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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 3, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST

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lou: good evening, everybody. our top stories, now is the time. president trump entering this new year facing the most pressing challenges of his presidency. today president trump held two critical meetings at the white house, one with his cabinet, the other with congressional leaders of both parties. and the president stood tall in his demands for border security, his america first agenda. president trump made it clear, the government shutdown may be lengthy but after central american migrants tried to storm the southern border and assault border patrol officers, the president says a wall is definitely needed for our
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national security. >> could be a long time and it could be quickly. this isn't just a border. this is national security. this is health and wellness. this is everything. look at all of the countries that have walls. and they work 100%. it's never going to change. a wall is a wall. the others just -- we could have all of the drones flying all of the people last night as they tried to rush the border. the only thing that stopped them was the wall. lou: and the president told congressional leaders to meet again friday. no progress made at the meeting today. obstinate obstructionist radical dimm leaders remain unmoved. they forget the president was elected to build the wall. senator minority leader displaying ignorance just this very afternoon. >> we are going to propose tomorrow a bill that has gotten the support of the senate and
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the house. because that is our responsibility as a coequal branch of government, to do that which we think is right. because he said he won't sign it and use the government as hostage we should give in, the american people don't want that. that's bad for our country and not the way to govern. lou: so said a senator elected in the most, well, progressive, i believe is the word were or left-wing state in the country. yes, california is envious i'm sure tonight. we talk about the president's ongoing battle with the dimms and the rinos who refuse to defend the nation and secure the southern border. congressman andy bigs of arizona joins us. the president defending his decision to withdraw or troops from syria. the president said we've been doing the bidding of rogue nations like russia, iran and syria for far too long. >> it was lost long ago.
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and besides that, i don't want -- we're talking about sand and death. that's what we're talking about. we're not talking about, you know, vast wealth. we're talking about sand and be death. we want to protect the kurds but i don't juan to b want to be ina forever. it's sad and it's death. russia is not happy because they like it when we're killing isis because we're killing them for them and we're killing them for assad and we're killing isis also for iran. lou: and the red storm rising as the chinese admiral says beijing would sink two u.s. aircraft carriers on its first day of his new position. shan gan told pentagon leaders to move their focus to china, china, china. we take up the president's commitment to his america first policy agenda and the increasing
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chinese aggression. security policy president fred flights joining us. gordon chang is with us. >. takes no time for mitt romney to assume the title of lame duck paul ryan who is officially out of work tomorrow. romney taking aim at the president's leadership. his behavior. romney being romney and the president taking the high road pe called on romney to focus on border security and to be a team player for the republican party. we take all of that up and more here tonight. republican strategist ed rollins, rnc committee woman of california harmeet dylon joining us. president trump holding two meetings today, both in which he put forward his position on key issues for the senate and the house leaderships. but it is his steadfast approach
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in demanding border security and a wall, as he met with those congressional leaders in his cabinet that is, well, shocking the rinos and radical dimms. fox news correspondent kevin cork joining us tonight from the white house with the latest. kevin? >> could be a long time and it could be quickly. could be a long time. it's too important a subject to walk away from. >> a defiant president trump today. just ahead of a planned white house briefing on the border, issued a stern warning to the arriving democrats. no wall, no deal. >> as long as it takes. i mean, look, i'm prepared. i think the people of the country think i'm right. i think the people of this country think i'm right. >> is there a number below 5 billion that you might be willing to accept in order to reopen the government and get this thing moving forward? >> i'd rather not say it. could we do it for a little bit less? it's so insignificant compared to what we're talking about.
