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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 30, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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see you tomorrow. [♪] trish: socialist dictator nicolas maduro increasingly isolated and getting weak as the international community condemns his presidency. i just got off the phone with the interim president of venezuela. a russian plane flown from moscow lands in venezuela. there are reports the plane is being used to ship 20 tons of
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gold worth nearly a billion dollars out of the country. destination, unknown. the story only we have been following. five american hostages being held by nicolas maduro in a venezuelan prison. i'll talk with the two daughters of an american citizen who has been held hostage in venezuela for over a year. they hope that a regime change could bring their father home. "trish regan primetime" starts right now. pressure on venezuela's socialist dictator intensifying tonight. thousands of venezuelans take to the streets. you are looking at exclusive video obtained by "trish regan
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primetime." the people in venezuela demanding he step down one week after juan guaido proclaimed himself the country's rightful president. mr. guaido spoke by phone with president trump. president trump reinforced his support for the self-declared president. as nicolas maduro clings to power, five americans from texas, louisiana are being held hostage in a venezuelan prison. these men all citgo executives were ambushed during a distrip to caracas and have been held captive since 2017. joining me, the daughters of tomeu vidall. i know how difficult this is and
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how scary it is. we talked a little bit on background. it's not easy coming out and talking to the country like this when you are worried that there could be repercussions for your dad in venezuela but you are doing it anyway. i commend you for that. tell me about your father and what this last year has been like. >> hi, trish. we first want to thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to share our story about our father and the concerns we have for him and the other men that find themselves in this situation. their health and safety. this is a humanitarian issue. the families are devastated. they have been there for the past 14 months. and it's time for them to come home. we need support of everyone to
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bring them home. trish: veronica your dad works for citgo which is owned by pdvsa which is run by the government there in venezuela. so he goes to caracas for a business meeting and he never comes back? >> yes. that's pretty much what happened. just a regular work meeting. win the down with miss co-workers and he never came back home. today marks day 435 of us not having our fathers back home with us. it's been enough. we need to bring him home. trish: there is your dad there. how did you find out that he was in prison? >> i was actually at work. my phone started going off like crazy. random family members and friends calling me and sending me random articles from the world.
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i see my mom's text that says call me. secede we got a call from family and friends in the oil industry and they told us your dad has been detained in venezuela. i was shocked. i didn't believe it. and i asked my boss, i have to go home. i immediately drove from new orleans to charleston to be with my family. trish: have you had any contact with the government at all? has anybody said okay, he's doing all right? what is the contact process been like? >> we actually just got to talk with our father not long ago. the calls are sporadic, they are quick. we were with our mom and we got to hear his voice. he's staying strong for us. the least we can do is come and talk about what's happening and how unjust it is. he needs to come home.
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trish: juan guaido told me last night on this program that it is a priority. do you feel like the u.s. is doing enough? what more do you need? what help can you get that you don't have that you really need? >> any help at all. any entity, any human organization, humanitarian organizations willing to help us bring our father home will be appreciated. we have a twitter handle @free citgo 6. congressmen, including mr. guaido, maduro, if they can open their hearts and let the men go it's been 14 months without our father. trish: i hope he comes home
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very, very soon. thank you. trish: juan guaido taking to the streets today with the protesters while nicolas maduro hard with his military. it was a desperate attempt to show he has the back of the armed forces. amid this prom and circumstance. nicolas maduro admitted he would be willing to negotiate with the opposition. but they are not so keen on it. i just got off the phone with juan guaido and he said he's not will evening toker into negotiations. juan c. sources say there are already u.s. troops on the imrownd tonight in colombia. joining me right now for more.
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chairman for the institute of the studied of war. retired four-star general jack keane. general, good to have you here. i spoke to the president of the united states on the telephone yesterday. and he said to me as far as venezuela goes, all options are on the table. what does that mean to you tonight, sir. >> they are not going to publicly take an option off the table. but i think the option that's the least likely to be used is an option to create a regime change. i believe the administration out announcing it has put together a strategy to affect a peaceful regime change if possible. that toys so strangle the maduro regime, obviously the contrast we saw in videos today. maduro with military, guaido with people. those are the source of strength for both of those leaders.
