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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 9, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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the fox business network. lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories tonight -- a shooting, a mass shooting in california at a california bar which 12 people were murdered including a sheriffs sergeant who tried to stop the killing. gunman, an ex-marine whose neighbors said he struggled with ptsd. he chose a popular and last night a packed night spot to create carnage and chaos before turning the gun on himself. >> we've got to do something about the hate, and we've got to do something to just spread the love and reach out and help
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people and be patient with them and understand them because this will touch so many lives around our community. lou: and indeed around this nation. we'll have the latest on yet another senseless tragedy and what can be done to prevent such violence. also tonight, key midterm races undecided, two days after election day in florida, that governor's race is now in dispute. the race between congressman ron desantis, a republican, and tallahassee mayor andrew gillum going to a recount. and republican strategist ed rollins joins us to break down the latest in the electoral battles that are going on well beyond election day. and the latest political developments and whether our highly polarized national politics means new rules are urgably required for increasingly aggressive and hostile white house press corps. and robert mueller
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reportedly preparing his final report as acting attorney general, matthew whitaker takes office at the justice department, and assumes oversight of the special counsel. former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy joins us here tonight, we'll be discussing whether we could be, could be in the final phases of the russia collusion investigation. our top story tonight, the deadly mass shooting in california. it happened in thousand oaks, a quiet community, 40 miles west of los angeles, that has been ranked by the fbi as the fourth safest city in all the land. fox correspondent jonathan hunt with the latest on this tragedy. reporter: what was supposed to be an evening of fun at college night at a country music bar turned into bloody chaos after a man armed with a glock handgun fitted with illegal extended magazine entered the
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borderline bar & grill and began shooting. >> all of a sudden you hear the bang, bang of the gunshots and it started going crazy. >> we thought it was a joke. reporter: those inside the pack the venue located 40 miles northwest of los angeles tried to escape any way they could. some hiding in bathrooms, others breaking windows or running out any open door. >> i ran as fast as we could through the front door. thank god i made it out. reporter: police say a dozen didn't make it out alive. among them sergeant ron helus, a 29-year veteran of the ventura county sheriff's department. >> he died a hero because he went -- he went into save lives to save other people. reporter: late this morning, hundreds line the streets to pay their respect as sergeant helus's body was transferred to the coroner. also killed 22-year-old cody
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coffman, his son aspired to join the army. >> i want to pray for everybody else going through the same situation, there's many more to come. but for me, this is a day i'll never get back. reporter: the gunman identified as ian david long, 28-year-old marine veteran who apparently killed himself and may have suffered from ptsd. authorities searched long's home for a motive and say he had some contact with police over the years. the most recent was a disturbance call back in april. the shooting leaving many wondering how this could happen again? >> we are in the safest city in the nation and something we need to act on, and i hope and every time we have an event and another shooting, we want to do something. it's time to act. reporter: and we're now learning the names of more of the victims. among them, one that hits close
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to home for us. alaina housley was a freshman at pepperdine university and thenies of former fox reporter adam housley. we send our condolences to eric and hanna and the 11 other families whose hearts are broken tonight. lou? lou: jonathan, thank you. jonathan hunt in thousand oaks, california. as jonathan said, hundreds paying their respects today for fallen ventura county sheriff sergeant ron helus. his death is the 44th suffered by law enforcement this year alone. six more than last year's total. today's shooting comes less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire on a synagogue in pittsburgh which 11 people were killed. six others injured including four police officers. all of those officers are now okay. the shooting in pittsburgh driven in large part by the
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rising problem of anti-semitism in this country. it's an issue we'll examine here tonight. we'll be talking with a permanent representative of israel to the united nations, danny danon joins us here, as we deal with the tragedy in california, we're grappling with a broken political system. our next guest is one of the more prominent republican leaders in country. he plans to bridge that divide and joining us is congressman jim jordan, he was re-elected to a seventh term in congress and announced yesterday he's running to become the republican house minority leader. congressman, great to see you, and i want to begin with the obvious and sad question. your thoughts about these tragic events and what we can do? >> your heart goes out to the families who are impacted, particularly the housley family which jonathan talked about. look, it looks like this one
