself. >> correct. but i went to arizona in 2005, they said they had a 6-strand barbed wire fence. it was laying on the ground. they just stepped over it. that's what made me have the need to get involved, and that's why i have been involved for 16 years on the texas border with little or no response from the government or congress. trish: why are you doing it? you he can explained it was very easy to cross over. what is your fundamental concern. why do you feel we need stronger borders and why do you feel the need to be doing this yourself. >> my fear is 9/11 brought us the patriot act. what is the next terrorist act going to bring us.
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let's get the wall built and get the border secure, that way we can cut down on the drug flow hopefully and illegal immigration. and we need to pursue expired visas within the united states. that's a problem as well. trish: when you are out there patrolling the border, are you armed? >> it's texas. trish: i guess i should assume that's a yes. >> we have never shot anybody and we have never had anybody crazy enough to attack us on the border. trish: good luck to you. straight ahead, the crucial mid the perm elections just four days away. president trump and barack obama holding duly rallies. president trump warning a blue wave would mean. president trump: democrats want to abolish ice and turn america into a giant sanctuary for ms-13
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killers. trish: up next, former white house secretary sean spicer on the desperate tactics democrats are employing to prevent their blue wave from crashing. the democrats are getting a helping hand from the main real media. media critic joe concha has the stories you probably wish you didn't have to hear. but you need to. insurance that won't replace the full value of your new car? you'd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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their first symptom is a stroke. so call today and start with a free health assessment to understand your best plan of action. so why didn't we do this earlier? life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. >> just four days until the mid-term elections. you are looking at live pictures of dueling rallies. president trump in indiana, and president obama in atlanta where of course there is a big race going on in georgia. we were just there yesterday speaking with the vice president of the united states. so will republicans be able to keep the house or the senate or will there be a big blue wave.
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here is sean spicer with his predictions for tuesday. >> the show kicked off very, very well, congratulations. trish: we thank the viewers. we are number one at 8:00 p.m. against the competition over there on those other business networks. but what's going to happen, speaking of competition come tuesday. where do you see this going? >> the president you can see him sprinting to the finish. he has done two rallies today. he's going to run through the tape so they say. we have almost 3 million dollars invested in the indiana race. millions invested in west virginia and montana. we have four seats in the senate that democrats are trying to target where republicans hold the seat.
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arizona where martha mcsally will win that race. ted cruz will breeze to victory by double digits. marcia blackburn will win and hold the tennessee seat that was held by bob corker. and in nevada dean heller continues to show great progress. he's being challenges by congress wom and jackie rosen. i think we have a significant number of parties, that will be a pickup for us. you will see senator mike braun defeating now senator heitkamp. you have got indiana, missouri, west virginia. i think rick scott pulls it off in florida john james in michigan is a phenomenal candidate. he cut the lead from 23 a month ago to low single digits.
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he'll be the race to watch on election night to know whether we have a red wave in the senate. in the house i think we have a different lay of the land. they need 23 seats to take over the majority that's currently held by the republicans. the big problem we have is we have 44 house republicans not seeking reelection. where you had an incumbent with name i.d. and a history of good constituent service is washed away and you have an open seat. and history doesn't favor us. i think the way the tide turned we hold the majority by one or two seats. but it will be a late night and possibly a long couple weeks as we figure out some of these races. trish: yesterday in georgia you
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had oprah winfrey playing a lot of identity politics. i don't like it. >> you interviewed mike pence. i loved the line he said. i think these guys think they can bring in hollywood folks. it's georgia. hollywood doesn't play in georgia. the people of georgia are rich in tradition. the idea that rich hollywood elites will come into georgia and tell them how to vote and what's best for them. the novelty of twoongt see will farrell and a few other folks come in. trish: hillary clinton did not benefit from something some of those hollywood types out there. it alienated some people. i think' some will play into we see in mid terms. that's the immigration crisis. there is a lawsuit that was just
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filed by 6 honduran nationals against president trump. we have honduran nationals suing our president, they are suing i.c.e. and the u.s. borderer patrol. they are not even here yet. they are part of this caravan trying to make their way. they are saying that they want to make sure they have this opportunity to apply for amnesty as they head north towards our border. they are accusing the trump administration of abusing their constitutional rights to seek asylum. what's your take on it? >> i'm no lawyer. my legal experience is watching multiple episodes of law and order. but i didn't realize folks from other countries have constitutional rights. they have protections they have when they are in our country.
