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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 12, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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intention here's what they say. image is standard on those and president trump kanye relationship. no it is not supposed to be them maria there you go. >> thanks so much cheryl have a great day right to "varney & company" we go stuart take it away. >> dporng maria good morning everyone. dualing rallies at the border. president trump huge overflow crowd, we're building the wall he said. beto o'rourke smaller or crowd we stand against walls he said. and then there was this. of some of o'rourke supporters flew mexican flags. my seated on top left of the screen is there, there, bad mistake don't fly a foreign flag on american soil in protest at an american president. i think that's a very bad move what do you think? later, later ash -- [laughter] this morning details on the border security compromise only only.3 billion that builds 55
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miles a wall but -- there is full funding for i.c.e., and there's no cap on what's known as internal ins forcement now that is a compromise. a shutdown therefore looks unlikely the market love it is. look at this. dow had a go nowhere monday but will open with a solid triple digit gain of the day today a 200 point gain. technology doing well and nasdaq will be up 50 point there's plenty to go at today. thinking of letting you buy shares, the original green new deal withdrawn on the in thes. and if new york doesn't want amazon, chicago does. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ we need the wall and it has to be built and we want to build it fast. >> you look at san diego if you look at points in between, the u.s. cities of the u.s.-mexico
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border are far safer than the u.s. cities deeper in the interior of the united states of america. >> full of crap where they say it hasn't made a big difference. >> well tell them mr. president competing rallies in el paso with two different visions for the country, and now we have we have a deal which could probably avoid a shutdown. this deal includes money for the wall. not all of what the president wants but some of it. joining us now is trump campaign advisor jeff you've seen this deal 1.3 billion a cap on internal enforcement. i.c.e. is fully funded is that a win for the president? >> no how none of this but some of it and i think more to come and remember the president from go said he wanted a big wall but he from the beginning said with a big beautiful door with a compromise here.
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other side always try are to portray as he's the maniac too far. you know what he's wanted what's right. get us some security real security, and then open the door to kind of immigrants we want. we've taken a step towards that. >> you're a campaign advisor for 2020. do you think he signs this compromise deal? >> campaign advisor not a policy advisor. [laughter] >> should he? are are you allowed to say that? >> if he thinks he can take this and build off it -- otherwise -- >> mick said precisely that to fox news on sunday that if the president doesn't get all of the money he wants he'll get it from someplace else as he said last night we will build the wall. >> bottom line they blinked and truth is once he made this a public debate he was brilliant he makes it a public debate nowhere to go. they overstep their bounds talk about it like it is the end of the world immoral, evil they're to be hypocrites because they supported it before they're against it and it played out in public they're the one who is
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blinked he'll get the wall. >> we have more material l for you at the bomb of this block right now are i want to just turn to the market because we're looking good today. yeah it is a tuesday morning and we're going up what 200 points for the dow industrials. this is probably because we got a compromise on the government shutdown. and we've got a nice gain for the nasdaq that's three yearts of one percent there. solid gains across the board for stocks today. come on in market watcher brian, are stockses up this morning because of this deal which probably avoids a shutdown. >> good morning, stuart, probably. you know the market is in dier need of some relief. and you talk about a government shutdown, or even the china deal, investors on the institutional side are are predominantly negative meaning they're -- everybody thinks there's the not a deal in terms of the shutdown surprise there is and then the next thing that we believe investors will react to quote
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unquote with respect it a deal is that positive or any kind of resolution with respect to the china deal which would leave more upside. even though the stock market is measured by the s&p 500 stuart since the december 24th christmas santa claus beating is up 15%, we still believe that most people are regretting missing the move. they're still worried about recession. and they're still talking about a reach out to lows so predominant view on wall street remains negative. >> right now. i read your stuff. the s&p 500 is at 2700. you think it is going to 3,000. that would be a roughly what -- 10% pop from where it is now. is it a china deal? any mention of a china deals or a china summit is that what puts us over the the top and a gets us towards three thousand on the s&p? >> no. our -- china duel assumption is not built into our models. we have a three prong model on
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s&p, which we've used for well over 20 years in terms of targeting. the market, and this is just about good old fashion fund mentales. we believe that fundamentally companies with earnings forecast for second half of the year to low in most companies have downgraded their earnings estimates to once again is the up for underpromise and overdeliver type action what does that mean? well fourth quarter pullback scared companies and remember ceos have been e playing defense for ten years. so in once again they have set up the whole notion of being able to underpromise overdeliver cut first half what earnings and then once things begin to settle down which we believe they will it is common sense, begins to come back in, we think earnings are going to surprise to upsides and stockses will go highser. >> all right brian so i did the right thing in keeping my money in stockses and my 401(k) for the rest of this year. we're going choke on that 3,000 on the the s&p, and let's see if it comes true.
