tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business January 31, 2019 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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about herman cain on the federal reserve board. >> he would give them what for about money printing. stuart: the dow is up 19, neal, it is yours. neil: would be food choice. 30 years in fast-food, never gained a pound. >> good one. neil: that alone qualifies him for being on the federal reserve. cold weather gripping much of the country. record cold at that. shut down businesses all schools remain closed. all mail not being delivered, so much, much more. mike tobin with the latest in chicago. hey, mike. reporter: neil, warmed up to negative 12. the wind is not that bad. it is not too painful to be out here at moment. that being said if you don't have the right gear, you don't want to be out here. i can't get over the visuals. the piling covered with i.c.e.
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from the mist on lake michigan in the pier i'm standing on in lake michigan. dozens of closures, too many to mention. the geese found a spot on the lake and enjoying themselves. one the hazards is house fires. a lot of people done dumb things. one report of putting a charcoal grill in their garage that started a fire. space heaters, all things people do trying to keep warm. that results in house fires. compounds the problem exponentially with firefighters working in this kind of cold. one case they had to bring in warming truck, rotate the crews to deal with the fire. here is the opinion of some of the fire chiefs. >> one of the worst fires we could have had in the village. put it on one of the coldest nights however long it is been. made a bad situation really worse. >> felt for everybody on the scene. these weather conditions make it
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hard for to us do our job. reporter: travel is sit brutal. more than 2500 flights canceled nationwide. amtrak stopped service in and out of chicago. most rail lines don't have service. one town is reporting all their bridges have frozen over. this is the opportunity, if you have the chance, to stay home, just go ahead and do that, unless you have some business being out. i climbed up here really because it is such a remarkable visual. you get mist coming off the lake. it freezes all of this stuff out here. despite all the danger, results in some breathtaking scenery. the bad news we're supposed to get snow this afternoon or this evening. the good news it is supposed to warm up to 40 degrees by end of this weekend. my cameraman coined a term bipolar vortex. neil? >> i see what you did there. be safe, try to safe warm.
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michigan consumers energy holding a briefing telling customers trying to turn down thermostats. they're trying to conserve power everyone using it simultaneously. can you imagine if they had power outages? larry shover is at the cme. larry, so interesting, day by day we get other indications how pervasive this could be, how it ripples through the business community. now when a major utility tells the customers, you know, start using what you have got sparingly, what is going on? >> it's a ghost town. it has been a ghost town for a day. is it being overreported? is it being oversteps significance alizeed? perhaps, but on the other hand, reminder of our vulnerability, we don't really control everything. when you think of weather, markets, even sports, life is so interconnected. we don't control it.
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we can't predict it very well and we have to worry more about the impact than we do of the odds of something happening. neil: you're right. larry, it is interesting we're focused whether we revisit shutdown and we fail to understand the magnitude of what is going on under our frozen noses now. states of emergency in wisconsin and illinois. dozens of businesses shuttered and thousands of flights canceled. the u.s. postal service delaying mail, halting mail in parts of 11 states, this will have some economic impact. we just don't know how much. what do you think? >> no, i think it will have astounding impact. i commuted to work two days in a row. cold weather doesn't bother me. the bottom line it's a ghost town, like christmas day on a train. supermarket chains consorting together to get everybody to buy bread, milk, eggs, whatever else
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they do. all that aside, it is empty. and i think impact will be pretty large in a lot of different ways. it will take a while to figure that all out. neil: i noticed that, you talk about the spillover effects or freezeover effects, gm halting production in michigan amid a natural gas shortage, something heretofore deemed impossible but it is happening. >> no, there definitely is. you know, the bright side of this, the invincible summer that is coming, is that, there is going to be a glut of it coming soon because we'll have, you know, way above normal temperatures along the eastern seaboard, even parts of the midwest as soon as saturday. so that is why we're seeing natural gas plummet yesterday. i think it is down today as well. neil: larry shover, thank you very, very much, my friend. be warm, be well, be safe. appreciate it. >> thank you. neil: couple other things happening, talk about a chill in the air, this isn't weather-related kind but shill
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in on going trade talks going on. we got wind from the president of the united states nothing is final until he meets with the chinese leader that would be the end of next month. he is going to be meet with the vice premier in town, liu he, but add to that, we understand government talks to avoid another shutdown they're getting a little frosty right now because nancy pelosi isn't budging on the wall, no money for the wall. the president insisting before her comments if they're not talking about funding for a wall, they're just wasting their time. to third seven advisors managing director michael block, "fbn:am" co-host lauren simonetti. lauren, i used to think this is not going to happen now it looks like if someone doesn't blink it is going to happen. we could stare at another shutdown. >> i know. how many weeks away? two weeks. we could be staring at another shutdown. nancy pelosi is not budging, she is digging her heels in on this. quite honestly so is the
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president. you say tomato, i say tomato, what are they fighting over? it is semantics. maybe the president takes five billion dollars, $4.7 billion, cave a little bit on amount of money, they cave a little bit what the barrier exactly is. that is how you get a deal. neil: they're not budging. >> better than coming up with nothing. neil: michael equation for you, these markets, this issue deemed a nonissue last go round, 35 days, suddenly reemerge. >> it is being treated as northern -- nonissue. i think they will stare each other down and end of three weeks the president will do emergency powers, whether i agree with it or not he is going to do it. neil: that would get the among question off his back over a shutdown. it would be in the courts, back and forth, back and forth that would be it. >> taking my emotions out of this, the thing about having another shut down is this, get
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away from a shutdown nothing else gets done here but what else can be done? can democrats and gop move past this issue and work on bipartisan stimulus. neil: not happening. >> look, i'm not going to be cynical bit. it is one thing to say no to a wall, but what about saying yes to infrastructure. neil: if you're saying no to a wall, reaching agreement on that, doesn't it make it much more difficult to say yes to anything smells. >> it does. if we get this out of the way because the president takes the road less traveled, maybe, when dust settles from that, maybe we can get something out of it. that is the optimistic case here. see if it can happen. i can see it happening. neil: i will say, trying to avoid the politics of this, lauren, the president is faulted for being stubborn demanding a wall, not democrats for being equally stubborn, refusing to give him it. i know how this places out in the media. why mitch mcconnell is concerned another shut down will backfire on republicans. he wants to avoid that at all costs. i wonder when you talk with
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traders in early morning guests are on, are they saying unthinkable, is very thinkable, very inevitable? we have a shutdown? >> you know, is it more deleterious if we have the national emergency at the same time? to have, you know, neil, we hope that is the not case. no one is actually said that could actually happen. there is hope we get something out of these negotiations. neil: right. >> mitch mcconnell has been very open saying i will not discuss or give the president -- neil: made it clear to the president, right? don't even think about this, right? go ahead? >> it was visceral effect of tsa delays at laguardia. the guys i talked to didn't care about this, suddenly, wait a minute this will slow down business. commerce is being disrupted here. we have a problem, until then no one cared. >> i went out on the street and spoke to regular people during the shutdown, normally when you have to do a man on the street type of interview no one wants to talk to you, they're busy, they're new yorkers, just let
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them to. people were trying to tell me, seeking me out to tell me how they felt. neil: you're kind of a big deal. >> it was weird, because usually do a little bit of begging to get someone to talk to you. this was opposite. they had a lot to say, everyone, republicans democrats. neil: don't sell your short they wanted to talk to you. >> they were very concerned about think, i don't think this was worthy after fox news alert, hinting nothing is final until i meet with xi xinping probably after my meeting with the north korean leader. but that is the end of next month. were you surprised by that? a lot of people were hoping, some we're in the camp, we hope a trait deal or blueprint of one? >> here is the thing. no one wants tariffs. even running a business, china is competing with me unfairly. they don't want tariffs. they want fair competition.
