tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business January 28, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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like me on facebook and follow me on twitter and instagram. good night from new york. [♪] trish: breaking tonight. the u.s. says it's all in on venezuela's fight for freedom. washington leveraging its financial power by ramping up sanctions on the say the-owned oil company pdvsa. these actions could cost nicolas maduro's r -- regime could cost $11 billion for the next year. the income from the royal will go to juan guaido, not maduro.
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all this has maduro takes to the streets desperate to show what kind of show it was. my sources are saying the support from the youths america is giving so much hope to the freedom fighters as think risk their lives trying toned a brutal, socialist dictatorship. freedom is fragile, vulnerable, and must be protected. we are watching these scenes of poverty and desperation and jail time for anyone who's opposes a socialist group think in venezuela. yet we are seeing some similarities unfold in the united states. if you dare to be a conservative in america, then you are someone the left believes it's okay to shun, it's okay to harass and
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not be treated fairly with respect. socialism is the flavor of the month, alexandria ocasio-cortez, bernie sanders, kamala harris, elizabeth warren. we'll have more in just a moment. but first back to the realities on the ground in venezuela where we are getting reports that 800 protesters have been arrested by nicolas maduro. some taken from their homes in the middle of the night. a senator who says we need to do everything we can to get maduro to step down. florida senator rick scott, good to have you here tonight. >> this might be the only chance for decades to take care of the people of venezuela. they have lived under horrible socialism for too long. i want to thank the president for being so focused to make sure maduro steps aside.
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the democrats who are supporting venezuela, they don't have food, water and housing. social i. is horrible for venezuela. i called the president friday and talked to him about the oil sanctions. i talked to the interim president juan guaido. i said i will do everything i can to be helpful. i met with venezuelan leaders today and asked what i could do to be helpful to make sure maduro steps aside. trish: what are they telling you they need? >> the pressure we put on now. oil sanctions. i talked to the president about that on friday and i talked to other cabinet members about that. they are optimistic. they want to think about what happens going forward. we have to get humanitarian
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relief in there as soon as we can. i spoke to the president of clom a.m., i met with some of them last summer. this is horrible for the people of venezuela. it's a precursor. if we don't fight for democracy in this country, the same thing will happen here as happened in venezuela. trish: the people of venezuela know that all too well. you have had two decades of socialist rule. this is a country that once had the highest per capita income of all latin america. but it's amazing hugh the people are saying enough. and they want change. their voices are being heard. we are look at pictures of them on the streets just last week. and president guaido is calling for more protests this week. we are, the united states government, trying to choke
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maduro's regime financially. but he's looking for a work-around. he said any oil car go going to the united states of america must be prepaid. he wants his money first. how is that going to work out? >> i hope the president continues to do everything he can. this is the time to put pressure on maduro. no oil money should go to maduro. he uses that money to pay the military to support him. we need to support president guaido and help him have fair and free elections. trish: a lot of people say why is this country important? it's important as you well know, sir, because it's the right thing to do. we don't like to see people suffer under dictatorships. but there is something else going on, and it has to do weather russians and the
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iranians and the chinese. tell me why this region is strategically important for the united states of america. >> this is a rich country. it's hard-working individuals. we saw many of them move to florida and they are helping to build our state. they have a lot of oil and natural resources. the russians have come in, the chinese. we have terrorists come through there. they are currency manipulators, they are drug sellers. all the bad things that come to this country, many of them come out of venezuela. we have got to stop it. trish: strategically it doesn't make any sense for there to be an alliance. didn't we see this in 1962? do you want the russians with a strategic operation less than three hours from miami? >> look how hard we fought to
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get democracy in cuba. so this is our chance. we have to do everything we can. we don't want decades and decades of oppression. trish: we had a chance in 2002 because chavez was out of power for a couple of days. i think there are a lot of people who don't want to see a repeat of that. john bolton is probably one of them. he was caught on camera with a notepad. on that notepad it said 5,000 troops to colombia. the white house is saying everything is on the table. senator scott, do we need to be thinking the region and help the colombians and anyone else down there? >> we have to help everybody down there. we have the leaders of brazil and argentina, columbia, panama, that are all in, doing whatever
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they can to be helpful. think about the number of venezuelans in columbia. i met with many of them last august. the number of refugees are coming. i met with the ambassador from columbia last weekend. thousands of refugees are coming into colombia. we need to help them also. trish: maybe troops? >> i know the president has everything on the table. we have to do everything we can, including taking care of our diplomats. maduro has got to know he has to step aside. trish there are senator scott, thank you very much. as the people fight socialism and dictatorship in the streets of caracas, there is another fight coming from the left and it's happening on our soil tonight. our freedoms are under attack. socialist bernie sanders who just a few years back supported
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the idea and actually had a piece in which he wrote the american dream is likely to be more realized in the likes of venezuela than the united states of america. he's considering a run in 2020. then you get the creator of the $5 coffee, perhaps now it's more like $7. howard schultz is looking to get in on the action as well. he's a quote centrist independent. even he says the left has gone overboard with their policies, most of notably healthcare. >> every american deserves the right to have access to quality healthcare. but what the democrats are proposing is something that is as false as the warm. and that is, free healthcare for all which the country cannot afford. trish: america is allowing itself to go too far left. i am going to say it.
