tv Varney Company FOX Business February 8, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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separate. i don't like it. >> i celebrate pizza fridays so i'm celebrating -- >> they're calling a pankissa. >> my there. my dad and sister and me pizza knuckles, knuckles. exactly have a great weekend everybody. thanks stuart awesome panel as always. stewart varney take it away. >> i shall. good morning maria good morning everyone. sensational story involving the world richest person, the world east most powerful online seller a scandal that everybody is talking about. amazon's jeff bezos charging national inquire with extortion and blackmail. here's the story. after explicit texts between bezos and laura sanchez released bezos launched an investigation who leaked them? he says that inquirer threatened to release explicit pictures if investigation was not called off. bezos said if i can't stand up to this, nobody can. and the investigation went forward.
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the pictures are now out there. stay with us please, the full story coming up for you. the china trade story rumbles on 20 days to the march first deadline where tariffs go from 10 to 25%. word that there will be no trump xi meeting before that deadline sent market way down yesterday now our trade guys for high level talks that start on monday any statement leak or headline will probably move the market again. there is talk that if these talks go well welcome the higher tariffs will be delayed. my opinion, failure to reach a deal will be very bad for everyone and that is a big incentive to get at least something done. to the market. down again at the open this morning. down 200 thursday down almost 110 a half hour from now. but who knows where we will close. yes, with, of course, a jam-packed show like it always is on friday. just wait until you hear
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about -- the green new deal "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ amazon fadgedder an washington post owner jeff bezos wrote a scathing letter to the parent company of a national inquirer accusing it of -- excusing it of threatening to publish intimate photos of him if he did not end investigation into the company and alleged political ties. i'm going to give you excerpt but here we go. these communications cement ami that's national inquirer long earned reputation for weaponnizing journalistic privileges hiding behind important protections ignoring that tenant and purpose of true journalism. of course, i don't want personal photos published but i won't participate in their well known practice of blackmail. political favors, political attacks and corruption, i prefer
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to stand up, roll this log over, and see what comes out. joining us now doug bernie sanders attorney and federal prosecutor all right doug straight at it is this blackmail? >> blackmail is threatening physical harm or harm to one's reputation in return for money or something of value. so the way we would analyze this straight legally is he is threatening to damage his rep aration so you have that. but then the thing of value is a little less clear in other words if use will stop claiming that this is political is that really something of value that's somewhat debatable somewhat debatable criminal case. i don't think it is neglectionly going to go all the way that rout. but at the same time, the the more interesting thing to me is, would they actually go ahead to publish these pictures and any event i also predict i don't necessarily think that's going to happen opinion >> but in your legal opinion does this qualify as blackmail? >> it could. but again we don't know enough about it because other thing i forgot to mention is you need to know exactly how the material
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was obtained that's number one and number two you need to know whether it is already out there so if you say to me quick hypothetical, doug give me a thousand bucks or i'll plif a photo it is in public do main that's different you see what i mean because it is already there. so you know, my warning for black of a better term is everybody -- let's not get out in front of everything and jump to conclusion extortion is complicated i've been in half a dozennen extortion cases both as a prosecutor and defense attorney, i think it is debatable. but i don't think it it is goino go that route. >> but if it was blackmail -- i don't to be too hypothetical but if it was and it was deemed blackmail what happens to national inquire. >> somebody could get charged with a criminal offense. he's got the money -- so -- extortion or blackmail, i mean, what i bring to the table in the cases i've been in, generally once you get this first -- they be you get somebody on the phone and consensual call and
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you lock it in tighter to explain more clearly. this is exactly what we're going to do unless you stop and you just strengthen the case. >> opening that's all we've got here. >> that's all you have. doug thank you very much. okay. okay. all right. we better turn to your money immediately. stock futures pointing down to a triple digit loss again. remember, we headed south yesterday, after trade comments from white house economist larry kudlow on this program. roll that tape. no date has been set no time, no place, no nothing at the moment. but he has said it is likely that that meeting will take place, and a i might add that president has indicated that optimistic with respect to potential china trade deal but, but, but we have a sizable distance to go here. to quote a colleague of mine miles to go before we sleep. >> ouch that's what did it but, but we have a far distance to go here. come l on in brad, i know brad
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that you're still positive on stocks. i assume that you must believe that we're going to get a china trade deal. >> i do believe that, stuart i totally agree with your point earlier that it's too much in even's best interest for it not to happen and the fact that the negotiations are still swron ongoing you should expect drama and this is part of the process. >> am i right to some degree that market at the moment is being led by headline reading computers? and any statement, any leak from our trade guys who are heading to beijing this weekend, anything comes out of them that market reacts? the computers react. it is an algorithm computer driven market and until we get a trade deal done. >> i don't think it is necessarily the algorithm although that's you're absolutely right but the general investor, the institutions, they're looking at it and saying
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okay we have to hedge we have to bet the probability if we have to react. you know, for an individual investor somebody who is not trading in and out of the market all day, this is noise we've seen this before. and we'll see if again. but yes, we could see more volatility. >> i just i'm going to speculate for a moment and ask you to do the same thing if there's absolutely no deal no xi trump meeting nobody walks gets together with a hand shake and smile if that happens, how far down does the narcotic go? market? >> i think at this point a lot of the market and damage has been done. i think we could retest lows but not much worse than that so when you look at fundamentals softer than they were but they're solid and lows the market was as cheap as it has been since 2013. pfng okay brad i'm sorry to cut it short but jam packed we appreciate you being with us today. thank you, sir. >> thank you. i have got to get to the democrats green new deal. that's a government led overhaul
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of every aspect of american life that would guarantee a host of taxpayer a covered benefit including economic security, job for everybody, economic security by the way for those, quote, unwilling to work. even for them -- mark is with us former press secretary to vice president pence, even those unwilling to work, that jump right out the at me shaking your head can you believe this? >> it's like a socialist christmas morning wish list for everything and they're even talking about providing government food. where does this stop? when i first saw it i was like this is so far out there nasa would need hubble telescope to find in thes supporting this because it is that far away from reality and our planet. but not so -- some presidential candidates from the democrats were asked about it. and they all, i think all i'm thinking right in saying all of them said, yeah, yeah we can consider this.
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absolutely. they're fully endorsing all of this. >> what does that tell you about democrats it? >> it shows you how far to the left the extremely radical socialist movement is going. last week it was taking away private health insurance, this week, it is putting millions of people who are connected to our electronic, our electric century or 80,000 people who work around boeing to seattle to eliminate airplanes within ten years how do people feel about losing their jobs? >> look you've been in the middle of politics for a long, long time does this fly? i mean with the america, with middle america does this fly at all? >> i can't see how it would resonate with anyone except for maybe the radical extremes in the midwest and in many portion of our country when you talk about eliminating train, car, boats providing guaranteed income house hoing and a food, to people who don't want to work. this falls against everything our country was built on and
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stands for, and the more and more democrats run to the left, the more and more they are ensuring that president donald trump is going to be reelected again, in 2020. >> is trillions and trillionses in new taxes in national bankruptcy that really dwets to me. mark thank you very much for joining us this morning. sir, we appreciate it. thank you. better take look at apple. it found another flaw with facetime okay christine what do we got? >> so it has to do with lifo toes they were doing a security audit of face time we know last week it came out that if i face timed you in a group chat, and you didn't answer, i could still eves drop on your conversation. which is crazy because you were able to i'm able to listen and you don't even know so other flaw that they have now discovered involves lifo toes. i reacted to this because i use lifo toes qiets often all it is is just option on your phone when you're taking pictures instead of taking a moment in time, it takes like a tiny three second video instead so that too
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now has a bug on it they're not giving details as to can they'ves drop with a lifo toe and sepgding lifo toe there's so many unansweredded questions just quickly, though, 14-year-old that found the flaw which is compensated give them a graduate towards tuition. >> okay you made me understand that. well done. thanks christina. check the futures where are we going? this is friday morning and we're going to be down about 120 yesterday, down 120 at the opening bell today then we have this. taco bell, rolling out free delivery nationwide they're the latest big name to jump on the food delivery bandwagon. here's thing you might not know about me but i'll revealing right now. i have never ordered food for delivery in my life. never -- no. but once in san francisco 40 years ago it was so late that i never did it again. my production team was amazed by this and -- >> staring at you. i'm addicted --
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>> cooking at home? moving on -- [laughter] nice try christina. good news for sears, bankruptcy judge throwing them a lifeline that could help 45,000 people keep their jobs. yeah we've got that story for you. and more on cortez's green new deal. lots of big new ideas no way to pay for them i think a plan bankrupts the country. that's my opinion. more varney after this. and ux f sport, with the latest safety system standard, best-in-class turn radius and best-in-class mpg. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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look at this mattel stock is straight up to the tune of 17%. why? they're making a lot of money with -- barbie who would have thought? now look at has burrow going the other way, their profit fell short they blame the closure of toys"r"us that stock is down 1%. now the toy maker. all right let's get to -- because i like this story. the democrats green new deal, joining us ed connor former bain capital managing director okay right from the top here's my opinion. trillions in new taxes, abandonment of fossil fuels bankrupts the country where am i going wrong? >> i don't think you're going wrong i agree with with that if you try to take it serious and difficult to take it serious i think the first is plunge us into deep recession put us out of jobs and from the financial crisis, and if we've got through that, we would win economy with high cost energy, much slower growth, we have a difficult time paying for anything retirees
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medicare you name it difficult to pay workers wages they've receiving presently, and i think chinese growth would look a lot more threatening with the united states growing more slowly. >> fair point. cortez believes that the world comes to an nengd 12 years time if we don't do something dramatic about it. so she's placing the future of the country on this bet that it is all over in 12 years. you've got to do this or we get that. i think that's the false premise. so that's had the guy. i think if that's the guy on the way here the world is going to end tomorrow. >> out there. >> i think when the world ends tomorrow you have a high discount rate than you do pretty much anything aren't you? >> that's sort of a ridiculous point of view because we're all thinking about a much longer term future than that. >> we're laughing jokes here but democrats are taking this this seriously how seriously do you think vote leers take it when presented with bizarre assumptions? >> i think the democrat their strategy is to offer more no
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matter how much more and to voters will buy that because they don't see it hurts the middle class so if you have that strategy why not offer the moon? >> l we've got here every sing all existing buildings would have to be renovated for energy efficiency all of them. i don'twhether it is barn or oue you renovate that thing. farmers instead of somebody producing food, they're going to be renovating buildings instead. farmers, farmers must eliminate pollution and green house gas emissions. here's where we come to but what was doing something before that made us prosperous has to do request this list but in interim if we don't have recession all of that productivity all of that value, with all of that prosperity that we were getting from workers who are now working on these that's all gone and what they're done putting all of this in place we have much higher cost energy, and oh, by the way when we're not consuming the rest the world energy, the rest of the world is growing
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even faster. >> you know, i regret we have to bring this to an end. because i could do this for a long time. >> i could too. come back to see us soon. ed, thank you, sir, appreciate it. check futures again we're going to be down what, 125 point at the opening bell. and down 55 on the nays tack. that's a much bigger loss for the nasdaq than it is for the dow. and then there's this. a new york police department is going after google's ways you know the navigation app. they say a feature in that app helps drunk drivers avoid police road stops and encourages reckless behavior. well, we have a response to that and give it to you after this. this is loma linda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well
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and the army taught me a lot about commitment. which i apply to my life and my work. at comcast we're commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we'll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i'm a technician at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome.
