tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 28, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST
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lou: good evening within everybody. our top stories, we're just an hour away from polls closing in mississippi runoff election for the u.s. senate. republican senator cindy hyde smith, the heavy favorite to win, riding to lit call momentum of two political rallies led by the leader of the free world, president trump. >> there is know mountain we can't climb, no obstacle we can't reach and no dream we cannot achieve for the sake of our freedom and for the sake of our children we are going to work, we are going to fight and
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we are going to win, win, win, win. lou: and tonight we'll have the latest on the race with two trump campaign veterans, corey lewandowski and david bossie join me. also with u tonight, ed rollins. also while increasingly unruly unwelcome caravan of migrants in tijuana clashes with mexican police and tijuana citizens as they prepare to try again apparently to cross the border into the united states, republicans in congress have five weeks in which to pass funding for the president's wall. congressman jim jordan of the house freedom caucus joins us here tonight. he's been leading the cause to build the wall. he joins us to take up what the radical dms are tryin dems are p
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it. it appears the special counsel isn't getting the kind of cooperation from former trump campaign chairman paul manafort that mueller had wanted. we'll discuss the latest developments in the investigation with former federal prosecutor victoria toensing an. president trump taking aim at special counsel mueller tweeting this, quote, the phony witch hunt continues but mueller and his gang of angry dm dms are looking at one side wait until it comes out how horribly they're treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue. the president's tweet comes after reports that an association of roger stein rejected a plea offer from the mueller investigation team to
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plead guilty to perjury. mueller ams claiming that paul manafort breached the terms of his plea deal by lying to federal investigators and the guardian reported that manafort secretly met with julian assange in london, secretly in the heart of london and with assange. that before joining the trump campaign, a claim manafort said was quote totally false and deliberately libelous. joining me to discuss this and whether mueller has gone rogue and the president's claim that mueller is damaging the criminal justice system, victoria toensing. great to have you with us. the president says this is a prosecutor and the person of robert mueller who has gone rogue. your reaction. >> well, he was rogue from the very -- from the get-go. he was unlawfully appointed,
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lou. there wasn't any crime when rosenstein appointed him as is required by the doj regulations. secondly, how was he a neutral person. he had been rejected by the president the day before to be fbi director. he had -- he hired lawyers, not one, not one was a republican and the majority were ardent democrats that had given greatly donation to hillary clinton's campaign. he had no problem reporting to rod rosenstein, who is also a witness. he was interviewed for hours by mueller's people as part of the alleged firing comey allegation. so what all could you expect from this guy? he's gone onioned the time that he should have -- lou: so at what point. >> for this investigation. i mean he's off the rails. lou: he's off the rails. he's been off of the rails.
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and we have seen the democrats pursue this president for more than two years, investigate adds we have seen everything that's been produced to this point. the president is correct to call it the mueller on a witch hunt with a 17 angry democrats. but the question becomes, why are we still having this discussion as the president is ready to enter his third year as president of the united states? >> because the democrats and the people like mueller are doing anything they can to twrart this president anthwart thispresideng to do. name he one indictment that had anything to do with russian collusion. there isn't one. and mueller's definition of lying is different from the fbi and department of justice. when hill ri's people lied, they gave them immunity. and here when somebody make as statement, i have no idea what michael flynn lied about because
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we've never been told. but any conversation he had with the russian ambassador was kosher. he could talk about foreign policy with the russian ambassador. and george papadopoulos, my goodness, he just lied about timing and he's dieted. and it looks very much his claim that it was a setup of people feeding his information and trying to get him to regeorge re it back. lou: where is john roberts, the chief justice of the supreme court. he appointed all of the fisa judges. no one wants to talk about that. no one wants to talk about the fact that he has the responsibility in part to administer the justice system in the country, the judiciary. and this man comes out to get into a petty argument with the president. it was not bad, just a shot by roberts. he looks like a fool and he's acting like one when it comes to what's happening with the fisa courts. what is going won with thi on w?