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too far left, and they have only to look at venezuela tonight to see what 20 years of socialism does to an economy. how do we protect ourselves from becoming another banana republic. joining me, a former white house advisor, doug schoen, he's concerned the democratic party is turning too far left. >> we elected a number of moderates in swing districts this year. congressional representatives, male and female. the problem is the energy is on the left. we hear about alexandria ocasio-cortez every day and her ideas. elizabeth warren and her ideas. share the wealth. take the wealth. it's ridiculous. my answer to your question is enforce the constitution, the separation of powers and we'll be fine. trish: they don't even want to
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do that. let's be clear. we have heard a lot of talk from kirsten gillibrand. how could i forget beto o'rourke saying we need to revisit the constitution itself which does enforce a separation of powers. >> we have a procedure to amended the constitution. i don't think elizabeth warren. she was a law professor at harvard university. i don't think she wants to up-end the constitution, but she has radical ideas i disagree with. trish: do you think they believe it or are they trying to exploit the politics of the moment. i have a sense the middle class is really getting squeeze. they are frustrated, and many in desperation some people are turning to the idea of socialism. but socialism ultimately won't
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help them. the middle class, the people doing things right, are going to get squeeze. why are politicians playing this card? >> the energy is on the left. activists on the left have the loudest voice in the democratic party, and the media plays up to it. the mainstream media is sympathetic to left-wing sometimes radical ideas. i think that explains it. those who vote in presidential primaries tend to be more liberal left-wing. all of that explains why the party is moving as i agree with you, dangerously in a left-wing direction. trish: if they put forward a socialist nominee, will they beat trump in 2020?
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>> we won't if we have an independent like howard schultz running. frankly to have two democrats on the ticket will insure trump's reelection. trish: he doesn't care, though. >> i don't know what he cares about. i would urge him not to run as another democrat and try to run as a real centrist, not an independent in democrat's clothing. trish: president trump putting russia on notice. the president getting ready to end a landmark arms control treaty with moscow after several violations by the russians. you get all those people on the left insisting president trump is somehow in putin's pocket. yet wasn't it former president obama actually caught on an open mic telling the russians he would have more flexibility after the elections?
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if president trump is supposed to be a russian agent, why isn't he allowing the russians to get their way in venezuela. my warning to all those on the far left. all those far-left democrats who want to engage in class warfare coming up. -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. i'd like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl.
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trish: the trump administration ready to scrub an arms treaty with russia. russia has to the end of this week to get rid of their long-ranked ballistic missile. i hate to point out the obvious. the president is going after russia for its failure to live up to its promises in the arms race. while simultaneously launching a proxy war with russia in venezuela. so why would he be a russian
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agent that the left so desperately wants to believe he is if he's going head-to-head with the russians on several different fronts? hate to point out the obvious. joining me now former deputy assistant to the president, dr. sebastian gorka. you can't have your cake and eat it, too. that's what the left wants right now. >> well, look, never let facts get in the way of a good democrat narrative. it has nothing to do with reality or common sense. the fact that this president has and the ukrainians as opposed to president obama who sent socks and blankets to kiev. now he's launching a broadside politically across the kremlin.
