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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  November 19, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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house. there we go. president and first lady. merry christmas everybody. it's not even thanksgiving. there you go. thank you for joining us. >> david asman coming up now. "bulls & bears." david: hi, everybody. thanks for watching. this is "bulls & bears." i am david asman. today we've got mike murphy, liz claman, and kristina. it just all led up at the nasdaq falling the most by over 3%. the report said apple is cutting production orders on two of its iphone models. apple.another 4% today narrowly avoiding bear market territory down just shy of 30% from its
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highs last month. how long is it going to continue, guys? >> this is a great time to be looking at acquiring apple. the last thing you want to do is sell into the selloff. we heard from apple that they were going to be stop releasing numbers of iphone. just remember in the last earnings report, revenue is much higher than it has been before. trading at 16 times the forward earnings and definitely selling in the market. maybe they want money. these stocks are in bear market. each the fundamental side of it. google, facebook, all those names a 52 week lows are near it. apple just doesn't have any stock. in almost every 401(k). >> somehow somebody stole them because they come from 230 down
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to 185. everybody still wants to stop. >> let me weigh in. your stainless money at the moment, but how often have analysts been wrong when they are reading weaker demand when it comes to iphone than 2013 you had our clays predicted it would be completely wrong. this junior had morgan stanley lure the estimates and they said she may have been too aggressive. just for making the assumption that the supplier is linked to apple at the moment and that's why we see lower demand. in the past we look at history, there has been some analysts and we know everything trades on hearsay in this case. i think maybe this could be a buying opportunity if anything. >> let me just jump in to tell everybody the earth stopped rotating on its axis because the ceo of apple, a silicon valley company told the government over the weekend asked the u.s. interview restrain silicon valley horses. listen to what tim cook said.
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>> i am not a big fan of regulation. i'm a believer in the free market. but we have to admit when the free market's not working and it hasn't worked here. i think it's inevitable that there will be some level of regulation. >> uris by tim cook is so smart. he appears magnanimous, reaching out to the government before it reaches to him and strangled his neck at least these companies out there. he's got a look at this and say he knows it's coming. playing offense, not defense. >> anybody in their right mind can look at what congress has done with regulation, particularly something as sophisticated as technology and say these guys inside the beltway don't know one teaspoon as much as the people in silicon valley. in what way do they think they can outsmart technology with regulations? >> they can't. >> i'll take that. i don't think they can. when tim cook said not working here referring to free-market it's not clear to me if he was
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talking about apple or the facebook and twitter. >> exactly what he was talking about. that's why he's so smart. >> at the negative for the stock in the industry. one of the few industries that spend historic and somewhat lightly regulated. tim cook is playing ball here but it reminds me like microsoft backward to face antitrust concerns from the government and started being heavily regulated and the stock 10 years to recover. apple could be the same thing. >> to. >> added that further if we talk about regulation he done a tim cook weighing in on privacy concerns. if anything regulations the duckling at the likes of facebook possibly a little bit more because apple uses products, actual tangible products and that's their business model shifting away and they have been shifting away. nonetheless regulations could be a jive and a competition like
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facebook. tim cook has done this before and i agree that he is a very smart man, but we have to read between the lines. >> he's talking his book. going after competitors by suggesting they are the ones. he's very enough of the topic of apple and its products may be because they're having trouble. >> maybe. we'll see. if anything apple is smart ahead of the game. they will shift into a new market, a.i. being a dominant driverless cars. all technology companies as a whole need to figure out how to deal with falling demand and that's a major issue its iphone sales at the moment. >> the uncertainty, the cliché to say that markets always hated uncertainty. what that regulation is going to be. people's minds of course run wild with how far this aircraft are going to go to your point because they know nothing about
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this technology. we want to put in a bid for facebook and now you're about to be regulated down the line i think it makes much less likely to buy some of these stocks. i agree with that which have to be careful lumping facebook and apple together because it's two different animals. apple you know what you're getting there. you know the sales numbers in the service numbers you can again. if they miss by a few thousand knighthoods here or there, it is still a company that has massive growth. on a 20% pullback rather than running for the hills and saying it's a bear market i say the pullback and that's when you allocate money. >> jonathan, where would you buy it if at all? this is now barely narrowly escaped a level of $185 xt 7 cents today. pennies above that. i what point do look at it did not survive. >> on the momentum trader. you buy it at 230 or the way up to 400 or 500.
