tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business December 10, 2018 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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whenever we tried to understand who was in the room, what views were being discussed, who could corroborate his version of events. he was hazy. but if there was any opportunity to put president in a bad light, jim comey took those shots. trish: conservative author and roger stone associate jerome corsi is filing a $300 million lawsuit against the fbi, the get of justice and robert mueller. mr. jerome corsi is right here with me in just a moment on all that. the liberal media continuing to work overtime on the intent to push a narrative that the indictment of the president is all but inevitable. i have imon through the legal
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documents and will share my thoughts. remember melania's decorations that sparked the controversy, the red trees. one of the volunteers who helped bring those decorations to light is here with why she is shocked and horrified. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. a conservative author in the cross-hairs of robert mueller's investigation firing back with a federal lawsuit. jerome corsi is accusing the special counsel of illegally searching his phone record and leaking grand jury information. he's also targeting the justice department, the fbi, the nsa and cia. and he's demanding $350 million in damages. the man behind this lawsuit,
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jerome corsi. there is anyone i forgot? you are pretty angry. walk me through it. what you are complaining of in this complaint regarding illegal and unconstitutional surveillance. >> i have been through a vicious experience and mueller is still vick deck toughly wanting to indictment me. they could walk in christmas day and take me away to washington, d.c. in handcuffs. trish: indict you for? >> i never committed a crime in my life, the only crime i committed was forgetting -- i meet mueller and suddenly i'm a criminal. the only crime i committed was speaking to mueller. i haven't as much as a parking ticket on my record. it's a horrible expense. and this lawsuit retaliates. trish: let's back up so the
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viewer has a sense of what's happening. the feds are saying you knew that podesta's emails were going to get leak boulevard anyone else did and they are alleging somehow you knew this because you had contact with julian assange, wikileaks and the russians. >> right. the whole purpose of the investigation, really an inquisition, this was six sessions, 40 hours, over two months of angry prosecutors who got increasingly angry. i never met julian assange. i figured out in august when i was in italy with my wife that assange had podesta's emails. trish: how did you figure that out? >> i had excellent intelligence whack ground on how the
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democrats configured their computer system. when they released the emails on debbie wasserman-schultz, i knew they came out of the dnc's server. and podesta's emails were missing. whoever got into that server had to have seen podesta's emails. and i was sure those were the ones being rye served for -- reserved for the october surprise. it was assange-stone, assange-stone. trish: you said i figured this out. >> they said we don't want to hear your logic or narratives. anything i had to say that was contrary to mueller's preconceived notion they didn't want to hear. they made it a horror show for me with this 8-inch thick bind were my name on it. they wouldn't let me see what's
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in it. i gave them my cell phone, and my time machine and computer. i felt like an american prisoner in the korean war. trish: you are there to cooperate, they say you don't have the answer we want. >> they don't believe you. dr. corsi, it's impossible you figured this out. j.d. reid actually ridiculed me. one of the special prosecutors who represented hillary in her email cases and the clinton foundation. she said you are asking to us believe on this trip to italy with your wife and family for your 25th wedding anniversary you had divine inspiration. i said i will afirm jesus christ
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as my personal lord and savior. if you want to ridicule god, go ahead. but i'm telling you i connected the dots. that's where the prosecutors beamed this up and decided at this point i was going to be a criminal. who said this, what did this person say, what did this person think. my attorney and i said i don't have a memory of my emails. i don't have a memory of what conversations. i'm not a human tape-recorder. you can't punch a button and get me to record a conversation from 2016. they let me amended my testimony over and over again. then they finally said, you have lied to us. coming back the second round, another one of the prosecutors said when are you going to quit lying to us.
