tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 27, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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nyabshy oes. so close. (peyton) makes no sense. babies can't even walk. should have been a life insurance policy. plus it would have been a great song. think about it, the lyrics, the beneficiaries... brad, where are you going? >> good evening everybody. our top stories, house speaker, nancy pelosi takeses washington's pity partisan politics to a historic low withdrawing her invitation to the president to come to the house of representatives next week. so that mr. trump could give his "state of the union" address. the president now vows to give that address at an alternative location and to keep fighting to build the wall or steel barrier to secure our southern border and resolve our national crisis. >> she doesn't want to hear the truth and she doesn't want to hear more importantly the american people have the truth i think that's a great blotch on
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the incredible country that we all love. it's a great trade, horrible mark. i don't believe it is ever happened before. and it is always good to be part of history but this is a very negative part of history. >> we'll take up the latest unprecedented development in battle over border wall and government shutdown tonight. congressman matt gaetz joins us pulitzer prize winning journalist columnist michael goodwin. historian, doug weed, also tonight, the trump administration stands behind the people of venezuela as they take to the streets calling for a return to democracy and end to the socialist regime of nicholas maduro. we bring you the latest developments on those protests throughout the country, diplomatic moves behind the scenes, and the latest on the radical dems outrageous attacks on high school students who were smeared by celebrities, politicians of the national left wing media.
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the can you having ton kentucky administration took the side of their attackers initially. here's a teenager at the center of the confrontation. >> people judge me based off one expression which i wasn't but people assume that's what had i have and they have gone from there titling me and enabling me as a racist person. j all of the young students with him we'll hear more from nick and take up hatred of the radical dems and left is getting worse not better our top story tonight prominent radical dem speaker, nancy pelosi inviting histories judgment playing ugly petty politics denying president the floor of the house oftives to give his "state of the union" address motivate by politics she withdrew her invitation that has been accepted by trump to deliver his "state of the union" address in house chamber and they don't want to hear the
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truth for the latest now, we turn to our edward lawrence in washington. >> ed. >> yeah, lew and nancy pelosi tells us that she is not concerned about precedent this sets by denying "state of the union" in house had chambers late today she sent a letter to president donald trump in that letter saying she would not consider the concurrent resolution that are needed for the president to come and address the joint chamber in the house chambers there. vice president mike pence and exclusive interview with trish regan disaa pointed. >> i have to tell you for speak iser pelosi to reject the president's proposal before he gave his speech, should tell the american people everything they need to know about the posture that democrats have taken in washington, d.c. the american people deserve better. 800,000 federal employees deserve better. >> and the white house looking for a backup location at this point to hold the "state of the union" address. they are move forward with plans to hold it next week.
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now for the democrats side, they're brushing off this snub saying president could just submit it in writing or another date. >> seven-year shutdown we do not -- go together and mutually agreeable date to welcome you spectacular together in the "state of the union" address. government is still shutdown i still make the offer. >> and house speaker would like to have that date after the government shutdown ends well in a few fox news poll that copy out most americans believe that the tribute delivered as usual 56% of voters believe the address should be delivered as usual. 33% say it should be skipped 11 unsure what to do but again house speaker telling us she has not concerned about the precedent that this sets going forward. lew. >> she says she isn't one could hardly believe her edward lawrence thank you so much. many complex political partisan issues and simply raw emotion driving this increasingly
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polarized capitol of ours how well the president governorred in face of this irrational resistance that seems to only get more erratic joining us tonight matt gaetz member and a armed services committees congressman good to have you with us. your thoughts on what in the world is happening to the democratic party? >> it is quite a lot to keep up with lew, first democrats voted for a wall then they said a wall was racist and immoral now apparently they don't want president trump to be able to talk about a wall in congress and delivering the "state of the union" address. and you look at what's going on in the world with today as you noted in your monologue venezuela is on fire a country breaking down a humanitarian crisis on our border. terrorists and special interest aliens trying to enter our country illegally and what nancy pelosi is focused on is where donald trump can give a speech. i mean give me a break. if there was any mistake the president made it wasn't canceling nancy pelosi's trip to