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new york police department demands that google remove the police reporting feature from ways because of drunk driving check points and reckless behavior okay ash what's google saying? >> google is not seeing eye to i eye with the new york plpgd he says wait a minute safety is our top priority but they say we believe that informing drivers about upcoming speed traps, aa low them to be more careful make safer decisions when they're on the road. so wasn't the response of the nypd was hoping for they're
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saying more information the better, of course, nypd to your point says well they use this to enable potentially drivers from driving around check points but google not agreeing. >> okay. but i use ways -- and terrific are watch out for speed traps. smg okay i slow down actually. >> to the point. here's the story on facebook germany is telling facebook hey curb your data gathering that sounds dramatic. >> it is actually regulator in germany that wants facebook ban facebook from collecting data without your permission. in the country and this would be the first antitrust case major antitrust case against the company. but if you think about it facebook gatt rs our data because you often see those tagged -- catered ads to you so this could really destroy their ad revenue in europe. so, of course, facebook is saying that they're going appeal the decision because the regulator is underestimating the fierce competition that the company faces in germany.
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but again, we get stuff all of the time and we're going to start is to see it more and more and trickle across the entire globe to the united states as well. >> that'sest threat to facebook that comes over here we've got same kind of watch out. if it hits ad revenue. >> not be the last time to have a battle on their hand. >> for once, i agree for what europeans did, i'm sorry but i do. way i am. okay. collecting data. check the market please friday morning we're going to be up, down, down at the opening bell about 130 points lower. big drop coming for nasdaq too. stay there please. big day for wall street. then we'll take you there. i wanted more from my copd medicine... ...that's why i've got the power of 1-2-3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy. the power of 1-2-3
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i've got almost a minute to sit here to tap dance before the market opens. now you have 55 seconds now i have 55 -- time here sorry about that folk. we are going to open lower. and we were down yesterday about 220 points. trade was the issue. on this program yesterday, larry kudlow suggested that you know, it will be a long time before we get the what was the price -- ftion the whole distance to go. we're sizable distance to go before we get a trade deal. that's later -- we heard that it is unlukely that president trump will meet
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xi jinping before the march first deadline that did it down we went at 1 point over 350 point lower. we ended down 220 and trade was very much the issue of the day today. and we're going to open this market in -- right now as a matter of fact and i think we're going to be down about 100 point. there you go down 127, 129, 125. down 130135 we're on downside lots of red on the left-hand side of the screen. at this moment we're down a half percentage point. how about the s&p 500? i'm sure it is down. how much? down a half percentage point. the nasdaq where's that. i'm sure that's down by more than a half percent and yes it is. down almost three quarters of one percent down across the board check amazon, bezos, yes, i have is the founder, he's involved in this scandal. he's making charge hads it this morning. i don't know whether that's hurting this stock or not we'll get into it. how about apple, they just found
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another privacy bug in their lifo toes app. the stock is down, i don't know whether that bug is hurting them and stock don't know that. but stock is down. david dietz, david christina, and ashley webster all with us today. got to start with jeff bezos's very public battle with the parent company of a national inquirer. let's go with the financial side of this. will it have any impact on amazon ?ok >> when people get on amazon website getting ready to buy a book do they think about this and say maybe not buy the book. oarngd, the concern is, does this distract jeff bezos and does this cause him to take the eye off business it is not a positive. >> what's your opinion, does this affect the stock price? >> no. it doesn't. that's my opinion. total noise -- great story. great reality tv, great drama, and in other words perfectly fit for american consumer society, absolutely no impact on fund
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mentales. >> okay you make me feel uncomfortable covering this story move on. stock went south yesterday when larry kudlow made comments about china trade here on the show. david, back to you looks like trade is still the big factor which will move the markets. i think this market moves where there's any kind of leak or headline about china trade. what do you say? >> well, i think that this is actually the most impactful story to market in terms of where this ultimately goes. there's nothing right now on a macro sense now that fed is somewhat sidelined for foreseeable future than china trade war issue. i don't agree that particular comment or any other comments that come as we go need to be concerning to investors fundamentally in other words idea that there's a pause or that they haven't had a call or they're going to have a call and those kinds of things are the
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noise that accompany the process, stuart. i get it completely. but fundamentally, the issue is got to be that both sides need a deal. and i think people need to manage the risk are of the fact that something could go really wrong. but there shouldn't be any expectation on february 8th with the march one deadline that they've done this already done that. we know where we're headed and unless we get word that, in fact, things have totally fallen apart i remain committed to the idea that this administration will get a deal done. i'm with you. i actually agree with that. i think that pressure is so great on both sides get something done, that something will be done. but that's speculation on my part. let's get to the apple stories two of them. a security flaw with the lifo toes app discovered while they were looking into that facetime bug, and the company comes down hard on apps that record users screens. i keep thinking of apple big board in vegas you know that -- says what happens in vegas stays in sarais something what happens
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on your iphone stays on your iphone okay got that one. is it going to hurt apple stock what do you ?ai >> i think this is a bigger story how often it keeps coming up i don't think so because i think we've had had a society accepted the fact that these companies have been eavesdrops just like amazon echo. so that's reason why it is -- feeling like this. expect our data almost these days not to be private so people are numb to it. >> it is a bigger risk for mega cap tech players, in fact, even tim cook right taking the high road we respect privacy and so fart even he is not respecting privacy, not perhaps due to his own fault that pushes momentum for regulatory change against companies. smg just like europeans are doing -- could be, could be the case. it is a negative i think -- right there. check the big board, sorry on four and a half minutes into the session we're down 110. all right look at mattel. they're making money with barbie i wish i had some numbers on this. the stock is up 22%.
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i don't have the number but that's what i'm told what do you got? >> sales for barbie hit a five year high hot wheels were up 9% what's the not doing well is american girl. >> that's all mattel. >> all mattel barbie sales up -- now the other side of the coin is hasbro that's another toy company. their profit fell short. they were down premarket. now they're up a buck. because they couldn't find places to put you know, with you know with toys"r"us out of business, they couldn't get enough locations to put their toys out. pfnlgt okay i'm follow up on chipotle which was a huge mover yesterday went straight up 600 bucks share at one point. backing off to tune of just one or dollar down today. 584 all right the price of oil this morning, not making much difference to the market. the stock market 52 bucks barrel. price of gasoline keeps edging up. 228 is your national average i'll still take it. still cheap. amazon reportedly hases invested here we go.
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amazon effect, they've reportedly invested in a self-driving startup. hey david. that to me is a problem for tesla. what say you? >> oh, i suppose in theory the entire existence of competition is a problem for tesla because they have not made any money when they didn't have competition. so eve therefore, when they do have competition that sounds like a really bad thing to me. now i would be more concerned about the known competitors coming on with bmw and porsche and a mercedes established infrastructure car companies that represent a bigger threat to tesla than startup speck taytive endeavor a.m. son or apple or whatnot but speaks to overall problem many that sector yes, stuart. >> i should point out amazon is close to 30 bucks that take it is down to 1500 dollar level. taco bell offering free delivery okay for limited time but free delivery -- you know, this is --
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1 dollars. minimum but you've got to deliver that's the name of the game -- aspects >> you have to deliver but the the problem is these apps are taking more and more of the margins and so forth so good news is there's stuff able to be delivered bad news is mcdonald's and others are making less with the purchase that's exactly right. >> it is a bit like the industry. expedia gets in the middle and they tick a slice. >> amazon with the books i'm in the hotel business i know what it's all about about. a real, real problem. moving on to netflix they just bought a film about alexandria cortez, for sun dance and i think netflix will make money on this one. >> i think they will but politically it is a good move to keep aoc it shall not tweeting about netflix and that's a good thing but other thing is underscores the fierce competition for content and more netflix pays it is going to be
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tough. >> you have 10 million for this movie that called knock down the house, and like you said she resonates with younger demographic all over social media i think this will do well on netflix. >> she's a rock star. [laughter] >> wait. wait, wait i don't understand how can they spend that much money with climate change and all of these problems in society? i would think aoc would be lived about this? m >> >> sarcasm is low form of t and dow component called home depot cutting four underperforming unit from its installation business. layoffs around the country -- that's interesting home installation, home depot pulls back i thought we were all renovating everything. >> so it is not surprising we've seen this slow down in real estate market due to higher interest rates in people are less likely to do a home improvement project if they don't see their property going up and value. so i think this is to be expected. the question is where do we go from here on this?
