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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 5, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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fascinating discussion. be sure to watch. we'll be covering the elections tall night tomorrow until they come to a bitter end both on the east coast and west coast and everything in between. keep it right here on fox business. here's "evening edit." >> we got the economy growing again. by the way, it hasn't stopped growing since. president trump: america has the hottest economy on earth. no matter who comes in to see me in the oval office, it's the economy, stupid. did you ever hear that one? it's the economy. liz: it is the economy, side, and it's not a new message. ' america's wants to climb the possible far it ladder, and growing the economy is job number one for tour leaders. we break it down tonight on the
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vote for and against prosperity. this is trump's economy and everything is at stake. the biggest surprise popping up out of the mid terms. it's not just reaction to the border showdown. it many the chance of democrats' messaging and policies you need. but guess which party may take control even more state legislatures. factoring high in the mid terms. homeland security saying the illegal immigrant car veins, they number four now, they include people from 20 countries, among them, 270 convicted criminals and known gang members. remember we brought you the details how homeland security is using satellites and drones to monitor the situation. thank you for watching. money, politics. we'll bring you the debate behind tomorrow's headlines.
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i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. wednesday morning we'll find out if that slogan james carville inswrented for bill clinton in 1991 is still powerful today. here is the lay of the land. the latest numbers from real clear politics show republicans having 194 seats in the house with dems 202. the top-up number is 39. it's shaping up top the highest voter turnout in more than five decade. dozens of states already voting.
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surpassing the number of ballots in 2014. it's the final countdown. we have all the key races covered with reporters coast to coast. we'll get to jeff flock who is in fort wayne, indiana where president trump is kicking off a rally moments from now. reporter: if the republicans don't do well tomorrow you might be able to blame the president for the message. maybe not making enough of the economy or making too much of judge kavanaugh and the caravan. but you don't be able to fault him for his efforts. here in fort wayne an overflow crowd as we often see at these rallies. this president has certainly made an incredible effort to get the vote out and get his people elected. so however it comes tomorrow, i
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guess we'll see. this race in indiana, a big one. it's the senate race, the body that the republicans have much want to hold on to, it's fair fire wall, if you will. this is democratic senator joe donnelly who is getting help from a president of his own, president obama in gary, indiana, and he's promote -- he's battling mike braun. the president will be bring is his popularity to bear. if might braun gets close to the 19-point finish of the president, the republicans might likely hold on to the senate. that's the latest from fort wayne. liz: republican congressman
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david brat and abigale and spanberger are neck-and-neck. edlawrence is in virginia. good to see you, edward. reporter: this event will take place about an hour from now. the democratic challenger abigale spanberg berger. the last time they sent a democrat to the house was when we stepped foot on the moon. democrats are pouring money on this race. abigale spanberger is outsending her opponent.
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spanberger has tried to paint brat as out of touch with the voters and linked him with president trump. >> we are restoring civility back to our conversations and engage and talk about hardish yous and pros and cons and problem solve for the american people. reporter: brat embraces president trump. he says he believes he could lower insurance premiums going forward. he said it's democrats who have not been civil in this race. he claims democrats are paying protesters to harass him. we have a number of energized voters here. the feeling in this county is feeling like a presidential election year. still a lot of people are energized about this specific house race because it could show
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how the republican night would go if they will keep the house or lose the house. liz: thank you for your reporting. here is how the democrats could retake the house. the roadmap look like it is through california, pennsylvania and minnesota and other states as well. former senior advisor to john kerry, mary anne marsh. kelsey, are trump policies more popular in these states than his media detractors are saying? >> we know from historic voting trends, this should be a blue wave with or without president trump. but the senate is hardly even in play for democrats. and the house is contested. there is a chance republicans may pull through. i think the fact there are so many close elections doesn't
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speak highly to the energy a lot of democrats claim they have had the past two years. liz: dems talking negatively about trump. they will try to do tax hikes and the democrats will do in the house. trump will veto that. i want to ask you about the democrats having outrage over tax cuts. where was the democrat outrage when tax cuts were supported by jfk, john kerry, chuck schumer? >> every year, every decade, every president is different. to go backwards, the future is tomorrow morning. the vast majority of people don't believe the economy is work for them. nor do they believe tax cuts have worked for them. liz: the tax policy center which is liberal leaning says 80% of
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people get the tax cut. >> what little they got does not make a difference in their everyday lives. liz: the federal reserve says wages are going up 3%. chelsea, the federal reserve says wages are going up 3.1% year over year. i understand what mary anne is saying after inflation it feels like a hit. >> this economy does not happen by accident. the stock market is reflecting that. people are not only employed, their wages are going up. i would question the research you are citing to say people aren't happy with the economy. liz: when you have bill maher saying he's hoping for a
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recession and the bottom to fall out so trump won't get re-elected. jfk was talking about the new frontier to get the poor jobs. >> they are campaigning on the things people care about the most of. liz: where are the jobs? >> that's what they care about. liz: where are the job growth policies. >> across the board you look for democrats campaigning for raising the minimum wage. we are at full employment. anybody wh who wants a job has a job. liz: it's really he negative coming out of the democrats. >> most of people in the country don't have stocks. liz: union plans, pension plans, the pension plans invest in the stock market.
