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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 30, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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president ar of venezuela. she will join us, kennedy begins right now. kennedy: thank you very much. hello, president trump today lashing out at his own intelligent agencies, telling them to if back-to-school. after they publicly contradicted him in front of congress, should president listen to them? or is this deep state trying to embarrass the commander in chief, i am kennedy, i am live in los angeles. yesterday they testified on all grave threats facing our nation. but dan turncoats who disputed president's public statement on isis, north korea and iran. >> isis is intent on resurging
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and still commands thousands of fighter, in iraq. and -- unlikely to completely give up nuclear weapon, and we too not believe that iran is currently undertaking activities we judge necessary to produce a nuka-- nuclear device. kennedy: how would you know? president he was not having it. tweeting this morning, the intelligence people seem to be passive and naive when it comes to dangers of iran. when i became president iran was making trouble all over middle east they are different but, a source of potential danger and conflict they are testing rockets last week, some more,
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and coming very close to the edge, their economy is now crashing, that is only thing holding them back. be careful, rain, perhaps intelligence should if back-to-schooback to-- should g, no he didn't, yes he did. a left wing media that had a real hissy fit. >> trump and his intelligence chiefs are worlds apart on isis, russia and the border. >> a public repeudin repudiatios own people. >> growing disparity between truth they presented and the planet that the president lives on. >> not agreeing with these conclusions, is willful disregard of the fact. >> this is dangerous. >> this is. kennedy: so dangerous. right now we're probably at war,
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and we don't know it, who are we to believe? joining me now, christian is back. >> great to be here. kennedy: so let's talk about this, you called this warmed over establishment analysis and not real intelligence, the intelligence community is not going on national tv in front of congress in a televised exchange and telegraph intelligence they give to the president on which he and his advisers make critical decisions, so, what happened between the president and dan coats, christopher way and gina? >> well, you know, i don't know. what happened, just judge them on their public statements but they are not intelligence. saying things that isis would like to reconstitute itself, and north korea would love to hold on ton its nukes and pocket allf
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the goodies, this is stuff we pay our 50 billion dollar a year intelligent bureaucracy to produce, i would happily produce that and charge 2 25 billion. kennedy: i would wer under cut u by half. >> we could split it. the point to make our policymakers and president his job easier. kennedy: i think they are right on isis, ienin don't think theye been defeated and ideology has been defeated. the war on terror is too vague. those are not fortune exclusive, i think that coats is over
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simplifying them, have you an idea, that is too eliminate the dni and cut cia in half, it also, shows that some of these actors may be threatened, it makes me wonder where does deep state end and intelligence community begin? >> right, we have the powerless uniques who think they can run things better than the emperor. these people are sort of very backward looking at threats this is what you do when you cover your postior in washington, you say there is a threat from north korea, there is, and there still a threat, but these are not helpful, they are things you can say if later we were attacked by isis. or attack by russia, you could
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say i warned about that, but as far as developing intelligence that is really useful, and. 50 billion a year, i think, there is a lot of intelligence we collect that is important. indication and warnings whether shine i china is more active wih its navy, but that warmed over think tank academia is not intelligence. kennedy: it does sort of undermine president like that is what john brennan lives for. he said, that because of the president's reaction on twitter, should be wholly unsurprising. brennan calls him intellectually bankrupt, but brennan has been in the very same position and lied to congress, could you not argue that john brennan did not necessarily make the world safer. >> right, all threats we faced
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were more acute, more severe under tenure of brennan and others in obama administration. north korea developed nuclear weapons and delivery capability, and china had an open door on south china sea, russia took part of ukraine and consolidated part of georgia, that all happened under his watch. donald trump is trying to turn the page on that. maybe we should deter china or not spend some of that money. kennedy: or maybe refocus the force we have in syria in defeating isis in other ways. if the call -- caliphate has fallen apart they have energy and motivation, and they are not as distracted with a giant land mass, wherever they go, it seems
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like instead of keeping troops in syria, we should be focusing maybe more digitally on the threat they pose? >> you said something earlier, that is family purpose -- fundamentally purpos important s on ideology, they have failed america, they call it violent extremism, it is islamism, political islam, that is the animating force behind the 18 mes as al qaeda and isis and muslim brotherhood, and donald trump did not quite get there in the campaign, he said radical islamic terrorism, better than hillary or obama or jeush joosh, secretarbush did.islamism, the f unifying mosque and state you get some utopia that is what animates hezbollah and iran and
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muslim brotherhood, fighting that, we used to be great at political warfare, we kind of invented it we let it go by the way side. kennedy: well, the actual fight we did in iraq has -- embold emboldened, ran. we need to be more forward looking, i don't think that the heads-intelligence community agree wit me on that, but they e jobs to protect and budgets, christian white. >> thank you. kennedy: yeah. president trump today double down on his claim that isis is on the ropes, tweeting, when i became president isis was out of control in syria since confident progress made, cal -- caliphatel soon be destroyed. unthink. two years ago.
