tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business January 22, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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me on instagram @loudobbstonight. we thank you for being with us. good night from new york. trish: america nearing a dangerous tipping point. opening its arms to socialist newcomer alexandria ocasio-cortez who now claims that a society that allows billionaires to exist is immoral. this as the dictatorship south of us prepares for a massive uprising against the chavez-maduro regime that left venezuelans starving. it's less than 24 hours until the people flood the streets to demand a resignation from
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nicolas maduro. mike pence showing his support for the family. at this time tomorrow we'll bring you a trish regan interview with the vice president of the united states, mike pence. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. we are less than 24 hours from a potential total collapse of the socialist dictatorship in venezuela as the country teeters on the edge and millions of people plan to take their massive uprising to the streets. venezuela serves as a new warning for the united states of america because tonight our country increasingly and unwittingly is opening its arms to a form of government that never end well. you see the pictures from caracas in venezuela.
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you think about cuba, the soviet union, they have one thing in common and that one thing is socialism. the new carling of the left, self-declared socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez from queens, new york saying no society should allow billionaires to exist alongside poverty. while she is right at life isn't fair, i'll tell you the answer is not to stop someone from being a billionaire. the answer is to empower every single person in this country to reach his or her utmost potential. watch her here. >> the system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of alabama where people are still getting ring worm because they don't have access to public health is wrong. it's not only doesn't make economic sense, but it doesn't
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make moral sense. trish: it may not feel morally correct. but i will tell you nothing is perfect. government can be good. government should help people to help themselves. but governments in the america we all love should never put a cap on anyone's dream or anyone's ambitions. and that is exactly what alexandria or bernie sanders or bill deblasio want to do, and i tell you it's dangerous. you need only to look three hours south of miami to figure that out. in alexandria's dream world everybody gets a free ride. >> once you get to the tippy top on your 10 millionth dollar, sometimes you see tax rates at 60% to 70% to save the american
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people a large amount of money. i campaigned on hard commitments of medicare for all, tuition-free public college. and the green initiative. unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world. trish: if she gets her way. this is what hugo chavez promised. i was just starting out my career on the emerging debt market desk when hugo chavez was elected. it was the summer of 1999. it was a pretty prosperous country. it had a good run. but there were people much like there are people in america today that wanted to redistribute everything. think wanted to take from him to pay off her and vice versa.
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this is what chavez promised. he promised to close this gap between the rich and the poor. sounded good, right? then nicolas maduro came along and promised the same thing. but promises are just that. they are just promised. they are totally, utter lire worthless -- utterly worth less. she clearly doesn't understand the path. so as americans we must understand the dangers that are out there. dangers that are real, and we must guard against them. here with me now as we watch the chaos unfold in the treats of caracas and later tonight, economist ben stein. good to see you. where are we going wrong right now? i understand we have a problem. the middle class is getting
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squeezed and it's not fair and it's not right. it's awful to see up extreme wealth and poverty. we do need some solution. but i'll tell you, i don't think social i am is the way. what is the path forward? why is she seeing this success? >> she is seeing success because a lot of people are just as ignorant as she is. she is a dynamic lily character and she seems to be giving a message of hope. but she is giving a message of fraud. the messages about justice and inequality turn out to be messages that lead to a dictatorship and the few oppressing the money. there is nothing wrong with a society that allows billionaires to exist long they are don't lock you up in prison and put you before a firing squad.