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they san sit across the table and say, we don't want tariffs. the issue is intellectual property. neil: can that be settled today? >> no, absolutely not. the thing hitting now, that the chinese negotiators invited president trump to hunan to meet with xi. they have to meet with each other look each other in the eye we'll enforce ip protection that we can enforce. whether that means, six months, eight months, 100 years from now that actually happens is debatable. whether it is credible you in both side shake hands and declare victory. neil: what if they were to agree to delay implementation of those tariffs? >> another delay? >> right. would that be enough or no. >> you have the optics of this. president trump turning up at the meeting 3:30 today. possibly again with the president of china next month. so he is face-to-face now in these negotiations, setting wall street up.
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the market is up 8% this month on final day. setting up wall street for big disappointment if they get nothing. i bet you we keep the tariffs, if we take them away you can't enforce that china obeys. neil: that is breaking news out of the white house right now. the president has been meeting with a number of big u.s. manufacturers, but issue of trade obviously front and center there. edward, what are you hearing? reporter: the president comes out a few minutes ago saying he believes a deal will happen. my source says the talks are going so well, in fact so well the u.s. delegation invited the chinese out to dinner last night. they ate at a club near the white house. the meetings wrapped up hate in the evening. started 9:00 a.m. this morning. in a few hours the president meets with vice premier liu here at oval office. he tweeted this morning, looking for china to open their markets not only to financial services which they are now doing but
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also to our manufacturing, farmers and other u.s. businesses and industries. without this deal would be unacceptable. now the u.s. trade representative is also trying to get intellectual property protected in any agreement. just listen to the spokesperson for the chinese commerce ministry today, listen. >> translator: china's position on protection of intellectual property rights is firm and consist tent. we will make more vigorous measures in legislation, justice and law enforcement to further intensify the protection of intellectual property rights in full-scale. we will promote the quality and efficiency of intellectual property rights examination and introduce the punitive damage system to remarkably raise the costs of illegal activities. reporter: this is important because this is the first time the chinese have publicly talked about protecting intellectual property. up to now it has been mentioned in reports. so if they follow through on this, this could be a major breakthrough with these talks with china.
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back to you. neil: we'll watch closely. very, very interesting, some of, making, deemed to be progress. whisperings of that first out turned a negative market to one essentially unchanged right now. this is the last trading day of the month. as januaries go, they don't get much better than this. it has been more than 30 years since we started out a year this robustly. best we've seen for any month since october 2015. the bottom line here, a lot of battered sectors and issues that we're taking on chin in september, are back, back with avenge against, including facebook reporting record profit despite privacy concerns. obviously people have come to the conclusion despite all that controversy, the company is swimming in cash. we'll have more after this. ♪ great news, liberty mutual customizes-
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neil: all right, we're following developments at the white house, we're expecting a pool spray in this business. the opportunity with president talking with cameras in the room. presumably in the oval office, meeting with a number of u.s. manufacturers in a push for countries to buy more american goods, force the point at government's behest.
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comes on same day the administration talking about progress at trade front. you heard edward lawrence talk about that, chinese delegation, u.s. delegation. wonder who picks up the tab. maybe they go dutch. everyone is getting along. we'll follow that. we're also following facebook with the record profit. few people saw the numbers being good. maybe the backlash over this, the fear it could cost zuckerberg his job was overstated or was it, is it? let's get to market watch tech editor jeremy owens. jeremy, what do you make of what the facebook numbers showed us? >> no matter what happens, advertisers will not leave facebook. advertisers will continue to sit on facebook to get the eyeballs facebook has. they added users in u.s. and canada this quarter after lasting users after two quarters.
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the loudest voices talking about leaving facebook but the rest of the people seem to be hanging around. neil: it is market lore than facebook skews older than some other sites, snapchat and the rest. is that true? would that explain reluctance of users all of sudden to bolt? younger users deemed to be more mobile inclined to up and go if they wanted to? what is it? what is keeping them? >> facebook doesn't break it all down but instagram has all the youngs, right? if facebook has all the olds, instagram has all the youngs. facebook will have eyed balls in a wide range for whatever advertisers want. owning all the properties is coming in handy for facebook right now. neil: not to say government types will still be on facebook's you know what? there are a lot of hearings. i'm sure a democratic house would consider, but, if you're mark zuckerberg do you think you
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have gotten through the worst of it? >> you never know. there could be another "new york times" investigation dropping tomorrow, who knows, right? neil: that's right. >> you will have to surf through it. the fact is, eventually they will get bored to look elsewhere. this is not seriously just a facebook problem. every time there is negative article about facebook, there is huge sigh of relief for google's headquarters in mountain view and apple headquarters in cupertino. there is -- neil: apple is a very good example. i believe in karma, and maybe when tim cook was blasting facebook for privacy invasions of the like and only to discover through the facetime software it had a big problem of its own. not as if the whole industry is immune to this sort of thing? >> no. but you see that. facetime story lasted roughly 24 hours. until there was another facebook controversy, that was using apple's platform. apple could immediately cut off facebook's access. now that is the story, right?
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nobody talked about face time anymore after 24 hours. neil: i know you're not a stock wonk, you're too smart for that but all of those stocks have come back, apple just the latest, from the clubbing an drubbing they were getting in december. they're not back to the old highs by any means but they are back. i'm wondering whether that signals more to come this year? >> facebook is getting really close to where it was a the start of 2018, right? so we're seeing, and they took a huge hit, right? and apple's hit has nothing to do with any of this stuff. all has to do with the financials and looking forward, what kind of growth they're going to have, right? if you're looking just at financials, facebook looks pretty good right now, better than it has in a long time, because of the p-e ratio, because they are making so much money. nearly $7 billion in profit in three of months of year. biggest quarterly profit they have had in the middle of all the controversies. neil: it is amazing. thank you very much, jeremy.
