tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 3, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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press conference saying - was with her as well. we appreciate madison and kristin. jampacked show and we thank you so much for having us in your home and thinking you for watching. lou dobbs will take it up next right here on the fox business network. have a good night. ♪. lou: good evening. radical dems officially in control of congress nancy pelosi is now the duly elected speaker of the house. addressing the 116th congress, pelosi declared her policy priorities seem deeply to be mired in a bygone era offering her aggressively left listing conference, meaningless spending bill that already dba, that is dead before arrival in the senate as you would expect from the former speaker she fancies and old tiresome prescription for illegal immigration, worry not simply grant amnesty to the
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mall. >> democrats will be offering the senate republican appropriations legislation to reopen government later today and we will make america more american bypassing by protecting our patriotic courageous dreamers. lou: she got that straightened out. president trump standing strong in the face of his new opposition that seems like his old opposition to date making his first trip to the white house briefing room flanked by border patrol agents who want to build the dam off now. president trump: they basically said and i can take the word basically out without about you cannot have border security. without a formal barrier, call it what you will, but without a wall you cannot have border security. having drones and various forms of sensors are all fine but they will not stop the problems that
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this country has. we need protection in our country and we will make it good. the people of our country wanted. i've never had so much support as i have in the last week over my stance for border security, border control and for brinkley, the wall or barrier. lou: we take up this new democratic led congress, leadership team, that is hardly filled with new paces or new ideas and president trump is the only one in washington with new ideas and the only ones setting the standard for achievement and breaking records in doing so. what is next for the presidents of america first agenda? we take it up here tonight and the dean of political strategist, ed rollins, is with us. if you missing senators corker, blake and ryan picking up the
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slack is none other than to time failed presidential candidate and now rhino junior senator, mitch romney who won election with the presidential endorsement but betrayed his utah voters by viciously attacking the president. romney and his minions spent the first day in office trying to walk back his buddy, ignorant insults. >> i said prior to the primary in an op-ed i wrote in the utah papers that i would work with the president on places where we agree and very discreet i pointed out. that's a great feature of this representative democracy which is where we agree to come together and where there are disagreements we express those openly and honestly that does have trust in one another and look forward to having a trusting relationship with the president despite their differences. lou: scary. that's the way the junior senator built trust by attacking the character of the president of the united states. if you want to buy all that bladder well, we all have plenty of opportunities to buy his
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nonsense. washington times charlie heard is with us to talk about the feckless, rino republicans seem determined to stand with the radical dems and in the presidents way. red storm continues to rise and rise dramatically. the state permit is now warning us citizens to exercise caution if choosing to travel to china. government concerned beijing may try to hold americans as bargaining chips. we take up the latest in chinese aggression with fox news national security strategist doctor sebastian gorka is with us. top story tonight as butch cassidy and the sundance kid once said who are those guys in the holly hundred 16 congress sworn in today and the house now under the control of the democrats house speaker nancy pelosi. the dems hold 235 seats with a 10089 seats now held by women. the republicans have 199, one
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vacancy in the first day of leadership the democrats displaying more toughness and more intelligence than the republican team that led the previous congress, speaker pelosi laid out her agenda of obstruction and a promise of contentious two years ahead. despite pelosi's claim she will to impeach the president other dems could barely constrain themselves. brad sherman of california, al green of texas using the first day in congress to reduce articles of impeachment against the president. the new era is definitely upon us, you congress but the old leadership from the first two years of the obama administration. foxbusiness correspondent edward lawrence joins us from the white house. reporter: yeah, the president dana message today talking about order security. surprised everyone when walked into the white house press briefing room and made the case in a matter what you call it border, wall, barrier it is
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needed. president trump: having drones and barriers were various sensors are fine but will not stop the problems that this country has. reporter: president had a meeting in the oval office with border patrol agent and representing the union for border patrol agents and decided to bring them out and directly make the pitch to the american people for border security. president trump: >> i work in arizona for ten years and did not have physical barriers and illegal immigration and drug smuggling was absolutely out of control. we built those walls, physical barriers and illegal immigration dropped exponentially. anywhere you look where we have built walls they have worked. reporter: as you know democratic leadership questioning the urgency for this fall and senator doug jones from alabama that he wants to know firsthand why it is needed. >> what i'd like to see in what we have not seen thus far is i
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like to see the people the president trotted out come to capitol hill and talk to us about what they see and need. reporter: the president has again invited the house and senate leadership here to the white house tomorrow for a meeting to negotiate and stop and get bored of running but stop government shutdown but it did happen late in the morning tomorrow. lou: thank you. ed lawrence from the white house. joining me now former reagan white house political director, ed rollins. i just want to say as we begin the president wanting to use interchangeably the words while in barrier. very simply, it's a damn wall. >> is a wall. the most telling me was the gentleman bald like me i think you have to be mean and all the tough but he talked about . lou: if there half as tough as you they won't have a wall.
