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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 20, 2019 12:00am-1:01am EST

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straight away. jason, always great to have you with us. even when we disagree just like this. okay. >> you are almost 100 percent right you have a great weekend. and good night from new york. [♪] trish: the president of the united states promising a major announcement on the crisis at our southern border and the shutdown. questions swirling as to whether the the is willing to invoke an executive order and declare a national emergency to end the government shutdown. thousands of migrants in the newest caravan head together u.s. crossing into mexico from guatemala totally unchecked. the gates wide open. completely different picture from october when the migrant
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overpowered the guard at the border. mr. steve hilton is here. and why democrats continue to refuse to acknowledge this crisis. speaking of crisis. venezuela on the brink of a possible regime change. we are days away from the people taking to the streets in an effort to retain control of their socialist country. a desperate move in desperate times. the wife of the most of popular venezuelan politician, a man jailed for trying to go against the maduro regime. she is speaking out exclusively to us tonight. a spokesperson from robert mueller's office issuing this statement, disputing "buzzfeed's" report that president trump directed his attorney to lie to congress.
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here is the statement. the scrismtion document and testimony obtained by this office regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony are not accurate. breaking right now, as the partial government shutdown hits the four-week mark tonight. we can report that the president will issue a major announcement in less than 24 hours as the bitter standoff over border funding drags on. another migrant caravan of thousands makes its way through mexico heading straight for our border. they were welcomed into mexico. apparently an open border they are for migrants. nancy pelosi still refusing to negotiate and she is accusing the white house of leaking her plans to fly commercial to afghanistan after the president
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grounded her from using a military aircraft during the government shutdown. should the president declare a national emergency? end the shutdown. joining me right now. the "wall street journal" james free man and former hillary clinton campaign advisor antjuan johnson. we are hearing from mueller's office, a statement from you'ller's office that disputes the "buzzfeed" report saying that president trump told michael co-on lie to congress. >> buzzfeed is a website for young adults, and it was kind of odd that this was immediately embraced to begin with. this is the website that published the dossier with all of the made up bizarre claims.
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trish: it's important that you say website as opposed to news site. this is not a news organization. no news organization would publish the dossier. but continue your thoughts. it's a website, "buzzfeed." >> what's disturbing as you saw -- a lot of things are disturbing -- but the house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff and jerry nadler immediately embracing this as if it was a serious report that they had to account on and immediately investigate. i think it tells you how fair a hearing the president is going to get in this new democratic house. and how seriously they take the search for the truth as opposed as the search for any tool in the shed that would attack the
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president. trish: there is no search for the truth. unfortunately it's gotten bogged down in politics. whether it's the mueller situation or the wall or the shutdown. politics is the name of the game. how does it change and what's your reaction to this notice here, this statement from mueller's team saying that buzzfeed report you are also excited about in the democratic party, no go. >> trish, let's take a deep breath. without reading the special pratt yout d the special prosec, they are saying the specifics didn't line. but regardless of that. trish: wait, wait, wait wait wait. you are saying somehow you still believe what "buzzfeed" is trying to say? are you disputing what mueller's office is saying? >> no, trish. i said i was about to say i think from the tone of my leader
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mr. clyburn when he said let's not get ahead of the special prosecutor until we hear his final report. trish: maybe you, antjuan, but your colleagues not so much. i can't speak for everyone in the democratic party because there are a lot of us. we have to let the special prosecutor do his work, finish his report and pass judgment after that. until then it's just noise. trish: it would be nice if other members of your party -- it's one of the reasons i always like having you on. the only thing you can do is be honest these days. i appreciate you saying you want to wait and see. my frustration with all of this is to me the investigation that really should be happening, i
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don't believe is. and the investigation that should be happening is why on earth did our fbi take a piece of opposition research paid for as we learned -- bruce ohr told them, the clinton campaign is paying for this. take this and it's as gospel and never bother to tell the judge who was behind it. that's just bizarre. >> and i think scary for a lot of americans to learn how little it takes for the government to get a fisa warrant to be able to turn the investigative powers of the united states which were created for surveillance purposes sold to us as national security tools to learn how easy it was to turn this on a rival political campaign. we have been joking about the authority of "buzzfeed." remember it was yahoo news that was used as justification to get
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one of these fisa warrants. the bar was so low to start spying on the political opposition. it's frightening. i wish all members of the house, democratic leadership had antjuan's attitude about waiting for the facts. jerry nadler sold himself as the top democrat on the committee because he was the impeachment expert. trish: ant juan you disagreed with something in there, what was it. >> these are republican judges that allowed the fisa warrants to go through. trish: they didn't know. what would you do if you were a judge. the fbi one assume the fbi dots its isr is and cross its ts. the fbi didn't think it was
