tv Kennedy FOX Business December 27, 2018 12:00am-1:01am EST
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the streets, tomorrow night, tune in for my exclusive interview of vice president of ventura. i'll see you back here tomorrow. have a terrific evening. kennedy: news alert, president trump now in germany. en route back to u.s. after a surprise christmas visit to troops in iraq. after resignation of mattis, and plans to pull troops out of siara -- syria, here is a photo of president meeting with the troops. white house press secretary sarah sanders tweeted the photo oh, the trip, shrouded in secrecy as with other oversea presidential troop trips, it was
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conducted undercover the darkness. the first time president trump visited troops in war zones since his elect, he thanked our servicemembers, and declared his administration almost com comply destroyed isis. >> i am here to personally thank you, ander servicemember in the region for near irk lim lisa el. of isis. two years ago, when iy can became president there were a dominant group, they were very dominant. and today they are not so dominant any more. kennedy: about th president sais no plans to pull u.s. troops out of iraq. hillary vaughn in washington, d.c. with more. reporter: president trump surprised everyone today, popping up at u.s. military base in iraq, his first visit to a
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combat zone as president, he and first lady left the white house arriving in time for. -- >> we lost hillary. she had a lot of nice things to say. a fine report. we'll have more with brine suits and my monologue on why we can't trust some of our so-called allies in middle east, particularly turkey. >> in meantime, president trump signaling he is not backing down on his border wall fight with democrats. today in iraq president said, it all about keeping americans safe. >> how long do you think that shut down will last. >> whatever it takes. we'll have a wall, we'll have safety, we need safety for the country even from this stand point, we have terrorists coming in through the southern border, also. >> you know what, it was always
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easy. i guarantee, they would say you don't have a wall. you are not going to have -- folks are saying, can we have drones and technology, technology is betting and whistles, you have to have a wall, protection. kennedy: democrat said there will be no wall, and in a interview with "usa today" nancy pelosi who will likely be the next house speaker, again mocked the president's plan saying quote first of all the fact he said we'll build a wall, and mexico will pay for it he has backed off, that now down to i think. abided curtain or something, i am not sure where he is. he is on his way back from iraq. joining me now,, editor at large, nick galespi.
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are people realizing how little they need federal government. >> stock market rallies while trump was in iraq, maybe you know this is a teach able moment of a different sort. you know fact is that out of 1.2 trillion dollars a year that congress is spending, they already parceled out about 930 billion, and oddly given trump's you know, worries about immigration, one thing that gets shut down is the everify program. so it may be that more illegals can be hired now because of the number you call in is not being picked up. kennedy: the electric fence is down, the dog will bark and run. >> it is slats, not cement, and not a wall or beads. beads. i like the beads. kennedy: reminds me of greg brady's room, he moved to that
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lotf . >> yeah. trump said don't tell me about technology that is bells and whistles that how most people get caught. in 2016, according to dhs about more than 600 thousand people came in illegally. then over staying their veetion visa, 200 thousands snuck in somewhere outside of the port of everyonery. -- entry. kennedy: the big issue no one wants to tackle it goes to congress' responsibility. and to craft, understandable nonchaotic immigration laws, which they refuse to do. i think they don't want to do it, as we have this hyper focus on southern border, and
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president said biggest worry is fill ofilthy rapists, coming inh drugs, but no one is really paying attention to the north, if you were a ter -- terrorist would you not just want to dance through the north. >> again, most of it is people come here, they over stay on work visa or student visas or tourist visas. that is you know if i are worried about terrorism. you know it like this is not the big thing, the big thing is not immigration. kennedy: terrorists are lazy, they want to kill americans bow they don't want to spend that much energy doing it, they don't want to make a thousand mile trek to a hot up -- unforgiving desert to do harm. >> obviously. kennedy: the path of leasing
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resistance is more attractive. >> you know then there is, people who want to take away our feefreedom, there congress. it is interesting to see how it plays out once democrats take control of the house, they will have a lot of bargaining power and whatnot. trump made it clear in past he means what he says, he can also adapt to almost any circumstance. that is thrown to him, i suspect that this stuff, getting wrapped up quickly. after this new year, because, in the end -- >> who will give? >> both give something. kennedy: we'll get a few billion for the wall. >> he will say call it pull it from somewhere else, but democrats say they have not given anything it taxpayers, we're the one sitting on top of sharp spiking slats. kennedy: not just for the wall funding. >> right. kennedy: there is so many areas -- >> this is the tragedy of government shut down, that only a shut down in name only, most
