tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 23, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST
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>> good evening everybody. dems still in disarray. the party remains divided over how to end the government shutdown. senate minority leader, chuck schumer, who said there would be no deal without nancy, has been working out a bill with mitch mcconnell, to reopen the government. but house speaker, nancy pelosi says there will be no deal until president trump drops his demand for a border wall. >> to be very clear, open up government. open the government. let's talk. we cannot have the president, every time he has an objection
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to say i will shut down government until you come to my way of thinking. understand, that is part of the point of this. >> some house democrats are calling on pelosi to end the shutdown. and just give the president the money for the long promised and critically needed, border wall. this is thousands of central american migrants arm marching through mexico toward the u.s. border. the former acting director of ice, immigration and customs enforcement, tom holman joins us tonight. the national emergency on our border exasperated by the radical dems refuse the president's call to secure the border. the crisis worsening with each passing day is drug deaths in this country have risen to tens of thousands and cartels murders in mexico jump by 30% in mexico, last year alone. and now, latin america a battleground in the trump administration campaign, to halt
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china's strategic thrust in our hemisphere. insisting on investing billions of dollars, building power and influence in central and southern america. and unfair trade practices and theft, just routine. it is no longer just about massive trade deficits with china, and its theft of trillions of dollars in u.s. technology. it is also very much about china's ambitions in our backyard. we take up that incursion into this hemisphere, the china trade talks and beijing's increasing regression with the former federal four-star general. in the hudson direct your for chinese strategy, michael pillsbury. radical dems and left-wing media screen for cover as they falsely accuse catholic high school students. a native american activist confronted those boys, their kentucky schools had to cancel
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classes due to threats the following that false reporting. outright lies. did social media moms target the boys because of their make america great hats? >> i think that is why they were targeted. i think they were also targeted for what they stood for witches, christianity, the right for life, and they were singled out. i believe because of the color of their skin they were targeted. we do not know what the volatility of the situation is with these people the people who react and don't know the full story. it is very scary. >> lou: or, ignore the truth of the matter. former trump campaign advisor, david bossie and candace owens joins us here tonight. our top story is the state of our union, which the president plans to address one week from tonight.
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and, china's aggression. it's a maligned intent, obvious and growing. china's confrontation with the united states has taken on dangerous dimensions and their confrontation with u.s. power is now global. as china seeks a greater presence and influence in our hemisphere, the president will most assuredly talk about these major threats posed by china, in the state of the union. whether it is mercantile trade policies, theft of our intellectual property and technology, or military expansions in the asia-pacific region. as china drives its influence in central america, central america is driving thousands of its people to create a security crisis on our southern border. speaker pelosi calls the border crisis, manufactured. you know what? she is right. the radical dems have manufactured it. they created this crisis. the failed strategic patience of the obama administration, the naïveté of the bush
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administration manufactured the chaos in central america. they have driven it to our border, with the help of the mexican government and those cartels. the president once again addressing the border crisis over the weekend. he demanded again, $5.7 billion for his border wall. the president also extending an olive branch to the radical dems who bear the greatest responsibility for what is nothing less than a national emergency. as we consider one of the most critical moments in our history, we begin with the president's demand to secure our southern border. joining us tonight, tom holman, former acting director of immigration and customs enforcement, foxbusiness contributor. tom, good to have you with us. obviously a lot of people are at work meaning the united states no good whatsoever. they are driving straight through our border with obvious
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assistance and eight of the mexican government, to move the almost 2000 miles from central america through mexico, to our border. >> they don't even need a public affairs component. they have nancy pelosi and chuck schumer doing that well. the statement you made a few minutes ago, you are on target when you said, the dems created this crisis. why these families are coming? start with president obama, they pulled this daca idea out of their back pocket. ever since they came in illegally families kept coming and coming. you are right. it all starts with the last administration and why there is a crisis at the border. >> lou: why so much of what this president faces now, it is his responsibility to deal with it. and deal with it, he is. but being frustrated, obviously, publicly and venomously by radical dems, including chuck schumer and nancy pelosi.