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trish: walk me through this lawsuit. you are saying i am not taking you're below deal and i'm suing you. they violated your fourth amendment. >> they are asking about phone calls. they are telling my attorneys they have the contents of the phone calls. they won't show them to me. i think this program is under surveillance. the prosecutors are listening tonight to see if i say anything that they can use to somehow concoct a perjury charge on me. because they are vicious dogs and they are after putting me away for the rest of my life. 72 years old and they want to send me to prison sat christmastime. trish: didn't you provide them a lot of information? >> i gave them my phone records with the numbers i called. they had contents of my phone calls. they were asking questions about
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the contents which they seemed to know going back a great deal of time. any phone is being listened to tonight. my computer is being whrissenned to. and this program is being whrissenned to. if i make a tiny mistake in memory they will pounce on me and put me in prison. i want to call them out for leaking, i want to call them out for how much surveillance have i been on? have i been under surveillance since 2004 when i wrote "unfit for command"? i want to nope how long i have been under surveillance. this is a nightmare, trish. trish: you said it is. and the topic of christmas dinner if they don't get you before then. is grandpa going to jail. life in prison. >> i'm 72 years old. one year in prison could be a
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life sentence. trish: good luck, tom. you have an e-book that walks everybody through all of it titled -- >> "silent no more." it will be in e-book form this weekend. i finished recording the book this weekend. you will hear me tell the story. trish: joining me is kurt schlichter. everybody's total fear. the feds show up on your doorstep and demand this, that or the other. they say the was this way, and they say that's not what we want to hear. does he have any recourse? he's filing suit. >> this -- if true what dr. corsi is saying is accurate. this is an outrage.
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this is a disgrace, this is a complete betrayal of everything we believe in as americans. that millions of americans have defended overseas. it's atrocious if it's even partially true. i'm running out of jaj toughs i can use that are fcc compliant, trish. trish: you know what they say, doug, you don't want to mess with the feds. you were a former prosecutor. can tactics get a little rough? >> i agree with curt. i have been in meeting after meeting as a defense lawyer with sarcastic characterizations, how can you possibly be telling us that with a straight face. while i almost never plug a book, everybody run out and read "license to lie" by sidney powell. she talks about the enron case.
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she lays it out. and when you have frustrated prosecutors you can be in this situation. people should be worried. this is not a joke. trish: are they frustrated? they have been dig and digging, and they have gone on for 18-plus months and so far no evidence of anything regarding collusion and the russians. >> everything points to a bunch of fatally conflicted prosecutors look for something to overturn the election of 2016. that's the only reasonable conclusion we can take out of this. they found nothing that is like the collusion we were promised. this is a travesty. i don't know what happened to my country, trish. trish: you get people like jerome corsi who said i never even had a parking ticket.
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now he's facing this interrogation from the feds. what's happening to our country? >> it's use the criminal law as a weapon, weaponizing criminal law in the contexts of intense political differences. professor dershowitz has spoken about this on and on and he's right. when you are seeing process lies lying only. when you are seeing the technical situations, and let's throw in when you are seeing legitimate crime but it has doing in with the original mandate, then you know this is weaponizing criminal law, and i'm sure my colleague would agree. trish: china summons our ambassador in protest to the arrest of a stop executive'' of huawei. former assistant under secretary of defense for policy planning
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on advice he would give to the president during this intense time. congressional newcomer democrats socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez making another big gaffe. this time severely misquoting the constitution of the united states. her big flub. don't know anywhere. that's next. i'm ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet?
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>> for the first time a man named pillsbury, an expert. i saw him i think on your show, actually. he said china for the first time he's never seen anything like it, we are doing so well. he said much more than that, but if i say it you will say i'm bragging and i don't want to do that. we are doing great against china and russia. trish: that was the president singing the praises of our next guest, former assistant for secretary of defense, mr. michael -- pillsbury.
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we are getting word the american ambassador to china has been sum manned to beijing by the chinese government in regards to the detention of the huawei executive. are we running into some trouble here in terms of trade talks in your view? >> i don't think it chinese will connect the arrest of miss wan with krai -- with trade talks. critics are saying i weren't go to china, they might take a hostage. there is a similar article in the canadian press. canadian businessmen should avoid travel to china. they have made concessions to the president already in the past two weeks.
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i think we are on the right track. trish: i had a guest say to me the other night that it's possible if donald trump is successful here he may be able to do with china what president reagan was able to do swoaft yet union and dismantle the current chinese structure as it exists. >> i don't think that's president trump's goal. i think he laid out in a book he wrote 18 years ago. it's called "the america we deserve." it has a chapter on china. it says china will be our biggest challenge to america in the long term. he lays out what he's trying to do. i think that's what he's work on. trish: what's the goal here. you get them to stop stealing
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intellectual property? >> they are denying they ever did that. part of the problem is to get them into serious talks that will lead to a verifiable agreement that will avoid the tricks used against us in the past. so that's why i'm bringing ambassador bob lighthizer who has a long record. bob light highser was already work on the japan unfair trade problem and he had a huge success there. they think president trump is super smart, they compare him ahead of past presidents. but they are really scared of bob lighthizer as well because of his success with japan. that led to a series of written agreements with verification measures in it. i think that's one of the goals. by the way, that's one of the areas of concession. the chinese said we are going to criminalize intellectual property theft.
