tv After the Bell FOX Business January 24, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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n order to stay through it you need right plan for risk tolerance and objective you're looking for. [closing bell rings] liz: chris, thank you very much. more green on the screen than what we started. s&p, russell, dow moving to the upside. the dow struggling by just 13 points to the downside. take you to "after the bell." big earnings reports. >> volatility on wall street. major averages mixed on the close on u.s.-china trade concerns and the ongoing government shut down. dow ending lower by 21 points, well off session lows. we were down as much as 150 points earlier on in the session. s&p 500, fighting for gains at the close. tech-heavy nasdaq ending firmly would i say in the green, extending gains for the second quarter trait day. i'm susan li in for melissa francis. connell: good to have you, susan. i'm connell mcshane. this is "after the bell." big market movers and intel and first what is knew at this hour.
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two failed votes in the senate. lawmakers coming up short moments ago. not able to gain enough support to lay groundwork to reopen the united states government. so where do we go from here? in this hour we're speaking with republican senator, finance committee member bill cassidy. the shutdown getting in the way of president trump's state of the union. the official address is off but does he have something else up his sleeve? we're live at the white house with latest on that. intel earnings coming out any second. we're breaking down the numbers. it could have major impact on the markets and your money tomorrow. as for today, the dow ending in the red, clawing back from a 152-point drop earlier in the session. let's get a recap. gerri willis on floor of the new york stock exchange. hi, gerri. >> very volatile day. we're ending with the dow down 22 points. that is great from where we started earlier. i want to focus on couple
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stocks, not so great earnings today. briggs & stratton and mccormack. briggs & stratton supply gas engines. concern about the upcoming lawn and garden season. they supply sears with lawn mowers. that will cost them $30 million to the revenue line. revenue related issues in australia and europe hurting themes a much as 40 million. as a result they're cutting 2019 eps guidance. those shares down dramatically, down 16%. mccormick's, the spice people, worst day in 13 years. earnings short of earnings and revenue. they have management citing challenges in the americas. retailers stocking fewer products, cue to trade inventory reductions a big move for mccormick shares. on flip side, stocks doing well, american airlines, southwest, jetblue having a very good
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quarter indeed on both the top line and the bottom line. stocks responding. they are saying the government shutdown is about to hurt their business. jetblue says they are close to a tipping point, likely to face delays and cancellation of flights because of the government shut down. big news out of the airlines even though they had a great quarter. back to you. connell: gerri, thank you. breaking news. the intel numbers are out for the quarter in the newsroom. deirdre bolton joins us. what are we seeing? >> if you look at the stock you can see it moving lower because of the revenue miss. let me tell you instead of posting 19.01 billion, that was the revenue wall street was looking for, the revenue was 17.81 billion. earnings are definitely a
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surprise to the upside. analysts looking on earnings of 1.22 a share. intel in fact posting 1.28. you can see right this second after-hours, the theme is going towards the revenue number. from analysts speaking with today, additional metric i haven't seen yet, i will come to you when i do is the capital spending budget because for the past two years basically before 2018 intel has sort of slowed down its r&d a little bit compared to previous years, cautiously spending, cautiously investing. they began to turn the page second half of last year. we'll see if they do update us, give us a forecast for what they plan to spend this year. connell? connell: we'll look for that. the stock is down on revenue. susan. susan: let's get to politics. senate failing to get enough votes to end the 34-day government shut down. edward lawrence on capitol hill. this was pretty much expected.
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reporter: it was expected. interesting to see how the votes came down. the republican plan failed to reach the 60-vote threshold. little more 30 minutes ago. 50-47. two republicans voting no. mike cotton and senator lee. the democratic plan, minutes ago, just failed, to reach that 60 vote threshold also. that vote came down 52 yes, 44 no. republican senators lamar alexander, lisa murkowski, susan collins, cory gardner, johnny isakson, mitt romney voted for the democratic plan. republicans frustrated that democrats simply won't negotiate. >> we're opening people opportunity, democrats want to reopen the government, end the shutdown, get federal employees paid they have the opportunity to do that today. all they have to do is get other things they want in terms of priorities for immigration. they have to give the president some money for border security.