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>> where was he when ruth bader giz berg said donald trump was a neighboringer and she was going to move if he got elected. where was he when barack obama falsely stated what a holding was in the supreme court citizens united case and said that it meant that foreign corporations would contribute. how embarrassing the president of the united states with a law degree doesn't know? lou: it's unfair. if i could use your lexicon as a counselor, i'll stipulate all of that. what in the world are we going to doant it? do about it? what should the president do? right now the fisa documents still have not been revealed even though they're jermaine to everything thagermane ateveryth. the president still has the opportunity to fire this special counsel. >> no, he should not do that. he needs to get a good attorney general there. somebody who has been confirmed
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before, somebody who's well-respected in the legal community and that's what he needs to do as soon as possible. lou: you and i both know he couldn't -- i just -- i have to tell you, this has got to end because we go through this litany of assaults on common sense, decency, respect for the office and that goes on. if we blame democrats, at some point we have to blame ourselves. this president thaz got to take control of this thing because it's ridiculous. >> there's plenty of blame for paul ryan. what are these people doing subpoenaing comey and lynch for facts that occurred two years ago, like they didn't notice in 2017, in january, that there has been things that happened during the 2016 election? and i'm told that paul ryan put the kibosh on the subpoenas saying that whole thing would be distracting. lou: well paul ryan is -- by the way, i appreciate you bringing up his name before i could for a
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change. it's great to see you. we appreciate it as sawls. victoria toensing. still ahead, president trump pushing congress for the border wall funding. >> we've actually started big sections of the wall but we want to finish the wall. we've got to get funding from congress. and if this isn't the right time to get funding within when you look at what's happening at the border, there will never be a right time. are we doing okay on the border, folks? we defend the borders of other nations but we don't defend our borders properly but that's all changed since we got elected. we will fight every day to secure the border, stop illegal immigration. lou: build that wall. we take up the latest tonight. congressman jim jordan joins us. up next, president trump
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threatening general motors for choosing corporate greed over loyalty to america and the national interest. i'll take up the president's latest comments. ed rollins joins me when he come back, right back. stay with us. so a tree falls on your brand-new car and totals it. and as if that wasn't bad enough, now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car, what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand-new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: president trump threatening to end government handouts for general motors if they don't support american workers. the president tweeted this, quote, very disappointed with general motors and their ceo for closing plants in ohio,my and maryland. nothing being closed in mexico and china. the u.s. saved general motors and this is the thanks that we get. we're looking at cutting all gm sudden sodies. general motors made a big china bet years ago when they built plants there and in mexico. don't think that that bet is going to pay off. i'm here to protect america's workers. joining me now, former reagan white house political director, fox business political analyst ed rollins. good fof yo to have you here. let's start with general motors. first, i got to ask. how many mil millions of dollars must general motors pay for pred
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advice, have a huge staff and they choose a few days after thanksgiving and less than a month before christmas to announce they're going to slaughter the livelihoods of 15,000 workers. >> without know rational basis. there's no argument. and i think the president is absolutely right here, pound him every single day. take the subsidies away from them. they want to go to where the business is cheap, in mexico and china, they pay the consequences. the consequences are that americans aren't going to buy their cars. the car is not built in detroit, ohio, what have you, you'll boycott and buy american. that's what this thing is about. lou: the white house making it clear in other ways that this president is not to be played around with on this subject, sarah sanders today got her shot in. >> she basically said they're not making a good product. it's not our workers that aren't making a good pluct. it's they're not making a good product.
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they're changing their whole model. when you think of 18,000 workers in america getting displaced, but the mind-set of all of the rest of them, no job security -- mexico has five plants and china is still building cars, it's absurd. put them here, build them here. lou: it's something. nine years ago the country is bailing them out. and this is the management team. i mean, you could go out and almost pick people at random on the street in new york or any other place in the country and have a smarter management team than this. i mean what does it take here. >> well, i'm not inside the management team at gm. lou: you're not? come on, you got to be kidding me. >> this is a dumb dumb dumb move on their part. lou: let's turn to the border wall. we're watching, why it's necessary, why it's needed. and paul ryan who is going to go out as the biggest loser speaker
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that's ever been in the history of this country. is he going to finally fund the wall? by the way, it shouldn't be for 5 billion. it should be for the full 25 billion. >> this is the last chance. it's been allocated and authorized. the money has never been allocated. and wharyan ought to get out ofy and let the leadership run with this. we have four or five week to get it done and we have to get it done or we're never going to have a wall. and if we don't have a wall, we'll have a continued scene of what we've seen in the last several days. lou: we've got five weeks. do you think ryan has awakened at all. >> no. no. lou: he's going to fight the president. >> he's going to stay -- lou: anybody got questions about why he wanted to stay in that office even after he resigned. it was to stop trump. >> and he's not going to stop trump but he's certainly had an
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impact and he lost 40 members of his house when the final seat in california is concluded, which is his tor historic for us. in the strongest economy, a president with good numbers. just absurd. lou: how important is the senate majority? >> it's critical. this is a very important woman that we get elected today. she's been in the senate and we need her. she'll win. i'm pretty sure she'll win by 53% of the vote. lou: up next, polls close at the top of the hour in mississippi. david bossie, corey lewandowski join me to take up what's happening in mississippi, the senate, their new book on the deep state resisting president trump. stay with us. stay with us. we'll be right back. i joined the army after 911,
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury,
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um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up.
