tv The Evening Edit FOX Business February 11, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm EST
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charities in the mix as well. but it doesn't deal with the fact of motivation, whether that will motivate people to get out of the workforce. we could go another hour, that does it for "bulls and bears." president trump: we actually started a big, big portion of wall today, in a very important location. the whole area will be funded -- finished. it's fully funded. we need a wall. without a wall, it's not going to work. we can have technology. but it doesn't work without the wall. liz: we are just hours away from president trump making the hard-sell case at a campaign rally in the border town of el paso, texas. this is a knock-down drag-out
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fight in d.c. democrats put a poison pill in negotiations wrecking it at the 11th hour. a texas congresswoman taking on trump saying you owe el paso an apology. we are going to have 100 police vehicles and a human wall at the border doing their part for border security. for far-left democrats like alexandria ocasio-cortez, she is getting blasted for cheering the loss of 25,000 jobs in new york city if amazon ditches building its second headquarters there. one member of the mainstream media is saying millions will die without the green new deal. cortez's own team does not have the facts straight. in venezuela, mass protests are
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gearing up nationwide. millions are set to pour into the streets against dictator nicolas maduro as he's looking to opec for help after devastating u.s. sanctions. we'll tell you the exact dollar hit. interim president juan guaido is warning the venezuelan military if you continue to block humanitarian food aid, you will be committing a crime against humanity. i'm elizabeth macdonald and "the evening edit" starts right now. welcome to the show. you are watching the fox business network. let's get to edward lawrence in the thick of the action. >> the shift in the debate for border funding makes another government shutdown more likely. last week the conference
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committee members seemingly had a deal. then a call by democrats to limit the bed for illegal immigrants to be detained by a third of what the administration wants. put a wrench in it. >> this provision would frankly be a total non-starter with the white house. with any white house. not just this one. it would erase our progress and kick us back to square one. reporter: democrats saying they want to limit the bed number to 16,500. republicans wanted at least 46,000. the republicans say if a second shutdown happens, it's on the democrats who spiked the negotiation. government funding $1.6 billion, less than the $5 billion the president wants.
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lawmakers scrambling to avoid a government shutdown. liz: california governor gavin newsom is planning to pull national guard troops from the southern california border. and we have dozens of trump supporters forming a human wall on the new mexico border. this as a gallup world poll found 42 million latin americans saying they want to move to the united states. 5 million plan to do so with the next few months. casey stegall is on the grounds with the latest. casey? reporter: we reported on your program last week from this spot. since we have been on the ground we have seen the growing law enforcement presence that you talk about here in eagle pass,
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texas. there have been lines up and down on the banks of the rio grande river. that's the international border at eagle pass texas here. the governor of the state ordered 5. >> 0 state troopers -- 500 state troopers to the area to assist. then you have this heavy show of force on the international crossing bridges which carry thousands of people, cars, trucks and trains across the border each day. then you have 250 active duty troops the pentagon says is being shifted to the region to assist. but agents say these resources are necessary because they describe the system as overloaded.