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of what federal government spending money on continues to go out this social security medicare test, inrate on debt -- interest on debt, they pile up, government shut down cost money because people don't work, they get back pay, certain, fees thing like that it always cost morse that shut down. kennedy: more money, i know people were upset when i talked about the benefits of a government shout down, people'slize ho -- realize how little they need, people say it heartless there are 800 thousand april federal workers who rely on government, government has grown so vast, i would org that you economy is so healthy they could absorb those worker in prevat sector. seconprivate sector. >> they can. they know that they will be made
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whole, the u.s. taxpayer and congress, congress mas not passed a real budget in decade. kennedy: that is the thing, you know you talk about federal workers who are unfairly being punished, they will get back pay, you think of americans who have not had a job and not fully employed because people in congress are looking out for their own asses, that a crime, that is the immorality of the picture, now see thank you nick. >> thank you. kennedy: titan freedom clad in black. >> thank you. >> kirsten nielsen is ordering medical checks on every migrant child in u.s. custody following deaths of an 8-year-old guatemalan boy on christmas eve, the second case of a migrant child dying in federal custody, now democrats call for an investigation. incoming house majority leader, hoyer released a statement reading in part, house democrats
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will not stand by, and watch as our nation's most fundamental values of eroded, innocent children held like prisoners in cages and their lives at risk. does this latest tragedy complicated president's fight for wall funding. joining me now, host of media buzz, fox news channel. author of media madness, one of best trump books out there howie cooks. >> hay, kennedy. kennedy: how are they spinning it. >> first, it is unspeakable tragedy this child die, and doubly tragic this is second child that has died. it smart for kirsten nielsen so step up show the administration cares. we have dueling narratives, one
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hand president talked about it in iraq, border wall offense, slats whatever, said will protect america. but democrat say, big problem is your heartless, cold policies, you celebrated families now -- celebrat -- separated families now kid dying. kennedy: this is not the first administration that has separated families. >> i know. kennedy: and if i were a parent whose child was in same detention facility, i would want to know what will hell happened and this one children had something contagious, if my child of at risk, and if they are so overwhelmed who is look out for the kids, don't we have a right ton what has afflicted the kids. >> there is a lack of
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information. it depends on, is it a cold, an infection out of control, we need to know. but, in our political system, which such partisan gridlock as lead to shut down, each side will seize on incident of tragedy to score political points, we should not do that with children's death or border security, that is what you have, democrats and president trump and republicans, each picking up on the unfortunate aspects to say, see, we're right, we need a wall. we need a better policy. >> i want to know, what they will do, what democrats solution is to some of these medical problems, do you bridge in someone from the u.n. who is more capable of dealing with refugees? and actually administers medical checks better than cbp, it sounds leak a lo like a lot of
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tit-for-tat talking points, it feels both side get bogged down in technologies of the day a story, we den have a solution. >> yeah, i mean that is that is disturbing as an american, you worldcom want to talk about -- would want to talk about solution it is reduced to fodder, talking points. umenpoints. and you know. kennedy: or more courts to process cases, in a timely manner or immigration policy, that lets people know from other khan country this how many asylum seekers and refugees we'll take and how much worker visas we're willing to give out on a temporary basis. so confusing, i am sure numbers some are where, but not wildly known. >> you know obsess of focus on
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wall. means some complexities of problem on both sides gets lost, and overwhelming it makes are if a betterty of debate if. -- betterty o bet tv debate. ed. kennedy: and express some compassion but, at same time a better job of explaining what the solutions are. howie kurtz thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: i'll see you sunday. >> yes, on media buzz. >> on fox news channel. >> coming up dow surging. what is behind the ups and downs? so much volatile. scotty the naughty with hoty body martin is here to brak bret down. next. minimums and fees.
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♪ kennedy: only here, wall street setting a record, for first time in a while, all right reasons, dow shooting up 1086. the biggest one-day point gain ever. hard to believe. this follows downturn on monday. is today's gain a sign that things are turning? or just wishful thinkers? joining me now chief investment officer. scott martin is back, welcome back. >> hi. kennedy: so tell me about volatility, is it good or bad? and how can i get rich? >> you know. we can get rich.