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president last monitoredderred to withdraw all u.s. troops from syria and a major troop reduction in afghanistan as well, and mcconnell does not agree, and pushing an amendment to keep the troops where they are, mitch! >> it is tempting to retreat, there is a great deal work to be done. we know that left untended the conflicts will reverberate right here in our own cities. we're not the world's policemen. but we're the leader of the free world. and it is incumbent on united states to lead. kennedy: what is leading? what does victory look like? bill has bipartisan support. but a vote has yet to be scheduled, should troops stay or should they come home? let's go to tonight's l.a. based panel. jennifer grossman and iraq
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combat veteran. brien suits, and fresh from royal rumble. >> >> thank you. >> we have a super bowl to look forward to. jennifer, let's talk about this there have been people pushing back against president saying that he wanting to draw down troops in syria, not surprising that people like mitch mcconnell want to keep them there. but what is the goal, mitch mcconnell talks about the u.s. being the world's leader we have to protect and defend everyone, that very costly, isn't it? >> absolutely. and what was the goal when we get into syria when obama got to us syria it was never
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articulated, i find it strangely comforting that all experts are united in being horrified by trump saying he wants to pull troops out, their track record in mid east is like, my sent of direction in a parking lot. if i think my car is there i go in opposition direct, and it works like a charm. if experts stay in or double down. kennedy: i don't think that is worst idea to -- whatever john bolton's first instinct is, with you know, a possible conflict. everyone should just do opposite thing. i say that with great affect for national security adviser. but i want to talk to you about syria, and isis. because there are a lot of people within the defense community who want keep u.s. troops there and there is something to be said for keeping isis busy. defending what is remaining of the land they have left. what do you think?
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>> brian. >> i never -- i am with jennifer going to syria in first place, because of the lack of focus of a mistake, reinforcing iraq was a no brainer. and we took away a refuge for them out of iraq, we should have concentrated on mosul. we broke that, that is our baby, goto sir why was -- syria was weird. we can't throw them on a bus just leave, they have done a masterful job at reducing isis with a thin margin of american special operations, who have done a superb counter intergencey piece. they have done superb because no american meadial g media will g. kennedy: what is the effect of
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american journ journalists murdn war zone. >> you know that was -- >> the fact that people are not going there in you know, the numbers they went on were, and -- once were we don't hear the same stories. >> because you don't get to see what it takes to win a counter intergence that's is great. i wish i could have done bag dag without a -- baghdad without a camera over myself shoulder, they are fighting, effectively, main thing, they are the syrians, ledly american special operations, they know country better than we do. kennedy: stay or go? >> slowly transition out, what is left. kennedy: never should have been there. >> we have a guy with no comp punchtion of using chemical weapons on his own people. i am fresh out of -- to give about bringing peace to middle
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east. >> president cannot be wrong. so fun to watch him react whether to mitch mcconnell, mitch mcconnell, cocaine mitch, not the nickname i gave him for the record the, he is the one that -- during shut down, you did not see him much. >> they could not find him. >> where is mitch? kennedy: here, he is on the coming out against the the president. >> i feel like several time we go places without a plan. just doing things, so easy to say not you, but for most part, i see president trump, he is never wrong that reminds me of an 8-year-old child, who became president, they are like what should we do, e end war, there e piecing in between to slowly
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pull hem ou them out, or help people who have been helping you. he speaks in three. build a wall, lock her up, whatever. a child. but there is -- i don't want these lives lost, get them out, it is hang on grown ups need too talk, we can slowly filter them out, they have done great work they went in without a plan. kennedy: that is right. we have learned our lesson from iraq, 1 and 2, you have to have a way of getting out otherwise, everywhere -- >> by the way, 8-year-old, i have a 10 year old. >> you either occupy for 40 years and. or break, kill bin laden up a capture saddam. >> can we did that again.
