tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 6, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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eastern kentucky closed in last hour. and in race for kentucky 6 congressional district, incume ban house ron andy barr is tied with -- now running about 2 points behind but the pricincts of few counted. it is 7 p.m., and fox news however can make election projecttion, fox news decision desk projecting independent vermont senator bernie sanders, not a surprise you to, will win, a third term by defeating republican lawrence soup inin virginia tim kaine winning a second term beating cory stewart. according to fox news voter analysis. and south carolina governor henry mcmaster, winning his race against democrat james
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smith. projected winner. and in georgia. democrat stacey abrams locked in a ties race with republican secretary of state, brian kemp, too early to say who'll win, that contest. and in indiana, democratic senator joe donnelly trying to hold off trump backed republican challenger mike braun, that race is also too close to call. and that is where we are, we move to florida, polls closing in minutes, there are a number of key races we're following for you, including, senate race between bill nelson and current republan governor rick scott. and there also a big race to fill governor's mansion between republican ron desantis and democrat andrew gillum, fox's phil keating is joining us in tallahassee with the latest.
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reporter: been quite the commotion here in last 30 to 45 minutes, a deluge of rain. we're talking two inches or three of rain, just a downpour, so bad, that the media tent with bunch of press, one of those white tarp tents, so much rain filled up top it looked like a hippo of about to burst through, before that, everyone moved over to the chick-fil-a here at florida a&m camp us, that is where everyone circumstance the rain has almost stopped, it has been a campaign scramble for the gillum people, trying to see if they can mind perhaps another venue, they really want this backdrop, andrew gill u gillum f tallahassee hoping to be first democrat to take state of florida in a gubernatorial
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contest in 20 years, his opponent, ron desantis, republican, is a huge trump supporters and trump endorsed him many months ago, this year long before primary day, it has brought desantis on stage with him, the president as, at least these times at big make america great again rallies. race officially for days and days has been too close to call, a toss up. >> in senate race, have you governor rick scott, republican two termer, termed out, he is challenging 3 term incumbent democratic senator bill nelson, who is going for a fourth term, he was campaigned on streets of orlando today, waving signs, governor scott poured $50 million of his own fortune into the race to move to washington he thinks make a big change up
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there. that ration also too close to call, a toss up has been for a while, so, as have the last two gubernatorial electeds in the state gone, each one decided by 1%. we'll see if tonight is different or remains the reason that florida is a tight swing state. lou: all right. thank you phil. stay dry. >> to georgia now, polls just closed there, one of big races, for governor, where radical leftist stacey abrams facing current secretary of say the republican brian kemp, our fox news correspondent jonathan with a live report in a polling station in midtown, atlanta, how does this look. reporter: actually we moved from polling location, we're outside of a hotel ballroom where democrat stacey abrams will watch the returns and republican
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brian kemp watching from a venue in his hometown of athens, georgia, polls have closed. if you are in line, you will be allowed to vote in and cases line extend as far as 3 hours, a three hour wait, officials say voter turn out was heavy across the entire state, and early voting set new all-time record for a midterm with over 2 million in georgia casting ballots in advance of election day. kemp who served georgia secretary of state is loyal ally of president trump, and ran a campaign appealing to social conservatives in rural parts of the state, his agenda pro gun, anti-obama care. democrat stacey abrams, ran as a progressive, appealing to voter in georgia us urban centers. luring voters with expansion of medical would -- abrams been
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performing better than previous democrats who tried to campaign as moderates in this still strongly red state. now lou, to win this elect out right, a candidate that to get more than 50% of vote, otherwise if goes to a run off on december 4. lou: jonathan thank you very much. that is a close race. here now to take a look some of the latest data, and voter analysis, notice voter analysis, not exit polls, fox business deirdre bolton. >> it is right, we did partner withs ap, with tens of thousands of survey with phone, net, the polls in indiana, and georgia just closed. we'll start with that hoosier state first, voter there feel that u.s. economy is strong. you have mike braun tha challeng
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joe donnelly, according to analysis, healthcare is number oneish in th issue in the statee are amazing numbers, citizens with preexisting conditions should not be punished with higher hole car -- health care t came in 92%. people in the state of indiana want their fellow citizens supported. looking at no very slight. other question is about the local economy. we know that indiana is a big soybean producer, america's number one agraexpert, we asked voters what they thought about trump administration's trade policies, they actually really give us a split view, you have 37% saying that trade policy from the trump administration will help the local economy in indiana. then have you 40% saying it will hurt. you have solid 21% saying it makes no difference.
