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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 6, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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those bridges collapse. david: thank you all for watching, our sympathies to the bush family. that was an extraordinary memorial we were able to bring to you. that does it for "bulls and bears." liz: wall street was down nearly 800 points, then down 80 point after the initial freakout over the arrest of the ccfo, of huawei *, a former military officer. wall streeters applauding president trump's tough line with china because china is stealing to make china great again. we have fresh new details on
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that. we have an insider who has a front row seat on how china has hollows out entire u.s. industries and taken u.s. jobs. why trump is right to fix the problem that elected officials have done nothing about. historically it's normal to have these kind of downturns in the stock market. tech execs at the white house how to fight china. but the fight in washington is how gm got state and federal tax exemptions. they barly a pay any taxes at all.
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nancy pelosi says she will not accept a decent daca deal in exchange for border wall funding. this as we bring you two big border scandals hurting americans. money, politics. we have the debate behind tomorrow's headlines. "the evening edit" starts right now. [♪] let's get to the china outrage over the arrest of huawei *'s cfo. accusing the u.s. and canada of quote wrongdoing. this over violating iran sanctions. wall treat analysts are pointing out others saying huawei * is pretty bad. britain and others kicked out huawei * over claims that huawei
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* is spying. they are not funding their own r & d, but stealing our research to make china great again. china then he sells cheaper copycats, undercutting us. let's get to edward lawrence in d.c. with more. >> circuit boards. right now the arrest of chief financial officer threatens to destabilize the fragile trade negotiations going on between the u.s. and china. a spokesperson for the chinese foreign ministry says the detention of a person without giving a reason is a violation of the human rights of the person. she is being investigated by the u.s. for possible violations for
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breaking the sanctions relating to iran. she was being detained in canada the same day president trump worked out a path forward on trade caution with china. ambassador john bolton said he was made aware of the arrest. but telling us the president did not know about it. >> my fear is when the trump administration is going to crumble on huawei the way, way they crumbled on zte. as we move to the next wireless 5g it's as big as anything we have seen in the wireless industry. my fear is china could be successful at setting the standard and dominating that market. reporter: ambassador john bolton said this is a justice
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department matter and they don't always tell the president what they are doing. liz: a top executive at atlas tool works. they have had a front seat for years watching china's high-tech theft. your company makes precision parts for the internet, medical and radar devices. is president trump right? >> he's absolutely right. huawei built a $90 billion global enterprise based on theft of technology. my business has been around for 100 years. for 0 of 100 years we weren a vendor in the telecom sector. we watched as zte and huawei came online and wiped out every competitor. these companies could not
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compete with state commercials i nawj. liz: they take our r & d that we pay for and make cheaper copycats. china has a road project, the 2025 project. obama did try to top china. but it's up to china to get our trade laws updated to knock it off. >> this telecom industry was the crown jewel of america. poor trade laws and lack of oversight by congress allowed us to lose it. let's bring back the telephone manufacturing back here. we are about to have 5g. what we have learned is we can't
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trust the chinese. they say one thing but do something different. i'm hoping congress will step up to the plate here. liz: we hope so, too. this should be hair on fire break the glass. we just cited these on thered countries worried about huawei. china is embedding itself into the 5g rollout worldwide. that's the wearable fitness trackers and taxis. >> they are counting on -- they are taking advantage of the free market. they will undercut price and subsidize to buy the market. we need to put laws in place and need our country partners to work with us to shut them out of the market. when they say they are not spying, i certainly think they are.