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>> they will be stingy. >> okay. >> i think like the mirror the immigration debate. do we want people dying in. >> we'll talk about immigration debate in a little bit panel is coming back. bipartisan group of lawmakers trying to cut a deal on border security, president warns unless they are discuss a wall they are wasting time. we debate next. each day justin chooses to walk. at work... and after work. he does it all with dr. scholl's. only dr. scholl's has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort. to keep him feeling more energized. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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kennedy: seen two of border battle in washington, two days of bipartisan group of lawmaker began negotiating a new deal. president trump tweeting, ahead of meeting that committee was wasting their time if they were not discusses funding for a wall. they were echoed by alabama republican senator richard shelby. >> smart technology alone does not stop anyone from crossing into the u.s. illegally. our border patrol tells us they need physical barriers to help them do their job, not coast-to-coast, but strategically placed with traffic is highest.
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kennedy: from sea to shining sea. shelby's wall call may be popular with border agents but not a lot of fans to democrat side. >> president may be disappointed if we don't give him everything he asked for, we're supposed on use our considered bipartisan judgment. kennedy: lawmakers have until february 15. if they can't, president said, he is open to declaring a nation at emergency to build that wall, it congress make a big deal or will shut down show down get a sequel? just like a marvel movie? joining me now, ned ryan, he is joined by host of richard fowler show, richard fowler. >> hey, kenta maeda ken -- kennu
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are california dreaming. kennedy: i am and the weather is great. i don't know what that below zero nonsense every is talking about. nancy pelosi said that walls are immoral. >> jefferies jeffries is numbeg democrat in the house. he said, that democrats open to some sort of fencing where necessary based on evidence. i don't think they are taking it off table, but i don't think they will build fencing border wall or steel slats from sea to shining sea across mexican border, i think that is in a nonstarter, here is the problem -- >> no one says is a stop acting like republicans are saying that they are not. >> whoan what thi don't know wht
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the manti i is a -- i don't know what the president is saying, i am still waiting for a check from mexico. i think that republican party republican in senate are very sluggish on this ideal of shutting government down. show, i think paus because theye so sluggish this conference committee is only game in town for president, whatever they come out with, this is it. >> though i no, it is not. kennedy: ned, first shut down was dumb. second just down would be disastrous for republicans, and democrats. will this team of house and senate approachiation committee members work together to come up prosomething they both side? >> i am afraid i agree with trump on this, less than 50/50, have you democrats who they don't want to give any money to trump, he gets a win on bob of his central campaign promises.
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republicans don't want to see a shut down, white house is finalizing plans for a national emergency. 76% republican would support trump on that, you get to hard-core trump base 95%' him to declare a national emergency. if he does not almost half walk away, i tell you trump will do a national emergency, but i like better for him to get dod to use section 284 during to build fencing in known drug smuggling corridors. >> let's say president does not declare a national merge, he uses dod funding and then what?
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>> i think democrat woulding whicchallenge it in court, and e have on beef supporting of entry. kennedy: and post office. good old fashion mail. >> so -- >> look at that reefer. >> we're in trouble. >> all right. >> i do think that -- and final. kennedy: tha-- fentanyl. kennedy: that is why congress has to act. we're willing to increase i support at postal service, and more border patrol. kennedy: oh, that will help, yeah, throw a bunch of money at post office that will do it. >> building a wall the not solve will problem. kennedy: i agree. so. -- fix the visa system, put pressure on legislature. >> ned.
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>> fix the everify and chain fr migration, physical barriers work. all they are trying to do is defdeny trump a win. >> i need a chain necklace. all right, enough of the trickery. thank you. >> good to see you. >> thank you. >> adoringly, thank you. >> coming up hillary clinton former campaign chair claims the two time leaser wil loser will r presidential run, i will give a million reasons why she should run, my monologue is next stay here. 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad.
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remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people save $668 when they switch." -at this school? -didn't you get caught in the laminating machine? -ha. [ sighs ] -"box, have a great summer. danielle." ooh. danielle, control yourself. i'd like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl. danielle, this one's for you. kennedy: president trump heard very best news this week from some anonymous hillary clinton sources, democrat favfao -- favorite silver medalist is leaving the door open for another white house run.