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afghanistan i would have canceled her trip home from afghanistan because it just strikes me as a -- as a nonsense call thing to do with so many issues before the country to focus on where the president will be standing when he convincingly makes the case that a border wall that security on the southern border with mexico should be the top priority of this congress. >> this border wall is now the e centerpiece of what is a president confronting unprecedented resistance and subversion from a party that is supposed to be loyal opposition there's never been the like of this in american history. it is stunning to watch. it is awful to hear, and it is in no way showing in sign of abating. what is the president to do here? and how must he governor? >> he's going to have to use emergency pungdz at spoict to get us out of this lew there's no way or in this president to just turn his back on the
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forgotten americans who want safe streets, rising wages and the rule of law to govern this country and so we have to find funds that have been lawfully appropriated for barriers for security for national defense and we're going to have to use that money along southern border because democrats will take a win, win. president offered them a proposal that would have allowed them to win on issue that they care about about in daca while we got the border barrier that we needed. but they wouldn't accept that and like lew where is democrat proposal for border security? if they don't believe in a physical barrier, what the hell do they believe in and why won't they put that on the floor? where don't we see something to actually take action? rather than to sit around and -- tell the president he's got to walk down the street to give a "state of the union"? >> and if you will -- in fairness, or at least to set the complete story here. steny hoyer contradicting speaker saying he believed for one that the the barriers were an important part of the
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solution. i know it is unremarkable but there it is. >> of course they are who doesn't believe this who believes it is less safe if we build a physical barrier but caravans are stopped by, you know, a drone. i mean these caravans are thousands of people lew, and like they don't stop they keep forming and every time the democrats in congress talk about amnesty a few more hundred join a caravan so i think what they're doing is dangerous or for the country and if we have some attack that occurs here because they didn't secure border blood will be on their hands. >> blood will be on their handle and on hands of the priest speaker. and his cadre of leaders in yours house that you've served. i have to say, this president is faced and i think you put it exactly correctly. there is only one way forward, and that is an honest straightforward. declaration of a national emergency because that's where we are. we're looking at venezuela, which is a nation of fire right
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now in the president is to his credit recognizing that new interim president. the mid--- central america a nation after nation it is not an accident that those caravan ises are being driven toward the united states southern border. there is the influence of china in this hemisphere that goes on. it is -- iran you look at iran to venezuela making a play and also one of the worships scheduled to make a -- port call within the next six months. i mean, so this -- and by the way, let's problemses we don't listen to the president of the united states? but there has it be a win/win here for republicans and democrats. >> can congressman, i seldom disagree with you. this is straightforwardly national security. it is straightforwardly the national security and a that of our neighbors in central america, latin america, and this president has no choice but to act. and act, i can confident he will. but this is a time for the -- you know, this nonsense with nancy pelosi, she has, you know,
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this is -- this is a disgrace, and it's the disgrace that will be born by the democratic party. >> i think a lot of these federal workers going to work and want to get paid already very relieved if they saw this president you know what enough of the games enough of the pettiness this is a speaker of the house that literally won't even open door for me to quack in and deliver my address so we're going to just start doing we're going to start checking things off a to do list and get the this wall built and start paying people who are patriots and showing up to work and you know what i think country is ready for that. >> i think country is ready to get the wall built i think country is ready for this president to assert a national emergency to deal with a host of threat and challenge as that we face. i don't think that country is ready for another deal in which the democrats put forward a -- a possibility that there will be a secure border. i don't believe that immigration could be meaningful reformed unless that wall is actually built. to hell with any -- with anymore games i have had a