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2017 we exported 18 million worth of soybeans that crop has been caught up in the u.s. and china trump administration and xi jinping on his side, those trade tips. polls in georgia also closing, we'll turn our attention to governor race, as for as some issues that we've been focused on some are confident in voter integrity in georgia, we asked our eligible voters, 72% have faith in process, 28% say not as we know. secretary of state brian kemp is a candidate. we has jurisdiction over voter laws, you were talking about progressive democratic candidate, statey abrams. she hopes that medicaid expansion will be a key issue. we'll get back to you with that. in meantime back to you.
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>> deirdre bolton, a couple questions. almost too much polling to ask in indiana about trump tariffs and soybeans, yet a split vote, just a 37 to 40%. i would think that president trump would be thrilled and my braun would be. >> i would too joos. >> there have been interviews done, farmers have been affected but they believe in president and his agenda. and it is with mentality that too shall pass. lou: i get a kick out of the question, about integrity of the electoral secretary of state brian kemp, he has to be thrilled. but there is a matter of a vote. great thank you so much, deirdre bolton. lou: joining me now taking up the early numbers, top strategist for great america pack, former reagan white house
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political director legendary political strategist ed rollins. >> thank you. lou: "new york post" columnist, fox business contributor, michael goodwin. >> thank you. lou: your thoughts on this first turn out, we're hearing from all quarters, is run away. >> just struck by the georgia. you had early voting, still a 3 hour wait to vote. still, this late in the day. and i saw it here in new york. lou: who does that benefit? >> i engine statewide race -- i think in state ride races, if you are the favorite, early turn out is great, for some districts, i do believe that district races, heavy turn out will benefit democrats. in many of the so-called swing districts. i think that turn out suggests that democrat will have little trouble in reaching threshold to take the house. lou: okay.
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you, ed? >> i am pleased that bernie sanders was predicted to be winner. thank you for letting us know. here is race, 70 are competitive, all by 5 are ours, 14 governor race that are even, 7 u.s. senate races even. as we see it from course of night, that is the game, the ball game. quickly we'll find out from indiana whether we'll win that seat, which should be our seat. if we do, we'll on the way, if not we have a hard battle for the night. my sense that georgia gubernatorial race will belong, hard race, if you don't get 50%, it goes to a run off that is another month. florida, a critical test. i hear voting despite the rain was very high. and today was still higher. lou: and this early voting, setting records it appears we'll
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see new records set, we're also as you 51 out, watching voters lineup at polls across the country, whether a democratic district or republican district it does not matter. this president has had a major impact on the voter interest. this is you talk about this -- great civics, this is a president inspiring people, motivating people who otherwise would not be showing up at polls. and they are doing so in large numbers. >> yeah. >> and they are doing both parties, donald trump has inspired both voters from both parties to turn out. you have the huge turn out that we know rallies he has been drawing the big crowds like in 2016, he is straw that stirs of drink, and for both sides. lou: he is leading country. >> yeah. lou: i really think that this president deserves credit, no
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matter how this turns out, among issues that we're looking at polling, what are most important issues. the number one issue is healthcare. no surprise. particularly in way in which i think questions are being asked. but second it sim break, this -- it is immigration, this is issue that election eve paul ryan, genius lame duck speaker of the house, wanted the president to ignore, that is the number two issue, followed by jobs and the economy, he has been addressing 60-40 in his speeches. i to give byron york from washington examiner credit. he has been covering huge list of achievement in all areas. >> i have been around this game a long time midterms have never
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mattered like today, my polling place in new york was crowded, machines were broke en this morning. i talked to people the same thing. people, the midterms matter, they are sending a message for or against president trump. two issues we're talking about immigration top issue. last year, building wall is one thing he promised, if ryan would want him to do that job he would have been built? a great betrayal. >> by a man who wanted to betray him further, urging him to focus on issue -- think about this. 4%, responding in the polling as most important issue. 4%. >> right. lou: hard to capture that upside down thinking. think it is anything less than an effort to under cut the president further, which has been hallmark of the ryan speakership. >> i think that ryan just believes he is smarter than
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donald trump. that -- >> he is not smarter than anyone that i know. >> i'm saying that he believes. >> he needs to be reeducated. >> he has been, i assume that is why he is leaving, he knows it is not his party, he could not accept it was the don's party. lou: not even his state. >> one thing. >> his inaction and deceit, but we have covered that. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: we'll talk with these gentleman throughout, up next, president trump makes immigration top issue of the mid terms. >> illegal immigration costs our country more than $100 billion every year, think of that. democrats are inviting caravan after caravan of illegal aliens. democrats plan to destroy healthcare. also including raiding medicare
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to fund benefits for illegal immigrants. >> if you want more caravans and more crime, vote democrat. >> we have a problem at the border be a problem with illegal immigration, and problem is that thedemocrats will not allow to s change the dumbest laws in history of the world on immigration. lou: we take up that, and the latest numbers from these critical midterm elections, when we continue, stay with us, we're welcoming right back. (vo) 'twas the night before christmas and all through the house