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what the administration is counting only with the sanctions being imposed. sanctions as you know, take time before they have an effect. if we can cut off all the citgo profits that would normally go to maduro and do that quickly, that will start to take -- have an impact on him. particularly if he has difficult paying his military and other people loyal to him. trish: the rank and file, they like guaido. they are look around at their families and livelihoods and their trajectory, and it's not good fn 95 per. 95% of the population, they are living in poverty. it's not a recipe for success or anything of any us would ever want. they are saying this is no good.
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but you have got the top generals surrounding maduro, sticking with him. and is it coming down to them? the top generals have that kind of influence over the rank and file? >> yes. they are paid off. they are funding amount alley corrupt. they committed war crimes. and guaido is doing the right thing by saying, i'll give you amnesty and i'm not going to punish you. i think there has to be much more involved in that. even the united states getting involved to provide assurances to weaken and sever that kind of support. the soldiers are tied to families that are tied to the problem everybody in venezuela has. this really about the leaders. most of of the authoritarian states, the military leaders are corrupt. but there are significant issues
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here. the military that you referenced, trish, we have likely moved into colombia, i take it on face value at press conference of 5,000. i don't know what that number is. but to give our audience a frame of reference. they are not there to conduct a regime change. they are likely there to protect american assets, particularly those in the embassies. the. if a military regime change in panama 0 ou -- in panama to outf noriega was 27,000. this would take a sizable force and we would see that force movingf into place likely even if it was done with some degree
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of surprise. there would be some sense of it. trish: i am getting the cue on time. the russian plane showing up empty. sitting on the tarmac. reports $800 million in gold being moved out of the country. does that gel with maduro thinking he's going to get amnesty in russia or elsewhere? >> that could be a good thing. there could be things taking place in squeezing maduro that we are not hearing about. we have a central intelligence agency with contacts inside venezuela. you can assume they are work this effort at the president's trucks to get maduro out of there without having to fire a shot. trish: that's what we all want. more of my exclusive interview with juan guaido, the man our
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country and the rest of the free world recognizes as the president of venezuela. hear his warning to all the far left democrats near america pushing their socialist agenda. it's a message we all need to hear loud and clear. brand-new video of that russian plane parked in venezuela. there are reports maduro is there are reports maduro is trying to shift ron! soh really? going on at schwab. thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms...again. and online equity trades are only $4.95... i mean you can't have low cost and be full service. it's impossible. it's like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs.
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trish: we have a wave of socialism in america right now. is it dangerous for us? [speaking spanish] >> [through the interpreter] it will be dangerous to underestimate democracy, how important the ways of doing things to usurp that in the region. to the importance of leftist governments [inaudible] there
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was a lot of damage done to democracy. we need to be cautious when it comes to the defense of institutions and democracy. trish: well said. that's a warning for all of us. but at this point the democratic party is moving first and further left. joining us, stephanie hamil and robert patello. you have got a country that's been devastated thanks to 20 years of socialism and all of a sudden there is a movement in america embracing this? >> we have to understand the issue of wealth inequality in america. the fact that we have the top 1% control resources in the country. every nation that i am braces socialism or communism is
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because you have a ruling class who don't care about the poor. let's find a compromise in america so we can be sure we'll spread the wealth around. trish: what you are talk about is economic policy. you might be talking about the party of jfk. it doesn't exist anymore. there was once a democratic party that believed in lower corporate and individual taxes so people could keep more of what they earn. >> i'm appalled by the fact there are democrats opening supporting maduro. he's a brutal socialist dictator. i don't know how sincere these democrats are. trish: i think it's bizarre the likes of the woman from
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minnesota, omar, is fighting on the side of russia and cuba. let's talk about the divide in the democratic party. you have schultz saying i want to do the right thing. and the democrats are trying to chew them up and spit them out. they like this fire brand of alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders. and i just keep saying, have you not seen this show? >> socialism doesn't work. but for some reason the left keeps running to the left. some of the messaging they put out there sound appealing for people who don't understand how things work. free healthcare, free this, free that. it sounds great for the working class. but they don't realize socialism always fails. history has shown us that. venezuela has shown us that.
