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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  November 27, 2018 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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funding for president trump's border wall? we'd like to hear from you. cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs. tomorrow, congressman matt gates, andy biggs as well as kellyanne conway. be w thanks for joining us. good night. trish: breaking right now, migrants finding new ways to beat the system. homeland security tells us the number of men showing up with kids at the border has spiked 110% in just the last two years. the left continues to insist that the migrants are primarily women and children. we have a live report from tijuana in just moments. and new this evening, we are learning customs and border patrol is saying that its personnel have been using tear gas since 2010. what do you know? a total of 126 times since 2012. that means it was used dozens of times during the obama administration. of course, you doesn't hear anything about it then -- you didn't hear anything about it then, right?
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somehow it's only a big deal when the trump administration chooses to defend our borders. the hypocrisy of the left, it just doesn't stop. we're on it for you tonight. plus, outrage and mockery of melania trump's i would say very beautiful white christmas decorations. and now red -- [laughter] another example of liberal media hypocrisy at its best. trish regan prime time begins right now. ♪ ♪ trish: mexico stepping up its police presence in tijuana right next to san diego after hundreds of my grants attempted to rush our border. this is exactly what we had feared, and it prompted border patrol agents to fire tear gas. all of this after they were pelted by rocks and bottles by these my grants. despite all this growing outrage by so many on the left, what do you know, we've got data from the homeland security department
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showing agents used tear gas at the border dozens of times during the obama administration. joining me right now with the very latest on the ground live from tijuana, fox news correspondent jeff paul. jeff. >> reporter: good evening, trish. we're outside the largest shelter here in tijuana, many of those my grants where organizers -- migrants say there's more than 5,000 people living inside, so many that many are now living out on the street in tents, sleeping in blankets. the situation for many not getting any better. in fact, we got a chance to go inside and see what life is like. take a look at what we found. well, what was once a baseball field is now the main shelter for the migrants from central america, and as you take a look over here, you can see how thousands are living right now in makeshift tents, in blankets, anything to keep them warm through the night. it is pretty rough conditions over here. it smells of raw sewage, and there are a lot of families
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here; women, men, children. thousands of people living in conditions like this for up to two weeks now. and this is where they're going to be waiting until they figure out their next move, whether it is to stay here in tijuana, go back home or stick it out and try to seek asylum and enter the u.s. now again, we are starting to hear about more migrants who are choosing to go back. we saw a few different organizations out here helping people sign up to get them back to central america. there was a truck that just left about a half hour ago with a couple kids, a mom and a father that decided that they've had enough, and they're going to go back. others, though, remain defiant. they're going to stick it out. some said they're trying to be patient, that they want to get in line to at least submit an application to seek asylum, but the u.s., again, is only accepting a hundred applications -- accepting, not processing. so it's going to take some time. some are trying to be patient, others even looking at city wanna, staying here, trying to get a work visa and make a better life in mexico.
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trish: and people in tijuana don't want them either. we saw some protests and violence that ensued. i'm looking around, and you showed those pictures, and we saw the wide shots of the people around you. i saw a lot of men. where are all the women that the media keeps telling us are there? >> reporter: oh, there's definitely, definitely kids and -- i mean, there's some women right there and some kids right there who just walked by. they're definitely here mixed in. some of the families, though, are trying to kind of lay low. many of them are inside the shelter where we haven't been in that particular shelter. we've been in the shelter next to it. so there's definitely women and children out here, and there is men, for sure. trish: it just seems to be disproportionately so, more male than female at least out there and even inside when i was looking at those pictures that you showed. i'm just wondering, because the mainstream media tells us it's predominantly women and children. thank you, jeff, for all that reporting live from the border tonight. meanwhile, as we said, the
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number of men arriving at the border with children has actually increased 110% over the past two years according to new data tonight from the homeland security department. and the agency suggests that this surge indicates some of these migrants are arriving with unrelated children, and they're doing so in order to gain entry into the u.s. while their asylum case is litigated. according to a statement provided to us by the agency, i quote, aliens know that if they bring any minor with them, they will be apprehended by border patrol and released into the interior of the united states. so, therefore, if you're a logical person, wouldn't you bring a minor with you? and doesn't that put minors in a whole other situation? in other words, you're increasing the likely hood that they're going to be in a dangerous situation. joining me right now, former arkansas governor, fox news contributor, governor mike huckabee. good to see you.