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refusing to put up a $5.7 billion for a border wall. in my opinion, i think that is a paltry sum. it leaves us woefully short of a 2000 border being secure. >> i agree. they offered four times as much before. the men and women at the border patrol have their lives on their line working everyday not getting paid. ice agents out there enforcing the law not being paid. chuck and nancy are being paid. but, they are not working. the president has given them 800 million for humanitarian crisis, 800 million for the port of entry technology. then he throws out daca, what do the democrats get? nothing. they have offered nothing. nancy and chuck need to go to work. they're getting paid. others are not getting paid and putting the lives on the line. it's such an insult to this country, what they are doing. >> lou: the president said he will not cave on his demands, as he put it.
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he tweeted this. without a wall, our country could never have border national security. with a powerful wall, or steel barrier, crime rates and drugs will go substantially down all over the u.s. the dems know this but want to play political games. must finally be done correctly. no k. your thoughts? this president has extended what some are calling, amnesty. you can define any number of ways. but, the history of our crisis at the border, which is now three decades long, a little over three decades long since president reagan granted amnesty. most americans who pay any attention to this at all know, either we secure the border first, given absolute priority, build it, before any discussion of illegal immigration reform. because that, is a ruse. >> you and i will agree on that.
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when he mentioned a three year extension on daca, i was uncomfortable. that's the slippery slope. once you reward illegal behavior they keep coming. there's 570,000 ice fugitives in the country now. waiting for the next giveaway. they will keep coming. history shows if they stay here long enough, they will get something. i think it's a slippery slope. i'm glad he didn't offer permanent residency and citizenship. you're right, they need to close the loopholes that cause illegal immigration to happen. we have the first president willing to fix and secure this border. other presidents kick the can down the road. we want a president who wants to secure the border. can you imagine if some of the dems would at least join him in securing the border? if there weren't sanctuary cities that shield criminal aliens. imagine if we would accept him as a president and try to join him on protecting this nation,
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what kind of country we would be today. it would be incredible. >> lou: tom, as always, great to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thank you, lou. >> lou: let's turn out to the crisis with china. joining us tonight, retired four-star general, foxbusiness chief strategic analyst, general jack king. good to have you with us. let's start with the latin american caravans coming up. obviously, organized, orchestrated and driven. driven by outside forces in concert with the governments of honduras, guatemala, and el salvador. your thoughts? >> there is a fair amount of political motivation to it. obviously, the people themselves many are seeking a better life and better opportunity. so they are being taken advantage of by the cartels and coyotes and taken their life savings for bringing them up to the border. it is tragic that we do not fix the real issue, that is a loophole in the law that incentivizes them to come.
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once they are in the cross the border of the united states, we have to process them in some way to adjudicate whether they really are, in fact seeking political asylum. that takes months. there are 800,000 in that net right now. we have to fix that. in addition to the other security measures. >> lou: we have a caravan that is now some 2000 people on the way. the president has to deal with this again. we do not have a partnership with the new president of mexico, that would withstand this surge from latin america. we have china now, controlling economically, much of panama at either end of the canal. seeking greater influence over the panamanian government that is resisting them. but, not so in ecuador. not so across much of south america. how can the united states
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responds? it has not in ten years, to the growing threat of china in our own hemisphere. >> first well, they have done the right thing. what i think is the right strategic framework that is facing the country. they did that in a national security strategy and national defense strategy. it's a big power competition, china and russia. also a predator and a wrong one wanting to dominate the middle east. in kim jong-un, our friend in north korea with ballistic nuclear weapons. however, they also said that china is a long-term strategic threat to security of the united states. and the american people. we have got to fashion a comprehensive strategy to deal with that. today, we have not done that. we have been very selective in pushing back on china. >> lou: when we come back, i want to ask about the words you just chose, eloquently as
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always. a comprehensive strategy. we hear, now, that so much in public policy, whether foreign policy, military policy, the word comprehensive. i want to take up with you what that means and how we can fashion such a strategy in the weeks and months ahead. it seems that is the horizon we got. general, we continue, also coming up next the radical shift toward socialism. or, is it something more? >> i believe it time for medicare for all in the united states of america. >> to have to start by restoring what has been lost. restoring our leadership in the world. addressing things like global climate change. >> if you want to address climate change which could potentially destroy every living thing. >> healthcare, housing, education, those are investments we need to make as a country. >> commitment to what we need to do around debt-free college, and college for all. >> there is plenty of money in the world. it is just in the wrong hands. >> lou: we take that up, later,
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former trump campaign aide, david bossie has a different perspective. he w i can't tell you who i am or what i witnessed, but i can tell you liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ well now there's score!, time...from force factor,enin'. to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!.
