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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 9, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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well, russia witch hunt report. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. congressman frank rooney, gordon cheng and jason chaffetz join us tomorrow. hope you will as well. thanks for being with us good night from new york. trish: breaking tonight, the number of migrant families crossing our border hitting a record. this as president trump walks out of a border wall meeting after democrats refuse to negotiate. we have the details on the surging cost to american taxpayers and it is clear this is not just a humanitarian crisis but indeed, a financial one. as dianne feinstein once said, we cannot be the welfare system for all of mexico. um-hum. that was dianne feinstein, the liberal senator from california. she said that. she and her democrat colleagues actually wanted a wall, they wanted border security and they wanted law and order in our
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country. we dug into the archives and you are not going to believe what they once said, especially dianne feinstein. i mean, she kind of sounded like donald trump before trump was trump. so to speak. also tonight, in just hours, socialist venezuela will no longer be recognized by the united states of america. this as the country dictate or swears himself in for a second term. will the u.s. actually allow it, especially with russia getting so close and the socialists still holding hostage five american innocent men? general jack keene is there on that. alexandria ocasio-cortez says she wants all policies to be along the lines of sweden. not even sweden wants to quite be sweden these days, as the country's immigration crisis reaches its own boiling point. "trish regan primetime" begins
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right now. trish: our top story tonight, the real cost of immigration. the real cost of this crisis. moments ago, the customs and border protection agency reporting a massive surge in the number of migrants quote, unquote, families attempting to cross our border and by the way, i say quote unquote families because we have learned that they actually are not all related. border patrol agents apprehending 27,518 illegals in the month of december, that is the highest monthly total on record. a number that has risen for five straight months. tonight, while the mainstream media insists our immigration problem is just a made-up crisis, tonight, as the democrats refuse to engage the president in any kind of
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compromise, so much so that he actually had to walk out of a meeting with them earlier today, and tonight, as thousands more attempt to make their way toward our border, we can report that this is not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a financial one. we did the math and i'm going to share this with you, because each migrant that we detain and house here in the u.s. is costing us $126 per day. that amounts to $2 billion a year that we're spending, trying to care for these people. and the cost of border security, that's $22 billion. it doesn't even include the money that's going towards legal fees for courts that are trying to handle all these asylum cases. but the democrats still say none of this is real, just a vanity project, i believe that was kamala harris's expression. i want to remind everyone
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because there was once a time when they felt quite differently. listening to dianne feinstein from 1993, you would kind of think she was donald trump himself. listen. >> in mexico, there is no welfare. there is no asec. there is no ssi. there is no medicaid. there is no social security. there is no medicare. and there's a 58 cent an hour minimum wage. mexico does nothing to enforce its border. mexico must do its share, because the day when america could be the welfare system for mexico is gone. we simply can't afford it. the people who should be here are those who come legally and we've got this for the time being enforce our borders. trish: did you hear that? she said we cannot be mexico's
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welfare system. of course, that was 1993. so what happened, why the change? and why does no one in the democratic party admit we have a problem here? instead you have the likes of gavin newsom out there in california saying hey, welcome, everyone come here, we'll take care of you. >> together, let us build a house stronger than the coming storms, yet open to the world. a house that provides shelter to all who need it and sanctuary to all who seek it. trish: it's like we're living in some kind of alternative universe, right? here with me right now, on the record costs of our immigration crisis as well as the democrats' total about-face, former texas congressman jeb hensarling who chaired the house financial services committee, and you know a thing or two about finance, sir, so let's get to the about-face but let's start with
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the cost. you know, this is coming out of someone's pocket, the american taxpayers. your thoughts. >> obviously it's coming out of the u.s. taxpayers' pocket. so you know, unchecked illegal immigration is not just a threat to our homeland security and national security and rule of law. i mean, it's a threat to our economic security as well. it is costly. it is very costly. what isn't costly is the president's plan to fix it. listen, i take a back seat to no one in pushing back on the national deficit, but $5.7 billion doesn't even qualify as a rounding error, which shows that the democrats, this isn't about policy, it's about politics. i mean, the very moment that the last vote was cast in the 2018 midterm election, the presidential election started and so this is the democrats essentially doing everything they can to bring down the president regardless of what the consequences are to u.s. taxpayers.