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we were showing different dates for different stocks as he is speaking of the highs for each one of these tech issues. a little bit different for google, facebook, apple, and some. others from their highs. all of the issues in the bear market territory, slide 25% or more from the highs, many of them have come back appreciably, often times, halving those losses, and in the case of facebook almost entirely erasing them. then there is tesla, posting back-to-back profit, but, but, investors are very much concerned about how quickly the company burns cash. a lot of it. charlie gasparino, on that, sir. >> before we get to that, one point, gentleman understands tech very well, i kind of get it from the regulatory standpoint. i will say this, unfair inappropriate to lump apple in with facebook in terms of regulatory risk. the big companies that have regulatory risk are facebook at the top, google at the top and
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amazon to certain extent. those are the three sort of firms, mostly google and facebook -- neil: i wasn't looking at regulatory. be careful pointing fingers at others when you could slip up. not about a regulatory investigation. >> if you're worried about the stock, vis-a-vis, how it might get hit because of increased regulations and investigations, mr. barr, the attorney general. neil: right. >> singled it. those are the two firms really under the gun. he said it. just remember, it is unfair to lump apple. apple is a different animal. neil: do people tell you with apple it is through the worst of it? the fact it absorbed all the body blows? >> it's a great company. only problem if you have a real slow down in china they will get affected even more. we should go to tesla because tesla will get impacted by china. apparently they want to expand in china. neil: right. >> the earnings yesterday were really good i believe. and, now, we should preface this, they're back looking, backwards looking. neil: right. >> he has enough cash on hand,
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elon muck, to pay the 920 million-dollar bond payment, we were signaling last week that was the word coming out of the company. he has a decent amount of cash, he had some revenue growths. you had back-to-back profitable quarters. i don't remember the last time they had that or if they had ever had that to be honest with you. neil: clean making money quarters. >> clean making money quarters. tesla will be traded and looked at on fundamentals. subsidies are running out or almost gone. remember the government subsidies allow them to open up plants, essentially give the company, put money on the balance sheet through government subsidies, that is running out. they got the bond pate out of the way. what will trade now, can they make money sustainably? can they sell their model 3 or others? and is this, do the numbers add up? and that's what we're going to get. i can tell you there is a huge debate. neil: didn't cfo left, right?
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is there a brain drain or any of that stuff? >> he had a lot of people leave. neil: right. >> you could point that out. this cfo has been back and forth. neil: right, right. >> not like, listen, elon musk, if you think it is tough to work for donald trump we know what it is like in the white house it is not easy place for to work with him in particular, this guy is trump on steroids with management. horror stories coming out of tesla are pretty amazing. that is why senior management that can work elsewhere does work elsewhere. so, but i think the numbers, are what we're going to look at. it is going to be a lot less noise about pot smoking. i don't think there is a massive regulatory risk. there is, keeps popping up that the justice department is looking at whether they lied about their, the tesla model 3 production schedule and sec. the sec is an issue because it is civil and bar is lower for bringing a charge. i just don't see the justice
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department putting this guy in jail or digging into the company. neil: all this goes away they sell cars, right? >> if he they can sell cars, now they are to be judged on that? that is a big if. do they burn through cash, but first quarter is really what everybody is looking at. yesterday was pretty good. the stock, lost like $15 overnight, it came back. neil: came back. buddy, thank you very much. charlie gasparino here. there is a battle again of avoiding a another government shut down but what if i told you it is looking more likely we will have one? because both sides stuck to their original positions? the president saying i need money for a wall. nancy pelosi indicating a little more than an hour ago, you're not getting it. here we go. more after this. d a coach in hi. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math. ooh. so, why don't traders have coaches?
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sense of optimism t was since sire, it was candid and, our friends in the senate and on both sides were very cordial. so i think we'll make some progress. i think ultimately we'll have to have funding for the president's wall. neil: well, you might not want to hold his breath for that. nancy pelosi saying there will be no wall money, zero, wall money in this new legislation, right before that, the president of the united states said, they're all wasting their time if that is the case. sure enough nancy pelosi making it clear, at least for her, democrats, that will be the case. are we looking at shutdown in 15 days? eric kantor says both parties are kind of governing in a bit of a fantasyland. i know you tearily miss washington for all the drama here. >> right in the middle of the shutdown in 2013, i can say with a clear conscience, i am fine where i am, not missing being in a shutdown.
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neil: things never change. anything they have gotten worse. >> one thing you need to know about shutdowns. when newt gingrich and republicans involved in the shutdown in the '90s, saw it in 2013 with president obama. saw it last year chuck schumer when he tried to shut down over the government with daca, anytime you inject something new into the equation to change the status quo in a shutdown scenario, you get blamed politically. and so that is sort of where we are now. when we had this 35-day shut down, president trying to put in place funding for the wall, set aside merits of that, that was introducing something new. that is it why the public polling looked the way it did. neil: we're told last week when they had the gop conference in the senate, and vice president pence was there, almost like a pinata, eventually so was mitch mcconnell, republicans were getting concerned they were being tarred with this, blamed
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with this, they more or less said enough of this. how do you avoid a shutdown? the president would have to declare a national emergency. it is fought in the courts. you avoid a shutdown, right? >> my sense is the committees would be ready on both sides to go in and put the necessary funding in the president is asking for. as you rightfully say, speaker pelosi and chuck schumer, that adamant never -- neil: how did that start? dating to times you were there, democrats voted for wall funding. >> every year. neil: twice under barack obama. and they did once under this president but something stuck in their craw this time. maybe it is a more vociferious part of the problem. you can argue the same of republican party, angry right, whatever, but they are more common ground here on these issues than meet the eye? >> it is political rallying cry. it has become a symbol. i think kellyanne conway was on
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earlier saying that the democrats are trying to make the wall a four-letter word and it has become this symbol. neil: can't they call sitting else? >> listen, the president tried that too. i think today earlier fine, you know what, a wall is a wall. we need a barrier. if you're not going to do it, i have got the authority and his legal team i'm sure is at work trying to thread the needle to say, yes we have executive authority to declare a national emergency in this instance. but of course that carries a lot of, sort of be careful what you wish for consequence there too. neil: give him the benefit of the doubt on this, i don't always do that, i me he has been one moving closer without them moving closer to him. maybe people say that is the way it should be because he went too far to push a government shutdown to get his way but everyone agreed at least on paper that with a wall was good idea. funding not necessarily for the whole 2,000 miles was something should be considered.
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democrats were onboard with that, until it became this lightning rod. so, assuming that we go the emergency route, that the president might do to get the monkey off his back, what does it mean nor any other deals on anything else in these next couple years? >> if the president goes the route, signs appropriation bill without funding for the wall, declare as national emergency, you take away, well, not any, this big reason for any future shutdowns. so in a way you do avoid that. neil: you don't think there will be other shutdowns? >> there could be, but i do think that going into, you know, a presidential election year, see democrats almost every week coming out with new candidate, incredibly, with the rich and go after them? >> i think it is setting up the election to be really a fight between capitalism and socialism.
