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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 4, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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disaster. we have done a great job. but you can't do the kind of job we have to do unless you have a major powerful barrier. lou: it's called a wall. we thank you for being with us. jack keane among our guests monday. melissa: breaking tonight, president trump vowing to secure our borders and keep americans safe as stand firm on keeping the government shut until he receives $5.6 billion for his border wall. watch. county * wpresident trump: we we opening until it's solved. the border is a problem of national security. melissa: president trump flirts with the idea of declaring a national emergency to get his wall. but dose have the authority to do that? we are on it.
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president trump blast be the newly sworn in rashida tlaib. we have the video straight ahead. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. good evening. i'm melissa francis in for trish. president trump saying he's prepared to keep the president closed for months or even years in order to get funding for border security. this as the partial shutdown hits the two-week mark with no end in sight. kristina partsinevelos is live in washington with the latest on this. reporter: so much going on as lawmakers are working hard to overcome this shutdown impasse. vice president mike pence asked
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congressional leaders to come to the white house tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern time to meet and discuss how they can stop the shutdown from progressing past the two-week period. this is after white house leaders discussed wall funding. the president wants $5.billion for this wall. however, house speaker is adamant but not giving a penny. >> we recognize on the democratic side that we cannot resolve this until we open the government. we made that very clear to the president. reporter: you have senate minority leader at that same press conference told reporters that the president told him he's willing to shut count entire government for months and even years. so you have a lot of back and
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forth. but there was one optimistic comment from house minority leader mccarthy. >> i felt good about the progress we made. we didn't agree to anything. but in the discussion that we had, i can find a lot of areas about other challenges for them. reporter: technically speaking congress has adjourned until tuesday. the government could be reopened as early as wednesday. it's affecting 800,000 american jobs. at this point you even have the american federation of government employees, the largest federal union suing the government claiming you can't force employees to work without paying them. there is a lot of action and we are talking about it, but no
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progress. melissa: i can't believe anyone went home for the weekend without finishing the job of negotiating this. president trump said he's considering declaring a national emergency if that's needed to get the border wall built. >> have you considered using emergency powers to grant yourself authority to build this wall without congressional approval. president trump: yes, i have, and i can do it if i want. we can call a national emergency because of the security our country, absolutely. we can do it. i haven't don't. i may do it. melissa: can he actually do that? let's ask chad pergram. sometimes i feel like when we debate these questions we are taking the bait he has thrown out there. but what's the verdict. can he do this? >> if he could do it why haven't they don't so far.
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i'll go back to the basics of the american government. article one section 9 of the u.s. constitution gives congress the ultimate power of the purse. we call this a partial government shutdown. they aproved, signed into law five of the 12 spending bills. among those is the defense bill and military construction. if there is a national emergency, the theory is maybe the president could move some of the money around. reprogramming and transferring money. you can do that if you have the authority between members of the appropriations committees on both sides of the capitol. but you have to have that happen. this issue came up in early december when they were talking about in the military construction bill which has been signed into law. you already appropriated that money. it's designed for different project. then you start to moist. congress has to sign off on
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reprogramming or transfer it across bills. but they only have a little bit of agility to maybe move millions of dollars with an m. administrations say let's try something outside the box. we saw that with president obama when he tried to do recess appointments and he was struck down by the supreme court. will it happen? sometimes you have to push the envelope. melissa: i think he was essentially toying with everyone. worth checking into. chad, thank you. do you carry that pocket constitution? >> this is my tool, a carpenter carries a hammer an wrench. i carry this every day in my pocket because we refer to it a lot. it's part of the business here on capitol hill. melissa: that's why i love you, chad pergram. joining me is texas congressman kevin wright.
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a lot of your colleagues went home. and i have to wonder why when people are not getting their paychecks and there is no agreement made. it seems that you should be there hammering out an agreement. >> first, it's ron wright. melissa: i apologize for that. >> we can't go forward unless the democrats are willing to seriously discuss this. republicans and the president are committed to the safety of the american people. any member of congress who doesn't see border security as a national security issue doesn't understand the issue. we have dangerous people crossing that border because it's not secure. known criminals, known terrorists. in the last month we had close to 3,000 terrorists coming across the border. how many did we not catch. melissa: do you think it's whether your colleagues across
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the aisle understand that or is it about the word wall? but most of of the serious folks on the other side of the aisle appreciate the idea they want to put money toward drones or more patrolmen. it seems like to lay people on the streets, the hangup is that word wall. >> to some debright's semantics. the president said several times, not's not just a concrete wall. there are several times of materials that can be used. but it has to be there. we are absolutely committed to the safety and security of the american people. for the democratic party and the leadership to put the desires of foreign nationals and illegal immigrants above the safety and security of the american people is unconscionable.
