tv Varney Company FOX Business January 9, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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dagen remember that trip. we had a great coverage of the convention democrat and republican. dagen: post this fought on instagram right now when you get off the air, okay? >> i will. i will thanks, everybody great to see you thanks for joining us everybody, stay with >> thank you very much maria good morning everyone. right off the top, opinion -- i think the president won last night. his oval office address was presidential. appealing to all americans. and establishing that there really is a border crisis. he offeredded degree of compromise of stealing steel barrier rather than concrete wall schumer an pelosi offered democrat response and it was a contrast again in my opinion, they looked angry, at eases and offered it no compromise at all. they wouldn't even use that word. and the accuse they accused the president of manufacturing crisis, in fact, in my opinion it is the democrats who have reare fused to secure the
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border. now, this afternoon mr. trump goes to capitol hill to meet senate republicans looking to sure up support in the fight there will be headline hads. all right now look at this. another gain for stocks at the opening bell. dow is up well over 1,000 points the last three sessions. and there's another trip pl digit gain coming in a half hour's time there's a good feeling coming out of the trade talks with china and when profit reports roll in next week, another solid gain confidently expected. don't know how market closes this afternoon. but we will open strong. and now, some truly great news, cancer deaths down 27% in the last 25 years. that is a triumph for medicine and public health. "varney & company" is about to begin.
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some of suggested a barrier is immoral than why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes. they don't build walls because they hate the people on the outside. but because they love the people on the inside. >> we don't governor by temper tantrum, no president should pound the table and nangd he gets his way. or else the government shuts down. hurting millions of americans who are treated as leverage. president trump has appealed to fear not fact. division, not unity. >> all right there you have it the president made his case for border security to the american people in democrats looking like they're really digging in. again my opinion was, the president won last night. look presidential, lizzy you have a smile on your face. >> yeah i was just say looked like new form of american gothic that we were looking at pelosi
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and -- >> frozen in place, like a police lineup. [laughter] >> all right. how is let me ask you something how is this a fake manufacture crisis when the democrats approved 8 billion in border wall and security in 2013 and schumer said yes to 25 billion in last year? >> how is that a manufactured crisis in where does crisis come from? i think he made his point very well i think the same point he's been making time and time again and sound bite saying you don't hate people on the outside but love the people on the inside a enringed analogy and says it all. >> all right a little bit later i want you tole us because you're watching after the speech and the other networks in the response. you would be amazed. shocked maybe not. i don't it hear it frankly. let's get to your money, we're looking at a tringt gain when the market opens this morning. fox news contributor john lei fled with us this morning decks are cleared looks to me like
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market has that feeling it just wants to go up. what say you? >> i agree the market wants to go up. i think that's the feeling about traders i think it is on wall street i don't think that they are necessarily cleared i'm not look china said to negotiate in a sincere way if you say you're sincere there's a problem in your past of being insincere i'm not sure if china is sincere here. but stuart you're right the market wantses to go up because economy is still very good we have a wonderful christmas season and gdp numbers are skewed because we have some inventory loading ahead of these -- ahead of these tariffs but still gdp numbers are very good and i think you have full unemployment 8.89 million jobs to stay the same ting this economy is doing quite well and market is responding accordingly. >> a big factor is profit report that comes out next week and i've seen analysts estimate ises i don't necessarily run by them
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but nonetheless they are estimating i think it is a 16% rise in profits compared to last year. if that's the case, john, that's a very solid profit reporting season. >> that is a huge number if that's the case. because we're looking at estimates going forward in next year 7.8% growth a slowdown, obviously, from the 20% growth we're still not falling off a cliff at that 8% if you're talking 16% which i've seen the same talk out there. that is double what the estimates are i think that's a huge number we have one of the biggest christmas seasons in history if not the biggest christmas stop sign in history. consumer confidence going into christmas was high. numbers since them have come out a backyard looking indicator and softer but we have a great christmas and retail season that's what's showing right now. >> just wait and see if we get a deal with china i think that will be the icing on the cake but it's not there yet. it might happen. john, thanks very much for joining us as always. we'll see you again real soon.
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thank you. >> thanks stuart. new reports that apple planning to cut iphone production. what's happening? >> by 10% this is coming out of nick review and they are pretty well followed group down there in wall street. and the question is, is this because of a business model issue issue and is this basically three new iphone moldses plan production cut by 10% for this january march quarter. you know the real story stuart i think is about china and the weakening picture in china. the tariffses have not kicked in on devices but such as for apple you know, the factory, factories are down. retail sales are dun and multiyear low consumer confidence was down and gdp growth and china is down. so i think this is where the storyline is. it is about weakening china growth. i mean sales are lowest since 1990 so when you see numbers out of china you have it say to yourself maybe tim cook is right he's talking about 1.3 billion devices out there and ecosystem
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of services could pull in revenue about a 7 overall sales so you know that's had a back what's happening with apple today. >> there's a bigger problem is smartphone business. across the board. smartphone business. most important technological product of the generation and that's enough. got it. now there's a warning about america's credit wages coming from fitch ratings agency. they say if the government shut down continues, we could see a cut in our gold plat plated rating economy is with us founding about member of bain capitol and welcome to the program. >> that you think. you think it will happen. let's suppose we do have a continuing government shutdown. do we drop lose our credit aaa rating? >> i don't think market is betting that will happen because can bees laid out was shutdown last until march we can't reach an agreement on credit ceiling we can't reach are an agreement on budget sure if all come to would it jeopardize our rating it would because it did the the last time but if you look at
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bond futures they're flat if you look at the market it's way up, and if you step bag to look at the big picture do you see that household -- net worth relative to amount of debt never higher than it is today and we've never been stronger financially than we are. >> so you're discounting this threat. >> i think a little politics in that threat. >> oh, really that's interesting. let's move on to china trade. talks wrapped up yesterday in beijing our guys were with on the way back home president trump says that things went very wellst that a direct quote from the president. let me turn this around for a second, can you see any -- anyway in which the two sides just walk away? march the first they're angry with each other they don't do anything no deal of any. i can't see that. >> i can see them extending the deadline to continue to negotiate but both sides ring need a deal are eager for a deal i think the president has been according to the media rattled a bit by the markets. i think that chinese have to have a deal with the united states. i think in the long run, you
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step back look at the big picture there there's going to be a lot of friction between us and china. and i think there's going to be garage disengagement like between us and russia for example. and i think trade negotiations will get resolved but they're not going to be very satisfied and i think they're going to be increasingly more antagonistic. just the news of a deal, of any kind smiling faces, handshake deal that would help the stock market surely. ening well you see what's happened in stock market last couple of days so i think that puts a lot of pressure on the president to delivers some resolution to this. >> founding member of bain capitol. >> yes. along with mitt romney? have you talked to mitt recently? >> i talked to him before. but i haven't -- >> tell us what he's say about his relationship with the president? >> i guess i would say this. i think it is frustrate aring to hear hypocrite size the president in a vacuum. i think in the real world we have to choose between two tough alternatives or two
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alternatives. i think what he does is he, his criticism weakens the president and i don't think that's what republicans need from mitt at the moment. you know, i think we face a high probability of president elizabeth warren and democratic control of both the senate and the house, and so we need to be careful i think about which alternative we're choosing here. >> you're very reluctant to address this i don't blame you but i see a rift at bain capitol here. [laughter] >> just a question. ed thank you very much for joining us as always. thank you, sir. new tweet from president trump. just came in here we go. our country is doing so well in so many ways. great jobs numbers. with a record setting december, we're rebuilding our military. that's final have a choice and accountability. economy and jdp strong tax and regular cuts historic. trade deals, great, and that trump -- [laughter] tells how it is mr. president.
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check the futures please, because we're looking again at a triple digit gain for the market. i always have to say this i have no clue how we close but we will open about 100 point higher. bombshell from über's chief. he says that company might not go public this year afterall. he wants to wait until the markets stabilize whatever that will be. president trump going after the drug makers, he says they're not living up to their commitment to keep prices close. what will he do to be farmer elizabeth azar on the show this morning and more on mr. trump big speech last night again i say he did a good job getting message out to the american people. now i think the ball is in senator mcconnell's court to get republicans in line. they're meeting this afternoon. we're on it.
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more interest rate hikes given tame inflation that is a positive for stocks and market has responded we're going to be up about 120 at the opening bell. let's get back to the president's progress he made his case on border security. come in, runner romney mcdamage republican national committee chair a the president is going to meet senate reallies this afternoon. that includes mitch mcconnell. i say this is a key meeting because the ball is in mitch common's court to round up republican support for the president's position. is he going to do it? >> i think the president speech was a great first step and coming to senate today to make the case as to why we cannot continue to kick this can down the road that we need to address this issue, we saw last month 22,000 children came tried to come into the country illegally. we've sign an increase in asylum claims up 1700% in last eight year this is a problem that we
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need to address, washington businesses usual has not worked, and businessman in the white house is somebody that is saying donald trump is somebody who is saying we're not doing politics as urge but get the job den and rally senate to do it. >> they're up plenty of republicans in the senate. who would love to see a compromise because they're worried about this ongoing government shutdown. it is mitch mcconnell job basically to round them up and make sure that president has that support. can he coit? >> well the president has been a open to a compromise but the democrats have refused to work with him at any level, and they know that this is an issue that is not going away. it is continued to tech late for decades we've seen president after president saying we're going to address this issue. barack obama, bill clinton and nobody has taken care of our crisis at the border. it continues to effect late and this president is saying enough is enough. and i think our party and our base want to see this address, and they're tboipg to put pressure on senators to support
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the president and not stand down because we know that this isn't going away. >> did you see the -- i'm going to call them establishment media and their response to the president's speech last night. i don't know whether you saw it or not, but essentially, most of them were saying this president is unfit to lead. what do you say? >> well i will say let's look at our country right now. 4 million new jobs, with look at the jobs number last month over 300,000 new jobs created wage with are are up 3% our military being funded isis is on run numbers don't lie. results don't lie. coming out of this presidency and this administration, mainstream media does not like toe share the results because they're so positive. and again they're ignoring crisis that we have at our southern border. you know stuart we haven't back log of 8 hux ,000 cases right now for these ai asylum claim we can't hope it will go away and
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president said that last night it is not a time to play politics this is something we should come together on and fix. trchg now, you chair a the rnc. your name is rona romney mitt romney will be there this afternoon and critical of president trump. you have -- you are related to him. is he going to support the president border wall? rnght well he has indicated that he's going to support the president in the border wall and as mitt ran for president he said this was an issue that he recognized it that we have a broken immigration system. so i think this is a policy issue that they can come together on. and i home the rest of the the senate will support our president as well. this is pivotal time for our country, and this is a president who said i'm the not going to just kick problems down the road. we have to address them and not just do what washington politicians typically do. they put it off and it never gets -- accomplished.