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>> the ports of entry, the bridges, they were never designed to house people, to house people. poarpts of entry are locations where you present yourself for inspection. you are inspected and either released or referred. but soon after you are released. never was it anyone's plan to have people at ports of entry for that long. reporter: mexican media reports out of the roughly 1,8. >1,8 -- roughly 1,800 people from the caravan have been deported back to their home country. the majority are from honduras. 70 have passed criminal background checks and have been issued special visas to remain in mexico for up to one year to
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seek work until their asylum process can be claimed. those want to go get into america, agents tell us they will be waiting for some time because they can only process a maximum of 20 a day at this spot at eagle pass. liz: let's take you back to the border negotiations. they were on-again-off-again. the president is heading to el paso, texas tonight for his first campaign-style rally of this as knick mulvaney told fox news that president trump could find other funds to build the wall without congress. >> there are certain funds of money he can get to without declaring a national emergency. he would prefer legislation because it's the right way to go and the proper way to spend money. but if that doesn't happen, the
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president perceives his number one pry for the national security. the president is going to build the wall. liz: joining me from texas is congressman brian babin. what do you see down there. how are things going down there? >> we are headed to the rally right now. it's lots of people. it will be a big one, i can tell you that. people are ready for border security. a lot of folks are disappointed to be hearing these negotiations have broken down, and the president i think has a lot of support. liz: mick mulvaney said president trump will get the money without declaring a national emergency. what do you make of that angle? >> i think that's true. he can find other funds. but senator cassidy from
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louisiana also has -- he's been suggesting that the forfeiture seizure, $842 million in revenue each year. that ask pay for the wall and the fences. there are ways this can be handled since the democrats don't want to negotiate in good faith. the sad thing about it, i believe most of american citizens or most of of them, are very, very disturbed to say that the democrats will not put american citizens first. and they just simply want open borders. it's obvious. they want people depending upon the government. they want folks swarming in. they want our community public services being utilized by people. and i think it would overrun our
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country and bankrupt our nation and endanger american citizens. liz: democrats want to drastically reduce the number of beds for those detained by i.c.e. they think the goal is they want the white house to detain only violent criminals. here is what some republicans are saying. >> we have some problems with the democrats dealing with i.c.e., that is, detaining criminals that come into the u.s., and they want cap on them. we don't want a cap on that. i say 50-50 we get a deal. i hope and pray we do. >> donald trump is not going to sign any deal that reduces the number of bed spaces available to hold violent offenders that come across our border. he can't do that, he won't do
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that. you can take that to the bank. liz: what do you make of this poison pill from the democrats? >> it's a non-starter. this is them trying to defund i.c.e. many of these democrats have called for the abolishment of i.c.e. that's the worst thing we could do is decommission our only law enforcement agency on the border. this would add to catch and release. catch and release is what you do when you fish, it's not what you do on the border when you have folks rushing the border. and not being able to vet these people sufficiently. and it's just a non-starter. our president is absolutely got to build the barriers. and i'm in his corner all the way. liz: texas congresswoman escobar
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says the president owes el paso an apology saying we were never one of the most of dangerous cities in the world. and the wall there, we received even before the wall because of tightened border security. jake tapper at cnn is saying the president is lying about what's going on at el paso. isn't it true that across the wall in el paso sits juares, mexico with the highest crime rate in mexico? >> el paso is a wonderful city. but the government data on this is very clear. since the election of the barrier in 1993, crime has gone down in el paso, and it dropped precipitously in one year.
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since 93, they are down 95 percent. i don't think that hold water what the democrats are accusing the president of. liz: but the border fernld wasn't completed there until 2009. final point. >> i think it goes without saying, it's not just el paso. you can look at san diego and yuma, arizona. and el paso as well. where there are barriers you have less crossing. and it saves the taxpayers from a lot of misery, criminal activity and overwhelming our public services. liz: both democrats and republicans are ridiculing alexandria ocasio-cortez' rollout of the green new deal.
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this would target the middle the to lower brackets with higher costs. it says so right in the fact sheet. andrew cuomo is ripping fellow democrats trying to block amazon from creating 25,000 high-paying jobs in new york. he's saying no. that story coming up. but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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without fact, and say i'm going to allow political opposition for the sake of politics to stop what is a nationally economic development project. liz: a growing split within the democratic party. governor andrew cuomo slamming hard-core left democrats for locking amazon. amazon may pull stakes due to a massive blowback over a tax break from the state and city. socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez is celebrating the loss of 25,000 high-paying jobs. tweeting can everyday people come together and fight back
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against creeping overreach of one of the world's biggest corporations? yes, they can. >> i don't agree with her much, but i think she is right on this. the governor is correct to say this is a competition between hundreds of city, by the was a competition for who could offer the biggest bribes. if you want to attract jobs to your city, the way to do it is through offering tax cuts or deregulation or infrastructure or training information workers, not just handing out taxpayer money. i think she was right to call them out on it. liz: i hear what you are saying. you are siding with the true libertarians saying hey, government get out. amazon wants to pay out everybody year $3.75 billion in
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total average salaries for 25,000 high-paying jobs. average annual salary of $150,000. they are going to invest billions more into the area. we are talking $3.8 billion. what do you say about that math? >> these calculations have been used for a long time to justify this. but it's been debunked. these benefits never in the end materialize, the money is handled over to the companies but it never returns. liz: i covered the irs and taxes for years and decades. when walmart comes to town, this a halo effect of other businesses popping up, and it basically creates chec -- creats
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economic growth. >> i agree with you, but it's much more powerful and this is my argument for amazon. go ahead and have that multiplier effect. liz: i understand. amazon leaves, how are you going to create jobs? >> the way you always create jobs, making the things i argued for, tax cuts, deregulation, making a place an attractive place for a business to start up. liz: guess how new york city and the five boroughs were built? tax breaks. catch his show "the next revolution" sunday at 9:00 eastern.