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taxing the rich. doing the 70 per will be, 90 per will be taxes doesn't work. trish: robert are you going to say tax 70%, 90%. go for it? >> no, i don't think it mainstream democrats are saying that. trish: kamala harris on the insurance industry -- >> it's who gets what when where and why. to say we can have a tax cut paid for by nobody. we can run up the deficit $2 trillion in two years. trish: you sound like a fiscal conservative. your party has not always been fiscally conservative. i suppose it's just expedient to be that right now.
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we have the largest tax revenue in history in this nation. >> and we have run up deficits. we put this on the country's credit card. trish: i'm not going to disagree with you. i care very much. we should not be spending more than we have. but you are walk a murky line here. only one hand, democrats are a step away. and on the other they don't recognize somebody has to pay for it. >> you and me. >> democrats are starting to sound like fiscal hawks. but never mind the $11ville of debt -- the 11 trillion of debt under barack hussein obama. and we can't get $5 billion for
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a wall? trish: sadly it's political. they ought to be look at what's going on in venezuela. we have a lot coming up. brand-new video of a russian jet. the plane reportedly is getting ready to ship 20 tons of nicolas maduro's gold out of the country. you get it? this is socialism, right? socialism needs thievery. 90% of the country is living in poverty while a socialist dictator hoarding trillions in gold. alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time.
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trish: nicolas maduro offering up an olive branch of sorts suggesting toed the russian media that he wants to negotiate with the opposition. juan guaido says no, he's not entering into fake talks. i reached out to nicolas maduro and there has been no response. ballots in venezuela aren't entirely secret. they govern by intimidation. and they keep the people down and desperate for handouts and threaten them with a suspension of those handouts if they tear vote for the opposition. sources tell me tonight, you have a government i.d. card and it gets you all the rationing you need to survive from food to shelter and the government tracks what you get and how you
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vote. if there is a government apartment building with 500 apartments in it. if the government sees 200 people in the opt building voted for the opposition, you want to know what happened? my sources say everyone is sent pack. that is voter intimidation. the government stays in power through fear. they don't allow or permit prosperity and they keep their people fully dependent. for the so-called collective good of the community, the will of the individual in venezuela as it is in any socialist-communist style government is suppressed.
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isaiah berlin said the first people totalitarians destroy or silence are men of ideas and free minds. venezuela is the extreme. but socialism i remind you corrupts. we cannot let it take root here. here with me now on how a peaceful resolution happens. hans, it's good to have you back. this your background. you are one brave investor. you bought debt in liberia, the ivory coast. you are on the debt restructuring committee. argentina. you have been all over the world and have seen bad he narrows. how does this scenario end well?
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>> there are a lot of ways it could go badly. fit breaks down into civil war the existing humanitarian crisis could be far worse. the population is still used to elections. it's not kiewka where they have no elections. in theory you could have free elections overseen by international observers. a significant portion of the population voted for guaido. even with the intimidation, there are enough people who want a change. and they are used to having a voice. so if there is an international agreement there will be a free and fair election, then there is some hope. trish: then you have to get nicolas maduro to that point.
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i invited him on this program, juan guaido was on last night. i extended an invitation to nicolas maduro and said if you are serious about negotiation, tell us what that would be. so fair haven't heard. hans, if he wants to negotiate with the opposition, he doesn't have necessarily the best track record. >> internationally, this regime has a bad recommendation to offer to negotiate then not negotiating. givenned the fact the e.u. called for it. united states has an interest. this is not a bilateral negotiation. this has to be overseen by international observers. i don't see how maduro can come out of this unless he cleans his image up and decides he's going to be a candidate.
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allen garcia took venezuela off the map of the international community. and maduro came back as an economic reformer. we have heard a lot of venezuelans saying it probably will continue to be a political force. so let it be a political party. let them run real elections. trish: i don't know if he gets there give what has happened thus far. we'll see. certainly as i said, the opposition doesn't trust him. >> i would think he gets on the plane and leaves with his gold. trish: as general keane said, maybe that's a good sign. maybe he's going off to a nice happy ending somewhere.
