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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 14, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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retail concept. i think it's smart. >> we'll see what happens. they are not a dumb company. we appreciate it with all the breaking news. that does its for bulls and bears. we'll see you next time. take care. >> i can't say much about the process because we have a u.s. judicial process under way. i can say the unlawful detention of two canadian citizens is unacceptable. they ought to be returned. the united states is engaged in an extradition process. she is out on bail pending an extradition hearing. we'll continue to engage through legal processes to get the just outcome connected to that. we have strayed discussions ongoing with the chinese. as the chinese have said, we are work on that while all other
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issues going on with china today. liz: the white house made a sharp, strategic move. naming mick mulvaney. he's the new acting chief of staff. he pulled no punches, calling out d.c. reporters for their economicness apprehensions. the president says the big trade deal with china could happen soon. it looks like china needs it. china reported bad factory and retail data blaming the trade fight. this as the justice department prepares charges against cyber fees stealing our economic wealth. now they are targeting the u.s. navy to steal our latest technology. the white house working to avoid a government shutdown. a temporary spending bill could
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be announced soon. that would kick the candle to january. congress high-tailed it out of the town. they won't be back until next week, two days before the shutdown deadline. in france it's dawning on officials that the big government approach to its economy not working. france bracing for a fifth weekend of riots. six dead and more than a thousand injured. a humiliating facebook face plant. facebook hired outside journalists to fix its fake news problem. but now facebook could care less. facebook shown to be playing fast and loose with your photos. we don't know who has your photos. new information on just how the fbi allegedly railroaded michael
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flynn. compare michael tblinls treatment to the treatment hillary clinton got. we have andrew mccarthy on that and more on the clinton foundation pay-to-play probe. and we have a panel ready to bust out on the wild claim that president trump is trying to avoid impeachment by quote poisoning the jury pool of the entire u.s. population. it's a jam packed news hour. thank you for watching. money, politics. we have the debate behind tomorrow's headlines. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. liz: an investigation underway after a 7-year-old guatemalan
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girl died in border patrol custody. the girl and her father among a dozen migrants' found 90 miles from the closest border patrol station. she was suffering from dehydration, fever and seizures. conflicting reports on when she became sick. reporter: the military is sending home 1,700 troops from the u.s.-mexico border. largely their mission is finished. what is left at the bordered are national guardsmen and 3,000 active military members. they are going home as a partial government shutdown looms. the president would like to see $5 billion to fund that border wall. the president says he has the votes to pass this in the house, but not the senate. in the senate it's a different
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story. the president needs 60 votes. the white house laying this squarely at democrats' feet. time to let each other know where they stood on the issue playing off each other which is a fascinating place to be. the president made it very clear. he doesn't want a border wall or border security. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi used the phrase the american people over and over again, but their policies don't reflects the american people. reporter: law make verse gone home until wednesday. the government runs out of the money at 11:59 p.m. a week from today. liz: the border and commerce security council president noting the number of families
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crossing the border has been dramatically higher. >> in march of 2017, we were catching 2,000 of these folks, family units and people. today, last month nearly 31,000 were caught and processed and eventually released into the general population, asking them to come back obviously for a hearing which 98% of them never show back up. liz: phil mcgurn of the "wall street journal." it's dangerous for migrants to come with families. >> it's tragedy. one thing we should all agree with whether you are republicans or democrats is so little girls don't get trapped in the desert. that's something the administration wanted to process people through certain places. when people go out there, there
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are risks and human tragedies. >> doctors without borders are operating 16 clinics. their reports indicate 7 out of 10 individual are attacked by human smugglers. that's a surprisingly large number. >> these are people at their most of vulnerable. they are just incredibly vulnerable. so they will be predators who move in. liz: the complete mayhem at the border. congress won't deal with the border until it comes back in january. but now we have nancy pelosi still saying we are going to try to go after president trump's tax returns. can you square all this? >> no, i can't. i think on paper the best deal for both side is the border wall for talka. talkl -- for daca.