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president trump is carry the flag, free markets, capitalism has done well for america. certainly we've got problems. neil: what if americans don't buy that? >> this will be the discussion because you have on the left, nancy pelosi and aoc and now kamala harris, everybody signing on to these incredibly intensive government action bills, where you're going to see government take a larger and larger role in our society if god forbid they were to take over. i think that is really where the debate is. neil: when people are questioned without mentioning socialism, about a government that provides protections for you, medicare for all, without getting into that being socialism per se, they like it, they do like it. not everybody, i stress here. i agree with you, but what do you make of that, how republicans counter that? because people's view of the tax cut republicans came up with last year it, wasn't fair, it was not evenly distributed and corporations, you know, really
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lucked out? >> so one of the things i believe that my party needs to do every single day is we need to talk to the suburban families across this country because if you look what happened in the midterms, it is where we began to really erode in terms of support. neil: right. >> we need to talk about health care, why our solutions work for families and talk about it in personal terms. we need to demonstrate and explain why we have the right ideas for education reform. neil: but you didn't. not you. >> no. neil: 40 sights they gained in the house, while someone like congresswoman cortez get as great deal of attention, 32 of the 40 who did gain seats were moderate. so that is lost on a lot of people. >> you know, even in my former congressional seat that was republican for 38 years flipped. again this is the quintessential -- neil: what do you think of that? >> i just can't believe it. i can't believe all of sudden seat i used to represent --
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neil: the giant slayer was himself slain. >> in democratic hands, knowing that constituency way i do, i grew up there, i still live there, almost, listen, almost my entire adult life, certainly in the commune my entire life i believe that these suburban families want to know their government is working for them. you want to create a environment for them to succeed, for them to have education, quality education opportunities for their kids. to have a health care system where they can access choose the doctor they want at an affordable rate, the republican party -- neil: health care could have was the issue for americans. >> when you think about it, people go to the drugstore, they're concerned about out-of-pocket costs. when people go to the doctor, they're concerned about the co-pays. they're concerned if they pay a premium on the health care bills. so, no, i'm not concerned. these are pocketbook issues. there is nothing more personal than health care for families. these are kind of issues that
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the republican party -- neil: do you worry republicans seem to get out of touch. i don't mean to pick on wilbur ross, commerce secretary, seemed clueless of the real pain -- >> i'm sure that statement, i'm sure wilbur would say, he didn't mean that to come out that way. neil: he has done it again and again. >> probably wasn't best. neil: cost of steel restrictions, held up a can, 10 cents on the can, just stop, right? >> again, i think that no one should be ever questioning the fact there is hardships surrounding a shutdown for these federal workers. neil: each side can get cocky when things are going well, for republicans now maybe for democrats. >> that is the best point. dose of humilitity would go a long way party get back out there, to do what it wants to do, get suburban voters. neil: do you want to get back in. >> we're in business of mergers and acquisitions across the globe, helping businesses grow, learning every day.
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as virginian thomas jefferson we're about a lifetime of learning so i'm -- neil: maybe these are the wilderness years. >> i feel great where i am. neil: nixon or reagan moment. >> i am -- neil: you're not ruling it out? >> i learned enough in life i never say never. neil: good seeing you. eric kantor, former house majority leader. we're waiting on proverbial pool spray from the white house. eric cantor knows them well. seeing number of presidents. this one talking to reporters, thinking less and less we'll see a deal on border security. the president apparently saying that he doesn't think a bipartisan congressional panel, this is the conference committee cobbling together something will not make a deal on border security. he is already pretty cynical about the prospects. comments out of top democrats seem to bear him out. they are nowhere close. as eric indicated we could be moving toward, sort of declaring a national emergency, seeing what happens after that, after
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neil: we are waiting comments from the president on trade. he is meeting with a lot of u.s. manufacturers, buy american push, picked up the pace this year. so we're waiting to hear what he has to say separately about the trade talks not only going on with china right now. in fact they had a productive dinner we're told last night, but prospects where this all goes when he gets a chance to meet with the chinese premier end of next month. the fact he finally wants to wait until then to write off on this initially surprised folks in the financial community feeling some framework of a deal would be outlined today or they would talk about delaying of imposition of 25% tariffs on $200 billion worth of chinese good that is supposed to go into effect on march 1. no guarranty any announcement will be made. we'll follow that closely.
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we'll see if the president speaks in the pool spray, which is favorite of ours, we'll take you there. cbs board of directors meeting, all about the direction, future of the company, what to do about the guy who used to head it. hillary vaughn in cbs headquarters in los angeles. hillary. reporter: hi, neil. cbs is staying tied lipped what is happening behind closed doors in this meeting today but reports at top of the agenda is a merger. sources tell fox business's charlie gasparino, that the board will discuss not only a merger but their search for a ceo and what to do about les moonves at today's meeting. cbs wants to get bigger. merging with viacom is reportedly a first step for what is larger vision for expansion. in this meeting cbs is reporting a variety of merger options to bankers. the first would be to viacom. there is questions about the ceo and what will happen. neil. neil: hillary vaughn, thank you
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very, very much. we're waiting to hear from the president and the pool spray in the oval office and meeting with manufacturers. he is talking about trade, possibility of another government shutdown. about a whole lots of stuff here, go to the president of the united states right now at the white house. [inaudible] >> do you still have confidence in gina haspel and dan coates to give you advice. >> i disagree what they said. i think time will prove me right, probably. i think iran is a threat, a very big threat. i think i did a great thing when i terminated ridiculous iran nuclear deal. with was a horrible, one-sided deal, that was $150 billion plus 1.8 billion in cash, and lots of other bad things. if you remember they took our 10 sailors out of waters that people are disputing, and made us look very bad. of course the payment was due the following day.
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they eventually let them go which they had to. i disagree very much on that. i also think, you will be seeing something next week, because you look at what's happened in syria with respect to isis and the caliphate. we look over a lot of area in the last two weeks. we've done tremendous in the last couple of weeks. at the same time we're consolidating and tremendous amount of good things are happening. you even look what is going on. i can't tell you this is guarranty, we're going into close-knit years being in afghanistan and for the first time they're talking about settling. they're talking about making an agreement, and we bring our people back home. but they're in very serious negotiations first time. there is a reason for that. we're doing so well on foreign policy basis. look at north korea. many are traveling with us to north korea. and for the meetings with north korea. we're going to a certain
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location. i think most of you know where the location is. i don't think it is any great secret. but we'll be announcing the location, the exact date. it will be the end of february and we've made tremendous progress with north korea. when i came in, or let's say at the end of the last administration, frankly it looked like we were going to war with north korea. now there is no missile testing. there is no rocket testing. there is no nuclear testing. we got back our prisoners, our hostages and we're getting back our remains. they're coming in. and we had some beautiful ceremonies in hawaii, other places. so i just tell you that, we are doing really well. our military is being rebuilt. it is very close to being rebuilt. we have tremendous amounts of new aircraft, new ships, new weapons of all kinds which we need because hopefully the stronger we get, the less you have to use it.
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i guess you know that from growing up in school. the stronger we are, the less we're going to have to use it. we don't want to have to use it but we'll have the strongest military by far that we've ever had. so i didn't see the report from the intelligence. when you read it is a lot different than covered in the news but i think that iran is somebody, is a nation we have to watch very closely. they sent up a rocket the other day. and it failed but it was sent up. now they can say they're sending it up for civilian purposes but i don't think too many people believe that. they're doing tests. we don't want to be in a position that we're behind. we'll not be leading from behind anymore. i have a great respect for a lot of people but i don't always agree with everybody. [shouting questions] >> [inaudible] >> so it is great. we're going to, look, we're going to go into everything.
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you probably saw this morning i put out a statement, we're going into everything. this will not be a small deal with china. it will be a very big deal or a deal we'll just postpone for a little while but we've been dealing with china. we've had a great relationship. i have a great relationship with president xi. the relationship of my people to chinese representatives has been very good. they're negotiating now. they will be coming over here about 4:00 and we'll be talking to actually one of the top leaders in china as you know. i think that probably the final deal if it is made will be made between myself and president xi. we're certainly talking about theft. we're talking about every aspect of trade with a the country and we're talking about fentanyl too. most of the fentanyl which is killing 80,000 americans a year is coming through china and in china it was not criminalized and they have agreed to
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criminalize fentanyl and give it the maximum penalty. the maximum penalty in china if you're selling drugs, it is death, it is the death penalty. they have agreed to do the death penalty for selling fentanyl. if it is shipped to the united states that would be a very severe penalty. i think that will have tremendous impact. we put that one item into the trade de, the fentanyl. i think that is a very important item to put in. they have agreed, they have agreed, agreed very readily, we appreciate it to criminalize the sale of fentanyl. >> will you meet the march 1 deadline. >> i don't know. a lot of people are working. large tariffs to chinese products coming in, which hurts china of the as you know, you saw the reports, out of 25 points, we're paying 4 points out of 25. they're paying for 21.