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>> okay before we close, i must get become to something that i mentioned on air earlier. i have never not in the last 40 year, i've never ordered home delivery of food. i don't do it. >> why? >> because he cooks. >> no, i don't. i can't stand waiting. i don't like waiting. it is simple as that. >> rather go out pick up food and bring it home or open fridge and take out what have is in there and eat it. i would wrath doer that. am i crazy? >> no, but you know one thing you can do if you don't like waiting stuart is order an hour before you want to eat and then it kind of all works out. i mean, there's a way to solve that my friend. >> that's brilliant maybe a generational thing will you please talk with my kids about about not ordering out all of the time? >> bring along. bring them on. okay 9:40 we're out of time. no longer you can call me crazy. hey sarcasm you remember that, okay. you're all right. bring your kids to me.
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i'll sort them all out. thank you very much. check that big board down 114 point we've right there for much of the session so far and ten minutes in. a new report finds that cell phone providers are selling their customers location data to bail bondsman and bounty hunters. now we've tbot that for you. alexandria cortez playing out a green new deal to replace air travel with high speed trains. and provide economic security that means a lot of money even for those unwilling to work. i want to know will any of these proposals ever see the light of day? we're going to ask a republican colleague of cortez, next.
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12 minutes down we're down 125 points exactly a half percentage point. how about sketchers you know the sneaker maker. they've bought strong international sales and that stock is up a whopping 18% today. sketchers are at 32 bucks share and then we have disney, gearing up, of course, for its streaming service, it is going to reportedly going to stream nondisney shows as well. that cub a threat to netflix i expect what is disney streaming service going to be the principle competitor of netflix? >> 100% because they have access to marvel movies those movies were on netflix they're being taken off or already have been taken off. disney is lawfnlging their own live tv original content don't forget that disney also owns espn plus. sthoos the sports and partial ownership in hulu so eventually disney says that they're looking to bring all three of those
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packages together. so as a customer, you can get live sports, hulu and get disney content also been removed from netflix. >> that's a fierce competitor. 100%. remarkable executive. when we're saturate ared with the content across board because even launched their own streaming twitter has a live streaming on the website -- on social media platform as well. >> so we're all going to be supreming yes we are -- >> streaming away figure out how to make it work. [laughter] don't look like that -- ruin my reputation christina okay. get to the democrats green new deal here's alexandria cortez roll tape financial >> it is thoughtful it is compassionate and it is extremely economically strategic as well. today is also a day that question choose to assert ourselfves as a global leader in transitioning to 100% renewable energy we slowld do it because that is what this nation is
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about. we need to save ourselves and we can save the rest of the world with us. save the world mark greene republican in tennessee is with us now. look, will you first question -- will any of this absolutely any of it ever become law? >> i highly doubt it. i mean when you think of just some of the very specific point in it by the way stuart is thanks for having me on the show. [laughter] you look at say -- you know, paying people who are pun willing to work, that's exactly what it says that's so unamerican,en americanss are not going to tolerate that, and even if people in our own party are pushing back so -- >> okay so -- i agree with you i just can't see some of these things actually becoming law. however i can see this part of the democrats 2020 campaign are you with me on this? >> i am i think it is a great idea for them they should run their 2020 platform on green new
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deal and by the way i'm mark greene it has nothing to do with me by the way. [laughter] but -- but really they're talking about ending the airline industry, i mean, that's 550,000 jobs what are those people go to get fade? i mean i guess she us just believes there's some kind of money tree that government can go to get some money to pay these people. it is just insane. you think too about the productivity hit that will happen when people go from air travel to rail, i mean rail can't keep up that's a productivity hit. that's inflation, terrible for the economy. i mean it's a crazy idea. >> i just think it gives you the republican party -- a significant leg up and -- the president did say at the "state of the union" this country america will never be a socialist country this green new deal i think is a form of radical environmental socialism. i think it is very much in your favor. >> absolutely. it helps us, our founding father
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were bril yngt they recognize that best way to have freedom and the best way to maximize human potential is freedom, and that's to spread power both you know within the government branches of government and then between the states and federal government. so this concentrates power into hands of fewer and fewer people which leads to tyranny of course we have a great example of that unfolding right now in venezuela are thousand miles to the south ofs. congressman mark greene with nothing to do with the green new deal, exactly. >> thanks for being with us mark we appreciate it. thank you. all right with this is low of the day. we're barely holding 25,000 on the the dows we're down 160 point that's two-thirds of one percent. now this -- americans of disability act a well intentioned law that doesn't work very well. well, lawyers are targeting companies because their websites are not compliant with the law
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wait until you hear how many lawsuits have been filed. we'll deal with it, next. why are you so good at this? had a coach in high school. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math. ooh. so, why don't traders have coaches? who says they don't? coach mcadoo! you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum- just to help you improve your skills. boom! mad skills. education to take your trading to the next level. only with td ameritrade.
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with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today down 220 yesterday. down 142 as of right now look like the china trade problem remains a problem for the markets.
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take a look at the biggest losers of the dow 30 boeing caterpillar visa goldman apple they're all dow stocks sharply on downside. i've got some numbers for you. at least 2258 lawsuits were filed against websites under the the americans with disability ises act. claiming that those websites were not compliant with the law. that is up from 814 of those suits that were filed in 2017 clearly numbers going up. come on in please who brought us the numbers and who says if i'm not mistaken that these lawsuits will take off in california this year. why? >> so earlier in 2017 there was a ruling by district court dismissing the website lawsuit against dominoes so that was good news for defendants and all of the plaintiff lawyers went off to california state is court.
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just last month ninth circuit overturned that decision -- ninth circuit your favorite i'm sure so they -- overturned that decision. and basically said there's definitely a cause of action title three of ada for inaccessible website and mobile apps so you can expect to see lots of axon the mobile act as front very soon, and then remanded case for further, you know, for helicopter. basically -- >> so explosion of these 88 lawsuits against websites in california. now what are they allege aing i mean for example a blind person clearly has a disability. are they suing websites? if they can't somehow or other communicate with a see what's going on on that website that's what's happening? >> that's pretty much it. so lawsuits are against businesses that own the websites. and the people are saying look we use meter technology to access the website, and a the website is not compatible with the technology so we can't use
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it. we can't use the website. so we're basically you know, like not getting access to the website like everybody else. >> this is 2058 lawsuit that must have cost the defendant a enormous amount of money. >> yeses it's a lot of money, and some businesses are feeling like atms. >> there's nothing you can do about it is there? nothing? >> not really. right now i don't see congress taking any axon this. and the justice department can't really make much of a difference at the this point they're the enforcing agency. so -- there is, however, an interesting prospect, i mean, if there was an appeal taken from this ninth circuit decision to the supreme court, and the supreme court accepted you know, the supreme court can say that basically holding businesses accountable under the well holding businesses liable under ada for inaccessible, is violation of due process because
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there are no regulations that tell you like what's accessible website. >> oh, all right so hope springs eternal. [laughter] in the ninth circuit. not very likely it is the court would take it. but you never know. >> to me it is an example of well intentioned law that has unintended and very negative consequences. >> there are a lot of -- hard orer for lawyers -- >> so i mean we handle all of these cases. [laughter] i'll leave it right there. look now thank you very much for joining us thank you. all right now the fda they say nearly 1400 wall green stores sold tobacco products to minors. yeah walgreens the tops violator when it comeses to selling tobacco products to minors listen it has gotten so bad that fda has banned one walgreens location in miami from selling tobacco products for 30 days for repeated violations of these age
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restrictions. walgreens says it is aware with and is taking steps to make this matter seriously but the fda has been going around the country and seeing how easy it is to go into a store and get tobacco and paying not that difficult. >> thank you. trade talkses with china becoming single biggest issue for stocks and for the economy. pressure is on with both sides to make a deal. i kind of optimistic punish is so intense please don't fail on this one. my take on that, coming up next. . .
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brian: there is one issue crucial for america's stock market and. where are we. what is the state of play? when larry kudlow told us a long way to go to creech reach a deal. there is no trump-xi xinping meeting in future the stock market took a real dive. if there is no meeting and deal by march 1st deadline that looks like failure. failure would be very bad news. that is why i'm optimistic. pressure on both sides is huge. both sides know it. xi and trump are negotiators. what is going on here is brinkmanship.
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in the end both sides will blink, that is my opinion. both sides will blink because they have to. for the next 20 days as we head to march the 1st, a stream of headlines, and statements. they will take positions. the computers will read headlines and markets will gyrate. it will get tense. already already is. our top trade people fly to beijing this weekend. look for a statement or blink from them as the latest china next talks get going. that march 1st deadline may be extended the trump-xi summit has already been pushed back. what i cannot see either side pushing back from the negotiating table and going home. the pain for everyone would be extreme. economists worldwide would head further south. failure would be so dramatic that it really is not an option. on other hand, the rewards of
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success are equally dramatic. stock market rallies, more trade, more growth. it doesn't have to be an agreement on everything, just a handshake. a lot of smiles and loads of promises. that is what i expect to see. because failure would be a disaster. failure, really is not an option. the second hour of "varney" and can is about to begin. ♪ stuart: right, now breaking news on the jeff bezos blackmail bombshell. ami, parent company of the national "enquirer," has responded to bezos '. ainsley: says the company, american mead, it believeds fervently it, acted it was abilitying in good faith negotiations to resolve all matters with him. goes on to say, nonetheless.
