tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business January 7, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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@loudobbstonight. we thank you for being with us. ronna mcdone apples. thanks for joining us. tonight from new york. trish: with the nation in turmoil amid the government shutdown and a crisis at the border, the president is going straight to the people with his first primetime address from the oval office as he prepared to head to our southern border. thank the brave men and women putting their lives at risk every day to uphold the law of the land. i would say this is an easy crisis to follow. but the dems would rather relinquish meaningful immigration reform than let donald trump have his wall. a wall they once wanted.
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five american hostages being held captive in a venezuelan prison. a family member wrote me a letter that quote these men are not criminals. they are husbands and fathers who love their families. their country, and college football. yet these americans are being starved in jail by socialist leader nicolas maduro who in three days the u.s. will no longer recognize as the lead irv venezuela. he'll officially become a dictator. the excuse yaight pain their families are experiencing as they attempt to bring their loved ones home. alexandria ocasio-cortez wants to slap a 70% tax rate on the
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rich. but one tax expert says if taking 100% of someone's labor is slavery. what is 70%? what is 90%? conservative author jerome corsi threatening to take his $350 million lawsuit against the feds all the way to the supreme court. he's here. trish regan "trish regan primetime" begins right now. the president announcing plans for his first oval office address. the crisis on the southern border and the democrats' refusal to protect border security. the president will travel to
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mcmcallen, texas as the government shutdown goes into week three. joining me, a congressman who represents a border state, arizona congressman andy biggs. i think this is actually a pretty easy crisis to solve in that if the democrats would go back to their roots where they once wanted what do they call it, a fence? where they wanted border security, then they would be able to meet the president halfway, they would be able to give him money for the wall. they would be able to insure a future for daca kids and everyone would leave happy. >> they have a significant number of people who came in and said they are not going to give a dime for border wall, and nancy pelosi in order for her to
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accomplish this, she had to acquiesce to that demand. so she is not budging. they are not going to give a dollar for the wall, and that's where the democrats are and that wraps they are holding firm. trish: it hasn't caused the -- the individual families are experiencing this. and it's difficult for them. but in terms of keeping the trains running on time shows we are doing okay which may have something to do with the fact that we have such a below thed government. you have a paycheck thanks to nancy pelosi and you have the opportunity for people who want to pass to citizenship being ignored because the democrats don't want a wall. how is that right? off those 800,000 people, you
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are talking about the department of homeland security personnel like border patrol agents and i.c.e. agents and tsa agents. these are essential personnel that help keep us safe and preserve and protect our rights. to draw a line in the sand and say we are not going to provide funding for a border wall because we don't want president trump to get a victory means it's putting politics over national security. that's the way i view it. when i talk to my friends on the other side of the aisle, that's how they portray it to me. >> has it always been this way or is it especially bad at this particular moment in time? >> i think we reached an apex of division. the chasm on big issues like this is the size of the grand can gone. these big issues seem to drive
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the base. so extreme positions get taken. >> another wedge issue for them to enjoy. democrats are digging in their heels. they are refusing to budge on border wall funding. but i really watt to see this. and i wanted you to remember it. i may just play it every single night as this shutdown goes on. because there was actually a time when democrats supported border security. take a peek. >> it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it. >> we simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states, undocumented, unchecked. >> we don't want to do anything to encourage more illegal
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immigration into this country. >> the american people are more pro legal immigration and anti-illegal immigration. we'll only pass comprehensive reform when we recognize this fundamental concept. trish: you heard them. so what's changed? dr. sebastian gorka, always a bre sure. -- always a pleasure. i think president trump could have been saying any of those things as hillary clinton, barack obama and chuck schumer said. these were democrats that once cared about border security. why is it different now? >> because donald j. trump is president. that's the only thing that changed. we know the democrats lied because if they meant it then and they don't mean it now, then they were lying then or simply
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this is the politics of personal obstruction. they don't like president trump. he has been too successful. they have to stop his agenda, they have to stop the wall. this was a bipartisan issue until recently. schumer, nancy, all of them. now they can't find $5 billion? the democrats just submitted a budget on the hill where they want to increase foreign aid by $12 billion. increase it. but what about americans? why do we have to increase foreign aid by more than double what the president is asking for instead of keeping us safe by building the wall? that's a question nancy will never answer and schumer is afraid to answer. >> they used to answer it for themselves over and over again. they used to believe in border
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security. so i what happened to us culturally? i think this is a dark moment in time in that we suddenly no longer care about our own boirsd and our owning citizens. and if you darrow breathe a word of caring and want and border, dr. gorka, you are labeled a racist. that's a dark time for america. and one i think if you pushed most of americans on, they wouldn't agree with. so where does it get nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. >> they have been captured by the cad ralds that have come into congress like ocasio-cortez who says she wants to abolish i.c.e. i spoke to the air force veteran who lost three of his limbs in combat. this is the man who started the gofundme page.