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want to distance themselves from hillary's nagging summit fever. mrs. what happens will have to do things very differently in 2020. instead of reacting to twin forces of nars -- narcissist. she will have to be herself. no more fake grandma wisdom bits or fooling gals to think she is a heroic lady hammer who has arrived to break the glass ceiling, hillary 2020 has to be cranky, fed up and ready to put everyone in their place, last time she made the mistake of trying to be liked, that is like rinsings dirt out of a mud bucket. she needs to promise she works
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hard running the country as she has in keeping secrets that, that is only thing that will grab people's attention. she can admit how badly worst defeat chaffed your lines and only solution is to tap dance on president's political corpses, and then, misguided democrats. will destroy the sad souls they claim to champion. she won't do that because she is a bad candidate, she will do all wrong things and lose, that will make another run that much more satisfying for those of us who are desperate for a sequel, that is the memo. >> so will she give us what we want? another run? oh, with me now, washington examiner editor, tim carney. tim, i know it will be a crowded
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democrat field for 2020. but a hillary run would be so delicious, will it happen? >> well, here is the thing, you can never rule it out, if you remember, go to 2000 it i go tor she lost against obama she said there was a zero chance she would run again, but she did, she believes it is her right to be president. here is the thing, her whole inner circle is trying to talk her out of it, she wants -- >> i think you are right, what podesta goes on cnn and says she is not running. she won by 3 million votes, she is not running, i think that is wishful thinking on her part, she wakes up every morning she is bill clinton tell themselves we're so amazing we're so much
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better than anyone else, and they owe u.s us a debt of gratie you. >> are right, and donna brazile, who was in the inner circle, started on day one, i think this december after she lost doing all she could to get out there how bad a candidate hillary was, now podesta who could hardly be closer than any other politico circumstance saying -- is, she is not going to 2 it, she's it would be bad, her time has come and gone, they are talking to an audience of one, hillary, trying to talk her out of it. kennedy: she is not listening. i am obsessed with people whoevewhodriven to climb mount . to get that close to within a hundred feet of the summit and have team turn you back around, that is something that she lives with every day, and there is no
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amount of rational argument that will keep her from that fe fee - fever agreement, if a way i understand it. she flew blew it -- funny we talk about this, we talk about likability, and. bernie sanders is not likable. he is authentic, in hillary clinton would come out and be herself and be that know it all crank she might do better, but she would never did it. kennedy: i like idea of kennedy being campaign manager of hillary clinton. she doesn't have th political sl her husband ha and barack obama had. you need a supremely skilled
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democrat to win white house in the past. kennedy: she needs to come out, and say, you know what this back brace it, humping the democrat party around for 15 years, i broke my back for you integrates, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> absolutely. kennedy: there are favorite punching bag, chri chris christe is promoting a new book about his time on trump campaign, he may have to eat his words if he wants to get a job in white house. here he is with stephen colbert last night. >> you have been a petter aboutr president than trump. >> yes. >> i like that. >> woo. >> yeah that is nice. tequila. then he put on his boots and danced on table with a red bo
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tie. bow tie. panel is back. colbert asked a great question of chri chris christie who like? >> there is nothing more pitiful than sore loser, one guarantee in life we'll lose, not necessarily elections but we'll lose, the job we want or relationship we wanted, each of us has a chase, it really hurts to lose, to be gracious in the defeat, that is really the definition of a winner. kennedy: i don't think that chris christie knows how to do that. it is amazing to me, i look back at his political career, and 2012, he gave a very big speech that really was not about mitt romney. it was about chris christie, and at that point there was a lot of democrats in new jersey who said
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chris christie who be next president av obama. because he is a tough guy who knows how to tackle difficult issues but now everyone has a opposite opinion. >> i know, i liked 2012 christie, i liked drunk christie last night, he should go around all hooched up all of the time, but av this, last 72 hours, he should give net in politics -- he should never get in politics again. he is a former prosecutor, why would he be surprised that son of guy he pit i put in jail woud a grudge. why is he surprised. does he know any other kids whose dads he put in jail. will he be surprised what they kick him in the man boobs or --
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what is sexist by the way. kennedy: but admit it, you want to do it. >> everyone who ran against presidenwhether republican or dt think they would be a better president. >> everyone, there is no such thing -- he was first guy standing there, plankly staring at podium while they played larry david music, he took that for years, i get it you sell books, you can get on colbert if you make fun of trump, stick to something, say, listen, i didn't win. i was making mcdonald's runs in real life, and all i got was this book out of this you know, i thought it would be outside of the box. i believe this vision, now it trump he sucks everyone can be president, sle even me. kennedy: chris christie such a
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sad sack no one will buy his sad book. >> he jacked up property trackses tha taxes, that fur in new jersey. >> go rams ! >> right. >> rams, week, hoo hook 'em ram. >> kamala harris standing by her medicare for all push. deirdre bolton will join me to do the math. she is next. i customize everything - bike, wheels, saddle. that's why i switched to liberty mutual. they customized my insurance, so i only pay for what i need. i insured my car, and my bike. my calves are custom too, but i can't insure those... which is a crying shame.
