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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 2, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST

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be back here next week more in-depth interviews right here on the "wall street journal" at large. thank you for joining us. lou: good evening. the need for our leaders to take on the worsening national security crisis at our southern border is more urgent with every passing day. now both democrats and republicans are ignoring that urgent need. the house and the senate are out of session. our representatives and senators out of tune. and members of the border security conference headed home as well. apparently to rest up from their single meeting held wednesday which was apparently so exhausting even though they worked only slightly more than an hour and a half. that's right. that's it.
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president trump is not the only one addressing the border crisis. this congress, this senate are doing absolutely doing. nothing except as the president noted today, but opposing and obstructing everything he's trying to do to secure the border. president trump said the radical dems' obstruction and bipartisan council refusal to act in the national interest means the putt must act, and it's far more likely he'll be forced to declaish a national emergency. >> we'll be looking at a national emergency. i don't think anything is going to happen. i think the democrats don't want border security. when i hear them talking about the fact that walls are immoral and walls don't work, they know they work. the democrats are object strucking. you hear about human trafficking, they are only doing it for one simple reason. it couldn't be simpler. they think it's good politics
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for 2020. lou: with the february 15 dead high pressure approaching, we take up more. investigative journalist sara carter. and byron york all with us here tonight. venezuela's opposition leader juan guaido calling for more demonstrations against the maduro regime. president trump says no military across is planned, but he's also not ruling anything out. >> are you willing to commit up seattle military if necessary? president trump: i don't want to say that but everything is an option. we take no option off the table. lou: alignment of russia and red china and the friction between our intelligence community and
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our president. foreign policy expert dr. walid phares joins us. the left revealing themselves. cory booker ever ready to run for president. elizabeth warren says she is sorry for taking a dna test. i don't know if she is sorry about claiming to be a native american. and democratic fallen star stacey abrams says the united states has to expand identity politics in order for our population to coexist. the. our top story tonight, two weeks from the border security conference committee's deadline to put a bill funding the border wall on the president's desk.
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so far those bipartisan appropriators have met for an hour and a half. one meeting this week. and congress out of session until tuesday. the house has only 8 legislative days remaining before the february 15 dead like. one of those days of course is this coming tuesday which also happens to be the day of the state of the union address. now they are down to 7 days. and the democrats' new house rule that legislation must be posted 7 hours before it can be considered. means the 7 days stretched to 4 days because the bill has to be posted february 8 for the full 72-hour review and a vote in the house and sat thursday which just happens to be february 14. then it's deadline day. february 15. guess what? the house immediately leaves washington, d.c. for a much needed week-long recess.
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presumably to recover from their exhaustive response to our national knowledge at the border. and so it goes. president trump today said the wall is going to be built one way or another against signaling he'll declare a national emergency made all the more urgent because we have a congress and senate indifferent to tens of thousands of lives that are taken by the drugs smuggled across that border with mexico. to the death and devastation shipped across that border every day. joining us tonight, congressman mark green, a member of the house oversight committee. the house freedom caucus. and a special operations flight surgeon. he took part in the mission to capture saddam hussein. let's start where these legislative days. no offense. but you all don't work a lot. the dems apparently mean not to work at all on solving this you
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are gentle national security crisis. >> it's absolutely a crisis. you have got that right. we are ready to negotiate with these guys. we reached across the aisle multiple times. the president reached across the aisle multiple times. he reopened the government. gave them another deadline. they will not come to the table. they will not talk. nancy pelosi is listening to the hard-left progressives in their party and she is not letting go. many have said we believe a barrier is part of this. but pelosi won't talk. lou: if i may say. it's big of the radical dims to acknowledge a wall would be helpful in saving 2001s of thousands of lives. there has got to be a reason, somebody is on the take. corruption isn't just on one side of that border.
