tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 8, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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has not moved, president has not budged on his position to keep government closed, democrats saying the hell we will, that is where we be, nowhere. >> news alert, president trump moments ago addressing nation on why he feels that border battle is a national security crisis. and first address from the oval office to the nation. and he implored lawmakers to make a deal to fund the wall, end the shut down. >> the federal government remains shut down for one r eason. one reason only, because democrats will not fun border - funds border security. my administration is doing everything in our power to help those impacted, only solution is for democrats to pass a spending
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bill that defends or borders and reopens the government, this situation economy solve -- coud be solved in a 45 minute m eeting. i have invited congressional leadership to the white house tomorrow. to get this done. >> president trump went after democrats for hiding behind their own law. >> some have suggested a barrier is immoral, then why do wealthy politicians, build walls o ffenses and gates around their homes? they don't build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside. >> they love them so much. >> president has for 6 billion to build some of his proposed a wall, he did so again. money is a drop in federal bucket in the grand scheme of things, democrat have vowed to fight president over every p enny, and after the president
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spoke, house speaker nancy pelosi and senate minority leader chuck schumer were quick to offer their rebuttal. >> president trump chosen to hold hostage critical services and withhold paychecks of 800 thousand innocent workers across the nation. many of them veterans. he promised to keep government shut don for months or -- shut down no matter whom it hurts that wrong. >> most president have used oval office addressed for noble purposes this president used backdrop of oval office to manufacture a crisis, stoke f ear, and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration. >> all right, will the addresses do anything to end the nearly 3 week-long government shut down? or will each side dig in f urther. with me now, chad welcome.
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>> thank you. you only give an oval office address unless you have something important to say in this case create a sense of urgency. >> over the years thousands of americans have been brutally killed by those who have i llegally entered the country, and thousand more lives will be lost if we don't act right now. this is a humanitarian crisis. a crisis of the heart, a crisis of the soul. >> president trump had a statement here in this remark, said this is the cycle of human tragedy we're determined to end. something to point out, on 5 separate occasions in her r emark, house speaker nancy pelosi began a sentence with -- this, the fact is, the fact circumstance the is. the fact is, nancy pelosi is t
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rying to contrast what president trump saying that democrats say are not facts at all. >> so, how do we untangle this mess? there a solution. separate shut down from a rguments over border security, there is bipartisan legislation support by democrats and republicans, to reopen government, while allow debate over border security to c ontinue. >> things start to happen tomorrow, the house of representatives will start to move the first of several individualapprop appropriation o try to reopen the government. and reopen the irs so tax r eturns can go out, probably try to peel off some republican v otes they did on bills they moved last week two other big things happen, president and vice president, pence come back
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to capital tomorrow, and brief senate republicans on the issues at the border, vice president pence, and dhs secretary nielson spoke with house republicans, then a big conclave at white house at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon with top leaders, democrats and republicans from house and senate to meet with president trump. that will not be tell televise. >> who growing more restless on capitol hill? among the republicans? house or senate republicans? >> you know, you talk with moderate republicans who are up in 2020, cory gardner from colorado, been worried about t rying to reopen the government. what was notable is that president did not declare a national emergency. does he continue to dangle that out their? mack thorn berry is top republican on house arm services committee, he indicated he thought it would be a bad idea,
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they fought for this military spending, if you move money without the blessing congress, they will be upset, and defense community and those. never mind have you members from house and serve 7 senate, demos and republicans, i under score republican, keep in mind, that you know congressional republicans have been difference shall to president trump, but we have seen push back against him on recent issues, saudi arabia, how he handled that after d ealing with khashoggi and s yria, idea of withdrawing t roops, if we were to go around congress, they -- you know guard their article 1 responsibility in cop trueing constitution. there are a lot of congressional republicans who used to beat up president obama when he would go around congress. >> do you remember how frustrate we were with president obama, he said, i have a pen, i have a
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phone. i don't appreciate any president using his power in this way, i know push back from congress to redistribute that power and balance of power in washington. it might be necessary right now, it might be biggest gift that follows from this. >> thank you. >> democrat are singing a different tune about border, now that president trump is in white house. >> american people are family pro legal immigration and a ntiillegal immigration. >> i voted numerous times when i was a senator to spend money to build-a-bearier. >> we we cannot allow people to pour into united states u nquestion u ndetected and undocumented and unchecked. >> if you did noalt not see tht video, will democrat hypocrisy continue to gm up gum up the w?