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>> thank you very much, trish, great to be here. trish: they keep telling us it's women and children, families, and then when i see the video -- [laughter] night after night that comes in or i look at even our correspondent there who said, yes, there are women. but if you ask me, it seemed to be at least 80% male. what's going on? who's making up this group? >> well, and let's be real clear, the people throwing the rocks and chunks of concrete at border patrol, those are grown men. and they're waving foreign flags, the honduran flag or another country's flag. and they're demanding -- they're not asking, they're not going in and saying i need asylum because i'm being mistreated -- they're demanding and saying i have a right to be in someone else's country. i don't know where else on earth that i can go and say i have a right to be in your country, and i'm just going to break through the border and come whether you want me or not. look, these aren't trick or treaters. let's be real clear. these aren't folks knocking on the door gently hoping for a piece of candy.
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i do feel intensely sorry for the people who have little children. trish: of course. >> and i do feel for people who are struggling economically. but most people don't realize only 10% of the people who apply for asylum ever get it. it's not an easy threshold to cross. trish: and, you know, just for economic reasons that's not something that would actually qualify you -- >> that's true, it does not. trish: the 100% -- 110% increase, i should say, in the number of men with children arriving at the border, what's that about? >> it's basically human trafficking. when you take a child that may not even be your own child and you use them in order to gain entry into a country, that is an exploitation of a child. and i want to know where are the liberals who ought to join conservatives? this ought to transcend the issues. when a child is being used for that purpose, that is exploitation in the most profane kind of way. trish: i don't know where the left goes on this one, right? because as you look at this violence at the border, as you
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look at the situation continuing to heat up, as you look at the child trafficking as you mentioned, i don't know how they can sit this and say, okay, we're not going to do anything about this, we're not going to give any money towards a wall, we're not going to engage in any kind of conversation for meaningful immigration reform. if they continue down that path, governor, we're going to see more of what we're looking at tonight in tijuana. >> well, and let's be real clear, when the media was challenging the president saying there was not an vegas, this was a peaceful group of people and they were weeks and weeks and away, well, all of those things proved to be totally false. i haven't heard any of the media say, you know what? we were wrong. all of those things, in fact, have happened. let's be real clear though that when you have this many people massing at the border, they're not there because they decided spontaneously to show up. this is a very orchestrated, calibrated effort in order to test the veracity of our borders. trish: that's a very important point, one that vice president mike pence told me about.