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and common sense tells everybody american that we have got to dosing we can to stop the shipments of heroin and cocaine and methamphetamine, marijuana, fentanyl, and every other deadly drug because it's being shipped. the majority of all those drugs crossing that border from mexico to the united states. >> 300 americans a week are dying from e.r. overdose. itch seen those patient crashing in the emergency department. we have to put a tourniquet on it. that tourniquet is a barrier wall. the president has a solution, the democrats have supported more money than he is asking for in the past. yet now they won't do it because maybe, maybe it helps them in 2020. mat's what they are focused on. they are focused on the politics and not on protecting american people it's unconscionable.
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>> it's the democratic party's strategy. i think you are right, the president is right. straightforwardly there is only one campaign promise this president has not delivered on, and that's the building of that wall. the democrats boiled it all down to just one thing. no matter the casualties and death and devastation. whether it's human trafficking, sex trafficking or the smuggling of those drugs. >> they don't seem to care about the human suffering. clearly in the president's package. humanitarian relief. 52,000 more apartment units. more law enforcement. this isn't just a barrier. but for them it's just a political ad. here fighting for 2020 and that's all they care about. lou: we are looking at a border we are talking about millions of illegal immigrants across that
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border. basically unimpeded for the past 13 years. we have seen the death, the destruction from drugs. we are watching a corrupt system in mexico where 33,000 mexican citizens were murdered last year by the drug cartels. this is the only president who ever said we are going after the cartels. what does the homeland security think of his efforts to carry out his policies and secure that border? >> homeland security has identified aspects of the border and regions of the border where most of of the trafficking occurs. both humans and drugs. they know exactly where the 234 miles are supposed to be built. they know the corridors where it's happening. they are targeting it. they know the law enforcement
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that's needed. they have a great plan. we presented this to the democrats and it's like talking to the wall. >> a wall that does exist. that wall between democrats and republicans. the obstruction of the dems is quite a sight to behold. hard to explain except for massive political corruption and perhaps other kinds as well. congressman mark green. good to see you. still ahead, democrats racing further to the left with a week of radical new proposals. listen to these. >> you can increase the taxes people are paying who are the extremely wealthy in our communities, 70%, 80%. we had it as high as 90%. >> i want the billionaires to
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stop being free loders. i want them to pick up their fair share. >> it would be great to see the new green deal talked about. >> a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. >> i'm going to run the boldest pro public school teacher campaign there is. >> capitalism without rules is theft. lou: there is something else. i will take that up later with diamond and silk. up next the assurances that rod rosenstein give president trump about the mueller witch hunts. sara carter, the "washington examiner"'s byron york. they join me next with that and much, much more. much, much more. stay with us.
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♪look into my eyes ♪you will see ♪what you mean to me ♪don't tell me it's not worth trying for♪ ♪you know it's true ♪everything i do ♪i do it for you ♪yeah, i would fight for you♪ ♪i'd lie for you ♪walk the wire for you ♪yeah, i'd die for you
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♪you know it's true ♪everything i do ♪i do it for you
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lou: speaker pelosi says president trump declaring a national emergency on the border would be exploiting the situation that would be enhancing his power unquote. pelosi didn't show much consternation when presidents bush and obama declared four national emergencies in her last stint at speaker. congress is supposed to review every emergency declaration
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every six months, but reportedly never has. we have seen some of these national emergency declarations being renewed by accident presidents starting with bush, then renewed by obama, and knew even into the trump administration. joining us tonight, sara carter, fox business contributor, great american, and great american byron york. fox miss contributor, great to have you both with us. let's start with. you have been in guatemala, mexico as the caravans are forming. one with some 3,000 people and growing. we seem to have no cooperation from any of the central american governments, honduras, el salvador, guatemala. not the mexican government. we expected there might be that opportunity. it turns out not to be so.