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>> what he's talking about is supporting the men and women of i.c.e. and border patrol who man the front lines in the immigration battle and have repeatedly asked washington for help and that means a wall. full stop. >> the president and vice president stayed here over the christmas holidays and there was absolutely no negotiation from the other side. they want to keep delaying and have a government shutdown while president trump said he wants to secure the border. >> the president has proposed a daca deal to entice democrats to cut a deal for wall funding but if today's result was any indication, even that may not work. >> at our last meeting the president said i am going to shut the government down. they are now feeling the heat. it is not helping the president. it is not helping the republicans to be the own ownerf this shutdown. >> we're asking the president to open up government. we're giving him a republican path to do that. why would he not do it? >> lou, congressional lawmakers
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told congressional lawmakers following the briefing that they had been invited back here to the white house to continue the negotiations. they tell us it's going to happen on friday. and the thinking is once nancy pelosi has been reelevated to her position as speaker, of course the vote is coming up on thursday for that, they feel like the tone of the talks will improve. we'll see together. lou? lou: kevin, thank you very much. well there is, of course, the other possibility. the inverse and that is that things don't improve. tomorrow rules vote and rules fight and it's going to be interesting to see whether or not pelosi is embarrassed. all that's required would be 18 congressmen and women to be in opposition to that in that fight. and it could be quite an embarrassment for the speaker to be, presumed speaker i think is what we should say. joining us now, congressman andy biggs of arizona, serves on the
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science, space, technology committee, a member of the house freedom caucus. great to have you with us. and happy new year, congressman, to you. >> happy new year. lou: it's great to be her back , i'll tell you. a lot going on. let's start with the president standing tall, speaking straightforwardly to pelosi and schumer telling them, get the wall. and he's saying that this could be a lengthy shutdown. the longest shutdown back in '95 and '96, 21 days. we're over half of that already. what's your outlook? >> well, i think it's going to be a long time. and i do agree that maybe after pelosi [ becomes the speaker she'll get a little looser but i doubt it. i think we're going to have to push this for a long time. and from the '95 shutdown we were 24 hours away from winning it, according to george steph stephanopoulos. i think we can win this thing.
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i think the american people want a wall and i don't think we need to give in and trade daca or anything else for it because the american people want this. we can stand firm and the president is standing firm and i'm happy about that. lou: i think you're exactly right. the comparison to '95 and '96 was a panic speaker at that point and he had a divided party. this president has had a divided party from the moment he walked in here. without him there is no wall. without him there is no republican leadership. and schumer and pelosi making sounds today as you listen to them standing in front of the cameras and microphones, you would have thought they were in a debating society, not coequal members of this great republic's government. and the president of course is a doer, a builder, making things happen is his essential nature. they want to talk narrative and
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position and nonsense and blather on when in point of fact, as the president says, it's about making this country safe, it is about securing that border, it is the national security and be damned democrats is what i would hope that he would say to them when they do, at some point here rather soon, come saying let's talk daca. daca is dumb. you don't negotiate. you don't negotiate national security, do you? >> that's right. they don't see this as a national security issue. this is not a policy issue for them. this is a political issue. that's why they're trying to lay it on president trump. the public is not buying that. they know there's no bill on his desk to veto or sign. this is their doing and they don't want to budge an inch, they don't want to give anything for this. and just the visuals are stark. just yesterday you have more people trying to rush the border and what's prevented it? you've got a wall and then the