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which the president was in -- in principle in favor of a pathway to citizenship. there is no reason on paper they couldn't make that deal. what we are suffering from for the past 4. >past -- 40 years is the inability of congress to come together and make some compromises to restore some order at the border. >> you have to get the tax returns. if you have to go after them, you have to go after them for a legitimate legislative purpose. >> there is a lost other problems need to be fixed. remember when conor lamb was elected and we were told we would get moderate democrats who would have a legislative agenda? that doesn't look like that's what the flavor is. they are in resistance mode.
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the question is will they overreach. as far as i can see there is no agenda what they want to accomplish for the american people. it's about reversing the election. >> i liked mick mulvaney where he was. i thought he was a good manager where he was. but the chief of staff is the most of serious job in the white house. you are chief of staff, people can't make an end run around you, you lose your authority. when i was in the white house we feared the chief. they were the authority. so the president has to respect the person and not let people make end runs around him and i think he'll be pretty good. i think he proved he's a pretty good manager. he may have to provoke a fight and say you are not going around me and win. mr. kelly was able to fire a few people in the beginning. if the chief doesn't win he
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won't be chief. liz: mick mulvaney just tweeted, this is a tremendous honor. i look forward to workin -- to g with the president and the entire team. it's going to be a great 2019. >> you have to be able to go in and give the president bad news. the president has to be able to trust you. you often acting for the president, calling people with bad news, working with congress. it's a unique kind of partnership that all chiefs have. liz: he's pretty hard line about the deficit. how do you think he'll do with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer? >> i don't know what his take is on this. but i think he's committed to a conservative agenda. that's one thing i'm happy with. i think he'll help president trump sharpen that agenda.
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i think he'll be a good advisor in terms of negotiations with democrats in congress. liz: let's get you to france, paris. police are bracing for a fifth week of dead whrid riots. the death toll, 6, more than a thousand injured. gregg palkot is there. reporter: more trouble expected in paris and elsewhere in france tomorrow. the weekend of so-called yellow vests or anti-government protests. they are aimed at high taxes, low wages and president macron. more violence like what we saw last week is expected. and the same massive police presence. authorities air they will target the fringe militants trying to cause even more trouble. one french official trying to
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make sense of the successful terror hunt. they said they applaud the police. tomorrow they stone them. liz: the dow diving nearly 500 points and it's in correction territory over fears of global growth. johnson and johnson shaving 100 points off the dow on a reuters report that they knew about asbestos in its cal couple -- its talcum baby powder. crude oil losing a puck or 2% to ends the week at $51 a barrel. if you are driving for the holidays, gasoline is down. coming up. more trouble for facebook ce to mark zuckerberg.
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social media giant admitting a massive bug may have let third part yirt organizations see your photos. puvment s. officials say chinese hearing are targeting the u.s. navy to steal highly trangs collide' technology. we'll weigh in on that next. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers.
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liz report secretary of the u.s. navy says the chinese are targeting to steel navy technology. the justice department is preparing top announce new charges against chinese cyber thieves. chinese hackers are really going after the navy. going after all branches. and again they stand accused of stealing hundreds of billions of dollars worth an you'llly of our interest electric -- annually of our intellectual property from u.s. businesses. u.s. officials knows china was
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likely behind the marriott data breach an -- and the obm hack. so infrastructure is going hacked in to as well. how dangerous is this? >> incredibly dangerous. the chinese military's goal is to build up their navy and ashe parity with the u.s. navy. chinese made tee normous technological advances, but there is no way they can catch up to the united states within 12 years without hacking and stealing our secrets. there is evidence to suggest that the chinese are attempting to trojan horse exercise in the
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united states by enlisting some of their own citizens on visas to steal secrets here in the united states. this is extremely serious. liz: there is no sense in a chinese state much personal private property right. i wonder why there isn't a hair on fire break the glass concern nationwide. if china is stealing our top secret classified military technology, they could be going totoe-to-toe with us. that's could hit the economy really hard. we are showing technology copied by china already. >> we are beginning to see evidence of this already. there is evidence that the strategic drones the chinese are using in the south china sea are