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socialist countries people aren't free to do what they want. we don't want extremely poor people and we don't have that's extremely poor people in this country. any is too many. but in this country people are up comparably better after than they are in any socialist country. free market capitalism outdoes socialism in every regard. trish: hugo chavez had all kinds of promises like alexandria ocasio-cortez. the former. , delcy rodriguez will sit there and tell with you a trait face that venezuela is the model of the world despite the fact that 90% of the people live in
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poverty. venezuela figured it out. i just hope we don't go through the same kind of incarnations and challenges they had to deal with. >> the it depend on education. we have a society in which there are an awful lot of people who have no idea -- that stalin and hitler came to power promising the same things alexandria ocasio-cortez is promising. they invariably lead to bad things. the promise of saying to the people do what you can within the law to make your life bert and your family's life better works very well. capital i am allows people to make something of themselves instead of oppressing other people. making money is one of the most of harmless things there is to do in the whole world. it's not about ordering people
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around, putting them concentration camps. what do you do if there is a richer or poorer person. do you take him away and shoot him? at the end of the day we ended up with russia with one of the most of unequal societies in the world. in vietnam we were promised all these things and we wound up with one of the most of corrupt countries in the world. we don't wide up with the promises people made. trish: i think it's important to highlight this because i'm troubled by the rise in this socialist mentality. it never end well. and we are seeing that play out in venezuela tonight. ben stein, thank you. all right. the partial government shutdown extending into its 32nd day. democrats rejecting a compromise
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that would extend protection for the so-called dreamers. a bill to vote on that proposal is set for thursday. nothing is assured because it needs 60 votes. with me is a mexican native who was brought to this one triby his mom when he was just 1 year old. you are one of the people that would benefit from immigration reform. you would benefit from chuck and nancy saying let's work this out. let's negotiate with the president and get some kind of protection in place for people like you? >> absolutely. first of all i want to thank the president for taking the first step forward and inviting speaker pelosi to come to the table and negotiate. there is a perfect opportunity
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for both parties to get a win-win situation. >> a lot of people would say how can you support this president? we hear the rhetoric and the left point fingers and they call him a racist and sexist and they keep going back to what he said about mexican immigrants that come here. and yet here you are, someone who came here when you were 1 year old. you technically don't have citizenship. can i say you are illegal. >> that's fair. undocumented. trish: so you are here illegally and you run that risk. yet you support the president. how come? >> well, look, i came here with no fault of my own. i am not asking for amnesty. all i'm asking from congress is tell me where the line is at. at the very end i'm willing to go to the very end.
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i'm willing to die for this country and have the american flag over my dead body. that's how much i love this country. i know the president is a father first and he understands what the dreamer community is. that's why he stands behind the dreamer community and i support him all the way through. trish: do you feel like the democrats left you out in the cold on this in. >> in the last two years when it comes to immigration it hasn't been the best for the president. but it's not his fault. at the end of the day, steven miller has been an embarrassment and joke to the president. so the democrats have a right to not trust the president. trish: in steven's defense i think he's a smart guy who has come up with interesting things. the last two years have been an embarrassment. trish: he has something on the table. he's trying to get the wall and
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three-year extension for dreamers like yourself. he would like to do more. i think you might find yourself with a path to citizenship with chuck and nancy would sit down at the table. >> last year the president could have had $25 billion and the opportunity for daca recipients to have a path to citizenship, but steven miller blew it away. it's another failure to the president. i want the president to succeed as much as the american people do. but steven miller has completely choked this president. trish: you are calling out steven miller tonight. we'll make sure he gets the message. coming up, we are keeping a close eye on venezuela. hours from now protesters who are fed up with nicolas maduro's brutal socialist dictatorship. they will be taking to the
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streets of that country. they are demanding change. they are demanding his resignation. tomorrow i sit down with the vice president of the united states, mike pence, for an interview. i will be asking him all about venls * and what our administration will do if nicolas maduro remains in power, and what we'll do in the event he's gone. does it mean an opportunity for democracy and freedom and capitalism in venezuela? later this hour i'm talking to conservative author jerome corsi, the target in robert mueller's russia probe. he says he has the proof the nsa he says he has the proof the nsa has been surveilling him for
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vice president -- former vice president because we no longer recognize her, delcy rodriguez going so far to suggest it's our vice president, mike pence, inciting violence her country after he issued this message. >> nicolas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate climb power. he has never won the presidency with a free and fair election. the united states supports the courageous decision by juan guido to assert that body's constitutional powers, to declare maduro a usurper and call for the formation of a conditional government.