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in three weeks he raised $19 million. democrats, republicans and independents have donated to his gofundme page. this is what the american people want. the radicals have taken control of the dnc. trish: the shutdown keeps going and going and going? >> i think tomorrow night will be the potential watersheds. i know you see this on social media. i have seen it for months now. the people who support the make america great agenda wanted the president to address the nation for months. he's going to do that tomorrow. thursday he's going to the board were mexico. i think this will put the pressure on the democrats saying if you supported it five years ago, why aren't you supporting it now? >> it's a very good question. let me ask you this. because, you know, when you
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think of the amounts of money we spend. you know i don't believe in spending a dime, not one dime we shouldn't be spending. but when you think of all the places we throw around money. to not actually secure our border and you look at the devastation, the destruction, the humanitarian crisis. fortunately mexico is agreeing to house a lot of those people on their side of the border instead of ours. but that's a tough environment even for the mexican cities. you are seeing an outbreak in violence and massive threat to those communities. for to us say it's not worth a dime and not $5 billion, is that in your view a grave mistake? >> let's look at the facts. the border patrol said there has been a 300 percent increase since the caravan began on the
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border. the president is asking for $5 billion. that's less than one% of our national defense budget. wouldn't that be a good idea to produce the kind of security that could stop ms-13 and the fentanyl. if you want to be humanitarian, you want to stop the smuggling of women and children smuggled across the border who are abused. fund the border security. trish: could he do it on his own? >> it's been done before. up not going to give await boss' thunder or my ex-boss' thunder. but he has the power to do so. obama used the powers in the past. and this is a national security
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emergency. but what did the democrats do when they were invited to the situation room under the west wing? they refused to listen to the briefing. that tells you they don't want to hear the facts. ocasio-cortez says she has her even version of the -- her own version of the facts. there should only be one version. tra. trish: congrats on the book and congrats on your new radio show. >> thank you, kindly. america first. trish: president trump blasting the mainstream media after a barrage of negative coverage on the border issue. the three major networks weren't sure whether they were going to take his big speech tomorrow night. you wander why he doesn't like the media.
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he gets very little coverage our booming economy and they threaten not to take his address to the nation. later this hour, conservative author jerome corsi says he's ready to take his $350 million lawsuit against robert mule per and the feds all the way to the supreme court. he's here exclusively. i've got to tell you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad.
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trish: all four major broadcast networks announcing they will take president trump's primetime address live. there was hours and hours of hesitation from broadcast networks? the president of the united states who has been in office for nearly two years and never held a primetime address frat oval office announcing he's going to hold an address to the nation during a government shutdown and border crisis. here he is tweeting, with all
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the success our country has had. the fake news and the mainstream media have become crazed lunatics who have given up on the truth. does he have a point? i don't buy the whole enemy of the people thing. but the media really hates him. they really hate him. you know, the idea that somehow abc news or nbc news doesn't know whether it should take a primetime oval office address when he has never given one, doesn't that give sow glimpse how they are constantly second guessing the president. >> i enjoyed your intro into that. you hesitated. why would they even consider not airing that?