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in light of nature of allegations published by mr. bezos. the board con vend and determined it should promptly and thoroughly investigate the claims. >> we're debating whether there would be blackmailing involving extortion. in early 2000 michael bloomberg was involved in extortion case. worked with the fbi. those guys went to jail. cast saks stan hacker sentenced to four years in prison, breaking into bloomberg's private emails. extorting him back then. stuart: thank you, kristina. thank you, ash. heard my editorial, i think we'll get a china trade deal of some sort. listen to what larry kudlow said about china trade talks on this program yesterday. roll tape again. >> no date has been set. no time, no place, no nothing at the moment. but he has said it is likely that meeting will take place. and i might add, the president has indicated that he is
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optimistic with respect to a potential china trade deal but, but, but, but, but, we've got a pretty-sizeable distance to go here, to quote a colleague of mine. we have a miles to go before we sleep. stuart: sizable distance to go, that did it. down went the markets. david nicholas, president of nicholas wealth management. speculate for me, if you don't mind, what will happen to the market if we don't get any kind of deal? >> i hate to speculate how bad it could be but actually think most of the run-up in the market because the markets believe we're getting a deal. if we don't get a deal, i think markets trade down to the december eve lows. stuart: that is why i'm saying, that's why i'm saying consequences of absolutely no deal would be so severe, putts
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pressure do something, even a smile and handshake, you have to do it. >> i agree. i think what larry kudlow said, i know the markets hate it, from a bargaining standpoint i think it puts us into a position of power. look we want to get a deal right for the u.s. china wants a deal. that helps us going in with position of strength, not going into the meetings, thinking everything is great, we'll come out on top, we set low expectations. that helps us from a bargaining standpoint. like you said, stuart, i don't want to imagine us not coming out with a deal. it sets markets lower. it has detrimental global effects for economy. president trump needs this for 2020 as well. stuart: you say, i read your stuff, you say medicare for all would be an economic disaster of the you also say that we are just one election away from a single-payer health care system. what is this, one vote away from
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single payer? make your case. >> stuart, i'll tell you, it is very concerning. when you look back, example of 2013, senator bernie sanders put forward a bill, his medicare for all bill. he couldn't find one cosponsor, not one. fast forward six years later, he has over 16 cosponsors, every major democratic candidate for president is more than likely pushing, supporting medicare for all. just the way the public opinion can shift. if we go back to history, 1941, president roosevelt forced freedom speech, there was idea of freedom from want. the idea government should provide for economic security. stuart, that really changed public opinion going forward. we've been dealing with the effects ever since. when we look at what are our issues, how quickly stuff can change, it is not economic insecurity, that is a danger to the west. it is this idea that we don't with confidence in western traditions. it is american dream is at stake. if my generation loses, that,
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stuart, i think the light in america doesn't shine as bright. socialistic ideas need to be laughed off the public stage. if they don't, they take root, start ending up in public policy we have to take it very seriously going forward. stuart: good stuff. david nicholas. you'll be back. good stuff. now this, our next guest is working to get rid of the electric car tax credit that drivers can get for buying electric vehicles like teslas. missouri congressman jason smith joins us now. what do you want -- you want to get rid of the tax credit for electric cars, get rid of it? >> stuart, i want to eliminate the $7500 that american taxpayers are subsidizing wealthy americans buying electric cars. very simple. stuart: already gone for tesla. the rule is you produce a certain number of cars, sell a certain number of cars, you lose the tax credit. tesla buyers lost that tax credit already. >> 80% of the people that have
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utilized the 7500 tax credit make over $100,000 a year. if we would eliminate this tax credit, we'll save the country $20 billion. as the president said in his state of the union address, we need to rebuild our infrastructure, fix our roads and bridges. $20 billion is right there. in fact if we eliminated this a couple years ago, we would have saved five billion dollars. that is enough to build the wall. stuart: you know the democrats just introduced this green new deal which gives, they're just going gung-ho for electric cars, period. your idea flies in the face of the green new deal, just about everything else. >> it is. the green new deal is very laughable. they're trying to eliminate being able to fly in planes. they're trying to regulate cows in southeast missouri of their gases. quite laughable, not realistic. it will cost americans, trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars. they're unrealistic, it is out
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of touch with mainstream america. stuart: do you have any power in your position in the house to get rid of the tax credit for electric vehicles? >> i have a vote. i'm one of 435. i partnered with senator barrasso. we both filed the legislation. it's a priority. we'll find every avenue pushing us forward. about saving $20 million for americans. stop subsidizing the rich, buying electric vehicles. stuart: what are the chances of success? what do you think? >> i think there are as good as any. you know what? we'll try every avenue, there is a way. if we move the infrastructure package, we need to find pay-fors. this is 20 billion-dollar pay-for republicans and some democrats will support. stuart: jason smith. appreciate you being with us with that idea. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: big board is not quite the low of the day. we're down there. that is 3/4 of 1% lower. big tech i think is uniformly on the downside, yes, apple,
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amazon, facebook, alphabet, microsoft all down today. price of oil not going that far today. going nowhere actually. 52 bucks a barrel. up one sent. lots to cover for you, germany going after facebook, how they gather data. question, will there be any government action against facebook here? i will talk to a facebook critic about that. new op-ed caught our eye. title, the left's idea of generosity. the author argues that government welfare does more harm than good. he will make his case too. plus the deadline for a budget deal is one week from today. i say president trump needs a win on the border wall. we'll see if pete hegseth will take me on in that one. you're watching the friday edition of "varney & company." ♪
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do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth, or one that's good for my teeth? now i don't have to choose. from crest 3d white, the whitening therapy collection with new spearmint and peppermint oil. it gently whitens, plus it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life.
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stuart: this is the low of the day. we're down 196. you pair that with yesterday's loss, we're down 400 all together. we are indeed below 25,000 on the dow, down 202 right now. check twitter. a big mover yesterday. reported big spending in the future. investors didn't like it. twitter is down a bit this morning, down another 2 1/2%. you're back to 30 on the stock price of twitter. chipotle, that was also a
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big mover yesterday. it went up yesterday. ashley: it did. have you been to chipotle? have you ever been to chipotle? >> i went to chipotle once? >> you didn't like it? stuart: no. it is expensive rice and beans. i don't mean to be particularly critical. it was not my taste. ashley: there you are then. stuart: the stock dropped 20 cents. they can't get business out of me. i hardly ever spend anything. let's get serious, apple told app makers to stop recording your screen activity or your face, okay? i will immediate action, that is what they're threatening. joining us vivek wadhwa, harvard law distinguished fellow, carnegie mellon distinguished professor. you say these what these apps are doing is criminal. make it clear to all our viewers, what are these apps doing, and why do you say it's
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criminal? >> stuart, once you turn your camera on an app for anything, first load it up, you give it permission, it can turn the camera on anytime it wants to. once you say, turn location services on, it can follow you wherever you go, keep track of entire life history. people don't realize, take the phone to the bathroom, the camera could be turned on. microphone could be oned. without apps permission. realize movements on the phone, everything can be recorded by these app companies. what we should be shocked at. not that air canada and singapore airlines and expedia were taking advantage of a feature, why does the feature exist? why can't these companies spy on us like this? people don't know these devices are big brother spies on them. stuart: but i mean, is this pervasive? is this really common? >> well, it is more common than we think. not the good guys -- stuart: i'm not worried about air canada spying on me trying to sell me a ticket to canada.
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forget about that what i'm worried about, apps we don't even know doing this, game apps our kids download. suddenly turn features on and spy on us. imagine what is happening on google. google is 20 times bigger. they do much less supervision. tim cook cares about privacy, makes it a big deal. google is the wild, wild west happens on the android phones. there is a lot to be worried about over here. stuart: is there something in the fine print with these apps that lets them do it legally? >> install an app, these long, long pages of instructions to get, have you ever read all the fine print? stuart: no, never. >> they could be asking you to sell your soul, and you say, i accept the terms. stuart: germany that society, that country, they ordered facebook to change the way facebook collects data. that is a big deal. do you think the u.s. will go down the same road? because that, do you think we will ever force them to change
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their business model? >> you know, the ftc was asleep at the wheel when it allowed facebook to purchase what's app and instagram. what mark zuckerberg is doing, he announced he will start integrating them. means what you do on one app, what you do on one place on the web, facebook captures all the data and uses it any way they want to. if facebook only used what they found on whatsapp, and targeting you that would be one thing. to be able to take it across platforms is a danger to us. germans woken up to it. they are smarter than we are. ftc needs to look at what germany, other countries are doing, we need to tighten up our regulations, prevent them from doing this. stuart: facebook, google, have enormous amounts of money, their lobbying power is very significant, vivek, i can't see regulators getting over the political barrier? >> that's why i'm happy that germany is doing it.