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trish: the former vice president tried to tell me with a straight face that swren venezuela is a l for the rest of the world. watch. >> a model. i don't know how you can dispute that. i have been to venezuela. i appreciate the people there, they are truly wonderful. but i'm saddened because there is a reality on the ground there that i think is incredibly challenging economically for you. this is as country that was once per capita income-wise the best in latin america. now you have 90% of the people living in poverty. i can't see how you are going to hold it up on a pedestal and say
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this is a system anyone should admire. >> i repeat. fake news. trish: fake news with it's her government. her government holding five innocent americans hostage. she can't keep the lights on and pay the bills in her country. she has inflation that's rampant. that is the reality necessity venezuela. and it's a reality we cannot and should not ever allow here. cc ocasio-cortez, bill deblasio. joining me, christian whiton as well as an exiled venezuelan
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mayor. are you concerned about the safety and well-being of the people in the opposition? you are in exile, you have been able to get out. but for those on the ground, what kind of danger are they in tonight? >> today the regime threatened again the opposition. specifically people's will, to -- we are creating violence. the only ones creating violence in venezuela is the regime. in these 20 years more than 300,000 people have been killed because of crime. more than 400 people are detained because of political reasons. they are political prisoners. trish: fernando lopez's wife
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lillian was on the show last night. which i would point out, takes a lot of bravery. she is at risk, a mother of three, for speaking out. anybody who speaks out and is living in that country is at risk. what is the u.s. doing? how are we helping? i know the vice president is expressing his support. but is that enough? what do you anticipate happening the next couple days. >> that support is important. this is a night and day difference from the obama administration. president obama gave cha vets the brother harmed shake in a smiley meeting they had where obama established relation with the castros in cuba and sent his most of important white house policy aide to castro's funeral. pence has done a remarkable job
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focusing on this and keeping attention on this and siding unequivocally with the people of venezuela against his socialist, oppressive, tyrannical government that's hopefully on its way out. trish: you get the iranians down there. rodriguez told me they are doing business with all of them, the russians, the iranians, the chinese. i would think for our own selfish reasons we would want a better relationship with the venezuelans than the iranians. >> there has been a remarkable turnaround in south america. it hasn't made it to the bronx. but the right has risen in south america. we saw it in argentina first, then more recently in brazil. venezuela, the countries that
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were first world countries or close to it that were defend started by socialism finally turning the page. hopefully it will be fantastic for the united states. this our backyard and cheese are our close neighbors. as an oil exporter, venezuela can bounce back. trish: day individual, i know you and your familiar -- david, i know you and your family have spent generations running from socialism, venezuela, and cuba. >> i have a lot of hope at this moment. tomorrow we'll see historical protests not only in venezuela, but i'm sure hundreds of thousands of people are going to the streets. also we are going to have a worldwide protest in more than 100 cities. i think we are close to restoring democracy and freedom in venezuela.
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these crime rate. and all the work that the brave people doing in venezuela is something the next generations are going to appreciate. so it's very important for venezuela. i am sorry to say, it's important that tomorrow there will be noise media in venezuela. there is a lot of censorship. it's important that you share the images and the videos of the protests we'll have in venezuela. trish: you can count on us. we'll continue to stay on this story. david, thank you very much. christian, appreciate it have much. a warning to all the far-left democrats trying to undermine our country and constitution. i am look at you beto o'rourke and bill deblasio and alexandria ocasio-cortez. i am look at how your far-left
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trish report constitution of the united states, the very essence of who we are as a nation is under attack, an attack launched by the left, desperate for a political opportunity to reshape the world as they want it to be because they are not operating here on planet earth. they have this idea of a utopian universe and they think they can somehow get us there. beto o'rourke, a rising star of the left suggesting our constitution might need to be reworked for the new era in which we live. so i have a warning for beto, and i cite would i consider to be a good case study in political science.
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venezuela. it's the reason we keep doing it on the show. tonight on the eve of the people's plan to take back their country, i want to remind you, venezuela had a politician who once promised to tear up the country's constitution himself. his name was hugo chavez. i was just starting my career on the emerging debt market debt. we traded their debt when the country actually paid its bills. chavez came to power, and the first thing he did was tear up the constitution. he consolidated power and got rid of the different branches of government an began to quote-unquote reform the country. he stole land from the people saying it wasn't properly utilizing. reminds me of what bill
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deflossio is saying. he wants to take distressed buildings away from landowners. some of chavez's newfound government land, most of of which went to his friends and family and colleagues. you can legislate a utopian existans all you want, but you can't get rid of basic human instincts, some of which aren't that good. in a utopian world. you don't have any greed. it doesn't exist. with you in the real world it does. so the key as our founding fathers so brilliantly articulated. the key is to protect us in a way from ourselves. we have a great republic. it may not always be perfect, and may not always be fair. but we have those checks and balances for a reason. we have the best system in the
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world. let's keep it that way. here to react to all of this. presidential historian doug wead. we have people talk seriously about maybe we need to redo the constitution. i get it our founding fathers didn't anticipate we would have a television. but they understood the heart, i think, of what our existence would be well into the future. and they understood that you need to guard against yourself sometimes with all those checks and balances. is it not a dangerous thing to tear up the u.s. constitution? >> it's dangerous. beto o'rourke said it's the question of the moment. those were his words. >> it's not a question. but go on, sir. >> the question of the moment he says is does it work?