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reporter: a leading house republican says the problem here is house speaker nancy pelosi. >> time for the democratic party to have an intervention with the speaker and ask her to do what is right for the nation what is right for their party, what is right for this institution. reporter: senator chuck schumer says the shutdown is about principle and that it is the president that has to give. >> a vote for president's plan is endorsement by government by extortion. we let him do it today, he will do it tomorrow, tomorrow. the whole structure of the government will change, the chaos we now see will be magnified. reporter: there is prop bet in las vegas, which will end first, super bowl on february 3rd or the government shut down. the government shut down is the underdog. susan: asking what over and under on this one is. connell: let's bring in to discuss senator bill cassidy, member of the senate finance committee. let me start today what we might
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see in the coming days. as edward reported there were a handful of republicans, six who voted for the democratic bill to reopen the government. there were two bills, why weren't you one of them? >> i'm sorry, what was your question? connell: why weren't you one of the republicans who voted for democratic bill to get the government open or voted for both as some did? >> the democratic bill was not a compromise. it was not an attempt at the compromise. the president has established he is willing to do some things to reach out to democrats but he would like to have some commitment for increasing the security of the southern border, specifically some barriers. multiple democrats have said, they agree we could use barriers that they're not immoral, that they do work, et cetera. so the bill that was placed before us had no element of that. no element of compromise. i voted to reopen the government but i also want to secure the southern border. connell: what do we do now? i have seen reports maybe, if nothing else, we knew or expected both of these bills would fail. they did but maybe the idea was
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that just by having these votes we're making progress towards having talks. can you tell us anything about any meetings that are planned or anything that might be promising? >> yeah. i asked specifically about that. and no one knows for sure, but the hope is once it is established that folks can hold their line, that at this point nancy pelosi will kind of unleash chuck schumer and allow him to at least offer something. now keep in mind multiple democrats, senate and house, have suggested that barriers in limited fashion can work and they are willing to meet the president at least part of the way, everyone except miss pelosi. i go back to hoping she will let senator schumer off the leash. i think we then make some movement. connell: you're saying you asked specifically about that. i assume that is in the not so distant past like last few minutes and hours you were told there are no meetings planned? >> no, no. right now the leadership, the
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house and senate leadership, i'm sorry, schumer and mcconnell are meeting. connell: okay. >> and schumer will have the opportunity to kind of lay out any movement they would be willing to do. connell: nothing with the president or speaker that you know of, is your point? >> i figure if you're speaking to schumer you must be speaking to pelosi because they will be pretty joined at the hip on think, bottom line, any sense this thing finally wraps up? >> i think there is incredible frustration on both sides of the aisle. speaking just for senate democratic and republican colleagues, that we need to get the folks back at work. there is an understanding that we have to secure the southern border in a significant way. that in itself is basis for opening things up. by the way i signed on to a bill would pay the government workers still working, tsa agents. others have as well. that is a limited way to begin to alleviate the suffering if you will. connell: i know you have. well over 5,000 in your state that are working without getting paid, government workers. >> so that would be good faith on other side to agree to that. connell: senator, good to see
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you, thanks. we'll keep following it. senator cassidy. susan. susan: let's bring in our panel to react. dan henninger, "wall street journal" deputy editor and fox news contributor. carol roth creator of future file legacy planning system. dan, i will start with you. you heard the senator and two votes being voted down today in the senate as expected. people are talking about zero growth in the first quarter, if we go on like this for the first three months of the year. where do you think this heads? >> well it has to eventually head to a resolution and i think the problem is, this send tirely political, susan, from the democratic side, the belief is, they feel they have the opinion polls at least among democrats behind them, they cannot sign on to anything in which the media will then immediately say, like, social media will say, within 15 seconds, trump won, pelosi lost. similarly the white house will not sign on to the opposite,