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that is a big difference. i as you said that we're taking in billions of dollars and frankly we're taking in a lot of industry. the rate goes from 10% to 25% on march 1st. they would like to do it. i would like to accommodate them if we can. i would like to accommodate china if we can get the deal done. this is a lot of work. this is a very comprehensive deal. this is not talking about they will buy corn, that will be it. hopefully they buy lots of corn, lots of wheat, and everything we have. they're talking about heavy technology, heavy manufacturing, financial services and everything else. reporter: [inaudible]. is that what you're saying, sir? >> i think, we can do it by march 1st. can you get it down on paper by march 1st? i don't know. i can say on march 1st, the tariff on china goes to 25%. that is a big tariff. reporter: just curious what is the tone at meetings?
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i don't know if you seen democrats -- [inaudible]. stacey abrams running for georgia. >> i campaigned against stacey abrams. i know president obama campaigned for her. michelle obama campaigned for her. and oprah campaigned for her. all brian had was me. he won fairly easily, fairly easily. i hope she does a good job. i respect her. i don't know her, haven't met her but i hope she does a good job. reporter: [inaudible] >> i think it is unification. i think it is industry, it is about the people that you see right here. has working with these people, because they have been incredible. we've had incredible, we've had incredible republican support. the problem the democrats say we don't want to build for example,
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a wall, bus it doesn't work, it is immoral, it is also immoral people coming into our country that come here and kill people, that is immoral too. that is more immoral. it will be a speech that will cover a lot of territory. part of it will be unity. yeah, please. reporter: nancy pelosi said this morning there will not be a wall in this deal but she said she would be open to other kind of physical barriers. would you accept that? >> no. because if there is no wall, it doesn't work. she is playing games. if there is no wall, it doesn't work. we're building the wall right now. i mean a lot of people don't know that. we have a lot of wall under construction. we've given out a lot of contracts over the last three or four weeks. good contracts. a lot of wall will soon be under construction. we will be, we're finishing up the design on certain areas the most important areas, rio grande areas and others. we are building a lot of wall. i'm not waiting for this committee. i've told a lot of people, i don't expect much coming out of
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the committee i keep hearing words we'll give you what you want but not give you a wall. without a wall it doesn't work. we have caravans coming up from honduras and we give a lot of money to, which is stopping by the way, but we pay hundreds of millions of dollars to guatemala, honduras, and el salvador. then they have caravans leaving their country coming up here. by the way if you go to tijuana, you take down that wall, you will have so many people coming into our country, that nancy pelosi will be begging for a wall, she will be begging for a wall. she will say, mr. president, please, please, give us please, please give us a wall. very interesting, some people have suggested, let me take the wall along california. let's move it to arizona. let's move it to taxpayers and it will be very interesting
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statement. about nancy, selling california they wanted the wall built in san diego so bad and we built the and probably i should have waited acres as soon as it was finished they started screaming, we don't want a wall. but they wanted the wall so badly. and by the way it worked. nobody's getting through. the minute it was no they started saying we don't want a wall. without a wallet doesn't work. i'm not saying this as a republican. i'm not saying that as anything other than a faxed statement. without it while it just doesn't work appeared >> after listening to the hardships for many federal government workers who rely on the federal government employees find answers to fun there is, are you willing to jeopardize the economy again and people who
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are fearful of another shutdown over this wall. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> that i can tell you is horrible. i've seen it last night. i think that's horrible. it doesn't get worse as far as i'm concerned. as far as the people are concerned, many of those people wanted me to stay out. but i didn't do it because people were getting her. what i think is the worst of all is the fact that we're allowing people to come into this country and sell drugs and human traffic and do all these horrible things that if we had the simplicity of a well constructed from a beautiful barrier or wall they wouldn't be able to come into our country. back that to me is the great. and everybody knows that work spirit i watched early this
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morning someone trying to justify walls are immoral. if laws are immoral, maybe we should take down all the walls built. you will see in a mess like never before. i was elected partially on this issue. not as much as people say among the partially on this issue. it's a very important issue. nothing to do with elections. nothing to do with votes. only to do with common sense and only to do with security. if we don't put up a barrier or wall, one that looks good. in the old days they used to build and they look terrible. now we build them and they look really good. if we don't put up a physical barrier, you can forget it. our country is going to be a very unsafe place. people are coming in. drugs are coming in. human trafficking is coming in, which is so horrible. things are happening that won't happen after the wall is constructed.
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we are building a lot of wall, new sections starting in two weeks with some brand-new sections from a large sections of the wall is getting built. i would like to build an even faster, but it's getting built and is getting built very substantially as some of you have seen because you've been there. >> verse please verify what you said about north korea. do you have an agreement on the time and place? >> yes. >> can you share? >> we will very soon. will be announcing it this week. >> okay can you also said -- >> i think they really want to do something. we'll see. but again remember, north korea was a whole different story when i came to office, many people thought we were going to war with north korea. i would sit and listen and i would read people saying go to war with north korea. well, you lose potentially
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hundreds of millions of lives. seoul has 30 some odd million people and it's literally right off their law -- wall. that works i can tell you. [inaudible] >> while, and i've accomplished practically everything else that i accomplished the military. i accomplished the tax cuts. i accomplished the regulation cuts. i accomplished so much. the economy is the number one economy in the world. i've accomplish so much. so now they said he doesn't get the wall. they make that the only issue. but it's not going to work because they're building a wall. the wall is happening right now. >> are you closer or further apart on immigration? >> with respect to the committee? >> i would say where the same.
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i actually think it's bad policy. frankly i think they're fighting us on what everybody says have to be done to have proper security. you cannot other things, but the other things only work if you have the physical barrier. guggenheim drones flying over 12,000 people. you're going to be doing circles around the 12,000 people walking in from honduras and guatemala and el salvador. no, you don't want that. i wanted to be a real deal like with china. we have to open up china. we are open to them. they have to be open to us. would be so easy for me to make a deal with china but it wouldn't be a real deal. i could get them to buy more corn and more soybeans than they've ever bought and they be so happy if i did that.
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they're going to do that at even higher numbers but we're going to do a lot of other things. just remember, we are taking in billions and billions of dollars in china. we never took in 10 cents from china. china's been charged tremendous amounts of money for the privilege of coming in and doing what they do to our country. they're being charged a tremendous amount of money and work and make a deal. but it's going to be a very comprehensive deal. we're going to cover everything. >> with untold economic indicators -- [inaudible] >> while the trade deals walk again for a while. it has to go before congress. nafta was one of the worst deals ever made. during the campaign i said will either terminate nafta were negotiated new deal and we negotiated a good deal.