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>> the supreme court today, andp administration to proceed with its plan to restrict military service for transgender individuals. court challenges continue. the high court took no action on daca, ignoring the trump administration request for an expedited review. we are jointed by the general, were talking about the extraordinary aggressive posture that they have taken, globally, specifically in the asia-pacific region. more comfortably, perhaps, in this hemisphere. this administration has inherited something of a passive patients, strategic patients, the obama administration called it. there is very little room for patients now, with china. they are investing hundreds of billions of dollars in this hemisphere. >> the strategic bet that many thoughtful leaders made in this country, as china was expanding economically, open markets
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heading towards a consumer base market system. some elements of capitalism, there was a thought that, by doing that and if we help them do that, then political reform would follow. we have lost that bet. there's no doubt about the fact that china is an authoritarian regime, more so today than the were during the entire process of economic opening. >> lou: the idea that businessmen and women, that the leaders, cannot tell you how many times i have a ceo tell me over the last several decades, you know, we are going into china. if we only get back 1 dollar from each consumer, my company will win on its investment strategy. they look like damn fools today. they were them. instead of looking to this hemisphere, this country, avoiding the home market. we have washed millions of people lose their jobs.
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we've seen manufacturing lead, no return because of this president. we are now watching much the same process. we are looking at, i don't know if you can call it benign neglect. let's give corporate america at least the benefit of the doubt and call it benign neglect in this hemisphere. why in the world can't we be investing in central america, south america? i'm talking about business, not government, and tried to do for neighbors where we differ china. which is arguably the most powerful rival this country faces strategically, economically, militarily. >> absolute, we can. when you look at what china strategy, it's quite extraordinary. there economic engine they use as a predator, a bully at times particularly among emerging nations, really is intended to give them geopolitical influence and control. that's what this is about. >> lou: not dominance. >> they clearly want to dominate the indo's pacific.
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as president g has said replace the united states is the world's global leader. they have a strategy to do that. the military expansion in addition to the economic engine is quite significant. they have close the technology gap that we had an advantage on to a large degree. they more combat ships than the united states navy has. have advanced missiles that we do not have. lou, they can take their offensive missiles and range all of our bomber bases in the pacific, before we launch a single bomber if confrontation broke out. they can keep our group at bay with long-range antiship missiles that would swarm at the ships. when we looked at this on a commission of national defense strategy for one year, here's what we concluded. if we had to fight china today, militarily, the personal losses in high-value asset losses would
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be comparable to something that we witness going all the way back to the korean war and world war ii. we have not seen anything like this in decades. secondly, as admiral davison said, he just took over the command in the pacific, he said there's no guarantee we could win a war today against china because of the military capability they have advanced. >> lou: and that's speaking from the man in charge. >> he would fight the war. we, on the commission concluded that we would struggle to win and we could possibly lose. why is this? we have not taken care of our military capability. 9/11, for one reason and this absolutely reckless sequestration of the budget control that kneecap the military. >> lou: when the president talks about a national emergency, he means a national emergency.