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and we need to take things on. head-on hike we did with the corporate tax cut like we've done with deregulation and now it is time to tackle our immigration issue ors. >> rona thans very important day and we appreciate you being here. >> thanks for having me. >> see you again soon. thanks. check that out to open in about 11 minutes time up about 100 points as of today. by the way, we're up over 1,000 in the last three trading sessions. up again in ten minutes time. a nightmare flight for alaska air passengers traveling from alaska to los angeles a trip supposed to take about six hour hoes ended up lasting 30 hours. we'll tell you the horror story you really want to hear it i know you really do, after this.
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no lodgings. they easm are flown back out of buffalo but not to l.a. they're flown back to boston. but when they land try to land in boston there's no pun opened gate they wait 19 minutes on tarmac to get it a gate they are then rebooked guess what that flight delayed. [laughter] no. so eventually an hour or so later they finally get on plane they get to l.a. and then icing on the cake some of their baggage department make it alaska airlines saying look we failed many points along the ways we really apologize and they finish number one in consumer satisfaction that is unusual to something like this would happen but the the trip from -- can you imagine -- traveling with children. can you imagine traveling with children. makes you wonder when you talk to st. peter saying what did you do with your life you spent a lot of it in the airport. [laughter] >> future at the pearly gates. i didn't have that in my hip pocket. [laughter] i have this for you lizzy listen
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up. chief says there's a chance that company may not go public this year afterall. why not? >> no kidding because he's not gopg to get 120 billion dollar like he thought we would if he went public that was a evaluation when markets were on sweep runup now markets he prefers to be positive, stable he's saying recent market action won't derail it but idea was that it would go public second half of this year. now we're looking wapping people going through -- über filings at the fec waiting a second saying right now with with markets are are reacting 70 billion. 90 billion not the 120 billion so stuart you wonder if lyft and pin interest and you know other companies are going to say hay wait a second they don't want to be a bad ipo like a s.n.a.p. or going down in in a rocky market. >> on one hand i wanted a chance to invest in this kind of company. to get a stake but on the other hand i can't imagine why a company like this would want to go public because there's not
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that many advantages. i digress markets opening in less than five minutes and up triple digits back with the market opening after this. val, vern... i'm off to college and i'm not gonna be around... i'm worried about my parents' retirement. oh, don't worry. voya helps them to and through retirement... ...dealing with today's expenses... college... ...while helping plan, invest and protect for the future. so they'll be okay... without me? um... and when we knock out this wall... imagine the closet space. yes! oh hey, son. yeah, i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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and i do believe that in literally ten seconds time, we will see a solid gain for the market all over again. futures are pointing to a gain of about 120 maybe 130 points. three, two, one 9:30 eastern off we go how did we open well with that's yesterday up 250. this morning so far -- up 81. i see a lot of green on left-hand side all right now we're up 97 points. and 96, 97 here we go i see losers just four losers amongst dow 30 some of the dow stocks are not yet opened we may go there we go. triple digit gain right from the get-go so you're looking at a gain of just shy of a half percentage point thus far. how about the s&p 500? where is that this -- what day is it wednesday morning? that's off about a quarter of one percent. not as big a gain as the dow. how about the nasdaq we always say it home of the technology companies. they're up about a third of one
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percent. as for interest rates, the tenure treasury as of right now is -- 2.72%. so we're up a bit from where we were yesterday. big tech, you have to check them. that still where all of the money is and where a lot of it is going facebook is down amazon is down apple down a fraction. alphabet up only three bucks but microsoft don't you love it up 91 is cents that's almost 1%. 103 degrees a share. good times. [laughter] don't you love it. and eddy is here. shah gilani is here. liz claman ashley webster, of course. stock is up three days in a e row 1,000 points up for the dow industrials shah gilani, i know you've got a beard all of a sudden. but you know, 2019. you were cautious to fend of last year. very cautious. change your tune? >> no i'm still kushes but market does and i agree with you it looks like wants to go up it certainly looks like wants to melt up. we've got early stages of that
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if we get something done on trying toout lies utilize tariff we will see a meltup. >> but you vpght yet jumped in. i don't think we're out of the woods i would like to e sou the dow and dow terms over 24,000 and stay above there. i think there's a lot of resistance there if dow can get above and stay above there now i start jumping in with a lot of stocks on sale i've said that several times on your program a lot of stocks on sale if we go back down we could test lows to get cheaper at some point i would love to see capitulation just everyone saw hands up sell what they need to sell and then market you dive in with both hands load the truck to go higher. >> what if shaw's new beard was a leading indicator and resistance -- >> there's a good question for you. so far -- but okay leave it at that. leave it at that eddy you've been quite bullish every time l you've peared on this program you've said here question go it tbets back up there are you still confident? >> as it was said in december i
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thought fundamentals were thrown out the woipgd about the fed and china, and those are two biggest things weighing on market. short-term, the fed is off the table right now. we do know talk is cheap so we have to see during the next meeting they actually will stay and not raise rates but it looks like they're going to stay dubbish for 19 if we get a china deal we no longer have to worry about inverted yield curve earnings should be strong and i think 2019 should be a very positive year for the equity market. considering a back drop that we're going into heading into january. >> here's something which i think is a paramount importance for stock market investments that is profits next week is the profit reporting season it kicks off we're told the expectation is, that profits will be up 16% compared to last year. shah that is a very nice gain if that's what we get. in fact it will be great markets really want to see strong earnings and go up on strong earnings heaven for bid we don't get good earnings or comps are
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bad and if companies future projections if they knock them down expectations expectations d down market will take it on the the chin. i think if we have good fourth quarter i think we should have good fourth quarter and -- the future expectations are good the markets will hold up very well. but problem we've seen before is the guidance you can have blowout numbers but we see weakness tnders end of the year, boom it hits the stocks. but that would ten straight quarters of solid profit growth and fifth straight quarter of that kind of double digit growth that's pretty good. >> for earnings. tha why if we don't get that market is jittery going into this earning season and don't get that. you know, the peak sofer, and peakings are over that could be -- >> we preferred you clean shaven. [laughter] >> let's deal with apple, start request this. a l reportedly cut first quarter production for new iphones by 10%. eddy look this is all about the
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smartphone business isn't it? which seems to be in real trouble. >> it is slowing down i think the challenge that apple has is they're looked at as iphone company and revenue from their service and wearable business so apple from a fund mental standpoint is a pretty diversified company with a strong balance sheet, they're evaluations not too high. i think the area -- going to be range bound i don't think a big spike in apple but long-term for right rick tolerance apple is a good long-term hold. they've got a lot of cash. >> look when you say long-term you're talking about one, two, three years down the road are. >> three to five years -- here's other thing with apple, china okay china has had a big influence with trade i think if you see trade resolution there that's going to help china as well. a good point there's no tariffs in china. excuse me apple l iphones yeah but retail sector in china stuart is at a 15-year low. so is this an indication what's going on with a l to get cheaper iphones because now,
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tim cook is talking about india. you know only the lower bound hundred dollar phones are prevalent there. are we going to see apple go other way with much cheaper phones? that's the -- >> interesting it would. but one other point on apple tim cook he's got a 22% raise because he beats sales goals and profit goals he won on that. shah gilani i think he makes 15 million now but that's nothing. makes a lot more on stock -- for sure. and well he should elevated stock by significantly borrowing this pullback which is not so little. he's creating so much value i think something like 400 billion dollars in value for this company. >> that's like a facebook. tremendous amount of money. getting him all of credit to gan at apple l. his gain since he's taken over for steve jobs that moved this company forward has been extraordinary. i think he deserves every penny it is nothing for -- >> if he's hitting numbers to hit he deserves the the raise. really so stock has gone way
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with over 200 to 150 and he deserves a 22% raise. >> yeah. definitely -- [laughter] >> okay. just saying. new high for the markets we're six, seven minutes in and now close to 150 points are we getting close to 24,000. that's a good number. we have above that and i'm very comfortable then we have mattel teaming up with wariner brothers to bring live action barbie a, live action barbie movie to theaters, the market don't think much -- wait a minute it went up yesterday -- sorry, who played queen elizabeth in the mary queen of scots movie. don't care -- >> i do. i do. sales fell short, the event for housing slow -- i don't think are that's right. the stock is up over 1%. we'll figure that one out. not so rosy forecast from corona beer maker. [laughter] consolation brands by the way they're a huge -- they make more than corona beer let me tell you but stock,
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taking it on the chin down 10%. ouch. how about the price of oil i think we're well above 150 a barrel. 51, 4 a 3% gain today, and gas down a tiny fraction a fraction of one cent but down is the operative word 223 is where we are as your national average. got it. okay move up. check the procter & gamble all kiengdz of household products they dominate the grocery store the supermarket i should say. we're looking for any reaction to shaw's new beard. to your left. >> that's why okay. they're going to sending you a free sample if you shave on camera free razor. [laughter] >> sign of the timeses story. nbc is going cut ad by 20% in prime time starting next year. isn't that all about streaming
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because there's no ads in streaming. >> there's that but also on the broadcast side they're giving change aing the style of ads they're doing 60 second ads that actually can target moments in the program to gear your advertising product to moments in the program. in other words, they're cutting down number of ads but expanding type of ad and cost of buying that ad. >> i think a lot of people these day don't they tivo or -- a lot to do with competition i think. because they're competing against services that don't have commercials so they have -- netflix about that. okay all good news i believe. >> i think so. it's that time close to 9:40 you know what that means eddy -- out of here but thanks for joining us this morning. shah thank you. [laughter] comes with a blaze i'm in. you get the ray store for e free. the blaze that cost you an arm and a leg. that's fair. jeep men thank you very much indeed. by the way, we're at almost the high of the day right now.