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now if you went back to pre-nafta that would be okay with me. but i won't allow nafta. nafta was a horrible deal for this country. you look at the scars all over our country where even in new england, ohio, pennsylvania, you see what happened in north carolina. you have factories that are still out to you from what happened with nafta. the u.s. mca is a great deal. pre-nafta we had huge surpluses with mexico. with nafta we have huge deficits. we lose $100 billion a year on trade with mexico. does that sound good? this has been going on for many years here so i stopped there. [inaudible] -- held hostage. is there anything you would have done differently? >> could have done it differently? no, not really. by having the shutdown we set
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the table to where we are now. if i didn't do the shutdown people would know. they wouldn't understand the subject. now they understand the subject. they realize what a humanitarian crisis it is. it's called setting the table or setting the stage. we've set the stage for what's going to happen on the 15th of february. i don't think they're going to make a deal. let's do this but were not getting one dime for the wall. that's okay. but if they're not going to give money for the wall it's not going to work and if it's not going to work the politicians are wasting a lot of time. okay. [inaudible conversations] >> i would do that. we have money just so you understand. people don't know that nobody reports it but that's okay. it's not very exciting news. we are building the wall right now. it's going up fairly rapidly. we are renovating tremendous amounts of all which is good
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stuff in very bad shape with massive holes than it intensive coming down. it's been beautifully renovated. we renovate some, replace him. but the wall is going up right now. thank you very much, everybody. [inaudible] >> will see what happens on february 15th. [inaudible conversations] >> you are not going to declare it now -- >> excuse me come i didn't say that. i sat and waited until february 15th. on february 15th the committee will come back and if they don't have a wall, i don't even want to waste my time reading what they have because it's a waste of time. the only thing that works for security and safety for our country as a wall. when you couple the wall with sensors and drones in all these
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other things, that works. but if you don't have a wall they are all just wasting their time. as does politics. thank you all very much. true to all right, i think the president just dipped his hand in his attentions there. he's going to wait until february 15th in the conference committee talks are supposed to be wrapped up, but they don't look very promising and he is on the verge of declaring an emergency. to force the issue, for the funding and the construction of the wall along the border where the continuation of one as he wanted to stress there that while construction is already going on. i think you meant more while repairs are going on. be that as it may the president making it very clear he is sticking to his guns on this that we have to have a wall. he's no longer talking semantics. it's got to be something democrats support. they are not going to fund the
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wall. they keep talking about border security and sophisticated technology that would do what a wall could do them better. it is the clearest evidence yet that the two are irreconcilable. the two views are not even close. it doesn't look like it would necessarily lead to a government shutdown. they have no deal in place maybe force the issue declaring an emergency along the border and away we go. the legal challenges would ensue and off we go. blake burman with the latest at the white house. it seems to me that is what he saying there but i could've misread it. reporter: a lot of a lot of news as it relates to potential deals that are out there. one between the united states and china and to what the and republicans on this white house in what may or may not happen with the wall. it's been very clear today that democrats are not going to move at all on their position as you
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just heard the president will not move at all in his. earlier today nancy pelosi was given a press conference on capitol hill, her weekly thing that she does and she stated no matter what comes out of the conference committee on the hill that there will not be legislation that includes money for the border wall flat out. however, she would be in support of something along the lines of physical barriers. this is what post he said. >> 300 miles of this. if the president wants to call that a wall, they can call the wall. we are to have almost 700 miles of wall. reporter: said the president was asked about the statement whether he would accept a physical barrier and he said no because if there's not a wall then it doesn't work. it kind of brings us back to the very first phases here democrats say no money for the wall. the president says he wants us
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all in now is going to wait until february 15th and looks like a national emergency could be declared in the president by the way said what had happened in the first go around and deal making turns setting the table. the table has been set and now people realize what is in front of them in his view what is in front of the american people is an humanitarian crisis at the southern border. that was the wall aspect of what we heard from the president. then the ongoing negotiations in the building behind us between the united states and china. the president making clear on twitter that he doesn't want anything small. he wants a deal of significant scope between the united states and china and if there is not a deal, the timeline is march 1st. if there's not a deal over the next 28, 29 days than the terrorists will go into effect raising him from 10% to 25%. years president trump.
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>> if we can do it by march 1st, can you get it down a paper by march 1st i don't know. on march 1st the tariff on china goes to 25%. reporter: i asked president trump what kind of concessions to chinese have made the united states have made. the president talked about sentinel as you heard him talk about there. the president also talked about financial institutions -- financial industry access being open up into china. there were several issues in play between united states and china they are trying to hash out right now. neil: the vice premier when he leaves today to wrap up their two-day summit or whatever they're calling it, he's got a go back home with something. are you hearing the president would be open to delay the imposition of those tariffs in $200 billion worth of chinese
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goods for that is not even, because the two leaders would have to write off on whatever they agree. reporter: when they went into the dinner between president trump and president xi, the terrorists would go forward to 25% and the president said let's back it off. we'll have the 90 day negotiating window. what we hear from the president there is march 1st it's going up to 25%. what happens between now and then, who knows, but clearly the president is making his case that this needs to be wrapped up in sin. he also suggested some sort of meeting between him and xi jinping of china. neil: if you'll indulge me when one of their question. the president made it clear i could walk away with the chinese committing to buy a lot more soybeans and wheat and all that but i would be happy with that. already the chinese have committed to do that. he wants something sweeping.
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property above that the chinese would honor. this is obviously taking on far bigger demands than we were led to believe. this has to be a sweeping subsidy deal. >> i brought up ip theft. i set up by one of the confessions. he didn't necessarily say yes to that. he did speak about it briefly. but that is if not at the very top of the list is right up there and as the president said he can get them to buy more stuff but at the end of the day they are looking for structural reform and that is the big question coming out of all of this. it's not just okay let's buy. it are you going to change how things work inside china. neil: blake burman thank you very much. market watcher craig smith. craig, what you think of signals coming out of the white house? it doesn't michael get in a blueprint of a deal today. not that people were necessarily
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looking for that. obviously, no talk is all about delay the imposition of those tariffs on march 1st either. >> both sides of very dug in, don't they? i was thinking about this while i was listening to the president. the speaker pelosi understand the consequential decisions she's making right now will have consequences on the president negotiating with xi jinping? think about it, xi jinping watch the president succumbed to nancy pelosi if you will on the wall. i don't think pelosi is thinking this through on how much this could affect the china talks. hear this president has had her 15 coming, march 1st coming. this president has a lot of on his desk and i don't think nancy pelosi is thinking about how it relates to the trade talks with china. neil: xi might be looking at each issue separately. i am wondering to his point with
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this could portend if it looks like the president might not get its way on the wall were funding for the wall and the closest i heard on democrats part was nancy pelosi sort of re-describing what her definition of a wall would be. if the president says some sort of fencing that a car can go through us find any fine without. when it comes down to semantics. >> essentially. that's why i don't think it's a necessarily good position to lay his cards on the table when we have two weeks of congress negotiating a deal. the next step in the battle on the wall is not the president issuing an emergency declaration. it conference committee coming up with a policy that will pass both chambers. if the president vetoes the bill, and that's a very difficult spot for him to be in. neil: does that then make it difficult on that committee to make a deal because a deal
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cannot involve the wall. >> nita lowey with the appropriations chairwoman was asked that question and she was unwilling to make that commitment. that makes it difficult for democrats to have any negotiating with republicans at the table. neil: craig, it is interesting here because stubbornness and intransigence can be in the eye of beholder. you can blame the president for being stubborn and demanding a wall. you can easily look at democrats been equally stubborn refusing a wall. this president to be fair was the one who put the government's operations on the line to get what he wanted. do you think he will forever rule that day? >> even a well. we saw it in this press conference in matias right. everybody is dug in right now. nancy pelosi has her back against the wall. we need some type of barrier. donald trump saying if you don't give me the wall -- this is not
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good for the nation. forgive me if i didn't articulate this properly, but i believe the chinese are watching this and i believe they're taking this into negotiations with the president this afternoon and i think that could have a real impact on getting a true structural changes out of china that are necessary. neil: what he think of this matty that this might serve as the chinese we can play the sky. >> other environmental factors allow the united states to have leverage in chinese negotiations. china sewing on economy. a lot of pressure because of trade anxieties. this week a massive reporting week for the corporations. have to doubt reporting. all saying the same thing that these trade relations are creating problems for businesses. an environment which the united dates in china need a deal for long-term insolvency. the united states and china are motivated to get to the table.