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your outline a confrontation with china, its global comments economic, it is potentially military. it is existential if we are not extraordinarily responsive to the threats and challenges that china poses. as always, it's great to have you here. >> lou: up next, socialist darling, alexandria ocasio-cortez, she has called capitalism tomorrow. she and nancy pelosi are very immoral people, apparently. we take that up next. david bossie joins us. before go to break, let's take a look at the u.s. national debt, it's uplifting when we think about how well were doing. look at this. we are just short of $22 trillion. how many countries in the world can make that claim? only one, and yes, we are proud
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>> lou: freshman congresswoman, you've heard of her, alexandria ocasio-cortez is an old enough to run for president, but a new poll shows 72% of democrats would consider voting for the 29-year-old, if she were eligible. the survey results come one day after the self-proclaimed democratic socialist took this shot at capitalism. oh no! >> a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of alabama, where people are still getting ringworm because they don't have access to public health, it's wrong. >> not only does it not make economic sense, doesn't make moral sense. >> lou: her comments rivaling the globalist elites who have, they have convened in dumbo's. you'll be bothered by that if
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you go there these days. 1500 private jets, for crying out loud? some worried that aoc, worried that her radical ideas were permeate the democratic party ahead of the 2020 election. don't worry noblest elites, president trump will take care of this matter in 2020. you'll be even less comfortable if he does it right. alexandria ocasio-cortez also making comments about climate change. >> were like, the world is going to end in 12 years of we don't address climate change. your biggest issue, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? like it, this is our world war ii. >> lou: world war, which world work would it be?
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well, i think we will let her work that out. al gore made a similar prediction in 2016. he said the world would reach the point of no return in ten years. and yet, here we are. now only 12 more years to go, according to aoc. joining us his former trump campaign aide, david bossie, great to have you with us. david, i have to say, i find her absolutely entertaining, interesting. she is saying some things that i think are screwball. she seen some things that i think people need to hear, especially the globalist elites. they need to be reminded there is a countervailing influence to even vast consolidated economic power like they hold. it is the american working man and woman in the middle-class working families.
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>> you're right. she does say some interesting things. however, saying the world is going to end in 12 years, his not one of them. >> lou: wait a minute, al gore said that he got away with it. what's the problem? when you look at the left-wing media saluted when he said it. >> that was a long time ago. were still here. there is no science to black up the claims. >> lou: let me make a note of that, david. >> what she says gets people's attention. she's an attention getter. but, i wish we could change the rules so she could be the nominee. donald trump would absolutely demolish her on the national stage. i think she's going to do us a favor by pushing whoever nomin nominee. >> lou: you don't want to see bernie again? >> i would love to see bernie. look, we could see al gore with all of this going on.
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>> lou: how about hillary clinton? how about elizabeth warren? >> this president will take any one of them on. >> is the law. >> thank you for that. he is going to take and dismantle whoever the nominee is. because, they are going to be pushed by people like her, further and further to the left. she insults the 400,000 americans who died fighting world war ii when she says things like that. >> lou: she got her wars kind of messed up. she's young, it's okay. it's fine. i listen to more nonsense from much older people. on the left. anyway, i wanted turned to mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer worked out a deal? two bills are going to be voted on tuesday? want to get the president and his 5.7, and another to open the government until february 8? what's going on here? the president says, no deal
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without $5.7 billion. he has the senate majority leader putting together a deal with chuck schumer, crying chuck as the president calls them. >> if this deal gives the president $5.7 billion to secure our southern border, then this president will be happy to look at it. he's a dealmaker. he wants to make sure the american people are secure. >> lou: you said he is a dealmaker. one of the reasons i voted for him is because he's a great dealmaker. like the commercial uc, and okay dealmaker, that doesn't cut it for surgery or whatever it may be. >> lou, you're right. this president got elected because he is the negotiator in chief. >> lou: he is the hellraiser and she. he's a disrupter. >> there's no doubt about that.