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why euro is doing it. india is tightening up on amazon, e-commerce. they are becoming monopolies, so much power, like a cancer on capitalism. you and i both respect capitalism. this is great system. what happened over here is the scrooge of capitalism, that they gained so much power, they're able to buy up the politicians and confuse everyone, get away with murder, literally, of capitalism. stuart: look, thank you very much bringing this point of view to the fore, viiv veck. this is a big story. will continue to be a long time to come. thanks for joining us. come again soon. gotcha. sears will live to see another day. saved in the last bankruptcy sale. we'll take you to a sears staying open. check the big board. down 226 points. that means we're down 450 in the last two days. we'll be back. ♪
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stuart: of all the stocks in the s&p 500, which is the big guest gainer? the answer, coty, the beauty products company. it looks to the future. it expects to see profit in the second half. up goes the stock to 26%. how about that? how about skechers, they also beat estimates. they are up 17%. it pays to look forward and say things are going to be good. now a bankruptcy court judge has approved sears chief eddie lampert's bid to spend $5 billion to keep a small number of sears stores alive. well our jeff flock is at one of them. come on in, jeff. how long does the lifeline lasts
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if nobody shops at those stores? >> right now, nobody is shopping anywhere. it is 8 degrees where i'm standing. i hope you appreciate this. i come from north riverside, illinois. minus windchill by the way. that is the sears stores behind me that is one of 425 staying open. this might be the secret for them. a year ago this store consolidated 180,000 square feet, a huge anchor store, 90,000 square feet. some people think if they get smaller, that is the key to success. $5 billion from eddie lampert, less than a billion dollars of actual cash money. so, some people have criticized this, this is kind of you know, not a great deal for the creditors, but, it is what it is. they save about 45,000 jobs but i would point out to you, since lampert took over, ceo back in 2000, what is it five?
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3500 stores closed and 250,000 jobs lost. i leave you with a quote, this is interesting, one of eddie lampert's own lawyers said, mr. lampert has been unfairly criticized, compared to everything, as cross between robber baron and barney fife. the judge in the case, says mr. lampert does now has opportunity not to be a cartoon character, but take action of meaning. i don't know what that action is. the jobs are save for the moment. as you point out, in nobody shows up, not going to last long. now i'm frozen. stuart: get back inside. jeff. ashley: nanook of the north. stuart: nanook of the west. now this. taco bell able for delivery by grubhub. i said this before, quite a stir. i never ordered food for delivery. my team actually doesn't believe
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me. we'll discuss this, because, we feel that some people -- ashley: i don't believe you. stuart: would i lie about food deliveries? certainly not. later this hour i will talk to the chief of jimmy johns sandwich chain. he says they will never let on outside delivery company deliver their food. why not? i want to know why. we'll be back. ♪
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>> i love it. you do this around 10:30. it is great. ashley: i love the harmonica. stuart: all right. we've come back a bit. not much. we're down 209. a few minutes ago, before we played the beatles with were down 230. we'll take it. big tech, all of it down, apple, amazon, facebook, microsoft, all down. expedia the stock is up 4%, 133 on expedia. taco bell announced a free delivery across the country. tell me more. ashley: they are. tell me more, tell me more. $12 orders and over, this is what people want. they want, no doubt, people want delivery, they are prepared to pay for it. you have to be in the game even though stuart varney couldn't care less if you deliver. generally around the country this is a big move.
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you can order through the website or use grubhub. this is third party. by the way, yum brands, who owns taco bell, took out $200 million in stock in grubhub. they truly believe in the grubhub model. they're using it for the delivery service. stuart: you don't believe that i have never ordered food for delivery to my home or apartment? ashley: i don't. >> we'll change that. stuart: no, you're not. in san francisco, 40 years ago, i ordered a pizza. it arrived one hour, more than late. ashley: 40 years ago. stuart: i never forgot it. i don't like waiting. >> don't you think this could be a lucrative for a lot of couriers, those driving cars or bicycles to deliver? they will be everywhere as more and more people. ashley: don't you think service improved more than 40 years ago? just saying. stuart: i'm not prepared to find out. i just don't like waiting. i just don't like waiting. if i have to order food, i call them up, this, this, i will come
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and get it. i do that with chinese food. ashley: control freak. stuart: don't get me wrong. control freak. moi? pretentious? moi? toy-maker mattel seeing strong sales. the stock is way up. is this about barbie? >> a lot has to do with barbie, sales continue to climb. they're hitting a five-year high. not only about barbie. you're seeing strength with several of their other like hot wheels cars. those are up 9:00%. hot wheels toys, point of contention, the issue, is american girls dolls are not doing well as well as fisher-price. mattel turned themselves around. last year they had a loss. this year net income is positive. profits are climbing higher. you think you can -- read one analysts, barbie dolls are doing well because of women empowerment over the last year-and-a-half. stuart: i hear it. what about hasbro?
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i think they saw a drop in profits. the stock is way down. ashley: hasbro has the brands, monopoly, gi joe, my little pony. those brands dropped 8%. this is the first christmas out toys "r" us in 60 years. this is the venue where toys can display their goods. walmart and created extra space. they didn't have the barbie bounce by any means. mattel suffered because of that. they missed their own stilts. they were surprised how much, not having toys "r" us hurt their bottom line. stuart: tale of two toymakers. very different toys. ashley: right. stuart: mattel, straight up, hasbro on the downside. >> monopoly for millenials didn't do very well? we spoke about this a few months ago, a game for millenials. buying experiences except property. ashley: they don't buy property because they're living in their
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parents house. stuart: that is so true. >> no, no. stuart: put the headline up, please, because our next guest wrote it. headline is, the left's idea of generosity. progressives across the west are eager to spend other people's money on moral vanity projects. come in bobby jindal, former governor of louisiana, who wrote that article. what is a vanity project that you don't like? what's that? >> stuart, thanks for having me on your show. i mean by vanity project, look what happened in france. left imposed fuel taxes, resulted in the yellow vest protest. to make the urban elite left feel better about themselves. make negligible contribution or reducing co2 emissions down disadvantage those taking public transportation but for rural working families in france, this was a huge impact on their paychecks and huge impact on their standard of living. the problem it is not limited to
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france. you see same projects here in america. left is like a child give up lima beans for lent. give up other things people enjoy to make other people feel better themselves set of. the left would love a world without trucks, guns or religious values. they don't value those things. many others in america do. you see that in america with affordable energy. doesn't bother them to see good-paying manufacturing jobs go overseas. it bothers the rest of us. my worry, they impose the costs on us to make themselves feel better about themselves. stuart: look at europe for a second. i don't think europe's neosocialism, cradle to grave welfare will take care of everybody on all occasions, i don't think that is sustainable. they're not growing. they're heading towards another recession. just not sustainable. i think it collapses at some point. what do you say? >> i think you're exactly right. i think president trump, one of his best lines in the state of the union, looking at venezuela,
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chiding democrats for wanting to do that here in america. it was amazing to me, they didn't all stand up and agree with him. used to be epithet, insult when you call your opponent socialists. now they call themselves socialists. when you talk about free health care, free college, free everything, it is not free. they're stealing money from our children. what parent would say, take money from your children be? stuart: this is popular. taking hold of a entire new generation in politics. it is not inconceivable that the democrats will run a far left candidate in the 2020 election on a neosocialist policy and get very close to beating president trump. >> well, stuart, i think it is popular until we, conservatives do our job pointing out real consequence. free health care sounds great, until you understand medicare for all, over 100 million americans would less health insurance you like. president obama lied to us. said if you like your health insurance you can keep it.
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now democrats say if you like your health insurance, too bad for you. look at new energy deal. they're talking about getting rid of air travel. i don't understand this, they're worried about flatulent cows. want to get rid of hamburgers in america. stuart: that is radical environmental socialism. and you know, they're trying to get votes from millenials because millenials are assumed to be on the left side of the party. and assumed to be very worried about climate change. it's a vote-getter for millenials, who are the largest voting bloc in america today. >> yeah, but i think, the left, mistake they make, thinking that they can get millenial and other votes, simply promising unsustainable quote, free things, are actually taxes, burdens on rest of us. reality i think we're still an aspirational country. one line in the new green deal plan that jumped out at me, they want to take care of people unwilling to work. think about that. is that the country unwilling to
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work, as a burden on the rest of us? i don't think even millenial voters aspire to that kind of america. the american dream is not have the government take care of you. the american dream, get a great education, work hard, to provide for yourself and your family to do better than your parents did. it is an american nightmare to have the government take care of you. stuart: yes. >> it is immoral. they're talking about over $30 trillion just for the health care plan. they don't even bother to tell us what the energy plan will cost. they're taking that money from our children. they will run up national debt. the national debt and debt in a way our children can't afford. stuart: you and i lived american dream. i'm very glad you're on the show today. bobby jindal, former governor there. thanks for joining us, sir. we'll see you again soon. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: this for you, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator ed markey, unveiling their new green deal. i want to know, is any of this remotely possible? no. one week until the
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♪ ashley: tennessee congressman mark green says the green new deal being pushed by congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator ed markey would be devastating to the economy. roll tape. >> they're talking about ending the airline industry. that is 550,000 jobs. where do those people go to get paid? i mean i guess, she just believes there is some kind of money tree the government can get money to help pay these people. it is just insane. you think too about the productivity hit that will happen when people go from air travel to rail. i mean rail can't keep up. that is productivity hit. that is inflation. terrible for the economy. i mean, it is a crazy idea. ♪
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stuart: oil, 52 bucks a barrel, hardly changed. price of gas, national average? 2.28. that is beginning to creep up, but only a little. a few days ago i wrote an editorial on this program on two big issues that the president's facing, china trade and building the wall, border security. i say he needs a win on both. "fox & friends weekend" co-host pete hegseth with me. the man with all the energy. >> not as much as you. but i do want to say i love your
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new green deal tie. stuart: stop it. >> in honor of the deal i'm sure you love. stuart: stop it, stop it now. out. you're done, son. okay. i think the president needs a win on the border security and needs a win on china trade. and i think, he is going to get both. maybe i'm wildly optimistic. what do you say? >> i agree with you 100%. i will violently agree with you, with one caveat. i don't know if he gets both. i'm concerned on both fronts. on the wall front, he will be pushed to make a compromise, not include entirety of the physical barrier, promises later on we get that. those promises never come to fruition, no more powerful moment than now. i don't know if he stares that down all the way, gets 5.7 billion. i'm concerned about that, rumblings i'm hearing. i would rather him declare a national emergency.