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this is an unsolvable problem. we need the democrats to sit down with us and negotiate in good faith. melissa: what would that look like? obviously at this point everyone has to save some face. what does that look like where everybody could get out of this with an agreement and save some face? >> the first thing is they need to stop throwing up additional roadblocks. they said they won't even go forward without opening the government. it's a partial shutdown. about 25% of government. that's a precondition to even seriously negotiate. melissa: we don't believe them necessarily. we heard lindsey graham is negotiating with people behind the scenes. we hope the wheels are still moving and folks on the left say the problem is president trump is holding up the whole thing because he wants his wall from sea to shining sea. there is a lot of things people
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are saying. what do you think is the deal that could get done? >> the deal that could get done is funding whatever we need to secure the border. and there could be some negotiation there and would what constitutes that. but republicans are committed. this isn't about a wall it's about the saved i and security of the american people. >> is it about the $5 billion number? >> no, i don't think so. in the context of the total budget of the united states, no. we support the president on this. we need the democrats to get serious and sit down. for this to go on for months on end like they are talking about would be ridiculous. melissa: how much pressure will you feel, sir? >> i support the president and the house leadership on this. our priorities will not change. there is a lot of things we can negotiate. but we'll not negotiate the
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safety and security of the american people. melissa: and you won't feel pressure next week? >> no, not on that point. building a wall on the southern border was a signature campaign promise for then candidate donald trump and it resonated with voters. but one personality on msnbc insists it is not what americans actually want. >> that is just delusional. you look at the numbers. this concept is less popular than it's ever been. donald trump is now shutting down the government over a fictional wall it's going to cost $5 billion just so he has a political punch line. melissa: is it just a punch line? let's bring in the executive director of democratic studies. thanks for joining us. mark, what do you think, is it a
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punch line? >> it would be delusional if you thought the wall was some kind of magic thing that could solve all our problems. but nobody thinks that. the president never said that. the reason the border patrol agents who know something about border security say they need physical barriers on the border along with other tools is because you have to have that. you can do it -- you have to have technology, personnel, you have to have all that. but in places especially those close to highways, close to cities, you have to have physical barriers to slow down people. melissa: antoine, if it's a punch line then it wouldn't matter so much to the president's political future. a lot of folks think it's like his read my lips moment. he doesn't deliver on the wall, it would be political death not
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to deliver. >> it's called manufactured outrage and crisis by those who support this president. the only reason we are having this discussion is trump was reading from the trump book of receipt rick during the campaign that said mexico is going to pay for the wall. he said the same thing bother things he didn't deliver on. and here we are. the bottom line is we are having this discussion because mexico was supposed to pay for a wall. now they are not. and he wants to shut down the government over a campaign promise. when he returns to the campaign trail he can say re-elect me because i did 1, 2, 3, xyz. the american people spoke loud and clear that they do not support funding for a border wall. melissa: mark, antron doesn't
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think this matters for the president's future. >> i never said that. he said himself during the course of the campaign he can walk down the street and his base will not go anywhere. they are thought going to move. >> the fact is, the reason the democrats have dug their heels in on this issue, because $5 billion is a lot of money to me. but for democrats spending money like water, it's not. they are digging their heels in precisely because they know that it's oh important to the president. that's why they are not going to come to the bargaining table. they know this is important to them. because of that, they are withholding it from him. even though these are the same people who voted for exactly the same thing back in 2006. >> what democrats know, the $1.6
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billion that was allocated in the last continuing resolution, less than 10% of that money has been spent towards border security or wall. here he is asking for an additional $5 billion and holding 800,000 government employees hostage because of a political talking point or rhetoric he wants to rehearse to his base as read meat. that's why we are where we are. >> the stakes are much bigger than just this amount of money for border barriers. if the democrats get away with this, they will be emboldened to pursue the rest of their immigration agenda which is to defund immigration enforcement. it's open and explicit about ending ice detention. ending it. so illegal immigrants would not be held in detention. abolishing i.c.e. this is the agenda that has to be prevented and this is sort of
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the line in the sand. melissa: antoine why is that not true. there are democrats that came out and talked about abolishing i.c.e. including the woman we'll talk about later who said she wants to impeach trump. >> two or three people said they want to abolish i.c.e. what we heard from the democrats is we want comprehensive immigration reform to include border security and fixing a broken immigration system that congress failed to do. that's why the bipartisan proposal from graham and durbin a few months ago went to his desk and he rejected it. the late senator john mccain submitted a bipartisan proposal and it was rejected. melissa: they would say because it's missing the border security
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key. >> these proposals would have amnestied 2 million people in exchange for a minor enforcement measure that would be yanked back as soon as the amnesty was given. melissa: i think we didn't solve the problem. thanks to both of you guys. coming up. just hours after being sworn into office. congresswoman rashida tlaib is caught on camera vowing to impeach president trump. but let's ask the same question. was that a campaign promise or campaign punch line? democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez says she has the perfect solution to fund her green new deal. make the rich pay for it. minimums and fees.