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if he is willing to make this work out, if he has to find some common ground, that's what the american people vote for every two years for congress. >> are you going to remind me what the republicans did in congress last november. >> look, we had leadership that was failing us for the last two years. that's what happened. >> not failing, i think speaker ryan did exactly what he was sent to do. he represented the koch brothers in the chamber of commerce, the business roundtable, he sold out this president every day he was speaker of the house. david, thank you as always for being here. great to talk with you. come back soon. >> thank you, sir. >> lou: up next, the links china is going to steal billions and billions of dollars in american intellectual property. do you know how much that adds up to? trillions. we take it up with the hudson's
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armando: i am a veteran, i lost both legs in vietnam. announcer: as america's veterans face challenges, dav is there. armando: my victory was getting my benefits and a good education. announcer: dav helps veterans of every generation get the benefits they've earned. wade: i'm a veteran, i didn't want to admit it, but i have ptsd. announcer: so veterans can reach victories great and small. wade: my victory was finding help and learning that i wasn't alone. announcer: support more victories for veterans, go to >> lou: joining us now on thegls to the united states, it seems almost every arena, doctor michael pillsbury. director for the center chinese strategy at the hudson
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institute. it's great to have you with us. let's start with the obvious question. why is the united states not responding to the intrusion, if you will and to our hemisphere, doing it seems, nothing, at least overtly to blunt their desire, their ambitions were greater influence and power in this hemisphere? >> as part of a larger question, luke, why we don't have a comprehensive strategy to do with china. part of it is their own successful influence operations in our country. not just the businessmen who make money, they have deep penetration of our academic community. they even brag about it. >> your complaining to a tv news guy. and i have to have little questions when i do with these things. before we get to the big ones. >> i apologize. >> lou: i'm delighted to follow to a larger view. first, need to get focused with
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what i can comprehend. and that is just hemisphere. and why we are not responding, and responding forcefully and powerfully when we are confronted with in this hemisphere. >> part of it is, government is not set up to challenge china in this hemisphere. >> lou: then, we are toast. they are not going to wait on us whether it's economically or militarily. >> the secretary of defense like jack keane, he would immediately start looking at the western hemisphere. >> i just want to criticize our former secretary of defense for a minute. when he went to beijing, he told the press this is his first visit to china and his whole life. he's 65 years old. he had no interest in the china threat, enough to actually visit. the second thing, he did not
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change our strategy toward china. he anchored the senate armed service committee. they passed a law requiring a comprehensive strategy toward china within six months. >> lou: is going to take this up with general keane and i did not get to it. since you brought up, this business of comprehensive strategies. i find it endearing to hear big words. but, don't noise find it functionally effective. because, i've seen too many times in washington when the next solution to a real problem is to go bigger. make the problem bigger, then you don't have to deal with it. you want to go down the list of those issues? it is clear to me that the united states, you go back to the monroe doctrine, we have a responsibility to ensure we are secure in this hemisphere. that our neighbors in all nations in this hemisphere are secure. just crystal clear, that china means is no good. so, why are we sitting around rationalizing our passive video.
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strategic patients was a thing of the obama administration, not the trump administration. >> president obama deserves a share of the blame, no doubt about that. to get us moving, what we have to do is have people at the top who would help president trump with his agenda. he's bringing with him his own concerns, he wants to deal with china. he hasn't got people around him to agree with him. not to pick anyone out in particular, but mitch mcconnell's wife, the secretary of transportation. i read about her travels, she invited them to come into our infrastructure, inside the united states and help build with us new bridges, highways and railroads and so forth. you have a lot of members of the cabinet who don't agree with the president on china. >> the good news is the committee on financial and
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foreign investment in the united states, for the first time in my career as say no to chinese investment in this country, i have not seen that outfit say no anytime before president trump took over. i am encouraged by that. >> you're right, it is a big deal. it passed the house of representatives 400 - four. the public is outraged about this. >> when we look at what the president needs to do is first wake up to the threat that suppose. general jack king just gave the best public, straightforward assessment of the threat posed, globally, don't you think it was terrific? >> yes, but he's borrowing heavily from a book called the hundred year marathon. >> you mirror him when your ego was on the line. >> lou: i had a similar ego. i respect that another's. >> we need to get him to expect
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the president's rumored to accept him as secretary of defense. >> course you would have to be secretary of state. >> lou: as you and i are filling a post that is well secured, more than evening. michael pillsbury, great to talk with you, as always. come back soon. >> thank you, mr. secretary. >> lou: that's your deal, not mine. i have a job. you consult, you offer wisdom and insight. i worked day after day, night after night, right here. i'm next, the medias misrepresentation of a viral event leading to a tidal wave of threats against a catholic, a group of catholic school boys in kentucky. we take that up. why in the hell isn't the media outrage that an old fella is in