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with me, cory lewandowski. >> thank you. >> it is interesting. the democrats will give the president very serious push back on this. we're in middle of a very long government shut down that seems also, it is not going to end any time soon, what will democrats revisit their words and their intentions from just a few years ago, less than 4 years in case of hillary clinton? >> they have no interest in doing that. what democrats said when barack obama was in office, and what many voted for was a security that american people have been asking for, but now that donald trump said he wants to put a border up on southern border a barrier whether a wall or steel or whatever, democrats all of a sudden have selective memory, that clip you played of hillary clinton took place in my
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hometown in new hampshire, she came in bragged about fact we have to protect our country with a barrier. >> maybe she was talking about canadians. >> here is what i know. amazing if cold open of saturday "nightline" saturday night is not chuck schumer and nancy pelosi standing in fronts of those flags, then nothing is, amazing the hypocrisy from democrats, not one federal elected official from statewide put a tweet out or a facebook post about officer singh who was killed by an illegal alien. it disgusting they have not addressed this issue. >> it is 10:09 on east coast, and i am still broadcasting, the president wasted a bunch of t ime, and made no news, and squandered whatever goodwill he had with broadcast networks, we live in serious times, and lord knows, things can about can --o badly at any moment, next time
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president wants to make an address to nation from oval office, i don't think he will be give than time. >> i think ronald reagan gave 3 -- over 30 addresses. and this is only one, because of the killing of americans. they are still committing crimes against american, officer singh was killed in california, fire chief in tennessee his son was killed by an illegal alien just before the new year, when are we going to stop americans from being killed from individuals who have already been deported. >> how many of those people just listed would have been stopped by a physical barrier versus those with an over stayed visa. >> we have a real problem with the over stayed visa, in case of the killer of officer singh that
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person was deported twice, and he came through, very likely south southern border, he had been deported twice, and then came through the b order, we have know aim immigrn problem. we have a problem, we don't know if in 5 million people how many illegals are in the country. >> we should start making up numbers, i think that really deflates the hysterical atmosphere. >> what we are is, why not take a package and send one to everyone so we know who they a re, we don't know, we have no understanding, within millions of people. >> the government has failed. >> yes. >> at immigration, you are asking government to do more. when it done so much to create this sort of security crisis? >> well, we have to do is we have to make sure we're pitting
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pit put -- putting pieces in place that prevent from from continuing to happen. >> i agree cory, i feel there is a lot of self interest, not a lot of national interest, a lot of politicians, that are more concerned about being reelected than coming' with a solution. i am disgusted at span responst nancy pelosi and chuck schumer gave, it was void of anything that might fix this, but i think with all due respect to your former boss. he wasted a bunch of time tonight, and squandered a previous precious opportunity to make his case and show empathy, i think that situation is worse, as libertarian, government shut down, i can get down. >> i'm okay with that. >> thank you. >> border bat battle has been e side show.
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cnn's grandstanding reporter, another hat, jim acosta badgered counsel to president kellyanne conway. >> will tell the truth tonight. >> yes, jim do you promise you will, so help you god, can i mention god to you? make sure that goes viral. this is why i'm be on of only people here that gives you the time of day. >> let me get back in your face, you are such a smart [bleep], i know you want to go viral, a lot of these people don't like you, but to be respectful to media at large, i explain that was alternative. and i could blained i explaine, don't you put it back in my face for all correction that your network issued, i was on your network 25 times, and disrespect you show to me personally, i will look past. >> no, no, don't call me ma'am.