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trish: but it didn't always used to be that way. i mean, that's what's amazing to me. we've got some more sound coming up, bill clinton and barack obama and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, all advocating for stronger borders, but listening to dianne feinstein there, she's making the point that we cannot be the welfare system for mexico. i mean, sometimes i wonder, congressman, if the democrats had their way, would we just open our arms and say hey, all of latin america, come join the party. >> well, you know, i was listening to that sound bite from the new governor of california. i mean, if he believes there ought to be an open house, i wonder when he goes to bed at night, does he leave his front door open, does he leave his windows open? i think not, as the president indicated last night, most of the people who are advocating these policies are democratic politicians who have 24/7 security paid for by the taxpayers yet again. but having served in congress for eight terms, i can tell you
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there is times of levity during serious policy debate, and to have all these democrats do a complete 180 on the issue of border security simply because of their visceral feelings towards the president, i must admit is ironic, to say the least. trish: to say the least. i say it's absolutely pathetic and extremely discouraging, and this is why americans hate the so-called swamp. congressman, it's good to see you. thank you for joining me. all right. day 19 of this government shutdown and the democrats continue to fight the president tooth and nail on border security. but as we have covered before on this very program, they were singing a completely different tune. i mean, you heard dianne feinstein and you heard how they used to feel. i said, i need to play this sound for you every night that this shutdown goes on, because you need to remember where they once were. here we go.
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>> it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. >> we simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked. >> we do not want to do anything to encourage more illegal immigration into this country. >> the american people are fundamentally pro-legal immigration and anti-illegal immigration. we will only pass comprehensive reform when we recognize this fundamental concept. trish: but apparently the fundamental concept at least for chuck schumer and the rest of them no longer exists. right? why the 180? is this fight for the wall really about the cost of it? what's the cost of not doing it, right? or is it about political posturing? joining me former nevada state
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gop chair and democratic strategist. good to see you guys. robert, explain that one to me. why did the democrats once want it and now they don't? >> well, there's no point where democrats don't want it. we have to understand just last february -- trish: did you not hear them? >> let me answer. just last february, the democrats offered president trump $25 billion and wall funding as part of comprehensive immigration reform plan. in 2013, senator schumer's legislation would have provided $20 billion plus for a wall. it was stopped by house republicans. you can go all the way back -- coretta scott king's letter to orrin hatch where she requested stronger immigration enforcement after president reagan's amnesty in 1996. part and parcel we have to understand simply funding the wall is not enough. there must be a comprehensive
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solution including work visas, including a stronger immigration and border patrol. trish: that's not fair because they were not what the president wanted. as i recall, they left the lottery system, for example, in there, something he didn't like. they also left the chain migration system in there which they didn't like. amy, if you are actually going to enforce our borders, don't you need to be more selective? by the way, i'm all for bringing people here. i really am. this is our strength as a nation. our diversity is our strength. however, we need to be selective about the people that are coming here. >> absolutely we do. you are 100% correct with that. trish: by the way, forgive me, i just want to make sure because somebody will reinterpret this. i'm not talking about just the ph.d.s out there. i'm talking about people that want to come here and work hard and participate in the american dream. go ahead. >> correct. absolutely. and you know, we have fences, we have fences and borders that
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surround our school children. we have fences and borders that surround our prisons. we have fences and borders that surround our neighborhoods. i mean, this is absolute hypocrisy on the left. not everyone is following lock and step thank goodness with the democrats because you even have the democrat house, what is he, the budget committee chairman who was recently interviewed saying that he didn't think that the amount of money that the president was asking for was too high. i mean, so there are people out there who are questioning what are these democrats doing in the leadership positions. it makes no sense, and i hope, trish, that you play those sound bites every night and over and over. trish: i should open and i should close with that, right? >> absolutely you should. because that's what they do to us. they are hoping that the general public is so dumbed down and all we do is listen to a 30-second
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sound bite over and over and over of their lies, their hatred that they actually have for our president, that it sticks in our brains. i hope that you play that over and over and over. trish: you only hear the truth here, seriously. thank you so much. good to have you here. coming up, socialist venezuela under extreme pressure this evening. know what? in just a matter of hours, america and the rest of the free world will no longer recognize nicholas maduro, the socialist dictator there, as any kind of legitimate leader. and new reports tonight, mr. maduro is kidnapping and torturing military members as he desperately tries to cling to power. the disturbing details for you, right here, with general jack keene straight ahead. speaking of socialism, alexandria ocasio-cortez saying her policies will mimic those of sweden.