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in venezuela tomorrow, tensions on the ground are hienting and interim president juan guaido is saying the block of humanitarian aid is a crime against humanity. reporter: opposition leader juan guaido is pushing more protests as nicolas maduro refuses to leave power. he's building out his interim government and the organization for american states was help asking for help to in trying to establish free and fair democratic elections. >> we need a process without pressure and bullets and using the hunger of the people in
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order to make them vote one way or another. reporter: a delegation from guaido's interim government met with officials from the italian government to encourage domestic pressure to try to force maduro from power. nicolas maduro is preventing international aid to venezuela, blocking aid from colombia. over the last few years, millions of venezuelans have fled their country. they are fleeing an economic crisis. food and medicine shortages. the administration has been trying to press the maduro regime with sanctions on its oil industry as the administration says dozens of governments around the world have recognized juan guaido as the interim leader of venezuela. but getting nicolas maduro to
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step down has been difficult. liz: apple stopped giving iphone shipping statistics last square. iphone shipments to china fell nearly 20% in the fourth quarter. let's get to your tax refunds. the irs firing back over complaints from taxpayers about smaller refunds. the treasury is saying they are on par with 2017. the real culprit, the to withhog tables meaning less was taken out of your paycheck. the pg & e public utility in california has been blamed for a lot of the wildfires. it wants to clean up its act by expanding the number of director
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and limit the number of current ones up for reelection. will that help? critic say no. in brazil, critics say dozens of dams sit above cities and towns, putting them at risk of devastating floods. some 157 people died in the disaster at that dam operated by iron-ore operator vale. we'll take on how the wheels flew off of ocasio-cortez's green new deal from the start. people contradicting each other not having their facts straight. you can't believe the democrats running away from it, including progressives. we'll take that up next. at?! i'm here to steal your car because,
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liz: you are watching the fox business network. the media and democrats are defending ocasio-cortez's green new deal. it's a sweeping overhaul of the energy sector in just 12 years' time. millions and millions and millions of people will die. >> it's realistic. i think we need to set our sights high. >> stop stalling and spending real money on infrastructure and clean energy and a green new deal. liz: but india and china the world's major pollute polluters not doing anything. and the democrat saw discuss not supporting it -- the democrat caucus not supporting it yet. joining me, matt schlapp.