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>> stop trying to make schuff stuff happen, well done, jim away to make your network proud, idiot >> guy benson is here with fox news political can analyst ja nu green and matt welch >> wa? >> hello >> am i wrong to be disgusted that we're sitting here when we should really be sitting in -- >> midtown manhattan had some places that a person can get a drink, i'm not sure the point of this, maybe guy has a better idea? there is nobody who was convinced to pursue or persuade or change their mind >> i'm ready i'm ready to be convinced either
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way >> are you going to be convinced against by heartbreaking individual an dose anecdotes of criminality compared to actual data donald trump has been given the speech since july 2015, he gave it again, american carnage when he goes to a moment of stress he gives the same speech, only thing that really good, he didn't declare national emergency or talk about using military -- whatever the hell that is, that is good that would be a bad thing for him >> there have been people in his administration have been flirti ng with it, i know this was an unforced error on part of the president, i think what chuck and nancy did or than chuck -- nan chuck as i call them, offensive, you talk about a manufacturer crisis, this is legislateively manufactured it can be legislatively fixed, they
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are not talking real solutions, they are forcing issues and lighting straw men on fire >> look president can stop the shut und own right now look at last two years, republicans ran whole show, and you have republican congress that looks add president and said, no thank you, no wall, and he did jack about it there was no crisis then, there is no crisis now we got here, he was neutered by midterms and saw this as an opportunity -- >> let's talk about another political unique that is barack obama had a hat trick, your party gave us a crap sandwich that is obamacare it is immoral and god awful, when you could have tackled immigration, you kicked that can down the road and until 20 flean be 1313
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>> when barack obama had control he got his signature legislation passed that is what an effective leader does what happened to effective leader negotiator >> what happened to our brothers and sisters have been forget know what they are deported in droves by obama >> guy >> >> there are party neither partn serious about the issue, they both have incentive to not resolve it and aside from president note nt overreaching with executive power there was not much group it seems they were argue past each other again only question for people tuning in for first time in a while, was it restating of argument new to some people, to us this is not new to some americans it may have been. >> here is what i say a lot of people pay attention
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before big, election rob reiner toil ryan reiner tolm elections were most important of our lifetime, thank you meat head do you think it is time to do something more serious and less political >> yes, that is not what we saw, it was a dig digging on both sis bad delivery from the powerful leaders like they have never taken a class >> people who are opportunitying in most are those who -- tuning in most are those who are not to get their paycheck it has been frustrating listeni ng to mill millon areas -- millionaires saying their land landlords will let them go >> what about people who lost their jobs for a decade,
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displaceed, 2008 who were too bg to fail that is why you have president trump, both parties and the establishment 86ed them we have so much fun democrats have been attacking trump administration and are americans really at risk farmer cia officer mike baker is on it, next it is >> >> kennedy: ♪ at northwestern mutual, this is what our version of financial
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kennedy: president trump has long said we need a wall to prevent terrorists from sneaking across the sod southern border now, they are accusing white house of spreading misi nformation sarah said that number of nearly 4,000 wallace said, it was actually just 6 and today, counselor to president kellyanne conway attempted to clear up confusion >> that number that that number we're told by dhs is real, what is not correct is that they were all apprehended
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or prevented at southern border, a number of different ports of entryies >> including the airports, should we worry about terrorists crossing southern border? i ask former cia of, office mike baker, what is going on? >> i like you thought it was a wonderful speech, and schumer and pelosi did a fabulous job kennedy: top notch >> we can all move on now look, this is a hugely frustrating type of concern vision -- conversation, we have taken it to lowest common denominate or like listening to my 7-year-old boy muggsy argue about anything there no logic, part it president trump's fall faulted,y on, if he did not talk about a
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wall, but say we need to improve border security we would have a different conversation but, you know we are where we are is it a national emergency? no, is it a top pro doory topany country to ensure they have solid border security, and a functioning immigration process, sure that is a top priority but we are having this nonsense call causeler- -- nonsenseical r like debate, like monkeys flinging pooh >> monkeys have the tails, i learned that >> and adults who are supposed to be in charge have no desire and no incentive to fix it
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it benefits them and they raise more money, that is what people talk about with nancy pelosi, she is so good at raising money but not good at solving problemt eping her caucus and keeping people in line and keeping her boot on people's necks but -- -- >> insanity of this, also that, pelosi and schumer, in past have been reasonable about border security, they voted for increasing the border security, spending and you know, so, and her statement about you know, the wall im immorality, imagine substituting the word wall for phrase border security, she would not want to be saddleed with the statement f saying border security is an immore talitymorality >> the statement report reported in past, even though they