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moments ago we were up 150. now we're up 136 point to be precise. how about this one? chaos of london heathrow airport a drone flying over runway it grounded hundreds of flights now this is the second drone incident at a british airport in less than a month. here is the question, is there any way to stop this in that must be very tough. we'll have an answer for you that's for sure and this big news i love this deaths from cancer down 27% over the past 25 years. i call that real progress. how do we do it? we will ask secretary of health and human services alex azar he's on the show, and he's next. jardiance asked- and now you know.
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we've lost a little of the gain but up triple digits are dow is at 23, 00 as of now. drug companies raising prices in new year, and frump is not at all happy about it. here's his tweet. drug makers and companies are not live up to their commitments on pricing. not being fair to the consumer or to our country. elex azar health and human secretary is with us now you're meeting with the president yesterday at the white house about this issue. of drug pricing, what can you tell us about the meetings? what are you and a the president going to do about it? >> well stuart the president and i were meeting about our plans to bring down drug prices and i want to be really clear to pharma companies out there and to pharmacy benefit manager the president and i will not stop until lyft prices of drugs come down. this behavior has to stop. drug prices must come down and we will roll out nor regulatory
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and legislative proposals and we will work with democrats and republicans to get drug prices down. enings "the wall street journal" and others not too happy it be this. they see this as drug price control which they say are a negative. what say you? >> well it's an absolutely silly system that we have that the more you increase the price of your product, the more xettive you make it. the companies that have increased their prices here on january one all admitted they were doing so basically to funnel kickbacks in the form of rebeats to pharmacy benefits managers to keep preferred status of their drugs on the area available to patients. now we've seen some good behavior you know amgen, merck each have products they have significantly reduced list price of their product on. we need to see more of this and other companies to follow and bigger productses to have those price decrease and a president and i will not stop until we see
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price decreases. >> if they don't decrease prices how will you punish them? >> i spend every minute next six years the president and i are going to work to drive regulatory and legislative change to bring those prices down for the benefit of the american patient. we're going to work with anyone all options are on the table if they deliver solutions to keep the patient at the center. and keep america's patient safe. fighting words mr. secretary. they're inokay immaterial to move on to new york city the mayor in this city taking a cue from california. announcing guaranteed health care for all new yorkers and new york city people that is including illegal immigrants. what do you make of that, sir? >> well i don't to comment on any governor's or mayors particular proposal here around health care because they may come to us asking for waivers. but i just say we all share the goal of improving affordable, private sector access to health care for americans, and we're prepared to work with anyone if we can help deliver private sector solutions that deliver affable value based options to
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get quality health care in the eyes. we have to avoid the one size fits all solutions that assume that this doubling down on our broken third party payer system is the way that we bring that change about or that we help people. >> okay i want to bring in what a i think is terrific news and we've got it this morning from cancer society cancer deaths are are down 57 a% in past years now i'm sure there are lot of factories contradicting to this can you give us a list? how do you do in? >> one of the biggest thing is we decoded to work of frans sis cole pings others at the national institutes of health that allowed us to get enhanced understand of the nature of cancer and disease we're fighting and then the groundbreaking work of doctors like rosenburg who learned how to harness the bodies own immune response to attack cancer in the body. and then, of course, great work of commissioner scott fda where we're -- where we're approving drugs new
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molecular entities at a historic clip. 59 new drugs approved just last year. so this team is mobilized and working to bring innovation to american patients but stuart just to get back to top pick before, if a patient can't afford the drug, they don't have access to it. >> okay. got it. in 1965, 42% of american adults smoked cigarettes. in 2017 it was down to 14%. this sure isly is a big contributor to the decline in cancer deaths. well we want to keep bringing smoking levels down and stuart you and i have talked about real problem we have with youth smoking and a youth e-cigarettes that's why president and hhs our leadership here has been unwaiverring in our efforts to keep youth from getting addicted to nicotine and getting addicted to combustible tobacco and we keep driving those efforts forward. stuart. >> those vaping devices, doesn't
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that help people get up the smoking of tobacco? >> well you're absolutely right these vapes devices or e-cigarettes are public health tools for people to transition out of combustible tobacco, the problem is, in thest last couple of years we have seen -- an epidemic of youth using these e-cigarette devices to initiate nicotine addiction and that will become a pathway not only to combustible tobacco but other forms of addictive behavior you know stuart what happens is when a youth, teenager becomes addicted to substance it rewiring brain and creates other form of addiction this is not a good thing for public health and we have got to stop it. got it mr. secretary. thank you very much for being with us again. we always appreciate it. thank you, sir. >> that you think, stuart see you later. check that big board we no longer have a trip pl digit gain but we're close up. we do now something. we're up 100 points to the dow industrial that's .4%.
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well here's a bombshell look at amazon stock first of all virtually unchanged 15 dollars share here's the headline story. jeff bezos and his wife are are getting divorce now that's not affecting the stock. but we should point out that bezos is richest person in the world that stock price he's worth 136 billion dollar. and his wife may be entitled to of that a married about 25 years. was there a prenup? ly webster he's just wondering 160 billion. 136 billion right now. according to "forbes." 136 billion holy toledo joining us now editor and chief of thomas guide. all right mark i'm hearing a lot if 5g technology. i'm hearing about it from the las vegas ces show. why -- can you summarize this? why is 5g such a big deal?
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>> well it's bisquely what verizon is saying yesterday at their press conference it is essentially next industrial revolution and what we're talking about is multigig ga speeds and the ability to connectlet say a million device within square kilometer where it used to be hundreds of thousands so -- the bigs things that we're going to be seeing from this is not faster speeds from our phones but also it is beginning to revolutionize self-driving car and a also it could even save our life. i saw one video demo yesterday where a doctor if their operating on your brain they could see augmented reality picture of your brain on top of your skull while they're operateing. they won't need to look at another screen. so this could have a profound impact on a lot of different industry. smg well i think it could have profound impact on smartphone industry because look i've got an iphone 7 i take 5g suddenly is introduced tomorrow morning i can't get it on my iphone 7 right?
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>> right. i think i agree with you. the smart phone market stagnated a little bit because a lot of people are looking for next big thing. i think 5g is going to be huge because one of the stats i heard from a a at any time yesterday is what, more than half of their traffic right now coming through the network is video and next couple of year go to 7% so enable a new wave of devices of to one them here a foldable phone so right now this is a 7.8 inch display and watch what happens when i fold it. [laughter] so this is what's gong to amazing so you can basically go from phone to tablet mode and it is going to take new chips and ping qualcomm will be in a really good condition in a processor rolling out to a lot more phones in next year or or so. >> but you would have to have a new smartphone if 5g comes along so you have to reare place all existing smartphones if you want to use 5g right? smg that's true.
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so what's happening is that -- samsung is going to be one the first to market in the first part of year and by the end of the year you start to see more of 5g hand sets come to year and a i hope and carriers are hoping this will spur another update wave of people you know ditching their older handsets. >> fascinating mark you explain that to nontechy in explainable way and i really appreciate that. mark everyone. thank you, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up my take on president trump big speech and the democrats response. what we saw last night was a political battle and here's my opinion, i think the president won. more varney after this. why are you so good at this? had a coach in high school. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math. ooh. so, why don't traders have coaches? who says they don't? coach mcadoo! you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum-
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it was an oval office address. that alone helped make him look a bit more presidential. so do did the content of his speech t wasn't a narrow appeal t was aimed at all americans. he laid out the facts. showed compassion for the children he said had been used as pawns. and he shared the stories of americans and beaten and murdered by illegals. he says america face as humanitarian crisis, a crisis of the heart and of the soul. he looked like a president. he said the things that a president should be saying. then came senator schumer and speaker pelosi who offered the democrats response. again in my opinion, they looked ill at ease, a little angry and absolutely not prepared to compromise. the president used that word compromise. schumer and pelosi did not. they accused the president of having a temper tan -- tantrum
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and manufacturing a crisis. that is way off base. the democrats refusal to secure the bored they're created this crisis. this is political battle, a fight for the votes of middle america. i think the president won. it was also a fight about the very important issue, the security of our country. on that the president won hands down. "varney & company" continues. ♪ more on my editorializing and my opinion, later this hour. martha mack will be with us, right from fox news. let's get to your money, because, look at this you like it. high of the day. we're up 188 points. the dow is real close to the 24,000 mark, rising as we speak. now we're up 191. okay, we're back to 187. we'll take it.
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that is a solid gain, if ever i saw one. check out big names of technology. facebook up, apple down. a bit more on apple in just a moment. how about micron? it has bit under a pressure recently? >> definitely. all semiconductors. stuart: one analyst says buy it. that recommendation produced a five, near 6% gain. micron is at 35. constellation brands, huge, and i mean huge liquor company, it is the biggest drag on the s&p. they came out with a weak forecast, especially in the wine and spirits business, look at that, the stock is down 8 1/2%. jack hough with us, i want market news here. jack hough is "barron's" senior editor, a real hotshot on wall street. don't make me blush. stuart: that is what we do here. let's see now, the market, i want to talk about profits.
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>> yeah. es. stuart: next week we have the profit reporting season. we have reports that profits are going to be up 16%. if that is the case, terrific performance. >> if that is the case, market will love it. investors will love it. i'm seeing numbers a little bit lower than that. last year, first three quarters of last year, we had average of 26% earnings growth. people said, well, that was the tax cuts. a lot of it was tax cuts. we had energy profits came down last year, looking like about 18%. i got a note from credit suisse, they say on average in 2019 they're looking for six to 7% earnings growth. some people take that, coming from 20 something percent, you're saying six to 7%, you must not like this economy. or the job this or that politician is doing. that is normal rate of increase for profits. that is a normal profits. that is not. stuart: recession. that is normal economy. stuart: you're talking about the whole year, six to 7%.