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melissa: new reaction hours after swearing in the house. democrat rashida tlaib spent the first night as a congresswoman sharing a story she told her son. people love and you win. bullies don't win. i said baby, they don't. we are going to go in there and [bleep]. melissa: i say that to my son all the time. no i don't. she called for everyone to work together. but nancy pelosi is defending congresswoman tlaib's words. >> i'm not in the censorship
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business. i don't use that language and i don't establish any language standard for my colleagues. but i don't think it's anything worse than what the president has said. here with we now is trump 2020 campaign manager, and david mcintosh. i know you have not always been a fan of the president. what do you think of this one? >> i think the member of congress rashida is way out of bounds. when i served there we would fight over policy. but we were courteous and respected each other and respected the president even from a different party. i feel sorry for herb constituents who now have a new member of congress who basically will be irrelevant because that type of behavior isn't accepted. melissa: i don't know, madison.
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they say the president started it with his tone. if you read this twitter feed it isn't very nice. i don't know that he used the same profanity. it's not very high on the decorum scale. i wasn't so bothered by what she said as if by impeachment she is promising she is going to get rid of the president she is mix leading her son and her con -- - and her constituents. >> coming into this term they promised to make changes to affect the lives of the american people positively. i was appalled by her statement. there is a level of respect that needs to be there for the office of the presidency. we aring that with a lot -- we are seeing that with a lot of the incoming congressmen and women. she is misguided with it comes
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to impeachment. she doesn't understand how impeachment proceedings would work and what you need to do to be impeached. i think it's misleading to the american people for a congresswoman saying she is making a promise to impeach the president of the united states in a vulgar way like she did. melissa: she is not the only one. there are a lot of people on the left who said one way or the other we'll find a way to get rid of the president whether it's the 25th amendment or the mueller investigation. speaker pelosi, on the one hand she skirts that issue. but on the other hand she leaves the door open saying we'll see what mueller has. what do you their of that talk on the left. >> it will make this democratic congress a partisan witch hunt. and they will lose their moral authority to help lead the country. most of americans want congress
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and the president to get the job done. to work together to try to do it. they are making it clear time and time again by talking about impeachment. all they care about is partisan power and taking down donald trump. he was elected by the american people. they expect congress to work with him. it's a huge mistake for nancy pelosi and the democrats to go down that route. when i was there in the 90s we did impeach bill clinton and i heard from my constituents. let it be. we'll have an election in a few years and we can take care of that, we the people. i think it will take away their moral authority. melissa: what would you say to both sides of getting snuck a truck lent position. -- stuck in a truculent.
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and they are sending their side there to put the brakes on what's going on. a lot of folks on the right thought they were sending the president to bu put the brakes n and drain the swamp. >> people across the country are sick of the corruption in washington. when it comes to people on both sides of the aisle, they are electing people, sending them to washington and they are not work for us. so they are hoping in many terms and this upcoming term that just began yesterday, that these congressmen and women will do their job and produce quantifiable results for the american people. there is a lot of room for positive policy and compromise. i hope democrats and republicans come to the table and get something done. we are looking forward to 2020. there will be detrimental
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results. melissa: i hope they are doing more behind the scenes than they are in front of the microphones. president trump doubling down on his border wall as he slams democrats for putting politics before border security. we'll ask if the wall is just a punch line. is the liberal media suggesting this latest battle is president trump's attempt to keep america white again? we have that story, plus more when we return. ...