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alexandria ocasio-cortez won just 16,000 votes and now she wants to change the entire u.s. economy. >> i think the social i am they are grabbing on to is what's practical. if you look at all these propos- look at all these proposals. they are more religious than practical. people will pay higher energy prices to heat their homes. liz: that's who they targeted, the front line communities, the poor and middle class. the rollout of this green new deal looks like amateur hour. >> why would we pay people who are quote unwilling to work? >> we never would, right, and aocer in said anything like
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that. i think you are referring to some doctored documents that somebody has been circumstance rating. >> that was in the background from her office is my understanding. >> no, she tweeted it out to laugh at it. if you look at her latest tweet. apparently some republicans put it out there. liz: it was in the plan. promising economic security to all who are unwilling to work. people who don't want to work. it sure looks like amateur hour to me. >> this started with giving -- expanding food stamps under obama and reducing the checkpoint that he should get it. of course, obamacare for people who don't want to wake up to the alarm clock. this is just a progression. this is what the democratic party that pelosi house majority is embracing. if people can't make it under our current rules, we give it to them. who are the people who pay for
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giving to it them? middle class americans who get up early and work hard every day. there is nothing more anti-american than the idea of taking from those people and giving to on the horse won't get it done. liz: we have presidential candidate cory booker equating the green deal to getting rid of nazis. >> we need to push the bounds of human potential because that is our history. and if the planet had been in peril in the past? who came forward to save earth from the scourge of totalitarian regime. we came forward. i'm angry that the innovations in green technology are not being led anymore by the united states of america. liz: the green deal, a number of leading democrats who want to be president are endorsing it. the thing is, the back story
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here is the candidates are saying all these things because they want to bin -- it's about winning primaries. you can't win a general election with statements like that. >> spa -- spartacus needs to gea grip here. the democrats got rid of superdelegates. and the left is embracing a socialist policy. even barack obama ran on a third wave. these were not left-wing democrats. they were centrist democrats. here is a question for the american voter. are they ready to embrace full-blown socialism? i would guess no. liz: the green new deal when we read delight, there is a plank in there that says all these new
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fangled things will be tried only first the poorest who can't afford it. the front-line community already facing ravages of climate change, the poor and middle class will get hit hard. look at the protests in france turning violent over the gas tax. >> the poor get hurt, the middle class get hurt. you know what else is the impact of these policies? a nebulous effect on the thermostat, the climate. the scientific impact of these policies is negligible so they can satisfy their religious tenets. it's obnoxious and it makes no sense. liz: president trump is hours away from his rally to make his case about border security and
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the wall. new developments coming in about what is going on with the socialist collapse in venezuela. the opposition, they are getting ready for a massive day of protests tomorrow. millions starting to pour out into the streets of venezuela. we have the details next. building a better bank starts with looking at something old, and saying, "really?" so capital one is building something completely new. capital one cafes. inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. and savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. because that's how it should be. you can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. seriously, 5 minutes... this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet?
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liz: marco rubio slamming nicolas maduro for blocking humanitarian aid to his starving people of. >> his violation of international law. for the military to deny humanitarian assistance to civilians. that's what they are doing. liz: venezuela is bracing for a massive protest tomorrow. millions of people are expected to pour out into the streets tomorrow. tensions continue to escalate. juan guaido a warns socialist
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maduro's military if you continue to block food and humanitarian aid, you will be committing a crime against humanity. urging his fellow soldiers to abandon maduro and help let in humanitarian aid into venezuela. let's bring in lester munson. james, what do you think of all this action? >> city was at heritage when rubio gave his speech. the room was filled. but he was only talking to 6 people, the senior military and political leaders keeping maduro in power. what he laid out was clear. he pointed out that keeping out the humanitarian aid which will increase the pressure in government is another list of the crimes you can be charged with. and he was reminding him, the
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u.s. government is prepared to find out where their money and assets are. so basically was reminding them that the clock is ticking. >> to james's points, lester. guaido says he's going to do everything necessary to save human lives. he's implying human intervention. >> i think the trump administration has done a good job of letting latin american countries lead here. it's venezuela's neighbors in colombia, brazil and you are most of upset about what's happening. there is a genuine humanitarian crisis in venezuela. but i think the administration is doing a good job of squeezing investors in verns. just today the treasury department announced americans knock longer trade in pdvsa
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debt. so you have seen creative moves here. liz: to lester's points, you can't trade in venezuela's debt. basically maduro can't refinance. what's next for venezuela? i know they are trying to ship their oil elsewhere. but that's heavy crude and hard to get refined. don't you think he's boxed in now? >> they talked about offshore transfers of oil. it's not practical. this administration has just written a textbook on how you pressure a regime from within and without. the way they have gone after the targeted financial instruments and the sources of criminal money that they can go after. they have demonstrated on the way to maximize the pressure. at this point, all they need to do is wait for this to crack open. i think the chances of a u.s.
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military intervention is less than zero. liz: we are hearing that they are look for escape routes for him and his wife out of venezuela. who is going to take them? >> i think it's important that we give him a route out much venezuela. there are allies of the united states and the latin american countries interested in venezuela that should be willing to help. it's important that maduro be given the option of leaving peacefully, quickly and quietly. i think that's a good idea. liz: we'll be right back. eyes h. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today.