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i tell you, kennedy, you gave one of best descriptions i heard about market, with so many evers, we're getting crazy volatility, a bad day, that worse ever then good bay best ever. we had a lot more bad day evers than good day evers, so far, if you are a long-term investor take these opportunity to buy stocks you know you love, and will likely go up. and midst of your time horizon say 1 to 5, 10 years. they are ones that are cheap right now, that you should look into. kennedy: i think a lot of people were snapping up bargains today, what else was driving this? was is something that president said or did or he was overseas? or there is a shut down it is not affecting the government as much as people feared? >> it could be fact that he left
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the country. maybe some of those out there would be maybe he not coming back. kennedy: oh, that horrible thing to say. >> not me, not me. kennedy, market at this point have been in a word -- out of sorts for about 30 days now. when market go way down, kennedy as they have, last say few weeks, days of days of selling for really no rhyme or reason, that are than federal reserve screwing up, and economic data getting weak, and i am wearing a ridiculous jacket, wha whatever, market get to level it has to go up it exhausted all of the sellers, i think that is what you saw today, and i think that what you will see over next couple days. >> i have been reading stuff like we've been on a 10 year bull run, a 10 year tear, we're bound for a massive correction. also, and i want you to talk
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about relationship between federal reserve and the market. it seems as though, the fed an institution i despite. it is really capable of creating the booms and busts , what is going on? >> yeah, and i have been reading took that makes two of us. the thing about fed, they are almost like a side show, a t-shirt, if you will, they are stimulating the economy in theory by doing things like open market committee movement, they are trying to pump money in system to get banks to loan to people like and you me, and interest rate downs. and interesting get more credit, buyback stock, they are all that i think to your point about abolishes them or getting rid or despising them that is that americans and consumers will do that anyway if they feel good about future.
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kennedy: central banking is anti-american. kennedy: if i want bubbles i'll get in the tub, i will tell you that right now. >> -- stop worries about inflation before it happens. you know that like, filling up your bomb shelter with diet coke and mentos, that makes no sense, and neither does the fed. >> like wearing your lucky urch underwear before the girl even accepts the date, i did that once. it didn't work. interest rate in open market have been going down. kennedy: i have a great monologue coming up after the
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media bill. but people are still scratching their heads at trump's decision to pull out of syria at turkey's behest. president trump despises fake news, he chides journalingists on twitter, period erdogan in turkey, sees fakes news and throws journalists, teacher, judges and civil servants in prison, those are just the ones we know about, you can be sure some have bis dispatched with such gruesome force they seem like jamal khashoggi's murder like -- >> there is no dog in the hunt or goal other than decimate isis that strung from same vacuum in
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iraq. russia and turkey applaud our pull out like a commitment phobic cad after a drunk will romp. they are being placated and appeased and freedom seeking kurds who have been by our side, are left sinking and authority tearian kic -- quick >> kurds israel and jordan come to mind, turkey, saudi arabia and russia do not. turkey can't, bring itself to label staw slaughter of at armes as a januar a genocide. we have no business building nations and less liste listenino nations. >> defense secretary james
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mattis, out the door in a week, signed order to withdraw the u.s. troops from syria sunday, president directed pentagon friday to cut number of troops in afghanistan from 17,00 14,00o 7,000. joining me now iraq combat vote ran, by everyon brian suits is . >> it is precipitous. what was most surprising, the preplan turkey assault to syria has been delayed. who knew, that president assad, the actual you know internationally recognize leader of sivia ha sirria had a deal wn kurds' we leave. and the other parts of eastern syria, the syrian army occupying it no one is trading shots.
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this is mor rationale than we thought. militant shia wanted to kill militant sunni and we don have to spend a dime, call he oroville redenbacher. we didn't have to spend a penny, we should never have gotten involved but we did. i don't want people thinking that you can't be an an ally of u.s. without getting thrown under the bus, the kurds will survive. kennedy: they are on a short -- that turkey has, israel is also upset by this, and i agree with you. we should not have been there but most dangerous thing to put more troops in harm's way when
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you have to abou go back and clp a biggerness. mess. >> if we do. the kurds are not a e. >> the iraqi, peshmerga are a far bigger deal. he would rather chew his open arm off than have dinner with member of the ypg . kennedy: erdogan is not making that -- differentiation, he wants to do away with them, they want a kurdistan, there is really not a syria any more, what becomes of the kurds and what happens to syria? >> the kurds are largest ethnicity on earth without their own country, if you put them together they would be at war the next morning. like i say, the kurdish regional
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government, barzani family, they want nothing to to with turkish. erdogan knows this, if there is a list of kurds to kill, it is the commie kurds in turkey, then ypg, then maybe down the road, the iraqi kurds, but they are not his problem. during when i was in iraq, turkish army was openly operating way up north almost with approval of the iraqi kurds, it far more complex than average or above average american can understand. that why we said, what happened. kennedy: what happened. that is why we should not be there you know you look at complexity and odd fed fellows and strange alion its impossible to see a positive outcome for united states what does resignation of james mattis do to the deputy of defense --
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department of defense and those in uniform. >> he was an inspirrational figure, a guy, a warrior. a guy who wores uniform, that is ub usual in that position -- bureaucrats do great, robert gates of a great secretary of defense, but, his don't understanding of the region that we're talking about,iesque --icd his president, don't be mattis. don't speak in one liners, mattis is a different cat, never been married, a warrior monk. >> brien thank you. >> merry christmas. >> to do you. kennedy: as. he is following through on what he promised.