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>> 70,000 criminals including murderers and rapists, burglars, car thieves and think of that number. 17,000 and you made the point you can't stop the people with drones but you have to be there in physical presence there. we need the wall. guys on the line want the wall. lou: that was senator jones from alabama. people from alabama should be concerned he needs a special tutorial on why all is needed on the border with mexico. my god. it is where the majority of methamphetamines, marijuana, heroin and cocaine cross. most corrupt part of this country along that border because of the traffic in drugs and human smuggling. it's ignorance work for anyone, democrat or puppy and to say why would you need a wall? it works. it is that straightforward. president campaign on it american people put this man in white house saying build the wall.
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>> he's hanging tough and i think he will he talked to the battle. will be a couple more weeks at a minimum but at the end of the day it has the time. lou: if you don't get it now not have the country. the president i think as i said on this broadcast throughout and as we discussed this is his signature promise and it is the signature issue and it cannot be in any way in my judgment bargained away. this idea of daca i said last night, daca is done, daca is a bargaining chip. it's a mistake. there is nothing that should be attached to it other than the well-being of the american people and the safety and the security of the station and if they can't handle that, leave the damn government shutdown. >> democrats will pay a price for it. lou: they will pay a price for it and the fact is the rest of the country will pay if we do less than defend our borders.
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let's turn to the dems and what in the world makes them tick. same old leadership team that brought us barack obama's first two years on capitol hill. >> many a night i wonder why i'm still a republican with but i looked at the group and said that's why i've been a republican for 40, 50 years. same people i've been watching with the same ideas. putting for fdr proposals today. literally. lou: not a new idea among them. there is only one person with original ideas and only one person who means to get things done and that is the president of the united states. i'm including the republican party as well as the democratic party. mitt romney making a splash because he ignorantly is attacking the only person getting anything done in washington dc. how dumb is this senator from
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utah? people in utah, i know you got to be thrilled, you elected a guy based on an endorsement by the president of the united states whose before he steps on to capitol hill is attacking the very guy who recommended you vote for him. what the trail. >> is on them all day today. history of stepping from one side to the other on major issues. today he tried to step back. lou: i call that slithering. he whines like a snake. >> your more articulate than i am but i think greatest waffler i've ever seen in american politics. talking about you need to build relationships on trust. who would trust this guy for a heartbeat? is a guy that trump endorsed and trump secretary of state after he trashed them to convene and he did the same thing to ronald reagan when he was president. lou: it's ignorance and the left-wing media just loves mitt
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romney for a day. where were they in 2020? let's look at this economy and impact right now. the markets are having fits. the democrats are even discussing the economy except you heard nancy pelosi say she's all about jobs and green jobs she's paying attention to what this president is saying and mitt romney is saying he's about tax cuts. these two people, romney and pelosi, are aping everything that present him has already accomplished. the same that's what they want to sound like jamie diamond with the head of chase went around saying what he was thinking about running for president was repeating or ripping off or stealing prodigiously from the trump agenda. it is silly what these supposed to. >> romney talking about bipartisanship but that would be whatever nancy pelosi once, i
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want. every single major issue that's been bipartisan including criminal bill that kushner just pushed through always the democrat bill and never republic and bill. in my sense, having bipartisanship and move the ball forward. democrats get to run with it and senate has to align and present will be no. lou: meanwhile, first agenda has to move ahead despite this. ed, great to see you as always. entire quarterly sales warning from apple sent investors tumbling and markets really. dow jones industrial sold off 660 points down at the close and s&p lost 62, nasdaq snapping a five-day winning streak down to a two points. president and ceo of wealth management rebecca walser and senior analyst at banyan hill, ian king join us later. we take up what in the world we