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because this treaty from 1988, they are in violation of it. the first time they violated it was at least 11 years ago. now the sf5 is in contravention. this is a relic of the cold war that doesn't address what china is doing with its intermediate or long-range capability. with the president there are no sacred cows. just because something has been around for 30 or 40 years doesn't mean it's right. trish: vladimir putin has been trying to buy an island 300 miles from caracas. he wanted that because that would then serve as a launch pad for any missiles i wanted to send our way. not since 1962 have we had to
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worry about the russians are such an enemy -- soviets i should say, so close to home. i have been told by numerous sources that barack obama knew about all this. he knew that nicolas maduro was a problem. he knew the people were suffering economically. he knew strategically venezuela mattered because it's so close to the united states. and yet he never did anything. it wasn't until today that maduro got his financial lifeline cut off. >> he did. he sent hillary with that mistranslated cheesy plastic button to meet with lavrov who humiliated her live on camera and made the statement to medvedev, the hot mic statement. having more flexibility after
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the election. trish: i'm talking about venezuela. >> but it's all connected. in cuba he assisted that regime to stay in place. all of this is connected because his motivation was driven by the belief that we are the problem. meaning america is the problem. if you are iran, venezuela, if you are cuba or russia, he would bend over backwards to facilitate that regime because he saw us as the problem. he listed the highest classified policy statement, leading from behind and strategic patience. what does that mean? you let others take the initiative. bad guys. trish: that's changing now and the world has to get used to it. i want to remind our viewers to check out your book it's called
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"why we fight." good title. especially right now. the american dream this jeopardy tonight. far-left democrats like elizabeth warren and alexandria ocasio-cortez are out there ramping up their socialist agendas. they want class warfare. they want to punish success. i am setting the record straight on why the alt-left movement i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ each day justin at work... walk. and after work. he does it all with dr. scholl's. only dr. scholl's has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort. to keep him feeling more energized. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. >> rich folks for a long time have been pushing washington. that's how they have amassed this wealth. that's how it has gone the so wildly disproportionate. >> the middle class is shrinking. we have a lot of people in
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poverty. people on top are doing very, very well. it's not wrong to say to those people you are going have to start paying your fair share of taxes. trish: you want to know what this is? this is good old-fashioned class warfare. this kind of rhetoric is being peddled by people who should know better. they probably know better but they found the way to exploit the challenges of the moment for their own personal and political gain. it should be a warning for every single one of us tonight. i hope this alt-left movement doesn't succeed. i don't want to live in a world where ambitions are punished. that's not the american way. right? and it's certainly not a path for success. what elizabeth washen and others fair to mention thank their
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class warfare speeches is life is all about risk and reward. we make choices every single day of our lives. that means we must give up something in exchange for another. in checks it's called an opportunity cost. do you any bill gates would have dropped out of harvard and toiled away creating microsoft if he thought government was going to take most of of this company. or steve jobs dropping out of harvard to start his company? how many people toil away at an idea and they never see success. but they keep on trying because they want the opportunity. it hold the promise of a reward that's so great. it's all because of capitalism. if the government was going to take it all away, or most of of it. they probably would never begin
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the. right? that's how economics fall. incentives matter, dreams matter. we cannot strip away incentives. the american dream which is so intrinsic to who we are. there has got to be a better way. the middle class deserves more without a doubt. but i'll tell you one thing. the answer is not to take from high earners and difficult trit tribute to the poor. the middle class. they never get to see that money when that kind of stuff happens. that's generally because people like elizabeth warren think those middle class folks are too rich to qualify for assistance. the guy or gal slugging it out working three jobs trying to put a kid through school can't get a scholarship for their child
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or -- because their family owned their home. that's an asset the government would rather they take a second mortgage on? so people get trapped. people working hard to do things the right way. socialism does not help them. this whole class warfare baloney doesn't help anyone. it keeps the ruling class, the hillary clintons, the nancy pelosis, and the obamas of the world it keeps them in charge. you create a dependent population, a dependency the left creates and nurtures and then gets to vote for them and more free stuff. in venezuela hugo chavez was able to stay in tour because he gave it people just enough, just enough to get by. his socialist policies kept them down, prevented them from creating or achieving anything.
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you want to know what happened? in less than 20 years, he destroyed his nation's economy. do not let the left destroy ours. here with me right now to react columnist, donald lufkin. doug schoen, a well-known democrat. used to work for bill clinton. he's as disturbed as anyone by the likes of aoc and bernie sanders and hillary clinton. he says they are very dangerous. how does it stop in we don't want to be venezuela. >> you know, i don't want to be venezuela either. those are the disastrous nightmare practical consequences of a political class that seizes power, con fills skates property and destroys incentives.