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may have been post-traumatic stress, we need to focus on that for our military who do such a great job and who get that disorder. there needs to be help there, and yeah, it's unfortunate. frankly probably also help with the language we hear from, i think, particularly when you have some people in the left say certain things and others say certain things, that's not helpful either. we saw what happened with tucker carlson, that's not good for our political debate, hearts and prayers go to the families who are impacted. lou: this is the tragedy is senseless. we know that whatever the cause too often it's mental illness. it comes in many guises, it may be ptsd, it may be anti-semitism. >> we hope it's not that. lou: or other expressions of hate in this country, and we have to come to terms with it. as you have said. let me turn to, first, this new congress that is about to
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convene, the lame-duck session, i don't know how this will play out, but i am curious about how soon you're going to make it a full-on jim jordan effort, which usually leads to success to become the house minority leader? >> well, look, here's what's going on. when the american people sent president trump here, they sent him here to shake this town up. i think he's doing. that i don't know they've seen the same urgency, the same intensity from the house of representatives. we haven't replaced obamacare. we haven't reformed our welfare system and haven't secured the border. three of the things we were sent here to do. i think the senate matched the president's intensity when they stood strong and got judge kavanaugh confirmed. we need to step forward and show the same urgency, intensity, demonstrate to the american people we're going to fight for the things we said we were going fight for and if we do that, we can earn back their trust and hopefully retake the majority in 2020. that's what i want to do with
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my colleagues given the opportunity to lead. lou: how soon will we find out whether they will make that? >> this is next week, the election is next wednesday, coming quick. i think what's unfortunate as well, remember we lost 30 some seats, lost the majority, at a time with 4% economic growth, lowest unemployment. 250,000 jobs added last month. maybe the american people expect us to have a little more intensity about getting done the things we said we would do. the things they elected us to come here and accomplish. lou: i want to be clear, congressman jordan is saying that fundamentally, the republicans should have been doing exactly what they promised their constituents, he has been saying it for the past year and a half, as others were sucking on their thumbs and trying to twiddle away their responsibilities and hope no one noticed. congressman jordan has been straightforward, straight up as always on this issue. let's turn to the multiple
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investigations, congressman, that we hear the democrats are in, just so exuberant to begin. your thoughts? >> we got to understand this as well. the world we're walking into in january, nancy pelosi as speaker and waters, schiff, cummings and nadler are going to try to investigate everything. and the one key investigation we've been working on where the fbi took one party's research document that was not valid, was not credible and the basis to go get a warrant for the other party's campaign. they're going to try to drop that, they're stonewalling that the whole time. we better be ready for this, they're coming after the administration, they've been clear about that. that's not me saying it, what they said. we heard so much yesterday after jeff sessions stepped down, the comments from mr. nadler, from elizabeth warren and others, they are coming after the white house and this administration so many ways they think aren't the right thing to do.
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lou: i have to say the right person is in the oval office and hope the right person will be leading the minority in the house along with majority leader mcconnell. it's still not a fair fight for the dems but there it is. congressman, good to have you with us, wish you all the luck. jim jordan. >> thanks, lou. lou: the national left-wing media attacking the president of the united states for revoking jim acosta's white house access. >> you know, i was trying to ask a question of the president at this press conference and obviously a question they didn't like. >> what i saw was battery not by jim acosta but the young white house aide. >> he's screaming about jim acosta. >> this is about donald trump trying to distract how weak he is now. >> the freedom of the press is under assault. >> all of this a convenient distraction after republicans lost the house and the president fired his attorney general. >> you don't like rude
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reporters? don't be president of the united states. lou: wow, there's a choice, hu? they don't seem a bit entitled, do they? we'll take that up and much more, the break will be short, ed rollins will be with us when we return. we'll be back. stay with us.