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he said, look, we have intelligence that suggests you have radical left groups that are deliberately encouraging these care rans -- caravans and want to see this kind of chaos ensue at our border. and so it tells you that there's a political component, an international political component to this that is quite dangerous, i would think. let me ask you about mississippi, because you've got polls closing in the state of mississippi where we are awaiting results on that senate runoff between republican cindy hyde smith and democratic mike espy. what do you think's going to happen? >> i think hyde smith wins this race. i don't think it's going to be as close as some of the liberals would like for it to be. if it were as close as some have predicted, then how come the democratic senatorial committee and the dnc didn't pour millions of dollars into that race? there's a reason. because in their polling they showed it really wasn't that close. so i think she wins. it may be tighter than we'd like for it to be, but she'll be the
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53rd senator in the u.s. senate next year. trish: in the meantime, as we go back to the border, does this get resolved? do we actually see immigration reform? >> we should, we could, but it means that some democrats are going to have to believe that donald trump is willing to work with them. and he's already proven that he is. we should have had it already and would have if the democrats had stayed at the table, but they walked away. trish: sure, sure. i think they can't possibly deal with the reality that maybe president trump, the president they hate so much and basically think of as the devil incarnate, might actually get immigration reform through. let me turn to this, president trump giving an interview to the washington post tonight, and he said he might not meet with russian president vladimir putin later this week as planned. and this is because of russia's maritime clash with ukraine. what's your reaction to that? is he taking the right tactic? you know, previously he's talked about wanting to meet with some of our foes and enemies to at least have that conversation. but in this particular case, now
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you have increased controversy with ukraine. what does he do? >> i think he is being very coy. but remember, he said that he might just cancel the whole meeting with kim jong un just days before-to happen. his -- before it was to happen. his people were already there, and he said i may just pull the plug. it gets the attention of the other person, and one of the things people have come to understand about donald trump, if he says something, it's not a phony bluff. so i think he's signaling to putin, don't plan on coming over here and us having just a little nice chitchat and a pat on the back. we're going to have some tough topics to deal with. president trump got beat up over the helsinki meeting for not being hard enough on putin. we don't know what he said to him in private. trish: well, i can give you a little bit of an inkling on that, because -- full disclosure, i'm one of the ones that beat him up. i was not happy -- [laughter] because i wanted to see the president, basically, put vladimir putin in his place on an international stage. and so i asked him about that, and he said, look, you know, we
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had this private meeting. and i said, so what dud you talk about? -- did you talk about? there are alliances on the terrorism front specifically that he felt were important. and it just wasn't the right time. or place. so, look, we'll see what happens. [laughter] but he may, he may not take the meeting. that would be interesting. governor huckabee, very good to have you. >> thank you, trish. great to be here. trish: straight ahead, the battle over the wall funding heating up as a possible government shutdown looms now just ten days away. and some in the liberal meet ya are having -- media are having a field day over melania trump's choice of holiday decorations. i happen to think they are quite pretty and quite, quite a statement. quite a bit of style this. but, you know, but they just can't give her a break ever. how come? i've had enough of this preposterous sort of mud-slinging, and i'm going to set the record straight. i'll see you here.
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imagine that. the left refusing to fully fund trump's border wall while those on the right point to the chaos that exists along the border tonight. the president is promising to shut down the border, if needed, which puts a whole lot of pressure on the dems to actually do something. meanwhile, congress getting ready to vote on our budget and, well, if they don't get their act together soon, money for homeland security will run out. the clock is ticking. meanwhile, there's talk that the president will happily shut down the government if he doesn't get money for the wall. we have with us tonight trump 2020 advisory board member harlan hill, former senior adviser to none other than hillary clinton, mr. philippe rye us in. good to see you both. all right, so he can't get the money, harlan. the left won't give it to him. but when you look at what's happening right now and you look at the tragedy there on the border with caravan after caravan continuing to flow
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towards us, when you have people that have engaged in a rush like, look at that video you see right now, really putting our border patrol agents in a very bad spot to the point where they have to use tear gas to ward off these folks, does that mean we're going to get a shutdown? i mean, if they can't come to some kind of consensus here on what to do about this? >> i think so. and, frankly, i'm not going to lay all the blame for this, for this shutdown if we do arrive at one at the feet of democrats. i'm going to put it equally at the feet of republicans in congress. because we've had two years to come up with a solution to this problem of illegal immigration continuing to pour across our border, and every single republican in congress was sent to washington to solve this problem, and they have totally abdicated their responsibility. and the president has stood up repeatedly and said send me money to building this wall, send me money so that we can start to enforce our borders. provide me with the mechanisms,