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i think the question of the moment is 1787 when benjamin franklin came out of constitutional and someone said, dr. franklin, did you get us monarchy or republic, benjamin franklin said a republic, sir, if you can keep it. it was the question he asked in 1787 and it's a question we may have to ask ourselves in 200. can we keep it or are we going to lose it. trish: if we lose it, what's at stake? >> the social i am that would come upon us today would not be quite the socialism of denmark or venezuela. i suspect it -- would be a crony ask socialism. it would be empowerment and advantage for a tiny few.
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venezuela if you are friend with maduro you are living quite well. and maybe you are involved in some bad things as we have learned including the drug trade. but you are doing okay, right? you are part of the protected class. so i would include venezuela in that group. denmark, dare i go into denmark? they will jump all over me. denmark is not quite the socialist country venezuela is. i would never compare it quite to venezuela. but even there they have challenges as well. you know, again, there is this thing called human instinct. i don't like it, but it's there. and greed actually is part of our dna. when you try and say i'm creating a utopian universe and we are not going to allow that feeling, the basic instinct
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people have. i think you wind up with other problems we have seen or and over again. >> the best testimony for socialism are the people who live under socialism. in the soviet union it's the famous joke that went everywhere. he said comrades, there is good news and bad news. the good news is some day even the great united states of america will become a socialist country. the bad news is when that happens there won't be any place left on earth for us to buy grain. so even the socialists know it doesn't work. trish: i sure hope we don't go that direction. it's good to see you. thank you so much. some a story we have been following closely. conservative jerome corsi says he has proof the government has been surveilling him even before
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the probe began, he says. wait until you hear what else dr. corsi claims the government is doing. we have all the details straight ahead. ♪ -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use -- 0600. i'd stay close. morning. ♪ get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, "protected by alan and jamie." -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto... run, alan! get more than just savings. you get 'round-the-clock protection.
11:39 pm get more than just savings. air velocity is reading at fifteen fpm. why would you need to learn every detail about a company? firmness... nine. it's how ibm services helps retailers around the world drive growth and save millions. he's very into this. yeah. is that the standard amount? yes. feels good. when your partners are obsessed with business and technology, you can put smart to work. what would it look like [if we listened more?] could the right voice - the right set of words - bring us all just a little closer, get us to open up, even push us further? it could, if we took the time to listen.
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trish: the mueller probe targeting jerome corsi upping the ante. jerome corsi is talking to us tonight in an exclusive interview. he claims special counsel robert mueller worked in concert with jeff bezos of the "washington post" to defame him with false statement. and one of dr. corsi's standing business agreements. that means dr. corsi is adding to his lawsuit. he's suing "the washington post," suing jeff bezos, and suing one of the reporters there, raising the bill on the defendants to $1.5 billion.
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he's also suing robert mueller and the rest of the fed for $350 million. joining me dr. jerome corsi. i never like to see reporters getting sued because i believe in the freedom of the press. but in the case of jeff bezos, "the washington post," your concern is there is something amiss. >> last week the reporter in question called me and said he had inside information from the mueller team, prosecutors. mainly that i was being paid hush money by alex jones's father to substitute me up about something or other, and i had turned on alex jones and was going to reveal information and i was working with the prosecutors. it was all preposterous. first i have been paid severance
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by mr. jones. i have a copy of the agreement. trish: alex jones' father. dr. jones runs alex's business. trish: you used to work there. you left and were getting severance pay. somehow there is a leap between severance payments and hush money. >> i made it very, very clear what's happened with the special prosecutor. i have given many interviews. so the idea i'm being paid hush money is preposterous. trish: i don't want to put word in your mouth. but i want to piece all this together. does mueller's team know how you know the dnc was hacked into,
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the emails were given to assange. they think you can connect all those dots and alex jones doesn't want you to? hence the whole hush money? >> one of the things "the washington post" was suggesting is the nra is being funded by russia. and the nra was funding alex jones and the nra is tied to the republican national committee and donald trump is always being paid by russia. i was suppose to be giving hush money'to reveal this. all preposterous. but this was coming from the special prosecutor. now it comes out that the special pratt cuter is look into the nra's relationship to donald trump. my relationship with mr. jones has ended. all my income has been cut off. mueller has succeeded.