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ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". melissa: breaking tonight, day 14 of the shutdown showdown. all portable funding battle with no complies insight. president trump refusing to back down in the president today sending a letter to all of congress saying we are in a crisis. taking to the rose garden for this press conference where he hammered home his stance that a wall is nonnegotiable. watch this. president trump: the southern border is a dangerous, horrible disaster that we've done a great job but you can't really do the
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kind of job we have to do unless you have a major powerful barrier. melissa: next guest agrees with that. hector joined president trump yesterday at the white house press briefing and the two spoke at a closed-door meeting about border security. national border patrol council vice president hector joined me now. thank you. when he says it's a horrible disaster and an emergency at the border, is that in over dramatization or is that what it is like? >> for those who work and live at the border we know the reality of the border. we know our agents are assaulted on a daily basis and know that drug cartels will shoot at our agents from the mexican side of the border. people from the next inside walker agents an increase in stash houses. increase in police pursuits and the border communities and increase the flow of drugs come across illegally. it's not a punchline. it's not an overreaction to the reality of the border. melissa: the grass with a wall
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will not fix those things and it sounded like if they are shooting at you and have a metal fence with slats it will not help. >> it amazes me these politicians will go out and say that a wall will not work when they never been to the border or walked in the shoes of a border patrol agent. president trump did that no one is number four is president trump will reach out to the ranking border patrol agents and he's talking to portable agents for the past two years on the border and that's why he's so well-informed so we can do our job keep this country safe. melissa: as someone down there all the time does the word wall frustrate you? it sounds like from your discussion that you need money for stuff and it might include the wall but it also includes more officers like yourself out there. it's basically funding or security so when everybody fights over that word how do you
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feel? >> yeah, it's a border wall. physical. we have levee walls and fencing and different structures along the border but wire people hung up on this wall thing? we know democrats don't like the sound of a wall but when it comes to securing the border it's a border security package and that physical barrier is a big part of it along with infrastructure as well as manpower and resources we need along the border. it's a border security package to do our jobs. melissa: it sounds like you're focused on the barrier itself that is not just a euphemism for something else that you need the actual barrier and the democrats are opposed to that using the president is doing the right thing holding out this long? >> we talk wall keep in mind the wall will bring other resources to our agents. we do build the wall will install additional cameras and lighting and sensors and that
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wall will bring infrastructure to the border and create access roads sore agents can properly patrol the border. that wall is an important piece of the border security package and the manpower. melissa: when you hear people compared to say the wall is not we are and they compare it to the berlin wall or iron curtain and those sort of things and say when those walls sprung up that was a sign of hostility and that they feel the same way about adding more will now how do you respond to that? >> it's all rhetoric. they're putting their own political futures ahead of the safety of the american public. what is important to note his people the walls are aggressive but let me tell you what's aggressive. the drugs come across the border killing our people and youth communities, that is aggressive. also the criminals come into the country and kill our american
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citizens. melissa: let me ask you a quick, on another network they talk about that image of you all standing behind the present yesterday. let me play for you what they said and get your reaction. >> quite a picture. welcome to morning joe. >> adversity in the donald trump press conference. >> is a plant or while. >> what was that about yesterday? >> you have for white men - melissa: what you think about being grouped like that? >> it's a joke. it's a sick and sad type of way. four out of the eight federal agents that were in that picture are hispanic. border patrol has a 51% hispanic rate amongst its employees. i don't know where they came up with those statistics and comments. it's unfortunate. melissa: hector, thank you. one day in office and already one newly elected socialist is
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pushing to take your money. not surprising. by left darling alexandria ocasio-cortez announcing what is surprising, massive 70% tax on the wealthy. guess what she wants to spend it on - i'll tell you after the break. ♪ i can't tell you who i am or what i witnessed,
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as you climb up this letter you should contributing more. melissa: i don't think she understands more. you would be contributing more as you climb up the ladder no matter what but that's okay. that was newly sworn in socialist congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez laying out some of her plans. one of which is her green new deal, complete overhaul of the country's environmental practices and how will she pay for that? you heard it. she will tax the rich. up to a 70% tax on the wealthiest americans. joining the conservative analyst and author of the bull's-eye brief, adam johnson and reading post. adam, what do you think? is a great idea or will no one earn over a report earning 10 million ever again? >> charming naïveté and charming ignorance every time she opens her mouth. at this point she talking about trying to get the country converting to a totally green