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will the help him with his base ear coulor could it backfire. our panel is here. jimmy phalen is back. and welcome back. >> hello. kennedy: so, katy. i have a family member who is conservative. and disappointed in this move with syria. >> well, i think it depends on the results, president, is following through on a campaign promise. he is used to do it that. but if isis regains a foothold in syria. kennedy: what is that prob probability. >> i think high. i give president credit today saying we have 5,000 troops
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we're not pulling out, we'll be here in isis has a resurgences, we'll attack from here. next door. that was good. this just was like, we're getting out, we're not explaining why ea or how. they use term, territorial caliphate. not seeing that isis as a whole has been defeated, that would be inaccuracies, isis is still around. department of justice is still prosecutor people in america. -- and so they are careful about their language. they will have to explain more about how there will not be ay is surgence of isis. if the result is that terrorist organization regains a foothold or iran gets more power there, i think that will be a problem for
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him. kennedy: what would happen, president in germany, what if he sat angela merkel down, saying, >> i think that is a political move by president. average voter does not really follow complexities of story, they think here are kurds and turks, they think that turks and a resort island, them and i caicos. >> i would argue that caicos have more of our interest at heart. he is keeping it in his back pocket. in terms of do i like him working with erdogan, no, that is terrible. but, measure progress we made. kennedy: turkey is not an ally,
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where is rd on erd erdogan call. >> so, let's talk a little bit about this. what is the departure of -- mattis do for administration. >> he was one of the mvp's. >> nikki haley. and general kelly. kennedy: scott pruitt. >> well. a golden parachute. >> to use a hockey term he fourth line. >> first terror attack that happens, in any capacity, even a isis loan lone wolf, our mead yoomediawill point to, saying ts
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is alive again. our media is suddenly talking about isis again. in last two years, the caliphate was taken back. >> there is a lots of success that media has not reported on. isis was engaging in genocide against christians. and media, decided not to cover it as closely as they should and hold barack obama asurround abl- acounting able couna. >> if there are failures of new policy. they will be quick to point out. kennedy: they will highlight it. >> democrats will have so many people running for president in 2020, they could put them in brackets like ncaa march madness
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tournament. joe biden would be a top seed if he rings, but he is upset that barack obama is smeetin meetingh other candidates. a biden spokesman denied report, can't make it happen that same by who made him step aside for hillary, what happened, clinton. he there talk high senator brown is angling for a sit down, there could be 14 democratic senators running. can biden beat them all? or is amtrak diswroa on the joeg track. >> i feel for biden, he has voter fatigue from hillary and creepy bac massage from bill. they should, to your ncaa
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analogy, let them bring out their special kills. >> he is not allowed to drive. but, i think it will be a free-for-all. this benefits an outsider. kennedy: we hear up to 40 people could run on democrat side. >> how do you narrow that. >> we thought 2016 that 17 -- aren't side orepublican side wa. that a lot. >> lincoln chaffey still saying. how did i -- >>
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kennedy: everyone thinks that trump is so dumb and awful. >> so crazy with 18 person primary. >> a debate stage with 4 dozen people. >> we'll nom nigh nominate 3 gue hundreds. >> i feel bad for biden, a guy he worked with for years and years is turning on him for o'rourke. they say, if you want a friend u get a dog. >> the guy in his 40s media en adores him. >> i understood it, i realize there was fatigue after a two term republican president.