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tear gas that slows them down. this is what's necessary. this is what people on the border want. it's what the border patrol agents want. it's what the i.c.e. agents want. and if we're going to have a nation and be a in addition of laws, we need to have a border wall to secure our southern border. lou: to me it is stunning that pelosi was adamant, schumere adamant, no wall, no wall, no wall, despite the fact -- these people, she's elected by 700,000 people, a district of 700,000. he's elected from the state of new york. and talking about the president of the united states elected by the nation. >> right. think about it, lou. you've got the rust belt people, the midwestern people who crossed over from the democratic party and the independent party, independence, they voted for president trump when he said let's build the wall. that's why they came over. they understand what illegal immigration is goin doing to the country where you have more
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illegal immigrants come in than you have legal immigrants. lou: and then there's the bhatter omatterof listening -- d monument to the i idiotcy and former speaker. good riddance and now we're sitting here watching these left-wing radical dimms just behaving awfully. how does it resolve and how soon, real quickly. >> i think we're a ways off, lou. we're going to have the run the course here. lou: whatever it takes. build the damn wall, right, congressman? >> absolutely right. couldn't have said it better. lou: thank you very much. and happy new year. up next, the left-wing national media seeing mitt romney pen an op-ed in the "washington post" and do they like it. his rino friends and the left
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just all excited. >> mitt romney will give republicans an opening to use their big boy voices. >> many have said the same thing but haven't uttered a word of criticism to the president. mitt romney says, follow me. >> he's going to be lookedded at as the voice to speak out against president trump. >> i if there's going to be a rl fight against trump, it's going to be along the lines of what mitt romney just laid out. >> i give him credit for this and it could be the beginning of, i would say, a more solid resistance to trump. >> some of his new colleagues in the senate will see this as a distraction, essentially picking a fight inside the party. lou: he's a freshman senator. a failed candidate for president. he associated himself with paul ryan in that failed effort. he's not going to have much of a voice other than what, of course, the left wing gives him but that's what they do with
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rinos. over and over and over again. we will take that up, much more right after this quick break. eds rollins wited rollins with . stay with us. i can't tell you who i am or what i witnessed, but i can tell you liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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mitt romney using an op ed in the pages of the "washington post" to attack his party's leader, picking up the torch from the likes of jeff flake and bob corker, now gone and irrelevant for years now. romney disparaged the president's character and actually said the president, quote, has not risen to the mantle of the office, said this oh so precious as arbiter for wt is to pass. responding to those comments, the president today. >> i wish myth could be more of a team player. i'm surprised he did it this quickly. pi was expecting something but i'm surprised he did it this quickly. if he fought really hard against president obama like he does against me, he would have won the election. lou: yeah, he would have done better than he did, certainly. republican chairwoman mitt romney's niece, ronna mcdaniel tweeted this about her uncle,
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quote, potus is attacked and obstructed by the mainstream media democrats 24/7. for an incoming freshman senator to attack donald trump feeds into what the democrats want, is unproductive as it gets, stupid as it gets and low down. those are my words. joining me now, ed rollins. great to have you here. >> happy new year. >> happy new year. lou: mitt romney is lower than a snake's belly. >> we had the conversation about a week ago on the show. >> refresh me. it's ban holiday week. >> the leader of the opposition in the republican party. and i think to a certain extent he's going tore very bored with the job. he's one of the lowest members in sense of seniority and e he'll be on every talk show and
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his temptation will be to shoot his mouth off. lou: this is a petty small. >> before she' he's a senator. before he's sworn in. lou: he's reprehensible. i can't believe the people of utah elected this creep. >> the president went out and endorsed him. lou: wait a minute. you mean the people of utah didn't know that he was anti-trump? he didn't run against trump? he ran with trump. so he's lied to the people in utah. >> at this time he did. lou: which time hasn't he lied. >> in the presidential race he was for everybody but trump. he was for three or four candidates. he did this to reagan when he was running for the senate in 1994. i'm not a reagan republican. and the bottom line is the party today is donald trump's party. not romney's party.