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but get this. even sweden doesn't want to be sweden anymore. it has to do with immigration. details coming up. i've got to tell you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. each day justin that'at work... walk. and after work. he does it all with dr. scholl's. only dr. scholl's has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort. to keep him feeling more energized. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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trish: breaking right now, the regime of venezuela's socialist dictator under threat tonight. in just a matter of hours, nicholas maduro is set to be sworn in for a second six-year term. here's the problem. the u.s. and more than a dozen other countries, everyone in europe, most everyone, i mean, other than the cubans in latin america, refuse to recognize his presidency. they say he stole it. this amid shocking new reports that military personnel and their families are being kidnapped, they are being jailed and they are being tortured by the maduro regime over fears of a military coup as well as an assassination plot. let's not forget he has accused john bolton of trying to assassinate him. apparently that's what the russians are telling him, because the russians are very active right now in venezuela along with the cubans. not since 1962 have we had enemies with such close
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proximity to us. isn't this a violation of the monroe doctrine? let's bring in the chairman of the institute for the study of war, fox news senior strategic analyst, retired four-star general jack keane. general, good to have you. >> good to be here. trish: down to the wire here with venezuela. there are lots of talks of potential coup attempts there. of course, he's worried about assassination plots from just about everyone, including john bolton. and we also know, sir, that the russians are trying to play this to their strategic advantage. what do we do right now, given that this is a place that's less than three hours by plane from miami? >> well, i think we keep doing what we've been doing. certainly condemning this regime, sanctioning it, maintaining leadership in the region, and clearly, not only
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are all these nations not recognizing maduro because of the sham election in may, but his own legislature's not recognizing him, and admittedly, certainly he knows he's in power for one institution and one institution only guarantees him staying in power and that's the military. so he's paranoid because of rumor, innuendo, his own instinctive suspicions, he's beginning to arrest military people, detain them, along with their families, because of that paranoia. i think that will only get worse. but this country's headed towards a collapsed economy and a failed state. i cannot imagine him doing, lasting six years. remember, chavez was cushioned by high oil prices. as he was doing all the handouts he did to tank his economy, maduro doesn't have that kind of flexibility. he's looting what oil production he does have to sustain the
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regime and his family and his stooges. he's involved in smuggling, he's involved in drug trafficking. his inflation has spiralled absolutely out of control and he's barely hanging on by a thread in terms of that economy. he'll have the people in the streets in huge numbers. it's almost predictable. and at some point, i believe he will lose the support of the military because he's losing the nation. trish: then what happens? someone else comes in, potentially from the military? is there anything we can do? i mean, general, russia just sent a couple of fighter bomb jets down there recently. it seems to be a little bit of a pomp and circumstance kind of thing, but nonetheless, russia's trying to flex its muscle as they typically do, but last i checked, that's not okay. this is our hemisphere. >> it is our hemisphere. i don't think russia has much of a hand to play here, to be frank about it.
