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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 13, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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states. now you will have to start taxing everybody a lot more because you are overspending. that does it forward bulls and bears. thanks for watching us. we'll see you next time. president trump: i met with president xi at the end, and we had a fantastic meeting. we placed tremendous tariffs on china. if china's economy is in trouble, it's only in trouble because of me. people won't report on that, they only report on nonsense. the stock market trying to get a handle on the fast flow of news out of the china. canada still does not know the whereabouts much two canadian citizens arrested in china and held for questioning. one of the canadians is held
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near the border with north korea. we'll bring in a top pro to break it all down to tell us how this will all end. you are looking at a christmas government shutdown. the house just took a break. it's coming bang next week just two days before the deadline that could shut down the government. the democrats are spending timed grandstanding in the media. we'll remind the democrats about their schumer shutdown before they start pointing fingers. also, a democrat california congressman showing voters why they should fire him. he told cnn he wishes he could regular threat free speech even though he swore an oath to uphold the first amendment. he said i would like to regulate
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fox news but the first amendment topped me. they rip into the first lady for defending herself. but now the tables are turned. we have the debate behind tomorrow's headlines. "the evening edit" starts trite now. [♪] we have got an impending government shutdown as democrats continue to waste time going on tv to politicize this. not doing the hard work to avoid it. remember the democrat schumer shutdown. in classic nancy pelosi style, sheer is nancy pelosi criticizing president trump. >> perhaps he doesn't understand people need their paychecks. maybe that's not the life he leads. liz: with me now is republican
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congressman andy biggs. where she was last we are when the democrats shut down the government. >> she mischaracterized what happened anyway because we already funded 75% to 80% of the government and the essential employees would stay funded. liz: i want to talk to you about the entrapment allegations against the fbi. the fbi being accused of entrapping michael flynn. the judge on michael flynn's sentencing. people are saying he should throw out that flynn verdict because there was entrapment. fbi agents peter mccabe and andrew strong, they told him not to get his own lawyer. >> they violated protocol by not
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notifying the white house they were going to interest few flynn. comey takes credit for that. they pressured the guy and violated his rights, in my opinion. and it looks like this judge is going to seriously consider throwing this out based on the reports we have been trying to get for a year, that the doj and fbi have failed to give us. the 302s, those interviews will help us understand how much pressure they put on general flynn. liz: andrew mccabe effectively said i he can plawned the quickest way to get this interview done was to have a conversation between you michael flynn and us. peter strzok was sitting there. they wanted him relaxed. and they didn't warn hip that misleading the fbi d warn him
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that misleading the fbi is a crime. >> strzok and mccabe, two of the highest level antitrumps. they said you don't need to worry about this. let's get it or and done with. mr. comey directed them to go there without notifying the white house. it would not surprise me in the least if this gets tossed. liz: the flynning conversations with that russian ambassador, they were unmasked and revealed by the obama white house. then it looked like the fbi went in and did what it did. both mccabe and strzok have been fired for misconduct. we bring it up because the viewer and the american people the polls show are wondering when are policies going to get fictioned in washington? instead we have things like this going on. >> we need to get to the serious
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business of poll is, funding the wall, healthcare and funding the government. this level of misconduct at the -- oj and fbi are important to root out because it affects our entire republic. he had 10 of them fired or removed. so we have to do more. but i think criminal prosecutions need to go on. but that's the doj's parameters. they told me they would do so under testimony in congress. but they have not done it. congress has to continue its investigation. give the information over to the doj and ask for prosecution. if we can't get prosecution we need to get a different special counsel who will prosecute the case. we have been pushing for it and
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it just hasn't happened. liz: e.u. leaders confirmed the brexit agreement with bring taken is quote not open for negotiation despite pleas from theresa may for change. ashley webster this london with the latest. reporter: the u.k. prime minister theresa may back in london battered and bruised, trying to win concessions from her e.u. counterparts. theresa may hopes she can renegotiate a deal that will pass in parliament. there is a possible norway plus option that would keep the up k.