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the tools to insure this is no longer a problem, and they have absolutely abdicated their responsibilities to voters. enough's enough, put our feet down. now is the time two years into this administration to solve this problem once and for all. trsh trevor i hear ya. philippe, why won't they? and both sides, by the way? harlan, you know, to harlan's point. why are both sides -- >> i'm going to simultaneously agree and disagree with harlan. i expected to only disagree. i agree with him that it's not a fault of the democrats that the republicans in congress are to blame. i don't think it's equal -- >> come on. [laughter] >> it's very simple. it's been 97 weeks since donald trump has had the white house and has had the congress. i don't know what it is you think we can do in the minority. [laughter] there's no funding because republicans have stopped it. it's as simple as that. the senate has $1.5 billion in their version, the house has $5 billion. republicans have got to get on the same page before they can start blaming democrats for any
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of this. [inaudible conversations] >> i've said before -- >> jim jordan today said the president, he campaigned on this throughout 2015 and 2016. he said build the wall, build the wall, mexico will pay for it, believe me, believe me. you know what? i think after two years i don't believe him. mexico's not paying for it, and republicans in congress know it's a problem finish. trish: oh okay, so, harlan, there are things you can do specifically as far as trade agreements go, etc., in order to, i guess, get your money's worth out of mexico here. but nonetheless, philippe has a point. as do you. and it sounds to me like you're just as critical of the republicans as the democrats, and the republicans did have the majority. they don't have that in the house anymore, but in other words, they've got to come to -- everybody has to be on the psalm page. and i think when we look at what's happening there now, right? >> yeah. trish: if there's -- this is the moment, this is the moment when you see what is actually going
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on. and i think the more democrats and republicans see these pictures and understand the danger that all these people, by the way, are being put in, and i mentioned that in terms of the kids that are being trafficked, etc., we need to put a stop to it. let me get to another big story. the president threatening to withdraw subsidies from general motors, which i like to call government motors because don't forget how we bailed out gm. and it's coming after the president also blamed fed chairman jerome powell for gm's layoffs. he's talking about no more subsidies for gm. is that the right move, in your view, harlan? >> right. well, we have a president that's willing to stand up for middle class workers for once. i mean, we've, for decades, we've had presidents in both parties, congresses in both parties that have turned their back particularly on the midwest. we've stood by while jobs have been exported to places like china, to mexico, to canada, to taiwan, and this president is saying enough's enough.
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in this case this is the exact same problem where gm is looking to relocate some car manufacturing to china. particularly with electric vehicles. and the president's saying enough's enough. we're not going to subsidize these vehicles anymore. there are going to be tariffs on the import of these vehicles to the u.s. market. thank god. thank god -- trish: you can't have it both ways. you just can't. you can't get the subsidies and then, you know, turn around and not play ball with the government and do all these layoffs. i think, you know, in a free market economy gm ought to be able to stand completely on its own. philippe, your thoughts. >> well, it's terrible that 14,000 people are slated to lose their jobs, and for every one manufacturing job lost at gm, there's seven other jobs contingent on that whether it's local restaurants or stores. but i think we have a problem here that's similar to immigration. this president keeps writing checks he can't, you know, he can't cash. you can't keep making guarantees about he's going to fix it, the
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economy's going to be great and then it not happen -- >> it is great. trish: yeah, the economy's doing pretty well. >> 400,000 manufacturing jobs in two years. >> you know what? $1.2 trillion in tax cuts, $1 trillion went to stock buybacks. your viewers on fox business -- trish: all right, no, no, no, no, i have -- can i jump in here? don't give me that line. >> what line is it? trish: those buybacks are perfectly, utterly fine, and concern. >> they're just not heful to the worker. trish: they make us more competitive. most of the country does have a 401(k) -- >> -- bonus -- >> philippe, let her school you. trish: the overall health of our economy, and there's nothing wrong with buybacks. the money goes back into the system, and the -- >> the economy is not going to be like this forever, and he needs to -- trish: listen, the economy's doing great. >> by the white house's own admission. trish: you can look at finish. >> i'm not refuting it. i'm saying that as the economy slows, which even the white
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house says it will in the 2019 year, he can't just be blaming everybody else. trish: hey, can i give you a little interesting factoid? did you know, philippe, that we just had record tax revenues? despite that tax cut, record tax revenues. >> i know that 14,000 people are losing their jobs under -- [inaudible conversations] >> he doesn't know what to say to that, i love that. [laughter] he doesn't know what to say. >> i know exactly what to say -- trish: thank you so much, harlan and philippe. the liberal media becaming war on first lady maine ran ya trump's -- melania trump's christmas decorations. apparently, they just can't take it. really? i mean, don't forget last year's deck rayings were apparently a big problem too because they were too white. now they're too red. come on. i'm setting the record straight coming up on the liberal media's hypocrisy on all of it. and just hours after hundreds of migrants tried to
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rush our southern border, an ivy league professor tweets, and i quote, no human is illegal. open the border, let them all in. let 'em all in! seriously. open the border, and by the way, she's from a pretty reputable school. is this really the message that we want to be sending our kids? is this really how university professors think? we're on it. i'll see you right back here. ♪ ♪ i'm ray and i quit smoking with chantix.