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but the worst part of it is what it does to the moral fiber of a nation. calling it class war fairs almost too good for it. stlailings the poor, the middle class, the rich, there ought to be fairness. these supposedly high-minded politicians use language like that. think of the people they are appealing to. you are saying that sounds pretty good. she'll seize 2% of warren butch get's wealth. that's not class warfare, that's thievery. if that same person stuck up warren buffet at the point of a gun and said i demand 2% of your income. but you hire elizabeth warren to do it for you and it gets a glorified name of class welfare. no. it's criminality. trish: well put. near new york city you have got
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our friend charlie gasparino likes to call him comrade deblasio. he says i am going to take the buildings and the city will own them and they will be repurposed. that's what chavez did in venezuela. he said you are not using that land. i'm going to take it. some of it went to the poor. by the happens every time. most of it went to his family and all his cronies. we can't allow that. >> it goes to the corrupts generals and colonels in the venezuelan army who chavez and now maduro bestowed these fortunes upon in ordinary tore buy their loyalty so the force of an army can be used to repress the people in whose name the wealth was confiscated to begin with. the people who see it don't see
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sat penny of it. this is nothing but thievery. trish: well put, sir. thank you very much. no more class warfare. theft. commentators say the president lost on the border wall and nancy pelosi won. this isn't a game. this isn't about who blidged first. this is about the american people. still ahead. former bachelor consistent and venezuelan soccer player is here to tell us how socialism has destroyed the country he so adores. his homeland. alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today.
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trump has not. you have got voices on the right and the left slamming the president for quote casing. as if ending the shutdown is some kind of weakness? it's absolutely not. but you need to see this. >> did the president cave? sure. he had to. >> he backed down, at least for now. >> the president gave in. >> i expect a president to keep the promise he made every day for 18 months. >> i'm telling you how to get trump. he promised something for 18 months and he lied about it. trish: you know what, ann coulter and the rest of the media out there scoring this thing, enough, enough. you know that rhetoric is seriously irresponsible as is the presentation that this is some kind of game in which you win or lose. it's not a game, it's people's
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lives we are talking about. these commentators simplify the shutdown into a win-lose scenario. they are showing their true, selfish colors. joining me, ned ryun. i get sickened by some in my profession at times because they want to simplify everything, and everything is black or white. and trump either wins or loses. but you had tsa workers who weren't getting paid. government employees not getting paid. that's never a good thing. we should never view that as a loss to think that now they are going to get their paychecks. what kind of alternative universe are we living in when it's reduced to win or lose? and you are talk about people's lives. >> that's right.
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i think what donald trump has done, i want to thank him. he showed the american people that 40% of the federal employees can go home and the american people barely noticed it. trish: that was a slide, ned. you are in the same lines those were serious major massive lines. there were a lot of people calling out sick, and i don't blame them. they are saying i am not going to get paid for this. maybe i need to go drive an uber because i have bills to pay. i am only pointing out, it is not win or lose. we should all be working towards the same existing goals which should be better border security and keeping our border open. >> and a better system of government that serves and prioritizeds the american taxpayer.
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i heard chuck schumer bemoaning this will cost us $3 billion. what about the billions they cost the american taxpayer every year. trish: it's going to cost $3 billion? we already spent about $6 billion in lost park revenues, other kinds of revenues. >> by the time everybody gets paid the all comes out it was estimated $11 billion. by the time ebb gets paid and they get restored, it will be $3 billion. at what point are we going to have a conversation about the size of our government? i think trump did the right thing. trish: that's entirely different than what i'm talking about. i appreciate you voicing that. but we are talking about the irresponsibility of the media, the irresponsibility of ann coulter.
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they are so darn self-motivated. >> exactly. we don't want an imperial presidency. if donald trump was a dictator he could have said i am going to build the wall from day one. he has to work with the legislative branch. i think it's to the shame of the democrats and republicans and for corporate cheap labor. we have a problem that has been building for decade. and as you point out, trish, is there not a simple solution. at the same time donald trump is forcing an issue republicans and democrats refused to confront. trish: thank you so many. but once begin would just add. i would like to see a little responsibility from my colleagues. it would be nice.