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. lou: if you thought election night was exciting, fascinating, well, get ready, strap up, because the next few days, the next few weeks could be very, very exciting. we have now disputed contests, and let's start with florida. both of the high-profile races for the senate and the governorship are headed for recount because the margin of victory is under half a percent. now in the governor's race between republican ron desantis and radical demandrew gillum, desantis leads 49.6 to 49.2, and in the race for the senate, republican governor rick scott leading incumbent democratic senator bill nelson 50.1 to 49.9. the senate race in arizona is
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still too close to call. republican martha mcsally trailing kyrsten sinema by, ready? .1%, right now. 2100 votes, only 2100 votes separate those two, and the only way a recount would be guaranteed there is if the deciding number of votes is 200 or fewer, if you can believe that. that's where we are. in the house, the balance of power stands at 225 for the dems and 197 for the republicans. 13 seats remain uncalled. and in the seats left to be called. 8 of them are favored to be won by republicans who are now in the lead, no matter how narrow, and five are favored by democrats who are in the lead. and those races, no matter how narrow their lead. and now a subject i believe has to be addressed by both the national news media and the
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white house. at a news conference yesterday, one correspondent's belligerent abusive, rude behavior resulted in the most insulting treatment of the president of the united states i've ever witnessed. here it is. >> if i may -- mr. president, if i may ask a question. >> that's enough, that's enough. that's enough. reporter: parton me ma'am. >> excuse me, that's enough. put down the mic. >> are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigation? mr. president? >> i tell you what, cnn should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. you are a rude, terrible person, you shouldn't be working for cnn. go ahead. you are a very rude person, the way you treat sarah huckabee is horrible and the way you treat other people is horrible. you aren't the best. reporter: mr. president, you repeatedly --
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>> just sit down, please. when you report fake news -- no. when you report fake news, which cnn does a lot, you are the enemy of the people. lou: and you heard in the earlier clips some saying the president yelled at acosta, he didn't raise his voice. i've got to say, i wouldn't have had such constraint, i'll be very honest with you. this is one of the most provocative incidents i've ever seen on the part of any member of the white house press corps. the majority of the members of the white house press corps are among the best of the craft, but the few exceptions are extraordinary. extraordinarily disrespectful, insulting and an embarrassment to everyone who has ever been or will be a journalist. unbelievably that correspondent didn't apologize to either the president or the white house intern who he physically touched as she sought to take the white house microphone from
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him. jim acosta's wrangling with the intern and unprofessional and rude outburst toward the president led to the white house's suspension of his pass. his boss at cnn, jeff zucker did not apologize either, and defended acosta's insults and actions, and released this statement in part of which reads -- so do yours, mr. zucker and so do the words and actions of your correspondents. they matter greatly. and for you, it is a ranked hypocrisy and absurdity to have released such a ridiculous statement which i have to imagine embarrassed the entire, almost the entire staff of cnn.
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i would hope so at least. the "new york times" defended acosta in an editorial that is a testament to ideological solidarity headlined let jim acosta do his job. what kind of job is he doing? acosta has been carrying out his usual hit job day after day against the president, and he was hired to do something quite different. the white house should suffer such fools in my opinion no more. hostility of the white house press corps is overwhelming briefings and press conferences. the national media often a source of constant insult to civility, the very same civility they urged be returned to our political debates. here's more of the press corps at work. cnn political analyst april ryan, pbs, run-ins with the president of the united states, and apparently they think they
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have license to insult, to debate and even dismiss the president, not simply report on him in the interest of the public. >> you just have to -- sit down, please, sit down. i didn't call you. i didn't call you. i didn't call you. i'm not responding. excuse me. i'm not responding to you, i'm talking to this gentleman, will you please sit down. reporter: [ inaudible ] excuse me, will you please sit down. no, you rudely interrupted him. you rudely interrupted him. go ahead. reporter: on the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist. some people thought that as emboldening white nationalist. >> such a racist question. reporter: some people say that now the republican party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric. what do you make of that? >> why do i have my highest poll numbers ever with african-americans? that's such a racist question. honestly, i know you have it written down and you're going to tell me. let me tell you, that's a
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racist question, but to say what you said is so insulting to me, it's a very terrible thing that you said. lou: do you believe any president, any president of the united states should have to put up with such insult, hostility of any kind? do americans deserve better from the press corps that covers the president of the united states? if the press corps can't do their jobs with respect, professionism, find their manners, in my opinion they should be excused from what has been a very patient white house and president. and i would implore all of those correspondents to turn to none other than john roberts. yes, the fox white house press correspondent. he is a model for civility and probing questions and objectivity as well. joining me now to discuss the latest in the relentless disrespect on the part of the national left-wing media toward
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this president, top strategist, fox news political analyst ed rollins. ed, i still, when i watch, this i cannot believe it's being permed by the white house or that the news organizations and their parent companies would tolerate such behavior? >> it's outrageous, you can't treat a president with disrespect in his own house. he did the courtesy of opening that east room up, letting them all come in there. lou: he talked for 90 minutes. he's given more access -- >> 87 reporters. and to be insulted in your own house, and not like he hasn't given access in plenty of places. i said a long time ago, move them out of press room and in the old executive office building and press secretary can go there once a day and give press releases, the bottom line is they want to insult a national agenda and insult this
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president. lou: among the white house press corps, folks i know, there are many, but starting with john roberts, jonathan karl, major garrett, and there are many others. they would never behave in that fashion, and do you believe that acosta should have his credentials restoreed? >> in a heart beat -- no, not restored. i would say you want to send a reporter, send anybody but him. i'm not going to be insulted, no staff insulted in my own white house. lou: let's talk about very quickly florida and arizona, just to name two states where it looks like that's going to be a battle royale. >> never spike the ball on the two yard line, you let it finish. people mistakenly understand early voting doesn't necessarily get counted until election day. lot of votes in arizona, votes in florida. those two states particularly the senate are very much in
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play. lou: this looks like it's going to get ugly. the democrats are flooding florida with attorneys. i don't know where the republicans are. i hope the justice department is there because this is starting to look really ugly. >> there's a lot at stake, and these are federal elections, the justice department ought to have monitors there early on and i'm glad that the rnc has done an effective job of getting the vote out. we'll have monitors to do the judicial stuff. lou: do you expect a -- the old-fashioned word they could use appropriately, donnybrook? >> donnybrook, a lot at stake the next four, five days. >> ed rollins, thank you so much. >> thank you. lou: appreciate it. up next, jeff sessions is out, matthew whitaker is in as acting attorney general. we'll take up what that means, talking with former u.s. attorney, federal prosecutor andy mccarthy. andy mccarthy. stay with us. i joined the army after 911,
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant.