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emitting in a certain way to suggest they are already embedding stolen communications technology into their drones. the navy is particularly sensitive about this. remember in the 80s, the famous john walker case, a single individual stole enough information about subject ma renal technology that it allowed the russians to catch up with subject ma wreen technology. here full court press to get even with the united states by stealing our technology. liz: silicon valley is warn being this too. sundar pichai said he has major concerns about artificial intelligence. that all the worries about that are legitimate. sundar pichai is talking about invasive surveillance, deadly weaponry and the spread of
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misinformation. elon musk says who are controls ai is more dangerous than nukes. >> back in my day the critical technology for winning wars was air power and our ability to deliver rescission information against the enemy. but the decades ahead it will be cyber amplified by artificial intelligence. the chinese are doing quite well in a.i. but we are doing better. we have a war in space and cyberspace. whoever controls cyberspace controls the land, the saitd, the chinese know that and they are running like crazy to catch up with us and god forbid they should. liz: some people in the d.c. beltway say if you talks about this this is must more tinfoil
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that right-wing conspiracy. >> we succeeded against russia because they were so inept at this. the chinese are different. they have spent tens of billions of dollars. and they put their own officers from the people's liberation army in our universities to learn our technology and develop it at home. liz: thank you so much. good to see you, sir. w air, lo says vandals are attack their row bought cars 21 times in arizona. they are whipping rocks at the car. another guy pointed a gun at robot cars. do you think you can stay off
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your smart phone for a year? vitamin water will award you $100,000 if you do. they will give you a 1996-era cell phone to use for a year. they are thinking the smart phones are ruining our society. how will they know you are not use your spouse's phone. we are staying on that story for you. what's that delicious holiday smell? what smells so grade around the holiday season? it's fried ching. kentucky fried chicken selling fire logs that smell like fried chicken. if you think you wanted to get a kentucky fried ching fire log, you are too late. they sold out this morning.
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customers are limited to only one log per person. we'll give you an update on when that is restocked for the holiday season. a kentucky fried chicken fire log. third parties may have been given access to your photos on your facebook site. up to 7 million users at risk. new questions tonight over just how the fbi possibly railroaded michael anyone. we have that debate coming up and more. we are on it. stay there.
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: okay, you're not going to believe this one. facebook announced yet another massive software bug. get this, it let in the back door third party apps to see your private photos of your family and friends.
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seven million facebook users at risk. maybe we shouldn't be called users, maybe we should just be called suppliers. fact-checking at facebook now in disarray. facebook hired journalists to help fix facebook's fake news problem. now the journalists are saying they couldn't care less at facebook about that and, you know, they're basically an awful place to work. joining me now, kurt schlichter and democrat strategist kristin han. how you doing? >> doing good. elizabeth: kurt, is it too big to control at this point, facebook? you know, what people read on that site, can you really take it seriously? >> i'd like to say facebook is too big to fail, but it's failing left and right. every day it's something else whether it's incompetence or malice or a little of both. it's always messing up. these guys are practically inviting the regulation that they say they don't want. it's mind-boggling, liz. i don't understand. i thought these were geniuses. elizabeth: here's the thing,
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kristin, i think people out there are tired of facebook whipping fastballs by the american people when they march into washington and saying we're altruistic, we're about uniting the world, it's about a relentless focus on growth and profits. they want more users, more likes, more people reading the facebook news feed. but if you can't trust what's in the feed, why should you even be reading it, kristin? >> you know, i totally agree, and they over and over again fail to protect their users' privacy. you know, they're not self-policing. it's clearly not working, i agree with my counterpart, you know? they're inviting this regulation, and the senate's already had some hearings. but the fact of the matter is they -- people do read it, and they do, they are impacted by it. we saw that in the 2016 elections. so like it or not, i think they're here to stay, we just have to figure out how to deal with it. elizabeth: it's just not clear whether the voter was swayed -- i'm not buying the voter was
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swayed by stuff they read on the internet or facebook, but the thing is, to kristin's point, i think facebook has jumped the shark on believability and credibility. now your photos are let out the back door. what's this about? [laughter] >> it's insane. i don't understand how they could, how they could screw up. it's such a basic, basic concept. you don't want to send your people's photographs out all over the internet. it's amazing that they're unable to perform this most basic of functions. but, you know, i'm worried about these, what my friend ace of spade calls monster tech companies. they control our information, and they're trying to control our debate. that's what really worries -- elizabeth: that's it, that's it. >> i'm against, you know, the government suppressing my free speech. i didn't go to war to defend that, and i'm against corporations suppressing my free speech. if you want to be unregulated,