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bellyful of what happens on capitol hill. >> well look we need to do other stuff too and verify and need to get rid of sanctuary cities and stop giving entitlement chain my tbraition but all of those problems get way easier to solve if you build a wall first. if you don't build the wall then all a of the reforms who were doing other areas become far more difficult because of the volume of people. >> it is straightforward. we cannot in any way reform immigration if we can't control immigration we can't control immigration without a secure border. it is the unbreakable -- >> absolutely, and i think the american people get that. and the the question is whether or not democrats will ever feel the pressure to bring something to the table to meet basic security needs of the country. >> i still believe in the people of this country and when -- when those democrats see how disgusted americans are at the conduct of that speaker of the house, with and particularly toward this president, i think
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you're going to find new friends very quickly. congressman,ed good to have you with us as always. >> thank you, lew. congressman m.a.d.d. gates. up next national left wing media using confrontation between a young high school student and a native american activist to attack president trump. >> do you think if you weren't wearing that hat this might not have happen ad or it might have been different? >> you think about this symbol of that red hat. when i see the make america great again hat had i'm triggered -- >> to some it is merely a hat that dawns a political slogan. but the president popularized but for others it has become invitation for confrontation. why is to we keep making this same mistake? >> because we're desperate to get trump out of office. [laughter] that's why. >> unbelievable what triggers you would you it trigger you to have someone beating a drum
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until your face? or to watch someone beating drum in the fashion -- face of a kid and why weren't people triggered at the ?ean we'll take that up and much more after the break. presidential historian doug we'd and new york post pulitzer prize winning columnist michael goodwin with us. stay with us. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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joining us tonight presidential historian doug wead also with us new york post columnist contributor mieblg el tabooed good to have you both with us let's start with michael, this is the school itself. it is administrators. started talking about expelling these kids before they knew what the hell was going on. you know when i think when you step back from this incident one thing you have to conclude is without donald trump, this kind of would have remained one sided. but the president has taught republicans how to fight back against this cohearsive liberalism that wants to dictate everything and define -- fascism it is ugly in every way, and so i think that -- that that school administrators,
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they went along with the way that thing -- usually play out. members of congress who, you know, just follow along. so i give these kids and families a lot of credit for standing up against that. they stood there mannered -- constrained, disciplined, and thank god we have young people like this who keep their heads in the very tough circumstance. have you ever seen anything like what's going on in this country right now? i'm a product of the 60s and i thought i had seen a few things in the 60s with demonstrations and riots, it just, this is ugly and it is intentionally so, and and you know, in the house of representatives, saw one congressman came another congressman almost to death, and i'm note running i don't to
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stand between two gentlemen if they choose to do that had. i'm much more concerned about young student who have to contend fraudulent activist who care not whether they are truthful, straightforward or whether they're if they've chose ton on a child for crying out loud. >> this is a bad time we've had streaks of anti-semitism and anti-catholicism had it before. >> we've had it before. and got it and what i'm, trime but i'm trying. i would like to get your perspective on what is whatting when activists so-called in the name of their partisan cause for whatever reason, are willing to accost kids like that, lying it and try to make a national, political point. >> this bigotry and we've had it and we still have it, and lew this is with one story that's exposed what's really heartbreaking is this is
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happening all day long the media doing the same thing to others, and it's not exposed. so thank god that one, has been shown for what it is, and or there are a lot more where this one came from. nancy pelosi has been shown for what she is. i mean she is saying to hell with tradition. with propriety, and as acting and pure partisan pettiness. look her refusal to negotiate and now "state of the union" resending invitation, at a some point, i hope that the general public will catch on that she is totally advocating her responsibilities here, and we saw -- in the poll, and fox news poll. 56% of folks want that speech -- for all of the clamber for change we don't want to overthrow our institutions entirely. we don't want to destroy everything in the process, and a i don't think that represents -- you know this clamber or for