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i'm talking about the one quarter. >> the last number i saw on the first quarter was 9%, nudging down just slightly. companies are good setting beatable targets. we could see the number a couple percentage points above that. 16%, i would love moving nor than 16%. that is ambitious. >> what is wrong with 10%? >> nothing wrong with 10% earnings growth. stuart: apple reportedly cutting production for three new iphone models by about 10%. >> yeah. stuart: is this reflective of the problem in the smartphone businesses slowing down? >> apple was one big problem, you don't need a new phone every couple years. i got a new phone. pricey new ones. i got them. no difference from the three-year-old phone before that. my life has not changed at all. you can wait. this is the problem. there will be another big upgrade cycle in couple years when apple comes out with 5g phones. but right now people are spacing out purchases longer.
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the good news for apple, no one leaves. i have eight years of my kids pictures in the apple ecosystem. i can't learn a new thing. next time i buy something it will be apple. i think the company is a good moneymaker long term. people are paying 17 times earnings for power companies. new york city's power company, lights come on when i flip the switch. it is not a growth company. apple is 12 times. 12 times. why would you pay premium for safety, a beer company, a power company. when apple is there 12 times. a pretty stable company. stuart: as a long-term investment, to me i got to say looks solid. >> looks like a value, yeah. stuart: since we spot to you last time you had a sit-down interview with bob eyeinger. >> i did. stuart: more to the point -- >> more? stuart: more to the point, far more important, you're the only person in the media who actually has seen hands on, looked at, visited, the new "star wars" land. >> as i said on a podcast i used
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to be jealous of the rich kid on our street who had the millennium falcon, the toy, but i stood in the mill men lump falcon at disneyland. my family, we go to disney parks each year. i'm pretty familiar what is there. this is something really new and different. this is impressive place. this is 14-acre expansion in the california park and another one in the florida park. it is big physical expansion of land, more capacity. in terms of interaction, this is something unlike people have seen. talking about a place, you go in there, pilot part of the millennium falcon as part of your ride. if you hit the spire taking off you see it. you go across the way to the cantina, order a drink. the person might bring up, boss is not happy how you brought the ship back. you can opt in. if you don't want to, you have to. super fans in the "star wars" world for a day, this is place where they can do it.
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stuart: jack hough liked it and endorses "star wars" land. >> i'm not in the endorsement business. but i was impressed, if you want to go on what is going on with disney stock, we have a cover story last week. stuart: you got a little plug. couldn't resist. >> ring the register, stuart. stuart: jack hough, you're all right. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. facebook and twitter, they are turning to conservative groups to help them fight bias. that is interesting, isn't it? joining us kristin tate, columnist of "the hill." author of, how do i tax thee? i love that, kristin, what do you make of the facebooks of this word looking for conservatives to help them get some balance. i'm not sure i believe it but what say you? >> it's a step in the right direction. the addition of conservative voices to help advise companies like facebook and twitter is long overdue. these tech giants are flagrantly
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liberal and everybody knows it and perhaps now they have realized that if they don't at least pretend to be politically neutral they could lose users in droves. in the past, facebook and twitter have gone to great lengths to squash conservative voices. in october facebook deleted hundreds of conservatives accounts with no warning for explanation. twitter has consistently banned and suspended conservative users in the past like candace owens, jesse kelly, who is a conservative radio host, roger stone, the lift goes on and on. this is all an effort to squash non-liberal thought. i have to say, stuart, it is really sad. in the past liberals are the ones to say i don't agree with your opinion but i will fight to the death for your right to express that opinion. stuart: precisely. >> now seems like the mantra is, i don't like your opinion, you better stop expressing it, i will protest on social media, protests on streets of your sue, sue you in court.
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incredible transformation on the left when it comes to freedom of expression. stuart: not sure i like the transformation but good stuff, kristen. a poll, it is from gallup, more than half of democrats self identify as liberal, rather than moderate, they identify, more than half of them as liberal. what do you make of that? >> well, not only are they increasingly identifying as liberals, another gallup poll from late last year showed the majority of democrats now have a favorable view of socialism. these centrist democratic party of jfk, even bill clinton is dying out. the democratic party of today stands for open borders, gun confiscation, late-term abortion, high taxes basically, flagrant socialism. these left-wing politicians that learned that sound bites of free stuff and rich people are evil are easy ways to excite naive and young voters. it is really shameless. i have to tell you, stuart, i think that lurch leftward is really going to backfire on the
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democrats ahead of 2020. although this may work with registered democrats and hardcore lefties it will not work with moderates and independents who are terrified of socialism. they see how it is destroying venezuela and parts of europe. they want nothing to do with it and this kind of rhetoric is really scary to them. stuart: i hope you're right, kristin. i'm a refugee from european socialism and i hope you're right. >> that's right. stuart: kristin tate, thanks very much for joining us. we'll see you again soon. >> thank you very much, stuart. stuart: maybe you heard my editorial at the top of the hour. i was talking about president trump, i think he won the prime time head-to-head showdown with senator schumer and speaker pelosi last night. i will see if martha mack -- mccallum agrees with me. she will be with me later in this hour. there is talk that benjamin netanyahu could go to saudi arabia what do you make of that? our next guest says it has been in the works for some years.
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he will tell us all about it. cigarette smoking at a record low in america. could that be a boon for can that about, the pot companies? i will ask a potholing company that is now putting money to work in vaping. second hour of "varney & company" already rolling. ♪ one-millionth order. millionth order. ♪ there goes our first big order. ♪ 44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering.
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stuart: i guess i'm sounding like a broken record but we have another solid rally on our hands. right now we're up what, 147 points? a little bit shy of the 24,000 level. how about chesapeake energy? highest stock price and then some. we're up 13% there. they have got a strong production outlook. that helps again, up 14%. the price of oil this morning, moving up. we're at $51 a barrel.
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41.42. that is a big move, you're right. now this. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu could soon visit saudi arabia to meet with crown prince mohammed bin salman? walid phares with us, fox news national security analyst. walid, do you think he will actually go to saudi arabia? if he does, why is he going? >> first of all i'm sure he is very serious about that move. but why is he going? it has some little history. the genesis of reproachment between saudi arabia and israel really goes back to 2015 when the obama administration decided to sign and execute the iran deal, it scared both saudi arabia and israel because iran did not change behavior. it still made statements about the destruction of israel. made statements about removal of the regime in saudi arabia. so the convergence between saudi and israel, discrete, confidential and not public started.
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only when president trump went to riyadh, addressed 50 arab and muslim leaders and spoke about the necessity of going through peace. of course after that, when mbs, mohammed bin salman came to power and he was convinced this should be the right thing to do in the region, i think the process we see, we may see a prime minister of israel in riyadh or anywhere else in saudi arabia soon. stuart: what do you think will be the reaction of hard-line wahhabis in saudi arabia when prime minister netanyahu arrives in riyadh? what do you think they would say? >> stuart, excellent question, those opposed to this in the region will try to stir trouble and say, saudis are going to rise, but things are changing inside of saudi arabias, i've been warning about it for many years, including on your show, underneath the media you have social media and social media is expressing a lot of things happening in saudi arabia. the radicals are still around but the radicals have been little by little isolated,
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pushed back by mbs precisely. without mbs, mr. netanyahu will not go to saudi arabia. there will be opposition. but saudis prepared the ground with their civil society, with moderates inside of saudi arabia. of course there will be noise outside of saudi arabia more so than inside of the kingdom. stuart: seems like the powers that be in the middle east are lining up against iran. secretary of state mike pompeo, he is there at the moment. he is on, an 8 city or 8 country visit on the screen right now. he is basically lining up support against iran. that is the function of his trip, i take it? >> absolutely. secretary pompeo is not shy. was not shy about the matter. he wants to put immense pressure on iran regime, not the iran people. they have an objective to show first iranian opposition we're serious about putting on that pressure. showing the iranian government they need to back off what they're doing in the region and show the american public we have
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good relations with many, many countries in the middle east. the claim that the administration is isolated, everybody doesn't like washington, that is not true. secretary pompeo will address many people in the egypt and the region and show they're ready for us about the new policy of containing iran. stuart: it is unlikely iran will back away from expansionist and aggressive plans yet we have this coalition forming against them. do you see a war in the offing at any point in the near future? >> political war is on. the media war is on. the psychological war is on. the terrorist war is on. the iranians know that if they want to face off with the u.s. and the arab coalition that is recall toking now, should have been formed two years ago, they will lose it. they will lose it very, very badly. so what they do basically, they preempt. they preempt including all the cash they have from the $150 billion sewing discord in
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saudi arabia. trying to influence our politics here in the united states. but at the end of the day, if the u.s. can coalesce all these countries, first of all the real threat fence the regime will not be all the coalition but opposition inside of iran. stuart: you got it. walid phares always on the ball. we'll see you begin soon, sir. thank you. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: staying on the middle east, in the next hour i will talk to our own israeli expert, david ruben. he says everyone was wrong to criticize president trump's decision to pull troops from syria. trump and netanyahu are working on a plan for syria and indeed for the whole region. he will make his case an explain on our show today. president trump headed to capitol hill for lunch with republican senators. john kennedy republican louisiana, he will be there. he is the guy with the one-liners. what will he ask the president? and where does he stand on the wall? i will talk to him in our next hour. more "varney" after this.
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stuart: another executive is out at tesla. not making any difference to the stock though. this time one of the heads of the engineering department. tesla's stock is up four bucks. check harley-davidson. they are taking orders for the all-electric motorcycle. not doing much for the stock. it is up 14 cents. but electrics are on the way to harley. couple of stories on the shutdown which is now entering its 19th day. what is this, ash, about jimmy kimmel employing federal work years late-night show host. he will employ a federal
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employee to work every night on the show as long as the partial government shutdown gregs on. he is a big critic of president trump, often. he is doing this as a stunt. he had one federal employee, i believe he works in the correctional system, had him play tambourine on the house band last night. how much are you paying him. how much you are hiring. not saying how much he is being paid. doing it for political -- stuart: you can't fire a government worker. you can maybe fire him off kimmel's show. another story connected to the shut down is, it is delaying some companies going public with an ipo. why is that? liz: because the sec has to approve the ipo. so they have only less than 300 out of 4400 workers at the sec. these are the, ipos expected in 2018. a lot of biotechs possibly stuck in the pipeline there over at the sec. you know -- stuart: we should point out ones on the screen are expected this
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year but not necessarily delayed. liz: we do not know that right now. stuart: it is biotechs. liz: could be, that is correct. staying on the story for you. stuart: check the markets. not quite at the high of the day. but we're still up very solid gain. we're up 137 points. up 48 on the nasdaq. our next guest says, of the world economies, the u.s. just can't be beat. there is some good news for you. he will make his case in a moment. president trump making a pitch to the nation for the border wall, however, there is a headline today, it suggests those who live on the border don't actually want it. good story. we're on it. more "varney" in a moment. ♪ (nationwide jingle)
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you see brad, songs are really about big life moments. baby shower here. big. life. moment. what is in here? ohh! oh, i hope it's a life insurance policy. what? it's a sensible gift. protection for you and your family, nationwide has all the tools to help you find the right coverage. tiny baby shoes. so close. (peyton) makes no sense. babies can't even walk. should have been a life insurance policy. plus it would have been a great song. think about it, the lyrics, the beneficiaries... brad, where are you going?