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geoffrey livermore studied very closely. if they're never too low to seller high to buy we might create for facebook it could be a lot cheaper down the line. microsoft in the 90s is the best example. david: what about the whole tech market? nasdaq is close to 6000. that's kind of a dangerous mark for nasdaq is golf. some people are saying it's like bust beard on the other hand boom was artificial. it wasn't made on real profit the way this particular boom is. >> look at this chart. if you stretch this to one-year or two-year, and they say i wish i had bought it at a much lower price and now suddenly it's 219-point to a single day cheaper. why not get it? >> i think it's a great opportunity. go back to bubble. it was scary.
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you had no idea what was going to end up with your portfolio with either the next day. >> the company did not at that point hadn't figured out a way to make money. >> might, to clarify your statement come is that it's a good opportunity. what are you referencing? good opportunity to get out of apple or continue going strong with type? >> tech in general, facebook is one that would separate out about for several reasons. apple is one although it's really more of a consumer name the way of look at it. when i look at apple and amazon, names were incompetent the strength of the u.s. consumer will help them in their next quarterly report, i want to buy those on 20% pullback. >> is in a bear market. it makes me think of stocks like intel for example. in 2005 made more money than it did in 1999 but the stock was lowered because of the
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evaluation. >> for people watching at home to keep referencing things in the 90s into thousands because they may not. >> a dollar cost average. they're never going to catch the very bottom of the market. you're never going to catch the very top. why not catch both sides of it in this has been proven to work for retail investor. right in there every time. >> microsoft also is referenced as a major selloff on the government got involved a think of the six weeks ago is trading at an all-time high. >> we went through the second worst financial crisis in our country's history. it took forever but you're still making money. that's the name of the game. >> meanwhile the u.s. and china sparring over trade. the vice president's tough talk over the weekend poisoning argentina or was it a perfect setup for a deal? we debate that coming up next.
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and when you partner with us, we partner with you and we all prosper. david: vice president is promoting the u.s. while at the same time as i'm sure you noticed throwing shade on china as a trading partner. those this week in asia. today china's foreign ministry person is firing back. he said, quote, it seemed like the u.s. attended this meeting with great anger. speeches and remarks at the meeting openly cause controversy, created discord, spoiled the atmosphere of the meeting and did not contribute to achieving consensus. so is the current administration's pressure of tough talk setting us up for a deal next week or could it all backfire? what do you think? >> landed change my pants name to rambo. he crushed it. this has to be completely planned. mike pence vice president in this diplomatic sending absolutely showed the chinese
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this ain't your father's presidency of america or your grandfather's. the chinese are on their heels right now. they don't know what to think. however, i wouldn't exactly give america all the power at this point. the u.s. has to understand they've had great tactics. the president has really shown the chinese be like you, but this is not how it's going to be from now on anymore. however, he needs strategy now on i'm just not sure we've seen that yet. >> now he needs strategy? this is supposed to be negotiating tactics, remember? these are just going to be negotiating tactics. meanwhile, two thirds of the s&p 500 companies have mentioned the terrace heard williams-sonoma down sharply on friday because of the terrace. who ultimately is helping panel? trade deficit with china was the original reason is that because it's ever been. for what? >> is helping the united states. we have trade deals that were
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fair to the u.s. there were more geared towards china so were going into renegotiate trade deals. if you have a nice taste of america, the negotiations are to help you. the u.s. citizens. >> unfortunately they're not at the moment. the technology for too long. when we talk about consumer goods and staples and prices for, we've always seen it start to rise. in june or first on $200 for the good spirit i'm going to throw a curveball to the rest of the panel. guess we talk about two large economies in china. lives can be brought up the fact china's economy has been suffering. we know that. what about the fact that china still investing heavily in other countries. their military continues to grow quite a bit. should we be concerned about that? talking about the trade which may be a service-level problem to something much, much bigger.