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trish: i hear you. >> but the legal stuff aside. on a purely political standpoint this is the equivalents of jumping the shark. the more they make a big deal out of this, the moisture reminds people we are a country of laws and a country of borders. the president is being clear we are a nation of laws and he needs to protect our border. if people have true concerns about their safety of course they have should apply for asylum. we are a loving, caring and generous country. that what's brought all of us here beef sides the native americans. but when you have thousands of people coming up from the border and you see interviews folks have done talking about the fact that they are not coming, they just want a job. trish: that's no reason to seek
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asylum. our very much said they have an opportunity to apply for asylum in the nearest country, that would be mexico. so why are they continuing this onward push. i have to leave it there. but i look forward to talking to you in the coming days as we see what happens. the left ratcheting up its attacks against the president just four days out from the mid-terms. but, you know, i think it's because they are getting desperate for some kind of narrative. the narrative that americans are realizing and understanding is our economy is doing well. we have record job numbers today. consumers are feeling more confident, and that's message is scaring democrats. so what are they doing? they are resorting to vicious name calling. my exclusive interview with the vice president of the united states, mike pence. his warning on what will happen
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if democrats win back congress, that's next. led usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege.
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>> the biggest terror threat in this country is white men radicalized to the right. her public and party tolerates and benefits from it. mainstream conservatives don't want us anything about jewish people out right but there are other words they use bicoastal elite, globalists, hollywood larose. trish: four days from midterms and the hysteria has reached a tipping point here. they need to start examining their own rhetoric whether it samantha bee attempting to co-opt the term coastal elite insisting it's a dog whistle for anti-semitism is nuts or "cnn" blaming the white man for all the division we have in society today or "msnbc" and "the news york times" trying to convince
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americans that donald trump is akin to adolf hitler. is this irresponsible. this is intellectually dishonest and it's just wrong. it is clear that the democrats are desperate in the mainstream media is right there ready willing and able to help them perpetuate these disgusting lies , mischaracterizations and hate. because you see when you get a jobs number like the one we got today lowest unemployment rate since 1969, lowest ever for hispanic americans and wages going up, that's good news and it's tough to fight good news like like that isn't it? these are facts so what does the left do? engage in vicious name-calling. anyone who supports the economics or security policies of this administration is somehow supporting a racist or anti-semite.
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they must be one themselves. do you realize how pathetic that is? i want to emphasize something right here right now tonight. i'm not one to pretend there are bad people in the world. their antiquated individual's antiquated institutions and antiquated biases out there against women, african-americans hispanic lgbt community. hate speech discuss me and whenever he are one of these i shut it down fast but let me be very clear there is no room for racism, sexism, anti-semitism or any other kind of discrimination in our society today but here's the thing. it goes both ways. conservatives deserve tolerance. they deserve respect from the left and the left they just won't do it. here they are anyone who thinks
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differently to them is either or racists. they go on and on about diversity but the truth is they have no real appreciation for diversity. they have no appreciation for diversity of facts. they want me to think i can't get ahead because i'm a woman. or because of the color of your skin. their goal is to ensure equality through a socialist style redistribution of wealth. it's a lousy message but i guess when the economy is doing as well as it's doing right now it's all they have got. joining me right now "fox news" contributor former advisers to bill clinton dog trot along with brie vents in. didn't used to always be like this and i hope and i don't think you will try to tell me that somehow every conservative
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out there is some kind of devil incarnate that so many on the left are doing right now. why is it happening? >> i think it's a sad denigration and bad development in our political system. i would say practical middle-of-the-road democrat unless we work with those on the other side of the aisle given that congress is likely to be divided after tuesday we are hurting the american people. we are hurting our country so you may be somewhat more conservative than i am that it's a great pleasure for someone like me to have a chance to share ideas with u.n. brie and all the other guests and it makes for better dialogue and ultimately a better country. trish: doug i respect you and i respect your opinion how you come it tanks. i told you this before come you can put me in a box.
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i will surprise you a lot. i just try to be honest. i'm not red or blue as neal likes to say. or there's something to be said for those that are green and i want what is best for our economy and the country and i don't care whose policy it is or which side. but what really disheartens me and i will ring three into the conversation somehow if you are conservative for samantha bee to be saying these things are for don lemon at "cnn" to be saying what he is saying or joe scarborough on "msnbc" who comes up with these comparisons it's irresponsible and as ben stein told me last night he went so far as to say it's hateful and i think he's right. >> sadly i've been compared other reporters in the mainstream outlet. trish: i want to backup. how do you deal with that?