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on china front, you could have meeting, have a lot of good words come out of it but not a restructuring the relationship which is ultimately necessary for our economy, more importantly for our national security. what they are doing to us, intellectual property, intelligence, surveillance, technology transfer, state-run companies, is devastating for our economic advantage. we have to win there too. we need to win on both. i hope we win on both. stuart: china trade, that is long term. yes we need a deal on transfer of technology and stealing technology, i got it. but if we don't have any kind of deal at all, there is no handshake, no smiling faces, no deal on any of these issues, that is a disaster for our economy, their economy. the global economy and stock markets around the world. that is why i think the there is so much pressure you will get something. it may not suit pete hegseth, but it will suit markets and economy. >> you know that side of the equation much more than i. i don't want a moment, that is
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done. we don't revisit conversation so we can declare victory, and we move on. the relationship isn't fundamentally reoriented. stuart: i want to see our president rebound from the political lows of late last year. >> he is already rebounding right now. stuart: the state of the union went along -- >> beginning of a rebound. the other part of that rebound is the absolute lunacy of the green new deal. stuart: you wanted to talk about that. >> yesterday was christmas in february for conservatives. if you read the 14 pages, it is most ridiculous political document i ever read. it deserves to be mocked. it is insane. stuart: stick around in 14 minutes. i have an editorial. i will trash it and ride kuhl it. >> you will do a better job than i would. stuart: we have 30 seconds left. i told our comrades here. comrades. ashley: oh, brother. stuart: i told them i had never ordered food for delivery to my house or apartment ever. >> really? >> you think i'm crazy?
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>> i did it yesterday. i do it like four or five times a week. i'm happy to pay a premium to arrive at my door. stuart: you have to wait. >> but i would have to drive otherwise. i like to wait. there is other things i can do while i'm waiting. stuart: can't you go to the fridge and make something? >> when someone else makes it usually tastes better. stuart: with all this energy you don't want to sit around waiting. >> i am working. kristina: you don't wait that long. especially in the city, you get food right away. it is warm when it arrives. >> thankfully they have this thing called microwave technology. put it in there, everything is good to go. stuart: this was good and entertaining way to fill the last minute of an interview. >> it was something. ashley: comrade. comrade. kristina: didn't answer you. stuart: this is the friday edition of "varney & company." >> i love the friday edition. stuart: see you tomorrow morning on "fox & friends."
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>> "fox & friends" weekend. stuart: talk green new deal, should i wear the tie. >> you wear the tie. we'll talk about the green new deal. stuart: mr. hegseth i think you're all right. thanks very much indeed. earlier we told you taco bell teamed up with the grubhub people for delivery of food. jimmy johns, however, sandwich people, they say they will never do that. they're going to handle delivery themselves. why would they do that? well the ceo is on the show next. check the big board. i'm sorry to say we're still down 200 points. that is .8%. we're back below 25,000 and we will be back. ♪
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i warn you they have an accent. put along the bottom of the screen. isn't that right, mate? >> i do need an interpreter sometimes. stuart: why wouldn't you allow a third party? >> customer cares about three things, speed, quality, and affordable price. and at jim -- jimmy johns we do it better than that. six hour of prep, 30 second sandwich to deliver in 15, 20 minutes. the third party companies can't do it. stuart: you have to set up your own delivery system. pay your own delivery people, comes out of the bottom line, doesn't it? >> we've been fortunate. we're in the business 36 years. it is part of our dna. deliver has been part of the business from the very beginning. other companies adding it on have to figure it out. what we've been focused on since day one, is this delivery. that is why we're able to make a 30 second delivery, 30 second sandwich, gets it to you in 15, 20 minutes. the customer cares about three
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things. they want it fast, at an affordable price. no one delivers a fresher, faster sandwich than jimmy johns. stuart: as long as you're in the delivery business. that is important because seems like everybody who wants delivery these days, want it snap iand fast. you will do that. how many sandwich stores do you have. >> 2800. ashley: 2800? >> nationwide. 45,000 delivery drivers. we have 800 franchisees. we have amazing delivery fleet that our franchisees hired of delivery drivers. not only with the delivery drivers, not only coming to be a delivery driver, but you got huge growth opportunity. i started as night manager, running deliveries, making sandwiches. it has been always about the customer. getting that 15, 20 minute delivery to the customer, fresher, faster than anybody else. stuart: let me turn this around a little bit. >> sure. stuart: you don't like paying a piece of the price to the uber eats of this world or grubhub.
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you don't to them a piece of their money. >> i don't want customer to pay a piece. it is about the customer. we get it fresher, faster, more affordable price. why would i force the her to pay a third party to deliver our product? we simply don't trust anybody else to deliver our product. we work hard to bake fresh bread. our bread is never more than four hours old. hand slice the all natural meets. fresh tomatoes, lettuce, onions. stuart: that is commercial. you have to pay for these things, you know what i mean? >> we do it faster and cheaper. stuart: more commercial. you know i never ordered food for delivery anytime in my life, did you know that? >> i did. stuart: you watched the show. >> i erred that earlier this morning. stuart: what do you think of guy like me. am i nuts or what? >> i understand. we'll get it to you in 15, 20 minutes. stuart: james north, new zealander, green card american. >> right. stuart: welcome to the show. good to have you on. >> thank you. stuart: you can come back
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stuart: what is this green new deal? answer, radical environmental socialism. what does it do? my opinion, bankrupt the country. where is it going? legislatively nowhere i hope. it will be front and center for the democrats in 2020 can see where i am coming from. let's look at the green new deal in the words of its principal supporters. congresswoman cortez and senator marquis. from the website this, the green new deal is a tenure plan to create a greenhouse gas mutual society that creates unprecedented levels of prosperity, wealth for all. while ensuring economic and environmental justice and security. translation, no more oil, gas or coal by 2030 and everyone gets more money. let's do specifics.
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upgrade all existing buildings for energy efficiency. all of them, including yours. farmers eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. how you eliminate cow flatulence, i don't know. transportation, complete overhaul, expand electric car production charging stations everywhere and expand high-speed rails so that air travel stops becoming necessary. what do you think about that in hawaii? jobs, everyone gets one. with the family sustaining wage, adequate family medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security, by the way, even those unwilling to work get all the goodies, too. that is the socialist bit. the workers get everything. it's bold. will certainly appeal to anyone who like a cardio cortez believes the world and is coming and only the government can lead us to a worker's paradise.
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as a statement of intent it has appeal within the democratic party and presidential candidates will be asked if they support it. which one will say no mac they want the millennial vote which they assume is obsessed with climate and socialism. the green new deal actually has momentum. this program deals with politics and money. the green new deal fails in both those areas. politically, i just don't see the country willingly accepting the complete transformation of everyone and everything in society. and as for the money i just don't see us willingly accepting trillions upon trillions in taxes and debt that would bankrupt the country. as the president said tuesday night america never will be a socialist country. think about good lord. third hour of partying company is about to begin logo ♪ ♪
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>> i should add were joined by former epa official and she says this green new deal is a liberal fantasy and will get to that i promise. check the big boards. lower of the day. now we are down 266 points better than 1%, 24.9 is where we are. have a look at business stocks. the new streaming service is called disney plus and will include non- disney content in addition to their own original material. deidra bolton joins us with ashley webster and christina. deidra, you first. netflix, disney world - >> in the crosshairs. disney is trying to take on netflix and amazon as well. at the end of 2019 is when disney plus is supposed to launch and up until recently 24 hours ago we thought only disney
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content would be there. pixar, lucas films which make "star wars", marvel but as we no, disney has bought the entertainment assets of box so they will have x-men and other franchises so all that material will be available on disney plus and disney said on the ceo said they will buy shows from other studios. he wasn't specific but it's already out there and i think where they're trying to be competitive is on price. disney plus will be around $5.99 and the basic is 1299 so they're trying to undercut the price. stuart: content and price makes good competition. good story. >> if i may add, earlier in the show i talked about netflix removing disney content and he signed a deal in 2016 and bob geiger said that deal is no longer going to be removed and in 2017 he said he would remove all disney content and now it's the case that if a disney movie gets put on netflix it has 1.5 years to last and been taken down. stuart: disney stock right now is at one dollar 10 cents.
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how about amazon. reportedly invested in a self driving startup company, aurora. this is competition for tesla, isn't it? >> driverless vehicles. aurora focuses on hardware and software and raised 530 million dollars and signed deals with vw and hyundai but this makes a good move for amazon because they want to shift and deliver their own products. no delivery expenses have climbed up and are looking at trucks and drones and this technology could be used for their vehicles. google has gone into the game and everyone is doing it. that's will hurt tesla in the wrong run. stuart: tesla took a hit yesterday and they are down more today but amazon is down $35, $1,500 a share. amazon's chief jeff bezos is mad at the national enquirer. he says, they try to blackmail him.