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trish: they think this border crisis is made up. that's it. we are not going to give him air time. >> you know what? they do hate him. it's constant 24/7. anything they can do to underestimate trump or any of this policies, here is the thing. mainstream media, they don't like him. but it's the personality they don't like. you know this very well. he made good on his promises. he wasn't elected for his personality. he was elected to make good on his promises. >> he has delivered on that. the jobs report, wow, that we got last week, that was phenomenal. i was thrilled to see it, andrew. but i don't think there was much coverage of it. >> there was coverage of the jobs report on every major
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network. >> do you think the economy is in a good spot right now? >> i think the economy is in a good spot for some people. but for the majority of people it is not. guess what. the jobs report came out. the yo unemployment rate ticked. and also, we have people struggling right now. andrew, you know as well as i -- maybe you don't know because you don't know a lot about economics. but when you actually see the job participation rate go up, we need a little econ-101. it means the unemployment rate goes up because more people are out there saying i want a job. simplistic stuff. but for most of --
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>> let's hold on for a second. this isn't about the mainstream media. this is about trump having a temper tantrum freaking on twitter. what's happening here is -- what's happening here is we are seeing the american public not behind him. he doesn't know what to do. so today he has a p.r. stunt he started this morning. over 50% blame the shutdownen president trump. '. trish: we have to hear both sides. so people can understand what a lot of folks like you are saying about the economy. we have to take commercials. a lot of them. coming up. an update to a story we have been following closely on "trish regan primetime." this is about socialist venezuela holding five americans
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hostage. a family member reached out to me exclusively in an attempt to help free these men. i have exclusive and heartbreaking details coming up that you need to hear. my exclusive interview with conservative author jerome corsi. yes says he's not letting last week's legal setback stop him from take his grievances all the from take his grievances all the way to the supreme court. i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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this is a story we bring you exclusively. nicolas maduro officially being called a dictator by the united states of america. we'll no longer recognize him as an official president. he did not have a legitimate election. he writed about the men being held. he tells me they are not criminals. they are husbands and fathers who love their family, their country and lsu football. their tomorrow crime was capitulating to the demand of their supervisor, citgo president jose perks reira who as a condition of employment mandated they attend a corporate eating in caracas, venezuela. their come tbliens must not be
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used justify inaction, and indifference by our country. this should never be the route our country takes in response to a tall lynnive paper tiger lead -- a stalinist paper leader. no silt season of america -- no citizen of america should ever be forced to feel forsaken or abandoned. they were tricked into going to venezuela where they were captured, called thieves by socialist nicholas maduro and thrown in jail. i'm saddened to hear the judge say all of his attempts to implore government action have not even been responded to.