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minimize in terms of numbers, they said that southern border is vulnerable to entry by official terrorists >> do you remember the would be terrorists who penetrateed the northern border of united state? trying to blow up space needle in 1999 in seattle? >> i mean, yeah, and who doesn's love the space needle terrorism, you know whether terrorism or it is you know ask any law enforcement official, mean moon has ms-13 established a present across the nation, not just deal with this southern border >> kennedy: a lot of those ms-13 members were born here >> that is -- but, a lot come in and are involved in human traffics and drug kennedy: i sound like agnes moore hoodie to night >> hood moorehead tonight
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>> that is good, i'll try to sound like paul lindh. >> there are problem we're dealing with. >> they said hey have they havet you and i in charge >> we will mix fix everything >> thank you >> tell muggsy i love watching him argue >> you bet >> where do rational freedom loving lib tearians lirr tear l? i have a man who has a plan, he i have a man who has a plan, he is going to join me next on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. that's super easy. touch shows how we really feel. but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz,
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and everyone i've ever opioloved away from me.thing everything. i blew my ankle out and i got prescribed pain pills by my doctor. if making my detox public is gonna help somebody, i'm all for it. i just wish i would've had a warning. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ kennedy: we're back with more on president's ground breaking immigration address, and the democrats big rebuttal a demand, steal steel -- a stee,
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and law enforcement agents and other stuff all of that costs real american money analysis from cato institute shows that president's latest request of 5.7 billion become out to about 24.4 billion per mile of wall, and according to my mask mag mag that math tha foot senior immigration policy analyst at cato ep study instit, welcome >> how are you kennedy: what did you think of the big talk >> a big does dud , there is now argument in the speech, i don't think it moved the needle at all kennedy: i agree with you when you have country gather
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around and you know they are listening with baited breath the addresses in past have been used to convey serious messages, if has all seriousness of president talking about the romaine lettuce crisis, which is more deadly than the border >> you are right, it was a bad speech for that reason, another reason that bugged me, he within through a lot of horrible crimes that have been commit by illegal immigrants, all awful, and victims are you know in our hearts, i hope that the you know criminal are punished there is no >> you sound sincere >> it is a horrible thing >> it is no doubt, but -- >> but illegal immigrants are less likely to commit violent and property crimes and incarcerateed in united states than native american americans kennedy: true >> i would like some
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acknowledgment of that rather than fear mongering by people in government or in media, not this show, of course, but other shows kennedy: alex, talk a little bit we're out of time we're comprese d like we have broadcast spanx on what a libertarian solution might look like >> we need an immigration system that makes sense allows people to come here legally, people who are lower skilled, mid skilled who who wao work if we had a legal system, then this border crisis would be solved licketty split we have a problem like this in eisenhower administration he created a guest worker visa program and people comes across border dropped by 95%, the number dropped by 95% in first year, i think we can do that again.
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kennedy: i think you are right, i don't think it is blind optimism that is where reality stands, it is possible to have that welcome people to come here and work better their own lives still have aic have a secure and safe border, but you done hear if you done ym me >> thank you there thank you kennedy: alexandria ocasio-cortez has demonstrateed her disdain she is lashing out at -- fact checkers, she tweeted, facts are facts yes yesterday this is where bias creeps in allowing climate deny ars to be put on -- denicer to be on par with scientists what is worse her contempt for
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facts and criticism or nonsense call politics. >> go ahead >> this is whining from alexandria ocasio-cortez she wants to be in the big league, she got herself elected, welcome to washington if you are spouting nonsense, and making a 21 trillion dollar mag math error >> "washington post" called her on that >> right >> to grouse that people are noticeing your miss take and calling you out on them when you are a duly elected member of congress, that just seems a little bit sad be that strong wamu say woman tu say you are, stand up, spark ape >> if is sort of trumping >> it is and jammu jehmu you had that out, people saying she is a
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democrat female version of the president >> she taking a page out of his book kennedy: you hate that book >> i take offense to describeing it as whining, she has asked a ballot question about how do they make decisions about who is fact checking sarah sanders has been fact checked 6 times. >> by whom >> "washington post"," she just started you know, a few days agd this is something that media >> she is a legislature >> a politician >> it not whining people say when people are whining when it is a woman >> no, trump whines all of the time >> on this show >> jehmu that is false i call people out regardless of -- come on now >> i am stand up for this young