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mississippi. republican senator cindy hyde smith facing former clinton agriculture secretary mike espy. president trump has held three rallies for senator hyde-smith, 11 trump-endorsed candidates won on november 6th. this one is a little deferred and we'll fix that tonight. i hope it's tonight. republicans will have 53 senate seats if hyde-smith, as expected, wins tonight. joining me now to talk about the mississippi race, the state of american politics and of course their brand-new book, former trump campaign manager cory lewy lewandowski, campaign aide david bossy coauthors of this book. gentlemen, great to have you here. congratulations on this book. we recommend this to you highly. ghood to see you. let's start with the loaks elecn tonight. the view is that he has every opportunity to win here.
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the question is will he. >> she's going to win in mississippi. look, we've seen this many times. when those candidates who run for office embrace the president's agenda and put america first, they win. when they run from the president, they lose. i don't understand why republicans haven't figured this out. donald trump's agenda of cutting taxes, cutting regulations and putting more money in the pockets of americans is a winning agenda across the board. when you embrace that agenda, you win at the ballot box. when you say i'm not sure if i'm with you, mr. president, you lose and i'm happy about that. lou: getting rid of the rinos rs people who want to set aside from the president, it's astonishing to me. why would you want to separate yourself from success? that's how dowm th dumb the loss were. >> there's a lot of them too. at all levels, i might add. senator hyde-smith has a very
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good track record, a good voting record. having been in the senate now -- lou: and stands with the president. >> embraces with ft's agenda. and what we see in the closing days, these two rallies yesterday are going to get her across the finish line. lou: and you guys have got to be very very proud working for the man who has set the standard for work -- the work ethic of any president from now on. when you see somebody pull an obama or a bush, it isn't going to work so hot. people are going to expect president to work like this president works from here in perpetuity. >> he put it down. he was the hardest working man i've ever been around. we were working 20 hours a day, seven days a week. lou: i wondered what you meant. >> we could barely keep up with him and we're a lot younger than him. >> no one talks about his age. you remember the first time. >> lou: that's a great point.
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you're exactly right. >> they used to say donald trump is going to be the oldest elected president ever and now the media say, mr. president, would you please slow down. >> we can't keep up with you. >> please stop traveling. it's too much for us. please. they know he's up at 4:30, 5:00 o'clock in the morning, going to bed at 1:00 at night. no one is questioning his ability to do the job because of the stamina that he has. lou: they can't question his achievements, his successes, his work ethic, his commitment to america and americans. i mean, the only thing the national left wing media can do is continue to drive the special counsel and the nonsense that we all have put up with. i really believe this. all of the smart folks that we have on this show say don't fire the special counsel. i have to tell you, i'm so sick of this operation, the mueller
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witch hunt, i can't stand it. i can only imagine how frustrated he is. >> and that's what we talk about in trump's -- lou: are you bringing us back to your book? >> we are. lou: thank you very much. >> we talk about in the book -- we have an extended wide-ranging interview that we did with the president. the first book that has an interview with the president in it is this book and we're proud of that fact. but this book covers the vast left wing conspiracy that is against this president, the media, members of congress of both parties, the intelligence communities, comey, clapper web brennon wing -- lou: the obama leftovers in the bureaucracy and the ongoing -- i've never seen a shade of shame from them for trying to run a shadow government against this president. it is appalling and the national left wing media, they're working in absolute complicity with the left in this country. >> lou, we asked the president,
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do you think that cross fire hurricane, the operation that the fbi was running against the republican nominee to spy on american citizens, mr. president, do you think that barack obama and his team, specifically obama, knew about it? and he says, yes, he did. and if somebody did this to barack obama, the mainstream media would have called it treason and the people would been in jail for 100 years. because they did it to trump, there's been no accountability. lou: you talk about enemies within the white house. name some of the enemies. >> gary cohn was an enemy, rob porter, sean spicer. we know that people who go into the white house who didn't support the president and the campaign, didn't vote for him on election day and went in to take care of their own agenda is what we're talking about. lou: how many more enemies are within the white house working day in and day out? >> lou, one of the things that we haven't found out is who anonymous is. so we clearly know there are more. lou: do you have an idea?