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change and change could take a number of directions and just you know we have one president who talked about hope and change attending any kind of -- any kind of object to the words. i mean, i think we're moved beyond that. i don't know if it is better but i think we moved beyond that. doug wead, historically in your mind, i personally believe there's no way forward for this president now other than to declare a national emergency secure the damn border and say to hell with -- anymore of this presumed negotiation. it is facetious and fraudulent on part of the left, and secure the border and secure the nation. i think you're right. >> i think part of what the democrats are doing is trying to destroy the economy. they've wished it outloud and said it outloud and perhaps with the shutdown they feel it is the only way they can stop this president from -- from completely doing what
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the -- [laughter] what lbj war on poverty was meant to do, and that is to bring the poorest of the poor out of poverty to give them jobs. what an idea. jobs not food stamps. and this president is proving and it has to be one of the greatest fears of the left he's proving that he is the president of all americans as he promised he would be. michael goodwin thanks for being here. doug wead, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks lew. up next socialist darling alexandria cortez you thought this was a safe zone from aoc, no, no not anymore. buzz she's called capitalism immoral. she and nancy pelosi are very moral people apparently we take that up next former trump liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. great news for anyone wh- uh uh - i'm the one who delivers the news around here. ♪ liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance
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democrats would consider voting for the 29-year-old if she were eligible. survey results come a day after a the self-proclaimed democratic socialist took this shot at capitalism oh, no. >> system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don't have access to public health is wrong. [applause] it's not only -- opportunity make equity sense but it doesn't make moral sense. >> her comments rattling globalist elites who have con conveneed won't be there these days 1500 private jets for crying out loud. some worry that oh -- let's see is it aoc yeah it is aoc i get those names in the wrong order occasionally worried
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that her radical ideas will permeate the democratic party ahead of the 2020 presidential election. don't worry, globalist elites, president trump will take care of this matter in 2020. you will be even less comfortable if he does it right. cortez also making waving with their dier prediction about the impact of are you ready -- climate change. >> we're like the world is beginning to end in 12 years if you don't address climate change and your biggest issue is -- your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it and like this is the war. this is our world war ii. >> world war -- which world war would it be? >> i don't know. well -- we'll let her work that out. al gore by the way made a similar prediction back in 2016. he said that world would reach the point of no return in ten
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years. and yet here we are -- now only 12 more years to go according to aoc. joining us tonight former trump campaign aid citizens united president author david great to have you with us. you know, i have to say, i find her -- absolutely entertaining, with interesting, and she's saying some, you know, some things that i think are absolutely screw ball saying some things that people need to hear especially the globalist elite sitting in davos to be reminded there's a countervailing influence to vast consolidated economic power like they hold, and it is the american working man and woman and middle class and middle class working family. she -- lew you're exactly right she does say some interesting things, however, saying world is going to end in 12 years is not one of them. look, i would -- al gore said that and he got
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away with it what's the problem? >> the same let me -- left wing media, you know, saluted when he said it. yeah that was a long time ago, and we're still here. that's why there's no science to back up -- >> let me make a note of that, david. [laughter] she -- what she says gets people's attention an attention getter or but i would -- i wish that we could change rules so she could be nominee because donald trump would absolutely demolish her. you know on the national stage and i think she is going to do us a favor by pushing whoever -- you don't want to see bernie again? >> you don't want to -- >> i would love to see bernie i would absolutely lot of it. look we can see al gore with all of this rattle going on how about hillary clinton -- how about elizabeth warren? this president will take any one of them on and win -- it is the law we don't have to say that. well thank you for that but he's
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going to take and disimagine whoever the nominee is because they're going to be pushed by people like her further and further to the left and she insoots i want to say she insults 400,000 americans who died fighting world war ii when she says things like that. those are -- >> wars messed up. the way she did. she's young it's okay. >> it's fine. i mean, i listen to more nonsense from -- much older people. you know, on the left so it shall but anyway. i want to turn to this -- mitch mcconnell two bills are voasded on thursday? voted on thursday one to get the president 5.7 and another to open government until february 8th what's going on here? the president says no deal without 5.7 billion dollars. and he's got the senate majority leader putting together a deal with chuck schumer.