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liz return in d.c. they are setting aside what really matters. look what happened to u.s. steel. u.s. steel spent tons of money to pioneer a lighter higher grade steel product for cars and planes. china hacked it and copycatted it and started selling steal for lower prices. >> when profit doesn't matter to these companies because think have a government behind them. but this is about jobs. and national security. when i lost my telecom customers in the early 2000s we had to lay people off. so many sectors are important. we are talking about good jobs for america and growth. i want to see it made here so it's secure and safe. liz: we have indications china may have been behind that
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massive marriott hack. >> it's pervasive in everybody they do. they simply play by a different set of rules. they can tell us one thing but we know they will do something else. i trust president trump's judgment and i hope congress will come along and join the wise party because they are missing the boat by not protecting america and our information. liz: if congress doesn't get it, the voter will. we would like to you come on again soon. let's get ned ryun's reaction. he's one of the top analysts out there. ned, i want your reaction to that's conversation we just had. >> initially when you had senator warner saying the fifth generation 5g networks fan huawei. if i wrote about this for fox
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news during the week of thanksgiving. i said we have to be careful glass you is a foxy battle between fawpt between qualcomm and huawei over who is going to control that 5g network. right now there are 8 billion internet of things device. that number will probably triple in the next three years. who is going to control the networks and data will be massive as we move forward into the future. and they have been robbing us blind. we helped build the largest authoritarian this state in china with bad trade deals. and we looked the other way as think with $3 trillion in' technology theft that we have given them the means to compete with us on the technology front and the economic front and they are not shy by the. they are gunning for us. they want to replace us as the
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center of the economic world. right now in the past we have been letting them get away with it. liz: this is that, and there is also the geopolitical risks the white house is trying to address. new satellite images reveal activity in the an unidentified north korean missile base. >> this has been the failure of the three previous administrations, kicking the can down the roadage refusing to deal with the north korean threat. trump realizes we can't have this existential threat with north korea and being able tov drop warheads on american cities. we actual think need china to play ball with us on north korea to dial with this threat. this trade dispute taking place
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with china, all of this stuff is inner connected. this whole trade deal is not only tied to bad trade deals, it's also tied to how we deal with china. liz: china's military has been increasing the number of intrusions into korean air space. >> the amazing thing is how brash china is. they have been waging this economic war, they have been threatening us, they have been building islands in the south china sea and we have been sitting there like we don't know what they are up to. if we can really deal with the economic trade and put them on notice, i think we can start to deal with these military threats as well. trump is right to do this.
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i know some people worried about this tariff fight. if we don't confront china in the next few years, we'll regret it. china does not want trade partners. they want tributary nations. if we don't deal with this trade theft, we won't like we have in the next' 10-15 years. liz: russia is doing some saber rattling, showing off laser weapons. what's your take on that? >> i go back to despite the left screaming bloody murder about trump being too cozy with putin, he has been aggressive with him, especially on the energy front. and trump knows what he's doing on this front.
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he confronted merkel and nordstream 2. he has gone to the eastern european country wres' trying to get them off russian energy. if he can cut to russian exports in these energy areas of gas and oil, he'll undernine all this other stuff taking place. he has to cut off the europeans from being significantly dependent on russian energy. if he can do that, he'll be able to put putin in his place. liz: this morning 1,000 friends and family attended the funeral service for president george h.w. bush.
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the funeral train carried the casket of our 41st president a short time ago to the presidential library in college station, texas. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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liz: tech execs met at the white house with ivanka trump, jared kushner, larry kudlow and others to talk about securing u.s. dominance in tech. gm's ceo mary barra met again with lawmakers today. her to upset with gm's tax breaks in light of their plant closures. let's bring in warren davidson. good to see you, sir. people are upset gm keeps coming with tin cup in hand and getting federal bailout and state
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bailouts. ohio gave gm a ton of tax breaks, now the factories are closing. >> it's disappointing. prior to that for 15 years i was in manufacturing. when i talk about the intersection of big tech and automotive, they are more closely connected than you would imagine. when mary barra came and talked to the delegation, one of the point i wanted to make is the good news is, unlike '08-'09, the economy is strong. i arounded to drive our economic development folks up to the plant for a job fair. liz: i have been watching gm for years. i have been doing business journalism for three decade.
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i was writing about gm for a long time. ohio in 2008 gave state income tax breaks to gm saying you don't have to pay 75% of your income taxes to the state of ohio for the next 15 years. should elected officials say we'll give you mr. car company a tax break with the caveat you have to show us how you will build factories you can retool to make smaller or bigger vehicles when gas prices go up or down. other car companies do that, why can't gm? >> the good news is honda has been doing that. the accord wasn't selling as well as they thought. the crv is doing well. controlsovers and suvs and trucks -- crossovers and suvs and trucks are selling.