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renewable energy plan in 12 years. to think that somehow a solar panelist can put a 747 into the air and even if it could we could pay for it by taxing the rich is mind-boggling. naïve and ignorant. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez is one . melissa: aoc. >> one congresswoman with one opinion. she's new and does not - he is not what that the party stands for when it comes to taxation. if you think about this . melissa: if there while the stream. it's what they're trying to love happen. >> it would never pass the house and if it did in some parallel universe if it managed to pass the senate it would be vetoed by the president. for every aoc there is to moderate democrats that just got lucky. i've been pointing this out but of the 60s exceeds the democrats picked up only - a
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woman named katie porter turned orange county call for greater tax relief for small businesses. melissa: but i love there's democrats out there who are distancing themselves and diminishing the progressivism saying there's one or two of them and were not going to give them any time in front of the microphone. >> that's the mystery. they keep giving her so much airtime. melissa: that is the media's fault. >> mainstream media is saying this is our gal and we will get painter. how can you get behind them one who has absolutely no basis for many of the statements that she is making. melissa: because people watch and she rates. >> but it's dangerous for the democratic party to say this is one we put forward, good luck. >> the media is putting her for. if you look at donald trump's tax plan regarding state and local taxes you can deduct it was limitless what you could do
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that. now the captain at 10,000 did that hurt workers. if you look at what donald trump is doing it hurt a lot of peop people. i just pay taxes and hurt a lot of people but if you look at what happens with tpp with the canadians and the cpt pp in canada . melissa: were lost in acronyms but i understand what you're saying. it seems like you would want to stick her out front though. democrats are trying to hide her in the back room. >> let's play machiavelli here. if you really want to make the dems look bad and will get a demo to my right to see what he says but if you want to make the dems look bad put the weakest dam you can find, the one most illogical and the one most extreme and least compelling as a viable candidate, put her out front and say this is the new face. curiously, the major media which is democratic leaning is doing that. [inaudible conversations] >> the donald trump got most
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ratings. melissa: it is raining. that's the place. >> they go for whoever gets the most views on their programs that do they put on center stage. when it comes to the credit party as i said earlier if you look at what they're standing for when it comes to against on drums tax cuts for the wealthy not making them permanent from the class but making them permanent for huge operations there's moderates who think there's a better way forward. melissa: awesome job summary great economy all that stuff we've been seen they think is terrible. >> we know the economy is on the decline. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> let me ask you this. are you long stocks and 401k?
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>> i can keep up with these numbers? >> if you own stocks in your 401k by definition your optimist and think the economy is getting better. >> naturally the economy does overtime turned up your that's of course. >> your argument that we will . melissa: we have to leave it there. we believe them on the claps and bring them back to see. adam and ben, thank you. a lot of fun. >> literary liberal media running wild that the immigration policy is a way to keep america white again. i bet he did not watch the five over on the other number. will show it to you again. my next guest says it's the media who is racist. civil rights activist, niger, calls them out after this. ♪ -we're in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ]
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melissa: the shutdown is driving both sides of the aisle batty but across the street at msnbc donny deutsch, plus his heart he is a friend, this is the way america is being kept white again by president trump in europe for, stoic strong white men of a certain age not smiling, by the way, look, this is all donald has left. it's not a wall but he let's keep america white again. melissa: for men at the podium and two of them was hector garza and art who is both hispanic although race and ethnicity are not the same thing but joining me now as presidential historian
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doug and conservative commentary there and congressional of racial equality leader, niger. niger, let me start with you. what do you think of talk like that and taking the situation and boiling it down to that. is it productive? >> donny needs to stick to fashion and stop pimping racism or the illusion of racism. for political purposes. brit hume said many years ago something to the fact that racism and the charge of racism is one of the most powerful weapons in the american vocabulary and the english american vocabulary. problem is if you keep using it and falls pretenses for false purposes i welcome donny and joy to reread the story of the boy who cried wolf. what happens when the real wolf comes in these folks led by