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pelosi wins, trump loses. it resolves around that $5 billion for something on the border. almost seems to absurd to talk about it this way but we're talking about vocabulary. trump has said you can have something that isn't a quote, unquote wall. the question will the democrats contribute $5.7 billion to barriers on the border. that is where it. susan: there are reports house democrats coming out with medium solution, $5 billion with smart wall, technology being used, not new parts after fence being built, carol, what about consumer sentiment. what about the economy? is this prolonged, protracted impact? >> well at least from the market standpoint they're seeing this very much political theater shrugging it off like you would a one-time charge, if we get back on track the next couple
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weeks or months, not something foundation alley coming forward, the same way fed policy and perhaps china trade would. that being said, once it starts affecting people's lives, outside of the 800,000 employees it already affects, air traffic controllers not coming back to work, people can't travel, that is when you're really going to see the sentiment shift. that will force a deal to get done if we don't have one. connell: starting to see a little bit of that bits and pieces already. while we're talking about this, there are important headlines that we're not talking about as much as we should. one today for example, a possible threat to your job. there is a new study that 36 million americans hold jobs with high exposure to automation, meeting the majority of the tasks performed in the role they have could be replaced by artificial intelligence, by a machine. this came out from brookings. when i saw it, dan, i thought of
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it, boy, we spend so much time on the nonsense of the day, not that it is not important but these big picture issues, this is one, are we doing enough to make sure our economy is set up the right way long term? >> i at the moment would say we are doing enough. connell: okay. >> in a sense, on one hand, that the trump administration is engaged in a kind of process that extraordinarily deregulation, the effect of which to allow employers to keep their costs down, the regulation during the obama years, drove costs up. if you're going to try to save jobs, employers are looking at their costs structure. and they will go to robots to the extent they have to. the other social policy element is our school system, as this study makes clear we have to have people up skilled to handle some of these jobs, i have to tell you connell, our public school system in this country isn't really holding up its end of the bargain. connell: that is wider issue. i wish we had half an hour to
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talk about this. we have to wrap now. susan has some earnings. susan: starbucks is released gerri willis has numbers. >> eps expected 65 cents a share. they come in at 75 cents a share. revenue also higher, expected at 6.49 billion and they come in at 6.63 billion. so handily beating what the analysts were expecting on wall street. other news out of earnings release, loyalty program doing very well indeed up 14% year-over-year. same-store sales doing pretty well, up 3 to 4%, internationally. so systemwide for this company, but, top line, bottom line, beat for the coffee retailer. back to you. susan: that was a problem with starbucks with comparable sales. are they overstored, and raising average ticket price.
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connell: it does, starbucks up, intel down. long and short of it in after-hours. small victory in the war of words. president trump conceding to nancy pelosi on delaying his state of the union address until the government is open again. why some lawmakers are warning that the house speaker still losing ground. we're live at the white house with the latest on that. susan: plus another potential repercussion from the government shutdown. the fbi agents association out with a new warning, how the ongoing stalemate could be putting our national security at risk. connell: crisis in venezuela. political tensions on the rise, over the current maduro government. the trump administration taking a side in the fight, recognizing the opposition leaders is the country's interim president. how venezuela is responding now, is coming up. ♪ 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere.
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connell: on breaking news front, let's take another look at intel. you see the stock sinking in after-hours session, down 8:00 percent releasing fourth quarter results it beat the streets in earnings but there was a miss as deirdre bolton reported to you on the revenue side also the guidance is light. that is hurting intel. looks like it will be a big-time decliner tomorrow. advanced micro is down after-hours. we'll watch the chip space. advanced micro down almost 3%. micron technology down almost 2%. susan. susan: i would like to see how nvidia performed. the fight is over, at least president trump giving in to nancy pelosi's request delaying the state. union address until after the government is reopened. when and how does that happen? blake burman live at the white house with the very