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out of the e.u. but it calls for it free movement of people. and the possibility of a second referendum. the u.s. ambassador of the u.k. put out this tweet. he said i can't overemphasize the willingness of the american people and president trump to make a strong free trade agreement between our two countries. theresa may says she'll step down before the next general election. not only is time running out on her brexit negotiations, time is running out on her own job as well. liz: we are watching the dow closely. we are checking for you the nasdaq and s & p. let's get to the head of the marc margaret thatcher center. you heard it, niles.
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surely you can't be happy about this. >> i think the situation for theresa may is very grim. she survived a no confidence vote in london, though 117 of her own mps voted against it, a majority of back bench mps. and she has been in brussels all day today where she received no concessions whatsoever in terms of a change to the e.u. agreement. so it certainly is a very bleak day, i think in' respects for the prime minister. i think definitely britain is heading toward a no deal brexit. there is no way she is going to get her e.u. brexit deal through parliament. i don't think there is any appetite within the conservative party for a second referendum. there isn't enough parliamentary support for a norway style
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solution that was referenced earlier. the only realistic way forward now is a no-deal brexit. >> the up k., the bottom line is, the u.k. will stay handcuffed to some degree to slow growth, no growth dead in the water. the court can regulate toasters and waffle irons. you don't see tech companies like apple building new campuses in europe. they are going to places in the united states instead. it happens once in a generation or he other. a leader comes in and changes it all, margaret thatcher. but in the interim things fall into the tank. >> unfortunately. theresa may is no margaret thatcher. i think the e.u. has been
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entering these negotiations in an extremely negative, mean spirited fashion in order to warn other european countries against league the european union. and certainly under theresa may's proposal, a person would be subject to the ruling of the european court of justice. it's unacceptable in my opinion. however, under a no deal, britain would be completely free of the shackles of the european union. why should britain want to be tide a singing e.u. titanic with huge amounts of red tape and regulation. britain is far better off completely outside of the european union. that's the u.s. ambassador to the united kingdom said there is a tremendous appetite in washington for a u.s./u.k. trade
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agreement. this is the opportunity the britain has today and the opportunity britain must see. liz: breaking news as well. leaders in the european union are saying they do want to work for a speedy new trade deal with britain to avoid triggering the irish border guarantee, the back stop problem. southern ireland is part of the e.u., northern ireland stays with the u.k. there is a border fight there. >> northern ireland is central to these negotiations. today what you saw was a divide within the european union over the possibility of making a legal concession to the united kingdom. so you have support from 0
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european leaders. urging a more pragmatic approach. but you have leaders like emmanuel macron saying under no circumstances can there be a renegotiation of these deals. emmanuel macron believes brexit is a crime as he calls it. liz: as he faces riots in the street, he says that. >> macron has huge domestic problems, yet he's going out of his way to make things difficult for britain li you have europeans in france, italy and germany under fire. now to the next breaking news story. china playing hardball in the wake of candace arrest the
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huawei executive. china is saying it will reduce auto tariffs. open up its mark totes foreigners, and it's happening at lightning speed. edward lawrence is in d.c. reporter: an olive branch to farmers in the u.s. the chinese bought $500 million worth of soybeans. but this will do little to improve the trade deficit. they do not want to see the tariffs on $200 billion worth of imports for a 5% tariff. the president says his policies are bringing china to the table. >> i have great respect for president xi. he's not a capitulator. if china's economy is in
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trouble, it's because of me. we have taken in $11 billion worth of taxes i taxed china. we never made any money with china. we lost money. >> he wants to balance the trade with the chinese. for their part they are make changes to their 2025 plan. critics want to see the final plan to see that it actually has this and not just window dressing. still it arrest of the huawei cf new york canada is causing tensions with china. china has arrested two canadians in their country. some u.s. officials call that an interesting coincidence. liz: french officials announcing the christmas market terrorist
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is shot dead. he's killed in a shootout with bliss. edkilled two people in a shootout in the strasbourg, france. he initially escaped, now he's dead. one third all americans will be on the road for christmas and driving is getting much cheaper. gas prices down for 64 straight days. the national average is dropping to $2.39. we are tracking this developing story. the justice department business to unseal criminal charges against chinese economic cyber hackers and spies. you won't believe what cn has been ripping off. what china has been ripping off.
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c dmrks n calls melania trump whiney.