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crying -- it is the president called. >> if this deal gets the president 5.7 billion dollars to secure our southern border, then this president is beginning to be happy to look at it. he's a deal maker. he wants to make sure that the american peel are security wants to make sure our -- government -- >> you said he's a deal maker. you know, one of the reasons i voted for him buzz he's a great deal maker. you know it is like that commercial you see -- you know, okay deal maker. [laughter] doesn't cut it you know for surgery, for whatever it may be you want great -- >> you want a great deal maker lew you're exactly right this president got elected because he is the negotiator and chief and he's -- the hell raiser and chief because he's a disrupt tore host a guy but if he's willing to make this work out if he has to find some common ground that's what the american people vote for every two years for congress every four years for president. they've got to reminding me of
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what the republicans did in congress for -- last november? >> i am because that's right. we look, we had leadership that was failing us for the last two years and that's what happened. >> not failing i mean i think speaker ryan did exactly what he was sent to do. he represented the koch brothers and chaim l beer of commerce, business round table and wall street -- and he sold out this president every day he was speaker of the house. david thanks for as always being here great to talk with you. wish we had more time come back soon. thanks, sir. up next thousands protesting in streets of venezuela capitol opposing nicholas maduro's presidency is he still president? we take up the collapse of his socialist government, the role china playing in the regime and russia and oh, yes. did i mention iran? in the western hemisphere, jordan chang joins us next. stay with us us. we'll be right back. [nondescript dialogue]
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>> venezuelan president nicholas mafd row giving you personnel 72 hours in which to leave venezuela. this comes after president trump recognized opposition leader and national assembly president as the legitimate president of venezuela hundreds of thousands of venezuelan end rule of maduro. russia unveiling new cruise missile today that the united
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states says reaches i and f treaty russia says that missile has a range of 298 miles that would be within the treaty limits for distance travel the u.s. says it will begin to pull out of the agreement on the second of february unless russia destroys a new missile system altogether. today's unveiling comes amid a new report that russia built a ring of air missile defense that far outperforms an early 40-year-old u.s. patriot missile system and threatens the reach of the u.s. military air force. well joining us now economist author asia expert jordan chang a great to have you with us. let's start with -- i want to start first with the missile defense violation become right after the line those russians. the united states right now seems to be playing from, you know, behind the sixth as they say in football, and we've got to catch up. they've got hypervelocity
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missiles and surface to air defense systems and missiles and seem to be moving ahead what do you make of it? >> one critical area lew, hyperson pick glide vehicles that deliver nuclear weapons, both russians and chinese are probably ahead of the united states by at least three or four years and this i and f treaty violation that you talked about we've been talking to the russians since about 2008 about this particular cruise missile. it is certainly going more than that 298 miles it goes above lower limit which is 500 kilometers so clearly -- what we've got here is the failure of the u.s. to enforce i and f treaty and saying i can't stay in a treaty if only we're going to observe it. now i'm going to do a quick conversion 500 kilometers equals 300 -- 310 miles so -- i always knew the .6
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conversion -- the fact of the matter is, that we have now in this hemisphere a fairly, a fairly significant nexus in venezuela for forces, the strong and big powers by russia and china, and iran. in venezuela and this as it looks as, though, we're about to see regime change what do you make of it? >> first of all you talk about niewx on russian sent over two nuclear capable bombers to venezuela couple of months ago clearly they have a defense ties with moscow. china is supporting venezuela to the tune of probably somewhere 23, 24 billion dollars worth of exposure. the chinese just extended another 5 billion dollar credit line a month or two ago so clearly china is keeping the venezuelan plan in mind. >> iran a game moving warships that it says it well into the
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atlantic in next sis months to make a port of call -- so suddenly there's a lot of and this is a one sided interest if you will. it looks like there's a manifest effort among china and iran in this hemisphere no accidents -- what does it pretend? >> what is going on here is you have three country and three regimes wanted to stick it to not only the united states but to other countries in the region. and clearly with cuba and with with venezuela to keep socialism alive in the hemisphere. if it is alive it is on life support because this -- utterly a failed state. well, this ideology, of course, is failed but they put a lot of behind it to keep maduro and chavez beginning and you know this is important for us because you know we have a monroe doctorate we don't want powers