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♪ ♪ trish: the liberal media waging war on melania trump and her christmas decorations! [laughter] i want you to see the christmas decorations, because they're actually pretty nice. take a look, okay? this is the white house. she decorated it. nice christmas trees, some red christmas trees. apparently, this is the problem because you're not allowed to have red christmas trees according to the left-wing and mainstream media. and those are nice decorations, right? well, apparently not. if you're a member of the
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liberal media, you don't like 'em. i want you to see these headlines. they're actually kind of funny. one of them over at vox, they write melania trump's white house christmas decorations have become a horror meme or yet again. then "the washington post" saying melania trump didn't show up to explain her spooky christmas decorations, so what about those red trees? and then vice, they write: melania trump is planning another christmas from hell. red trees. dark lighting. utter doom. you know, they're really grasping for something here, right? because they just cannot say anything nice. they can't say anything nice about this administration, not even the first lady, so they resort to that? sorry, red is a christmas color. so is green. this whole thing is so utterly ridiculous, and their contempt for her is really so obvious. i mean, berries are red.
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those were berries tree. the white house chose red, according to the white house, because it's a color of valor and bravery. but the media, they just want to make it about something else, right? they can't help themselves. it really shows how misguided they are by their own hate for this administration. i mean, last year the decorations were beautiful, but they complained because, apparently, they were too white. too red, too white, what is next year going to be, too greening? unbelievable. unbelievable. [laughter] joining me is our good friend joe con cha, media reporter for "the hill." you know, joe, you'd think they could cut her a little slack here. she's the first lady. the decorations, i thought they were really nice. >> i've got some better headlines, by the way. trish: do share. >> all right, slate headline, what message is melania trump sending with her red christmas trees of death? another, buzzfeed, merry cones of death, literally dripping with blood except they weren't
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literally dripping with anything. now compare that, trish, to media coverage of former first lady michelle obama just earlier this month during her book tour which included a hard-hitting interview, michelle obama discusses her first kiss barack obama. so you right -- [laughter] let's say melania decided to play i'm dreaming -- trish: my kids would like those. they just had some gumball, gumball trees. quite festive looking. oh, that was actually from december 2015. so i guess that was the other first lady's decorations, michelle obama. >> yeah. trish: it seemed to be that first ladies and the family were kind of off limits, right? you just didn't go there. now not only are they going there, i mean, joe, those headlines are pretty vicious. >> right. and you're right about -- let's say she played i'm dreaming of a white christmas. that's obviously racist because she's dreaming about white
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people. green trees is representing money, so it goes down, down. you never attack a sitting first lady, because it's a bad business decision. in addition to the fact that it looks tasteless. for instance, melania trump, her favorability right now in the real clear politics polls, 54%. that's higher than any politician left or right. compare it to, say, nancy pelosi -- the next speaker of the house probably -- she's only 28 %. hillary clinton's at 35. you want to attack melania trump, do so at your own peril. remember jimmy kimmel mocked her accent? she speaks five languages, a fraction of a fraction of people on this planet can speak phi languages effectively, and he found a way to mock her. this has been going on for a while, but again, i think this only makes the first lady, obviously, look like a sympathetic figure because you want to attack her over some policy position perhaps that she takes, then fine. but in this case, over christmas trees?