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liz: china arresting two canadians in an interesting tit for tat. but china giving in to trump, and agreeing to buy a trillion dollars of our products. not you justice department is reported lire about to unseal new criminal charges against chinese cyber hackers. great to see you. >> what's your take on all of this? >> the mandates to worry about is march 1. that's the dead line president imrks i and trump have to adhere too in terms after tariff understanding. when you have people arresting
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folks in canada and different things china is doing with regards to soybeans and tariffs, but these are all things that can be changed and turned over differently. with so much chaos and disorder in place, i would be thinking about tempering my expectations. liz: if chain a has been audacious in way it's stolen from us. so it doesn't have to spend money on r & d. you are looking a u.s. products there. they have stolen designs for missile defense systems and tried to copycat our company names. >> the scary thing. i think we'll see the marriott hack where 5. >> 0 mill people's catsa was
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take away. i think that's a major negotiating points for trump. he has some successes to point to. now he has a lever that has been damaged out there to negotiate better terms. >> the government run by both political parties, the house is on fire and they have been smoking in bed. you see custodies like detroit and california and the midwest. do you think the market should calm down and wait for trump to deliver? >> trump deserves a chance. i think long term tariffs are a bad thing for the economy.
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liz: teddy roosevelt did tariffs, but do think he'll come away with something that helps the american people. >> i think longer term he won't make waves. liz: california residents may have to foot the bill for fires that happened last month. the electric company pg & e is looking to raise rates to pay for the billions they may owe for lawsuits, blaming pg & e's faulty equipment. in other headlines we brought you this story last night. richard bran son's virgin galacticca blue into space.
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four nasa funded researchers went more than 50 miles above the earth. we are closer to space tourism. morgan stanley wants to invest in outer space. morgan stanley hosted their first ever conference about investing in outer space. one republican senator says if you don't think trump is serious about a government shutdown, think again. a democrat congressman shows voters why they should fire him. he swore an oath to uphold the constitution like free speech. now he says he would love to regulate free speech. ♪
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liz: you are watching the fox business network. the fight over the border wall. republican senator john kennedy says president trump is dead serious when it comes to shutting down the government by christmastime over border wall funding. watch. >> it looks to me like he's serious as four heart attacked and a stroke. he's not bluffing. he's not believing. >> he and it bluffing. he says it's coming. >> i think trump meant every word he said in that meeting with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. his base turned out in groves because they wanted the wall.
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at the rallies they weren't chanting lower my taxes, they were chanting build the wall. here we are, liz, two years into the trump administration and we still have no wall. it seems like his only option is to shut down the government to get the money he need. trump supporters would love to see this happen. many of us were hoping he would have shut down the government earlier. instead he signed the bill that expanded catch and release and gave no funding to the wall. liz: republicans had a deal in june and it fell apart in was money for a wall. what are democrats complaining about? what's wrong with the border wall? they were for border fencing before they were against it. you have served our country in the military, we thank you for
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that. what's your take in all that? >> i am not opposed to a wall. democrats mainly are opposed how this is getting funded. even this morning you saw president trump saying mexico will pay. he said that more than 20 times on the campaign trail. now he's saying the new trade dial "pay for it. we believe that's disingenuous without supporting facts to back that up. they offers $1.3 billion, but the president wants $5 billion. we want to know where that money is coming from because we want to be good stewards of the taxpayers money. kristen, where are the democrats worrying about funding when they blew out the deficit under
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obama. >> i never heard democrats care about government spending before trump came into office. to push back on my fellow panelists. it's not just funding that democrats have a problem with. nancy pelosi said the wall was quote immoral. it's obvious why a lot of conservatives and trump supporters are worried. the dhs says they are apprehending 3,000 illegals a day at the border. >> my main concern is look what happened at the last government shutdown. we can't afford for that to happen because mitch mcconnell wouldn't allow a vote to the floor to fund our military during that crisis. we have to find a way to meet in the middle and compromise.
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our troops are going to suffer, i'm opposed to that, liz. liz: maybe it's like when you tell your children, go to your room and clean your room, and you are not coming out until you do it flips other news crossing. new data shows talka renewals -- daca remules, there is stuff happening with the border. you wish they could button it down. >> a lot of it is about common sense. and it would be easy to compromise, but i don't see that coming from the left. i don't see any rhetoric that suggests they want to compromise. liz: it looks like google's authoritarian culture is worse than anybody thought.