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it's a big shift. they are talking about opening up their market to american companies more. trish: let me ask you about the public display president trump has against china. bob ruben who was the treasury secretary under president clinton told me 6-8 months ago that he didn't like the strategy this president had. he said it's too public. he said the chinese are always trying to save face. if you go after them as publicly as this president is doing, you are not going to get anywhere because they will retreat. what do you think of mr. ruben's comments in light of the president doing the opposite. >> i think ruben is wrong. he has a wonderful line he keeps use over and over. he says i don't blame china. i blame past american leaders
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for not calling china on that bad behavior. that's not causing the chinese to lose faith. and he praises president xi. it isn't that we need to save the face of 3 billion chinese. it's just the leader who has the power to make the concessions president trump is seeking. president trump goats out of the way to praise president xi. trish: he's complimenting them while simultaneously saying you have got to get your act together. >> there is one change. wilbur ross was supposed to be the lead for negotiations because about ross had been to china 85 times and is highly familiar with the chinese. but then it was changed to steve mnuchin maybe because of his goldman sachs background and they thought neighbor he would get the deal. so now it's bob lighthizer.
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it's significant because it's a trade attorney. this is his life. he knows how to get other countries to sign agreements that work for the united states. i think we are on the magic third choice as a negotiator. trish: thank you so much. the liberal media's hatred for president trump on full offense. they are sure the president is guilty of something and an indictment is days away. are they reading the same robert mueller memo i am reading and poring through? i'm setting the record straight. and democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez might want to take a civics lesson or two because she doesn't know how our government works. even though our constitution states you need to be 35 years
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>> this president has to be indicted cause of the connection with the crimes which actually helped him get elected. >> even if a sitting president can't be indicted, his future looks like it's behind bars unless he cuts a deal with the prosecutors. >> on the day donald trump leaves office, the justice department may indict him. he may be the first president to face the prospect of jail time. trish: they all seem to think the president is guilty of
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something. what exactly, we don't exactly know. but before we jump to impeachment, let's take a moment to understand constitutionally what that means. i cite right now for you article two, section four of the constitution which reads quote the president shall be removed from office for conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. you have to actually be convicted by the senate to be removed from office. and that's a pretty high bar to cross. so what is it they think they have, those in the liberal media? campaign finance violations tide to alleged payment made to stormy daniels or karen mcdougal? and they are because it on michael cohen who is hardly a credible witness.
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on page 11 here of the u.s. district court southern district of new york sentencing memo. prosecutors say and i quote here with respect to payments michael cohen acted with the intent to influence the 2016 presidential election. all right. remember when john edward was running for evidence and the "national enquirer" unearthed his relationship with another woman as well as a child they had. they also uncovered payments were made to the woman. was that a campaign finance crime? it turned out the doj dropped the case. edwards lawyers argued the payments were personal and they were done to protect edwards' family.
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he said what i did for my personal clients and friend is what attorneys do for their high-profile clients. we don't know with michael cohen because you can't exactly call him a credible witness. but if this was a personal payment, then how is that illegal? most of legal scholars will tell you if the president's intention was to hide this issue from his family then it's a personal issue. if he was deliberately trying to hide it from the american public because it threatened his campaign he might have a problem. but legal scholars will also tell you intent itself is very hard to prove. that's one issue. another issue, president trump could have been talking to russians until he won the presidency.