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lou: central american migrants filing into mexico city since last night, local officials expecting at least 5,000 of those migrants will take refuge on way toward u.s. border, this caravan one of 4 now move through mexico, 12 thousand are making the trek north. and growing, lead caravan is housed in a soccer stadium, they are planning to regroup, trying to figure out to decide who will continue on to the u.s. border, who'll stay in capital of mexico. in one of those caravans. 100 migrants were kidnapped
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preassume ab-- presum pre-- prey by the carnell. the tell. >> joint chief chairman of joint chiefs, general joseph dunford said there is no plan for troops on border to deny inren entry but to support border patrol. joining me to it is kis discusss and impact of the border. tom fox, contributor, great to have you with us. quite a night. we were pointing out that in our polling, for our this election,
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immigration was number wor issue, this is issue that paul ryan of encouraging the president to ignore. this president, who focused on his achievement and job creatio, economic growth. who this president has to contend with in washington d.c. to me is okay maze -- amazing what he has put up with in particular with speaker of the house who refused to build the wall. >> i am a big fan of president with immigration and border security. we've been talking about this issue for 34 years, for first time we have the president of united states who takes border security and immigration enforcement serious, now is the time to act. that is why i'm out as much as i am with you, you do it took now
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is the time, w we have a presidt in right spot who believes that border security is important to this country. lou: by the way, american people agree with him in this polling. it is to me it is interesting that the right now, some 5,000 troops are deployed to the u.s., mexico border. rick levin tha -- levin that thr correspondent there. providing security for the military. for their bivouac and bill on the on border. to support the border patrol. your thoughts? >> border securitia national security, this president gets it, i know for a fact, based on
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intelligence reports, he doing the job, these cartel push large population of people through one sector to run narcotics and bad people through another sector, because border patrol assets are tied up over here, this president gets this. sending military to border to do logistics that border patrol does in background, that is a national security issue, i can't understand why a lot of democrats don't understand that, that is a national security issue, just not immigration issue. lou: it is. i think it goes beyond national security element. democratic party been projecting propaganda on the american people about number of illegal immigrants who have crossed our border. the number of illegal immigrants in this country, the latest study, yale and m.i.t. study that number is put at 22 to 30
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million, did that surprise you, that the number of that high according to the study of number of illegal immigrants that has been done? >> i knew it was higher than 12 million, that number did surprise me. you know, when you think about it why would they stop coming? you have democratic pushing sanctuary cities, we will protect, they don't top build a border -- they don't want to build a border wall and abolish i.c.e. and nothing to do with everify. lou: or merit based immigration policies. >> why would they stop coming? you better believe they are sitting tonight, wondering what is happening tonight, i tell you if dems take control of congress. in one or both houses, then, you know the game is on. because they know, that they are not strong border security, they talk about sanctuary cities and
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abolishing i.c.e. and not building a wall, that is just going to steam roll. lou: tom hallman thank you we appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: up next, he is not on ballot, but what sort of affect does president and his unprecedented success in 21 months in office have on outcome of these midterms, we take it up with daily cal caller's christor bedford, stay withmo us, we'll e right back. talking about driver-assist technology talking about cars that talk and listen. talking about the highest customer loyalty in the country. but that's enough talking. seriously. that was a lot of talking. back to building
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and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. lou: fox news decision desk projects more winners in west virginia, senate race between dem joe mansion and republican attorney general patrick morrisy too close to call. >> in ohio, dewine and cord ray too close to haul, and ohio
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braubrown ahead of congressman. it looks like radical dems given up hope of winning back control of senate. just listen to senator claire mccaskill in missouri. >> i don't see a huge difference in terms of the work of the senate, whether 51-49 democrat or 51-49 republican. lou: wow, philosophical this early. and that race. that race is tight, lined up again hawley, who promised to stick to president trump's ajen apolls closing there 8 p.m. eastern. joining me now, as we await those polls to close, north carolina, ohio, west virginia.
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daily caller news foundation editor in chief, christopher bedford, your sense. it looks like the huge story is the turn out across the country. whether in republican districts or in democratic districts. there is great intensity in this midterm. almost certainly unprecedented and turn out. >> absolutely, president trump has activated people and intensity on both sides, there is a record number of voters in texas, i'll give you an example, hundreds of thousands of voter that have showed up who were not registered to vote in 2016, there were people have been activated on republican side, who said, i never cared about g.o.p. but i care about president trump. and there are people who never political, who have been activated to oppose president trump, either way he has been a massive lesson in civics for american people.