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>> it's a very dissuasion right now, lou. i expect it to continue. this is just the beginning. as long as we do nothing, if the president isn't allowed to actually fulfill his obligation which is what he wants to do to enforce border security, it just won't stop. this is why we have been seeing this more over three decade when we have care vans or hundreds of people. we don't even need to think about the caravans. we have thousands crossinged the border every day, not only from central america and guatemala. we understand we are having a difficult time dealing with those governments. but from all over the world. lou: illegal immigration goes back to the bush administration which encouraged it, and obama. now the trump administration trying to stop it. that wall is centered absolutely central to the president's efforts to secure the border,
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byron. he sent out a call for unobligate fund in every department. you have been writing on it and work on it. will he be successful? >> he'll probably succeed in get something money that way. as you mentioned. the last several months the president ordered all the departments and agencies to look for what's essentially money lying around. they call it unobligated fund, money that could be redirected tiered building a border barrier. lou: how much do you anything. >> there could be billions of dollars. the question is under what circumstances cot president do that. normally he would have to go to congress. lou: this is a president who will have to declare an emergency or throw his hand up and resign himself to the fates that are shaped by schumer and
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pelosi. i don't think he would do that ever. >> if he were to declare an emergency, he could use that money. if it's not tied up in the courts. lou: tied up in the courts. everyone we talked to, there is a division. but it is the majority of those folks we talked to, the brilliant legal mind say this president is straight ahead authorized to do so and will do so. the courts cannot stop him. what do you think, sara? >> i agree with them. i think the president has the absolute authority. it will be a fight. but this is a president willing to take on a fight. he's not afraid to speak up and stand up for the american people. he is standing up for the law enforcement official who workday in and day out on the u.s.-mexico border. even those working inside mexico. we have intelligence agents and
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officers all across mexico and central america. they are saying we need these boundaries. we need to enforce border security. lou: you know what's extraordinary to me? this president has to explain to anyone but the entire democratic party that it's not a good thing to permit a wide-open border. the devastation and the depth that's being shipped in the form of deadly drugs being shipped across that border. the majority of all the deadliest drugs in this country originate in mexico and every one of them understands it. and they are willing to accept 70,000 deaths a year. >> the extraordinary thing is, you will hear people say walls work. they actually work on the u.s.-mexico border. we have many examples in which there were portions of the
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border in which thousands of people came over illegally into the united states. then a barrier was built and it went down 85, 90, 95%. lou: what kind of a sorry lying sob would maintain that walls don't work trait to our faces? this is insane what we are watching. >> they are not idiots. they are disingenuous and liars. >> disingenuous liars. they know this is going to work. they just don't want president trump to do it. that's why they are trying to stop him at every corner. lou: as we look at what's going on, it's triking to me, we have a question about whether the president has the authority. he has the authority but he has
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the responsibility to shut this nonsense down. and i don't see any other way to look at it. the establishment is going to have a fit. the same little darlings with their billions much dollars in their hip pockets who tried to stop this president from being president. to hell with them. >> i'm not as optimistic has you are in the short term about the president and the courts because we have seen in the trump years judges overstep their bound to stop the president's actions and he's gone along with it. you can look at the initial ban, you can look at his order on transgender troops in the military. he has obeyed the courts in the belief he would ultimately win. so i think that's probably what he would do again here. lou: i would hope he'll deal as he should with this magistrate forwardly. half of the american people have
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been told go to hell by the democratic party. those days should be ending now. the judiciary as politically corrupt as it is, hopefully it will rise to the occasion because this is an historic moment. new protests will bring the power drug until venezuela back to the treats this weekend we are told. we'll take up the latest on that and the red storm rising in our own hemisphere. dr. walid phares joins us. before we go to break, let's take a look at another trivial problem. not so trivial. we'll be right back. stay with us. ♪
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of all the moments you share with your best friend, the greatest could be the moment you save her life. every second counts in cardiac arrest. learn hands-only cpr and be the difference for someone you love. lou: joining us, foreign policy analyst dr. walid phares. there will be more