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liz:ctions venezuela? they are having a big impact on the maduro administration. now an increasingly december per rat nicolas maduro is look -- increasingly desperate nicolas maduro is looking for a financial lifeline. $20 billion in losses. what does that mean for the maduro administration. >> we are not just dealing with the maduro administration.
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we are dealing with his partner in crime, vladimir putin. there is a game of geopolitical chess. we take things away and putin plugs the hole with money. one of the best tools we have is to put what the experts call secondary sanctions on financial institutions that facilitate the finances of venezuela. if we catch you mr. french bank doing business with venezuela we'll bar you from doing business in the united states. and if you $10 billion. the russians we learned this morning have set up a special purpose bank they think will be beyond the sanctions because the bank they set up. they say new russian bank, you can't do business with the united states.
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they say we don't care, you are our enemy anyway. this is how russia is propping up the war criminal maduro regime that is resorting to starving its own people by blockading humanitarian aid. they do ring a bell. they do give you clues. these people are evil. liz: oil worldwide is trade in dollars. maduro wants dollars. you made the point, too, that russia's company owns 60% of citgo, pdvsa. now maduro is worried about a potential oil blockade. do you think the u.s. is going to do that? >> that's the ends game. if we are serious about that, there is only one place we can
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meet putin head on, and that's on the high seas. we have to think about we enacting the cuban missile crisis. we are talking about an actual physical blockade where we put our ships off the coast of venezuela and say nothing comes in, nothing goes out. and let's see who blinks on that one. i think the blinker is a man named vladimir putin. liz: cuba is in there, hezbollah is in there, iran is in venezuela. really bad actors are in there, don. >> that's not exactly the guest list you would want that your party. liz liz: president trump is set to make another big pitch for the border wall in el paso, texas. what if numbers tell only half the story?
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breaking news, fox news is learning the top border negotiations in congress are going to mid again at 8:00 p.m. in d.c. tonight. two hours from now president trump will make his border wall pitch in a campaign style rally. it's great to have you on, sheriff. >> it's great to be here to think the president will get the wall done? >> we can hope that he does. it's the best strategy we have so far to stop this will. >> there is a real debate, el paso officials saying hey, el paso was safeway before the wall. what you make of that debate? >> i think el paso has some also. of course, they have a huge concentration of all types of federal agencies, the military
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is there and el paso is a great city in texas. but they already have the wallet. so, were thinking if that can spread along the border and we can funnel these people where they need to be then that's the best thing, along with good technology. >> to your point, what's missing in the media, we have gavin newsom calling us again saying it's a manufactured prices is that happening in places like walrus, mexico. >> it is. that's one of the murder capitalistcapitalof the world. other border towns are incredibly dangerous. >> what you make of gavin newsom pulling back u.s. troops from the border saying trump's fear mongering is the reason why he does not want the troops there. what you think of that? >> i think he is simply mistaken. what i would ask the governor if he really feels that way, if there is no fear in the border, why doesn't he take his family and have dinner on the other side of the border without his security detail. >> tells your story about what
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you've seen at the border. >> what we see, i'm in fort worth, i dating given time, 6 - 10% of our population is going to be illegal aliens charged with criminal offenses they have committed here like murder, sexual assault of a child and so forth. you are thinking 6 - 10% of the population at 4000 inmates that's a significant number of people. when we see this number in our county we know it is everywhere. we know that ice is arresting hundred 35000 dangerous illegal aliens every year. that's almost an invasion when you think of those numbers. >> we want to thank you for coming on. you brought some insights there. thank you again. we love to have you back on. >> you just heard what was going on with the border. thank you for watching.
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lou dobbs takes it up next on the foxbusiness network. have a good night. >> good evening everybody. then national security crisis intensified as the president travels to el paso to once again make his case for building that border wall. tonight's rally cannot come at a more critical moment. the president today addressed why he is going to the border. >> were going there for a reason. were going there to keep our country safe. we do not want murderers, drug dealers and gang dealers, ms13 is some of the worst people in the world coming into our country. now, mexico has had the worst you they've ever
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