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important enough for the judge to know this stuff was paid for by the clinton campaign. >> i don't know how you see it in should be a wall up and justices are supposed to do their job by calling balls and strikes as they sight regardless of who is asking or what they ask them to do. trish: if there is going to be a wall you have to trust the fbi has the right intentions. i'm a journalist, james is a journalist. "buzzfeed" is not a journalist organization. nobody should have published something they couldn't verify. no one published that initially. the reason they didn't publish it is because it couldn't be verified. it read like a tabloid magazine you see at the checkout counter at the supermarket. how can they say this is important enough to get a fisa warrant with it was paid for by
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the clinton campaign. >> if you saw steny hoyer's posture when he was asked whether this should be about impeachment. he didn't answer the question. he said he didn't want to go there. there were a lot of people making noise about the "buzzfeed." let's not lose focus on the task at hand. let's not get caught up on what we should what he lou the special prosecutor to do. >> i hope that is the thought of a lot of members of the house right now. it's hard to believe, but i think that would be a refreshing change. trish: i want to day with this breaking news. if you are just tuning in, we learned robert mueller's team is debunking buzzfeed's report that somehow michael cohen was told
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by the president to lie to the special counsel. the special counsel's office saying that's not true. so let's get to additional thoughts from the former senior advisor to prime minister david cameron. we have the host of ""the next revolution,"" steve hilton. steve, i have my thoughts on "buzzfeed," you may have heard them. but let me ask you. what is your reaction to this? you are a foreigner, but we are supposed to have checks and balances in america. the idea the fbi can take opposition research and say we have got something. we are going to go to the judge and start spying on people, and you never tell the judge where you got that. they don't think it many important. how do you see that? >> i have been saying for over a year now. there are so many suspicious activities that we need to get to the bottom of. on the other side of the table
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from whatever the trump campaign may or may not have done, that it warrants a full investigation, equivalent force of what's been applied to donald trump. i think all those who support the president won't be satisfied until the fbi, the role of brennan, and how the whole thing got started. until that is investigated with equal force, people will feel that justice hasn't been done. and this is a really extraordinary development for the special counsel put out this statement. they don't put out statements. they have avoided giving a running commentary on their investigation. the fact that they have gone out of their way to knock down this "buzzfeed" story is a big development. they understand the story itself if true, this is a big story. well, they have broken their general resident and come out and knocked it down.
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that shows how seriously they take it. trish: why do you think they have done that? they think that is blew the together environment that we are now living? in? if "buzzfeed" is allowed to publish more lies and democrats see that as more ammunition? why would they feel the need to say this is not true. >> because it's incredibly serious. if it was true, that does point to the president directly obstructing justice. if you point to the testimony of william barr. he was asked specifically about this kind of action. if the president or someone had encouraged someone else to say something unteutful to conscious, would that count as obstruction and william barr said yes it is. it's very, very serious. that's why you have seen the
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enemies of trump getting carried away by this. saying here we are, and they are off to the races in terms of impeachment and it's interesting that the special counsel wanted to really stop that in its tracks with this very clear statement. trish: you have got to give them credit for that. if you were advising the president right now. you were an advisor to david cameron. what would your recommendation be on this shutdown. he'll come out with a major announcement in less than 24 hours. is he going to say iminvoking an emergency order? i am going to build the wall. we'll end the government shutdown. what would you tell him to do if you were advising him, steve? >> the background to this is that he's facing a crisis that's been 20 or more years in the making. he has an opportunity to show he's the reformer and he has big ideas to fiction this problem
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that other politicians have left. i think he can take one or two more steps to show that he's the reasonable one who wants to fiction the problem. i think he should come out with a public offer to the democrats, including the wall of course. but adding to it substantial reforms that democrats supported in the past on the dreamers and other aspects of the immigration system. and if the democrats reject that, they will look completely unreasonable. at that point he can go to the national emergency. i think one more round of putting a reasonable offer out there. >> i think it's great idea. they would look like scum if they turned that down after they said they cared so much about the daca kids. if they say no, we don't want you to have a penny for the wall. then he will have the upper hand
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in terms of that negotiation. you can catch steve over unday on fox news at 9:00 p.m. eastern on ""the next revolution"." a top leader of the women's march when she refuses to say whether israel should exist. should we be surprised? this is the woman who refused to denounce the nation of islam leader louis farrakhan. she wouldn't denounce a self-proclaimed anti-semite. why isn't the women's march cutting ties with mallory? we are days away from a possible regime change in socialist venezuela. i'm talking to two venezuelans who are fighting to bring change to that country.