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he's tried everyone. the president, the very much, secretary of state mike pompeo. dan coats. gina haspel at the cia. he tried everyone and no one has so much as responded. that's a tragedy. we cannot allow a socialist dictator to allow american citizens to stay in jail. venezuela is a horrible place. it's a horrible place like now. you have 90% of the population living in poverty. you have people looting food trucks, with the average venezuelan losing 20 pounds in the last year due to lack of access to food it's not good. in just a couple days nicolas
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maduro will go from not very nice socialist quawf se socialir to total dictator. my next guest with the effects of socialism in venezuela. sara, i'll start with you. it's bad down there. we have shown the pictures to the viewers on the air. the conditions are awful. people are lacking basic necessities, but walk us through it. >> you mentioned hope. that's what holds all countries together when people have hope. they feel empowered to make their lives better. people in venezuela have had the power taken from them year after
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year after year. now there is nothing left. they are not enable to get aid at this point. trish: nicolas maduro is not letting it in. >> that's when you feel really hopeless. for 10 years i have been running a charity that helps people living in poverty and struggle with hope. we are able to support schools and provide the basics. but the children in these schools and their families, they want to be given things all the time. trish: it goes back to the hope issue. they have no hope despite the fact that they have amazing natural resources. they want to enjoy the largest per capita income. and yet those socialist policies
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have driven them straight into -- is this a warning to us? >> it totally is. it's staggering to me that we have young millennials talking about the beauty of socialism. venezuela is one of the richest if not the richest countries in south america with the world's largest oil reserves. and it's being annihilated by these socialist policies. socialism destroys countries, it destroys economies, and it destroys human lives. the thing that concerns me as this country is falling apart. you see cuba and russia swooping in. they have 49.9% of citgo. they now 0 control three of the
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largest oil fields in venezuela. this is a concern to me. russia swooping in. trish: it many absolutely horrible. we are going to keep hitting it because it is a serious issue. not since 1962 have we had an enemy so close in such proximity to us. the vice president told me they are working with the russians. that's a security threat for us and a violation of the monroe doctrine. but back to sara just quickly. she also told me that venezuela somehow is a model of justice. sara, when you see that starving in the streets and innocents people like these five men with families from america being taken. to me that's the antithesis of a model of justice. >> there is nothing left to
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invest in and there is no hope for the people. when a country has a non-profit where you can give locally, help give food and water to the people protesting in the streets, you know you hit bottom. that's the only power they feel they have. violence and protesting. police nothing else for them. trish: you have got hugo chavez and nicolas maduro to thank. they have ruined that country it's a reminder as we share so many on the left count the beauties of socialism. that's the other reality. what we see on the ground with the people in venezuela. coming up, my exclusive interview with conservative author jerome corsi who is a
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target in special counsel robert mueller's russia probe. germ roam corsi had a setback this week in his lawsuit but he says it's n comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget.
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trish: dr. jerome corsi threatening to take his $3 r50 million lawsuit against robert mueller all the way to the supreme court after a federal judge refused to hear his case. mr. mueller set his sights on dr. jerome corsi. he says the feds somehow believe he may have had a nantd release of the dnc emails during the 2016 campaign.
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dr. corsi claims the feds are unlawfully surveilling and pressuring him. that's part of the lawsuit. he says they want him to give answers he doesn't have. dr. jerome corsi, he joins me now. happy new year. it didn't go as you hoped. >> this one judge who had been favorable to cases of massive surveillance which i think we are increasingly under as a society. he just had to appetite to take the case. he's a senior judge it seemed he wanted to retire and look for reasons not to take the case. the case has been reassigned already to another judge in the u.s. district court in washington. a judge who is appointed by george h.w. bush. and by bill children to the u.s.
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district case. i know the case has merit. i know we have been under illegal electronic surveillance. there have been leaks from the grand jury. the way i was fleet this testimony i think was criminal prosecutorial misconduct. i intend to press the case, even if we have to go to the supreme court. >> let's back up again for the viewers who may be catching the program for the first time. they seem to think you have got information that is pretty important to the whole unraveling of this 2016 case where the dnc saw their servers broken into. you figured out the podesta emails were not part of the bunch and were likely being held on to. i understand there is an email of you telling your associate roger stone, get to assange,
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somebody get to assange because he probably has the podesta emails. so that's where the feds got jerome corsi is involved. julian assange came out and said jerome corsi had nothing to do with this? >> it was going to be roger stone, me, julian assange, i was going to connect the dots and go back to president trump. i maintain i figured out in july and august that assange had posses --that had podesta's ema. trish: did you ever talk to assange? i never communicated with him directly or indirectly. today wikileaks put out a
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statement that qulud wikileaks had never talked or shared information with jerome corsi, he mentioned my name, during the 2016 campaign about the emails that had been taken from the dnc. trish: but the fed don't believe that. >> i guess they don't believe anybody except they have a predetermined set theory look for a criminal. they have a crime and they know who the criminal was. donald trump and the white house. so the only facts mueller is interested in meet his predetermined theory. suddenly they want to say around liar and you are going to prison for the rest of your life. trish: they are saying you are a liar and we are going to make your life miserable null come around to our way of thinking.