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you're overplaying your hand, and it's why the media's loathed by a good segment of our population. trish: no, i get it. they're showing their true colors, shall we say, in all of this. i have a question, joe. why do you think it's more so now, i mean, are we just living in a different media culture, and that has sort of catered to this vitriol that you see online and in some of these headlines? and, by the way, washington post was one of those headlines as well, so it's not like it's just, you know, the sort of crazy voxs or, you know, sort of different types of media sources. you've got mainstream media that feel it's really perfectly fine to make outrageous comparisons? i mean, we've heard some folks over at msnbc like to equate somehow adolf hitler and nazi germany with what's going on now. i mean, we see people in hollywood doing this. how is that okay now? i mean, it's not. >> i think social media -- yeah, i think it's social media,
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trish. i think that's the kerosene where you can be very brave behind a keyboard. i think also a lot of it's performance art. i don't think people are that upset about these decorations, but i think a lot of times now many in our media are giving comfort food to their audiences to tell them what they think they want to hear in terms any partisan any thought. if the name trump is attached, it's all things trump where the loathing comes from because they figure it's good for business when they attack a trump. i think in this case to go after the first lady, again, that's -- ratings, clicks, exactly, to play to people's emotions. a lot of sober, objective people reject this sort of crap, and that's what it is, it's crap. trish: yeah. look, i think that what we need to do as journalists is be able to cut through all that. i'm not going to say the word, you did. you know what i'm talking about. to cut through it all, joe,
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because you have to be able to look at the policy. so, for example, when we talk about this white house, it's critical to look at, you know, i get he's not everyone's cup of tea. it's critical to look at what he's doing, right? how is this going to change the world, help or hurt. but i think and i fear too often now emotions get in the way, and we just have reached a opportunitying point. and i think -- [laughter] the red trees is proof! >> yeah. i think we focus too much on the rhetoric and not enough on the results when it comes to this president. we're analyzing his character way too much instead of maybe, perhaps, accomplishments and failures in terms of the things that affect people's lives. you brought it up during the last segment as far as record tax revenue. and then you can watch the evening news across the board here tonight or any of the other cable challenges, that will not be -- channels, that will not be mentioned. and it should be because that affects people's lives. wages being up, national security affects people's lives. those things should be reported more, but i guess that doesn't
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have enough sizzle and therefore, again, we go back to clicks and ratings rules all, and i think that's why the focus gets lost outside of ideology and bias as well, obviously. trish: joe, always so good to talk to you. thank you, sir. all right, straight ahead, the president calling bob mueller a prosecutor gone rogue. why former federal prosecutor andrew mccarthy, who is here, says when this investigation finally ends, president trump will indeed be exonerated. he's going to tell us exactly why. and an ivy league professor thinks that she somehow knows the a answer to our border crisis. just open the border, she says. let 'em all in. [laughter] is this the wrong message to be sending to students? to america? we're going to talk about the practicality of impracticality of all that next. ♪ all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs.