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its all included with your amazon prime membership. that's how xfinity makes tv... simple. easy. awesome. trish: robert mueller's office issuing a rare public statement disputing the accuracy of an internet report that said donald trump told his personal attorney
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michael co-on lie to congress. the mainstream media went nuts with that. so nuts that robert mueller's office had to come out and issue a statement. and they did so just minutes ago. here it is. "buzzfeed's" specific statements of testimony and documents obtained by this office regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony are not accurate. this as steve hilton told us, highly unusual. but mueller's office perhaps seeing how the democrats were running with this fake news from this internet site called buzzed feed, felt that it had to intervene and set the record straight. joining me, ned ryun and rochelle ritchie. i'm troubled that so many dems thought this was a real report.
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and they were just jumping on it and they didn't bother to check any of their sources themselves. you did not see that story on this show because we don't report on things we can't verify, unlike "buzzfeed" and many of the house dems. >> as a former reporter of 12 years within i'll speak from that as a former journalist it is frustrating to see how the news cycle is so quick to get it first and not getting it right. in journalism the quest used to be get it right before you get it first. when you have reports from "buzzfeed," i was shocked people actually jumped on this story. you kept hearing if this happened and if that happened. we don't know it did. coming from "buzzfeed" i didn't trust it from the beginning. it's frustrating because this gives credence to trump's infamous slogan of fake news.
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i wrote an op-ed about this when it happened with rod rosenstein when there was a thing that he was going to go to the white house and resign, and he was still on the job. i think it does a disservice to the american people. unfortunately what "buzzfeed" has done and the reports about this has caused more distrust in our press. trish: for sure. i'm glad to hear you say that. i wish some of the politicians on capitol hill had your sense. maybe they needed to spend a few years in the trenches as a journalist. maybe that would give them an ethical backbone. but many quote-unquote in journalism don't have the backbone themselves. the fact that they published that dossier to begin with. i'm shocked the fbi would not have reported to the judge. i am shocked it got to a judge just knowing that they knew as
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we found out, it was confirmed from bruce ohr's testimony, knowing they used in hillary clinton's campaign paid for it. it's no longer gospel unless you source the whole thing yourself. "buzzfeed" then printed the darn thing. no self-respecting journalist would have done that. "buzzfeed" has a horrible reputation yet you have leaders in the democratic party saying now we know, the president told michael cohen to lie to congress. >> you hit on a couple points there. with bruce ohr's testimony, now we know that andrew weissmann who is on mueller's team. i think the whole thing is a witch hunt. it was based on a lie. the dossier was the basis for the fisa warrant. but going back to "buzzfeed,"
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this is reinforcinged the fact that they are the opposition party. they are refusing to have any journalistic standard and ethics. this is what you get when you have political operatives massacre raiding as journalists. they think donald trump is the great white whale and they are going to try to bring him down. trish: what i love about my profession is i am beholding to no one. i called this administration out on several things. some of the viewers don't like it. but i always tell you what you see is what you get. i'm neither left nor right. i am independent. i don't like taxes. but i'm an independent. and i really think that it's important that journalists -- you may have certain biases, but you have to look at each and everything for itself. you are right it's terrible, ned, that there are people, political operatives posing as journalists.
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from the first paragraph in this article on buzzfeed it says president trump direct his personal attorney michael co-on lie to congress. there is a chance they had two sources that had their own ax to grind, and they weren't smart enough at "buzzfeed" to figure out where their source came from and they ran with it. >> i will be happy when this investigation is over. we are getting to a point now where i think most of of the american people just want it to be done. we are tired of hearing the new evidence is coming out. the new statements. cone this, manafort. we just want it to be over. i'm not saying mueller should rush the investigation. but i will be gladf when we have concrete evidence to determine what happened with president trump russia. trish: good to see you rochelle,
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good to see you, ned. socialist venezuela on the brink of collapse. in just a matter of days we may see a regime change. people who are fed up with the socialist dictator nicolas maduro's brutal regime taking to the streets this coming week and demanding his resignation. i will talk to two venezuelans who were major figures in this crusade. why they say maduro must go. the exclusive interview next. (burke) parking splat. and we covered it.
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>> tonight, socialist venezuelan dictatorship is on the verge of total collapse. my sources on the ground in venezuela tell me nicolas maduro is nervous. very nervous. so nervous that he is growing even more paranoid. and more desperate.