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that's not illegal either. which brings us back to high crimes and misdemeanors. while mr. mueller may have inconsistencies in testimony. convicting the president of a high crime or midst, it's going to be a very tall order. so you wouldn't know it if you listened to the main real media. adam, i am going through this. and so many is redacted, we don't even know exactly what mueller has. yet you have got people out there rushing anding to this conclusion. >> we do know and we don't know what we don't know. for all the people rushing to conclusions saying the president should be impeached, i think that they are off base it's too early. and they are making a conclusion
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that's not backed by the evidence. trish: they are jumping to some conclusion. i think they probably want to see. to the bias out there in the media. let me ask you about the campaign finance violations. i would say it's even more onerous because in edwards' case was a donor making the payment. >> the difference is you have actual money coming from donors, constituents donating to edwards which he used for somebody he got pregnant, to support the family. the trump cases are different. trump never used constituents money to pay for that. the payment were never made by trump. the payment michael cohen paid
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out of his private account was paid by by trump's money. there was never any constituent money paid. that's a big road black for the federal elections commission to jump over. trish: i know you worked donald trump. >> i have sued himselfen times. and i am the only one to ever sue him successfully. trish: that should have been my lead into you. the guy who sued donald trump seven times. when you hear with the potential building of the moscow tower or his team may have been having discussions right up until he accepted donations from the republican party, could you see something that could impeach him? >> i know one of the people do involved in the discussions, he
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has any right to build whatever he wants to build anywhere in the world, including moscow, he's allowed to do up until the day he takes office. trish: we live in a global marketplace. >> and he's doing business until the day he becomes president of the united states. trish: so this jump between maybe they are building a tower in moscow conclusion with the russians, it seems like a big distance? in between the two. >> so far the evidence we have, there is no collusion there. also donald trump hasn't built anything since around early 2000s, he's licensing his name. so he wouldn't be building anything anyway. that's what he does. he licenses his name and he does the management. he didn't build. a russian company built.
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so sader, one of the people hund tonight russia. trish: he works with trump to build a property. >> bay rock involving trump soho. trish: given that you have sued the president so many times and you know the cast of characters surrounding him, do you think he was conspire together russians to steal the election from hillary clinton? >> i know for a fact that when he was in moscow he was there to do business, not to steal elections. it wouldn't make any sense for him, there would be no connection to the people he's dealing with in moscow to be -- there is no connection to stealing elections. now there is a big we don't know. there is an order that attorney general mueller has, it's the
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most of open-ended order i have read in my 20-something year career saying go do whatever you want as a prosecutor and grab any crime and go after the president as much as you want, which is unfair. there is no one to curb or say do you have an offer of proof. where are you going with this. it's unfair to the president. trish: those in the media who show some responsibility actually come in to hold some of these people accountable. thank you so much. good to have you here. socialist door lung and newly elected alexandria ocasio-cortez continuing to make waves on capitol hill. why her latest flub shows she might need a lesson in history. the liberal media can't say anything nice when it comes to the white house christmas decor. one of the volunteers who helped
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trish: socialist darling incoming congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, she is already joke about making a presidential run. during a photo shoot with "politico" she said quote the constitution technically he cannot run until and necessary's 35. so we'll force the republican party to pass the equal rights amendment by threatening to run for president. the constitution doesn't say he cannot run for office. it says any person. pretty fascinating. the founding taughters knew what they were doing. another day, another catch.
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andrew feldman, she can't get out of her own way, it seems. >> it's such a rare combination of deep ignorance and deep arrogance but she is pulling it off. we have somebody who is a member of congress in our government who is an elected representative. i think she might not have read the constitution. she talked about the three branches of congress and how she is going to get to congress and sign bills. when you read that interview with "politico" she never took logic. this is a bizarre logic the conversation revolves around. we have an equal rights amendment. she just keeps right ongoing and lacks self-awareness. trish: andrew, are you embarrassed at all that she is
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part of your party? do you watch the things that she does and -- >> i'm not embearsd at all, trish. this was at an event, it was a joke she was making and she made a slip-up. the reality is the democratic party is a big tent party. we are welcoming to those on the far left and welcoming to those more moderate. we are willing to take folks who used to be republicans and we are willing to take those. trish: that's a way to spin it. the reality is she has inspired millions of americans to get behind the democratic party and fight for fairness and equality. and the point she was making is actually i can tell you where it's valid. republicans in congress, republicans in congress', last