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we know teachers iewn yns, firemen, cops invest in the stock market. they are invested in it. >> the economy is work for americans. democrats know that which is why they are campaigning on a platform that is anti-trump. they are not talking about policies or the economy. i think we'll see that reflected in the polls tomorrow. liz: i walk around here in new york and elsewhering how people feel, and they say democrats don't have leadership and they don't have the policies. i hear what you are saying about the worker policies. republicans say they want to get on that. but where are the job growth policies. >> republicans baron and ryan combined have voted against healthcare policies 72 times including preexisting conditions. one bad visit to the doctor can
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bankrupt you. liz: i hear you. but we hear republicans saying they do want to fix that. >> they think that argument works for them and their voters. it doesn't work for the majority of voters. liz: let's get to the programming note for you. fox business will have special election coverage tuesday. i will be joining neil cavuto starting after 8:00 p.m. also early coverage the morning after. and then i'm going to be back and "varney and company" as well. the dow and the s & p closing out on a high note. drags down by big tech. apple, amazon, facebook and google. afterring warning on the holiday quarter last week.
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amazon planning to split its headquarters between two cities. dallas, new york, and in virginia outside of d.c. are the cities in play. all u.s. customers will get free shipping with no purchase minimum. that's for a limited period of time before the christmas holidays. 250 british airways passengers stuck for 77 hours on a three in day long night their flight from or land deto london. after the flight was canceled, then delayed, and canceled again it was forced to divert to jfk with even more mechanical issues. also in the u.k. look at this. the the tower of london glowing
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over the weekend. thousands of torches and candles were lit to mark the 100th anniversary to mark the end of the first world war. 5 million votes already cast in texas in the lone star state. you can be sure the border is top on the minds of voters on both sides of the political aisle. we'll talk to the state attorney general of texas, ken paxton. republican brian kemp is facing a battle for the governorship. he's make allegations of voter suppression and hacking.
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it's true. so all... evening long. ooh, so close. yes, but also all... night through its entirety. come on, all... the time from sunset to sunrise. right. but you can trade... from, from... from darkness to light. ♪ you're not gonna say it are you? liz: we told you what was going on with the house. 31 toss-ups are in play. 9 senate races are white knuckle tight. they include for democrat senators heidi heitkamp, jon tester, and joe manchin.
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and the arizona senate race between martha mcsally and kristen season pla. the polls hope that krysten sinema leads martha mcsally by 1 percentage point. reporter: the entire republican ticket will be holding an election eve rally right here on the courthouse steps behind me. republican candidate for senate martha mcsally is in a virtual tie. if elected she'll be the first woman senator from arizona. 50% of early voters so far are women. soon she says she is in ast full sprint head -- she is in a full sprint heading into election day.