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there is nothing worse than being called a racist or an anti-semite and there aren't a lot of places you can go from there. because you support donald trump you are somehow akin to these horrible people and how does that make you feel and how does it make you feel about the conversation that this country is having right now? >> it especially hurts me because my dad was born in point is aris argentina and my dad was brought here when he was a baby. they were escaping the aftermath of what happened after juan peron left the country and cause eye fascism. all the instability that happened in that country. when donald trump started to rise to power i was skeptical of his rhetoric as a candidate. i saw a lot of those things. as a president i've been thrilled with this presidency because he doesn't use his power
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>> if anybody hasn't seen it "evita" koran sums it up. i wouldn't have said that about donald trump however. for whatever reason people say it's nationalist because you care about your country and you want to preserve your country first, why is that a bad thing? >> what i object to is the fact that we don't do a compromise. border security at pathway to citizenship. seems to be pretty fair. we are not going to set 12 million people back and we should protect their borders. why can't conservatives and moderates and liberals get together behind that and do something constructive? >> i want you to answer that question. why not? >> made because of party politics division and bad people are the extremes of our parties. they are bad human beings that
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they have ideas that are not helpful or constructive. trish: and it's entirely political. thank you for your honesty. >> it's a threat pleasure to be with u.n. brie. trish: new tonight president barack obama trying to take credit for the economy. i've got some news for him. i'm setting the record straight plus part two of my exclusive interview with the vice president of the united states, vice president pence warning about what would happen if democrats gain control of congress. he told me there is so much at stake. you'll hear all about it next. allstate is adapting. with drones to assess home damage sooner. and if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours,
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>> under republican leadership america is booming. democrats want to raise your taxes, restore job-killing regulations. trish: two very different views on how we arrived at such a strong economy. they know the number one issue driving voters to the polls in four days probably fundamentally. i know there's a lot of noise going on but it is the economy. vice president mike pence telling me an exclusive interview this economy is thanks to president donald trump's policy and not president obama's. here's part two of my exclusive interview with the vice president. watch. >> we are setting one record after another. i think the american people see that. trish: because of you guys and not because of president obama. >> i know the last president is trying to take credit for growing economy. via con amusing growing under president obama nobody noticed.
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from the moment this election was called two years ago we saw confidence come back. we have seen investment come back and jobs come back. and historic rollback of regulations historic tax relief for working families and small businesses. a sensually unleashing the american economy. to keep a groan we need renewed republican majorities on capitol hill and we need republican leadership all over america. that issue and the american people's knowledge that we are strong partners on capitol hill, we are going to keep cutting taxes and regulations. president trump's the leader who believes for all of the growth the millions of jobs the scene created president trump police have only just begun. the american people see the
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agenda of the other party to resist and obstruct by any means possible. they offer no agenda except going back to the days of lackluster economic growth. the last time nancy pelosi was speaker of the house they were raising taxes, not cutting taxes. they were cutting military spending. they were growing government. obama karen trying to push and trade rolling back the heavy hand of government. the american people have seen results under president trump's leadership in congress and all across this country. i think the american people will vote for the results on november 6. trish: joining me now is senior adviser to hillary clinton, good to see you. the vice president saying it's this administration's policies that are driving growth. what do growth. what do you say to that? >> that's his job and he does it very well. there's a difference between miss you and others. this is my fourth time and hopefully i will be on many more
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times you and i do and will disagree on all sorts of things so far. health care repealing obamacare you can't win unless you lose and i can't -- you can't win unless i lose. trish: you mean in general. >> i'm not going to say here and say the economy is doing great, it is but to the point president obama isn't responsible where 10 years into an economic boom and president trump's only been president for two years. we are only five months into job creation and he was the president for the last 21. you can't say that the place was in the come 2016. it's just not accurate. trish: let me just step in a little bit here.
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eight years covering the obama economy so have lived on the front lines of 2008 which was not. and i understand what a severe crisis that was and i understand how much it took to recover from that but my frustration, i will get it all out now. my frustration with the obama economy obamanomics if he will is they didn't do a darn thing. they had their 800 million dollar stimulus plan that did absolutely nothing and then they sat back and basically told us how bad business was and how everything needed to be regulated from here until kingdom come and left it all up to the feds. the federal reserve was the only name in town. they did nothing to get our economy going so now trying to claim credit for and there has been complete reversal of policy, please.