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there is all these sanctions out there. and that means people like you in the secondary markets. typically companies borrow money. that's the primary market and debt markets. then there is something after the fact. the loans get trade, the debt gets traded after the fact which is where you come in because you trade some of this stuff. john bolton and the treasury department said you guys cannot buy any pdvsa debt because they don't want to run the risk that you are lending money to pdvsa. your fear is it's send that pdvsa debt into the hands of the russians? they are the ones buying it up right now? >> yes. sanctions want to strangle pdvsa and split the military away from maduro. so make it impossible for them to raise money to fund their
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operations. the thing that the existing bonds happened before maduro. most of big u.s. mutual funds own hundreds of millions if not billions of this stuff. maybe in crafting the sanctions, there is one part that seems to apply to the secondary market. do not lend pdvsa any new money. but the new regulations suggest that american holders can only sell to non-american buyers. which seems to created the only exit will be to sell to the russians if they are eager buyers. but you could end up having to sell all the pdvsa debt. i am not sure it many intentional. but it creates a perverse incentive to move pdvsa to russia. most of of the credit fors that
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own it currently will be very friendly and looking forward to negotiating with guaido. trish: you want to get paid back. what's better than getting paid back? the good old-fashioned american capitalism. thank you. 2020. presidential hopeful kamala harris doubling down on her medicare for all push and ending private health insurance. it seems like the democratic party is moving far too left for its own good. that's why you have former starbucks ceo, howard schultz, mulling a third-party run. is this good news for trump? -ah, the old crew! remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday? -you mean, like, lunch? -come on. voted "most likely to help people
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trish: the 200 presidential elections -- the 2020 presidential elections have a crowd democratic field. the entitlement reform that will be paid for by taxing the rich, as they call it. where are democrats supposed to go when party moves so far to the left. ceo, howard schultz, talked to dana perino about that today. >> if i ran as a democrat i would have to be disenginous with a platform of government take over much healthcare, free college and free jobs. it's not realistic.
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trish: by the way, he would never make it through the primaries. how are you supposed to compete with all those leftist programs. brad, what happened to the centrists? there is no place for a centrist in today's democratic party? >> no, they are bolting. it was okay to take bloomberg's and schultz' money, but now they have no place to go. to get the nomination they are going to out socialist each other to get the nomination. how are they going to compete in a general election when they moved so far left? president trump has a record to run on. there isn't enough rich people to pay for the programs they are
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advocating for. trish: they act like there is a post money that's always there and will always be there. and they just need to grab more information themselves and it never end well. there are some in the democratic party that are worried. they are not so thrilled with mr. schultz right now. that's because he can pull a ross perot. he could divide the vote to the party. >> there is no doubt by the. he could be the ross perot of modern times. let's not forget michael bloomberg that can self-fund a campaign and go toe-to-toe with including schultz, they would take away votes from democrats. they will offer an alternative that sound a heck of lot better than what the democrats are offering. trish: do you think this is real
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or is this his way of saying, guys, get your act together. forget this nutty, leftist venezuelan-style stuff you are trying to promote and start remembering real economic policy that will benefit the middle class? is that what this is? i could see if mike bloomberg were to get into the fray, that maybe that would be his goal. you shape the party to give it a nudge in the right direction. >> i'm afraid will schultz is not powerful enough to turn back socialist agenda to which the democrats seem to favor. i think it's a bluff. i think he's sincere that he made a decision to run as an independent. the question is what will mike bloomberg and others do. there are a lot of people out there disenfranchised with the democratic party who wouldn't
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rather support a democrat but they can't. trish: michael bloomberg said he won't run as an independent. he'll still run as a democrat. anything can change. >> he could fund one. trish: it's nice to have that kind of money. >> sure. trish: why do you think no one else is covering venezuela? why is the mainstream media not willing to admit the failures of socialism? >> because it doesn't fit the narrative. the united states has populist socialist democratic elected officials. these aren't people on the fringe anymore. they are in the tent. they are up on capitol hill. that's why. it destroys the narrative of what the democratic platform is going to be in 2020. that's why it's not reported. trish: it is here and will continue to be reported here.
