tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 7, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST
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lou: good evening, president trump state of the union last night gave the nation an emphatic hollywooan emfathallel. the spectical of joint session of congress, and yes power. the power of the presidency on display as mr. trump stood before the members of the other branches of government, high court, the house, the senators. the president delivering his speech in perfect pitch -- plain spoken, always direct and trump and dramatic and compelling and leader of world's only super
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power. >> the agenda i will layout this evening is not a republican agenda. or a democrat agenda. it is the agenda of the american people. victory is not winning for our party. victory is winning for our country. after 24 months, of rapid progress, our economy is the envy of the world. our military is the most powerful on earth by far. america is against winning each and every day. members of congress the state of our union is strong. lou: president's speech shocking national left wing media, they stood and contrast to their audiences who overwhelmingly approved of the president's address. president trump addressing that
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national security crisis at the border, declaring no matter what the next two weeks bridge, he will be building a wall with or without the coequal branches of government. >> my administration has september to congress a common sense proposal to end the crisis on the southern border, it includes, humanitarian e assistance, more law enforcement. drug detection at our ports, closing loopholes that enable child smuggling and plans for a new physical barrier or wall to secure the vast areas between our ports of entry. in the past most of the people in this room voted for a wall. but the proper wall never got built. i will get it built.
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[applause.applause. lou: nancy pelosi not standing the strength to stand at the appropriate moment. but nonetheless others did, a lot of others, joining us with his perspective, what i believe was an historic speech, declared by a president brave enough to stand against the military, diplomatic establishment and evener on the orthodoxy of both political batters, jim jordan and debbie lesko, and ed rollins, and president's strength on full display. saying it's time for the united states to begin bringing your troops home. >> great nations do not tightened less wars. when i took office, isis
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controlled more than 20 thousand square miles in iraq and syria. today we have liberated virtually all of the territory from the grip of these blood-thirsty monsters. in afghanistan my administration is holding constructive talks with a number of afghan groups including the taliban. we do know that after two decades of war, the hour has come to at least try for peace. >> president also announcing he is meeting kim jong-un in vietnam this month. reminding his audience that nato members are now paying their fair share for defense, restating his support for venezuela opposition leader juan guaido, tonight president's foreign policy achievement and
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challenges are here, we will take them up with fred flights and gordon chang. a breaking bombshell report, revealing how corrupt special counsel robert mueller has behaved in the past, president trump delivering an historic state of the unite union he calr members to put aside politics in favor of american people. the national interest. president trump calling for a wall. and touting a booming economy. almost 47 million people watching last night, increase from last year's address, most watched state of the union since president obama's 2010. according to cnn and cbs, two networks that are hardly pro-trump, they conducted polls finding their audience overwhelming 3 approving the speech, cnn poll 76 approval rating and 59% with a very
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positive reaction. highest number in a decade. and cbs poll showing president's approval for state of the union in very strong, 76%. and media, aiding and abating the left, difference between national left wing media and people on clear display. also presumably why the president was elected and remains odds on favorite to be reelected this president keeping his promises achieving success at a rate unprecedented in our history. a shocking new report by john salomon in the hill, raising concerns about special counsel mueller's integrity over course of his career. mueller called to appear before a secret fisa court in 2002, 16 years ago. to answer questions about a large number of instances where the fbi, cheated on sensitive surveillance warrant applications. joining us congressman jim jordan, ranking member of house
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oversight committee, member of judiciary committee, cofounder of house freedom caucus, congressman great to have you with us. >> good to be with you. lou: your reaction to president's speech. >> great speech. i love the optimism, and he talked about american greatness. and guests from the greatest generation, the one who survived. i thought that was a well done speech, well delivered. and part i liked best was when he talked about respect for the santee of human life. we talk about what took lies in new york and virginia, the president of united states took time to talk about every life is of value and sacred and should be respected was showing what a great president, president trump has been. lou: and he spoke longer than any president since barack obama. 10 years ago. and it seemed hardly half that