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donnie and the other network in the far left use this term as a weapon of mass political destruction. it doesn't help the communities they tend to support. melissa: doug, i'm sure they say the president has given them plenty of ammunition. [laughter] >> this is hysterical because if you look at the clip from msnbc there are seven white people there's mika and joe and johnny and particle and susan page of usa today, noah rossman, jeff mason, seven white people accusing trump of lacking diversity because he's got three white people standing behind them, two of it which are hispanic. it's hysterical. melissa: niger, i wonder if they thought of that. they make these comments and many of us have been guilty of the things off and on their that live forever on the tape and you
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look around and you see look back and you regret having made that statement. what do you think? >> hypocrisy is something that an irony is something that escapes them. doug made a brilliantly funny point but there is something very serious. congress originally actually engaged many of these hispanic immigrant communities and guess what? one illegal drug, one crime crosses our border, regardless of how small or big or large, if one, to illegal drugs or criminals come across the bord border, guess which communities they visit? they prey upon the very hispanic immigrant community and poor working-class black folk and white folk all over this country. they don't pray on donny deutsch or pray on you and joe in their ivory towers but prey on working-class of all races and
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those immigrant communities these ultra lives pretend to be speaking for. melissa: doug, how do we get past this? it does seem like more and more everybody is dug into their spot in group and living in the echo chamber of talking within whether social media or television or whatever and how to get past this divide? >> melissa, you can't force people to do right into think right. the most hateful and troubling part of this was my first reaction was funny but the anti- semitic remark, that is beneath msnbc. donald trump has been the most inclusive of jewish people of any president in my opinion since woodrow wilson. when he came into office he pointed secretary of veterans affairs who was doing secretary of treasury with chief economic advisor. melissa: let us know what people
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in the audience know. listen. >> adolf hitler rose to power to the germany in 1932 after democratic elections and he rode a wave of nationalism and enticement them to power. replace it i semitism with all latinos crossing our borders, rapists, and drug dealers and murderers, does that sound familiar? much like hitler took over the nazi party trump has taken over the republican party. melissa: congressman hank johnson of georgia talking about naacp. niger, what you think about those comments? >> promoting ignorance and stupidity is what unfortunately congressman johnson was doing in that circumstance. doug is spot on. there is no president and some i say trump is the first jewish president. no president has done more for
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the jewish people and for those of us like myself the support and doug and i'm sure you melissa that support jewish people that i don't. i can go through a litany of things to following through on something that's been policy in the united states for decades which is moving the embassy to israel for real. amongst other things he has a jewish daughter that a lot of us are thinking is his favorite and the apple of his eye. it's absurd and nonsense and here is the critical point. it is in i semitism does exist. racism against blacks, hispanics and against whites, to does actually exist. the question is what happens when there's a real palpable example of it. a lot of people that will have deaf ears because of this nonsense they engage in. melissa: doug, 15 seconds. password, go ahead. >> well, you know, the president i serve try to get
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embassy in jerusalem and cannot do it. criticized by clinton and clinton cannot do it. the size by his successor george w. bush who said the process will begin on the first day eight years later and he cannot do it. donald trump did it. melissa: proof in the pudding. gentlemen, thank you for coming up, white one esteemed economist says 2019 will be a good year for the economy. that is next. ♪ i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that's the last time. 300 miles per hour, that's where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me retirement is protected. annuities can provide protected income for life. learn more at
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>> there are signs that the economy is slowing. how do you see 2019 unfolding? >> i think the pessimism about a recession 2019 is completely misplaced. you cannot get a recession in the united states without having hostile sector go south. there is no reason for a very strong household sector to pull back that sharply. >> we should see continued momentum into 2019. no question about it.
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melissa: i like the sound of that and want to hear the rest of it. that is jerry baker's interview right here on foxbusiness. 9:30 p.m. eastern time. that is it for today show. i'm melissa francis, trish is back on monday, maria bartiromo's week begins right now. ♪ >> welcome to maria bartiromo's wall street that helps position you for the hybrid i'm in for maria. average founder and former white house community director anthony security is my special guest and later initial my foxbusiness all-star is here to talk about everything that matters to your money. turning to first job report of the new year. blockbuster one. us economy added 312,000 jobs in the month of december and on up limit rate did pick


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