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open playing field. no rulings. if you want to be regulated, pick a side, because we're going to fight back. your choice. elizabeth: to your point, kristin, facebook and other social media are exempt by law from being sued by class action suits. this is that wrinkle in the law there. a lot of congressmen are talking about this. and to kurt's point, kristin, you see it at the holiday gatherings, at thanksgiving or, you know, christmas. people sit at the table, and they say things at the table that they've picked up on facebook, and you're saying what are you talking about, you know what i mean? >> yeah. elizabeth: there's a poverty of debate about policy in the united states. i'm not totally blaming facebook p i'm just shocked at the things people are telling me they're hearing. >> yeah. it became a cultural phenomenon in a place that people got all their information. again, it's something we're all going to have to recognize it's here, it's sticking around. and whether it's, you know, government regulation or, you know, the industry comes together to develop some
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standards, something has to be done because it's just ridiculous. elizabeth: photos are out now all over the place. kurt and kristin, thank you so much, really appreciate it. coming up, more questions about the fbi's alleged railroading of michael flynn. here's the question, why did the fbi wait seven months to write the official 302 report interview, the interview report on that january 2017 meeting? we're bringing in legal eagle andrew mccarthy to break it down. but first, we're staying on this story for you. california democrat congressman ted lou is now doing some fast double talking after he was blasted for saying he, quote, would love to be able to regulate free speech. he took a vow to uphold the first amendment, though. we're bringing in steve hilton of fox news. he's joining me next, stay there. ♪ ♪ ike you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get.
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♪ ♪ >> the first amendment is the most precious thing that we have in this country, and i can the tell you as someone that's been on tour for most of the last year, and i've been to 20 some odd countries in the last few months, every single country the people are jealous of the freedoms we have here and especially the freedom of speech. elizabeth: that was david rubin on california democrat ted liu's wildly outrageous comments that he would, quote, love to be able to regulate the content of free speech but that he can't do it because of the u.s. constitution. now, ted liu did swear an oath to uphold the constitution including the first amendment. let's bring in the next revolution host, steve hillton. hilton. should voters fire ted liu over that? >> well, they should, but they're not going to. [laughter] he's in a very safe district in los angeles. but what he's done, actually, inadvertently is, i think, he's done a favor to all of us, because he's actually made
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explicit something that we all feel has been going on in the left for a long time now, which is that they're becoming increasingly intolerant. they're becoming the new pure tabs. there's a certain way you've got to behave, a certain way you've got to speak, and nothing else is accepted or tolerated. it's ironic, because these are the people who go around saying donald trump and his supporters are bigots and intolerant. that's exactly what they're doing all the time with this focus on trying to restrict what's acceptable speech. elizabeth: yeah. this tedious orgy of self-righteousness in d.c., this preening narcissism that they are always right and can't tolerate anybody who disagrees with them comes out with what you point out ted liu saying, trying to water down now what he said. let's break it down. here's what he first tweeted after the google hearing. quote: i agree there are serious issues, but the speech issues are protected by the first amendment. would i like to regulate fox news? yes, but i can't, because the first amendment stops me. that's ultimately a good thing
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in the long run. so he tries to fix it on the back end. 24 hours later here's what he told cnn. watch. >> i would love to be able to regulate the content of speech. the first amendment prevents me from doing so. elizabeth: it's totally nuts, what he's saying. all of that is different from his tweet today: republicans held four stupid judiciary hearings trying to regulate the content of speech on the internet. so, steve, again, he's still sounding like the first amendment is getting in his way. >> exactly. and the more he tries to clean it up, the more of a mess he makes. i mean, basically, he's got this completely wrong, and he's revealed what he truly believes. and so no amount of kind of wordsmithing around it and trying to cover his tracks hides the fact that fundamentally he doesn't like this incredibly important american tradition
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that's embedded in the constitution. he doesn't like -- he doesn't understand it, he doesn't like it, he gave the game away, and now he's trying to clean it up, but it's not working. elizabeth: here's another thing. elsewhere on cnn, political analyst molly ball claims, trying to make the outrageous claim that president trump is trying to get out of impeachment by, quote, poisoning the jury pool of the entire u.s. population. watch. >> he's very straightforward about what he is doing, he is trying to poison the jury pool of the american people. elizabeth: your reaction, steve. >> i mean, honestly, that is just about one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard. if you want to take that approach, you could literally apply it to almost the entirety of cnn's output, what they're doing exactly the same thing with this relentless campaign to focus on alleged collusion and to paint the president and his allies in the worst possible light are. you could make exactly the same point in reverse.