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let's stot stop scoring things. it's not win-lose. those are not the appropriate word to be using when you are talking about people not being able to feed their families or buy diapers. it's not appropriate. president trump did the right thing. he reopened the government. there will be a state of the union. he's being presidential. i would like to see other side act with some decorum as well. nicolas maduro's regime is in jeopardy as the u.s. puts restrictions on pdvsa. ron! something's going on at schwab. oh really? thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction
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we know that two cause people have died as they have tried to take their country back because as peaceful as you want this to be as we pray it will be, nicolas maduro is rounding people up. we can report for you more than 800 people are said to have been arrested. some in the middle of the night in their home. juan guaido, the man the united states recognizes as the president of venezuela. he'll join me tomorrow evening right here on this show for his first american television interview. tonight there is chaos and there is violence in the streets of venezuela. as the freedom fighters there march on seeking a better alternative. something better than maduro and socialism. because the last 0 years has been hell. our next guest has been an
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outspoken proponent for change of regime in venezuela. juan pablo galivin. >> thanks for inviting me, trish. it's been five years since i have been in front of a camera like this. trish: it's like riding a bike. it all comes back. you care have much what happens in your country. you are back here tonight, we certainly appreciate you coming on. why is it important for to you speak out? >> well, it's been 0 years. and to me it's hard to think about actually when i graduated from high school in 1998, right at the time chavez took the presidency. i came to the united states to study english and i spent four
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great years here. then i came back to venezuela, and a lot of things changed already. to think of those 15, 20-year-old kids that have not seen anything else. i used work in the streets and everybody was happy. you had no problems with lights or power energy. you had no issues at all. then seeing all these kids growing up in a country they are fighting for nowadays. i heard you say, there are 50 people already dead. i just found out. about 900 that have been taken away from their homes. and a lot of minors, too. people are tired of it. it's definitely something hard for us that live here to see each day. trish: i know you are married to a venezuelan woman.
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miss venezuela, actually. you were recently in venezuela. talk to us about what you saw there and the change in your country. what it's like. >> it's tough. when you go on the streets. there is no lights in the streets at night. and obviously you see a lot of places shut down. there is, you know, restaurants empty. there is a carton of eggs that cost 11,000 boleros. trish: what is a dozen eggs. that in dollars would be $4. but minimum wage is 18,000.
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$6 or $7 it's hard to see people suffering and being hungry in a country that used to have it all. we want that change that i think at the time, the time has come that guaido has done an excellent job going through the constitution and going a step at a time. obviously the support of all the different countries we never had before. trish: do you think there is a chance it will succeed? >> absolutely. the support we are getting from different countries we have never gotten before. i think guaido has done a great job. job. trish: glad to have you here.
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trish: "trish regan primetime" has learned exclusively that venezuela and its current regime are on the brink of collapse. possibly days, weeks, months away from a potential change in leadership. breaking tonight, venezuela even closer to a regime change as the socialist nation teeters on the brink of total collapse. i want to take you there to venezuela right now. this is hard or to watch. this is brand new video exclusive to us. it really demonstrates the chaos that you're seeing in the streets. this is the social struggle now. venezuela's socialest-backed regime hovers on the edge of
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destruction. >> trish, we are on the streets. from here, from caracas, venezuela, fighting for democracy and for freedom. today we want to thank you, trish, for your support for our venezuelan people. trish: i appreciate that, i really do. you know, there are opportunities when you as a journalist have the chance to expose something that needs to be exposed, and this is one of those opportunities where we as americans have the chance to stand with democracy and freedom , and you can be proud of your country when we do things like this. juan guaido, the man the united states of america recognizes as the president of venezuela, he will join me on this program right here tomorrow night for an exclusive interview. his very first television interview here in the united
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states with an american audience. we'll find out how things are progressing, how soon maduro might be out of his seat and what more he might need from the united states. kennedy begins now. ♪ kennedy: thank you, trish. the 2020 race just got a lot more interesting. the major democrat candidates pulling the party so far to the left it could be a layup for president trump. and now word, thank you, baby jesus, hillary clinton is considering another run for the white house. thank you, hillary. we're going to start tonight with california senator kamala harris who officially tossed her hat into the ring last night and in a speech in her hometown of oakland, california, she laid out a laundry list of progressive promises that simply will not work. sorry, k.h. >> i am running to declare once and for all that health care is a fundamental right -- [cheers and applause] and we will deliver
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