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should all be thinking about when we have the courage to look at these numbers coming from these markets. also tonight, left-wing national media can contain their exhilaration and joy is nothing pelosi has reclaimed the house speakership. >> speaker pelosi took the gavel and looks like a boss. >> historic clash of women here in the congress that will be led by nancy pelosi who is a historic figure. >> look at the way she handled the meeting with donald trump and chuck schumer. i think that was an iconic moment for her which is you will not get away with that, mr. president. >> can i say congratulations to nancy pelosi? >> all the angst that people say who the speaker should be between election and today is no question to the right person at the right time in the right place. lou: well. you are reassured hearing from radical dems that radical them
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gas from a bygone era is the right person for this one. we'll take that up and much more right after the break, washington times charlie's hurt in radio hurst mark simone join me. stay with us. be right back. minimums and fees. they seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. capital one is anything but typical. that's why we designed capital one cafes. you can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. and one of america's best savings rates. to top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. this isn't a typical bank. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet?
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to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. it's a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. so you wake up ready to make your resolutions, reality. sleep number is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j.d. power. it's the final days of the lowest prices of the season. the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1299. ends sunday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. lou: freshman sunder ryno
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senator mitt romney trying to walk back along with his minions working in it to walk back his failed effort to insult the president. romney now says his op-ed which he wrote about the president and went he said this, the president [inaudible] was about his relationship with the president and not insult about how well they will work together. >> it certainly an opportunity to work together and things were we agree. i said prior to the primary and op-ed i wrote in the utah papers would work the president on places where we agree in where i disagree i pointed out. lou: he attacked the president or a texas character, personality and did everything but talk about policy. today's backtrack shows just how much romney's lame attempts at filling the antagonistic roots of jeff flake just how badly,
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badly we should not failed but succeeding and flaking - maybe you should try winning for a change and work to support the president, period. charlie hurt joins us and foxbusiness contributor, talk show personality and yes, i can't wait to have you both with us and when i listen to mealymouthed weasel backtrack and then the political press calls it walking back it is laughable to watch this guy and you shudder to think he could have been president. my lord. >> it's incredible. to think when you go back and read what an insulting, incendiary column he wrote that what he had to say today was he
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overstated his case it leaves you no wonder whatsoever why the guy lost the presidency in the first place four years ago. the other guy coming to washington, desperate for attention and relevancy and gets into bed with the washington post and surprise surprise, he turns those people will pick up anything as long as it's an attack on the new president. they have to run at least eight and said antitrust pieces everyday most on the front page or it's a tough day for the post. following up on what charlie is saying here this guy is so insufferable but the idea he would claim and what he will do next, i think, i would not be surprised here he is with remember that video attack i had on the president and he's going
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to claim he was misquoted for crying out loud but that's how much integrity he has. >> riveting piece about top can be abrasive and let's rush that into print. the idea that mitt romney will give you personality advice is like michael moore giving you fashion tips. [laughter] romney - to say he is not presidential he's been president for two years but. lou: and historic president at that because of what he's done keeping his promises and putting america and americans first and then we have romney who is basically saying to all american in utah go to hell you are a bunch of suckers in i accepted the trump endorsement and non- telling trump but what an ignorant - his character he's talking about character? he is a traitor and is
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treasonous and betrayed the people - >> he just has not even taken office but just landed. [laughter] >> let's not forget he ran for the post before the state of massachusetts and claim to be a bigger abortion enthusiast that even ted kennedy. the guide will say whatever he needs to say in any given moment to get what he wants politically. other thing that is funny to think about big reason he failed in the presidential campaign is because he came across as is out of touch rich guy. look at a guy like donald trump who is also a very rich guy but was victorious. why? because he was honest and owned who he was. he knew who he was the people voted because he felt like they knew who he was. no one knew who's the carpetbagger who's willing to go anywhere in the country so he can get into the world's most exclusive club.