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in a letter he wrote to the company that owns the inquirer said they have quote, a reputation for modernizing journalistic privileges, hiding behind important reductions in ignoring the tenets and purpose of true journalism. back to deidra because i believe we have a response from - >> ami says and all quote directly, believes fervently that it acted lawfully in the recording on the story of mr. basals and nonetheless, in light of the nature of the allegations published by mr. basals they had convened and determined it should promptly and thoroughly investigate the claims so as we know from new york law you are not allowed to publish something that has the express purpose of embarrassing or inciting contempt for someone but from what i understand from legal eagles that i reached out they said right now the lawyers can say we're trying to find a my and we weren't really threatening him but trying to
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come to a solution. how did they get the text and how did they get the photos. if they did that by hacking or some other illegal means they are in deep water. stuart: jeff bezos said i'm not going to stand up for this. i will not tolerate this. i am fighting it. >> whether people love him or hate him, almost everyone aims to be on his side for this. stuart: really? >> popular reaction is good for him. stuart: the stock is down $35 - >> i don't think it's related but if it drags on with once a month and you can say is the ceo and founder distracted and we have no idea where this will go then i think perhaps we take a look at the stock but for the moment . stuart: good reporting. thank you. the news for apple. while they were running a security or that of their face time app they found a new problem. what is at this time? >> i wish we knew. they are not telling us. the other one was revealed not by apple so they had to respond but they were doing a security audit and found another
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identified problem in their live photos features. those are the things you take a picture, you figure down and get two or three seconds of video but they're not saying exactly what the problem was and call it a vulnerability but say they fixed it and updated the system and that will not be an issue not that we knew what that issue is. there also could be down on app providers who take a screenshot of what you are doing on your phone without you knowing about it so they can look at what we've been doing. they say they have it because i want to see how effective their office whether they can improve it but you did not know they were doing that. apple says they will clampdown and if people don't stop but because doubt of the app store. >> someone could be watching you right now through your screen. stuart: i hope millions and millions of people - [laughter] quick tech headline, motorola announced a new phone to give the iphone a run for its money. new one is called the moto g7,
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only 300 dollars compare that to the thousand dollar iphone and the motorola as a 6.2-inch screen, high resolution waterproof coating and headphone jack, too. it's the stores this spring. that is motorola for you. china trade story, rumbles on. 20 days to the march 1st at 9 where tariffs would go from ten, 25% in our top three guys are headed for beijing for high-level talks to start next week. we'll tell you all about that. and the democrats green new deal. back to that. a government led overhaul of every aspect of all our lives. it would guarantee a host of taxpayer covered benefits including economic security that would be money for those unwilling to work. can you believe that? this is the third hour of "varney & co.". logo into
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now i'm a director at a security software firm. wow, you've been at it a long time. thing is, i like working. what if my retirement plan is i don't want to retire? then let's not create a retirement plan. let's create a plan for what's next. i like that. get a plan that's right for you. td ameritrade. ♪
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the soil in cities from their booking options. get back to my editorial. green new deal. looking more and more like the new red new deal. former reagan economist, art, no chance of this becoming lost anytime soon but the real danger is surely that it becomes a major part of the democrats plan in 2020. that is the problem, isn't it? >> i wish they were not do this sort of stuff. silly it makes no sense for what they're doing is spoiling the opportunity to propose something constructive that can be done to increase output growth prosperity for all. the thing you're talking about is - by the way patrick had a moment for you. really beautiful way you do that. i was blown back in my seat. stuart: but they just don't like capitalism. they don't like profit and individual liberty and that is
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why they do this. >> the thing is they destroy our ability to a choice in the political process. we need to have serious solutions proposed so the electric can choose between alternative proposals that make sense. this one makes no sense whatsoever and also the redistribution - if everyone came out equal what you would have to do is text everyone above the average income of one 100% of the excess and everyone below the average you'd subsidize them up to the average income but if you did do that text everyone about the average income one 100% and below subsidizing i will stipulate everyone will come out equal at zero. there will be no income whatsoever. it is not left-wing, white ring, liberal or conservative but math. the math does not work. >> this is geared towards dealing with climate change.
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alexander cortez says the world comes to an end in 12 years if we don't do something about it. what would you do about climate change? >> i'm terrified about the world coming to end in 12 years because i'm 78 but i'm joking, if you want to have global warming problem and i'm not a global person in the sense that i don't understand global warning and i don't know whether right or wrong but if you're going to do something you want to have a tax on carbon and what you want to do is have a reduction in the income tax and a bunch of republicans proposing attacks on carbon and redistributing that to the population on a per capita basis. that is equally as stupid. what you have to do is to attacks on carbon and reduced another tax rate like income taxes the way al gore and i have proposed it for years and if you do that at least to offset the damaging economic consequences of a green agenda. both sides are silly on this. stuart: if you did the green, new deal i say it bankrupt the
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country. >> it would totally drop and your line of hawaii was very funny. [laughter] stuart: senator rona was asked and she said the senate democrat from hawaii was asked and she smiled and laughed. why on earth would someone with the experience of senator edward markey, democrat from massachusetts why would he put the - why would he put his name on something which abolishes air travel for heaven sakes and goes after cow flatulence worldwide white what a man - why would he do that. >> why is it just cow flatulence? [laughter]
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you have to ask edward markey that. i don't understand what motivates him. it silly and makes him look small. in regards to people in his profession and in the senate and makes him look petty and silly. and very cheaply political. that is a silly idea. ask him on the show and ask them to explain. stuart: i remain worried that any part of this are the main thrust becomes the main intention of a major political party. >> i do too but the real reason it makes me bothered is because it destroys us from having an opportunity of a serious set of proposals on other issues that should be done and all sorts of splenda groups that have these nutty policies and i don't mind i'm doing it but this part, the democrat party which i've been associated with as much if not more than that reported party should be proposing good proposals that make sense and create prosperity. stuart: art, you are all right.
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you'll be back. [laughter] >> your soliloquy was beautiful. patrick henry would be a perfect example to compare you with him. stuart: i'm not sure the history that's i won't make any comparison but are, you are all right. see you soon. look at this, netflix has just bought a new documentary featuring congresswoman alexander cortez and knocked on the house and premiered at the sundance film festival. it follows aoc and other progressives to their 2,018 midterm campaigns and no word yet on the release date but they paid $10 million for it. trying to be american. >> some other stories. screen report from vice media motherboard it reveals at&t mobile and sprint were selling real time location to bounty hunters. there is a story for you. a new billionaire in illinois require gun owners to own their
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stuart: regular watches of this program know we love a good list in today's list is the 50 were cities to live in in america. 247 wall street investment firm that compiled the list based on things like crime rates, poverty, poor employment opportunities. who is number one? mendota, california. have its residents live below the poverty line. two, florida city, florida followed by california city, california. - is hawaii and highland park, michigan round out the top five. that is president thompson childhood home in queens for sale, $2.9 million. built by hand in 1945 present from his father, fred trump. according to paramount really
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houses put up for auction twice 2016 and again in 2017 who did sell for 225% more than fair market value. other headlights. talk about announcing a partnership with grub hub. offering free delivery for orders over $12. for a limited time. aaa stock was up 11% yesterday and holding those games today and j.p. morgan just raised its price target and saying it would go to 500 and now it will go do 550. stock is up 587. how is that? mattel surging sales are that barbies up goes the stock. hot will sales and revenue from american girl dolls are slipping but the stock is up 22%. hasbro, another toy company, different story. look at this. profits tumbled following the shuttering of toys "r" us. that stock way down.
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4% lower on hasbro. sears officially back from the dead. they are reviving them approved by federal bankruptcy court judge. creditors and other government officials try to block his bed but they failed. house speaker nancy pelosi says she is fairly certain we won't see another government shutdown but remember the government is only funded until february 15, 1 week from today. we will follow that for you, next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: still down 250 points and still a sea of red amongst the dow 30 stocks. larry kudlow moved to the markets on this program yesterday and told us the us and china are miles apart on trade talks. ash, i think that's the most important issue affecting our market, our economy, china's market, china's economy and it's the number one issue. >> is a dark cloud hanging over us. the markets believe eventually something will be done in the will hit the march 1st in line
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but i don't think we'll jump to 25% tariffs. in good faith to stay at 10%. very clear message for the demonstration whether to put more pressure on china and let's be honest there's a more economic pain than the united states but however at some point it hurts everybody and i think they'll get something done. a chance to walkway for believing they got something out of it. stuart: downside risk if there's no deal at all that's a real problem that will affect everyone. pressure to get a deal. >> i was at the new york stock exchange and they had priced in a deal but i think to ask his point this has been going on for a while. easy cheap debt and a structure spending, the economy has been suffering with social unrest and unappointed climbing higher and then add the trade deal on top so it's a point of weakness. >> let's hope there's a phone call. what was clear from interview with larry kudlow is it unlikely for the chinese president to meet with president trump. before the march 1st the line
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but blake burman even said that doesn't mean a phone call can happen which we did see before and to ashley's point, maybe is not a final outline but at least a step in the right direction. this is the work week since december in our markets but for the s&p 500 and then we can make light of australia's central bank making a comment but they are affected by china and what's going on in the asia-pacific region. stuart: i would not be surprised if we have treasury secretary steve mnuchin and let heiser arrive in beijing over this weekend and start the talks on monday. it would not surprise me at all if there weren't a leak, headline, statement of some sort that is mildly positive to reassure the markets. >> your opinion is about agriculture and buying more or technology? stuart: it will be a - i think it will be a very general statement about things are going well.
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if things are going well then they will say will extend the talks and the deadline and we will not impose 25% tariffs. >> great timing for them. lunar new year, though monday open on a high note be what we have to move on. house speaker nancy pelosi says she's fairly certain that we will not see another government shutdown over funding for the president's border wall. republican from florida congressman, your reaction to that sounds positive, doesn't it? >> well, one would think so but she also said that no money for the wall but yet she's going to accept the deal is coming out of the bipartisan conference committee. which is it? i can tell you if there's not border security funding and that deal is not going to make it through the senate and the president will not sign it. he's made that clear.