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david: the trump administration is concerned and that's why they're playing hardball. xi came out declaring himself as leader for life. he's on shaky territory if he doesn't get his act together, if he doesn't get the economy churning again. i'm sure there's a lot of nines aim. the mac are you talking about a trade war were we talking about a war between freedom and totalitarianism? it does get to be a much bigger question. they are building fake islands in the south china sea. to kristina's point, they are investing money in south america, putting huge satellite dishes up to the sky. >> if i may interrupt, how is taxing americans. that's what terrorists are. >> were too short. david: the point is we shouldn't allow them to continue to steal rip. we shouldn't allow them to unfair trade advantages over the
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united states if this is what they're doing. >> known as outlined how they're going to stop that. we've been talking about the no stealing of ip for so long that i have heard details of how the united states will monitor all of these companies coming out of china. unconcerned how are you going to stop the process. >> part of that will be in the negotiation which we won't be privy to. most importantly we could all agree that leaving it as it was wasn't the right answer. it comes with this uneasy times for some people, but ultimately the end will justify the means. >> i mean, i mean come on if it's causing us for the american people. look at alcoa. this is an aluminum company. if any company was supposed to benefit its an american aluminum company. 52 week low in the stocks today. not to mention as was mentioned that peoples prices are going up. washing machine prices going up.
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david: and look at how china is trying to position it held. they responded to vice president pence and the whole trump administration by saying we meaning the chinese are the champions of free trade. nobody is buying in now. the world -- with the u.s. has done is focused on all of the infractions that the chinese are guilty of in the trading arena and i think that's a very positive thing to focus on what the chinese have done. the pressure is really on them. >> and we all agree that we have to break america's addiction to cheap chinese goods. this does go back -- i get what you're saying, but this goes back so interesting is the trump administration that mike pence was tardiness. always against wal-mart. by abiding just so you can get >> it was john edwards before
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that. this is a bernie sanders lined a tying china. let's agree on something. >> so hard to really change americans to stop going to wal-mart and start getting cheap goods on amazon. i think we become too accustomed to 99 cents for 10 chicken nuggets on one of the menus i see. david: please don't take away my chicken mcnuggets. please don't do that. then your declaring war. >> despite what's happening right now work in the best interest of america and making sure everything's not been stolen from you if people do matter what down the line christmas comes around, when the walter question quality continues to emerge from the people are going to go for the auction. confidence among u.s. homebuilders is plummeting. is this a canary in the coal mine for the economy otherwise in 2006. the panel weighs in macs. you do, too, but not in time.
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david: homebuilder sentiment in the u.s. recording its steepest one-month drop since 2014. mortgage rates and tight inventories squeeze the regulatory sector. the housing market index fell to six points. this is the lowest level since august 2016. is this a bad omen for the economy? >> last time we saw such a big drop from a nine-point drop is actually after 9/11. the concerns right now we see in market is you have people going higher is supposed going higher as opposed to going wider so there's a scarcity of widespread labor is there. lumbar expensive especially that come from canada with the terrace played a role. of course mortgages that i think are just a 5% or a little bit below 5%. there is a concern there. housing is for the month about coburg. they are lower. there's a lot of factors pointing to a lower market for housing. however, that is to slow down
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the fed from increasing interest rates are not so sure. >> i think it would be great if it did love the fed done a little bit. i think if you look past the housing number, and the economy is doing very well. if you look at consumer spending data the economy is doing well there. >> what about dad. it seems to be climbing. individuals guess you're doing all this, but how many credit cards does every american on right now and what is the level of debt at the moment. same thing with corporate debt. you brought up the trade deficit. this economy is turning to be propped up by large amounts of debt. >> is a really fair to say if you ignore the housing numbers, most people's biggest investment. it's a great example of how the economic numbers are always late. i mean, homebuilder stocks down dirty five, 40% even before we started seeing this confidence. it will bear and although we might get accounts, i think
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we'll continue to see this deterioration in housing in house prices as well. >> did anyone notice this world toilet day today? and went right down with it. it was one of the trendy things on twitter. world toilet day. i'm less concerned and might come in maybe you want to weigh in on this. we don't have that commercial paper free that we did back during what was the frightening time during the financial crisis or leading up to it where you started to see a lot of operations like bear stearns and blame and start to crack and show fishers. david: this is a softening of the housing market. not necessarily doom and gloom. >> it doesn't compare to 2008 at all. the housing market in this country for whatever could be millennialthat could be people pushing it off. >> bella kneels. >> there's a lot of different reasons. i wouldn't go out of my
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homebuilders, but i'd be very confident they'd rather than being a momentum curator, buying a house in united states of america is a good investment for some and he needs to live in one rather than rent it. >> no one else we always blame them for everything, but housing debt amongst the older population is still really high and that's a concern. the other concern going forward as california and the number of homes destroyed there. that could be a boom for the construction market in housing numbers going forward, too. maybe that's something they could play on the upside. >> when i referenced millennia else, i meant that they are not out buying homes necessarily. more ranting than buying in. >> they are buying smaller homes, too. the thrill of having a sprawling property seems to have decreased amongst the younger generations as they move closer to their job, et cetera. a lot of older buyers or homeowners stuck with their larger properties.