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>> i don't know who it is. i think i know who it isn't. lou: that's a pretty good accomplishment, i would say. >> it's easier to figure out -- lou: there are a lot of candidates for anonymous. >> it's disappointing to guys like us who want this president to succeeds to that america succeeds that there are people around him that believe they're there to protect america from him. lou: two surprises about the enemies and, and that is the leakers that dill persist in the white house, and the fact that the white house does not have a system that would detect a recording in the oval office when anyone would be speaking with the president. the fact that so many leaks have come out of the white house -- and i'm not going to name names. that's your job. but there are names that are prominent and repeated up here in the media. is there an appetite for change within the white house? i'll ask it that way. >> i think there is and i think there should be.
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look, some of these leaks have been found out. but this president was just flying to london to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the end of world war i and he had a conversation with tre teresa mad that whole conversation was leaked. how is that possible. lou: what's interesting is teresa may has never been a friend of this president. >> that's right. lou: and that should be acknowledged by everyone who covers the president, covers capitol hill as well. david, you get the last word, unless cory decides otherwise. >> definitely not. >> we are tired of this president working so hard for the america first agenda that we all support. and to have people around him who don't support that agenda, it needs to end. he needs a team, lou, that is going to be solely focused on the 2020 reflect. that means that public policy -- lou: you're talking about within the white house. >> the white house team has to be solely focused on his reelection. lou: gentlemen, congratulations on the book. always great to see you.
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i've got 100 questions we could ask but we would need to rest of the network's time this evening. great to have you with us. thanks so much. appreciate it. a disturbing new poll revealing how dheep deeply th de millennial generation has been indoctrinated by the radical left in public education open universities. the radical left that despises america and american values. according to a poll, half of the millennials surveyed say that the united states is sexist and racist. 46% say america isn't the greatest country in the world. and 44% -- think about this -- say president obama had a bigger impact on america tha than our nation's first president, george washington. are you concerned? i am. up next, president trump meets with top congressional republicans about funding his
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$52 a barrel, gold and silver down a cent, copper lost just over a percent. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. >> we're a little more than a week a way from the next deadline to fund the federal government. but a battle over the border wall funding threatens to shut the government down. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill tonight with the latest. >> lou, good evening. the stage is set for a fight. part of the federal government, like homeland security, is due to run out of funding a week from friday night, december 7th. and allies of president trump say he is demanding serious funding for his border wall. >> secure the border is going to be a bottom line for the president. he's got a $25 billion plan. i don't think he expect to get $25 billion all at once. but he expects to get 5 billion like the house authorized without a bunch of strings attached. >> one idea being throate floata
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$5 billion for border security over the next two years. chuck schumer did not care for that option. >> if there's any shutdown, it's on president trump's back. first left to our own devices, the senate and house could come to an agreement. second, the republicans are in control of the presidency, the house and the senate, a shoutdown is on their back. stick to the 1.6 billion. >> beyond that schumer says he's not going to negotiate with the media. mitch mcconnell is saying he's trying to work out of this out with the clock ticking. >> we're talking about it, trying to get the president the money he would like for the wall. that's part of the year-end funding discussions which is ongoing, not only among the proper yay toreproper yay torese administration as well. >> house republican leaders were at the white house late in the day for discussion about government funding and other
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pressing issues. a spokesman for house speaker paul ryan says part of that included responsible funding for border security. lou? lou: thank you very much. mike emanuel demonstrating why this is such a tough issue in the swamp. joining us tonight, congressman jim jordan serving on both the you dis judiciary c. can you keep a straight face when you listen to leader mcconnell say what he did about funding the border wall? >> or how about chuck schumer. we've had one shutdown this year, lou, and it was chuck schumer back at the start of this year when he said that amnesty was more important than funding the troops and government. now he's giferg us a lecture on the shutdown? he shut the government down and over the next couple of days the american people said you're cry disi. he had to reopen the government. no one wants a government shutdown but we do want to do what we said and more importantly what they elected us
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to do in tweep and that was to build a border security wall. we better put it on this funding bill. lou: do you think the leadership has to come up with a belter rationale herbetterrationale fo? what i heard them saying over this period of time, you've got five weeks left, they're going to give you $5 billion. the president will have five whole billion dollars for two years and at that rate it would take ten years to build the damn wall. the american people have had a bell any full of this nonsense. that's why the republican leaders lost heavily in this past election. >> i agree. we should do the whole darn thing. we've seen it play out the last few days. do you think we're going to get it when nancy pelosi is running the house of representatives? of course we got to do it now. we got to do the whole thing now. i'll take what we can get but we should be pushing for it, like you said, 25 billion, build the security wall, get it done and