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demonstrations in caracas in support of guaido. walid, good to see you. boil down for us exactly what you expect here. are we watching the maduro government -- the maduro regime end and quickly guaido move to power or there is something else at work. >> we'll see both. but we don't know about the timing. it depends on us it depends on what the russians and iranians are doing. brazil and colombia. but in my view it's irreversible. the maduro regime will resist. they have so much interest to defend. but the opposition with the backing of the trump administration and congress in this case seems to be moving to the front. lou: there seems to be an effort to define the power of the opposition by the numbers of people in these demonstrations in the street. by that metric there wasn't a
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lot of demonstration wednesday even as guaido called for it. it will be interesting what we see tomorrow. but the fact of the matter is, this is not shaping up as a fully baked proposition, that is, transfer of power, a peaceful transfer of power from the maduro regime to guaido, backed by the united states and as you say, our allies. >> that's what our administration officials are calling for. i don't think it's going to be the case. maduro has support from left-wing organizations and regimes in the region and he has the army and militia. i don't see except a confrontation where we'll see if the opposition of guaido will win soon or not. lou: john bolton reminding as did mike pence, all options are
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on the table. the most of hackneyed phrase in u.s. geopolitical terms. i would just as soon never hear of any our officials use that phrase. what do you think? >> there has to be multiple scenarios. we always operated with this formula. >> it worked out well, hasn't it, walid. we have been brilliant everywhere we traipsed. this is a time for as the president himself said, smart government and to end the nonsense of the last 0 years of neocon fools that were playing games but without his either intellect or success. >> there were so many mistakes, so many things we did not do enough or didn't do at all. i don't think we'll need to intervene militarily in venezuela. maybe if the refugee issue could
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intervene a little bit. but the people of venezuela will be deciding the outcome of this struggle. no doubt about it. lou: i hope so. we have a full-blown effort on the part of the chinese negotiating whether they can continue to steal hundreds of billions of dollars in intellectual property and technology from us. we are at the table negotiating that while they are intervening throughout central and and south america expanding their political and economic influence and power in this hemisphere. what the hell are we playing at. >> that's a true proposition. the russians were in and the chinese were in. but they were 8 years before the trump administration. lou: that's okay. i just want to know what the hell are we doing? >> between us, we lost 2017 to
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domestic struggles. even washington, d.c. one year is a lot. lou: we have a president who is the most of successful in two years in modern history despite the efforts of the entire democratic party, the deep state, and these damn fools running a witch hunt against the president of the united states. they know they don't have a shred of evidence of a single allegation against him. and to the detriment of american interests and national security. >> we haven't seen evidence so far, we are waiting for reports. lou: we'll be waiting for a hell of a long time. >> i know that. lou: walid, thanks for with with us. still ahead. virginia governor ralph northam has a new major controversy. this racist image uncovered. we take it up with diamond and
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silk. the justice department cracking down it's been around for 30 years. it's called birth tourism. for the first time u.s. government is actually arresting someone. congressman andy biggs joins us. when you think of miami you
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think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation
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especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody. lou: secretary of state mike
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pompeo announcing the united states will stop adhering to the 1978 treaty with russia. russia has 90 days to recomply or the united states will fully withdraw from the treaty. temperatures climbing by as much as 80 degrees in some areas, that's how cold it got. experts warn such a fast thaw could bring problems, including bursting pipes, and crumbling roads. investigators say pregnant chinese women being charged up to $80,000 each until their babies are born on u.s. soil and qualify foimplet s. citizenship. the center for immigration studies says that 36,000 such babies are born in this country every year.
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these are the first arrests ever for so-called birth tourism. joining me tonight, congressman andy biggs. he serves on the judiciary committee and is a member of the house freedom caucus. let's start with birth tourism. 36,000 a year. you know that number is a fraction of the reality. and these are the first arrests ever. what in the world has been going none this country? we seem utterly mad at times in this country it appears that's been a condition for a long time. >> this has gone on for at least two decades. we used see this primarily in california. this is what's happening now. it's mostly coming from china. they are staying in nice houses and having a child here.
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and the promises that that child will get birthright citizenship. we have never gone after and stopped it. i'm so glad we are doing it now. lou: this isn't a one-time photo-op and p.r. initiative. let me turn quickly if i may, 8 working days, the number dwindles down to 4 or 5. you basically said the president should declare a national emergency because the dems could give a damn about national security. >> yes, that's right. there is about 60-70 democrats willing to fund a wall. but nancy pelosi's held hostage by that group in her caucus who are so radical. nancy pelosi said no way, we are not going to build a wall. lou: i don't buy that. i think pelosi is not held hostage by anyone.