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s ♪ stuart: we play this with our viewers we have guessing contest before we play the beatles. ashley: which one it is going to be. stuart: producers don't tell us which one is going to play. liz: none of husband pick it. stuart: we never get it right. i want eight days a week. can i have that please? >> liz: 1964. you're dating yourself. i want a raise. stuart: the dow is up 131 points, ladies and gentlemen. we're at 23,919. we have been up close to 200 earlier but we dropped back a little bit. still we have got a game. -- gain. amazon down just a fraction. apple is up a buck 80, reaching
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152. alphabet down a little. look at microsoft, 104. in 10 seconds, literally it is 10 seconds we get the latest reading. are you ready, lizzie? liz: almost. stuart: get latest reading how much oil is in storage. that could make a significant difference to the price of oil. it is 10:30 exactly. we are getting numbers any moment now? liz: down 1.68. 1.68 million barrels down. stuart: taken out of storage? liz: that's correct. stuart: the price of oil, before i got the number was 51.40. i don't know where it is now. ashley: 51.20. stuart: 51.20. not much change. we've drown down a little oil. used a little oil. that is not, that much difference to the prize. we're still at $51 per barrel. look who is here today, marc chandler, a man who has consistently been positive on the market, even when it was
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going down. he was saying, buy the thing. weren't you mark? >> i think market is exaggerated just like policymakers need to adjust with the economic data. with the service sector pmi, ism number, we had jobs data. i don't see which two quarters will be negative for people to call for a recession. stuart: some people call for a recession. i don't see that. i don't know how you to from 2018, strong growth indeed, to back quarters of negative growth. i don't see that? >> i don't see that either. what happened in the last few days, not only stock market going up. panic with the equity market. fed funds are futures are pricing in 50% chance of a cut here in q1. now it swung around maybe one in three chance after hike here inn the first half. stuart: that is complete reversal. that really is. >> policymakers, powell switches
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around goes from hawkish to dovish. the market does the same thing. stuart: i'm sure you saw this, fitch, the ratings agency, said if this shutdown of got of the continues, maybe into march, america will lose its aaa gold-plated rating on our treasury debt. you don't seem to be worried about that? >> we lost it already. s&p took away the aaa rating back i think in 2011. they haven't replaced it yet. despite that, despite that, the aa-plus rating they gave us we had huge rally in treasurys. i think fitch is, it was sort of not off-the-cuff comment. but more of a conditional comment. we're only talking about, the government shutdown is 18 days, 19 days. stuart: 19 days. >> talking about early march. then maybe downgrade depending what happens to the debt ceiling. the more important consideration for investors now with the treasury market is poor auctions. the yield has dropped. yesterday we had the worst bid cover for the three-year note auction in 10 years.
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>> what does that mean? so what? >> it means less participation. means that dealers will be stuck with larger amount, price down the inventory, mark down the inventory to sell it to the street. stuart: if you price treasurys down, the yield goes up, doesn't it? >> exactly. stuart: that is what subpoena happening now. you're at 2.73 i think it is. you're not worried about interest rates? that is not one of your concerns, inflation, interest rates, state of the economy doesn't bother you? >> i think economy is healthier than a lot of people in the market think. i think trend growth is 2%. we're looking 2 1/2% in q1. i think market i think exaggerated how bad things are, because they see the stock market falling, conclude, so many people are investors, falling stock market means recession. i'm old enough to remember 1987. stuart: so am i. i was there. >> there you go. stuart: for all of our viewers figuring out where to put the 401(k) money, they have to figure it out now, you're saying, leave a lot of it in
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stocks? >> put it back into stocks. stuart: back into stocks, okay. thank you very much, marc. good stuff. we appreciate it. let's get to a border funding fight. we have headline from the "new york times." it says little enthusiasm for a wall. we have other problems that need fixing. now this is a story about the people who actually live there, close to the border i should say. they're not enthusiastic about a wall being built. that is interesting. joining us now, jan brewer, former governor of arizona. which of course is a border state. what do you make of that headline, that some people living close to the boarder don't want a wall? >> i don't know what their motivation is, that they don't want to be protecting our country but i think those people are far and few in between. the majority of the people in the state of arizona, i think majority of people in our country they want our borders protected and they're proud we have a president finally willing to fight for its citizens and to
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protect our country. it is just, its crazy. i don't know who these people are. stuart: i don't have names right in front of me, by the way. >> it is manufactured story! stuart: okay, yeah, i can believe that. the president said last night, a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall. now, are you gung-ho for a wall for nothing else? will you accept a steel barrier, whatever that is? >> whatever secures our border and we know that the border patrol and customs patrol, professionals, they believe we need a wall that we can see slats through, so we can see on the other side for their safety, so they can see what is coming. i would be perfectly happy with a steel barrier wall, wherever we can get it up, as soon as we get it up. something we've needed for a long time. finally again, i will repeat, we have a president that is
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stepping up and doing his job. unlike what we've seen in the past. stuart: okay, i'm going to stay on issue of immigration and i want your opinion on congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. listen to what she said about i.c.e., immigration control people. roll tape. >> yes. separated children from their families. he talks about what happened day after christmas. on the day of christmas, a child died in i.c.e. custody. the president should not be asking for more money to an agency that has systematically violated human rights. the president should be really defending why we are funding such an agency at all. stuart: would you like to respond to that, jan brewer? >> that sounds absolutely coming from someone that is totally uninformed. she should come to the border. she should go out there to speak to the people. she has been in office for short period of time. she doesn't have her facts state and speaking ridiculously. she is radical left-wing liberal that is just repeats sounding
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points over and over and over and over and over again and it is disturbing and it is unfactual and it is unfair to the public that listens to her. stuart: before we close, jan, would you just give us your judgment on the president versus schumer and pelosi last night. i say the president won. you say? >> oh absolutely. the president did a fabulous job. he was very presidential. he laid it out very clear and concise statements. the public understood. then we saw chuck and nancy afterwards just spewing their rhetoric over and over and over again. they need to come to the table and they need to negotiate and they need to do their job. that is what they were elected to do, and they haven't done it. we have a president that will push it to the limit and i don't think he is going to blink. stuart: jan brewer, former governor of arizona, thanks very much for joining us today. always a pleasure. thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: before we go to this, i
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just want to tell you that the dow industrials lost much of their gain. ashley: yes. stuart: we were up well over 100. now we're up 60 but we're still up about a quarter of 1%. let's get back, show me that picture again. that is the iconic chrysler building in new york city. truly iconic. it is up for sale. what is going on? liz: people are talking about this. this is big watercooler fund. the abu dhabi government owns it along with tishman speyer. stuart: seems like very low price. hundred million dollars what it -- $800 million it went for in 2018. that was the purchase price. it could stick around that number, possibly lower. i can't imagine it would sell for 800 million because look when an bank bought waldorf, it went for 1.95 billion. willis tower, sears tower, went 1.3 billion for blackstone.
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this is art decco icon. one of the most recognizable skyscrapers in the world. famous in movies like spider-man, "independence day" and so forth. stuart: after empire state building that was the second building i could identify 40 years ago. thank you, liz. drone flights disrupting flights yesterday at london's gigantic heathrow airport. it is a second time a drone grounded flights at a british airport, second time in a month. is there any regulation that could stop this kind of situation? perfect weapon for terrorists i would think. president and democrats squared off last night. i say the president won. i will see if martha maccallum takes me on about that one. she is next. ♪ usiness, and now i'm thinking... i'd like to retire early.
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♪ ashley: republican national committee chair ronna romney mcdanielle says the president's speech last night clearly explained the border security crisis. rolled tape. >> well the president has been open to compromise but the democrats have refused to work with him at any level. they know this issue will not go away. it escalated for decades. president after president said
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they will address thish you shoes barack obama, bill clinton, no one takes care of crisis at the border. it continues to escalate and this president says enough is enough. our party and our base want to see this addressed. they will put pressure on senators to support the president and not stand down because we know this isn't going away. jardiance asked: when it comes to managing your type 2 diabetes, what matters to you? step up to the stage here. feeling good about that? let's see- most of you say lower a1c. but only a few of you are thinking about your heart. fact is, even though it helps to manage a1c, type 2 diabetes still increases your risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. jardiance is the first type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance significantly reduces the risk of dying
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from a cardiovascular event... ...and lowers a1c, with diet and exercise. let's give it another try. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so-what do you think? well i'm definitely thinking differently than i was yesterday. ask your doctor about jardiance- and get to the heart of what matters.
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stuart: have we got a story for you on amazon. the headline is this. jeff bezos and his wife are getting a divorce. ashley: yep. stuart: that is not affecting the stock but we should point out that bezos, jeff bezos, set founder of amazon, he is the richest person in the world. with amazon's stock price at 1649, jeff bezos is worth about $136 billion, richest person on the planet. his wife in a divorce situation, may, we repeat, may be entitled to half of that amount. got that? liz: wow. stuart: president trump made the case for border security last night followed by a response by democrat leaders. here is some of what mr. trump had to say. roll tape. >> some suggested a barrier is immoral. then why do wealthy politicians bill walls, fences and gates around their homes? they don't build walls because they hate the people on the
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outside, but because they love the people on the inside. stuart: joining us now, martha maccallum. she is the host of host of "the story" on the fox news channel. >> welcome, stuart. stuart: i'm an opinion type of guy. i have an opinion on everything. >> really? >> i say the president won last night. i think he looked presidential and senator schumer and nancy pelosi, i think they looked rather small, ill at ease. >> it is funny when i watched them the american gothic image appeared in my head. looking on social media i found out i wasn't alone. the people had idea of two farmers standing next to each other in the flat tableau. stuart: i'm not asking for your opinion. i'm asking, do you think the president effectively reached a broad -- >> i look at it. did he politically hit his mark?