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he stole the last election and he is imprisoned or try to imprison anyway, most of his rivals.and now, with people starving, with the country having no ability to keep his lights on, no ability to pay its debt holders, no ability to help the people while simultaneously receiving no support from the international community for that nicolas maduro administration. nicolas maduro is desperate now trying to hold onto his socialist power. but it could be coming to an end because on january 23, this coming was it the people are prepared to take their country back. they are heading to the streets for a massive protest. they are demanding that socialist maduro resign and that this man, do we have a picture of him? he is effectively, their leader of the house, will show you a picture. he is 35-year-old -- they
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wanted to become president. they want real elections held. 35-year-old, engineer, was effectively, the speaker of the house. they want him to come in, his nice wife and a nice little girl. and be there interim president. so they have the shot at having a real election. that is him, you are looking at video right there. anyway socialism and the cuban influence in venezuela, it has not worked. and tonight as maduro recognizes the end is near his desperate, promising the military that he is their lifeline. and that he will continue to take care of them. you see, he can't. that ship has sailed. and once you lose confidence of the military, in a country like that, guess what, mr. maduro? you have lost. the reason the policed let --
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go after he was captured by the maduro team, he promised them i am told, that they would be safe with him. and in a place where people are worried about prison and worried about their very existence, the person that can keep them safe is the person they trust. meanwhile, portly, investors are now putting money on the line. and they are betting big time on a regime change in venezuela. and i know this because venezuelan sovereign debt, there trading up to 20 and 24 percent in recent days because investors think a regime change is coming. you get rid of the socialist, get a little capitalism in there, get some democracy in their and guess what? maybe venezuela will pay its bills. that is why the bonds are trading higher. we were reporting on this here not just because of democracy, capitalism and freedom are so important, these are ideals that we need in our hemisphere.
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the people of venezuela i will take, they do not deserve to live in this kind of poverty. they do not deserve this when their nations home to the richest oilfields in the world. and it also emphasized that venezuela, just about three hours from miami, is a very scary case study. that all of us should watch intently. because it does spell out the dangers of socialism. here with me right now, venezuelan national assembly member, part of the opposition, he opposes nicolas maduro. he has documented and stated the financial crisis in his country in depth. angel alvarado. thank you for being here. live from caracas. tell me what is happening in your country right now?
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>> well, maduro right now in venezuela, they have been no elections the past year and right now he is in power. the present veil trent of the president in venezuela must be -- but we won the parliament and then create a conditional government that calls for free elections. maduro wants to stay in power. because socialism in venezuela and. [inaudible] for example, three years ago -- i have led a project from the parliament. for example, 1,700,000 persons, this year it could reach more
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than 10 million percent. >> you're talking the inflation levels of a million percent this year. and 10 million percent next year. this is pretty extraordinary. we do have video. maybe we can show the viewer. people littering with the currency, it's like the dollar but they are so worthless now in venezuela that the currency which was once real money, is now seen as garbage. how does an economy exist like that? >> it is impossible. for example, daily inflation is around three percent daily. inflation daily! every day, it is changing very fast. this has made -- more than 22
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percent and 10 percent would be -- socialism has impoverished the venezuelans. right now he is in power and against the law, against the rule of law, against the will of venezuela. >> thank you so much, you're brave to speak up. i know that the maduro team doesn't appreciate that. thank you and it is good to have you tonight. do you remember what he said. and i wrote it down. he said, socialism really is the problem there. and that is what has resulted in this kind of destruction of that economy. again, angel, thank you so much. we need to get back to breaking news which is that buzzfeed is responding to the special
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counsel office. they just issue this pure special counsel of course and that the reporting is wrong and now, we have been smith, the editor-in-chief there. take that for what it's worth. as the debit defender the publishing dossier initially. he said and i quote - come in response to the statement tonight from the special counsel spokesman, we stand by our reporting and the sources who informed it. and we are to special counsel to make clear what he is disputing. we are all over this. don't go anywhere. don't go anywhere. i have more trish
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terror attack in benghazi. libya and whether hillary clinton actually sought to evade the freedom of information act with her private server. there's been a new develop is on exactly that this week. gemina patricia smith who 's son sean was killed in the 2012 benghazi attack. it is good to see you again. thank you for coming back. >> thank you. >> all right, you want answers. >> yes, i do. >> you got nothing. you might have a shot. maybe when the shutdown ends because you know they are suspending this while they have the shutdown going. but are you encouraged by this at all? maybe you might figure out what really happened? >> not list hillary decides to tell me something. >> you have asked her?>> hillary, she has not told me anything. she promised and she promised when they had the ceremony. she put her arms around me and
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she told me it was the fault of the terrorists, the video. and obama said the same thing. and susan rice said the same thing. they all said the same thing. and nobody ever has got back to me to tell me what the real truth is or was. >> what you want from hillary clinton, susan rice or barack obama right now? >> i would like to get a real truth. i would like to have someone tell me what really happened. i don't care if they don't want the world to know. as long as they tell me what happened. why is my son dead? >> you deserve that. you deserve that, mrs. smith. and i would think just sort of common, human decency. >> they promised! they all promised!