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the president needs to articulate what this looks like. i think victory could be a delay in the march 1st deadline even with the president back in right now. if we hear from negotiators they allow more time to get a deal that could be good news. neil: you're right about that. that is the olive branch thrown out there. i could be wrong and i'll burn the tape. whatever we use now. i don't even understand that technology. >> he used it today. he said we could postpone it probably. neil: thank you very much. the dow down about 60 points. we will have more including the amazing performance of facebook today in the face of all of these privacy issues. they are profiting like crazy.
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simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. neil: so much for privacy concerns. tell that to folks are making money hand over first thanks to facebook within basel profit numbers that have the stock up now very close to its all-time high. american authority ceo ned ryan.
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we've been talking so many months now about all the privacy issues that keep popping up for facebook and all i can imagine is despite the customer dream but everyone said was inevitable is not happening. the latest quarter gained customers. what is going on here? >> i don't think people are paying attention to its going to facebook in amazon and google. i wrote a piece for fox news this week about what these guys are doing in regards to the data. people should really start to ask questions about what they do with the data in regard to feeling work on artificial intelligence. there is a method to the madness with facebook and google and amazon but i'm quite frankly they aren't calling him up to capitol hill and asking blunt questions. if you're worried about policy and data i think that pales in comparison to what they've got in the works in regards to
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artificial intelligence. it's staggering to me. neil: you think the attention and by the way i was all way off. it's still up 10% for the high spirits not getting away with anything. this is still a serious concern. you are not looking for the stock perspective. still politicians breathing down the companies back and they should be. >> i certainly hope so. you could spend 30 minutes go in and let you know what they're doing in regards to artificial intelligence. data is the rocket fuel. the nitric oxide for artificial intelligence. what they're doing is grabbing all this deeply personal quite frankly and using it to build. they are in an arms race. neil: they don't seem to care. and that is a mystery to me. this is the way the world isn't just deal. >> because i don't think they understand the implications. i don't think they looked at the
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world as it could be in the short-term. in the hidden automation agenda a lot of these uber wealthy and corporate heads. they want to replace a significant part of the workforce with automation. automation is filled by machine learning which is fueled by data. people should be deeply concerned and talking about this, writing about this than they should be calling these people to capitol hill and demanding more transparency and accountability in the first thing that got to do i've been beating the drum on this. they need to define these guys to get more oversight and then demand even more. neil: don't hold your breath. we'll have a lot more after this including what's going on in venezuela right now. ♪
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nicholas of forcing the u.s. invasion of venezuela reading the papers about john bolton talking about 5000 troops in neighboring colombia that it would be worse if we go that route. national security adviser to vice president dick cheney, john hannah. good to have you. he doesn't sound like someone happily quietly relinquishing the title. what happens? >> i think the administration is absolutely right. you never take any options off the table. i do believe short of maduro, i think all this talk about a military option for the united states is really overblown and unnecessary. >> what did you make about the notes scribbled on the pad, do you think i was just a set up or what? >> john bolton is a very smart foreign policy professional so
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it's hard to believe he does anything. but it's entirely possible that he just left that out there. we've got to do contingency planning. as all kinds of bad things that could happen to her people in venezuela that she would get them out. 5000 is not capable of opposing maduro and taken over the country. i don't think that's what it was for. >> i can remember trying to get them out of the philippines that we were shipping them off to hawaii trying to find a peaceful quiet nonviolent means to do so. you think something like that is in the works and if it were, what country would take it? >> that is certainly got to be part of any hope for a solution here to get maduro out. we've got to fracture the military. we've got to get some offers of amnesty and a reason to abandon that regime. the diplomatic isolation,
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economic sanctions and giving maduro some kind of easy pathway out of their bunkers to russia or china, even mexico perhaps is going to be part of this entire comprehensive strategy in package that's going to take some time, but you need to let that work rather than play into maduro's plan to rally around yankee imperialism from the north. >> his opponent, he needs generals on the side. he doesn't have them right now. how likely is that? >> guiado claims he's talking to the military. in secret as well. i think it is just a matter of a negotiation that the military
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has got some difficult decisions to make. either faces maduro who will have their heads up it makes the wrong decision or they can be heroes, abandon the sky and what kind of amnesty do they get if they leave this sinking ship of a regime. neil: you're going to think i'm crazy for asking this question but in your days working with vice president dick cheney i don't know if you've seen the movie bias. it's a portrayal of your former boss, but of course it's soaking up all the oscar nominations, what do you think of that? >> i can happily say that i haven't seen it. i'll wait till it appears on netflix or somewhere else dreaming. i saw the trailer it and i've seen a lot of movies where cheney is portrayed in christian bale in terms of the way he captures the physicality of in
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mannerisms and if not the person himself which i hear the movie utterly misses. christian bale did a fine job. neil: you should see the guy who plays you. you're a good sport. thank you very much. john hannah, national security adviser to vice president dick cheney and our movie critic. we've got a lot more coming up including what is happening with this snow and everything in between for two thirds of the country. what is at stake and what is happening right now. ways to help keep you on track. and closer to home. edward jones grew to a trillion dollars in assets under care, by thinking about your goals as much as you do. our grandparents checked zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today.
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neil: the last day of the month has been a good month of months ago. the best we've seen since october 2015 as the start of the year ago more than 30 years. susan li taken a look at tech companies begin the drive. >> just some of the bigger names. let's start with facebook look at double-digit advances today. big quarter for facebook record
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profit. across all geographies. also plateauing in north america. what is working for facebook with the 24 hour post. that's how things drive traffic right now hence the average revenue, probably the most important metric when it comes to social media or it increases have more money per user. facebook platforms that half of the global population outside of china. talking about tesla because the profit beat on revenue and yes they have enough cash on hand. $3.5 billion that the distribution they are starting to make next march with just about two months time. they're also aiming the production per week. the timeline as well. so that's something positive. elon musk to drive deliveries by
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50% 2019. analysts remain skeptical but the big news was the cfo is leaving the company. let's move on to microsoft. not a lot of love for a very stable shall we say cash flow in the company. also transitioning a cause company, but the growth rate has actually plateaued. let's talk about amazon reported "after the bell" with a weaker holiday quarter last time around in their last earnings. the bar was pretty low for them to be over. right now we are expecting the record sales with 10 cents per
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share. neil: susan, thank you very much. down 53 in the dow right now. holding onto the vast majority of the gains from yesterday. what happens? after this. the most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories. download audible and listen for a change. wat t. rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer.