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of course that's not true. everyone's entitled to defend themselves against these attacks, including the president. elizabeth breath steve hilton, you're always terrific. come back on the show soon. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. elizabeth: you can catch "the next revolution" on fox news 9 p.m. eastern time on sunday evenings. coming up, the clinton foundation donations fell off a cliff, hitting a 15-year low in 2017. that was the year hillary lost. we break down the latest on that and what's going on with that pay-to-play probe. but first, special counsel robert mueller today says michael flynn should have known it is wrong to lie to the fbi. but we've got reports that it looks like the agents did try to railroad michael flynn. we're going to break that down next. stay there. ♪ ♪ i knew about the tremors.
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♪ ♪ elizabeth: let's get to the allegations that the fbi railroaded michael flynn. special counsel robert mueller today saying michael flynn should have known it is wrong to lie to the fbi. agents, according to michael flynn's legal team, discouraged michael flynn from getting a lawyer, didn't warn him about the penalties of lying to the fbi. michael flynn is scheduled to be sentenced next tuesday. joining me now, fox news
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contributor andrew mccarthy. great to see you, sir. >> good to see you, liz. elizabeth: was flynn wrongly led to commit a crime? >> yeah, i think there are two things going on here. you know, number one, yes, they did not comply with their procedures. this looks like a classic perjury trap, to me. the telltale sign is if you were doing this for intelligence purposes, that is having this interview, they had a recording of the interview. they didn't need flynn to tell them what the conversation had been with the russian board. and if they were -- russian ambassador. and if they were really interested in, you know, a deep dive into the conversation, you would play the recording for flynn and ask him what did this mean, what did that mean. so i think they did set this up in order to ask him questions with the thought that he would get some things wrong -- elizabeth: okay. >> -- and perhaps lie to them and that they'd be able to charge him with that. i do think that that happened. at the same time, he lied.
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and it is true that somebody with his background and experience should have known that you don't lie to an fbi agent. elizabeth: okay, here's -- let's back up. the fbi agents, peter strock, and another agent -- with the encouragement of jim comey, jim comey sent these agents in there -- they had already unmasked, you know, flynn's conversation with the russian ambassador saying, hey -- >> right. and leaked it to the media. elizabeth: so they had that information. they sit down with flynn, they discourage flynn from getting a lawyer. they didn't warn flynn about the penalties about lying to the fbi. i hear you on that, that flynn -- the man of his position should have known, and anybody should know you don't lie to the fbi, it's a crime. >> yeah. liz, just one point -- elizabeth: yeah, go ahead. >> this is the guy who ran the defense intelligence agency. elizabeth: yeah. >> if he doesn't know that you can't lie to fbi agents, nobody knows. elizabeth: yeah, that's the
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issue. we hear everything you're saying about what the fbi did, and on the flynn side he misled "the washington post," the vice president, the fbi. but here's the other weird thing, andrew, why was there a seven month gap between the time of the first fbi interview in january 2017 to the time of the official 302 fbi document about it? that just doesn't seem to square. >> yeah. you know, liz, it's even more peculiar than that, because i took a look at the 302 when it finally came out this afternoon, it looks like it's not the 302 of the interview with flynn. it looks like it's a 302 of an interview with peter strzokthe that happened on july 19th of 2017 that incorporates the notes of the interview that took place with flynn seven months earlier. so we still don't see a 302 that they did contemporaneously with the interview. i think this is very, very
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peculiar. elizabeth: what's the implication of all that, sir? >> the implication is that they shaped the interview notes in a way after the interview to make a stronger case that he deceived them -- elizabeth: okay, stay on that. >> the curiosity -- i was going to say the curiosity about that is we know from what came out in the house intelligence committee that the agents at the time that they interviewed flynn did not think he lied to them. elizabeth: that's from james comey. >> the question is were they trying to shore up a false statements case by making the ultimate fbi report look like a stronger version of lying than what the impression of the agents was at the time of the interview. elizabeth: yeah. because james comey, to your point, sir, and it's a good one, testified and told trey gowdy that he had heard from the agents that it was their feeling that flynn was not lying during that january 2017 interview. i want your reaction to james comey admitting that he broke