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did he set out to do what he wanted to do. there is reporters supposed to be in off the record briefing, he didn't think necessarily it is a great idea. he doesn't think it will move the needle at all, last night's address or trip to the border. set aside for the moment, it was supposed to be off the record briefing. all of this is out there anyway. however, just watching it, constructively, you look what president obama did in a similar address on health care which was roundly panned, that he did not deliver the oval office address well. ronald reagan was a master of it. i thought that what he did was effective. he framed the dollar amount that he wants, 5.6 billion in terms what he feels the guys on the front lines tell him is needed. almost similar to a military, sort of assessment what is needed on that border. he also, i thought, had a, struck a good balance between safety issues at risk for people trying to get into the country as well as people in the country. he also talked about his own
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experiences on the campaign trail an beyond, with families who lost loved ones to illegal aliens. i ask you at home, all of you out there, to imagine if this was your child, how would you feel about this issue? i thought all of those were very effective, despite the fact that -- stuart: it was presidential. that is the way a president should speak. >> i thought so too. it came across well. it just shows you how deeply divided the country is because people are so entrenched in their partisan lines, if you look at twitter, anywhere else, everybody pretty much fell on those lines. they hated it if they hate the president. they loved it if they love the president. what he set out to do, i think he ney be right whether or not it moves needle on this issue. not so sure yet. stuart: when you go on the air tonight, 7:00 eastern time on the fox news channel, you will be able to report on this meeting, this afternoon -- >> two meetings, really. stuart: between the president and senate republicans. seems to me the ball may be in
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mitch mcconnell's court. he has got to assure the president he can round up senators and republicans to support the president on this issue and not cave to the democrats. you're going to be reporting on that this afternoon. >> there are a couple already voiced they would like to get past this cory gardner is one of them. whether or not the president can count on mitch mcconnell this time. they have had a good constructiontive relationship. they're actually very pragmatic people. when you ask mitch mcconnell how he feels on issue, i want to pass something, vote on something we can pass and something the president can sign. that is what he is looking for. they have had a pretty good working relationship on that. we'll see what happens on the house side. there is bipartisan meeting to see if they're getting anywhere on this issue. i wouldn't be surprised to see the shutdown drag out through the state of the union. i think that is the time frame we're looking at right now. you can see little forms of a alleviation. food stamp program will be extended. lisa murkowski is suggesting other ants for some people to bet back to work in this
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program. they will try to kind of mitigate the damage in different places so that the outcry among the american public of those who are affected isn't as dramatic maybe as it could be otherwise. and see if they can soften the ground a little bit. stuart: i think the president won. we'll be watching tonight. >> effective. thank you. stuart: it was effective. not an opinion. you're an journalist. not an opinion person i am. >> good to see you, stuart. stuart: i was away for couple weeks. >> good to have you back. stuart: here is really, really good news. cigarette smoking at a record low in this country. i think, that would be a good thing for the marijuana industry, wouldn't it, less tobacco? maybe that is good for pot. we'll talk to the head of a top cannabis holding company in just one moment. check the big board. now we're down to a gain of just 30 points. we had been up well over 100. the fed's charles evans, just says he still expects three rate
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(vo) here's a question. was it necessary to create a luxury car more teched out than silicon valley? with a cockpit fit for aspaceship. hang on. radar that senses things the human eye can't. busted. and the ability to make a thousand decisions before you even make one. was all this, really necessary? what do you think? ♪
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stuart: how about this? cigarette smoking, tobacco smoking has hit all-time low in the united states. joining us alex coleman, zoo yo of tilt, they own cannabis and pot, marijuana businesses. alex, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. stuart: is this good news, we're all using less tobacco, 14% of adults smoke tobacco today, is that an opportunity, good news for the marijuana business? >> i think they're unrelated, look at companies like jule, interest they have, valued at 40 times revenue, transition of customer to health and wellness, trying to in that case enjoy nicotine. we're experiencing the sail transition in the marijuana industry. while flower is the number one selling product initially the vape pens and cartridges way
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outsell cannabis in terms of growth rate. almost immediately i would argue, vape on revenue basis across multiple states is already as big as the vape market for nicotine. stuart: that is interesting. seems like your biggest problem in the marijuana business, marijuana is still classified as schedule one drug along with cocaine and heroin. if that were to change, if the classification were to change that would be enormous opportunity for marijuana companies in the united states, is there any possibility, or likelihood that that would happen? >> i think there is a very strong likelihood. you have seen a lot of support for cbd in the hemp bill. how that went through very easily. we have number of initiatives going on. the most notable is called the state as act. strengthening of the tenth amendment which allows states to continue cannabis programs without violating federal law. it allows us to have access and better capital for banking.
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i would argue all for all intents and purposes today. we operate in great environment. we have no restrictions. 20 million people already have access to the product. we would like better access to banking and capital markets. it is is evolve at a very fast, but very measured rate. stuart: there are, there have been some medical negatives voiced in the media, i believe a former "new york times" reporter written a bock about it, saying maybe marijuana encourages psychosis. is that a worry for you, some negative press coming along? >> you know the negative press always gets sensational headlines. the data we have around opiate reductions and health and wellness benefits, the number of correlations between use of cannabis independently or in conjunction with certain drug delivery systems and results for qualifying conditions are astronomical. irrefutable in terms of positive events. so we're very focused on making
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that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. it's soft... the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, and the door ensures a watertight seal, so you never have to worry about leaks. kohler's walk-in bath was designed
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with convenient handrails for added stability and safety. the wide, ergonomic seat is tilted back for comfort and stability. it has a channel so water won't pool on it. and it positions you perfectly by the controls. while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders, warming up your body before, during and after the bath. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. honey, are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with powerful, fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. oh yeah, that's the stuff. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call... for a free kohler touchless soap dispenser with in-home quote or visit for more info.
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would you mind passing my book there. once again, that's... and financing is available for qualified purchasers. stuart: democrat john jang is a powerful man. he's the new chair of the house budget committee and is pushing towards government run health care, a single-payer system. medicare for all. alexandria ocasio-cortez is the new progressive star. she gets enormous media coverage. she is a powerful woman. she demands huge tax increases. democrat jerrold nadler is the nature of the house judiciary committee. that's a powerful position because he can hold hearings, subpoena witnesses and investigate any and all aspects of the trump administration.
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he makes no secret of his interest in impeaching our president. on immigration, democrats oppose a border wall and opposed immigration enforcement. they are in favor of amnesty. at all desktop and the democrats are clearly laying the groundwork for their 2020 presidential campaign. the party has moved way out to the left. government run health care, tax the rich, impeach the president and bring on mass immigration. this is a far left manifesto. it is widely different than anything the democrats would've put forward a few years ago. by the way, started already. the mayor of new york city and the new governor of california have announced their intent to provide government health care for everyone. illegal immigrants included. democrat leaders, senator schumer and speaker pelosi have a problem. how did they curb the socialist enthusiasm of the younger democrats.
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good question. i don't think they can. it is clear already that the far left is making the running in the race to 2020 and already dictating the campaign. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ tree into this is happening now. senate majority leader charles schumer, nancy pelosi holding a news conference about the government shut down. they'll start any moment now. they're going to be joined by furloughed government workers. you can see them lining up there. if they make any meaningful headlines you will get them pronto and not the promise. ash, lives, you heard what i have to say about the far left dictating the campaign for 2020. >> you're absolutely right. hearing that more and more. you really think that the federal government -- can you
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imagine health system? it's just a long long list of failure when government takes over. i think it's positive to date the bill quite democrat long gone. no moderate left. i think it's an opportunity. >> can you imagine same night? see how far they move to the left. transfer what happened was that democrats lost romantically at multiple levels of government. so then the thinking is used to be moderate democrats. now the only way to remain in office is to go hard left. no. when you look at ocasio-cortez, listen, she's passionate. we appreciate the passion. she only won 16,000 votes. let's be real about that. when they talk about medicare for all, it would wipe out everybody's insurance according to betsy mccoy. no co-pay, no deductible. it would cost $32 trillion array
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tenure. period when ocasio-cortez talks about raising taxes, that's only $72 billion a year. i just wish they would get up to speed on policy and maybe we could use ocasio-cortez passion if she could get her facts straight stuart: i'm glad we've got this passion on your program, lives a come as you are all right, kid. liz: thanks for the kid compliment. stuart: check the big word back to a gain of over 100 points. that's pretty good. back to 120 right now. our next guest has been right about the market performance. the market would stabilize after the fed cut out of the way and we made a great deal of china. we haven't seen that yet. looks like we're making progress on trade however. the loss cancer that sees trend macro ceo. always a pleasure to see a guy like you.