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i understand that. good guys. great person tality. >> he is rocky 1. by in court of public opinion he won by losing he kept it close, now he is seen -- >> trophies for everyone. >> including or rourke. >> roberts. >> bobby o'rourke -- coming up kevin spacey gave internet a christmas gift. then brand new criminal charges facing him next. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on
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kennedy: kevin spacey posted. ry hash could a role as frank underwood on "house of cards" he sent video out as we learn he facing another felony sexual assault charge in massachusetts. at-this-point, more than 30 people are accused spaces of things from sexual harassment to rape. the panel is back. katy, i will start with you, this is a -- i was hoping white
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leather jacket. >> we go to him next. we're all jimmy faella. >> this weird, it we laugh but he is accused of serious felony sexual assault. kennedy: he does not seem to grasp gravity of that. >> due process, right, however he does not think too think there is anything wrongs with the situation, seems to be making a mockery of it. kennedy: the theat he theater hn a hot line for all people complaining. >> he wore a weird santa ap sand hous"house of cards" thing, it s bizarre. >> on scale of -- >> me is probably beyond weinstein, they were underage, you talk to him.
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call anyone a creep in this jacket is fair, he found something more awkward to talk about at dinner this year an politics, my cousin george was like did you see that spacey thing. >> what is that? >> i don't know. >> government shut down is great. >> never pivoted so fast. >> oracle my gosh, space man, that is back to earlier point, he does not grasp magnitude. >> i think there is a way for some people who have been accused of sexual assault to make a -- sexual misconduct to make a comeback and some that are trying. there are others -- >> creepy. >> say you are sorry first. >> he kind of did then he made mistake, in a statement saying, yeah rkd mayb, maybe i was druni am sorry, but as a gay man, that upset members of lgbtq
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community, they were like could listen, down conflate your sexuality with your sexual impro priority gltion the. >> they muc were upset. >> is a reason that frank underwood's initials were fu, he is pushing that right there. he is expend able, since there are teenagers and video evidence, that probably last time we'll see him on tv for a while. kennedy: do you think he was going for inan -- sinc -- insany defense. >> you don't realize what a freak you sowfn like i sound lie defending him. >> not okay for a man to do it to a woman or to a man, not okay for a woman to do that either, i read stories about teachers have
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sex with you know 14 year opens, what the hell is wrong with people. >> yeah, no, there that. >> then we're stuck with kirsten jill grand. gilibrand. >> another presidential candidate. >>iate. >> thank you so much great to see. >> thank you. >> merry christmas. >> topical storm is next, stay here. expedia introduces add on advantage,
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we begin in colorado. a thief was stealing money for a nose job, she dressed up at rudolph, and robbed a business in forth collins -- they could not identify her it was a foggy evening, they hope to get clues from a sleigh they impounded, internet calls it strangist video of the year. that before the internet say spacey, col police are asking for the public help. and alexandria ocasio-cortez is saying this could have been avoided if santa paid his reindeer, $15 an hour. >> careful honey. topic two. >> electric booga lo,.
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to slovenia, holiday traffic is flying it looks like a bad stunt or a hot wheel track, the driver was uninjured, he passed a breathlizer. his uber passengers will destroy his driver rating, not true, he is a lyft driver, get it, because the left identify. -- liftoff. can you see the drool. >> driver thanked first responders. according to ood. she could still turnover. always ask to see carfax. >> topic 3, everyone christmas
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traditions vary around the world. in america, kids leave santa cookie and milk, but in italy, it is cookies and gas money. first there were sidewalk santas now side wa karr santa -- side carson, santa. picture santa con. hundreds of kids turned up. several of them smoked like a chimney. not all christmas happenings went this smoothly, real santa nearly failed to make a delivery after one of his reindeer went missing on christmas eve. rightly so, topic 4 taco bell
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opening 3 new york city location that will serve beer, and sales are expected to be high. the only higher will be customers, partners with blue point brewery creating three taco bell cantinas, finally, a way to see drunk people in a new york city fast-food restaurant. taco bell cantina to launch by end of the year, people are traveling to new york to be first in line. i can't wait. where is my nacho bell grande with beer on it. and my -- in my car. i'll be right back. i'm ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back.
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you can follow me on twitter, instagram. tomorrow night, cory and lauren jones, and mike baker, the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ there are artists we'll always remember... ♪ mona lisa, mona lisa ♪ men have named you there are beautiful songs, words and memories that will always touch our hearts... ♪ it's impossible ♪ to tell the sun to leave the sky ♪ ♪ it's just impossible this is the music of your life.
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