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protocol, sending fbi agents over to interview flynn. here's jonathan turley about that, let's watch. >> do you know what's amazing is that actually could be his epitaph of how he was director, right? i mean, everyone criticizes trump for going outside the lines, but comey's entire career at the fbi has been so improvisational, it's shocking. elizabeth: and here's congressman jim jordan demanding a second special counsel. watch. >> that's why we've always said we need a second special counsel because we can't put anyone in jail, we can just try to get answers. when you say i got away with something, that just tells you you didn't do it the right way. you didn't follow the rules, you didn't do it the way you were supposed to. they were so focused on getting president trump that they were willing to set up a lieutenant general. elizabeth: your take on that, andrew. >> i think, liz, that the, you know, the thing that's disturbing about my old friend
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jim comey's statement is it seems like he's gotten so deranged about president trump that, you know, the point he was trying to make in this interview was that the trump -- the new trump administration was so disorganized that he got away with something that he wouldn't have gotten away with with other administrations. the lesson of that story is not that the trump administration was disorganized, it's that the fbe knows -- fbi knows that it should have gone through the white house counsel's office, and they didn't. elizabeth: yeah. >> that's the problem. elizabeth: and i talked to fbi agents and, you know, other bureaus around the country, they say to me privately they cannot believe what happens in d.c. they act like they have their own set of rules. andrew mccarthy, you're terrific. come back soon. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: coming up, new questions over why exactly donations to the clinton foundation plummeted to a 15-year low after hillary lost
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donations went down to $39 -- by -- $250 million was when hillary clinton was secretary of state. it plummeted to $38, $39 million when she lost the election. >> at the high points i think it was close to $300 million. a 90% drop in donations. people decided if there is no game to play, why should they pay. one of the forensic experts said early on in his estimation the clinton foundation was acting as a foreign agenten should have registered under the foreign agent registration act, fara. an auditor admitted they were acting as foreign agents. if you are a foreign agent you
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are not eligible to be a tax deductible foundation under the irs. how much of that was tax deductible, the $250 million they raised. liz: they are wailing on michael flynn, and this clinton foundation is so dirty. hillary clinton said i will not, the clinton foundation will not take foreign money. she said that when she became secretary of state. then in 2016 they released six years of tax returns that clearly jobbed. what showed up in the corrected tax returns? >> it's laughable that she wouldn't take money from foreign nations. liz: what showed up were donations from qatar and saudi arabia. >> 20 nations that you gave millions to the clinton
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foundation got arms sales approved of by hillary when she was secretary of state. if it's proven. i think the clinton foundation is charity fraud. people go to jail for charity fraud. ' former congressmen are going to jail for charity fraud. no organization is too big to fail if we believe in the rule of law. about this is charity fraud the children strons to go to jail. we as a people, as the american people have to decide, do we believe in a bierv -- believe ia bifurcated legal system? there is no way you can't come to the conclusion the clintons probably have to go to jail because this is charity fraud.
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liz: hope you have a good weekend. thank you for coming on. that does it for us at the fox business network. "the evening edit." lou dobbs is next. have a good weekend. lou: the question of the evening, who is actually running the department of justice? the doj and the fbi continue to act as though they are above and beyond our laws. tram belling citizen rights that they are sworn to protect and defend. conducting raids against whistleblowers. questioning a former trump administration official without legal counsel present. and the minor matter of the never ending witch hunt against president trump. what about the corrupt system and the outrageous treatment of former national


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