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time. which is the test of any speech. >> it was i thought a great speech, but think about one reason it took so long, the amazing two years, regulations reduced taxes cut, economy growing, lowest unemployment in 50 years, job growth in two months 300,000 each month, 5 million jobs created in his presidency, gorsuch and kavanaugh on the court, and out of iran, and hostages from north korea and a new nafta agreement on the way, that is amazing, it will take time to talk about what we've went accomplished that president has lead on he told american people he would do. lou: last night, we were scrolling his achievements. we got tired of scrolling, to be honest. i was getting tired. it goes on and on, he has only been in office for a little over a year. >> that two year olde record isa
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great term, that is a 4 year presidency, that is happened in two years, that happened with left trying to stop him of step of the way, and bureaucratic left trying to stop hip, and maimainstream press, some republican establishment trying to stop him. >> most of the republicans establishment trying to stop him. by the way, speaking of the republican establishment, deep state, robert mueller, john salman's outstanding reporting in the hill goes to 2002 with fisa warrants, where is the man's integrity, where in the world is require a retirement fe standard of conduct in part of the department was justice in a special council? >> this is a great ir irony, tht to story is out, bob mueller way
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back when this concerns that fisa court said you said you can't do it that way. now he is overseeing an investigation built to faulty premise that happened in fisa court, namely jim comey's words not mine. i think that is a big irony. lou: two polls that vam dat vale president's agenda. cbs and cnn, hostile to this hospital, they hate his guts, they prove it every night. their polls show 76% of viewers approve of the state of the union address. other 72%. highest positive rating in hist -- well in the 10 year history of cnn poll.
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we're looking at some extraordinary numbers and the looks on faces of various cast members of both networks, showed utter. they looked like they were seasick for a moment. >> american people saw the same speech you and i saw, american people are smart folks, with good common sense, this president is leading and acomp bluaccomplished so much and that was a great speech, he said that the state of the union is strong, true. lou: two groups of folks that i think of, one an individual paul ryan. two groups that i think of are republican conference, they look at those numbers they listen to president's speech last night, they have to know what fools they were not to follow this president with joy and great energy for two years, instead of fighting under the leadership of speaker ryan. the other group is intelligence community of this country who think suddenly they have a
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prerogative to enter political arena with their comments and their contradictory and absolutely inappropriate public contradicttion of the president. >> yeah. lou: your thoughts about that? >> let me say, we know that the memo adam schiff did, now chairman of house intelligent committee, that memo a year ago, that was in response to chairmen no-- non memo that is the statet that was wrong. we know bruce ohr from his testimony, said sh said 3 key t, fusion gps is connected to the president, and he was desperate
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to stop trump, he told bruce ohr told fbi, and keep people of justice department, all that information. prior to the election more personally prior to the october 21 date when they went to fisa court that is huge, adam schiff's memo trying to mislead everyone about that. lou: misleading and also two chairmen, trey gowdy and bob goodlot, they also misled the american people and failed to bring to conclusion with any effectiveness the investigation that was properly theirs. they betrayed the country, in my opinion, with awful conduct in choice to do nothing in the face of the vast political krup crutn
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-- corruption of department of justice and fbi. >> we'll try to release all transcripts, 15 people we interviewed, from andy mccabe to loretta lynch, and everyone in between. lisa page, lisa strzok, jim page, we think that press you be able to see what took place, we think that will give more clarity to this craze thing that took place at fbi. lou: jim jordan. >> thank you. lou: up next president trump's state of the union address receives a huge amount of praise and republicans and democrats, and independents. >> i thought the speech was great. i thought that president laid out a clear agenda. >> damn good speech. >> i thought it of best speech that president has given, it was optimistic. >> he reminded everyone of the
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things we have in common, the things we care about. >> i thought he hit a home run, this will be a speech that will last for ages, people will look at this speech years from now and talk about it. lou: we take it up and moranlizeing the -- analyzing the peculiar times in which we live. itlparticularly our nation's
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lou: the dems still in disarray in virginia, governor ralph northem is still refusing to step down over a racist yearbook photo, a photo of two people who were racist. lieutenant governor justin fairfax is in a mess, now under fire calls for his resignation. as a result of allegations of sexual assault. and today virginia's attorney general number three in line, if you are keeping track, mark herring, second in line to be governor admitting after the lieutenant governor, that he wore black face during a college party in 1980.