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>> hard to think of the senate frankly as a source of - charlie if you say it i believe it. i have a hard time with a lot of. >> doesn't look bad exclusive. lou: we have to pick it up here as we continue the romney chronicles, plenty of material. market, charlie, thank you so much. be sure to vote on a pole tonight and the question is - paul ryan? nancy pelosi? cast a vote on twitter at lou dobbs. follow me on twitter and like me on facebook, follow me on instagram and up next, a warning from the state permit about communist china. we take that up and much more coming up after the break. former trump strategist
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sebastian gorka with us tonight. be right back. this music is supposed to relax me, though. ♪ maybe you'd mellow out a bit if you got geico to help you with your renters insurance. oh, geico helps with renters insurance? good to know. yeah, and they could save you a lot of money. wow, suddenly i feel so relieved. you guys are fired. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance.
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lou: state department today issued a travel warning instructing americans to use increased caution and traveling to china. that advisory says - same tim cook, if you're listening, rethink that trip to china that you have planned later this year. says he's not worried and maybe he should be. during us tonight doctor sebastian gorka emma national security strategist and author of why we fight. we recommend all the above to you highly. now the man himself with great to have you with us. >> happy new year, lou. lou: thank you. let's start with travel ban to communist china.
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who would've ever thought that people would start paying attention to what is happening in human rights in china? all it took was this trade adjustment that the president is recommended strongly to the chinese to make it happen. .-dot. >> lou, as the child of parents who not only suffered under fascism as children but lived under the communist dictatorship of the hungarian republic during the cold war and escaped across a minefield to freedom, and never managed to relate to anyone who does business with a communist country, let alone goes there as a tourist on holiday. all these trips to cuba and the people who think it's so cool to hang out in china, do they understand china is a police state and is the most powerful communist country still functioning today?
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why does it take the election of donald trump for this to be news to mac? perhaps google and apple should make up as well. lou: google, apple and the global 1,000 who are doing business most of them in china who have invested their instead of our own hemisphere and not in central america, south america but chosen to make communist china the beneficiary of all the technology that the chinese have stolen and let's remember we have given much of that to them as well and permitted them carte blanche basically to decide whatever the trade surplus will be that they will run with, what would you call the american trade czars - i guess we call them chumps. we lost trillions of dollars in
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economic growth as a result of the policies of the president is working overtime to write. >> absolutely. president understands the threat china poses to us, not just economically but diplomatically and politically but the sad thing is . lou: don't forget militarily. they threaten to destroy two of our carriers for crying out lo loud. >> and not just in the classic domain but with the news they landed a probe, rover on the dark side of the moon. it's not just about the security of asia but about resurgent china in all domains including space. that truth is we made it possible in the last 40 years with the opening to china and the most tapered nationstate, wpo membership and we facilitated.
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lou: we don't do a thing about their theft of as much as $600 billion in intellectual property and technology. they steal from this country every saturday. one announcement of a prosecution and espionage on the part of the chinese. my god, there were 3500 front companies in the country, 15 years ago. god knows how many they are now and we hardly hear a whisper from the fbi from the cia and intelligence committee about what is transpiring, let alone senate, house, publicans or democrats. outrageous. if it weren't for the president we would be in even worst shape. >> look, the fact that the doj when i was in the white house we had to declassify a case in which a chinese agent was caught stealing and digging out of the ground corn in the us that we had modified genetically to make it resistant to blight. there stealing everything.
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it is not just space age technology but corn genetically modified corn they are stealing and reverse engineering. it's the depth of the penetration. confucius institutes across america that are peddling anti-american propaganda into the country. this is a serious threat. one person at the top of the chain who gets it and that is donald trump, trouble is a measure whether beijing fully understands how serious donald trump is as president. lou: at this point it is also understandable they don't yet taken seriously because his own party is refusing to act on his leadership and to carry out his america first agenda and that is without question a great shame of the public a party that will last for a very long time. doctor sebastian gorka, thank you for being with us. enjoy your book.