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you're saying we are now in a new bull market. is that correct? >> yet. the last bull market ended on christmas eve. they use words like bull market they don't have a precise definition but if you have a 26% decline in the major stock addresses will call that a market. from september 21st to the horrible christmas eve trading session, 20.2%. that's it. the end of a bull market. so we are now actually in a bear market. stuart: does the current market run-up? does it last? a thousand points in the last three trading sessions. is this last? does it keep going? >> sure it does appear that the massacre and christmas eve and ask yourself why did that happen. for one thing, when it happened, stocks got cheaper than they've been for five years. stocks got back to cheap as they
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were when we are still coming out of the global financial crisis. the only crisis we've got now is to enable the republican wall or democratic wall. that's not a crisis. we don't have a problem. the christmas eve massacre happened over the weekend where everyone was worried that trump was going to fire powell. people worry trump wasn't going to fire powell. the nice thing is they have a little talk with the guy. they told him you've got two choices. you know, you can either keep messing up the economy or we've got a nice ambassadorship for you in the ukraine. you make the call. so he comes out of the interview with bernard key last week in his born-again dovish. what's not to like? the media said they were never going to do a trade deal. all the headlines are good. it's not going to be a good enough china trade deal. this is what new bull markets are made of. cheap stocks, terrible
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pessimism, that's when the phoenix rises again. it's always been that spirit stuart: what about next week's earnings season because it starts next week. we'll find out how much the big corporations made and how much they expect to make in the future. we are hearing predictions that profits are up 16%. that will be a very strong number, wouldn't it? >> yeah, you will. now a lot of that is artificial. you'll hear people say that when they do it's right. in the first quarter of last year, which is not included -- we have this one time did was turn the tax cuts because corporate tax rate was cut. that means after-tax income automatically goes out. that's going and make earnings look good on a year-over-year basis. we don't get that again in the next earnings season. mark my words. here's the hallmark of the earnings season. everyone will get out their violin and say if we had a problem is because of china and if we had a china problem is because of trump.
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just like apple appear to fall china's fault. do they ever consider its their own problem that they became a one product company and they had a problem with the product? give me a break. as always and every earnings season there's the winners and the losers in the job of an investor not to listen to what the media says, but to read the actual statements and numbers and find out what the truth is. train driver to tell you sir, donald that you are fine media performer and that the truth. >> what i've ever done to make you insult me like that? [laughter] stuart: "varney & company." you come back soon okay? apple's chief tim cook getting a 22% raise for beating sales and profit goals last year. we also have more news on apple cutting iphone production 10%. not affecting apple stock. of two bucks at $1.53.
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comcast, nbc is a unit. they are cutting commercial time in prime time by 20% next year. i think that's maybe 2019. this is a move to compete with streaming companies. how about netflix. now there's a stock that's been on an absolute tear this year. where is it today? i will show you what is down about 319. it is had one enormous surge since last thursday. 15%, 16% in a few days. the richest man, richest person in the world getting divorced or jeff bezos and his wife ending their 25 year marriage. davis said the divorce is amicable and is grateful for every year they spent together. a lot of money is at stake. at last check check raise those is worth $136 billion. in a divorce situation, mckenzie could be getting half of it. maybe.
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president trump make his pitch to the nation offering a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall. i want to know which one is more secure. this afternoon the president goes to capitol hill to meet republicans in the senate. he's looking to shore up support in his border wall fight. and then he'll head to the situation room where he'll meet with congressional leaders. this is a live-action presidency and you're watching it all on "varney & company." ♪
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personal time off paid in new york will be the first in the country to have such a law on the books. remember, yesterday in the mayor revealed the plan for medical coverage for everyone in new york city, including illegal immigrants. very progressive guy the mayor of new york city. uber may not go public this year after rall. i can never pronounce the man name. do it for me. he told "the wall street journal" he would be disappointed if it doesn't happen, but he wants to make sure the market is in good shape first. he says uber has enough money and will be fine if it doesn't go public. separately, happen to think you still ain't going public because he doesn't think he'll get 120 billion. more like 60 or 70 billion. tesla's elon musk urging potential buyers in china to order your cars now.
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he told reporters that it be pulled by the cars now they can build a better gig of fact rate in shanghai. initial production could start by the end of this year. harley davidson now taking its first-ever electric motorbike called the livewire it cost $30,000. it will be able to go 110 miles on a single battery charge. it goes on sale in august. to the border wall fight. president trump in the oval office last night making his appeal to the nation. roll tape. >> somehow suggested a barrier is immoral. then why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes? they don't build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside. stuart: nelson alito, president of the border security council.
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nelson, welcome back to the program. good to see you. i've made the editorial judgment that the president won last night. i think he successfully appealed to the american people and i don't think the appeal of the democrats matched it. i say he won. would you say? >> i think he won as well. one thing to keep in mind however is the wall that we absolutely need needs to have censors and technologies attached to the wall and in the areas that don't have adults in the back. the pictures that we see in san diego are very different than the pictures, 99% of the border were the wall that is today there come a 700 miles and the ones proposed are dozens if not hundreds of yards away from the actual border. let me give you an example. if i cross the river between el paso and brownsville and across the middle of the river, you're already on u.s. soil. if you touch the short it
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becomes an immigration issue. what happens to these asylum-seekers looking to come into our country and telling us that we have credible fear. it doesn't address those issues and those are the things we need to look at. stuart: i guess i'm going to call it a gadget. you saw at the vegas consumer electronics show, ces. this is a whole bunch of sensors, is that right? you think that could really help the wall. not just the wall, but prevent people coming to this country. i want more on this. >> this sensor is the detection device which is currently being tested on the border. and not only detects, classifies what it is, but detracts the
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anomaly. he gives the border patrol agent a force multiplier that knows how to respond, what to respond to. we need more information on what's approaching our borders, whether that's the wall in areas where we have walls in areas where we don't have walls. we don't have a lot of eyes on the border and to have the information and sensors that certainly we can put out on this border gives these guys the tools they need not only to keep people safe on the border, but those that are looking to cross our border. stuart: the president said last night he wants a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall. which is better? >> i agree. something that you can see through is absolutely advantageous because you know it's coming on the other side. every part of the border is different. depending where you are in san diego, california. we need to take a look at what is necessary and most
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topographic areas and certainly address those issues. every part of the border is different and certainly has to be attend too personally. stuart: thank you for joining us. a hard issue on my border wall. thank you, sir. it is above $50 a barrel. it has gone up seven days in a row. 512023. the price of gas keeps going down. the national averages $2.23. the price of gas has come down to 90 out of the last 91 days. it was a tiny fraction overnight, but it was down to 23, what you're looking at now. chaos at the airport, that the huge airport. a drone flying over a runway. this is the second incident that a british airport in less than a month. we'll ask one of our experts a
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question. more and more companies offering to pay for college education as a hiring kirk. next, we'll tell you which companies are making the offer. first, batman on your screen right there, 20 years old. his name is christian pulls sick is now the most expensive american soccer player of all time. just send a record deal with a new team. you won't believe how much she is worth. ♪
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stuart: quite a few companies are offering to pay for college education is a hiring kirk. disney, discover, wal-mart, talk about all contribute significantly to funds. disney and wal-mart cover tuition 100%. and they contribute 1 dollar a day. got out. discover and taco bell cover education costs up to about $5000 a year. discover gives employees three colleges to choose from and seven online degrees. good stuff. that's a hiring kirk and a half.
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the young david will be happy about this. 20 old christian is now the most expensive valuable american soccer player of all time. in germany agreed to sign to chelsea and england. $73 million spirit of play in the english premier league at the start of next season. 20 years old. american. check this out. the hubble space telescope captured this very far-off galaxy known as trained yolanda is 3 million light-years away and it's massive. scientists say that this picture shows between 10,000,015,000,000 stars. mattel making a live-action barbie movie. the stars actress margo robey who is best known for her roles in suicide squad. it jumped on the news yesterday. reagan was pulled out just 38 cents. secretary of state pompeo making an unannounced trying to promote
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president trump's hard-line position on iran. secretary pompeo met with the country's president prime minister with all meetings in baghdad. and now there are reports that israel's prime minister benjamin that yahoo! may travel to saudi arabia and meet with the crown prince there. trying to form a coalition in daddy against iran. seems to be working. meanwhile, the market show a gain of 118 points. were about to get the news from the federal reserve governor. he could affect the market. we'll see. we'll have it for you after this. i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves.
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stuart: okay, the dow was up 120 points. now we've got breaking news from the federal reserve. the boston fed president says he now wants to take a wait and see approach to rate hikes. rosengren is a voting member of the board. he's been hawkish up until now, but now he says, the appropriate stance for monetary policy is for now to not have a bias on moving policy in either direction and tell there is greater clarity around economic
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trends here and abroad. the current monetary policy seems appropriate for now and can patiently observe future economic developments. that sounds very dovish. >> i could see three more hikes later this year. stuart: you've got two and fed governors here. that's what you've got. i thought that maybe that would promote a move up for the dow industrial. they haven't had that. by the way come you couldn't announce this news until 11:30. the dow was up 120 points. we made the announcement and now were up 113. no market impact from that statement for mr. rosengren, but you do have dueling fed governor spare. change subject. who's with me now? eight gary schilling, an old friend of mine. it's great to see you again. >> glad to be here. stuart: you think america is
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going to win the trade fight with china. make your case why. >> to begin with when you've got plenty of supply for goods and services which we have now, and the buyer has the upper hand but would china sell all those consumer goods except u.s. households. there's no other viable major customer out there. also, the chinese economy is slowing. they were driven by exports earlier. the 50% annual rate back in 2010. now they are growing to 14% annual rate. stuart: will come you make a good case and i see how america really does have a lot of leverage here. do you think china is going to give up its dream of dominating technology by 2025 in stealing another country's technology to get there? >> that of course is a big question now that they are underway in beijing because the chinese have promised before when they were allowed to enter
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the world trade center at the end of 2000 when they made all kinds of promises and they clearly did not follow through and that's the real challenge for the administration. i think it will be tough to get great evidence that they are complying with whatever they promised. the thing about the orientals, they have a patience that we in the west just do not understand. they could wait forever. i was a big mistake of vietnam. we thought they would disappear into the jungle. they think multi-generations. they still have that dream. >> that side of the trade fight were not going to win. we're not going to get a deal on that site, that you think we might get a deal on them importing more americans start in increasing trade in tangible goods and services between the two companies. >> there's two issues here. one is the import of goods. second is the demand for tech transfer is the price of doing business in china and a third is
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the outright theft of american technology. stuart: book, are we going to get any progress on the transfer of technology? >> the only thing you can say i'm not as they probably are going to hold back whatever they do and threatened to add more terrorists if the chinese don't comply. they're going to listen to u.s. producers. u.s. producers are looking to complain because they don't want to provoke a air of the chinese, but if they've got the trumps here and they said you tell me if these guys are not complying and i'll slap on this terrace and he shows every inclination to do that kind of thing. it's a tough issue. >> but there will be a deal on actual trade. services, goods between the two countries. if you're right and we get a deal, and you think the stock market goes up? >> i don't know. there's an awful lot of
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anticipation of that recently. that may be already raked in the cake. that may have a lot to do at the rally we've seen so far in stocks this year. stuart: how disappointing. i was looking for a rally here. >> when you are perennial role on fox? come on, stuart. >> i've been a bull for a long time. since the president was elected. am i wrong? are you taking me on? i've known you for 30 years. >> how could you be wrong. stuart: you may well be back. now this. there are reports that israel's prime minister benjamin that yahoo! could travel to saudi arabia and that the crown prince there. joining us now, david rubin, author of the book trump and the jews. is there a real chance, could he actually take place?