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>> we have to keep and grow the senate majority and hold the house so we can keep the country going in the direction that's happening. if you are happy, get out there and vote. >> reporter: arizona secretary of state said 1.4 million ballots have been cost. that's 41% voting for the gop ticket and 24% of those early ballots are from independents which means the senate race between mcally and cinem sinema. martha mcsally campaigned side by side with mcsally.
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krysten sinema distanced herself from traditional democrats. she has moved more towards the middle. liz: in texas 5 million people already voted. that's more than the total number of votes cast throughout the entire state of texas in the mid-term election. let's bring in texas attorney general ken paxton. why -- what's going on with the strong turnout? who is it going to benefit? ted cruz or beto o'rourke. >> i think you have strong turnouts on both sides. if you look at collin county we are setting the record for all counties in texas. the fact that republicans are
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turning out is an advantage for republicans. generally we are a republican state, so the advantage goes to the republican party. liz: what was your reaction to the report that homeland security is saying the members of the migrant caravan come from 20 countries including afghanistan, bang le - bangladd pakistan including ms-13 gang members. what's your reaction? >> not surprising. we have been dealing with this for years and years in texas. finding out a lot of them have committed crimes once they come here. we know this is a reality. if they were allowed to cross we would be dealing with more crime in our state. liz: is it racist to secure the
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northern border? if 17,000 people were head towards the northern border would the specter of racism be brought up? >> i don't think so. the reality for texans is not about race, it's about safety. liz: saying joe biden or john kerry or hillary clinton when they were saying secure the border, were they called rice yifort? >of d called racist? >> no. and what we care about in texas is border security and safety. liz: the president said, i
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support legal immigration. sections of the texas-mexico border is securing the border by laying down barbed wire fencing. we have immigration judges overwhelmed down there. the central americans and people in south pair today know how stressed the system is, and critics are saying they are playing it. >> they have been encouraged for years to come. there are all kind of loopholes. if you brought children in, you were free to go pretty much. we pretty much had an open border under obama. liz: president trump did de --
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excuse me. president obama did deport people and he too separated parents and children at the border. and the children were put in foster homes. >> there is no doubt that's true. also i talked to border agents the last couple years. they were not allowed to fully do their job under the obama administration. they could deal with criminals, but for the most of part they were frustrated and they were thankful president trump encouraged them to do the job they were trained to do. liz: texas is not the only state seeing a wave of early voting. it's the same story in florida and it's a big high stakes battle there. we are live on the ground in the
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sunshine state next. then we'll take to you georgia where brian kem is facing a close race and there are explosive issues. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? liz: early voting is off the charts in florida with numbers almost double what they were in 2014. in north miami it's running out of balance lots with the overwhelming turnout. let's get back to the panel. mary anne, what is going to swing the california mid term races? i know you are talking about healthcare. the viewer hears you loud and clear.
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the fear about florida is this. with andrew gillum's socialist policies. >> i think they are more worried about red tide in florida and what scott hasn't done there. andrew gillum won the primary in miami-dade and broward. he's campaigning all over the state. and much like beto o'rourke he's campaigning everywhere, including places where democrats traditionally don't campaign. that's a compelling message. and it has turned out drove of voters. it will help him become governor and dwrag nelson back into the senate because of voters turning out with him. liz: andrew gillum has had connections to taken anti-israel
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group. is that going to hurt him? >> i could. i am from connecticut. if you go there, it seems every other house is for sale because everyone is pick up and moving to florida. florida has policies that work for people who are retired. florida has an interesting makeup of blacks and latinos. and they have an older population who knows the economy is the most of important because it will determine their livelihood going forward. liz: let's get mary anne's reaction to this mid-term sound bite. president trump: mid-term elections used to be boring. these guys are making a fortune because of me. who ever heard of mid-terms.
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now i'm watching every single minute and i'm going out to vote. but the key is, you have to go out to vote. liz: love him or hate him, his rallies have mobilizing his base. >> yes his rallies are big. the question is are people going to vote after those rallies. when obama had his rallies in the 2008 and 2012 people literally got driven to the polls from there or got on a bus and went to the polls. or did absentee ballots. but this is a dog fight. i give trump credit for getting people engaged in politics and record voting. and that's good for democracy no matter who you support. >> i agree high voter turnout is a good thing on both sides.