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congratulations on your radio show. i will say it, break a leg. >> thank you, lou. god bless. lou: up next, news of lower iphone sales has something of a modest impact on the market. another long day on all three. we tell you all about it and what in the world is going on right after these quick messages. we'll be right back. got directs to the nightclub here. and if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. man: tom's my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house... tom: it's a $10 cover? oh, okay. didn't see that on the website. he's been acting more and more like his dad. come on, guys! jump in! the water's fine! tom pritchard. how we doin'? hi, there. tom pritchard. can we get a round of jalapeño poppers for me and the boys, please? i've been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so... progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. i'm ray and i quitt ysmoking with chantix. smoking. it dictates your day. i didn't like something having control over me.
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lou: big selloff on wall street, another one. dow, s&p of the were start since 2,000. dow down 660-point, s&p lost 62, nasdaq fell 202. volume on the big board picking up slightly from yesterday 3.8 billion today in market cap is measured by a thousand up half a trillion dollars have a $20 at the close and taking a look at where the economy is going crude oil just moving up or then half of the present him a $47 a barrel, gold and silver rising, copper down 2%, no evidence of january affected a in stocks did not rally somebody did they would, most notably apple going the other way down $75 billion in market caps. apple stock down 40% from all-time high with the all-time high set just last october.
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reminder to listen to my reports the times a day "coast to coast" on the salem radio network joining me now senior research analyst and former hedge fund manager, ian king. also, rebecca walter, walter wealth management author of best-selling book. that sounds like it is bulletproof. good to have you with us. let me start with this incipient point with that question and that is apple cutting back its guidance and basically saying its guidance had been torn to shreds and blaming china. rebecca, your thoughts? >> is not too surprising because in september we saw by james cut their share pricing because of orders people back and also saw in november apple saying they
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were no longer report sales by unit which was odd for the market and a tell that something is going awry. i sort of expected apple would go to revise the first quarter and projections down but did not expect it to be so big, 9 billion-dollar revenue down. lou: and your reaction? are the markets overreacting here or catching up with the new reality? >> i think apple's problems are endemic to the company itself. apple is telling thousand dollar cell phones to china and india in places for the world they don't want to pay $1,000 for couples. once they don't want to pay thousand dollars in this country either. lou: it's not just in india or china but apple does not have pricing power like it once did. >> correct. additionally the cell phone
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replacement cycle which used to be every two years is now lengthened to three years. if you got an iphone eight that is great and you don't need another iphone x or iphone xs but i also think big point in india smart phone penetration is only 90%. china is 59%. big growth markets for smartphone makers right now. if you don't have a phone that is nice to properly the market will not sell smartphones. lou: everybody is missing in this country and that is were talking china and china dictates outcomes. this is one of the outcomes they are dictating. it's not an accident to see their sales slow as they did. what with - it's not simply tim cook catching up with an old reality but a new reality and it is clearly driven by the communist leadership of china
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without question. now to the market itself rebecca this is a market that is some are saying without question it's overdone. this selloff is beyond reason and i don't see that at all. i don't see why it stayed up in the first interest rate hikes and why it stayed up in the face of this runoff by the fed and balance sheet and they are sucking money out of the economy and making credit even more expensive. >> it is true but the reason is we still do have strong economic fundamentals. agree with you. were in for a bumpy ride. were in correction territory and headed toward the. if you look at unemployment market if the highest we've seen in years, starting wage growth, the gp obviously better under president trump d regulatory and tax policies under sluggish obama ears. let's touch on china one second. lou: we have to hurry.