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in our region and clearly we're willing to compete with chinese on fair basis we welcome the chinese into the interamerican development bank for instance but what -- what's going on -- >> why should we do that? >> we shouldn't but we did and point is that we're willing to compete with them on fair basis what they're doing in venezuela and cuba and elsewhere isn't fair and chinese influence in region is malign. >> malign intent you know russia is the not our friend they've made that clear and china is not neither are iranians and we are tolerating this at this point. there will be -- it look -- it is, though, a new government in caracas this president has already recognized the young -- the young political leader -- who is the president of the national assembly, as a interim president, is it possible that this it too son to already have made that move the president is
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being applauded i think rightly so but it seems early in the process. >> yeah, and this had is dynamic situation, and we don't know how this will end up but you have those people on streets which is clearly discontent over a course of a decade against socialism in venezuela this is, you know, going to be a very, very difficult situation fors us. but the one thing that trump administration has done to its credit is lined up allies. canada, brazil, chile countries in the region now also -- you get argentina, and brazil working together like -- it's always encouraging. [laughter] gordon chang thank you for being with us. appreciate it. ♪ did you know with vanishing deductible, you can earn $100 off your deductible for every year of safe driving? sing that. ♪ vanishing deductible, you can... ♪ ♪ earn $100... ♪ earn $100 off... ♪ off your deductible. ♪ deductible. ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪ ♪ for every-- for every-- ♪ ♪ for every year of safe driving. ♪
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>> a kentucky high school stiewct says he had every right to stand his ground in native american activist who approached him beating drum in his face his comments come on same day that his high school reopened with extra security because of turrets fox news is in kentucky tonight with the latest for us. assumed at the catholic high school today with all adjacent parking lots blocked by police to all but the school community. that is senate majority leader
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mitch mcconnell for first time joined other kentucky lawmakers senator rand paul and matt and congressman tom massy in condemning rush to judgment. >> in a matter of hours, the students were tried convicted and sentenced by the media where accuracy is irrelevant and a presumption of innocence does not exist. >> presumption of innocence may be hard to reclaim in social media age where standards are few as the student hill is discovering. i've never heard such cruel things wished upon another human being -- ranges from getting locked inside a building and burned alive to sexually assaulted by clergy members it's just awful. >> in his first tv appearance student nick the student behind smile explained his thinking as standoff ensued. >> i'm not sure where he want to go and if he wanted to walk past he would have let him go. i just wish he would have walked away. i knew as long as i kept my
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composure it would have died. yesterday said he would like to mote with the boys at their school. he told the cincinnati inquire that he did not apologize and i believe there are intentional falsehoods in testimony but i have faith that human beings can use a movement like this to gain understanding from one another the catholic news service reported today that last saturday the day after the march phillips and group of about 20 tried to interrupt mass at basilica of the con seption with drum beats and chanting describes incident as, quote, very upsetting amid controversy lawyer robert barnes today delivered ultimatum retrablght attacks within 48 hours or be sued. that includes any major member of the media and anybody with a substantial social media platform if you've said anything false about about these kids, they are willing to extend you a 48-hour time period a period of grace consistent with their christian faith for you too
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through confession get redemption and retract and correct and apologize. shortly after that congresswoman newly elected nt of minnesota deleted tweet accuse boys of taunting five black men posted that after the initial narrative have been discredited in kentucky, doug, fox news. michael and president's former personal attorney one of them, won't be testifying before congress next month as plan cohen's attorney, clinton attorney lanny davis says because of unspecified threats coming from the white house. the president today responded -- >> i would say he's been threatened by the truth. he's only been threatened by the truth, and he doesn't want to do that people for me or other lives. >> and meanwhile, special robert mueller office issued at the same time disputing that president the claim by michael
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cohen that the president had told cohen to lie to congress. that's what happens to convicted liars they get convicted gej and again it seems. at least this time by the special counsel. the media misrepresentation of a viral event leading to a tidal wave of threats against catholic group of catholic schoolboys in kentucky. we take that and why in the hell isn't media outrage that an old fella is in there threatening young people confronting them? it's outrageous. usa's candice owen turning point usa is here next. stay with us. -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ]
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-"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. i'd like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl. danielle, this one's for you. i'm begging you... take gas-x.ed beneath the duvet girl. your tossing and turning isn't restlessness, it's gas! gas-x relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort... fast! so we can all sleep easier tonight.