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president trump has given it his all in these last final days. voter turnout is everything it's going to determine the outcome of this election and we'll have a lot of lessons to learn after tomorrow. liz: let's see if we can unify as a country after the mid-terms. the chaotic final push to control congress now under way. we have the dnc chairman joining us. a fire storm off strove in georgia after republican candidate brian kemp launched an investigation into his allegations much hack. he's accusing the democrats of that. i'm going to take him on about it. that's up next. stay there.
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liz: the basic mechanics of georgiaments electoral process is in question. 's republican gubernatorial candidate brian kemp is with us. what else your evidence that the voter data base was hacked by the democrats? >> we got information about this incident and we called in the prop i shall authorities. we -- the proper authorities. we reached out to the department of homeland security after we opened an investigation. liz: forgive me. what was the information. what was the information you had. what we are understanding it was a concern -- >> i will be glad to answer your question if you will let us. liz: what was the evidence? >> this part of an investigation --
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liz: you are not answeringed the question. what was the evidence? what is the nature of the evidence? >> are you going to let me answer. if you quit interrupting me i will be glad to answer you. we met with the fbi, and home toledo security this morning. after doing that gat bureau investigation has opened a criminal investigation. my solves does not handle criminal investigation. the proper authority to do that. the dbi looked at the information we have and they opened a criminal investigation. the georgia cyber crime liewnlt be doing the investigation. liz: i hear you. the reason i'm asking is people are questioning your intent. if you want to clear that up, i'm offering you to clear up the intents. they are saying there was only concern, but no evidence. >> i can assure you the georgia
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bureau of investigation would not open an investigation unless there was evidence to look at. we have a duty -- ma'am, we would not open an investigation if we didn't feel like the was warranted. my job as secretary of state is to have accessible fair elections in this date. the gbi is investigating. liz: we still didn't get the answer there. critics are saying the exact match is an attempt to suppress voters. some' voters are being knocked out of the system werer for not having a hyphen in their name. liz: what about the voters who were knocked out of the system. >> they go to the polls tomorrow. show their photo i.d. and they can register to vote. this always manufactured crisis
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by the democrats. they do this every two years, accusing my office and the good hard working election officials around the state of not doing their job, which they are. they knockr cannot register people to -- they cannot register people to vote if they don't have the proper information ferp georgia law. we are following the law. i now and many people like you don't like that but that's where we have to do when we take an out of office. liz: in 2016 you brought an allegation that homeland security was hack into the georgia data base and it turns out was just an inquiry. there is an issue here that people think you are overreacting. >> i don't think i'm jemple react. if i didn't do anything, they would be accusing me of not doing anything. we got information from our network security providers, a
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private security monitor that a red flag came. under the obama administration we could never get a clear answer on what was going on. i will always make sure we act in a prudent way. some of the foolishness going on are lies to distract from my opponents record. she was higher taxes and a government takeover of healthcare. i'll continue to do my job down here and have fair and accessible elections. we are having record turnout. we have never seen people go vote lightener this election. and that's a great thing and we are encouraging that. liz: we are grateful you came on. ' when you had the case of voter hack, we would love for you to
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come back on and talk about the evidence. >> we'll be glad to talk about that. but the gbi opened and criminal investigation. you want answers to what they have, you can call their office. i don't want to jep dieps a criminal investigation. we'll have a fair and accessible election in the state of georgia tomorrow. we reached out to mr. kem's democrat opponent stacy abrams to get a response. judge napolitano is here. and the democrat party is counting on a blue wave. my next guest is convinced the democrats will have a big night. michael blake joins me next. i'm ken jacobus, i'm the owner of good start packaging. we distribute environmentally-friendly packaging for restaurants.
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liz: the democrats banking on taking control of the house, we are joined by a party leader. michael, you feel comfy department you will have a good night. >> very confident.