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blasting special counsel robert mueller for his russia investigation tweeting, and i quote: he's a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue. that said, the president did tell "the washington post" tonight that he has no intention, quote, no intention of taking any action to stop the russia probe. and that he will let mueller's investigation run its course. in that same interview, the president once again slamming fed chair jerome powell. don't forget, he did that -- [laughter] with me, what, five weeks ago? he's on a tear when it comes to jerome pol. anyway, joining me right now, ann true mccarthy, fox news contributor. so good to see you, andrew. tell me what might be behind the gone rogue statement. what's the president perhaps thinking here? i mean, is there any evidence that, you know, mueller's gone rogue? >> well, you know, i don't think you can judge this, trush, until you see the final result. what i've been cautioning all along is that, you know, for all
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the hullabaloo about this, if you look at everything mueller has done over nearly two years, there's never been anything filed or alleged that even hinted that the president was complicit in any kind of a criminal conspiracy. and if you look at the cases he's actually brought, the russian cases don't have anything to do with the trump campaign. the trump campaign people he's charged, those charges don't have anything to do with russia. so i really think if you look at what's going on here, if you look at what mueller's filed, particularly the two indictments against the groups of russians which seem to preclude the possibility that there was any conspiracy and, you know, prosecutors aren't interested in wees well words like collusion. -- weasel words like collusion. they want conspiracy. they're in the conspiracy business. is inspect anything like that. so i think at the end of this, the president gets exonerated. trish: you know what i wish would happen? i wish that robert mueller would actually look at this and say,
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okay, i want to get to the truth. i want to figure out just exactly what russia might have been trying to do. and my hunch here is that, you know, they were doing whatever they could just to see this kind of discourse, just to divide us. had nothing to do with collusion, but just that they were trying deliberately via social media and other methods to divide us. and i don't think they cared who won. i mean, hillary clinton or donald trump. they just wanted to see us divided. andrew, what's your gut thought on this? >> my gut thought is twofold. number one, i think you couldn't be more right about that. and the -- this is not something we have to speck hate about, you know? -- speculate about, you know? they've interfered in every american election since probably the bolshevik revolution, and this is what they do and what their objective is in geopolitics is to make it difficult for whoever is president to govern.
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and i think that's exactly what they were doing. i -- trish: by the way, the media's kind of helped them, right? in all of this -- >> well, the media always helps them. [laughter] yeah. well, look, the media's lined up with one of the major parties in this country, and, you know, they go with the flow depending on what's good for them. but i do think this will be a big part of mueller's investigation. trish trek i hope so. i mean -- >> russia angle -- trish: sorry to interrupt you. we just have a short amount of time. >> yeah, sure. trish: the crazy report that they basically hired a former british spy to call up all his russian contacts? who is to say, andrew, that putin didn't know that that investigation was being conducted? and then, therefore, maybe feed a whole bunch of false information just deliberately to have it get back here and cause this kind of chaos? that's what i think the american public deserves answers to, is mueller looking into that.
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>> no, i don't think he is looking into that, and i don't think you want him looking into that. i think, you know, what we want is his mandate to be as narrow as possible. but somebody ought to be looking into that because the potential that we got disinformation fed to us and that that information which came from a campaign was used to go to the fisa court to get warrants to spy on americans is really alarming. trish: yeah. i mean, very, very alarming. and i think that, you know, we all deserve answers to that stuff. when it's all said and done, you say the president's going to be exonerated. when is it going to be all said and done, ann true? >> well -- andrew? >> well, i don't think mueller's in as big a hurry as people seem to think to wrap this up. i know a lot of people think it's imminent. i don't think it's particularly imminent. and the important thing, trish, is what is the report going to say. i think mueller is just a prosecutor. he should just tell us whether there's enough evidence to file charges or not. that's what i did for 20 years
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as a prosecutor. he's not bob woodward, he's not here to write a narrative about whether he thinks donald trump is fit to be president. he's got one question to answer, is there enough evidence to charge or not. if there's not, then that should be a very short summary. trish: well, shouldn't it also end pretty soon? because if you haven't found any evidence by now -- [laughter] >> well, you're asking the guy who doesn't think it should have started. so, yes, it should end whenever they can end it. trish: coming up, everyone, we are still awaiting results in the senate runoff resinty hyde smith -- cindy smith. we're going to bring in those results as soon as we have them. do not go anywhere. the question is, are the republicans or democrats going to take that seat? and next, a professor at an elite ivy league school is saying every single migrant should be let into our country. open borders for all. why not, right?