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>> to pick up the phone and tell you exactly what happened because we now know, patricia, it was not the video. >> i know that and you know that but she went on t.v. and called me a liar because i said it. she called me a liar! >> you hopefully you'll get some resolution? are you encouraged at all? by the fact that there is this looking into, and again, it has been suspended temporarily during the shutdown. but are you hopeful that susan rice and heather clinton and everyone else is going to have to answer your question and america's questions? >> i hope that they do. i want to know what happened. i want to know why my some is dead and hillary has the answers. she looked me right in the eye and told me it was the video. then a little bit later she got on t.v. and she called me a liar. she said one of us is lying. and it wasn't me.
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so i want her to tell me, that yes, this happened and this is what happened. i want to know the official reason. >> you are owed that. and patricia, -- >> but i'm not a member of the immediate family so she can't tell me. >> you are his mother. >> no kidding! that is what i got from them. >> i am so sorry. and thank you to you and your son and this is devastating and is a mothers, it is the worst thing that could happen. but then to have a compounded without knowing what really went down and then having the secretary of state lie to you. i can only imagine this is a pain you feel every day and every night. and thank you, thank you for sharing that. >> this is what my government gave to me. i am not happy with it. >> no one is. thank you patricia. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up, another exclusive interview with the venezuelan
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activist who is fighting to bring change to socialist venezuela. her husband, seen in this picture, has been a political prisoner in venezuela for over three years now. lillian reached out to then president obama, looking for some help. but to no avail, you want to know who listen to her story? president trump. and he is demanding the release of her husband. lillian's story and more on
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>> breaking tonight, with the venezuela government on the brink of collapse, a powerful freedom fighter, lopez, this man, considered the most popular politician in that country. he remains under house arrest after five years in prison. amid socialist dictator, nicolas maduro 's regime that looks to squash any competition. but his wife, lillian, a crusader for democracy in her own right, she is joining us here live. live from caracas exclusively.
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she says she never set out to be political. she is a wife, a mother and a victim herself that believes it is her duty to champion the rights of others in venezuela. nicolas maduro has called her a threat that needs to be neutralized. lopez was jailed on bogus charges. his 13 year sentence has been condemned by the united nations, by the french president and by president trump himself met with lillian and immediately tweeted that her husband must be set free. i can also report for you tonight that the vice president, mike pence, has been in contact with her husband because the u.s. is very concerned for the family safety. lillian and her first american television interview joins us now live from caracas, venezuela.lillian, welcome. >> hi, trish. thank you very much for this
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opportunity. because we here in venezuela, we don't have media. media is shut down in venezuela. so thank you very much. >> have to tell you, i've a lot of respect for you. you are a brave woman because just talking to us here tonight i know can put you in danger. and i know that the maduro regime is very threatened to your husband and his popularity. and they worry, especially in this environment, given that he stole the last election and no one recognizes him as president. they worry that that popularity might actually result in part, the overthrow of the government. tell me what is happening on wednesday, it is a very big day in your country. >> yes, right now in venezuela we have a new hope. a new hope that will be i think, the beginning of the finish of the regime.
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maduro violates human rights, trish. maduro is a human rights violator. it is the first thing that we need to repeat and repeat and ask for the international community for support of the venezuelan people and to continue the pressure to with our work and our courage and our truth to have the democrats in venezuela. next week we will be in the streets, we are going to have a huge manifestation of venezuelan people ask for freedom. >> and a new president. my concern, i think a lot of peoples concern is that you know, how much does maduro have
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the military? and if he does have the military, does it put people in danger if they take to the streets to protest? >> yes, we already believe that in 2014, my husband, leopoldo lopez, he's a prisoner five years. 2013, he asked for change. our grandparents checked their smartphones zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight...
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- [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now.
12:59 am
- [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [voiceover] with your gift of just $25, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen.
1:00 am
>>. >> sometimes, you got to face it. >> they were in a storage room, in our spare bedroom, in the attic. >> a house full of guests who never leave. >> i would wake up in the night and think i heard them talking, you know. >> hollywood people, world figures, dictators. >> and tv stars. >> welcome once again to "masquerade party." >> an artist's secrets unmasked. >> sounds like he was talking to you. >> i know. >> are you ready for some face time? >> do you think it looks exactly like me? [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ]


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