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>> that could be as millennial move closer to the urban areas. as they make more money and look to spread out, they'll also be looking -- >> the best example of a housing boom is any major american company, which is still dotted with tons of new tall towers. historically this tends to correlate with the top in the cycle, not a bottom of the cycle. the empire state building was built -- >> i hate to agree with your pessimistic assessment but i do remember going down to miami in 2008, in c. and l. these cranes up on the buildings and wondering who's could have filled those buildings. took a while. >> you still own it. david: there you go. you put me in a positive mood again. facebook's growing headache is mark zuckerberg's leadership at the top of the list.
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could a more seasoned manager be called on to head up the social media giant? we are going to debate this and a lot more coming up. an august to remember,
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david: facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is clearly a genius in engineering and marketing the company and the social type knowledge he that he practically invented. but as the company faces slowing demand in a potentially crippling set of privacy regulations, zuckerberg reportedly was off message at an employee meeting on friday the lasting critical news coverage of facebook as, quote, bs. he actually used the whole word. so is it time for the company to bring in a more seasoned manager to run the social media giant much like google did with eric schmidt. new york post sunday business columnist jonathan tremblay. good to see you. wouldn't it be a little risky to develop the founder. i think when apple sent steve
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jobs packing they learn to regret that any brought it back. >> yeah, steve jobs is a different animal than mark zuckerberg. steve jobs is never air again to the degree about his client experience. zuckerberg is completely eric at about the client experience and what's going on. his biggest issue is he is not concerned about its users. as users can walk away. they don't pay anything. he takes her data, he sells it without much knowledge beside some things spirited on exactly exactly what they're doing with it. cheryl samberg is kind of just there. she knows washington well. seems like a nice enough person, but it's a big company now. this isn't -- eric schmidt, not a steve balmer, not a mark cuban wrap their arms around a string of the problem by the neck, on the problem. denying a friday is the exact opposite of a good leadership
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is. >> jonathan, let me ask you. this is the company did all the graduates, data mining geniuses want to work out. the stock is down. morale at the company is down. how is it going to innovate facebook into whatever it is that will ultimately get the stock higher. >> it's an additional problem. these are the problems bad management keeps incurring. it's kind of like in an appeal management. every time there's a banana peel on the sidewalk, these guys are finding it. it's just so simple. if you charge a little bit of money from a modest amount, hunter money thrown out to the bad actors. if you charge a little bit of money coming you can then not need to have to sell so much data and violate people's privacy, et cetera to such a degree. he doesn't want on this problem. she seemingly more angry the way someone says some in about how was handled than about the actual problem. >> jonathan, can you put the genie back in the bottle after
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all these years. "the wall street journal" is able to do it, "new york times" where they got people to pay up for quality content. who are the people who use facebook? let me use another, unscramble the egg. how do they do that? >> it's a great question. i think it's very doable in the circumstance because netflix charges 10 to 12 bucks a month. amazon charges 100 bucks. don't sell my personal information. >> i think people like it. if you make a modest amount of money from you lose some people but you better run your business the right way to please your users. >> the concert would be similar to what happened with twitter if they were to charge you find out that a lot of that that a lot of the 2.2 billion users globally are actually not really count
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who wouldn't be paying them so that would affect their numbers. don't exasperate the problem. >> that is the truth. we can't do with the problem until you know the truth. that's good management. >> you actually wrote an article the weekend to save itself facebook must start charging users. how much do you think they should actually start charging users and i believe users would not do that. the second thing as what about the value behind instagram, too? >> i thought there were two solutions. a modest $5 with a senior stay on for last because they'll drop it the quickest. let them see their grandkids, nieces, nephews, that's fine. instagram has a lot more value than facebook does these days. he gives to the heart of the problem. the chit -- you can't hear the fake accounts come in the phony news stories or whatever else is out there and you start addressing the problem. you can't get treated by the doctor until the doctor knows that your diagnosis is.