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real quickly. >> i was going to say with china has pushed its employees to go that yahweh route instead of aqua route and that to be the result of that. lou: that's a view. you get the last word. >> i agree with rebecca. this location between stock market and economy and the stock market corrections and had them in the past before over the long run when the market goes up and volatility early in the year but when we clean up the trade trade with china and the market will continue its rally in his had the last decade. lou: thank you. ian king, rebecca walter, thank you. dhs and the world bank revealed just how dire the situation is at our southern border. washington examiner in new york, right after the break. stay with us. ♪
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comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more
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last month. one in four were unaccompanied. world bank finding migrant remittances to mexico and said america total more than $53 billion, up more than 20% over the past two years. again, demonstrating the clear alignment between central american governments, mexico and the illegal immigrants they push to cross our borders and help prop up their economies. joining us tonight chief political correspondent for the washington examiner, foxbusiness can do better, great american, happy new year. good to see you. >> happy new year to you, lou. lou: was always present, portable is necessary. i noticed today the president said barrier or whatever you call it but it is a wall. what is going on? >> he's reduced his demand. he's reduced the 5 billion-dollar demand and reduced the semantic demand of
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calling it a wall and clearly that's members of congress previously voted in 2006 and in 2013 for a big fence with the secure fence act of 2006 and gang of eight bill that the senate passed in 2013 and they called for 700 miles of pedestrian fencing and in some cases double and triple . lou: and the father of the current investment set at the time he included must-have legislation language in their and it must be built and we saw how well that worked out simply because it's a law does not mean any president will follow it. if their names are bush or oba obama. >> you are absolutely right. that 2006 bill said this fence
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must be built 700 miles specified and was a bipartisan consensus to come out and be in favor and bipartisan consensus not to do it. next year they passed an amendment saying building the wall and the fence was optional. lou: extraordinary what is optional with these characters. we got a president has reduced his demands to what number? >> has not said precisely but there's talk about two and half billion. lou: you had wax on the air talking all day long he wants 5.6 and they don't want anything and you take them in a number and that's what we will see. that is the most ignorant kind of suggestion in my opinion you can imagine from anyone other than the swamp. these are the deep denizens of the swamp coming out to push the case memo and demand.
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[inaudible conversations] lou: he wants a deal and a fence and a wall. whatever you call it. i want a wall. i want a wall where we need it. i don't have a darn about bargaining national security. i would not do it in a million years. if it's an issue of national security how do you bargain on that? you're talking the sovereignty of the nation and the safety of the people. he ran on that issue and those issues and this is - i believe in compensable he would. >> he raised a bunch of good points and the fact is now and you could say that is - back in march of last year. lou: let's be honest. who controls congress. this last time is a rino leadership and assign radical
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dems it's the same opposition in place and these are obstructionist and who do they want first if not america and the. >> you would agree most people in congress not just democrats but republicans don't want to build the wall and resisted it for a long time which means the president has to keep up a full-court press all the time to get it and did not do that for a lot of 2018. >> let me raise my hand on this and that he has to ignore these goals. he has to press ahead with the power of the pen and drive executive orders and move this federal government in the direction in which we means to. this is outrageous. compromising on national security and we've got people otherwise responsible americans
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sitting there saying will split the baby in half. they think they're walking around in solomon -like. they need to split the baby in half. and to get - not to achieve the interest of the nation. >> splitting the baby is what everyone should not do. lou: exactly. i'm not saying they are devout or particularly bright and i don't know neither their iq scores or their spiritual state but in most cases don't have interest in learning the reality of either. where do we go from here? it's a president who is besieged and truly wants to build a wall and has promised a wall and yet what we are looking at is a man who is possessed by the radical left and the rhino right and he
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has many allies. >> i don't thank you like it you hear democrats talk about enhanced fencing you're also hearing them talk about just as we heard from the gang of eight electronic measures with infrared sensors, drones and border to create a virtual wall. most of the people who are conservative on immigration say virtual wall is no wall at all. lou: at all. stand tall. build the wall. byron, thank you for being with us. be right back. i just wanted to show you something i've been wor... ♪ james r. and associates. anna speaking... ♪ james r. and associates. anna. ♪
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to top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. this isn't a typical bank. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? lou were we asked what romney meant when he called -- ryan meant when he called romney the next standard-bearer. the dems taking control of the house. the president remains clear on a border wall.
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president trump: without a wall you cannot have border security. it won't work. lou: diamond and silk. congressman matt gaetz. we hope you will be with us. we thank you for joining us tonight. reporter: socialist democrats pushing forward their agenda looking to expand our government. maybe they should look at socialist venezuela. the country i
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