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still early to tell should way it will go tonight. >> it is, a grit great mystery, it should be a no-brainer, perhaps i am bogged down in conventional reasoning. you look at the economy and how well, it is performing under this president, all he accomplished whether foreign or domestic policy. he has done everything that a president could reasonably be expected to do, my guess without question to expect as much as he did to is unreasonable, voters should be in a positive mood, question it seems to me, real question should have been, you are better off today than you were 21 months ago? because the answer is yes. >> the problem for republicans here is despite having fulfilled a huge number of campaign promises on the economy and taxes, that voter offer are motivated or to do anything, that what makes them
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uncomfortable, so as much as republicans could hope of, you heard this from senate republicans and house republicans, let's not get in a fight about immigration, and let's push successes that we had with tax plan and economy, that was note resonating with voters, i think that one reason that president trump took to campaign trail and talked about caravan. and broadens it, and senate republicans blessed to have fight over brett kavanaugh in an off year seconde election peoplt that will push them to polls. and hopefully maybe to your point in the economy. lou: this economy, without the president. his understanding of the american people and issues that are important. this is the man who surprised everyone in 2016 by talking directly to the american people
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every day hourly. through his twitter feed. and focus on the issues that matter most, whether it be immigration or it be outsources of jobs or you know so-called free trade that costs millions of americans their jobs, that man is understood what matters to americans, for a very long time and for the lame duck spiker of the house to come out on seconder second eve and -- election eve and suggest that president take up an issue that according to our polling important to 4% of electorate is madness. >> i think you are right, the republicans think that voter have always turned out for them to support wars abroad or to support free markets, that is not usually a factor that motivates people, president trump had his finger on pull
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pulse a lot more, he reached an american electorate on both sides. lou: 10 seconds, will it translate to wins for republicans tonight? >> i think that in u.s. senate, if i was a member of house i would be care nul. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: we take up next what midterms mean for remember russian collusion? what happened, attorneys will join my next, don't go anywhere, i'm tecky. i can do it all. go ahead, ask it a question. tecky, can you offer low costs and award-winning wealth management with a satisfaction guarantee, like schwab? sorry. tecky can't do that. schwabbb! calling schwab. we don't have a satisfaction guarantee, but we do have tecky! i'm tecky. i ca... are you getting low costs and award-winning wealth management? if not, talk to schwab.
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lou: look at 7 district congressional district in virginia. abigail span berger running barely ahead of dave brat. he beat, eric cantor in taking seat, a two term congressman, he is in a battle with about 20% of the votes being counted. it is sitting at 49.9% moving into slight lead. it is a tough, tight race, we'll keep you up-to-date, this race. is something of a bellwether. republicans believe.
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>> we can expect a tight conclusion to the race. >> and democratic congressman adam schiff telling los angeles times that russian collusion will be his top priority if the democrats were to gain control of the house of representatives. the ranking intelligence committee member, and vowing to investigate whether russia has financial leverage over the president through his business interests, and by the way, one thing we have not heard in any polling anywhere, is well two words, russian collusion. not a single voter seems to be interested no pollster is paying attention to the issue. joining me now to discuss the schiff agenda, democratic agenda mueller investigation, republican effort to expose justice department and fbi
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corruption effect -- victoria tensing of just it justice depat and joe digenova. founding partners of dejoi deje- digenova and tensing partners. thank you for joining us. they are not interest inneded in mueller witch-hunt or accusation. >> public is smarter, they are smarter than adam schiff, what a surprise. i guess schiff did not hear nancy pelosi who said, you know when we takeover congress, we're not going to be nast to the republicans like they were to us. guess who didn't get that memo from this speaker to be as she puts it. i don't know what he will do.