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♪ save he from tomorrow ♪ kennedy: that right, i did it. democratic presidential wanna-be kamala harris doubling down on med camedical for all, it is a .
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>> so bottom line in most important is that everyone have access to health care, that is goal, that purpose for me supporting the um, policy of medicare far all, that everyone has access to healt health care period, that is what will happen. kennedy: no, how much damage could medicare for all do for the economy. fox business network brilliant deirdre bolton, what up. >> missing you here on the east coast, i am sure you not given our weather pattern, let's talk about price, any why independent estimate 25 to 35 trillion over next 10 years is what some show for this medicare for all plan, you do have vermont senator sanders, bernie sanders, an early champion of this medicare ar fall plan, he said, the
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numbers i gave you were cooked up by for example koch brothers, he called them out, specifically. kennedy: they are not the urban institute did the same analysis. reporter: there are many, he said it would only be -- mutt pt your air quotes up 15 trillion over next 10 years, but i think there is a feasibility question, ignores that pri price tag for a minute, how does it work, insurance company would have a marginalize role, and how do doctors and hospitals get paid, ha is a big piece of the puzzle, do hospitals and doctors decide to treat just a lower volume of people. to kind of work went the system. so, i think that there is real open questions that really
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nobody has answered yet, i find more interesting is actual solution in we want to call it a solution for single pa payer pln may come from corporate america, second half of last year we have amazon, bezos, and jamie dimon saying we're going to do 134 sort of healthcare conglomerate for our employees. kennedy: have them figure it out instead of stacking half million people who work in healthcare insurance, that is what you would have to do that is also a horrible consequence of it, deirdre bolton more to come, thank you. >> i love it. >> you're welcome. kennedy: deirdre bolton, topical storm is next be stay put!
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kennedy: a madden football simulation of super bowl predicts l.a. rams will defeat patriots sunday. scientist have a word for people who use them to make their bets, they are called morons. throw your money to fire, this is topical storm. top fitopic one. reno, nevada, one woman will never order honey from amazon
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again. most bears hibernate this time of year this little guy ran into bad luck at a casino. he could not afford a cave, homeowner shocked. by furry porch pirate. not shock z at rest of us she still has her christmas lights up, it is almost valentine's day. package has not been recovered. knowing reno this is not craziest story of the week involving someone's package. eew . >> police in mcclain, illinois, consider no one above the law, even if they happen to be a queen. look at this. that is queen elsa from disney's frozen. for those of you who don't have a young child, they are accusing elsa are causing the polar
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vortex, they don't want to build a snow man, they asked to drop the case but police won't, ♪ let it go, let it go ♪ elsa was arraigned this morning in her court date will take mace in summer. >> summer. topic three cachow. great state of missouri. has also been facing roar low temperatures today, but post office made their deliveries some packages were warm. check this out. oh, tha that is a mail truck. it was. until the driver gunned initialo hard. never hire a mechanic that get paid in forever stamps, driver is cleared to return to work they announce they are selling a used truck if you are interested. it comes with heated seats.
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>> you might wonder what happened to packages in fire, their replacements are being belived as we speak. oh, no. a internet rumor box -- that box confindecontain edible marijuan. >> this is a gummy bear. >> sam adam is releasing a new beer in honor of tom brady? great news for patriots fans but loudy news for tom. gisele would never let him drink beer. she is lucky if he gets to sniff a glass of ar it is wine on his birthday, goat beer, 7 mo .8% -- alcohol. too old, too slow, still here,
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that happens to be bernie sanders' 2020 slogan. 1% gate all great beer, i have to fly to russia to have a half way decent brewskie. brady beer on sale now, drinking patriot alcohol is known toy it deflate your football, we'l we'e right back. ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike...mike what day is it mike? ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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kennedy: thank you for watching the ♪ best hour of your day ♪
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follow me twitter and inst instm tomorrow night, florida congressman matt gaetz. ♪ good night. lou: good evening, everybody. we have a crisis on our southern border. thousands of central americans on their way up the center of mexico, trying to cross that border when they get there. the mexican drug cartels murdering tens of thousands of mexican citizens, running tens of billions of dollars of deadly drugs across that border into the united states each and every year. after waiting now for days, the bipartisan congressional senatorial conference committee finally graciously but not urgently decided to meet today for the first time to talk about border security and


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