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i think she is leading on this issue. she doesn't want a wall, she is not going to fund a wall, she declared it over and over, and i think she means it. >> one other thing that is prime in her mind is she'll never give donald trump a political victory. she is from california where they have sanctuary laws. i think she doesn't like donald trump as a person. lou: she doesn't think much of country or her fellow americans either. those lives are on the lines. 70,000 opiate deaths a year from overdose. we look at the death toll, the devastation, the destruction across that border. and we are damn fools. why in the world are we putting up with it? why should we not absolutely take the noles of lopez obrador and tweak it just gently until
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we get his attention? >> exactly right. it's a waste of time to continue this charade on whether we are going to get a deal. we are not going to get a deal. we know it, the american people know it. we need to start building stuff. lou: the president should use title 10 of the u.s. code and declare an emergency and get on with it. >> he could declare an emergency. he could declare a drug trafficking corridor. i think it's stronger for litigation purposes. we know there will be litigation. it's going to go. lou: litigation that doesn't stop the president. i could care less. the idea that courts would have the temerity to step in and stop a president who is is trying to secure the safety of americans
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and the security of the nation. that would be a damn full. >> we have a bench full of damn fools. i didn't mean to say it that way. lou: you are exactly right. never apologize for the truth, congressman. >>it is the truth, yes, that's right. lou: what do you think the odds are? we have every kind of issue facing us. meanwhile the president is being presidential every day, leading this great country. our economy couldn't be stronger, and i am watching various business journalists in the country. we talked about 302,000 jobs being created in the month of january. they looked like they were going to cry because the president is succeeding on every level. >> they want him to fail, as you know. lou: they don't give a damn apparently if the country fails as a result. >> they view it as the country
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goes through what they would say is a temporary downturn. president trump's policies are working. and that's -- we can't have people who want the country to fail. we need a country who want this president and the country to succeed. lou: the democratic party, the radical dems and their ever shrinking tiny ideas. free everything, really? unbelievable. congressman, great to see you. hope you are right. congressman andy biggs. i just hope you are right. thanks so much. up next, elizabeth warren, she is -- i don't know how to say this. she didn't apologize for claiming she was native american. she apologized for taking a dna test that proved she wasn't. we'll take that up.
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my name is carlee, i am fifteen years old and i am a heart recipient. i got my first heart transplant when i was one and a half years old. i got my second heart when i was thirteen. when i step out on stage i think i am communicating with people. i would like to tell them that i want to make a change in life, like, yeah you can have two heart transplants but it doesn't stop you from doing the things that you love. when i get my driver's license of course i'm going to say yes to be an organ donor,
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lou: stocks closing mixed on the first day of february. the nasdaq fell 18 points. the markets up more than a% closing out the week. crude oil up nearly 3% settling at over $55 a barrel.
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remind tore listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem network. another controversy for the virginia governor supporting late-term abortion right up until the umbilical cord is severed. the governor of virginia ralph northam responding to a racist photo. this was in his 1984 yearbook from his virginia medical school. in a statement he apologized for appearing in what he called a racist photo. he doesn't say whether he's apologizing for the photo of a racist, the man in the black face or the one in the kkk hood. many are now calling for him to step down including the republican party of virginia, the naacp, the leftist group move-on.