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because he can subpoena until the cows come home it will take a long time to getting any. lou: i would think that you agree. but, democrats have been so eager to talk about impeachment proceedings if house were to flip, so eager to just try to be as acidic as possible when talking about a president who is without question, accomplished most successful in less than two years in was on th office of ant since fdr . >> i think i encourage them to proceed the way they are going. because they will reelection president trump through an aggressive and outrageous use of subpoena power in the house if they takeover, they have not done it yet, let's see. but if adam schiff to be believed, he will be wasting an amazing amount of house's time on something, one thing about
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adam schiff, you cannot underestimate his ego, he fancies himself to be john f. kennedy squared. and he is lies about any evidence concerning collusion. and he just makes stuff up. amazing he sits there with a straight face and makes it up. >> he said time and gain, yes, there is more than circumstancal evidence here about collusion, which is not a crime, he should know better. and no one has ever that willed hichallenged him to state what t is, lou, invite him on and ask him. lou: well, let's -- i have to ask you this. james comey on the campaign trail, encouraging democrats to vote democratically. joe that seems like that seem partisan, don't you think? >> well, as i said, he is
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america's dirtiest cop. when "new york times" ran his op-ed piece today they left out something, he is former disgraced fired, fbi director. and he was fire forward a reason, fundamentally dishonest, he krupped the fbi -- corrupted the fbi and tried to over 3 a sitting president of united states donald trump, he failed. >> miserably, thank you goodness. >> a perfect time for "new york times" op-ed page. >> he did not notice that little which were were in cages when obama of president, and he was fbi director. lou: just awakening to beauty of american politics. vick toria and joe thank you. >> up next. >> thank you. lou: up next, soaring trump economy taking center stage during the mid term economies -- elected. we'll have more on that after the break, jason chaffetz joins
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i did san it is -- desantis with more than 60% of votes in. that is a well the of votes to been already counted, senator bill nelson leading republican rick scott, in again, a very tight race, we're looking at basically some on order 70% of pricincts in. over in kentucky, 6 congressional district republican andy barr trailing now, mcgarth a long ways to go. joining us jason chaffetz. fox business contributor. author of the book. good to see you. it is here.
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most important midterms you know in our lifetime. and i have so say, a lot of money spent, polling right now, what do you see because, i have not got a clue as to how this is going to wrap up. >> no, a lot of these professional pollsters drive hee nuts, i don't know how they drive big dollar they get, they don't have clarity, i don't see a big blue wave, you see close races with dave brat, in florida, which is what was predicted. but not the tsunami, i remember in 2010, i was in house of representative, republican took 63 seats away from democrats. now, i have to tell you, i think democrats on net will gain, and may gain house of representatives, that is historically that is just hitting historical norm. but not the 63 seats, remember, who obama of president, democrat over his 8 years they lost more
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than a thousand seats. and state legislatures, the congress, the house, senate. lou: we have not begun to really reach out to these gubernatorial races they are going to be quite critical for both parties come 2020. because those state houses can have pilot to say about organizations and money. whether it is raising it or spending. >> also remember have you census coming up, then that is how they do redistricting, they play a critical role. lou: ask people in pennsylvania. >> right. lou: so, any -- is there any race you think is a electri a lr either party that has been tight? anything that the rest of us don't. >> i am septembe centric to thei am fascinated by dean heller race in nevada, mia love's race
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in utah is important. and then martha mcsally against si nema in arizona will be a nail-biter, critical to the sway. lou: balance of power. >> right. lou: all right up next, jason thank you. >> thank you. lou: up next, we continue to watch the polls. that i like that. consequential, that and more when we continue, stay with us. , but everywhere else... there are chefs, bakers and food order takers. doctors and surgeons and all the life savers. the world is alive as you can see, this time of the year is so much more than a bow and a tree. (morgan vo) those who give their best, deserve the best.
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lou: last night we asked you if you thought we would see a trump wave. 96% said yes. we suspended our poll question for tonight. we'll get a lot of the answers we all need as the election results start coming in. let's take up georgia first here if we could, please. here we go. in virginia 7th congressional district incumbent david brat facing challenges and leading there. and in indiana democratic
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senator joe donnelly locked in a tight race with republican mike braun. in the early count he is ahead. stacy abrams locked in a tight race in georgia. that's it for now. diamond and silk among our guests tomorrow. neil: it will be a confusing night. everyone is waiting to see how the balan of congress goes. these are the states that are going to be closing their polls within a minute or so. as i said. in the senate we are looking at what could be a two-seat pick-up
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democrats will have to get and that will be an up-hill climb. we are look at the west virginia race and what's going on in indiana. it is much more difficult for democrats to take control there than it will in the house. at this point they would need a 23-seat pick-up. this gap, 51-49, it's really 2 independents who tend to caucus with the democrats. but that math is more prohibitive for them in that particular body. in the house, when we were going into this we had 32 to 36 states where the margin of error was
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within 5 points. so it could go any way here. in our constant coverage we'll update you on where the gap stands now. and we'll be doing the same with governorships. there are 36 up for grabs tonight and that could go a variety of ways. many are saying it could be a good night forward democrats in governorships, but it's too soon to tell. in florida it's close and too soon to tell. that's making it tough to call. for governor, andrew gillum and ron desantis are virtually dead even. and we are going to be getting reports from the panhandle where the vote in 2016 favored donald
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