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coming up, everyone, juan guaido, the man our country recognizes as the president of venezuela telling me exclusively last night in his very first american television interview that he's working to secure the release of five innocent americans nicolas maduro has been holding hostage for over a year. new details on when these men may be freed. plus reaction from a man working directly with the families to help free them. that rocking chair would look great in our new house. ahh, new house, eh? well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. nice tip. i'll give you two bucks for the chair. two?! that's a victorian antique! all right, how much for the recliner, then? wait wait... how did that get out here? that is definitely not for sale! is this a yard sale? if it's in the yard then it's... for sale. oh, here we go.
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trish: tomorrow the daughters of one of maduro's hostages will be on this program. what can you do to help them. >> [through the interpreter] we are working towards their liberty and their freedom. fritsch that was juan guaido -- trish: that was juan guaido. the man the united states recognize as venezuela's president in my very first american television interview
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that was on this program last night. guaido is promising to do everything he can for the five american hostages trapped inside the socialist dictatorship. you heard from the two daughters about their father, tomeu vadell held in squalor in a prison in venezuela where sources tell me these men being held prisoner, they lost 50 pounds each. now we hear from a man work to to help free these prisoners from maduro's clutches. mr. randy branson. good to have you back on the program. >> thank you for what you are doing for venezuela. trish: are you hopeful?
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>> i'm very hopeful. there were more protests in the street. and they are growing in strength, i think. juan guaido is getting more international recognition. the key will be the military. will they follow the advice and consent of the legitimate government? you have two power struggles going on between maduro and guaido. my only concern is the safety of both the people weren't embassy, obviously, that's a concern, and the on thers are the -- the others are the americans being held against their will in a prison in venezuela. we have seen people are being tortured and other things happening to them. they are being captured by intelligence agents roaming around venezuela.
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trish: the military has to make a decision who they are going to be with. one of the fears is there could be para-military groups. they are all working for themselves. how does the united states -- how should we be approaching this so no one is badly hurt? we know there are some deaths already and it's tragic. hundreds of people, 800 have been arrested, some taken from their home in the middle of the night. juan guaido telling me himself there are some 12-year-olds protesting with their parents and they were swept up and put in jail. how do we make sure there is no bloodshed? >> this is a very dicey situation, trish. this is why it's so important we have adequate diplomacy and intelligence on the ground. we need to secure our he bassy
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staff. the dependents are in danger if maduro does something. trish: would he dare? john bolton on this show and through his tweets and there was his notebook on which he had written down, 5,000 troops to colombia. would maduro dare? if you go after one of our embassy members or the american hostages, there will be hell to pay. >> there are all these other faction groups. you have got armed iranians in a lawless state in venezuela with different sway. they might rye to provoke something. i wouldn't be surprised about that just to provoke an incident outside of maduro's control.
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that could happen. i will look at honduras as an example. in honduras you had the president do a chavez-type thing to take over power. the national assembly said you are not going to do it. it was sent to the supreme court and said no you are out of power. mainlt picked him up and took him to costa rica. here you have a difficulty, you have the upper echelon of the military being paid off by maduro still holding together maduro. i think as time goes on as long as we put pressure on, that will begin to crack. we have to hope and pray these other factions doabtsd do something to provoke -- trish: it makes sense for nicolas maduro to think about a graceful exit. it doesn't need toned with all kinds of fireworks. >> i agree.
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yes, that's exactly what to do. i think that's what he's looking for with this russian plane, we'll see. trish: a russian plane load up with gold about to tak i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ comcast business built the nation's largest gig-speed network. then went beyond. beyond chasing down network problems. to knowing when and where there's an issue. beyond network complexity. to a zero-touch, one-box world. optimizing performance and budget. beyond having questions. to getting answers. "activecore, how's my network?" "all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast.
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wants to be first female president ar of venezuela. she will join us, kennedy begins right now. kennedy: thank you very much. hello, president trump today lashing out at his own intelligent agencies, telling them to if back-to-school. after they publicly contradicted him in front of congress, should president listen to them? or is this deep state trying to embarrass the commander in chief, i am kennedy, i am live inyesterda testified on all grave threats facing our nation. but dan turncoats who disputed president's public statement on isis, north korea and iran. >>


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