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but i hope i can work with dr. jones to foster a continuing relationship. i brought a $20,000 offer to alex jones and he rejected it. i soap show up in dennismont gop are you, one of the whistleblower's data bases. the irs has probably examined my income tax forms back 0 years. it's constant. the special prosecutors when they were interrogating me seemed to know details about my past that could only have come from surveillance, i'm concluding. i'm the one who revealed donald trump was under surveillance and it was through fisa you are
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virallans through october 2017 when he was president. i think i have bind fisa court surveillance as well. trish: there are no words. dr. corsi, we'll continue to stay on it. don't forget to check out don't forget to check out dr. corsi's book, "silent no with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. so even when she grows up, she'll never outgrow the memory of our adventure.
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trish: the mainstream media showing its true bias before looking through the facts. the victims this time in the teenaged students from covering tomorrow high school seen in a confrontation with native american protesters nathan phillips. these boys not getting a good education because it makes little sense to angrily channel build the wall to a population with literally zero illegal immigrants. >> kkk, the nazis, they aren't running around in hoods and burning cross. >> these kids became an angry racist mob fueled by hate and white privilege.
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but you know what? it turns out it was phillips who initiated this confrontation. domght boys, berating them, and beating his drum in their face as the young man shown over and over again actually showed restraint. just another example' of today's journalism. deneen. as this came forward, maybe i have been in this business too long and have seen too much. but i thought why is everybody jumping -- deep breath. let's figure out what happened. i spent six weeks on the ground covering the duke la controls case where those young boy -- the duke lacrosse case where the young boys were thrown out of school and accused of an alleged rape that never happened. i look at this covington
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situation, the media going after these young kids, believing something to be true that was not true at all. what's your sense of what's happening right now, and why is the media so begun ho to jump on these things? >> it's outray just what the media has done in regards to what happened with these young boys who by the way are trump supporters, are catholics and were there at a pro-life rally. they are everything the liberal media despised. instead of the media doing their due diligence to report the facts, they jumped the gun. they believed nathan, every word he said when in fact the man is a down right liar. it's outrageous. >> we don't have to figure out whether he's a liar or not. the media may or may not have
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jumped the gun. trish: may or may not? >> i don't have to do any research. i look at a video. they had a native american banging a drum. a couple hundred kids many of them with maga hats. trish: i gave an entire commentary on how anyone who wants to wear a maga hat should be able to. and if i want to wear an "i'm with her" t-shirt, i am entitled to. >> it's a exact when you wear a maga hat. i'm saying you are going to get reaction from people because that hat says you support what he said about immigration and black and brown people. what about the tomahawks the
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kids were doing? trish: we live in a scary world where somehow just a hat gets symbolized as a racist thing. i think scott and a lot of this friends on the left like to associate those two things. that works, right? in politics. americans do not want a racist in the oval office. >> trump's rhetoric. >> thank goodness for the full length video. it wasn't for the video, these young men would be vilified. this man is a liar. he could have ruined their lives forever. trish: at least it was on tape. deneen, scott, thank you, guys. hey. i heard you're moving into a new apartment. yeah, it's pretty stressful. this music is supposed to relax me, though. ♪ maybe you'd mellow out a bit if you got geico to help you with your renters insurance.
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11:58 pm
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11:59 pm
unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!. . >> the new history of venezuela out with socialism and capitalism out with the dictatorship in with democracy. tomorrow night exclusively with vice president mike tends to hear his thoughts on the fight for freedom in latin america the vice president just penned an op-ed please know that i am thinking of you and i hope you stay safe.
12:00 am
we will have mike pence on this program exclusively talking about venezuela. hopefully with a little capitalism i will see you tomorrow. kennedy begins now. kennedy: sickening threats of violence against children calling high school administrators to come to the controversy even though it has been proven that kids did not start it but the video did not show the whole story by a long shot it started on friday with his viral video that has been seen around the world several times appearing to stare down a tribal elder. those on the left jumped all over it immediately claiming it was proof
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