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brown woman >> it has nothing to do with gender >> soft bigotry of low expectations should creep in here, we should allow her to spew nonsense because of her gender and ethnic background bad >> she has apologizeed when shoo has got she has got it wrong >> she said moral security is more important >> she clarify her fact >> you have to clarify everything? >> that is a good thing >> no, that means you are making mistake after mistake, you are not doing enough to get it right >> maybe the fact checkers are not probably >> she is young >> thank you >> she use a phrase that barack obama used skillfully to woo the press, false equivalentsy, this is worry that general press has that generally leans left, they
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are, i should not be saying both sides do it equally lie of year in 2013 was about sarah palin talking about death panels not about barack obama selling obamacare, should he whd it has leaned into a left ward direction >> that is an inconvenient truta ocasio-cortez that, she could not be wrong, she dances fantastic >> and good >> great >> you are not getting any shade from me are in for dancing i think danceing is fantastic ad socialism is horrific >> thank you 3 great people
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they are sticking around? a surprise party that i was not invited to what you thought situation in middle east could not get any more complicated it did, that involves with president of turkey panel returns, that so great, i will thank them twice more, will thank them twice more, we'll talk middle east next feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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(owl hoots) read reviews, check hotel prices, book things to do, tripadvisor. kennedy: if u.s. and turkey were a couple their relationship status would be,'s "it's complicated"," turkey president erdogan he refused to meet with national second aid vie advisor juan bole and sat same time secretary of state mike pompeo told reporters this 99% of islammic call fat c, isis has been defeated, is it
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getting better or worse, the panel is back >> you tried to get rid of us early >> you were hoping one of us knows how to pronounce his first name >> there is another name sure >> show, that interesting thing about president trump's foreign policy, he is surrounded by hawks and coming up with a more dovish foreign policy, that creates a lot of tension with people battling for his soul it makes sense that a canny, dee lish def- - devilish operation or would like to get in and and play-off play up trump and manipulate trump >> it is ub believable unbelieve we're still having this conversation about turkey >> they are certain my certainls
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the pay that putin is playing us >> who do you trust more, president of turkey or president of united states? >> can we take a break >> no, i want you -- president of united states, i guess is having trouble knowing that john bolto' s name is john bolton he has been calling him mike we have a problem >> a big office. >> but his lack of experience. >> general and people who know what they are doing jump ship >> who do you trust more? erdogan or trump >> i don't trust either one as far as i can spit >> on point about mike pompeo secretary pom prime minister talk pompeo talking about 99% of isis destroyed, that is a huge accomplishment made possible through very hard work, i think, i am perhaps in minority at this table, a lot of
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us are concerned about president's precipitous withdraw that hard work has gone to planning an execution for a very long people, time, and achieveda person result to upset that apple cart is risky it looks like president has bace d off a bit in terms of time horizon kennedy: he has done a 180 we have to go, i would love to talk about that more we have to get these people out erdogan on the phone, said great if you could get out of syria >> all right, well, i will not be distracted thank you >> topical storm is next lap
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help in catching them they are not only guys riding on a scooter with a flat screen tv in state of florida it valued 348 dollars, you can buy 10 grams of any drug you want in the fitting room >> nice >> stop topic 2 in alaska you never know who will show up to the walk in clinic this moose enter a hospital lobby chowed down on plants, he would have eaten more but even moose on a diet hang in there you can quit in two more days internet was shocked to see the moose eating in the lobby, internet does not know only food option in alaska or dairy queen and whatever sarah palin shoots that day a rumor that moose was killed
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last night, wildlife officials say not true, only thing killed last night was alabama crimson tide 6-6 freshman quarterback is no josh rosen topic 3 i won money i should be happy >> consumer electronic show underway in las vegas and new tesla are a big hit look at this guy no the robot was placed in the road by a russian tech company to get mowed down by a self-driving tesla a shocking video judging by the way that car fled the scene, most people assumed is a o'rourke was driving the robot is call a bro mo bot, you can rent it in vegas for $2 000 an hour that is steep, you can rent a
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humannual woman for for $200 that is why the guys on my staff tell me >> get them they are driving real slow topic 4 big news in the food business, pizza hut will start delivering beer now their the reasons that your deliver i guyy guy will sell lie budweiser it will start this year we're sure little ceasar's will bring you crack if you play your cards right, they deliver a wide array of brands all told, company deliver from 300 restaurants in 6 different states we have obtained footage
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tomorrow night, back in our regular time, 9 p.m. eastern sorry 6 in west woo! pennsylvania republican congressman brine brien fitzpatk i'll be on bye trish: breaking right now, after nearly two years in office the president will deliver his very first primetime address to our nation live from the oval office. president will address the growing crisis at our border and some speculate he may even declare a national emergency. would that enable him to build the wall? the price of gas were seen on this program witnessing together every single night at our southern border. democrats still view this immigration crisis as they can use. >> this issue is about a vanity project for this president and it is a problem of h
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