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some of the things where the government has been involved. the government should not be running these companies. liz: i didn't mean to interrupt. but we don't want the government in there. but gm comes with a tin cup getting our tax help. if i at chrysler is opening a new factory in detroit. >> that's great. we'll see where that goes for gm. i think they have been outperformed by a number of companies and that's why they have had to come hat in hand. liz: it's been going on for decades. >> not to mention the subsidies. the government shouldn't be trying to steer that. the good news for gm is maybe they finally got the message. you are not going to get any
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more bailouts. you will have to take care of your balance sheet and do the right things. i was impressed that mary barra came to us and was speaking to us on the hill. liz: what about putting her feet to the fire. i watch mary barra. she is a great ceo. but listen closely to what she says. a lot of it is p.r. talk. is she going to move jobs to other factories in the u.s.? and is she going to stop outsourcing to mexico? we understand the economics of it and we understand the economics of tax breaks when you are not building factories that are flexible. >> the good news is a lot of that is happening in the u.s. when you tie that to what you were talking about earlier. the risk reduction modernization
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act, our countries are going to be more secure and strong. if we can accompany that with a reform to privacy whether it's the internet or your car or app you download on the phone, that was one of the questions i put to mary. it is an optimum practice for gm in the car. i hope they will see the competitive advantage of the united states, they should continue to invest. folks are happy to supply them. >> great people in ohio and michigan. really appreciate it. search and rescue efforts under way after two u.s. military planes collided in mid-air and crashed off the coast of japan overnight. it happened during a refueling exercise. five marines still missing.
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our thoughts and prayers are with the families. a southwest airlines plane skidded off the runway in burbank, california. there were no injuries among the 117 passengers. they were evacuated using emergency slides. children's ibuprofen was recalled after' high doses. check those labels there. brand-new analysis on how it saves lives. congress kicking the can down the road again. another temporary spending budget. what are we sending them to d.c. for? you may see another government shutdown in time for christmas.
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liz: congress passing a temporary interim spending bill today that will let the government be flood for two more weeks it's kicking the can down the road again. joining me now, trump 2020 advisory board members. madison, look at this from pew research. congress only managed to pass all required appropriations
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measures on time just four times since fiscal 1977. is this an argument for term limits? >> it's one of the many arguments for term limits. i remember last christmas we had same thing. every single year, they are never meeting the requirements and doing their jobs it's a shame we have to continue to talk about this. so between 1977 and 1997. it's frustrating. liz: it's like telling your children to go to your room until you get the job done. we'll sequester you in d.c. no campaigning, no political rallies. you have to be quarantined in d.c. and get a spending bill on time. >> we might as well try it. the politics have taken over the
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dynamic in the congress and there is too much time spent on the phone dialing for dollars. there has to be a way to stop it. liz: pelosi says she won't accept a pretty decent daca deal in exchange for a border wall. >> she is unwilling to compromise. when we look at congress and the idea of why we have two parties is because they need to compromise to get to the end solution. the republicans have tried to do that on many issues. but the democrats have put their hate for our president overcome their willingness to get anything done. >> the parties for two decades have been unable to do immigration compromise. liz: they are purposely
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politicizing the border. we know from internal emails super pacs say that's the way to go. 2006 to 2013 they said we need border security. get it done. >> i don't think the president would accept the border wall for a daca deal. liz: he had one. >> i wish we could compromise on immigration. it's not just right now and hatred for this president. liz: we should have gone the it down yesterday. >> i am for it. >> al, you are saying that's not true. 10, 20 years ago the democrats supported many of the things they are going against. so that's your perfect and prime
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example as to why their hate for our president changed their views and clouded their judgment when it comes to the immigration issue specifically. >> i believe it's on both sides, republicans and democrats pulling the football away. trump does it, too. liz: maybe we can move beyond that and just tell d.c., your voice, al, and madison's voice. like telling a child to go to your room until you clean it. get it done. it's astonishing. i want your reaction. congress has managed only four times since fiscal 1977 to pass all of its required spending measures on time. really? >> it's ridiculous. they ought to be here more than
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three days a week. and that would help. fundraising is a problem. term limits could be part of the solution. there is no incentive to get this done because there is no punishment. liz: coming up. former fbi director james comey will testify privately behind closed doors on capitol hill tomorrow. it will be transcribed then released to the public within 24 hours. but how will the media report on that? will you get to the truth of what's said? why a border wall could save thousands of lives every year. family bruce on that.