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lou: he's a fool and he is absolutabsolutely a treacherous. he's an embarrassment to the state of utah. that's the way it's going to be. he's committed to his role as the smallest man in the senate. it's due disgusting. ocasio-cortez tweeted this. i know i'm bringing up the youngest socialist in the democratic party. you've got to hear this. next time we have a government shutdown congressional salary should be furloughed as well. it's unexpectable that members of congress can force a government shut down and then have congressional salaries exempt from that decision. have some integrity. what do you think? >> she's never made any money. her biggest money ever will be the paycheck he gets as a member of congress. lou: she's got the right idea. >> she's going to have lots of ideas most of which i'm not going to give the time of day
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to. lou: absolutely. this is an interesting one. and now we've got a vote tomorrow for the rules fight tomorrow shaping up tore a serious matter. what do you think? >> i'm for the pay go is that basically when you put a new program in you've got to make sure there's allocation for it. lou: you've got to cut the budget or raise tax. >> absolutely. it will give the president a lot of power if it goes through and my sense is there won't be many dissidents. he may be one. the speaker is going to win tomorrow and the bottom line, the game will begin. lou: the democrats, schumer and pelosi, as i said early, they're trying to make this into a debating society, the shutdown and all of their blather surrounding it. the president is talking about securing the border. it's a national security issue. he's talking about disbeght getg something done. your thoughts about what happens to those moderate and largely unknown democrats coming in from
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this election in november taking their seats? what is she going to do with them? >> they'll stand by her for the short run. but the bot time line is the president is the one who's got to stand tough here and he will. if he doesn't get the ball this time, he's never going to get the wall. and the reality is, i think he realizes that. he's drawn the line in the sand. it's a good line. lou: what about negotiating for daca for crying out loud? >> the prem hi premise of daca,n executive order. he needs to repeal it and we need a comprehensive immigration bill and we can't have that until we have security. lou: if i hear one more time somebody talk about comprehensive immigration reform, it's a code word for make the problem bigger. if you think we have lightweights in congress now, watch them go after this legislation. they could screw up a vacant lot. you do not want these people
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doing more than they can handle. >> let's get the wall. lou: put up the damn wall. national security. it shouldn't be a make a deal episode. appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: thanks as always, ed. and happy new near, partner. outgoing speaker paul ryan had his own ideas about mitt romney's new role in the republican party. he said this way back in november. >> i would look to him as a leader who will be a standard bearer of our principles. lou: standard bea bearer of our principles. those are conservative principles. they're rinos. tonight's poll question, do you believe we now know exactly what paul ryan meant when he called roomny the next standard bearer, even though romney has no standards and his pettiness is already unbearable? cast yur vote on twitter
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@loudobbs. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram @loudobbs tonight. a violent mob of migrants charging the border at night. we take that up and more. harmeet dylon joins us. we're coming right back. stay with
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♪another summer day is come and gone away♪ ♪in paris and rome but i want to go home♪ ♪oh i miss you, you know ♪let me go home ♪it will all be alright ♪i'll be home tonight ♪i'm comin back home [click] [birds chirping] [sigh] [birds chirping] [sizzle] [sigh]
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lou: the illegal immigrant accused of killing california police officer ronald singh made his first appearance today. the attorney said that he went by many aliases. they questioned mendoza's mental capacity. the judge expects everyone back in court on 7 february. u.s. border patrol agents using tear gas to stop more than 100 central american migrants
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trying to cross our border illegally. in a statement u.s. customs border protection saying agents forced to use gas in response to the migrants throwing rocks a them. dhs spokeswoman called the migrants a violent mob. new york governor andrew cuomo pardoning 22 criminal immigrants this week, pardoning 22 illegal immigrants facing deportation because of their criminal records. the governor saying, quote, we'll make history in new york and move forward not by building a wall, my friends but by building new bridges. this is the same governor who said america was never great, he is a boy genius in the state house. joining me now, harmeet dylon, a board member of the republican national lawyers association and rnc committee woman for the great state of california. harmeet great to have you here ncht.>> thanks, lou.