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neil: very hard for a third-party candidate to do that but not impossible. >> is certainly not possible. democrats this time around saying we don't want an independent because it will split the anti-incumbent vote and we won't be able to win. george bush and whether or not it has any impact at democrats this time around is it to be seen. but it's called competition. remember, you'd quit the race then reentered the race in the late summer that year after leading in the polls prior. he ended up getting 19% of the vote as a third-party candidate. no third party candidate has done better. howard schultz is very competent that is a third-party candidate he could make a difference. some democrats sell until only him the race to donald trump and divide that vote.
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to real clear politics amy stoddard and executive ed kinnaird. what do you make of what russell and others are saying. don't be afraid of an independent run. if you are such a promising agenda you'll do just fine with or without the third-party. >> i think it's logical for democrats to be concerned about an independent run. the more interesting question is why is he not willing to run as a democrat. this is a person who created an innovation that increased demand for low skill workers and therefore increase wages. you would think republicans and democrats alike would be celebrating that. why isn't he encouraged to run as a democrat. i think the answer is they move too far to the left to embrace somebody like him. neil: amy, what you think about? >> i think that's right. it is clear that howard schultz message doesn't have a real place right now in the democratic party when it comes to, you know, fiscal restraint. the idea that the party is
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embracing this kind of free lunch socialism is one that divides up what used to be a bigger party, a bigger tent with the left lane. -- no one is really contesting those ideas and saying they are fiscally responsible. howard schultz realized that he was going to be tagged as a billionaire and his ideas with the added step of the far left of the parties that have taken over since 2016. i think in the end, the likelihood is he might have a good effect on the party by bringing up more to the center. neil: 32 of those pickups were
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courtesy moderate candidates. they get a great deal of the attention. i take nothing away from her, but hardly typical of the party. as a moderate knew a could succeed. i do get more competition will heat up on the left side of the candidate and candidates are afraid of moving to the right and being pushed out by the left of their party. i think all of them are racing to the left, are proposing things like medicare for all, which is ironic of course because many are accusing howard schultz is benefiting the subsidies we give to low-wage workers and they want to increase subsidies to low-wage workers. i would argue those are largely captured by the workers but not the employers.
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i think they're racing to the left to make sure no one can beat them on the left. at the end of the day they'll end up at the candidate a lot more liberal than howard schultz. neil: is seen in the past they run to the middle after they get their respective party nominations. if democrats choose someone this far left in keeping with the theme right now, they're going to have to really run to the middle. >> i would certainly think so. they'll try to run back to the middle, but the more competitors in the race, the more they'll shift to the left and the harder for them to run back to the middle when the real campaign begins. neil: would he think of that amy? >> one of the big things in the conversation behind closed doors among democrats, among party operators is the worry about how many voters at home in 2016. that is always an option that hillary clinton essentially lost the election more than donald trump wanted. if you look at the margin of
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victory where jill stein, her margin with material. so if they choose someone who is way out on the left, they have to have a real conversation about whether or not the person can authentically with go back to the sender and how many voters will sit at home and not vote for the end were donald trump in 2020. that should be a big calculation as they go to what i think is a long process probably into the spring of next year to choose their nominee. neil: they will eventually settle on one individual, but is this doing any damage at this point? >> i can tell you this. i grew up in detroit with a lot of blue-collar workers in the auto industry. i think they feel strongly about president trump. it will be difficult for the candidate they seen so far with my blue-collar friends which looks a lot like pennsylvania,
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ohio and wisconsin. if they don't take those dates, they will have an impossible time winning the presidency. i don't see any candidate on the left putting up an agenda which appeals to the people i grew up with in the auto industry in detroit went to high school with. neil: a particular third-party candidate like schultz. we'll see. thank you both very much. we have not forgotten about the nation's weather in a cold front, but what if i told you this could just be a preview of coming chili attractions. right after this.
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neil: this brutal cold is certainly one for the record books but one for the history books? not so fast. joe bastardi, weather bell chief meteorologist. what else do we to look forward to, joseph? >> let's put this in perspective. it was only 20,000 years ago the ice in upstate new york was a mile thick. so, we're much better shape than we were 20,000 years ago when the wooly mammoths were walking around. this cold shot, this cold shot actually means something for later because if you go back and look at the set-up for this, how the winter has evolved, we started fast, november into early december, backed off december into early january and been coming on and these cold shots that come, for instance in 2014, when we had the so-called
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polar vortex it warmed up for about a week right after that and cold came again, neil. we think it will happen in this particular case, that the winter winter on into mid-march will be very rough across the rest of the united states. we get the warm-up, the winter comes back into gangbusters and lasts into march. unlike last year, it took a break late january, february, took a break. we got cold again march into april. this year it is february into march the core of the winter comes. the big outbreak we just had, not only is historical what it did, it is pointing where we're going to go. we try to tell our clients that all the time the weather means something going forward, not only what you see right now. neil: what does that mean for a repeat of something like this?
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>> i don't think you will see chicago hit minus 25 again. this was set up, by the way you saw this evolve in early december. there is something we watch called the madden julian oscillation, very important, did something early in december that it did in 1984, it did it in 1993 and severe cold followed that in. the ronald reagan inaugural outbreak for instance back in 1985, a month after this happened what i'm talking about, you see the cold come. you look at rest of the winter after that, you find the rest of the winter stays cold across much of the country. that is what happened in '85. it happened in '94. we believe it is going to happen again. you folks in the southern, eastern part of united states, you will get off to a nice warm start the first 10 days of february. it will be pretty warm after we get rid of cold. look out between february 15th, march 14th, i think core of winter is coming deep east in
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the southeastern part of the united states. the good news, given the setup, we're likely to have less than average tornado season this year. you see, neil, one thing points to another. if you get one thing right, it means you have a chance to get the next thing right. neil: quickly, record heat in australia. >> yes. neil: 110, 120 degrees, what is going on? >> what happens, this is the midoki type el nino, what happened, low pressures there, is a certain type of pattern that sets up. looking at this morning a lot of these winters that are like this are very warm in eastern australia. it is about a 50/50 split but you get that type of thing going on. what should happen over the next couple weeks, especially by february 10 or 15, that starts to break in australia, when that happens, the core of the cold over the next two weeks will be centered in the western and central part of the united states will break into the east and southeastern part of the
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united states. that will last into mid-march. charles: thank you, my friend. you're an encyclopedia. joe bastardi. the guy i can say the same about stocks. charles payne. charles: i love when joe starts talking about this, like we know. you remember the kansas city storm of 1802? neil: who doesn't. who doesn't. charles: thanks a lot, neil. good afternoon, everybody, i'm charles payne. this is "making money." we have a big show for you today. even though the dow is in the red, the s&p 500 is on track for the best january, get this, in 30 years. is this a good indicate for for the rest of the year? i will ask my panel about the importance of the so-called january effect. also the it is the second day of trade talks with china. the president is under considerable pressure to get a deal done. is bejing, what will happen with them? their economy is failing. gordon chang will give us his take
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