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stuart: is in it semantics? >> , the president rightly as clarified some of the rhetoric and said look, he said it in the state of the union. still flat, still barriers whatever you call it and strategically placed where the border patrol has requested it. here is where i am optimistic. a number of congressman and senators both sides of the aisle have gone down to the border and see what's going on and seeing where it's been incredibly effective and reducing illegal crossings and violence in these issues and coming back. at the end of the day, mice can be a dirty word. we need to cut a deal and the point i keep making his can get to legal talent immigration reform which is badly needed for all reasons until we secure the border otherwise you have the same problems but the president
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put that on the table. stuart: but you also got this caravan arriving thousands of people and maybe more caravans on the way behind them and that enhances - you have a crisis on the border and you have to deal with it. that's in favor of some form of compromise. >> absolutely. recently i'm on the armed services committee and the defense department was over testifying one of these caravans are estimating 12,000 people coming and don't know which way they are going to go so hence you have seen the troop deployment down there to help the border patrol deal with that. president has asked for more money for immigration judges to help with these asylum claims and more border patrol and more technology at the conference of solution and he's been reasonable but we have yet to see a counterproposal coming from the speaker or the other side.
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you cannot compromise or cut a deal if they're not talking. stuart: what would you do or what would you say and what would your response be the president declares an emergency? >> i don't want to see that happen. i want congress to fix us. multiple purposes before i got here have kicked this can't multiple administrations have not done is done but the president was elected to solve this problem. a big part of the selection at the end of the day will do what he has to do that i just we should do anything possible to do our job here in the congress and get this done. stuart: michael waltz, thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. stuart: now this. a new bill in illinois would require gun buyers to reveal their social media history to state police before they get a license or their god. what? i ever agreed with the aclu but in this case i agree with him.
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it's outrageous and their first amendment issue. plus, what could please do with the data they have? its outrageous intrusion. a similar bill introduced in new york and still floating around but has not been acted on but at some point yet is a out hand over my social media history to law-enforcement? in illinois is slightly lighter. in the proposed new york bill they can go and take someone's license back where illinois is just a before you get your license be prepared will go through everything and maybe we give it to you, maybe we don't but new york is trying to claw back a firearm. stuart: attack on guns and an intrusion into your absolute privacy back its invasion of personal beliefs because you're going after social media. is not getting to the core of the issue. go after people who have mental instability and look at the health that the social media. we can construct yourselves online to have this all these pictures but - >> often times before people commit they are posting bill
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hurt themselves or the hurt other people. >> they do that in the case of the parkland shooter and pittsburgh shooter. stuart: [inaudible conversations] >> there is a recent poll from writers in the last 24 hours over 6,000 people surveyed and they want to see stricter gun control restrictions. stuart: but not like that. >> but they want change given the violence. >> legally, it will be free speech. stuart: its first amendment. moving on. sports fans. new jersey's governor phil murphy seems he is not met attacks he doesn't like. latest idea is a tax on the rain. that is right. rain. we deal with that momentarily. a lot more to say about the green new deal. the green new deal.
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facebook is toxic. listen to this. >> they are basically trying to manipulate the attention of people in order to change the behavior to direct them to stop that makes more money for them. here is where it gets bad. it gets bad because those products are media props and they now dominate politics in every democracy in the world and in europe or north america, south america and they are the dominant voice and nobody elected them. no one can hold them accountable. they pretend like we are not responsible for what happens on our platform. that is nonsense. it's just like a toxic chemical spill. if you hurt people, you've got to pay the cost of cleaning it up. ♪
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stuart: headline, very important coming in from the washington post. facing opposition, amazon reconsiders new york headquarter site according to two officials. that is a blockbuster announcement. when i we are not suggesting amazon was drying for two officials say they are worried about expanding into new york. >> that politicians including aoc has been vocal. according to the latest report here the company is not leased or purchased any office space for this project and in other
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words, they could turn around quickly and terminated and go somewhere else where they feel more welcome. stuart: i wasn't an opponent to the amazon move but wasn't an opponent appointed to a board that oversees planning commission and it would need that board approval. >> is it - is it the senator who represents long island who said he's completely opposed to it as well and he could potentially the steel along with a few others. 25,000 jobs that amazon promised in property value and rent went up immediately after the deal was announced and could be a big blow to new york city. [inaudible conversations] be one they gone door-to-door talking about renting hikes and displacement. news happens again fast. we've been talking about congresswoman alexanderia ocasio-cortez this hour and a green new deal all about climate change damage control. and becoming carbon neutral. in ten years.
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the congresswoman quarterly turned down an offer from house speaker pulls to be on the new committee on climate change. three other freshmen representatives will be on that panel. let's stay on the green new deal. topic of the hour. topic of a long time to come. our next guest just resigned from the epa. with a letter to president trump. here is part of it. your success the first two years are reflective of the belief that the prosperous america is not built on heading out personal liberties but a listing them. as a conservative in mississippi, environmental lawyer and the mother of two - stuart: come on in, mandy.
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welcome to the program. you are the former epa official. tell me why you just don't like the green new deal. >> a lot of reasons. first, thank you for having me. it's a complete disaster. we know that it would cost around trillion dollars to the economy and i heard a more recent study say it could go up to $7 trillion to the economy and put in peril tens of millions of hard-working jobs in the coal, oil and natural gas industry. look, like you said, i'm a mississippian in my home state of mississippi shipbuilding is a huge part of the local economy and employs around 26,000 men and women in mississippi. something like the green new deal would completely undercut that industry and put all of those mississippians out of business and relegate the entire international shipping industry to the 1700 when wind energy was the only source of power. stuart: even if i take all your points and i can't understand is
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why it should be so attractive to so many democrats i've come out and said we could go with this up to a point is pie-in-the-sky other dreaming and utterly ridiculous why on earth would presidential candidates sign on to the ischemic. >> good question. i think every voter in the country should be asking themselves out. why would they support something that would undercut this kerfuffle and historic economic growth with these experienced the first two years the president trump administration and the explosive job growth and the expensive environmental progress. what folks don't understand is that we are leading the world in an environment of progress and in greenhouse gas emissions reductions. stuart: we are. true. why do we get told that more often? i have this one for you, mandy.
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new jersey proposing a ring tax on houses and businesses with large pay services. new jersey says runoff on these car parts and paid services dilutes storm drain water and hurts the environment. is there any merit to that claim or the imposition of the stacks? >> the imposition of the tax is completely wrong. the government comes and tries to take over things don't work. that is why i said in my letter america was built on unleashing personal liberties, not inhibiting them. my under president trump deregulation in getting the government out of the business of the energy industry and the agriculture industry and transportation and even how you manage the water around your own home and that's why it's important part of his administration agenda and why i worked on it. stuart: mandy, thank you for being with us. we love the letter by the way. >> thank you very much. stuart: a scary report from vice medias motherboard revealed at&t
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stuart: i've got to tell you i find this story troubling. vice media motherboard is reporting cell phone carriers, at&t, sprint and t-mobile sold your location to bounty hunters and bail bond for us. it's been going on for years apparently. is it legal to sell my location? >> if you say no absolutely not. you are not even aware and they said they'd shut us down a long time ago but turns out to an investigation they are not. bill bosman will have people who are trying to get the money to get a bond out of jail will sign away everything including yes, you can find my phone location but it does not happen and there's a very big second and third hand market out there for people who want to buy that information. bill bosman who don't know where you are will pay good money to find where that person is and give them relocation.
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it's also the gps function than i one uses and if you call in emergency and you can't tell them where there are 911 contact you down to the gps. that also is out there floating around in shady markets out there to buy. since this is been going on until late 2017 will carry her safe there could be down and promise this will not be going on. they said that before and if they thought it was okay what else is going on out there? stuart: christina? >> is such a scary story, the fact you can pay money to get your location. reach out to t-mobile and they responded we will show you this response because everybody has promised they would stop doing this but they have not all officially stopped. regarding our location data services we been transparent that we are ending all our location aggregator services and almost done with that process and we have been working to find it down in a responsible way
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that will impact customers who use the services for things like emergency assistance. people use it for roadside assistance or if you check your phone and lost it or 4911. stuart: what about a stock or? someone who might want to do somebody harm. that's frightening. >> for $300 that's what advice did. they tested it out. this is how it initially started the investigation. pay money to a bounty hunter. stuart: in this day and age, i don't like that at all. check out big board. we got headline on trade. we'll give it to you next. we are down to 20 on the dow. ♪
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stuart: check the big board. i have a headline on trade. a senior white house official tells fox business that the march 1st date, the deadline for increasing tariffs on chinese goods from 10 to 25%, that date, march 1st is firm. the white house also saying that the u.s. trade delegation goes to china february the 14th, 15th. that is next thursday and friday. later than we thought. ashley: supposed to be beginning of next week. stuart: i think those items are
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negative on trade. ashley: i still think they may not push the date back. they may not jump 25% on march 1st. they may extend the date out. kristina: i think that is right. blackrock is warning investors that a good trade out come own china. pare back a little bit. maybe why we're ceiling some of this selloff. stuart: big story from the washington post. they have this headline. says amazon is reconsidering their move to a new york city headquarters site. they have two officials saying, look, they're thinking again about this. now amazon's stock is down $37. i'm not so much concerned with the stock price of amazon but what would new york city's reaction be? ashley: that is the key. is this calculated move to try to get more local support for them in new york? or are they seriously having internal conversation, they
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don't want us, plenty of others do? stuart: maybe they want supporters to come out in force. come on, please. we love you. we want you. a little lure. that is it what they want. time's up for the friday show but neil, it is yours. neil: i'm not all surprised at amazon move. the mayor is second-guessing, complaining about it. governor, supposedly cobbled together the deal. now amazon, says if you don't like it, we're out of here. imagine that. stuart: why not? it is their money. neil: thank you very much. speaking of amazon, the guy that runs the company, right now the world's richest man is in a battle with the magazine conglomerate linked to the world's most powerful man, that they have let's say a tight relationship here. that relationship that is at play here in a dramatic story, that combines it all. jeff bezos saying that he wants to get to the bottom how it is "the national enquirer" was able to get detai
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