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lou: first, the governor of new york pardoning illegal immigrants. what do you think? we've been doing that here in california as well. it's one of jerry brown's parting gifts to our state. it's outrageous. what he's saying is the rai rand file people of new york are better off with criminal aliens amongst them than had those people been deported. the majority of the crime that these people perpetrated on their own immigrant community. clearly what this government is saying, they don't care about any of those people in the lower class immigrant communities who are preyed upon by this criminal alien. they care about votes and that's the sole focus of why they're doing it. it's truly tragic. lou: and the accused murderer, the spt i suspect if you will kg
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a california police officer. your thought ons that. already they're starting to make excuses on this, trying to put together quote unquote context. your thoughts? >> yes, again. this is something that we've done before. this isn't the first time it's happened in california. and what's particularly poignant here, this was an illegal alien, officer singh had come highwayer from fe fiji serving the count . nancy pelosi and others elevate the rights of the criminal aliens who prey upon less fortunate people in our society over the rights of i citizens and legal immigrants in this country. it's an everyday story in california. it's not even news in california. lou: it's an everyday story in america. the president has put it exactly right. the democratic party is the party of illegal immigrants. they put priority forward on
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illegal immigrants and push citizens, the people that they should be representing whose interest they should be representing, including national security secondary or simply dismiss those interests. your thoughts? >> i couldn't agree more. you know, lou, in your prior segment you talked about nancy pelosi saying absolutely no no the wall. nancy lives in my district. a $1.6 million average median home price in our district. the only people she knows who are aliens are the domestic workerers in her own home. she doesn't know the community and the havoc that is wrought on these populations. the democratic leaders are totally out of touch. they adopt care what'sen flicking owhat they'reinflictin. only a wall is going to give tus
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security that we need and i'm glad to see the president holding stance on that. lou: you weren't suggesting that the speaker to be presumably has illegal immigrants working for her? >> not illegal. just immigrants. and you know domestic workers in san francisco often are, yes. lou: and secondly, you're not suggesting that the republican party doesn't bear immense responsibility for the mess this country is in in which legal and illegal has been conflate confln the national left-wing media talks about immigration, the distortions, the entire process since 1986 when amnesty was signed by president reagan. this has been a fouled up mess because we're serving business interest, the democratic party's interest in voters. both parties have taken what they can from illegal immigration and pe perpetuated .
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is that a fair statement? >> you're absolutely right. the republican, the chamber of commerce crowd is in favor of cheap labor in our country and that is an interest served by immigration and illegal immigration particularly. we bear a lot of responsibility for it. we have the house for the last two years. we did not do anything. and frankly the president has advisers in the white house who are constantly trying to under undermine his agenda in regard to immigration. lou: one of the ways they're trying to undermine the president is putting together the idea that national security can be bargained the president is right, securing the border, building the wall is a matter of national security. and i hope you agree with me. >> absolutely. lou: i don't think there's any way in hell we should bar gone over national security. >> i was a little concerned we were buckling on that issue and i'm glad to see him holding
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firm. lou: every mern mesh american se awfully grateful 37 thank you lord for this president at this time in this country. thank you very much. up next, new provocations lou: acting defense secretary
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pat shanahan making defense department priorities clear on his first day o on the job. during a meeting telling pentagon leaders to quote,
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remember china, china, china. his comments come as president xi delivered a speech to the chinese military in which he threatened to use force in order to unify taiwan and schie that. they also came after a chinese admiral, threatened to destroy two u.s. aircraft carriers in the south china sea. join ug iing us a fred flights. good to have you with us. also with us, gordon chang, author of the book, "nuclear showdown." thank you for being with us. let me start first with you, if i may, gordon. and this is, thisse this admirag apparently to provoke the united states, threatening two aircraft carriers, killing our sailors. if we're not provoked, xi
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certainly should be. it's time to get that kind of rhetoric out of the public arena of china. it's outrageous. >> it is outrageous. this is the second time in december that you had a chinese officer talk about surprise attacks on the u.s. navy. and the chinese are not just talking about this. we learned in may the defense department announced that they had lasers two american pilots, temporarily blinding them. and this is a worldwide problem and it needs the attention of the president of the united states telling the chinese to back off. he should say the response shouldn't be proportional. it should be overwhelming if they ever touch an american. lou: i couldn't agree with you more. what do you think, fred? >> whenever a chinese official says something so threatening we need to take it seriously and i have no doubt this represents the long term plans of china. keep in mind this admiral does not have a command. he's known for making overly