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what do these people do? in raleigh for god's sake? republican virginia house speaker kirk cox is next in line to be governor in northem, fairfax and herring all resign. it is looking really bad in virginia. cox, he has his job because of a coin flip. you can't make virginia up. that gave republicans control of the state house in a tied race. next stop? governor's mansion, maybe. joining us now, former reagan white house political director fox business political strategist analyst, ed rollins, let's start with virginia. have you sign the like? >> i -- have you seen the like? >> i have not in a state where racial sensitivity has always been at forefront. how people could be so stupid to
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to this is pe beyond me, they will not all 3 resign. lou: what -- how do you stop it? if they prove the allegations. >> i am not -- i'm saying political perspective. they will never give up governorship. whatever it takes to hold it. >> are you say that democrats will sell out their principals and hashoa hash -- -- hash tag " legacy. >> in a heart beat. this is the new model they bragged about, virginia. lou: they bragged about it. >> the new way to win races. lou: i don't know what to make of it. the democrats are being very careful here all of a sudden. the fact that the three people
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in the senior post of virginia state government, are all democrats and all of them in real trouble. i don't know how. i take your word for it. >> they will not turn it over. lou: how about a coin flip? maybe random on streets. >> flip to throw them out. lou: the speech last night? >> powerful, he looked like an extraordinary leader throughout, which he is. i think that americans saw and by polls loved it. i have watched several speeches, this is one of the great speeches they heard. i think he was brave and choir courageous to take on the abortion issue, he talked about the wall, and he has a grit gret vision of this country.
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lou: the speak, some fact checking, some fact checking is extraordinary, "new york times" white house correspondent andy carney tweeting this, trump justed lib that came down from heaven when quoting a holocaust survivor watching american soldiersolerliberate, she pointt jews don't believe in heaven, and politico criticizing president's claim that quote, 1 in 3 women is sexual assaulted on long journey north to sour border with mexico because it is -- southern border with mexico, partly true because the number of women assaulted is actually 2 points below a third, 31%, this from some of the most reliably anti-trump outlets. >> every day, of these papers, you see a correction on bottom of the page, they correct their
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mistakes. and they are highlighting it. these are facts that are evidence and they can check out. but american public believes what president says. lou: the speech last night, i agree. >> one of the greatest, his best speech, i think ever. lou: a lot talk about co-equal branches of government, that manned podium with government in front of him, you know who leader of the free world is without question. >> no question, it their hall, you do well as he did, no one questioned his leadership ability after the speech. >> you got it. >> thank you. lou: up next, president trump announces a second summit with kim jong-un at the end of the month in vietnam. before break a quick look at national debt, it is too much money, we'll be right back. stay with us.
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lou: president trump today saying we can soon expect a big announcement about the end of isis in syria expir and iraq. >> united states military are coalition partners and syrian democratic forces have liberated virtually all of the territory previously held by isis, syria and iraq, it should be announced sometimes probably next week we'll have 100% of the caliphate. lou: joining me now national security expert fred flies asia exporexpert gordon chang.
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>> i think he is announcing a victory, president trump took the shackles off our military leaders and let them about after isis. barack obama was reluctant to engage isis. isis. >> gordon? >> that is what we're going to. by way getting out of syria and afghanistan allows us to refocus on one country that does pose as existential threat to the united states that is china. we need to prefocus from the middle east to east asia. lou: fred, to gordon's point, that critical that relationship or that confrontation between 2 of the three major powers on the globe, north korea. because of its relationship to china. does that make at president's task in denuclearizing the peninsula all more difficult?
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or helpful? >> you know there is an issue in negotiating with both north korea and china. there is attempttation just to make a deal, u.s. has been fooled in negotiations with rogue states like this for years. i'm hoping we'll see progress in north korea. i understand the objective in next negotiations will be to get concrete deliverables and a hope bolton and pompeo are clear about that. we want real concessions. lou: this president is not about pretend. and relationship is comeplex between u.s. and china, but china making it clear, gordon, to our point, they mean to dominate. not just the region. they are not to be a hegemonic power in their vision. they are to be dominating the geo li political world.