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latest. president. reporter: president responded last night saying that he will just give it another time. that there isn't going to be an alternative type event. he wants to go down to congress. for now that is very much delayed. susan, connell, we're awaiting word from the white house at this hour, to get any sort of reaction playing out in the halls of the capitol, president's immigration plan resoundly defeated by the republican-controlled senate. there is nowhere near the 50-vote threshold that was needed, just 50 votes. got fewer votes than the democrat plan subsequently put on the floor, 52. now what is very much back to the drawing board for this president, for this white house, how they move forward from here on out to end the stalemate, day 34 of the government shutdown. 800,000 workers are set to miss another paycheck, a second consecutive paycheck tomorrow. earlier today, president trump responded to nancy pelosi's
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press conference which she urged the democrats plan to be picked up. the president said the following, saying, nancy just said she doesn't understand why very simply without a wall, it all doesn't work. our country has a chance to greatly reduce crime, even trafficking gangs and drugs. should have been done for decades. we will not cave! here is the president's top economist, larry kudlow, after that. >> i personally think this is such a turning point of the fate of the country is right here. we, this is the fate of the country, and we can fix this, we can make a compromise that will reopen the government and secure the border, security, the wall, at all, that goes with the wall. reporter: kind of a make-or-break moment at least one member of the white house saw it earlier today and it was very clearly a break a little while ago in the halls of congress. we'll see where the white house,
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president trump from here. susan: blake, good to see you. connell: here is bob excuse sack, editor from "the hill." does that matter do you think in how it plays out from here? >> i think it matters a little bit but not much. we knew both were going down. somewhat surprising there were that many more defections, six on republican side and democratic side. nowhere near 60. this is a tiny step towards negotiation, a little better than we were last week. remember also, that the president could still declare an emergency here. he could say, listen, i've done this. i addressed the nation. i countered. democrats don't look like they will put a counter offer on the table and declare the emergency. i think that is still in play. connell: let me go to public sentiment. we have new fox data who is to blame. the president is not faring well there. it is 51% blaming president
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trump, democrats blaming. you would think there is sent meant of the country they're all a bunch of, they would blame everybody. but the president, those numbers are not good for him. to your point does it make it more likely he goes emergency route to get it over with? >> i think so. democratic leaders in the house, speaker pelosi is under a lot of pressure from the left not to cave. she didn't cave as far as the state of the union. i thought that was kind of a silly fight. this whole thing is very silly. shutdowns are silly. this is beyond silly at this point. i do think that is why, because those numbers are not food -- good for the president. he tried addressing the nation. i thought over the weekend it was good strategy, saying i'm willing to negotiate. only one democrat who voted for the plan. that is why it is still in play. but to your point, i mean, i do think that i'm hearing a lot more people just say, these
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leaders are all of them are irresponsible. connell: at, maybe there is a point, where those numbers come together. by virtue of those numbers come down and everybody sharing the blame more? i don't know if that is the white house hope or strategy, maybe that is wishful thinking, i don't know? >> the white house has to use the bully pulpit a lot more. connell: okay. >> have more press conferences, tinker with the plan. we proposed this. we'll tinker with it and we're loving plan b, plan c. have the democrats say no, no. maybe numbers turn around. at the same time we're definitely going into next week no doubt about it. 40 days. minimum of 40 days right now, no end in sight. connell: a second pay period. that will get, as it should, it will get a lot of attention. maybe that changes sentiment a little bit at well. good to see you, bob cusack. >> thank you. susan: a lot of folks suffering not getting a second paycheck. connell: of course.
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susan: struggling to pay the bills, mortgages, it's a concern. connell: yeah it is a real concern. then you saw, the public officials being asked to comment on that. what they say about it, kind of plays who takes the blame. susan: absolutely. rocking the global real estate market. how big changes from chinese investors could impact the housing market right here in the u.s. plus, microsoft, the search engine down for hours in china and many are saying that this isn't just a technical glitch. so what is it? what really happened? we're diving in right after this. ♪ to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers.