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belligerent statements and we cannot be sure he necessarily represents the views of the current chinese government. i don't think he's speak fg for current government. lou: i apologize for interrupting you. when you say we can't be sure if it represents the views of the communist chinese government. are you kidding me? he wouldn't be talking if it didn't represent the views. >> he's made a number of belligerent statement statementm to go over the top of what the rest of the chinese government has been saying. lou: when is the last time he was demoted for such outrageous rhetoric that's a good point. lou: just trying here, fred. gordon, this idea that china is going to attack our ships. let's go to fred's point and say, you know, perhaps he was speaking just for a small group within the leadership of china. the fact of the matter is that the leadership of china is permitting it. and becoming ever more
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aggressive. you hear from president xi that he's willing to go to war over taiwan. well the hell with president xi and this nonsense about perpetually being able to steal hundreds of billions of dollars in intellectual property. i've had businessmen, ceos say to me it's a complicated problem. the hell it's complicated. they're stealing our stuff. it doesn't get much more direct or simple. >> at least $300 billion a year. lou: as high as $600 billion. >> some people talk much higher. and you have the other preparatory trade practices of china. he doesn't believe in the notion of comparative advantage, doesn't believe that any foreigners should have a role except for giving up their technology. we've heard chinese flag officers and colonels say the same thing. they represent the thinking at the top of the chinese military
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which is why they're able to talk about it. these guys never get demoted. they get promoted. clearly this is what pla is thinking, lou. lou: let's turn to this president and robert lighthizer his trade representative saying two things that are important and, in my opinion, one is more tariffs may be necessary for the chinese to understand they're going to have to accommodate a new world order, that is a new world order that the imf, the word bank, the united nations itself should be supporting and that is the president's call for balanced trade globally. and the idea that we should not accept empty promises from the chinese who have made nothing but empty promises to this point. >> well the chinese are under pressure right now in these trade talks. there's evidence that they're having problems with their manufacturing. and they're going to probably be offering things to the united
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states in these negotiations. and lighthizer is right, they're probably going to offer fake promises like temporarily agreeing to buy more soybeans. lou: by the way, in that regard, let me insert again, fred, when you mention soybeans, we're not an emerging nation. more soybeans does not equal what the world's only superpower and the most advanced economy in the world should be exporting to china. it's nonsense. >> a fake promise. china announced it's going to allow for the first time in history imports of american rice. china could buy the entire rice crop in two weeks. we don't produce a lot of rice. we have to have manufactured goods and lighthizer wantses to make sure that the chinese make real concessions in these talks. lou: appreciate it, gentlemen.
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amazing times we're living in in this brand new year, 2019. happy new year, fred. thank you very much for your best wishes. thank you gordon. up next, the markets off to a good start in 2019. it started a little rough but got better then got worse. news tonight from apple that could change everything tomorrow. our chief economist here next. you don't want to miss this. stay with us.
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(sfx:birds singing, distant dog barking) (sfx:footsteps in wet cement) (sfx:birds singing, distant dog barking) hi hi ♪(whistling tune: "don't worry, be happy")♪
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closing higher but what a volatile session it was. we're getting used to that. the dow up 19 points at the close but that was only after it recovered from a plunge of just about 400 points. the s&p up stlee on the day, and the nasdaq gang 31. volume on the big board relatively light trading year by recent standards, 3.7 billion shares, crude ail up 2%, gold and silver flat, copper down nearly 1% what is going on can commodities. and apple tonight warning holiday season revenue will be below wall street expectations and corporate guidance because weak iphone sales, ceo tim
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cook making the statement in a letter to shareholders after the markets closed. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. joining me now to make sense of what's eats goin going on, manag director at moody's. great to have you here. we're off where we left off, volatility, volatility. >> that's going to be with is throughout the year. we got some help later in the day that if anything interest rates are going lower. and unfortunately in a way, in response to selloff, a lot sell- lou: a lot closer to 2.5%, and 3%. yo>> what the fed says. and by the way, i was just looking at the futures. fed funds futures, 61% prohibit to med funds staying exactly
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where it is today. a 33% probability to a rate hike, only a 6% chance of -- excuse me want 33% probability rate, 6% chance of a rate hike. lou: the idea that this fed, no matter -- i don't want to hear any nonsense, i don't know about you, from jerome powell again. this is not about the independence of the fed. it's about competency. they're taken down $400 billion off of the balance sheet. they've got 4.1 trillion till sl to run off. they've promised for interest rate hikes for this month. they've got to understand they cannot do this balance sheet runoff at the same time that they're raising rates. it's pretty simple. >> exactly. the fed has t to listen to interest sensitive components housing peak in the 2017.