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liz: you know when something is staring aught and you say
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eureka? my next guest had that moment. he said trump's border wall could help save thousands of lives. with me is tammy bruce. >> my couple is out today. this is not new news. what was shocking to me was the cdc report last week that note and should alarm all of us. the drug overdose deaths and the suicides are at historic highs. in just 2017, over 72,000 people died from drug overdoses. that's more than the u.s. deaths in the vietnam, iraq and afghanistan washes combined. in one year in this country. suicides are at their historic high. 49,000 suicides in 2017. the cdc doesn't want to speculate on the cause. but what they do recognize is
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the importation of drugs, the opioid epidemic, the prescription drug dynamic, so they turn to heroin. then there is fentanyl which is the new synthetic opioid that kills you pretty much right away. a tiny amount will kill you. we have single individuals bringing into the country, and somebody was caught bringing over enough to kill 300 million americans. because it takes so little to end up killing you. this is at the bordered. 80% of the fentanyl comes in through the southern borderer and china is involved in that a sill takes as well. liz: that's based on the amount of fentanyl seized last year. life expectancy has been dragged down. >> you have got middle aged individuals dying too early
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because of the drug addiction and because of suicide. we know suicide is usually not one issue. it can be a multitude of issues. but when you are also dealing with drug addiction, the opioid addiction creates a hopelessness. thank goodness we are in economic recovery. people losing their homes. losing their savings. losing their jobs. that combined with drug addiction. president trump, we lost our doctors and hospitals and access to healthcare. we think that contribute to the nature of the suicide choice. because of the core of the people affected is driving down the life expectancy. liz: president trump is saying the u.s. will try to stop the importation of fentanyl into our
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country. that's part of the drug deal. having the troops at the border the border patrol says it's making the drug cartels crazy. >> because of the caravan, we boosted up the numbers. the cartels which rely on a lax framework, are furious. we need an orderly framework that happens at the border. but we must take seriously what's going on. 80% of fentanyl is coming in through the southern border. the majority of heroin is not coming from afghanistan. it's grown in mexico. it's cultivated and moved in through mexico. not only are we dealing with keeping bad guys out and the human trafficking. but when you have got three wars the deaths combined in one year,
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how is this not a war? all the american people deserve to be taken seriously. liz: is the trump white house capitalizing on this? >> they have got to talk more about the other issues involving the wall and why this matters. people know the opioid crisis and the prescription drugs, oxycontin. we know there is a heroin problem. people don't know that people have gone to street drugs when they can't get a prescription. you think of the poppy fields in afghanistan. this transcends political parties. i wish the president would speak more about it. liz: great information there. coming up a major arrest of illegals in massachusetts, more than 50 illegal immigrants busted in a multi-day tweet. three of them wanted for murder.
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it's the testimony we have been waiting for. former fbi director james comey will get a capitol hill grilling behind closed doors. but how will the media report on that? stay right there. ♪ there's no place like home ♪
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liz: tomorrow house republicans will finally get their chance to grill former fbi director james comey behind doors about his anti-trump bias affecting the election. the transcript will be made public within 24 hours of that session. joe concha is a media reporter. how will you report on it? >> if it's going to be made public in 24 hours. within an hour somebody will have to use the bathroom and there will be a call to the media. i think they have got the wrong guy here. i want to know why rod rosenstein isn't being called before congress. just nine weeks ago he said i think i will wear the president and try to get him on tape to
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compel his cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment. okay. we have comey. he's an open book. literally he's an open book. he did a thousand interviews. i'm exaggerating. it's dozens and dozens. liz: this is about a trump-hating, pro hillary delegation talk about impeaching trump. it looks like they did break the regulations in getting that fisa warrant. >> comey who is a very good public speaker. when he's done his testimony it seems to be the type of thing where he's measured in his responses. liz: did you tell the fisa court it was funded by the democrats,
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partly, you even said it was unverified on salacious. did you know at the time it was unverified and did you tell the court? >> why didn't you pursue going down this particular route. i also want to know why he leaked a private conversation or conversations he had with the president over dinner at the white house. then leaked everything he talked about to a friend at columbia university who gave it too the new york times and he admits for the so many purpose of compelling a special counsel to be appointed. and it happened. how is that legal? liz: good to see you, sir. we'll get to that i.c.e. arrest. 50 illegals in sanctuary friendly new england. we'll have tammy bruce back on that. hi, i'm joan lunden.