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after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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. lou: joining me to take up what has been a -- now it's a
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mandate apparently on the minds of many democrats on the part of the base insisting on impeachment of the president. the state of the mueller witch-hunt is also of course very much front and center in the wake of jeffed sessions's ouster. we're joined by andrew mccarthy for the southern district of new york, renowned federal prosecutor. great american and "national review" contributing editor, fox business contributor. great to have you here. and start with first the final report, is it truly at hand? is it time, do you believe, to wrap this thing up? >> well, first, thank you so much, lou, it's a pleasure to be with you, and i sure think it's time to wrap it up. i've long thought it was time to wrap it up. it seemed to me that when mr. mueller filed his two indictments against those two groups of russians, the troll farm case and the hacking case, the substance of those
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indictments seemed to preclude the possibility of having been a conspiracy between the kremlin and any americans much less the president's campaign. that being the case, i don't know what we're doing here. lou: well, we're going to have a lot of questions about what we're doing here now. squared, cubed, orders of magnitude because jerrold nadler, the incoming head of the judiciary committee overheard by mollie hemingway talking about impeaching justice kavanaugh. i mean, this is truly the lunatics have taken over the asylum, it appears, in the form of new democratic leadership in the house. >> yeah, i think you hit the nail on the head there. there's a lot of sensible people who i think would tell you quietly and off the record that this is a really bad idea, not just substantively but politically because it can only, if the emptiness of these investigations and the vigor
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with which they'll go at them can only help the president as far as the 2020 re-election bid is concerned, so, you know, the problem is -- i think the base and particularly the money that represents the bloodstream of the party at this point has moved way to the left, and they want these investigations whether they're a good idea or not, and the base is going to be served. lou: very quickly, andy. the president says he and the senate will return in kind if the house insists upon these vacuous investigations, i'm saying bipartisan, we have seen the fruit of the investigations and it's been pure bitterness and no substance whatsoever. i shouldn't say, that little substance whatsoever, your thoughts about the president's
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capacity to return fire and that of the senate to do so? >> well, look, you know, lou, i, for a couple of years wondered aloud, for example, why hasn't the president released some of the documents that the house republican-controlled house committees have been asking for, maybe he's playing the game ahead of where we are and using that as something he can respond with. i don't know, but certainly they won't be without cards to play. >> i would suggest that probably your expectation on the president is exact. andy mccarthy, always good to see you, thank you so much and enjoy his columns on "national review." i assure you they're always an education. thank you so much. lou: up next, anti-semitic incidents surging across this country, indeed much of the world. latest in this count relieving
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11 people dead in pittsburgh. we take that up with israeli ambassador to the united nations danny danon, he joins us next. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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. lou: this is a country now dealing with a rising surge in anti-semitic incidents across the country. it's happening as well in europe and on a global scale as well.