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kamala harris and julian castro. it's incredible. absolutely incredible. social media superstars, president trump's most of loyal supporters diamond and silk. and here they are. great to see you all. let me first get your reaction to a governor who is talking about supporting abortion up to the cutting of the umbilical cord, who is anearing his medical school yearbook in black face or kkk hood. he apologized for being in a racist photo, not for his racist conduct. >> he should be apologizing for being a racist. i want to know, was he the kkk or the person in black face. we need to know that. he represents the democrat party. he's a democrat. as you know, they have been
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known to do things like this or they have been known to be the party that supported the kkk back in the day. so we need to know that. only in the that, he needs to step down for trying to legalize abortions up to the birth. that's very appalling. i'm surprised that pastors -- that we are not an uproar about killing babies. murdering babies. lou: the law was turned down in virginia. it passed in new york. you know, the democrats, it was a long time ago, over 100 years ago, and the republican parties working to free the slaves. the democrats pro slavery. but a lot has gone on since then. but one thing that is different now certainly in our society is that the party, the democratic
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party wants to see us become socialist. perhaps move farther left than that. i have never seen any party move in any direction as fast as the democratic party is moving to the left. your thoughts. >> absolutely. when you talk about socialism. you are right. when i hear the elizabeth warrens want to tax the rich at 90%. that's income inequality as far as i'm concerned. you are telling me if i pull myself up by my bootstraps you will take 90% of my earnings and give it to the government. that's not fair to the american people. american people won't even have the drive to want to be better and do better when you are going to take the dream away from you and have them living in a nightmare. >> a lot of these congressmen and senators, how their states are look where you have u.s. american citizens living in
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tents on the streets. but you have the congress approving funding for sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. if you say you want to run for the president. guess what? that's how you are going to do this whole entire country. you will have u.s. citizens living in tents on the streets. where are they at to save the u.s. citizens instead of the illegal aliens. lou: it's a peculiar piece of historical timing. you have venezuela, the leading socialist experiment in this hemisphere in absolutely tearing itself to shreds. it's devastated. its people are impoverished and starving. at the same time the united states has more people working than ever before in our history. we have the highest number of people working ever.
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we have wages rising, and we have historically low unemployment rates for african-americans. for hispanics. everyone in this country is participating in the president's hess toration of prosperity. and we have the fools running around talking about socialism? it makes no sense. >> it makes no sense. but you have to realize what the democratic party, what they do. intimidate, manipulate in order to dominate. i am going to give hand up so i can crawl. if you don't want to be controlled, you don't need to vote for a democrat with socialist ideas that will not help the american people but propel us back into slavery and share cropping days. lou: do you think the president ought to declare a national emergency and get that wall built? >> he should. what bothers me is nancy pelosi
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and chuck schumer thinking they can play with taxpayer dollars. that money don't belong to them. that's the american people's money. we want a wall and they should be funding the wall. >> that's right. lou: diamond and silk, great to see you. have a great weekend. check out diamond and silk's chit-chat tour. next stop washington, d.c. circle that date, it ought to be a lot of fun. ing congress fails to show any pond for the funding crisis on pond for the funding crisis on our border. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ of all the moments you share with your best friend, the greatest could be the moment you save her life.
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every second counts in cardiac arrest. learn hands-only cpr and be the difference for someone you love. lou: house and the senate out of session. the president today the only one who addressed the border crisis and the possibility of declaring a national emergency. >> we'll be look at a national emergency. i think the democrats don't want border security. when i hear them talk about the fact that walls with immoral and walls don't work. they know they work. democrats are obstructing. and they are always doing that.
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you hear about human trafficking, drugs, crime. they are doing it for one simple reason. they think it many good politics for 2020. >> the state of the union will take place tuesday. the theme will be clootion great news. the house of representatives has only 8 legislative days remaining before the deadline to put a bill funding the wall on the president's desk. the trump administration announced it will stopped a hearing the 1987 imf treaty with russia. russia has 9 who day to the recomply or the u.s. will withdraw from that treaty. tom fitton and general jack keane are among our guests monday. like me on facebook, follow me
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on instagram @loudobbstonight. the super bowl sunday and l.a. rams coach says they are undecided about beth whether they would accept an invitation to the live here at 8 p.m. eastern. ♪ ♪ >> from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromo's "wall street." maria: happy weekend. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. coming up in just a few moments, self-made billionaire and patron spirits cofounder john paul dejoria is my special guest, and many of my exclusive interview with treasury secretary steven mnuchin coming up. but first, january's job report was released friday morning, and despite a government shutdown which consumed much of the month, the number was much better than expected, not a major impact at all from the government shutdown. 304,000 jobs were added to the economy in the mon o


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