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>> welcome back. arresting more than 50 illegal immigrants over the past two days, this happened across massachusetts, rhode island, new hampshire and connecticut. among those arrested, three immigrants illegal from brazil, wanted there for murder. the i.c.e. raids taking place the same week the messages as republican governor said you know what? a state judge must temporarily
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step down after that judge let an undocumented immigrant here, basically, sneak out a back door to avoid i.c.e. agents waiting to take him into custody. tammy bruce is back with us on that story. great to have you back. >> thank you. correct that illegal, it had been deported multiple times. for multiple drug arrests. now the judge let him go out the back door. >> is interesting. during the court proceedings the judge called them up to the bench and the judge asked for the recording to stop. and that is when suddenly, then they resumed and there was suddenly charges dropped and somehow, the defense attorney was able to walk the defendant out through a side door, doctor which would not have been allowed without it being facilitated. being able to avoid i.c.e.
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agents. some judges and immigration advocates, of course do not want i.c.e. agents to be able to go into courthouses. they argue they have to stay outside and that seems to be changing a little bit. their arguments and this is one of the reasons why they want to be able to be in the courthouses to deal with this kind of thing. >> and we have seen another courts. >> yes, in this judge, understandably, they think the judge should not be hearing any federal cases. because if you are really obstructing law enforcement, why should you be on the bench? i mean, as a judge, you are supposed to be implementing the law. and adjudicating them. as opposed to helping a defendant sneak out to get away from law enforcement. that's crazy. >> she hears criminal cases, are you going to let other criminals go? >> no matter -- look, they are human beings and will have
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opinions on the issues. but if you're willing to skirt the law and the loss of an us to do so, what else are you doing that is not fair? request let's get to the 50 arrested, illegal immigrants selling opioids. >> yes, this is our discussion, it's a big deal. trafficking heroin and fentanyl. these are not drug users, these are traffickers. it is also a reminder to people what i.c.e. does. this is inside the country, the internal framework.they do not handle the they deal with criminal. gangs, drug traffickers, sex traffickers, kidnappers, murderers. getting those people wanted for murder. that is what i.c.e. does and is an organization many democrats want abolished. that would be a mistake because the people that are targeted and that are affected first and victimized first are the communities. >> right, that is the point. >> this is who we are trying to protect here. >> here's the other point, several towns affected here, their sanctuary cities, boston,
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cambridge, this is where the individuals have been detained. >> that's right. the people that were scooped up had been in custody. and then were released. again, we think, without someone driving under the influence or someone that made a mistake? no, these are drug traffickers. these are very serious individuals. >> but the victims of the crimes are treated like rounding errors. there is not a human being behind it. >> big government, whether it is about healthcare or law enforcement. when people become the budget and you become a chit on a piece of paper, you stop being a human being. this is why local law enforcement matters. you know judge is matter. they are supposed to see the individuals and yet they claim it is because they are sensitive to immigrants but this kind of action re-victimizes immigrants. legal immigrants playing by the rules and even undocumented people who were also playing by the rules.
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those are the people protected by i.c.e. >> great stuff, we need to have you back. thank you for having us in your home and thank you for watching. lou dobbs is next right here on the fox business network.♪ ♪ have a good night. ♪ [music] lou: good evening everybody. our top stories, major development in what has been another day of strong challenges and demand for president trump. and it is clear the president is fully committed to carrying out his agenda. advancing today on every issue from the appointment of his next attorney general, the robert mueller witchhunt and persistent attacks by radical dimm leaders. president trump is poised to name the next attorney general.


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