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to discuss all of this, i'm pleased to have with us tonight, the permanent representative of israel to the united nations, ambassador danny danon. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, lou. lou: mr. ambassador, the number of incidents in this country are rising, the tragedy most recently in pittsburgh. senseless, mad violence carried out to. what do you attribute these incidents of anti-semitism. there was a time where it seemed so marginal in this country in particular, but now it is taking on tremendous, tremendous numbers. >> unfortunately, anti-semitism is on the rise. not only in europe but also here in the united states. and the global attack in pittsburgh was a global attack on the jewish community, attack on american values to come to a synagogue on a saturday morning and kill people praying is horrible. unfortunately when you look at numbers, not in the last 10 or
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20 years, it's moving up, with the social media, the internet, it's everywhere. if you are louis farrakhan and speaks against the jews, saying those are not people, those are termites, it's affecting people. lou: when you mentioned louis farrakhan, the number of news organizations that carried that extraordinary statement of hate. the chants death to america. death to israel. farrakhan stands as a monument, if you will, to anti-semitism, to values that are just alien to american and the american way of life. >> we have clear condemnation and heard that from president trump, it was very clear, he said whoever wants to destroy the jewish people, we will destroy them. we'll attack them. we are grateful for those important roles by the president. the issue of security in synagogues, we don't like to
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speak about it. in europe, unfortunately, lou, if you go to poland and france and london, you will see police forces outside of the synagogue every saturday. it's time we speak about it here in the u.s. and the third point is social media. in israel we monitor websites and facebook. lou: the government. >> the government of potential terrorists, and able to prevent crimes and terror attacks. we have freedom of speech but once you call for people to kill somebody else, we intervene. lou: it is a tense, now dynamic. we have social media, whether it be facebook, whether it is google, twitter, they are trying to police quote, unquote their own content, but they are finding themselves weighted down more with concerns about conservative statements than they are liberal. it is hardly an even handed
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approach at censorship if you will, or monitoring, but it amounts to the same thing. the american people have a hard time with that kind of partisanship on the part of a private company, or the failure of government to actually regulate and to preserve social rights within social media. it's a very difficult dynamic. >> we have the same debate in israel. freedom of speech is an important value also, it's not freedom of hate. if someone is writing on the website or in facebook he wants to commit a crime or calling others to commit a crime. you have to raise the red flag and some have to intervene, and by the way, many of the criminals, before they go out and enter the synagogue, they will post it on the social media and will announce they're going to do it in the future. lou: hate, calling for a crime,
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i think that's a straightforward standard because that's part of the problem here, the ambiguity of what is or is not hate, but certainly any call to a crime or any threat of a crime against a person or property should be -- should be heavily reacted to by government. in any case, local, state or federal. you simply cannot do that. we have laws. >> today in europe, for example, there is no freedom of speech. you cannot have hate speech. it's illegal. in the u.s. it's legal to say i hate jews, i hate christians, i hate muslims, once you call for action against these people, you crossed line. developed mechanism, technology to monitor hate locations and intervening when we have to. lou: one of the most disconcerting activities that we're seeing now.
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a colleague, tucker carlson, his home attacked by thugs with masks pulled over them, antifa, smash racism, d.c. as political expression, it was not. they tried to break down his door, apparently. what would be the reaction in israel? >> in israel, i think we have the authority of investigating and looking after those people's websites and preventing, prevention is crucial. arresting those people afterwards is important, nice, but it's too late. we want to prevent the crimes. lou: egypt is thinking of banning the burka for crying out loud. that's just extraordinary. then this country, i would love to see someone ban masks, period. there's a reason people wear ma masks, they are headed to a bank. mr. ambassador, great to have you with us and appreciate your insights any time. >> thank you, lou. lou: you're always welcome.
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>> thank you. lou: thank you so much. on wall street today, stocks closed mixed it wasn't much of a day at all. dow up 11. the s&p down 7. the nasdaq showing off a bit, losing 40. volume on the big board returning to normal trading levels. 3 1/2 billion shares. the fed is leaving the benchmark policy unchanged, it will raise rates, well, december. a reminder, listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. we're coming right back. stay with us.
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. lou: our colleague fox news host tucker carlson and his family targeted last night by antifa thugs at his home in d.c., the mob banged on tucker's door, vandalized his driveway and chanted we know where you sleep at night. threatened to come back with pipe bombs, his wife was home, four kids were not. d.c. police department investigating the incident as a hate crime, and by the way, to their credit, putting policemen in the neighborhood to monitor the situation for the indefinite future. so good for them. joining me tonight, tammy bruce, washington times columnist, fox news
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contributor, radio personality, mark simonne, great to have you both here. tammy, to this situation first with tucker carlson. i mean, where does this end? where does it end? . >> pretty awful, they said hillary said and nancy pelosi said if we gave them the house, they would stop hurting us, right? batterers lie and double down. so look, they lost the presidency, they went out and became a wild mob, they win the house, they go out and become a wild mob, this is what's good for the american people to see. i like what the local police are doing, but the fact is it appears to be a federal civil rights violation what they did, where it's a crime to try to intimidate somebody out of being able to enjoy the right afforded to them by the constitution, and yet there were no arrests last night which concerns me. moment there are arrests, this is taken seriously, this is the thing that will stop, but right now that hasn't been the case. lou: it's a hate crime.