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i don't think we should do anything overtly militarily. i think there are some things we can do and hopefully we are doing, with the central intelligence agency, to have some influence with his opponents there who are responsible and who are reformists and -- to assist them in some way in terms of their political support inside the country. obviously, maduro would take exception to all of that and that's why it needs to be done covertly. i make the assumption, i have no knowledge and i'm not asking these kind of questions, but i would make the assumption we probably are doing some of that. i think the u.s. military should stay away from it. we got plenty of allies in the region there. they're close to it and they're advising us the same thing. stay away militarily. don't give this guy a hand to play. the people are going to work this, the countries in the region are going to work it and we have a central intelligence agency that can also assist.
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trish: let me turn to another biggy, secretary of state mike pompeo going overseas, making a surprise stop in iraq today. during that trip to the middle east, the trip is as a whole i think really meant to reassure our allies that the u.s. is not completely withdrawing from that region. i know you don't want us to. tell us about where we are in this fight there in terms of isis and countering the challenges in iran. >> well, this was a trip i think there's eight countries involved that was on the menu before the president made a withdrawal decision surrounding syria, so as a result of that decision, this trip has taken on added importance, and you put your finger on what this trip is about. one word. reassurance. reassure our allies that the united states remains the indispensable nation that intends to influence the stability and security and also the prosperity of the middle east as the most influential
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country outside the region. we are not, i say again, we are not going to cede that to russia or to china, particularly russia, who wants to replace us as the indispensable nation in the region. they are doing arms deals with all the sunni arabs, they want to build power plants for them as well and are taking advantage of anything they can in terms of u.s. reluctance. so this trip is about the secretary of state representing the president's views that we are staying in the middle east. trish: as he should. jean general keane, thank you so much. coming up, the left refusing to acknowledge we have a crisis at the southern border. they insist we all let all the migrants in, and they claim the president's policies are immoral and inhumane. you know what's immoral? what's immoral is what the left is doing to the middle class. you know what happens when we keep letting all these illegal immigrants into the country? you know what happens?
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trish: you know, there are a lot of members of the media, and there are a lot of leftist politicians right now that simply do not understand why anyone voted for donald trump. this is part of their problem. they don't get what your average american is struggling with, the new emergence of what has until recently been the new norm and that's our hourglass economy. think about it. an hourglass. plenty of people on the bottom, plenty of people on top, but the middle, the middle's the one getting squeezed. the middle class, they're the ones playing by the rules.
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they're the ones getting up, going to work every day, trying to save for their kids' education and for their own retirement. they struggle to make ends meet and there's no safety net for them. wages are stagnant. wages haven't budged until actually recently, yet the cost of everything, everything else is going up from health care to school to rent to food, and this group in the middle, they don't get a break on their kids' tuition because you know what? they make too much money on the books, and the government says oh, you can handle that. they can't. they deal with the increase in rent because they don't qualify for any government programs. right on down the line. you see the middle class has been betrayed. betrayed by both parties, frankly. we have a total disconnect, actually, if you think about it, between capital and labor right now which just makes it all the worse. i mean, labor doesn't have
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enough leverage in this global economy. those with capital, they're the ones calling all the shots. labor suffers, and this must change. the middle class knows it is the reason why they say no to the traditional dems and they say no to the traditional republicans and they say yes to donald trump. i mean, whether they like him or not, they like his policies and they feel that finally, somebody is standing up for them, not the rich and not all the illegal immigrants coming here, not the people that want to sit home and collect from the government. the middle class wants someone sticking up for them. the sooner both parties figure this out and start paying attention to this ignored middle