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>> self hours before bringing being back online for users. microsoft confirming the blackout saying that users had issues accessing the site. confirming to me in a statement, that service has been restored. microsoft president brad smith saying that this isn't the first time it happened. he says china has taken rye taller to measures in the past when the company and the country locked heads over censorship. in exclusive with fox business's maria bartiromo, smith says they were not giving any heads up that their search engine would be taken off-line and they still don't know what triggered the turnoff. >> there are countries where we've said we're not putting a data center because we don't think we could protect the data because of human rights abuses. there are deals we turned down for facial-recognition technology, because people's technology is put at risk. people have to be think about these things. you have to have little moral
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courage in my view, if you will will be in this business and really take care of customers. >> we don't know if it was china just flexing its muscles and tending microsoft and other companies a message. connell: as you're reporting a lot still out there. lot of questions. hillary vaughn, thanks. susan. susan: it is tough terrain for companies operating in china. dan and carol are back with me. dan, is this because microsoft is victim of u.s. china trade war. this is for a message, of foreign company operating out of china will be easy? >> very much the latter. it will not be easy. going to the heart of some negotiations we're in with china. if you're in business or finance, and you're having a hard time, you can see how you're being shafted. and the issue of cybersecurity that brad smith is talking aabout, it is very difficult to
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know, we san see binge's search engine is down. when you're dealing with cyber, very difficult to know whether the chinese can be trusted and makes it extremely difficult to do business with them in this sector. susan: you have to basically meld the two about your morals and also trying to find places to make profits, and china, for mike set of, only 10% of the revenue, is it worth it? >> i'm certainly not going to tell microsoft whether it is worth it or not. it is a very large market. but you have to remember, susan, they are the last ones that are in the market as a western search engine. google is out in 2010. part of the reason is because china does have these compliance filters that you have to go through. and i think it underpins the issues that we're having with trade with china. this is a country that likes to control thing. they're controlling search. they don't have facebook or twitter because of these controls, yet we're asking them to adopt free trade and ip
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protection and allow u.s. companies to become into the country, from a country that doesn't value free markets or freedom in general. susan: dan, carol, thank you so much for your insight. we'll keep tracking some of these headlines for foreign companies operating in china. connell: especially with trade talks ongoing, about to heat up. a perk time for unpaid. how tsa is encouraging employees to show up for work during the shutdown but will that work? we'll talk about that. plus a threat to our national security. why one association is sounding the alarm on the government shutdown and it is impact on the fbi. tomconnor head of fbi agents association is here on that. ions about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today.
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>> from a security standpoint, we are letting our guard down. if the shut down ended tomorrow i fear that the damage already done to our security will be months, if not years. connell: okay, that is former homeland security secretary jeh johnson warning of long-term consequences if this government shut down doesn't end. the fbi agents with really similar view. a new report outlining how detrimental the shutdown is to investigations, they say, it has eliminated the ability to operate in some cases. tom o'connor is with us from the fbi agents association. he is the president of that
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group. sir, your group came out with a report, rightfully so getting a lot of tanks. it points out there could be real issues here. you have a lot of agents, fbi officials, some 13,000 working without pay, but bigger issue is funding for some of your operations. tell us what you're worried about? >> thanks for having me. our concern, the budget in place on the 10th or 21st of december is same pot of money that it is today. we're 34 days beyond that. the fbi has thousands of investigations that are taking place across the country, around the world. and those investigations take funds to operate. there are tools that agents use to make these investigations work. connell: right. >> they cost money and as we use those funds on investigations, there is no money coming into the government itself to -- connell: i was reading a little bit about it, just for something for people don't know what
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you're referring to, paying a confidential source, for example. and then you know that confidential source is very important to an ongoing investigation. if you lose that source. those are the types of things. what i'm curious about is, what your timeline looks like? you mentioned the pot of money remain the same. when does it really get to a level, as opposed to a yellow light, a red light of real concern? >> on january 10th, we released to a petition that we bought breath to the congress and to the vice president's office and released to press also which we had great concern that, the budget was starting to get to the point where it was a concern. and, later on, this past week we got together with all of our membership, on a conference call, and we had them send in how their lives and how their cases are being affected. it was disturbing, how this is happening. now fbi headquarters is doing amazing work trying to take the funds that we still have
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remaining, putting them to the most important life and safety issues, cases that are breaking and things that we really need to pay attention to. that is also, it leaves thousands of cases still in process. connell: the answer is now then? the concern is now and you would agree with, jeh johnson was president obama's homeland security secretary. he wasn't the only one that signed this letter warning of consequences keeping that particular department closed. john kelly and others said you have to open up the department of homeland security. you're saying something similar about the fbi? it is not something in the future? it is now. >> there is damage being done to the investigations in that there are tools in our tool box we're not able to use. that, agents are going out there today doing their jobs, working their cases. they're chasing down the bad guys, just like we were before the should down, we'll do it during the shutdown and after the shutdown. it is what our resources are that is the problem.