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from capital one.nd i switched to the spark cash card i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet? president trump today defended students of catholic high school, where they were confronted by left wing national media they were attacked by them. over a viral video of a -- make america great again hat wearing teen, and a native american elder, the president tweeted this, in part, quote, mick and the students of can you having ton are symbol fake news and how evil it can be. outrageous, and all because the left wing media constructed they didn't just carry. they constructed a lie about that confrontation and the young people who were confronted by a drum beating native american
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activist joining me now candice communication director for turning point usa candice great to have you with us i'm stunned first of all there was not first -- people saying to this guy, you don't mess with kids. leave young people alone. for crying out loud -- great to have you here -- so what do you think? >> thank you for having me i think you're absolutely right there should have been something there and somebody thatted to up and said these are young children. and it seems to be that leftist media says number one concern is protecting children right? they shot parkland shooting survivors into select positions because they needed to protect children that's kind of been their entire platform for two years and suddenly which children are under mega hats it completely turns around now it is violent there's it spread and children is coming from all of the adults that had say that all they care about is making sure our students stay safe so that's iconic second thing that is ironic here is do you remember
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lew, back in august when i a minority woman was chased out of a restaurant -- and about 50 and -- some members and a single that is correct -- and that a single leftist media person okay -- and a single leftist select spoke out and said it was wrong. what platform is about protecting minority the reason they're outraged is because this, this man was a minority and indigenous tribe member where is this outrage directed at a conservative person? not about the fact that anybody is a minority. it's fact that they try to use minority to attain power. >> a group and identity politics and it is one of the reasons i really believe this candice, that the left hates donald trump. is he is going right over the top of all of that nonsense. you look at what he's doing in terms of which economy, his had policies the the lowest unemployment rates, you pick it by race, by group identity whatever you want and he's got unemployment in this country. and all time lows for almost
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every single -- group. and the left is trying to figure out what to we do with a man, well we have to attack him. because that's all they know. >> that's exactly correct. and here's the thing he's also exposing how hypocritical they are that none of it is true they don't care about students they don't care about minorities all they care about lew is attaining power for themselves. all they care about lew, is hating donald trump and hating america, and they're creating this myth of the white nail man that's what this is showing us. >> your movement blex blps it in bringing -- blacks to conservatism, and different perspectives, you're having tremendous success. you have a rally yesterday. and you are reviled by the left for being both so --
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such a great communicator and great organizeer. >> thank you, and you know what, they don't like me because i'm free. that's really what it comes down to because you're -- >> smarter than hell and you are -- working your will in this moment and it is so great to watch a young woman do that. you are -- i mean, you know, anyway. you're terrific. >> thank you so much and look i love this country i love this president. i want to see a united states i want to see america come back together not allow left to tear us us apart as they have and the movement will do just that be a big movement to take back this country by joining blacks and latinos and giving them the authority to think for themselves as i have done. >> well candice it is great to have you with us, and much continued success. and these kids in kentucky, i mean, good for them. they stood up, and they're
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inspiration. they should be certainly -- to all of us as are you. candice owens thanks so much. >> thank you. that's for us tonight we thank you for being with with us. good night from new york. ultimately triumph. i think i can promise that. >> from the world economic forum in switzerland, this is maria wall street. >> happy weekend. welcome to the program that analyze the week that was in helps position you for the week ahead. a special program coming from the world economic forum in doubles, switzerland. we have an all-star pack program this weekend. will be talking with wall street titans. also needs nato secretary-general coming in will join us to discuss multiple hotspots across the globe. finally i sit down with the company's outlook. first, my guest
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