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class in the hourglass, the better off we're all going to be. joining me right now to react, former trump 2015 economic adviser and former cke restaurant ceo, andy puzder. good to see you. this is what is so sad about this country right now, because we all want an opportunity for the american dream. you and i have been very lucky and we have had that opportunity, but there's a lot of people today that are working very, very hard and it's a struggle, and they don't get the handouts that hey, even some of the illegals coming now to new york city will get from bill de blasio or gavin newsom out there in california. what's happened? >> well, look, it's been a real disaster over the past particularly eight to ten years. during the obama era, we saw the rich got richer, the poor got richer through more benefits and the middle class got nothing. now we're starting to see wages increase for the middle class, because there's so many jobs that have been created, so many job openings, that workers, blue
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collar working class workers finally have some leverage and we're seeing wages go up 3.2%. that hasn't happened in a decade. if you look at the number for just the workers, not the managers, because you want to get the workers' wages elevated to expand the middle of that hourglass, expand the middle class, you look at, for example, construction workers. construction workers' wages generally were up 3.9%. take the managers out, and it was 4.2%. even restaurant workers -- trish: to what do you attribute that? because you know, the left said it's got to be economic policies left over from the obama years. >> which is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. the reason that we have more job opportunities is because president trump implemented capitalist policies, he cut taxes, he slashed regulations, he encouraged domestic energy production, businesses started to hire. the hiring, there's been a deluge of hiring. we have actually got seven million job openings and only
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6.3 million people -- trish: that's a good sign. very quickly, i just have ten seconds. if you had to predict whether or not he gets a second term, if the economy continues on this course, wages keep going up, does the middle class come out and vote for him again? >> i sure hope so, because the president's out there fighting for americans. democrats are out there fighting the president. this president wants economic security, foreign security, border security. the democrats just want to beat the president. so america focus, focus on who's trying to help you, not on who's trying to get power and get re-elected. trish: i want it to turn into more of a cylinder. thank you so much. good to see you. did you guys see chuck and nancy last night? this was unbelievable, attempting to refute president trump's oval office address. it was bizarre. it was brutal. i mean, we're talking deer in the headlights and totally not relatable. i think we need to send them to some kind of communications class before they do this one again. a real problem the left has connecting with voters and it was on full display. my thoughts coming up.
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president trump must stop holding the american people hostage, must stop manufacturing a crisis and must reopen the government. thank you. leader schumer? >> thank you, speaker pelosi. my fellow americans, we address you tonight for one reason only. the president of the united states, having failed to get mexico to pay for his ineffective, unnecessary border wall, and unable to convince the congress or the american people to foot the bill, has shut down the government. trish: i actually heard it rated better than the president and actually, i can tell you i'm not so surprised because it was so darned weird. speaker nancy pelosi and senate minority leader chuck schumer shared the podium to deliver
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their counter message to the president. i guess i just never heard anything quite like it. or seen anything quite like it. i mean, talking about deer in the headlights and granted, i get it, the whole prompter thing, reading a prompter, not so easy. but come on. come on. like send them to a communications coach or something, right, give them a shot at practicing the prompter so we don't have to see that again. or maybe it's that they don't want to communicate with us. is it just that they don't know how or that they don't want to? it's been awhile, right? i mean, they have been in the public eye for years. it's not the first time at the rodeo. were they really that nervous? i tell you, communication matters. you can't just stand there and look terrified, never even blinking your eyes, and expect that you're going to have some kind of message that resonates with anyone. joining me, former george w. bush senior adviser and obama regional campaign director.