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cnn bashing the first lady after she defends herself. a california congressman shows voters why they should fire him. he says he would love to regulate free speech. and he's talking about censoring media. more on the unhinged left next. stay there. so no matter what you trade, or where you trade, you'll only pay $4.95. fidelity. open an account today. you'll only pay $4.95. ...that's why i've got the power of 1-2-3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy. the power of 1-2-3 ♪ trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i'm breathing better.
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liz: california democrat ted lieu showing why voters should fire him. he says he would like to regulate possibly going so far as to censor free speech. watch what he says. >> i would love to be able to regulate the content of speech. the first amendment prevents me from doing so. liz: he also said in a tweet
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within would i like to regulate fox news yes but i can't because the first amendment stops me. he said that's ultimately a good thing in the long run. the constitution keeps wannabe tyrants like that in check. what's your take on what he said? >> absolutely baffling. thankfully he did follow up his comments saying in the long run i thinks it's good that the government doesn't prevent sproo free speech. but if you take the first part of what he says, the only thing preventing free speech is the pesky first amendment. and i think it's sad. the democratic party did used to be the party of free speech. their mantra was i don't like
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what you have to say but i will fight for your right to say it. now their mantra will be i don't like what you say, if you don't stop saying it i will burn down your city. look at tech companies, liberal tech giant like google and facebook. they continuously suppressed continuous voices. we have former employees from both of those companies saying the anti-conservative bias is worse than what we thought. liz: this is supposed to be the tolerant left that welcomes debate but instead they shut it down. >> you are right. we have seen this increasing anti-tolerant rhetoric getting worse and worse. liz: this is a congressman who told the nation yes, i would like to regulate free speech.
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and he feels like he's held up. he's a democrat. i think he's on hughes judiciary. correct me if i'm wrong. he said all that. he tweeted it, then he is trying to say i go along with the first snement. >> i don't believe him. unfortunately this is becoming more common on the left. getting back to what you say with the tolerance on the left. this has become the norm goes leaders on the left. we have eric holder saying when they are down, you kick them. it's quite scary. this kind of rhetoric turps into actions. >> guests and pundits on cnn attacking first lady melania trump calling her whiney when she tried to defend herself. >> you would think in her rare
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public appearances that some terrible wrong has been done to her. i'm surprised by that air of grievance. >> first families get a lot of attention and are reported on on the news all the time. >> she continues to whine about a situation she is part of and it's a great honor to be first lady. liz: first families and historically have been off limit. you are not supposed to talk about the first family, including the first lady. but they have in the past. they went after laura bush and other first ladies as well. >> can you imagine if people in the news used that kind of rhetoric to talk about michelle obama? of course it would be horrible. and they are using that rhetoric to describe melania trump.
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melania proved she is not just poised and intelligent. but she is becoming politically savvy as well. she was absolutely right to call out the media. these are outlets that were losing viewers and readers until trump came into office. so she is right when she criticizes them, and she has every right to defend herself and it's sad to see the media tearing her personally apart. they also criticized her for the christmas decorations in the white house. you had outlets like "the washington post" making comments. unstead of coming together on christmas they used it to divide us more and attack the first family. >> a new warning. we have the report that indicates chinese spies may be inside the ranks of google.
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coming up. we have gregg jarrett. he'll come on to talk about the fbi's entrapment of michael flynn and whether a judge should throw out all charges against michael flynn. that's coming up. stay there. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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liz: google's authoritarian culture is worse than anybody thought. a new report says google workers are trained to avoid the temp workers it's about protecting their preprior terry technology. remember the office shooting at youtube? apparently the company did not send a warning to employees. a new report is they are employing people who could be working for the government of china. let's bring in security analyst robert cicilanno. >> the issue, vice president pence has called for going toll cancel their plans to implement
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dragonfly which is an app, essentially a censored search engine chinese would deploy for their citizens that could invade their privacy. it could surveil the citizens and gather data about them in ways that could be used against those citizens. employees at google, some of them are fighting against it. vice president trump and others are calling fear it to end. liz: eli lake did a couple at bloomberg. he said he got a letter from google workers saying google hired people work for the chinese government. effectively you are an appendage of the government. much like the way the soviet union treated the government.