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>> lou: president trump defenden catholic high school. they were confronted by left-wing national media. they were attacked by them. over a viral video over make america great again hat wearing teen and a native american. the president tweeted, nick stan men and the students have become victims of fake news and how evil it can be. this is the school close to ensure the safety of its student and staff after some of the students received death threats from social media. outrageous. all because the left-wing media constructed, they did not just carry, they constructed a lie about the confrontation. in the young people who were confronted. by a drum beating native american activists. joining me as candace owens, communications director for
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turning point usa. great to have you with us. i am stones, first of all, that there is not first come people saying to this guy, don't mess with kids. leave young people alone. for crying out loud. great to have you here. what do you think? >> think of having me. i think you're right. there should have been something there, somebody who stood up and said, these are young children. this seems to be the left media always wants to say their number one concern is protecting children. they shot these parkland shooting survivors into celebrity positions because they needed to protect children. that's been their platform. suddenly, when the children are under mega hats, it completely turned around. now there's vitriol and it's for all of the adults. that's ironic. the second thing, is to remember, back in august when a minority woman was chased out of
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a restaurant by about 50 nt for members. not a single, leftist media people spoke out and said it was wrong. the whole platform was about protecting minorities. the reason there outraged is because this man was a minority, an indigenous tribe member. where's that outrage directed at a conservative person. as the fact they try to use minorities to obtain power. >> lou: group and identity politics. it's one of the reasons the left hates donald trump. he is going right over the top of all of that nonsense. look at what he's doing in terms of the economy, his policies, the lowest unemployment rates. you pick it, by race, group, identity, he has got unemployment in this country at all-time lows, for almost every single group.
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the left is trying to figure out, what do we do with the man. we have to attack him, because that is all they know. >> that's exactly correct. he is also exposing how hypocritical they are. it's not true. it's all fluff. they don't care about students are minorities. all they care about is obtaining power for themselves. all they care about is hating donald trump, and hating america. they are creating this myth of a white boogie man. >> lou: your movement, and bringing blacks to conservatism, different perspectives, you are having tremendous success. you had a rally yesterday. you are reviled by the left for being such a great communicator, and such a great organizer. >> thank you.
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you know what? they don't like me because i'm free. >> lou: they don't like you because you're smarter than hell. you are working your will in this moment. it is so great to watch a young woman do that. anyway, you are terrific. >> thank you, so much. i love this country, love this president. i want to see the united states. i want to see america come back together and we're going to do that. were going to take back this country by joining blacks and latinos and giving them the authority to think for themselves, as i have done. >> lou: candace, it's great to have you with us. much continued success. these kids in kentucky, good for them, they stood up and are an inspiration. they should be certainly, to all
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of us, as are you. candace, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> lou: a new orleans attorney filed a lawsuit against the nfl. asking a louisiana state judge to order commissioner, roger good dell to invoke an obscure rule that could look at the final moments of the championship game to be replayed. he along with others were shocked when no, no official through flag for an obvious pass interference. had that fall been called the saints would have given no first down and likely would've run out the clock and won the game. instead, the rams win in overtime. stay tuned. i'm next, mitch mcconnell schedules dueling votes on ending the shutdown and funding i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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>> the men and women work their lives, nootd getting paid. chuck and nancy are being paid. but they are not working. lou: wright house officials say the president is planning to deliver the state of the union one week from tonight at the capitol building. they have a backup plan to deliver the speech at an undisclosed location outside of washington, d.c. china is trying to stop the extradition of the huawei executive from canada to the u.s. so there is something to hang your hat on. thanks for being with us. gordon chang and matt gaetz will be here with us tomorrow. like me at facebook and follow me on instagram
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@loudobbstonight. we thank you for being with us. good night from new york. i think these talks actually could wind up helping china. cheryl: good for china and good for the u.s.? the white house is reassuring investors the china trade talks are on track. lauren: the dow dropped 300 points yesterday on concerns about a trade deal, plus slowing global growth. futures staging a comeback right now, dow up 76, nasdaq up 22. cheryl: the imf report talking about weakness in europe and european stocks opened lower. now the cac in france actually a slight rebound, the ftse and the dax in the red. lauren: a mixed picture in asia but fractional moves across the board. cheryl: day 33 of the partial p shutdown. there are now
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