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let's do what the american people elected us to do. and like you say, we've got five week to get it done. let's focus on that. lou: congress has a terrible rating, as does the senate. part of the reason is we have been waiting for 22 years in this country, since 1986, the last amnesty for border security to be put in place. i don't think the american people could be fooled by any of this nonsense from either party. >> they're not going to be fooled, they're not going to be charlie browning it and think that lucy is going to keep the football there this time. they want the border secured first then we can talk about the other issues. that's how we have to -- there are two things that have to happen in my judgment before the end of the year, before this congress is done. one is what we've didn' been tag about, build the border security wall. get it done. the second is rod rosenstein has to come in front of us and answer our questions. after all, it's been nine weeks
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since we first heard, it does first reported that rod rosenstein was thinking about wearing a wire and recording the president of the united states and invoking the 25th eement. those two thingadministration. amendment. that's what the american people elected us to do. lou: one of the ways in which we can be assured that people will be doing what they were elected to do is to have jim jordan in a leadership role as a ranking member, for example were of the judiciary committee. you've talked with kevin mccarthy and the answer is? >> it's obviously the republican leaders' call. working through the steering committee we'll see what happens. i think i can serve our country, serve the conference and administration there, focus on getting to the truth and defending the truth. but we'll see how that plays out over the next few days. lou: are you confident in. >> i don't know. we'll see have to see. that's the leaders' call. not mine. lou: we'd like to see you there.
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appreciate it. congressman, as always, we learn from you. thank you. jim jordan. >> thank you, lou. taitake care. lou: a group of rinos wants to double the visa camp of foreign guest workers from 66,000 to 132,000. senators tom tillis, chuck grassley, mike grounds as well as congressman andy harris, they want to insert the proposal into next week's spending bill. that bill comes despite recent opposition from senator grassley who said in june that the visa program left workers vulnerable to recruitment and workplace abuses and argued that it threatened american workers. what's going on and why the sudden interest in how are they going to assure that they know who is come in the country and for how long and when they leave. it will be interesting to hear those answers. be sure to vote in the poll tonight. the question is db do you think rino paul ryan's blind loyalty
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to the chamber of commerce, koch brothers and wall street will once again stand in the way of funding for president trump's border wall? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs, follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram. up next, the snowflakes in the left wing national media are now offended by the word, just the words "caravan." >> to say nothing of the demon demonizing of all of this by calling them a caravan and describing them based on no. >> without evidence of that. >> 500 murderers in the midst, et cetera. lou: we'll take that up after the break, as well as the latest in the mueller witch hunt. attorney clee that mitchell joinjoins us here next. stay with us. we're coming i am a family man.
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a new poll finds seven in ten mexicans have a negative view of the caravan. north of the border a poll shows that 51% of likely voters say the caravan is a threat to public health and narnl security. this as the dimms and national left wing media continue to go after border control agents for using tear gas to stop about 500 of those folks from making their way into our country over the weekend. but dhs numbers show the same tear gas was deployed more than once a month during the later years of the obama administration. use of pepper spray at the border also spiked under the former president. obama's record 151 times in 2013 2013alone. but you don't hear anything about that from the national left wing media. president trump tweeted moments ago the mueller investigation, say quote, the mueller witch
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hunt is a total disgrace. they're looking at stolen crooked hillary e-mails even though they don't want to look at the dnc server, have no interest in the e-mails that clinton washed. here to take a look at the russian witch hunt, attorney, former member of the oklahoma house of representatives, cleta mitchell joins us tonight. good to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: the president said that mueller has gone rogue. we heard from victoria toensing earlier, he's been rogue from the very beginning back in may of 2017. your thoughts. >> well, victoria is right. you are right. the president is right. this is a travesty in terms of . . a
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crime. and all related to president trump and his 2016 campaign. now that is the opposite of what our american system is supposed to be. so when the president says this is a witch hunt, he is absolutely correct. i'm with you. i heard you say when qulu were talking with victoria that you're so frustrated you can't imagine how the president must feel. many of us are frustrated. this is an effort to undermine this president and to keep him from performing his job. it's amazing to me that he has been able to do all he has done notwithstanding this daily attack from mueller and this out of control investigation. and frankly, i would say to senator flake who is saying he's going to oppose any judicial confirmations until the senate takes up his bill to ensure the president doesn't fire robert