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it's been slieppedding since then. we find corporate bond issue ise has hit the skids. they may be telling us there could be a credit crunch if the fed goes ahead and hikes rates. lou: and no high yield deals at all last month. >> none by u.s. companies but we did get high yield deals from chinese companies. a lot of the companies have exposure -- lou: let's hold the war with china. >> at least somebody is using the corporate bond market. lou: guess who it would be, it would be the chinese. as we look at what's going on with this market, 3.7 billion shares, you can just -- you can see that there's so much caution now in i the air with apple tod, you know, saying they're not going to get close to guidance. this is a difficult little pill to swallow for investors. tomorrow we're down in the futures. and you looked just before
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you. >> by more than 300 points. lou: on the dow. and we know that this is going to amount to, at least on that projection for apple, about somewhere around 08 points off of the dow tomorrow morning. >> and apple was counting on sales in china. we had a weak reading on chinese manufacturing. lou: that was a surprise. >> that was. and here we're talking about the decline in copper price, as well as a slump in industrial metals prices reflect as global weakness as far as manufacturing goes. lou: you know, i deeply respect you first as a man and secondly as an economist. but i got to say, riddle this for me. we've got 2.5% now suddenly on two-year. we've got suddenly gold rising and we're looking at commodity prices generally falling. this looks to me like more of a
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disinflationary environment. why in the world is gold going up? >> i can't look. that's just a sense of if everything else fails i'm going to go to gold. lou: i was afraid that was going to be the answer. >> one of the reasons apple may have gotten themselves into trouble is they were too aggressive with price hikes on iphones. note the auto industry early last year, auto sales were going down because prices were too high. detroit cut operateses, auto came back. lou: this is a lesson. thank you sir for the tutorial. u i switched to liberty mutual
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4:57 am
laura: i started so wthinking about lunch.ool. mom packed me turkey and cheese. i really wanted cheese pizza... mom: she's smart but sometimes her mind wanders. laura: we should have a sleepover. mom: i remember saying laura...laura? laura: i think i heard mom say something. mom: the sign says "don't walk."
4:58 am
laura: sometimes it's so overwhelming. both: i really hope she doesn't [i don't] have another bad day at school today. narrator: when you can see learning and attention issues from their side, you can be on their side. go to, a free online resource with support and tools to help your child thrive.
4:59 am
lou:ed the question of the evening, whether you believe president trump is standing tall for all americans by threatening to shut down the u.s.-mexico border. 96% of you said yes. president trump says the government shutdown will continue as long as it takes to get the democrats to fund that border wall. andy biggs backing the president. >> if we can win this thing. i think the american people want a wall. and i don't think we have to give in and trade daca for it. the american people want this. we can stand firm.
5:00 am
the president is standing firm. lou: good to be with you. good night from new they are not offering enough for the price increase. a big --dash -- a big hurt for apple. they are sparking a global selloff in tech stocks. the pre- market is down about seven and half percent. eighty-five points off the dow jones industrial average. they are now done down by 354 percent. it's down 2.7 percent.


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