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early voting is historic. when you see the 33 million people participating across the country. there always reason to be excited. independents are work their way everywhere. but more importantly we have a clear closing argument. we are fighting for the people. liz: forgive me for interrupting, i just get frustrated sometimes. >> you can allow plea to finish the sentence. liz: we know your talking points here. ways your jobs policy. what is the messaging on job growth. >> you are factually. liz: i'm asking, so then tell me. >> there were more jobs created under president obama than president. liz: he was 10 million, i was worse than clinton and reagan, and donald trump is on track to beat obama handily in job growth. what is the democratic job
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growth policy? what is the policy? >> the bureau of labor statistics -- i'm sure don't like facts. liz: you are not allowed your own facts it's 10 million to 11 million net. let's stop. michael. if we are not going to have a factual interview let's end the interview. i want to cut to judge napolitano. we are not going to have you misled. here are the facts judge it's 10 million to 11 million net jobs attributed to obama. what michael was trying to do was knock out the recession. we'll have michael blake back on when he wants to listen to the facts. i don't allow people coming on with their own set of facts. >> i'm with michael on martha's
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show monday night, he made some strong clear arguments. but i guess he didn't want to address your questions tonight. liz: what is the job policy, please, of the democrats? >> again, we are going to try this one final time. in 21 months that trump has been president there have been 4.01 million jobs created. in the last 21 months of president obama there were 4.4 million jobs. liz: you are making your own time frame. overall job number for obama is 10 million to 11 million, it's lower than bill clinton and ronald reagan. >> we are being comparable. we entered there there were 700,000 jobs being lost.
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your question was about job policies. it is clear that under president trump there was a policy of creating a tax plan which 64% of americans according to gallup this weekend conveyed they do not sense wages have gown. the democratic policy is you would not have a tax plan for the top 1%. you would have a policy focused on minority owned business and small businesses. there are there is a reason people are believing an economic agenda would help them. liz: the cbo says the majority of tax cuts, 80% of middle class got their tax cuts. but i hear what you are saying, michael. i feel like the american people are constantly being misled about what the facts are. judge, here is the thing.
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the problem time and again is that the american people are not getting the information that they should. and they don't understand why there is a divide in this country when you have people coming on to the media being allowed to have their talking points and not the facts. what he was just doing. >> you and i live with this all the time. liz: he was cookie cutterring the last 20 months of the obama administration. >> i live in new jersey where the trump tax cuts have raised my taxes because of the reduction in the 8 and local tax reduction. liz: we'll be back with the judge after the break. stay there.
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>> for most part i love my cabinet. we have really talented people, the deals we're making on trade, including foreign affairs, we've done record-setting work, i don't know that we get the credit for it, but that's okay. liz: president trump declaring his love for most of his cabinet, saying that administrations usually do make changes at midterm.
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pack with us is judge. >> it is normal. a lot of people, household words would be leaving at this time. normal for president to think about 2020, a different seem, sarah sanders is not subject to senate confirmation. to me, would be jeff sessions and rod rosenstein. totally new leadership of the justice department. question, will new leadership be 'inin sinch sync with bob muell. president will lose a lot of his friends from linsey graham on down. >> this happens, let going
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cabinet members. we had even president obama with rahm emanuel. >> president trump made noises that jim mattis, his most popular, beloved cabinet member may be on his way out this and the at prerogative. let's say the democrat take senate that would still confirm his nominee. >> who would you like to see? >> i have been a harsh critic of attorney general sessions, it is up to president. president. i would like someone who runs the department from day-to-day. liz: why are you a harsh critic of jeff sessions? glim pre>> the impression is het there, he recused himself from more than just mueller
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investigation, and lets rod rosenstein make the decisions that only the attorney general should make. liz: love having you on. >> see you in the morning. liz: lou dobbs is next here on fox business network. lou: good evening, happy election eve, our top stories president trump delivering his closing argument for republicans across the country, no president has worked as hard or campaigned as hard for his party as has mr. trump. he has been a force of nature, as usual, expending vast amounts of merg engineer and effort. you are looking at president live in fort wayne, en indiana. the second of three rallies he is leading today in support of


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