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>> they make you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on defense. the turning point for me, one day my wife woke up in the morning and said to me, jerry, would i visit you in prison rest of your life than to have you not be the man i married. when she said that, i knew my course was set. i told mueller to take a hike and still tell him to take a hike. i did not lie. i wouldn't stand before god and put my hand up before jesus christ my lord and savior and give information i knew to be false. i didn't do that. i went in to cooperate. i brought them all my computers, my backups, my cell phones, and
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because i couldn't tell them what was not true but they demanded be true, they wanted to put me in prison the rest of my life. trish: you have a very, very brave wife, and you are a brave man as well. this is kind of everyone's worst nightmare. you have a book out. the audio version was just released today called "silent no more." the president will be addressing the nation 24 hours from now. we'll get a preview of what you might hear.
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country. the way i understand it, they laughed at hitler. now we have a newly minted democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez. they are all piling on. >> do you believe president trump is a racist. >> yes, no question. >> why do you say that. >> when you use at the words he uses that are historic dog whistles of white supremacy. when you look at how he reacted to the charlottesville incident where neo-nazis murdered a woman. it's night and day. trish: former black panther turned republican, clarence mason, and former advisor to
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president clinton, doug schoen. when you throw out the racism thing or the hitler thing -- first of all the hitler thing is entirely disrespectful to all those who lost their lives. >> disdisrespectful to donald trump. donald trump is someone i have known and work for. and who i disagree with. but he's not a racist and he's certainly not an anti-semite. i found him to be someone very sympathetic with and comfortable with, and his son-in-law is an orthodox jew. trish: and his daughter converted. >> to equate him to a mass murderer because you disagree
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with his policies is an obscenity. trish: i look at it and i am disgusted. over there on msnbc they throw it out every other day. he's somehow akin to hitler. to me it's disrespectful to anyone that lost their life in that horrific moment in history. but i think it goes even further than that. between the hitler stuff and the racism card. they say around racist and clarence what do you say in response? he's sitting there going no, no, no, that's not what i meant. but it means you are back on your heels and that's a clever tactic by the left it's a grenade. >> it's only a tactic if you respond to them. these are the village story tellers.
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they go out screaming the news the king wants you to hear. i am a black man. i know what racist is. as a black man, i may enjoy my 401k,. trish: i hear you, but it does matter. you know why? this is a country that is not about racism it's about opportunity and american. >> what does it matter then? trish: alexandria ocasio-cortez would want you to believe. they want you to think this is all about race and it's not. it's about opportunity and access to opportunity. >> that's my point. i do care if he's called a racist. >> how do you know. what can a racist do to me today. if donald trump was a racist my tax bill -- trish: i see your and.
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but i'm going to tell you, americans do not like a racist. that's about the worst thing you can say about a person and that's why they say it. >> just cause cortez pronounces he's a racist doesn't mean i'm going to run out and defend him. she is the racist, not donald trump. >> we talked about this before. we have to come together as a country. i want there to be a resolution where we build a wall and have a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers. i want consensus. i don't want this fighting. he's a racist, she is a racist. let's stop that. trish: thank anna, do you have those plans? yes! i just wanted to show you something i've been wor... ♪ james r. and associates. anna speaking... ♪ james r. and associates. anna. ♪
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the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? trish: let me ask you about china because this is the trade fight that really is the sument of the day, certainly for this administration. has it impacted your business? the trade fight with china? >> not directly. first of all, the trade fight. there are legitimate complaints about trade with china which has been laid out in detail by the administration. the chinese understand that. i think it's important that we fix that. we need to do this. trish: you can catch the exclusive interview with j.p
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