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>> we see it in korea. chinese have been violating the sanctions. chinese banks are laundering money. lou: and u.n. came down on them like a ton of bricks, they were outraged. >> you have panel of experts, talk about chinese sanctions violations, you have chinese banks laundering money, beijing giving diplomatic support to kim jong-un. and xi jinping summoned kim to beijing last month to tell kim, don't give in to the americans. this is. lou: last night on subject of china. this is the president, what he means to acome blu english in tt -- accomplish in that relationship or if no relationship at all. >> we're now making it clear to china that after years of
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targeting our industries and steal our intellectual property, the theft of american jobs and wealth has come to an end. lou: fred, president making that declaration clear. yet the unregistered foreign agents of wall street, corporate america, chamber commerce, business round table, the koch brother fighting the president on his goals, purposes and negotiations with the chinese. >> i agree with all that gordon said. i might add. i think there is an opportunity to negotiate a trade deal with the chinese. we know their economy is hurting, their growth rate down in 2018 and our economy is moving, chinese say that i want to talk about intellectual property theft, i don't believe that yet. i think there a possibility of negotiating a deal with china, but we have to keep pressure up, they will try to throw us a
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bone, and hope they can out last president trump. the talks will be tough. lou: they will be tough. idea that we're negotiating with a country h that stealing as muh as 600 billion dollars of intellectual property from us every year. just have to say we look weak, goredon, when we say, we'll negotiate whether or not you can steal from us, why is that not an act of war rather than a subject for a trade negotiation. >> you don't negotiate with criminals. you put pinalties on them. lou: if we were taking 600 billion from us that was not ip, it was not technology, as if some irrelevant act sit, st critical to future. this is not cause for war?
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how dare the chinese even think about it. how dare we put it as negotiations, it damn well better stop. >> yeah, have you criminality, it is out and out criminality. with cyber thefts, they are going over ip, if you are not able to commercialize your innovation, you don't have a economy of the future, that is what chinese are targeting will, the american economy. lou: fred. >> china is doing this because they have gotten away with it. lou: i understand that just because their tanks roll across alaska before we can react does not mean we want them rolling across alaska. it is time to draw a line you are right, we have tolerated it for too long, thinking when china's economy develops we'll get after them.
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lou: headlines president trump today them nights david malpass treasury official to be next president of world bank. the pentagon now movin move mov0 troops from arizona to eagle pass, texas. where 200 how i thousand central americans are gathering. joining us now, debbie lesko. a member of house freedom caulk you, congresswoman great to have
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you with us. let's start with the deployment of troops to eagle pass, is the president doing enough? is congress doing enough to support the president in building a wall. >> i support the president. we need border security which is national security. coming from arizona, i know this first hand, i have gone to the border a number of times. when nancy pelosi and chuck schumer say this is the manufactured crisis, they are wrong. this is a real crisis, a humanitarian crisis. this is a sickle security crisis up to congress to fix it. lou: how do you do that? you are in the minority? i have watched congressional majority ruled by augusta leader speaker paul ryan who was nothing more than a subversive
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acting against the president of the united states throughout hisdhisterm. it absurd for the republicans here to say, now they want to get tough on the border, they didn't when they were in control, i have to tell you, this president without this president in the white house, the entire republican conference would desolve into irrelevant see. do you believe your colleagues are ready to follow this president and move with him in the direction of secures the border and protecting working men and women in our middle class in this country. >>, well i have been with the president on border security since day one, i ordered for goodlatte number one bill, that would have funded border security and allowed daca recipients to stay here legally. i was willing to com to in comp.