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>> federal government can come in on a hate crime. most municipalities you are not allowed to wear a mask. most cities have the law. lou: when was it last enforced in this country, crazy. >> halloween, that's about it. but they should step in, do something, get to the bottom of this antifa and arrest these people. where is all the people when -- president trump had to denounce this person, that person. where are all the leaders of the democratic party denouncing this? lou: preparing for impeachment proceedings. it's just like you said. this is -- i think the american people are about to be reacquainted with the ugliness of the left in this country and the viciousness if they have not been paying attention for the last 2 1/2 years. >> that's one of the silver linings to what's happened here. will be a reminder to everyone about what the democrats are, what they intend. lou: and one of the things we know they intend, they intend to win elections come hell or high water. right now in florida, we've got
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two recounts under way. we have in arizona, the makings of a recount which is required in arizona, only with 200 votes separating. it's about 2200 between mcsally and sinema for the u.s. senate. those two seats, the republicans thought they picked up are in question because the democrats, they're a little more street smart. >> let's be honest, the republicans are country clubbish, they don't know about machines and ballots and municipalities are controlled by democrats and certain people are brought into count and who knows what happens there? >> smart ber it because it's only going to get worse. the republicans tend to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory but have to get serious who to communicate to like women and being able to really articulate the conservative ideal and how it helps everyone, and then also get a little bit more street smart because the future of the country is at stake. this is not just jobs.
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lou: the republicans have one, one man who is street smart, street tough, and without him, the republican party wouldn't have -- i mean, i don't know where they would be, do you? >> no, the democrats have 50,000 lawyers they can send in, republican lawyers work in firms and have jobs. lou: street stuff, jim acosta, cnn. can you believe his behavior? and i marvel the president, people jumping on him. this president was magnanimous. he was patient. he was civil. and this man makes a fool of himself, this acosta. just ignorant behavior and the "new york times" let jim do his job. >> love for him to do his job. it's not just this one instance, this has been going on and on and on. several instances. >> what about his press credentials to theious? should they be suspended or
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revokeed? >> taken to the lawn and burned. he's got a whole tv network. lou: grandiose, isn't he? for such a venal character. >> if what he has to say is that important, let cnn give him the whole hour. lou: grand idea. >> that's what he wants, making the white house press briefing his own reality tv show. this is not what it's supposed to be. a lot at stake. cnn can credential someone else and put someone else in there and let that guy have a saturday show by himself. lou: do you think there should be rules for these folks? >> dan rather, sam donaldson did it with reagan. lou: no, no, no, you're talking about intelligence, civility, no one was more aggressive than sam donaldson in those days but he always did so with implicit respect and a line he would never have crossed. he would never have done that. >> give acosta credit, he's
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doing it without brains or talent, the hard way. >> he's the only one doing it, a lot of people doing a good job and maligning all of him with his behavior and the industry itself. lou: and they had an expression of solidarity with the fellow. >> and april ryan thought she'd be the story. lou: everybody gets disappointed, right? mark and tammy bruce, thank you so much. up next, the battle to replace lame duck house speaker paul ryan. you thought we'd go without mentioning paul ry my mother used to say long time ago whenever there would be any catastrophe that was on the air. she would say, always look for the helpers, because if you look for the helpers, you'll know that there's hope.
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lou: last night we asked, if republicans would have retained control of the house and all gop candidates had embraced the trump agenda. 90% of you said yes. here is what we are look at for tomorrow. radical dems poised to take control of the house. congressman jim jordan talks about his fight to become the minority leader and push the trump agenda forward. >> we need to demonstrate to the american people we'll fight for the things we can fight for. we will earn back their trust and retake it majority in 2020. lou: it appears the margin of victory under half a percent for
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ron desantis and rick scott. be with us tomorrow. thanks for joining us, and good night from >> we have some activists and democrat dc lawyers, they are done here for one purpose to steal the election. >> election showdown underway in the sunshine state, senator electric scott refuse to go back down to bill nelson, major legal step he's taking now to hold onto his senate win. lauren: dow gains 920 points this week but stocks are pulling back today as the fed promises more interest rates hike, nasdaq down 39. cheryl: oil in focus, we are watching oil this morning, crude has now entered bear market territory from recent highs, we


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