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i mean, guys, it was like a comedy sketch and you know that like "snl" is, well, we'll see whether or not they do anything with it because they have their own biases over there. but that's like perfect material. i'm not even a comedian and i'm having fun with it, robin. >> yes, i agree, their body language left a lot to be desired. the message, i really didn't have a problem with and you know, trish, that i am the first one, democrat, to criticize pelosi and chuck schumer. but you know, the message was solid. i just wish, i watched their livestream today. it was great. they had a backdrop of american citizens who were affected every day by this. i wish they had done that last night. that would have been very effective. trish: brad, look, message, i don't agree with their message and i think it's extraordinarily hypocritical and i played the sound over and over again for the viewers of how they once felt. suddenly that's all changed because donald trump is president. but again, i don't agree with their message but at least, you
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know, sell it. i mean, doesn't that matter? >> the optics were terrible. they looked like morticia and gom gomez addams. it's not a manufactured crisis, tell that to the mother who loses a child or a police officer who is shot by an illegal. this is not manufactured. this is real. it's really real. by the way, democrats were for a wall before they were against it. remember the secure fence act from 2006, barack obama, then senator, voted for it. schumer voted for it. trish: hillary clinton campaigning at one point in time on it way back when. oh, yeah, i know. this is hypocrisy unfortunately at its best. i know we are sort of making fun of it here, but what i'm kind of getting at, robin, i know you have been critical of your party, is that there's a sort of disconnect, right, between the elites in washington and real
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people out there. the theme i was just talking about, the hourglass economy with the middle class getting squeezed and the sense that nancy pelosi just doesn't relate to them, and can't get through. i mean, i think it was once again an example of that last night. what changes it? >> that's fair. like i said, i actually did agree with the message. i think that americans do want to see the government reopen and they're hurting. like i said, i just wish that the message that they relayed today on livestream on facebook and periscope was done right. trish: being seen on national television is a scary thing. they're not as good at it. >> they won the ratings game. they actually beat donald trump. trish: it was so weird. you couldn't not watch. seriously, you could not not watch that, because it was, again, so weird. got to leave it there. thank you so much. coming up, democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez pushing her socialist agenda as she vows
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her radical policies will mimic those of sweden. guess what? ocasio-cortez, things aren't great in sweden. in fact, the country is dealing with its own migrant problems. the horrifying numbers for you, next. each day justin chooses to walk. at work... and after work. he does it all with dr. scholl's. only dr. scholl's has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort. to keep him feeling more energized. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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when people hear the word socialism they think soviet union, cuba, venezuela. is that what you have in mind? >> of course not. what we have in mind, and my policies most closely resemble what we see in the uk, in norway, in finland, in sweden. >> how are you going to pay for all of it? trish: of course. she wants to be like sweden. doesn't everybody want to be like sweden? who wouldn't want to be like sweden? seems like a pretty great place to be. home of ikea, the yummy swedish meatballs. these days, not even sweden is so thrilled with being sweden. it's because of overly liberal immigration policies. by the end of 2017, more than 100,000 syrian refugees will settle in sweden. refugees came from a lot of other countries as well and you've got now violent crime and
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in a number of neighborhoods, police label as dangerous are on the rise. it happens to coincide with this immigrant surge to a very small scandinavian country. gang-related shootings, assaults are more frequent and the crimes include a 2017 terror attack carried out by an immigrant claiming allegiance to isis. sweden's liberal immigration policies are actually the same kind of policies that alexandria ocasio-cortez endorses. here she is just last night insisting we get rid of i.c.e. >> the president should not be asking for more money to an agency that has systematically violated human rights. the president should be really defending why we are funding such an agency at all, because right now, what we are seeing is death, right now what we are seeing is a violation of human rights. trish: defund i.c.e.? get rid of it? really, would that work?