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the diagnosis is they are bad management. bad management has other problems. >> but the management for instagram is the exact same. so when we still see all of the fake news on instagram? everyone is setting up instagram accounts. abc, all the news organization, fox news network is on his grim. vicious garnish of the problems from facebook will ship to instagram. >> it's probably already begun and we don't know it. separating the two there's another option. we break off to a great more value for shareholders -- shareholders. now you have two companies that can operate independently. either way its management. >> they end up leaving and losing the job. they didn't know there were platform is being usurped it was they were told with a realized it was a slow motion train wreck in a slow-motion cover up. that's really the only way to describe this. >> i think you're being too kind. they had a much better idea than
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a lot of people realize. data for their customers were. the customers were at the users they were selling the data to. in the advertising for the geo-targeted to people. so they're working both sides of the street. i guess it's okay if management street about it. >> jonathan come on the way of knowing complained about this. zuckerberg were so heavy. when the stock was going higher. it seems like other stuff was excused when the stock was going higher. do you think zuckerberg will leave the company? >> now come i don't picture of samberg has a 50/50 shot. not that she's not a nice person. i just think neither one of these two have ever run a large company. i think it's probably grown-up to be a lot bigger than we thought. >> mark zuckerberg has run a large company, his own. he created it in cheryl samberg
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was a bigwig at google. >> he built it. he's been running it and look at all the problems they've had as it's gotten bigger. she is obviously very smart. but she wasn't managing hundreds of thousands of people going between washington. you'd better go to the corner office is in this case. for me, i'd love to see a guy like ballmer who does tech and management. like mark cuban, someone like meg whitman, hardcharging commonness technology. david: somethings got to be done. we've got to leave it there. nissan's chairman arrested after the japanese automaker says they found significant acts of misconduct with this personal accounting. to hillary von who has more on the story. hi, hillary. reporter: hi, david. carlos ghosn was basically worshiped as a superstar businessman. he was an icon in the u.s. and
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had a son, though. now the nissan chairman, carlos ghosn is costing shareholders a lot after years of stealing from the company in line to regulators about how much money he made. when he got arrested that was the breaking point and what was a longtime internal investigation at nissan that led human being being locked up sureties today. the chairman front of the company by using company assets or purse will use. he is also accused of misusing company about men's and also underreporting his valerie for several years by about $44 million in u.s. dollars. in a rare and public and very emotional hour and half talk with the press, nissan eeo tried to put as much distance between the company and its former chairman, framing this as really a betrayal, a result of a long regime of power under ghosn that
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led him to rule unchecked. >> needless to say with this misconduct. this shocked many people. i wouldn't say the impact is zero. however, we will do our best. to prevent this kind of thing from happening. >> have we done this sufficiently if this is a question, there are a lot of things you need to reflect upon. >> not ruling out the possibility that they may sue the chairman on top of the legal struggles that ghosn is facing. the nissan board is set to meet on thursday to officially dismiss him from the board. >> thank you very much. coming up right here, and is there a grade higher than a plus? the president says he should get that grade and it's a very
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>> i think i'm doing a great job. we had the best economy. i would give myself -- but come
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i hate to do it, but i'll do it. i would give myself an a+. is that enough? can i go higher than that? >> i don't think you can go higher than that. he gives himself an a+. the president says the american people should give him. whether or not you agree with him, the economy is going strong. with the midterms behind us in the presidential campaign ahead of us isn't going to be an a+ economy the next two years or is it going to be a lot more challenging for the president to run on that. when you think? >> going forward it's going to get my challenging from here. if you're grading the president on where we are in the economy right now using jobs and wage growth, then i would give them an a+ as well. what happens next year will remain to be seen. but we're going to need something to keep this growing. we talk about 4% gdp growth but not too long ago a lot of people said you wouldn't see 2% gdp growth again. to get it going we need more
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stimulus and the economy to continue. >> there is another higher grade. my eighth grade history teacher, george for just gave it an a+ that. i got at once, but david, he wouldn't get it. president trump would not get it because yes mike is absolutely right the labor market looks fantastic and it started to look much stronger and a president obama president trump rented a to another level. however, the tax cut has yet to pay for itself and we've added nearly a year. this is something the president promised and we don't see it in what's going to happen is we'll have less revenue and then you have to start to cut into programs for poor people. david: we've had record amounts of revenue. there's more revenue now than there ever has been. it's worked in that sense. go ahead. >> in spending. i get president trump credit he