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>> the economy were shorthanded in 2009. there's no question we were on the verge of an economic collapse which you know better than i did. the steps he took were not popular and they were popular even with his own party. tricia tarp for example? >> these things were not and by the way people were doing what was needed at the time they had to be done. trish: i love talking to and i enjoy having you on. >> i hope it keeps going. a lot of people are worried. >> correct think it will keep going. the fundamentals are good. you've got to understand there's a little bit of division between the economy and the market. when i look at those obama years which are very good for investors those who have capitol
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to invest in the market they were good because the fed kept it wide open. people could make money in these markets. now we have fundamentals that are strong. back then the economic fundamentals weren't strong. 1.5% for eight years wages going nowhere. i'm sorry that to me was not good news. i'll let you have the final word. >> i hate to be a debbie downer but the indicators show we are heading for rough waters. the white house acknowledge his growth has slowed to 3% in 2019. trish: 3% i will take over 1.5. a lot depends on what happens on tuesday. >> at the scariest thing i read today was the fed is raising interest rates which trump is not happy with at all. trish: he said it's my biggest threat trish.
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>> the last cycles that they did that lead to recession. trish: i have a lot to say about that. thank you so much for dining us tonight. we have a lot tonight. we have a lot more coming up. never a dull moment for the liberal media. samantha bee saying republicans are -- and barbara streisand. she said if democrats don't win on tuesday she's going to move to canada. more from us after this. real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today.
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trish: thousands of migrants are making their way towards their southern border right now. media insist this is not a storied. >> i don't know of a national security effort that is a crisis at the border. >> the president is lying. that's exactly what i heard from the white house. trish: with me need a reporter for the hill, joe. good to see you, welcome. i hate to break it to our colleagues at "cnn" that these are real pictures. these are real people and this
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is very much a real story so why are they so anxious to dismiss that? >> dismiss it and use white supremacy like it's every other word in the dictionary. there were some poll recently in 1200 registered voters, 72% of those polled said the microcaravan should be forced to return to their home country or mexico should take the man. 27% said they should be allowed to go to the u.s. border. but start listening to people instead of coming to these ridiculous conclusions. this is an economic argument when you think about it. ask bernie sanders who pays for their health care if they come in to the country who pays for the education? where they supposed to go? the cons outweigh the pros. she can go one segment without playing the race card from the bottom of the deck and "cnn" gives her a national platform anyway. when you hear the media has considerable responsibility in terms of setting the climate
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that's exhibit a right there. trish: yeah i hear you. when they do it on one side the look at florida gubernatorial, democratic gubernatorial candidate andrew gillum he has groups including one called dream defenders that cheered the destruction of israel at one of their offense. i want to know where's the backlash over that? >> that's the thing. i look this up. i saw "fox news" did a story on gillum signing this dream defenders pledged and blending is to support and it might be breitbart but as far as traditional media no one is covering this story. in these freedom papers to gillum signed it says police were never meant to serve me and you. police said their founding have been about safety while wreaking havoc for the have-nots. major candidate for governor in florida signed off on this. you know how to complete the
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sentence. trish: let's turn to some fun stuff. singer barbara streisand is out there saying she is out of the country. she is going to canada or someplace if democrats don't win control of the house. >> why does everybody picked canada? they haven't won a stanley cup since 93 or world series since 93. they don't have a lot of sports to watch. i would move to italy. and trish let me throw some names at you. amy schumer lena dunham samuel l. jackson jennifer lawrence rosie o'donnell and stephen king said they are moving to canada in 2016. they are not there. trish: one more joe. protesting president trump by launching an ice cream called
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pecan resist because it has pecans and chocolate. what you think? >> escapism is dead. i can't watch sports without being flooded with the political message. i'm on a diet and i finally get to ben & jerry's and i have a political message staring at me. trish: i don't want to engage in that. >> they have done this before by the way. empowerment in 2015 and this is an awkward visual on a friday night. bernie's which was for bernie sanders in 2016. come up with a better name. i love ben & jerry's. trish: joe it's great to see you happy friday.
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. trish: midterms, four days away, can you believe it? a big day on monday, eric trump, from the trump organization, the son of the president. he's going to join us and give us his prediction how things are going to shape up. i think a lot of people are thinking that a lot is going to be riding on this thing, we could be living in a very different environment as of wednesday. we shall see, we will have much more for you here next week including more of my interview with the vice president. more of his thoughts on
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birthright citizenship. maria bartiromo, she is next. she has "wall street" for you. maria bartiromo's "wall street" next. see you monday! announcer: from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromo's "wall street." maria: happy weekend! welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. coming up in just a few moments, my exclusive interview with the chairman of iac interactive and former paramount pictures head, founder of the fox news company, barry diller in an exclusive interview. and all-star panel to talk about the volatile month of october, apple, earnings report and look ahead into 2019. susan li has the big headlines impact everything from wall street to main street. su


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