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the other thing to your point. google abandoned its plans to have a kren seared search engine. >> it's very likely, it's inevitable that there are spies within google that are chinese state sponsors that are essentially finding out as much intelligence as they can if and when google decide to cancel dragonfly, it's likely something in its place will be deployed by china. this is out there. eli and everyone else is published this it's just a matter of time until china has implemented a technology that has slipped up all their citizen's data. >> thank you so much.
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thanks for coming in. billionaire democrat mega donor tom tires is calling on -- stire is calling on democrats to kick republicans' you know what and more. stay right there.
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>> welcome back. music billionaire, mega donor on a crusade for the president and
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this is what he just said about the political war over climate change. it's time to kick him in there you know what and crushed these people. legal analyst greg jarrett is here with us. >> first of all, america is the world leader in reducing co2 emissions. unless you get india and china to do something it does not matter. here is a billionaire the most americans have never heard of. he is logically trying to make a big /-slash by saying how outrageous things and frankly, i don't take him fiercely. republicans would love to have him as a democratic nominee. >> he may run in 2020 but we don't know if it let's talk about the entrapment with michael flynn and what's your take on the fbi here. >> use a funny pretext to interview him but they are no legal right to interview him. call me is now admitting that it was totally irregular not standard practice. the cave convinces flynn that
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you don't need a lawyer for this when in fact he did. then the fbi agents go in there and walk out and conclude that he's telling the truth. there were trying to entrap him and did not succeed and then they did not tell lynn's lawyers about this exculpatory evidence that the fbi found he told the truth. now the judge is saying in this case wait a minute. before i sentence flynn i want from you mueller and the feds to explain to me why you did not turn over all this important evidence to them and why you behaved in such an irregular way toward him. i'm hoping that emmet sullivan, no nonsense experience judge, will say you know what? what you did, mueller in komi and mccabe and struck is wrong and i'm throwing out the plea and you are free to go. lou: . liz: using the judge to toss it. back it up.
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in the conversation between the russian investor and michael flynn was unmasked by the obama ministration. >> illegal. liz: reportedly komi said peter struck get that that information to sally gates. liz: they go to michael flynn saying we want to talk you about fbi training and sit down and say we would talk about your conversation and don't tell them it is basically against the law to mislead the fbi. [inaudible conversations] >> they don't explain the law and encourage him to talk and essentially to entrap him. liz: white when you talk to the fbi? speak no one should ever talk to the fbi given their corrupt behavior in the last two years. but without a - speak no one to talk to robert mueller under any circumstances. run to the nearest lawyer and claim up. liz: let's go to the nearest theory that his campaign finance violation and grounds to impeach him. why is it nonsense?
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>> the law is very clear. you pay somebody for a nondisclosure agreement, in this case, but there's a reason other than helping your campaign. secondary is a personal or professional - i don't want my wife and kids to find out because it will hurt my business and the trump organization and then it's not a campaign contribution and not illegal. this guy, michael cohen, was trying to curry favor with prosecutors who don't know the law and pled guilty non- crimes. sadly, this happens, elizabeth all the time to do that judge is a present committed a crime. >> no, he did not say that. the fact that michael cohen pled guilty to a crime and implicates donald trump does not necessarily mean that donald trump committed a crime? into it feels like a stretch. this whole argument that he got valued the president did out of pain all that money and it's not
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a donation of money he made but feel like a stretch. liz: >> paid $70 million to harassment victims in similar circumstances and no one charge them with crimes. liz: thank you for watching. lou dobbs is next. have a good night. lou: good evening everyone. top story tonight, whatever happened to the monroe doctrine? government today focusing on the challenge of russian and chinese influence in africa. they ignore the more approximate threat posed by the two authoritarian states as they encroach upon the american theater of influence, the western hemisphere. it's long been the clear region of us influence in clear dominance. politically, economically and when necessary militarily. tonight we examined the little reported and even less discussed geopolitical access that has formve


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