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mueller, i wish senator flake were as concerned of the victims of this mueller travesty as he seems to be about protecting robert mueller's outof control witch hunt. very frustrating. lou: he is an irritant and along with adam schiff we can only imagine what the escalation will be. schiff already saying who will be leading the intelligence committee, that he's going to go after the money of the trump organization. and you know, he doesn't want to acknowledge that this has been a democratic investigation for justant twjust about two years s president, on the issue of collusion and any other quote unquote offense they could find. it is stunning to listen to the raw, brazen ignorance of adam schiff and this congress as they prepare to take power in the
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house of representatives. >> well, it's very worrisome. you know, lindsey graham had that statement during the kavanaugh hearings on another topic about how greedy the democrats were for power and he said boy, i hope you don't get it. well they got it and we're getting ready to see them use it. i think there's a silver lining. i always say that people giving control of the house back to the democrats is like going back to an old boyfriend that you broke up with and when you get back with him, you realize why you left him in the first place. i'm hoping and praying that the american people will realize that they really don't want adam schiff and nancy pelosi and all of those people to be in charge. i think we're in for a rough ride. and frankly one of the things that the republicans ought to do over the next few weeks is make sure that they have funding and provisions in place to help protect all of these people who are going to be sumghte subjecto enormous legal fees and costs
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and attacks from these democrats. i wish i thought that the republicans in congress would do that before they lose complete control. i'm not holding my breath but i wish they would. lou: i'm sure that paul ryan is talking with all of his lobbyist friends, the koch brothers, chamber of commerce, the business round table, wall street doing just that, the right and decent thing to do. >> they're not worried about the people. and that's the thing the president said today, was he was worried about all of the people whose lives the mueller investigation is ruining. and i know many of them. it's true. it's outrageous. this isn't the way the system is supposed to work. we're not supposed to have mueller investigating people looking for a crime. this is the opposite of what we're supposed to be seeing in america today. and the outrage, as you say, that left wing media has just completely abkated his ability to hold the government accountable.
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lou: thank you very being here. thanks a lot. up next, we'll have much more on the president's push for border wall funding. let's put the number 25 billion shall we? how about $25 billion for the president. he's earned it. and we need it. we're coming right back. stay with us. i want some more what's he doin? but, he can't look at him! it's just not done! please sir. i want some more more? more? more? more? please sir he has asked for... thank you what? well he did say please sir
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choosing dobbs. that's why the number one show on business television is lou dobbs tonight. ♪ ♪ lou: and welcome back. last night our nightly question was this, asking whether you thought gm's ceo mary barra gave an adequate explanation for the company killing 15,000 jobs, most of them in the united states. 99 1% of you said -- 91% of you said, no. here's what we're looking at tomorrow. the president calling special counsel robert mueller a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue. victoria tensing told us why. >> the democrats and the people like mueller are doing anything they can to thwart this president and what he's trying to do. name me one indictment that had anything to do with russian collusion. of course, there isn't one. lou: and the president renewing his demands for border wall
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funding. congressman jim jordan joining us tonight to warn it's time for republicans to act. there are only five weeks left before nancy pelosi becomes speaker of the house. that's sobering, isn't it? my goodness. and moments away from polls closing at 8 p.m. eastern in mississippi's runoff election for the u.s. senate. the president doing something no president in history has done. the president campaigning relentlessly and constantly and passionately for congress and senatorial candidates, republicans. and tonight we'll see how that worked in the great state of mississippi, and nancy hyde -- cindy hyde smith, i should say, the senator from mississippi in her bid for re-election. a reminder to vote in tonight's poll. the question, do you think paul ryan's blind loyalty to the chamber of commerce, the koch
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brothers, the business round table and wall street will once again stand in the way of funding for president trump's border wall? we'd like to hear from you. cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs. tomorrow, congressman matt gates, andy biggs as well as kellyanne conway. be with us. >> there's a good possibility that we can make a deal and he is open to it. lauren: open to a deal. there's optimism that an agreement with china will happen. cheryl: dow up over 100 points on comments. s&p up 5 and a quarter, nasdaq up 13 and three quarters. lauren: stocks mostly higher in europe. trading to the upside. cheryl: stocks in asia are moving higher, japan, china and hong kong all up over 1%. lauren: apple wants you trade in
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