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even in that socialist utopia of sweden it doesn't work. here with more on the economic and political challenges sweden now faces since taking in so many syrian migrants, we have author sarah goff who actually has spent a lot of time in sweden and once lived there, as well as fox news contributor, scott martin. good to see you both. sarah, going to you first, tell me about the changes in sweden right now. >> sure. trish, great to be here again. you know, i have been married to a swede for 17 years. we have two boys who have dual citizenship. i have lived in sweden, we go there every year. i have learned the language. here's a word for you. the word means foreign immigrant. that's the crux of how sweden has been changing. in a lot of ways, becoming more like the u.s. alexandria ocasio-cortez is in
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wanting to be more like sweden, misinformed, simply. because she's referring to an ideology that was more part of the 20th century and has been steadily changing since then. so now in 2017, we have an immigration rate of 24% of the population and -- trish: that's huge. >> the largest immigrant population is refugees from syria, and it's very different. 30, 40, 50 years ago it was mostly nordic countries that people were coming to sweden from and there was primarily a middle class, a very healthy middle class, and socialism worked and it was a utopian society but it's become more complex and there's much more need and more people to take care of, and the socialist policies are being stretched and now with two class system, we have the middle class and the lower class, and people aren't
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happy. things are definitely changing, and so it really doesn't uphold to say she would like to be more like sweden, because sweden is becoming more like the u.s. but on a much smaller scale. trish: there are a lot of people that feel, scott, really not happy about this in sweden. i mean, they're saying wait a second, what has happened to the fabric of our society, can our economic system really support this. they want to do the right thing, they want to help, they took all these people in, to sara's point, 24% immigration to population ratio, it's massive. they can't handle it. what happens to a society when they bite off more than they can chew and their welfare system doesn't permit it? >> yeah, it spirals out of control. to your point, people should be angry. they should be scared. you mentioned the stats about the attacks, the murders, the infiltration of gang activity. that's what's so weird about aoc, if i can call her that.
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i think krugman uses that so i guess that's fair game. is that i'm not sure exactly she understands what she's talking about because i get so confused when she opens her mouth these days, because is she talking about like the old sweden which is not really trying to be sweden anymore, or is it the new sweden, the sweden of, say, 2020, because even though like you mentioned, you touched on it, the economic policies in sweden are changing, as you talked about with sara. they have privatized social security. they have a massive privatization when it comes to medicare. there's things that i think aoc talks about that really maybe aren't things that she thinks sweden is all about. trish: i get it. sometimes i think she's a little bit naive and needs to be exposed to the world a little bit more, maybe do a little more reading and a little more traveling and come back with some more informed thoughts. anyway, it's so good to see you. sorry we have to run. i want to get to this other story. this is a woman-to-woman one. sara is still here with me. big news today.
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amazon founder jeff bezos and his wife announced their divorce today. they were married 25 years. they met in their early 20s. before amazon was amazon and before he was worth $130 billion, i saw this story this morning. i got to tell you, i felt sad for them. i felt really sad and i felt sad for them, i felt sad for their four kids. everybody's out there talking how are they going to divvy up the assets. 50/50, thank you very much, because he would not be who he is without a woman by his side the last 25 years. but i want to ask you your thoughts on it. >> well, you know, she was with him when he moved across the country when he quit his job and said i want to start something new. she was behind him 100%. it's the most amicable divorce announcement. it was heartwarming, actually. i really felt for them.
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maybe it's a new beginning and they have the right attitude. they are working together on it and i have a feeling that their children are not going to feel at all divided. and that's the key when a family does split up. if the respect is still there and the love is still there, even, and the friendship, then it's the most peaceful way to go about it. i can speak from experience. my parents divorced and as much as i tried to pit them against each other, as i went back and forth, and to just, you know, what can i get out of this? trish: did they ever give in? >> nothing. i got nothing. i don't even think i got a stuffed animal. trish: i sure hope that they are a united front with their kids, too. i wish them all the best. i am saddened by it. again, to anybody wonder iing should they split it evenly, i don't think it's a question.
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marriage is a part nnership. she may not have been ceo of amazon but i bet she was ceo of their family. thank you. this is not a bed.
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12:00 am
theme of who is getting lost in this economy right now? and who is actually going to help them. who is actually going to grow those -- right now the policies of donald trump are doing exactly that could have a terrific night here that we'll see tomorrow. kennedy begins right now. kennedy: thank you trish baird today's white house meeting on the border was a quote total waste of time according to the present who walked out on lawmakers after house speaker nancy pelosi refused to budge on while funding and now on day 19 of the shutdown it appears we are right back at square one and who is to blame? the prisoner democrats? the president tried to get the ball rolling by signing anti-trafficking legislation but it was all downhill since then. went to capitol hill to meet with republicans to convince the party to stick together. watch this. >> the republicans are


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