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point here, republicans in congress have not stood for equality time and time again. trish: that's not fair. i will let you take a stab at that one, ned. but i don't think that's a fair characterization for to you make. >> it's not fair at all. the thing about republicans, it's amazing when the left points at us and says we are racist or misogynist. i don't see color or gender. i see talent. everybody with talent regardless of race or gender should have equal opportunity. the policies are gender and color blind. the tax policy. a rising tide lifts all boats. alexandria ocasio-cortez is frightened because you know she is not alone. there are many like her who i
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consider are deeply ignore ranltd. and she she says we should go 100% green energy because it will solve racial issues. trish: you say you are a big tent party, do you believe in the socialist direction of your party? i think that the party of yesteryear of the democrats is disappearing. and i think that is problematic for you. you look at coal miners in pennsylvania, and they didn't relate to hillary clinton and they won't relate top alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> we have over 40 incoming come from a diverse set of backgrounds. look at the victories we had in virginia. trish: don't you want a central
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theme in our economic policy? you all work and we'll take that money and redistribute it all. >> that's not what we are saying. we want to make sure we are being fair. what ned is saying is absurd. you guys in congress, the republicans voted time and time again against equal pay for equal work. i don't know how you can put aside race and put aside politics. trish: whether you are racist or sexist, islamophobic. that's all you got. what i would emphasize to think about the policy as we do every single night on this show. policy matters. you can talk about this group and that group and identity politics all you want. but lower taxes, less regulation that will make a difference in our economy and will make a difference in every single
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person's future. i have got to leave it there. coming up, remember first lady melania trump's christmas decorations that got so criticized for being too spooky and evil? coming up, i'm talking to one of the volunteers who worked hard to bring those decorations to life. her message to the critics. the laters. that's next.
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trish: the norrist who helped create the berry red christmas tree is shocked by the criticism her designed got on line. she joins us now. vicky, i'll start with you. you were selected from 7,000 volunteers who helped design the white house christmas decorations. i know you worked with a lot of volunteers for many days to
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couple this concept and have that concept come to life with the first lady worked so closely with all of you on. then you hear what the mainstream media says, and there were lots and lots of jokes by the. cams your reaction. >> hi, trish. yeah, i was caught off guard. we had worked three days solid straight, and we have a team of about 15 people who assembled 45 trees. and we were the last team to finish up to get out of the white house before the unveiling with mrs. trump. and we weren't allowed to talk about it, no social media, no photos for the three days we were in there working. and then monday we went back for the unveiling and we were
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allowed to talk about it. but that's when it hit the social media. the first thing i saw was that melania covered the white house in blood this christmas. i was horrified. i couldn't bleach somebody would say something so horrible over christmas decorations. trish: that's the way they are, right? if you dare to be associated with anything president trump they kind of go for the jugular. in this case they are just christmas decorations. >> it's the war on trump merging with the war on christmas. a war on everything. and that kind of social media is driven by this media. they help contro -- they help tr and twitter ran with it. trish: it reached a level that
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has pushed the envelope in ways that are not very christmas-like. >> this is the second year in a row they took issue with her christmas decorations. the first year the was too white. now this year it's too red. there was nothing wrong with the berry red christmas trees. the decorations were spectacular. they were elegant and traditional in almost all the rooms. the hallway was unique and something we hadn't seen before, but it didn't deserve the coverage it received. the "new york" magazine released a video of the american horror story mixed in with the white house christmas video. in were bloody monsters. trish: america does appreciate
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we spoke up and it made all the difference. ask your parkinson's specialist about nuplazid. our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. holiday inn express. book now for at least 20% off during our annual sale. from capital one.nd i switched to the spark cash card i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet? trish: i just wanted to end tonight's show by wishing my two little girls, my twin daughters happy birthday. nine years old. i can't even believe it. it just seems like it was just yesterday that we brought them home i from the hospital.
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it's really remarkable. they're still the same little people. the personalities that they had from day one are still true to this day. incredible thing being a parent. i'll see you right here tomorrow night. happy birthday elizabeth and alexandra. kennedy: the hunt is on for the next white house chief of staff. democrats are claiming the shakeup is proof the administration is in turmoil. but the question remains, is president trump actually his own best chief of staff. over the weekend we learned that current chief john kelly will be stepping down by the end of the year. he's been on the job just shy of a year and a half. which in reality is a long time to hold that position. but you'd never know that if you listen to the doom and gloom on main street media. last night the president tweeted i'm in the process of interviewing really good people for the white house chief of f.
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