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our resources are less and less every day, as money is being spent, money is coming in. connell: would you support something short term? that is literally what they're talking about right now some sort of a continuing resolution for a few weeks, they can negotiate behind the scenes. from what i'm looking at, what our messages coming in from d.c., the white house is opposed to that, hey no border wall money in there, no cr, nothing short term. would you say open it up at least short term, do some negotiating? >> fbi agents association takes completely none political view of all of this. connell: okay. >> our goal is to let the decision-makers know we need to open up the government, we need to fund the fbi, we need to fully able to work our cases. that also leads to the financial insecurity that our fbi agent members are feeling. because for a month now, starting tomorrow it will be a full month of no pay. financial insecurity is a national security issue. and we feel that it goes hand in
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hand with our resources, and funding the fbi. we need to fund the fbi. we need to pay the people who are out doing a job every day. these agents are putting their lives on the line every single day they go out. they're doing so for zero pay. connell: i know. tom, you know what? we have to go right now. keep us updated on this, we'll check back with you, thanks for coming on today. >> i appreciate it. connell: thank you, tom o'connor. we were talking about earlier with the pay. as he rightfully points out at the end this is a real issue for people. also the investigations. susan: get back to headlines on the white house, john roberts reporting this from sarah sander, president trump would accept a continuing resolution but there has to be down payment for the wall. connell: has to be wall money in it. susan: no specifics in terms of how much after down payment for the wall. is it five billion. less than that? is there some wiggle room for an agreement. connell: we'll work through that. maybe not the whole five billion. maybe something you get down to open up the government,
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negotiate the rest. susan: ice seems to be melting a little bit. connell: a little bit. susan: talk about venezuela. that was a big headline yesterday. chaos and violence continuing into the country. backing a new president as maduro tells our nation's diplomats, he has 72 hours. latest on the fallout after this more than half of employees across the country bring financial stress to work. if you're stressed out financially at home, you're going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. i want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. it is the people that is really the only asset that you have. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. bring your challenges.
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like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. susan: happening right now the embattled venezuela government announcing it will close the embassy and the all the consulates in the united states. that is just a day after breaking off diplomatic relations with u.s. after recognizing leader of opposition as interim president, as violent protests continue. let's bring in fox news's steve harrigan with the latest breaking details for us. steve? reporter: the big news is the u.s. is calling for a u.n. security council meeting tomorrow morning to talk about the situation in venezuela. it really seems to be reaching a
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crisis point between the two sides. you have basically two presidents in the country of venezuela. one, maduro, elected fraudulently according to the u.s. he is telling u.s. diplomats to get out of the country within 72 hours. that would be by saturday morning. on other hand, you have the man who declared himself president, juan guido. he saying that u.s. diplomats don't need to leave. the u.s. will listen to guido. you could have the potential for conflict between the u.s. and venezuela on the ground. meantime you still have a country with two competing presidents. across the world now, different countries are lining up with each one, with maduro, main players are russia and china. with guido, the main players is, real potential of conflict. many are desperate because of a crumbling economy.
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susan: sad story. thank you very much. connell: in addition to that, backing away from foreign real estate, chinese investors are chaining course on how the ongoing trade war impacts even further. that is coming up next. ♪ our grandparents checked their smartphones zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions
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susan: they are famous for snapping up luxury homes in iconic buildings around the world but recent numbers suggest chinese investors might be taking a break from the overseas buying spree. talk about real estate from a woman who knows it, dolly lenz, who sold over $11 billion worth and her daughter joins us from dolly lenz real estate. the chinese may not be buying it but ken griffin spent $250 million on a penthouse here
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in new york city. you think property values are expected to drop here? >> by the way, the 230 million he spent is raw. imagine what it will cost to buildout 24,000 square feet of space? susan: you say raw, basically walls. >> exactly. susan: has to decorate? >> i don't think even walls. just raw. susan: wow, that is empty space. a lot of money for his decoratetores. general any, tell me about the popular places to buy here in new york? is this still the place or the u.s. generally? is this excellent place to park your money in real estate? >> absolutely. we see ken griffin is definitely very bullish on the market but he literally just spent $700 million over the past couple years in the u.s. and abroad. and there are definitely certain places that are more attractive than others in new york. susan: something specific? >> sure. we love the upper east side in general. we think it's a depressed area
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right now. we talk to a lot of our buyers about it. susan: your money stretch as little further in the upper east. what about the lack of chinese money coming into the market? for a while everybody thought that anybody that dropped $100 million on an apartment anywhere in the world came from china. apparently not the case anymore with the currency weak and also there are capital controls of money coming out of the country? >> that is definitely affecting our business. 50% of our buyers and sellers are international and of those, about 90% are chinese, right? so we always say when china catch as cold the u.s. real estate market gets the flu. but yeah, certainly impacting our business. you're not seeing them spend as much money. because there are some sanctions now. they can't take money out of the country. luckily a lot of our clients removed it from china. they're allocating it differently. susan: dolly, from estimates, looks like a billion dollars came out of the u.s. because of the chinese are selling.