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lou: you were not forever amnesty? should national security be a priority. >> national security is number one mission of our u.s. congress. as i have said, i have been with president are all along. i have seep first hand the devastation that is happening at our border. our laws are so loose they are incentivizing the women and which were tchildren to trek thf miles, we need to fix it now. i was there from day one. i want to secure the border. i hope this group of people that are working in a bipartisan manner, actually will do so get -- >> what would you say? that conference committee made up of a bunch of rinos and read
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call dems would come up with something meaningful. >> i think the problem is nancy pelosi, we heard now, and publicly and privately, that are willing to fund a border fence. lou: did you say fence. >> yes offense. lou: i thought president was looking for a wall. >> i think it -- you could call it a wall or a fence. or call it a barrier. the option here, missione missie sure that we secure our border. i don't care what you call it, as long as it does that. lou: all right comin congresswo, great to have you here, we appreciate it, get it done. >> thank you, i'll try my hardest. lou: good for you, thank you. >> come back soon. >> thank you. lou: up next. high school student at center of a viral video taking legal action. his attorneys are after the --
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pundits, celebrities who wasted no time attacking the covington high school students over a viral video, facing civil lawsuits, attorneys sending preservation letter to more than 50 individuals, media organizations telling them to keep their records they have been warned they are not to destroy any document in connection with the case, that means justice is being sought. >> joining us niger ennis. national spokesperson for equal equality. and great to have you with us. and emily, this is a massive undertaking for any attorney. they are going after everyone who defamed these young people at covington high school. >> they are, that courts are loathe to have any time of evidence being destroyed. they want to error on side of
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preservation. so i will say that based on precedent, likely that if there is an argument and resistance to this and a court equipment sought on preservation of evidence it will be resolved in favor. lou: niger you watch what is happening here, one of great things that attorneys of going over diocese of the school that attacked their own students in a rush to judgment, these are students in who are in their care. they attacked them publicly. it is just one ignorant aspect of this case after another. those poor kids and their families and their school to under go this, it is worthy of a lawsuit and damages, do you not think? >> absolutely think it is wordy, i think these young students are heroes, for kinds of craziness
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and insanity going on, left wing going on at colleges and universities. here you have some brave, strong, young folk their own time going to promote life. and be engaged in a pro life rally. good students, good kids. i think that la lawsuit is welc, i wish them all of the best. much success. lou: emily, we watching this video. of the young man. standing there. the native american with a drum beating it in his face, and ugliness we now know, shouts and ignorance spewed today these young people, not one person said why this grown man attacking this young teenager, there is no decency involved on the demonstrations of the left,
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they don't care. one wit. maybe this lawsuit will teach them otherwise. >> absolutely, as it progresses determining this every motion is ruled upon, two things struck me about that, that video reminded me, that was a very -- two degrees of what was a 360 degree situation, on those two degrees we had what ended up most end incendiary situation on what was a mob attack not based on full strucspectrum. every sees same thing but comes away with a different interpr i- >> and revealing what 360 degrees that was ignorance
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sounding the young people who were the victims of the moment. and the drummer pretending he was a victim, he was obviously the one confronting. confronting. >> and don't forget the black israelites calls them all kinds of disgusting names. lou: it was horrible. speaking of native american, what about elizabeth warrant, she was signing up as an american-indian. she described herd, what is going on? -- she described herself, what is going on? and folks in virginia that run state government. top 3 offices. one accused of sexual assault, two others committing racist acts, black face. i cannot imagine what is going on in the democratic party, they
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are producing just insane moments. >> amazing. it is insane in virginia. and it is funny but it has serious potential consequences, if indeed all 3 of these men, current governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general step down, then power of govern ship of commonwealth of virchl virnvirginiagoes to the speakere who is a republican, in 2020, this is a census, this the census, the governor has key role in reaportionment. >> are you suggesting that democrats may not be as eager to enforce their hash tag "me too" morality. >> the "me too," no tolerance, that will go out the window for nothing but pure partisan politics. lou: let's give emily the last
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word. >> as someone barred in two states, i found it affronting she identified as american-indian, then two years changed her identity to american indian. that is -- mindlessness and dilution is ridiculous. great news, liberty mutual customizes- uh uh - i deliver the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ well now there's score!, time...from force factor,enin'. to rev your libido and maximize physical response. it's no wonder walmart offers score! in more locations than any other performance enhancer. unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score!.
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salacious dossier was used to get the warrant. lou: thanks for being with immigration security is national security and that foreign fighters must not gain access into our nations. >> left to their own devices, i think they can have an agreement on time by friday, has to be signed, the conference report by friday. janice.lauren: countdown over e border. nancy pelosi says in could be a bipartisan agreement as early as tomorrow. will it be enough to avert another government shutdown or will proshutdown orwill presidea national emergency. cheryl: twitter is set to
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