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>> is certainly good. it's been spoken about before. they have been covert meetings. what would be unique about this is that there would view me being that would be in public and it would then is that both israel and saudi arabia. so it would be a very good thing all around. it would be a win, win situation. stuart: wouldn't there be enormous opposition within saudi arabia, especially from the wahhabi, the militants of a hobby. when they really make a lot of trouble if the prime minister of israel stepped foot in saudi arabia? >> let's be honest about it. saudi arabia is not exactly a burgeoning democracy. it's not exactly a bastion of free speech. saudi arabia is controlled by the king. saudi arabia is controlled by the royal family. so i don't see that as being any
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kind of threat to the leadership in saudi arabia. stuart: you say that mr. trump and prime minister netanyahu have a plan for syria. tell us what it is. >> certainly. but, there is a question about president trump in president trump withdraw from syria. there was a lot of criticism. resident trump was criticizing both sides of the aisle. however, one thing that i emphasized in my book, trump in the jews is the president has good advisers. he knows how to pick good advisors and bolton and pompeo and pants, all of them have been advising him and he revised the decisions lightly. he decided he has to go according to the best way to accomplish a trump doctrine in the middle east. which is to support the kurds who are in control in a major
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part of the northeast syria and to support the israelis. you know, we have been attacking syria, attacking the iranian installations in syria because it's not in anyone's interest for iran to be inferior. it resulted in meetings with bolton, it was an agreement was reached. a very clear and there's the ending that the united states is going to back israel whenever israel launches an attack on syria. so that is all it could mean. these are all good things. and also as far as the kurds go, to make it clear to turkey's erdogan that he better not lay a hand on them because that will be read by for president trump as well. as a scene in the past, president trump knows how to enforce redline in places like area and iraq. stuart: david rubin come our expert on israel from israel. where was appreciate seeing you
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on the program and we'll see you again real soon. when they get back to your money. i'll show you some individual stocks moving today. disney and verizon apparently going to partner on 5g, the great new technology that apparently is coming. those two getting together on it. look at lennar. an increase in home sales lead to higher revenue and the stock is up 6%. lennar is a homebuilder. constellation brands, they're a giant liquor company. they are not just to run it. they give a not so rosy forecast in the stock is down nearly 10%. huge doctor. this afternoon in president trump goes to capitol hill meeting senate republican looking to shore up support in the border wall fight. next are going to be joined by one of the senators who is going to that meeting. we'll be back.
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on the ground in those negotiations are ongoing. a great relationship with president xi jinping of china and we expect something to come of it. i don't know exactly what that will look like, but we can be sure we are moving towards a more balanced than reciprocal trade agreement with china in something that will benefit american workers and that's something the president not going to back down on. at humana, we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy. and part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan. humana can help. with original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you're sick. but keep in mind you'll have to pay a deductible for each. a medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans. and prescription drug coverage isn't included.
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stuart: rob rosenstein, the man overseeing the mueller investigation stepping aside next month airball rosenstein has frequently been the subject of the president's twitter criticism, officials are saying this is his own decision and he has not enforced out. now this. resident trump heads to capitol hill this afternoon. he's going to meet senate republicans. look who's here. a senate republican. not just a senate republican. senator john kennedy from louisiana. a man very famous for his one-liners. welcome to the show, mr. senator. stuart: happy new year, stuart. stuart: that was a good one-liner. what do you want the president to compromise at all to get a wall or a structure built?
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>> i want the president to compromise border security. here's the problem and everybody on capitol hill knows this. speaker pelosi hates president trump more than she supports border security. now, here is a fact. our border is 1900 miles. no fair-minded versant believes we will ever be able to secure that border without physical barriers in some form or fashion. that's a fact. you can write that down, take it home to mama. mrs. pelosi just refuses to admit the obvious because her hate for president trump. it seems to me we've got four options right now, but we are working on some others number one. president trump gives in. number two speaker pelosi gives in. number three the government continues to be shut down or
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number for the president invokes the national emergencies act. i consider that to be a very drastic stance. i'm not recommending it. i hope we don't have to do it, but i don't know how you can negotiate with someone like speaker pelosi who hates her federal negotiator more than she wants to solve the problem. i mean, you know, beauty fades. is forever. i said three weeks ago that as long as speaker pelosi is in charge of these negotiations, will never work it out. stuart: are the republicans in the senate of a like mind with you? in other words, very strong supporting the president on border security. can you hold the republican party together with the president? >> i don't know. we have some that are waving. i don't want to impugn the motives of my colleagues, but my
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attitude, speaking just for me, you either believe in border security or you don't. this is really very simple. legal immigration is good. illegal immigration is bad. one way to stop illegal immigration is a border wall. we know that because we have one build a new mom in el paso and on the west bank and israel in hungary and saudi arabia and bulgaria. and i could keep going. border barriers work. god. >> what about the government shut down going into its 19th day of. are you okay with this? >> no, i don't want government to be shut down. but this site has been growing for a long time. i'm tired of the border.
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it's affecting our country. let me say it again. i'm not against immigration. i think legal immigration makes our country stronger. we're a nation of immigrants. let me tell you for the first time in 20 years he's enforcing america's immigration. for 15, 20 years without a bipartisan refusal here by both big government republicans send britz carlton democrats to refuse to enforce america's immigration laws and trump said while, by god i'm going to enforce the law. all of a sudden, you know, he's and i think the american people see through. drain tightly that was senator harry reid who lived in the ritz-carlton in washington d.c. >> i think he did. stuart: that was a good one-liner, mr. senator. thank you for joining us. where was appreciate it. come back soon. by the way, the dow has turned up a little bit up about 100 dirty points for the dow. dovish comments from one fed
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governor that may be helping at the moment up 133. chaos at london's airport, which is a gigantic airport. second time this month that a drone flying over a runway at an airport in britain has grounded hundreds of flights. the problem is over by the way. what a problem. i want to know. how do you stop this kind of thing? drones are coming. they're the way of the future. it's only a matter of time before something like this happens in america. so how do you stop that? good question. we are on it.
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stuart: flights have resumed after a drone, which is spotted yesterday grounded hundreds of flights. police want to know whether there's any connection between that incident and the one that close gatwick airport next month. drug warrior author joins us now. hey, welcome back to the show. i don't see if there's any way to stop this kind of thing. one little drone closes down a gigantic airport. how do you stop it?
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>> up to you it's not going stop and that's more regulation. the industry is hampered enough as it is. knowing what i know about drone technology i can still hurt someone if i really wanted to. what is needed is more widespread use of counter technology available today. these aviation officials should be embarrassed. get your gatwick airport shut down for three days. at about the millions of dollars lost in profit when the airports are shut down that can be put into counter drug solutions now. stuart: wait a second. when you say counter drug solutions you shoot the things out of the sky or you fry them? how do you do it? >> what were talking about her solutions that are able to stop drugs that detect them in the air and mitigate the threat. it might be surprising to viewers, but there were over 200 counter drug solutions available on the market today. one of the companies recently making a lot of airwaves for their solution is a company called white ox technology which
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have the ability to connect and mitigate drone threats coming through. they can tell where the drone is located, the geolocation or the operator and see the trajectory. all kinds of solutions available today better developed by silicon valley that need to be more widespread, put into use by these aviation authority so we don't have a problem like that in the u.s. stuart: we just weren't aware that the word drug solutions available. >> you get used to that. stuart: you've read an article in the headline is this. democrats, drugs are not the solution to our border problem. why not? >> well, you're not going to hear me say this too often, but when it comes to the border, more drugs are not the answer. when i heard this is a democrat strategy as a substitute for the wall and that they have absolutely no idea how it actually works. you can put all the drugs you want along the border. all the drugs in the u.s. government arsenals still wouldn't be enough to solve this
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problem. we at 2000 to 3000 illegal immigrants trying to penetrate our border every single day. when i did that, we would have two to three predator drones watching one individual. or you can watch 2,003,000 people trying to come across the border? it's impossible to do that. no substitute for more manpower and a border wall and its ridiculous democrats think that the strategy they should be using in this case. stuart: you know a lot about this and we thank you for the information because we're kind of lost on ms. and we really appreciate someone that knows what they're talking about. you better come back soon. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: thank you very much. we've taken another lake. 23,950. more "varney" after this. ♪
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stuart: the richest person in the world is getting divorced. jeff bezos and his wife mckenzie ending their 25-year marriage. bezos, jeff, says the divorce is amicable. he is grateful for every year they spent together regardless a lot of money is at stake here. at last check, mr. bezos was worth $136 billion. ashley: said it was amicable. they have many joint ventures they're looking on together. they will continue to do that. all the right things being said, but my goodness, we don't know if there was a prenup. they got married in 1993. as you say 25 years. they have four kids. liz: met at a hedge fund, shaw, which is kind of interesting. stuart: full of interesting things. liz: i annoy myself. stuart: do they have a prenup if. liz: that is the question. ashley: no one knows. stuart: it's a very sad thing.
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divorce is -- what is extraordinary about this the man's worth $136 billion. in a lot of divorces, it is split, the money, 50/50. if that happened this time, they're both still very rich. neil cavuto it is yours. neil: washington state is community state. it is 50/50, right down the middle. we'll see how that pose. stuart, thank you very, very much. we're following the president meeting with republican leaders. he and the vice president attending the senate gop policy lunch. then they skedaddle back down to the white house where the president hold as meeting with congressional leaders at the white house. the idea to stop the government shutdown in 19th day. two more days and it will break the record of the big one in 1995, when newt gingrich and bill clinton were going at it. fox news senior producer chad pergram whether we'll break the record. that l
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