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i'm just wondering what does that mean for property prices? is there a bargain? how much do we expect them to be down this year? >> we definitely see it's a buyers market and not to pat ourselves on the back here but buy the dip. please buy the dip. we're seeing sellers being much more negotiable for this reason and other reasons good time to be buying. people are not biting yet, but they will bite soon. there will be competition to buy property. susan: i quickly you're saying property prices down 10%? >> maybe more. depends on the pocket, right? it is always a pocket of real estate. so the upper east side is depressed. greenwich village is not. greenwich village is very expensive. it is peak pricing still. susan: i know that i definitely know that. thank you so much. dolly lenz there. be honest. i've been taking a look at some of the properties, not cheap
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these days but go ahead. be sure to catch dolly and general any by the way -- jenny on "women and money" deirdre bolton, 9:00 eastern. connell: i like it. great deirdre bolton is covering intel for us this hour. looks like it will be moving lower. meantime finding funding for tsa. agency leaders looking to provide parking transit benefits to employees during the shutdown. will it be enough as they miss another paycheck tomorrow? ♪ i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those. i want to know what i'm paying upfront. yes, absolutely. do you just say yes to everything? hm. well i say no to kale. mm. yeah, they say if you blanch it it's better, but that seems like a lot of work. no hidden fees. no platform fees. no trade minimums. and yes, it's all at one low price. td ameritrade. ♪
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federal workers bracing for a second missed paycheck tomorrow. the tsa announcing it found money to provide employees with parking and transit benefits for next month but is it enough? our fox news correspondent has defrails the denver international airport. reporter: hi were connell. we'll begin in hawaii.
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some trk sa workers are resigning due to financial hardships. the tsa has found money to help workers with parking an transit. the number of callouts today compared to this day last year is up 250%, from 3% last year to 7.5% today. federal workers protested the shutdown during their lunch breaks at raleigh durham international airport. among the tens of thousands now living in part on donated food. >> it's not normal. we appreciate the donations. but we need our checks to live. we appreciate all of the help and support but we need our money. reporter: the air traftion trafc controllers, pilot and flight attendants union issuing a statement saying they have growing concern for safety and security of everyone involved. in part it reads, in our risk
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aversed industry we cannot calculate the level of risk at play. it is unpresenc unprecedented. in response, a federal aviation spokesperson wrote to fox saying, overall the traveling public can be assured that the nation's air space is safe. the air traffic controllers continue working as they fill a critical mission to ensure the public's saf safety. add to this the airlines concerned asht their bottom line. southwest airlines has lost 10 to $15 million because of the shutdown and delta estimates it will lose around $25 million a month if the shutdown continues. >> okay. we want to take one last look, susan, before we wrap things up at this intel stock price, down 7%. susan: i bet china and the trade war played into it as well.
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>> it's one of the stocks to watch tomorrow. it was good to see up. thanks for joining us today. we'll see you tomorrow. susan: that's right. to end the week. bulls and bears starts right now. david: breaking news, the senate rejecting two competing bills to end the shutdown but we're seeing cracks along party lines. we're live at capitol hill with more on what we've learned today. and we're expecting comments from the president at any moment on an unrelated issue. presumably he'll be talking about the shutdown. this is bulls and bears. thanks for joining me and the panel, liz peak, jonathan hoenig and gary copow. >> i just got off with the phone with the president and all of us believe if we had three weeks with the government open, all of the
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