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we've got that story next. ♪ ♪ hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. man: (scoffing) what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. and now you know. jardiance is the first type 2 diabetes pill proven to both reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower a1c, with diet and exercise. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away
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♪ ♪ trish: all right. this just in, ever, the white house just confirming to us that president trump has spoken with canadian prime minister justin trudeau regarding the gm layoffs. the white house deputy press
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secretary ohio began giddily saying, and i'm quoting here, president trump spoke with the prime minister this morning, the two leaders discussed their disappointment in the announced closures of gm plants in their respective countries and their plans for the upcoming g20 summit. so i guess that's a reason to be united with canada in our disappointment in gm. meanwhile, new tonight i've i have league hysteria. as we watch these images, these really horrible images of migrants attempting to rush our border, you know, one princeton professor tweeting, and i quote: no human is illegal. open the border, let them all in. now, for the record, we did reach out to this professor. we asked her to be here tonight to explain her tweet. and she hasn't responded. surprise, surprise. but she has since tweeted this, and i'm quoting right now: for the right-wingers and liberals who think they are playing
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gotcha with me about the border, the nation-state is the source of much that is wrong in the world. we as a species would be much better off without it. i am for a world without borders. put that in your, blank, pipe and smoke it. ah! come on. so this is what they're teaching nowadays at princeton. glad i went to columbia. [laughter] contributor emma michelle is joining me right now with more. okay. but, you know, first of all, let me just say this is, this is a line of thinking, right? not just with this woman. there's plenty of people out there on the left right now that love the idea of open borders. they say, you know, you can't, you can't begrudge anyone these opportunities of coming here. let's stop for just a second, and we'll get to the campus stuff in a moment, but the impracticality, if you would, of something like that. full-on open borders.
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>> certainly. i think that higher education has really capitalized on this opportunity to talk about immigration with this caravan that's been coming up. and it's their chance to go to their extreme which is we should have zero borders, and we should have zero laws when it comes to who is allowed in our country. and i think that the left has been setting up this false dichotomy that you are either completely anti-border or completely anti-immigration. it's something that policy experts know is not true. this is a very complicated debate, and it's something people have been going back and forth on for decades. it's much more complicated than just your anti-- you're anti-border -- trish: she's a princeton professor. >> yeah. trish: she ought to be able to understand some complicated stuff. >> no doubt. it's especially concerning that this is coming from a princeton professor saying that we should let everyone in and that no human is illegal. i think that a princeton professor should really know the
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difference between a policy debate that's serious and a statement like that. trish: yeah. >> and this is not an isolated incident -- trish: but she doesn't like nation-states, right? she went on in her subsequent tweet to say that nation-states are not helpful to the world. i would only point out that, you know, there are such a thing as taxes, right? [laughter] >> certainly. trish: and that's what actually supports the government. and i don't quite know how that would work if we said to the entire world, come here. because we'd be taking care of a lot of people that we probably couldn't afford. i mean, there's an economic component to it, a cultural component and just a pure logical component to it. but there's a lot of emotion at play on college campuses right now, emma? >> there is. and the left is really using this as an opportunity to speak to students who are impressionable. they're going to college, they're taking these professors as figures of authority, and the college campus -- as we've reported extensively at the
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leadership institute's campus reform -- has been pushing on students the idea that i.c.e. is inherently bad and the idea that the term illegal alien so offensive and racist and should be banned. it's very unfortunate -- trish: crazy time. emma, thank you so much. appreciate you joining me. more of trish regan coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure.
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12:00 am
we have a whole lot more. we will continue covering this issue. this immigration struggle we are facing right now as a nation. i will see you tomorrow night. good night. ♪ >> all right. we are waiting for the results in the last u.s. senate race. democrat mike sv and sidney hyde smith. republicans are trying to avoid the shock of losing another red state. mississippi last elected a democrat to the senate in 1982. involving hyde smith that some perceived as being racially insensitive have the gop concerned that it could flip to the democrats. the most n


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