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has deregulated. he has cut taxes, but is also increased spending. all i'm saying is i have seen things in the last couple weeks. kristina mentioned that. a lot of high yield on the corporate debt. those are really breaking down now. i haven't seen that since 2006 and 2007. i do think the economy is going to get more difficult and it's essentially more difficult for companies to pay their bills to >> were talking about national debt expected to climb to $30 trillion. the deficit is supposed to hit 1 trillion. give unemployment at 3.9%. job growth across the board that during the last 18 months of obama's term you saw 4 million jobs added. i'm not saying obama did well in trunk didn't. i'm saying we are cherry-picking -- i'm sorry, the president had cherry pick certain point for them to talk about. it's too soon to even consider giving the grades because we don't know if these tax-cut or
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just a sugar high at the moment. except 7% year-over-year right now. i think there are some avenues of concern. >> we do know to your sugar high comment, we do know companies are doing stock buybacks, but they're also hiring a lot of workers. that's why we have more jobs available than people looking for jobs. businesses are not only hiring but they have to spend a lot of money investing. >> you've got to feel uncomfortable with the level of wrapped up spending. david: absolutely. that is where the debt comes in with the spending. >> we've always run this big deficit over the last several years. to say that it's ramped up recently because of the tax cuts. that i think is a fact. i think one year isn't enough to brave the tax cut yet. when i mention stimulus earlier in the tax cuts. i'm a believer to cut taxes you let businesses go out and grow in the hire more people.
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>> wire revenues for corporations at the lowest and 75 years. >> i don't know the exact answer to that. >> if i may answer that, the supply-siders for years and years graded if you lowered corporate tax rates do not get as much revenue from corporations but they're hiring people and most of our revenues come from income taxed. it's almost 50% of the total. so they go out and make a bundle, but they hire workers with the money they make and the workers pay taxes. >> maybe we should go after florida. david: absolutely. very interesting point. >> the president should be credited. this is a strong economy. don't want to take any of that away. what worries me and the money manager is consumer confidence tends to correlate. the fact ironically this so many people are taken as a warning
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sign. they were polish and optimistic in 2008. >> it is a good time finally for some people who have more money in their pockets from the tax code. i think that is significant. there are jobs that they want to quit their current job and look for a better one, there is a skills gap of course, but people are now training workers for better paying jobs. should they be wringing their hands? david: we've got more capitalism and socialism. i think everyone would agree that's a good thing except maybe for one person the pub condemning capitalism in lamb in the wild in the senate must dedicate it. we will look at his message coming next.
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david: pope francis condemning the hallmarks of capitalism while repeating the socialist rhetoric. shouldn't the pope be a little more supportive of the free market since it has brought a lot more people out of poverty than any other system i know. >> if you want to lift up the poor, the pope should be supporting capitalism. in the last 20 years capitalism
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freedom has lifted a billion people out of extreme poverty. to the extent it has been practiced, it has improved everyone's lives to the extent it's practiced anywhere in the world. >> he just made a $1.8 billion to johns hopkins university. you can't expect the pope to say yay all these allege funds. >> he could have quoted jesus christ who said i could catch you a fish or teach you to fish so you can feed yourself for a lifetime. people should be able to help themselves. >> maybe he'll say i'm just raising awareness to the wealth and inequality around the globe. but it could be a convenient
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distraction away from the catholic church's problem which is a whole other story to begin with. i don't think the catholic church or the pope should talk about how wealth should be distributed when they receive a lot of money. david: the vatican itself is a rich organization. this pope grew up in argentina at a time when juan peron who was essentially a nazi, a national socialist who was in central for 30 years. that's his version of capitalism. >> capitalism is an unknown around the world. pursuing life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is what the pope and people around the world
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should try to emulate. >> i'm jewish. i heard from people hop care about this pope who say his heart tonight right place. david: i'm catholic and sometimes i wonder what is going on upstairs is in the right place. thanks for joining ups. >> we didn't take a broad enough view of our mistake and i'm sorry for it. >> i never heard of another company putting stuff out against elected officials as we know they did against members of the intelligence committee. >> i believe it's government's responsibility to help create rules that yield a better and more fair bargain to the american people. >> they can't run this like the wild west when they


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