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brian, everyone thank you very much, sir. got an economic indicator to report this morning. it is the leat read on small business optimism susan numbers. >> so yef yes a trending lower for the fifth straight month a two-year low read in month of january so 101.2 is what we've got the market anticipatedded a read are a of 100 in two but i would take away this was positive small business account for half of the private sector jobs and complaints is trending at a historically high levels, and that is after president trump was elected into office. they're complaints of not finding the right type of labor to fill the jobses that they have available. it is also they want lower taxes and more red tape to be cut but still, above hundred very positive. >> one more competence in one's personal finances, with what's this at a 16-year -- >> "gallup poll" fantastic results finances at 16-year high, in fact, it is never been this confident looking at 12
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months ahead as with we're at record levels possible 69% believe they'll better off a year from now than today. >> flies in face than everything that media puts out there doom and gloom the guy -- >> or ignore the good news. >> the next by the way storkt does not equate into the economy mind you. >> 69% think they get better off a huge number. susan thank you welcome back good to see you. all right politics we have to get back there freshman congressman omar has apologized to what were considered anti-semitic tweets, however, she remains on the house foreign affairs committee. jeff back again please. tow accept her apology? >> oh, hell no. that was not an apology that was no, that was a force to have to use i will service nonsense when she's engaging she landed in congress into the moment she got there she's been engaging in most vicious nonsense it is
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outrageous that she's in foreign affairs committee tell me why this is noted as bad right now in our faces she's throwing every anti-semitic trope at us. she needs to be out of congress. >> how does she stay in the democrat party which is a loose coalition of lots of identity groups including many jewish americans? how do you stay in the same party? efntle well, you know she doesn't want us in her party and lip service she wantses to this people of putting pressure on her and e saw a number gone up people said wow 21 democrats criticized here. that means 210 haven't criticized here. that's outrageous. this is over -- open anti-semitism from moment she landed she's been engaging in it. doing it when she was on campaign trail and her life as far as we can see publicly. by the way she's scheduled as far as i know on february 23rd to be speaker at an event with a group, the islamic relief fund which as muslim krpghts have outlawed because of their
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terrorisms and ties to terrorism but -- speaker she's along with speaks to most open vile violent against jews around world and she'll speak there. this isn't an apology. >> glad you're with us. good to see you, sir. >> thank you. >> again look at that market now we're going to be up what 200 points for the dow, that is trying to scwingt here that's .8% significant gain. the nasdaq will be up 51 points that's three quarters of percent rally across the board. high level trade talks to take place later this week. there's a -- talk about a trump xi jinping summit next month. i want a state of play on the trade talks from our own china trade insider. he's coming up shortly. also, problems already with the green new deal. the the rollout was sloppy to say the least. senator john calls it a socialist manifesto he's on the the show next hour. and we'll get the the white house reaction to deals that allows money for 55 miles of
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border wall. is that enough? we'll be back. you traded options. i'm not really a wall street guy. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade
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hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job.
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what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ >> two big names in the news and you know them under armour higher profit reaffirm ad their positive outis look for the year the stock now why is this stock down 3 pnt 7% we have to look into that and i promise we will. >> all over it, stu. okay. starbucks, there i can conclusively i say they're in
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record territory 70 dollars per share. okay. we'll figure out other one in a moment now wall street journal reports higher prices become at whole foods sometimes known as whole paycheck. what's the story? >> they tried to counterrer the whole paycheck and they took it over back in 2017 slashed places upset supply so they weren't getting returns they were hoping for but now prices are going up. why? because supplies are charging more inflation on things like packaging and ingredients and transportation put pressure on prices amazon relengting having to raise prices procter & gamble those companies slr pledged to say they have to raise prices because thinkings are getting more expensive because they can. >> pricing power is back. that's a big deal. that means profitability could improve down the road. >> revenue picks up. sounds good to me. ash what do you got susan? >> estimates but north america saw a weak spot for the retailer
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and growth coming from overseas, we do are have, of course, via conference call underway and disappointment in guidance forward. >> could be. all right suzanne sorted that one with out for or us. get to china trade low level talks continue. ahead of heavy hit per talks coming thursday and friday when senator mnuchin and robert lighthizer are sclged to appear in beijing joining us row michael pillsbury. take us inside the room with you. because i think you've told us that they're now at the stage of writing things down. trying to get it on paper. what they're up to -- >> stuart is that's the next stage yes. i don't think we're there yet larry kudlow was pretty frank last week that we have not gotten to rit written down stage. >> is that a problem? >> it is a big problem they're not making confessions right now but acting arrogant i'm quite worried the possibility of a cosmetic agreement that's 100%. if the president wants to just say okay, you know i've made my
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point, sign something. chinese have already over the past few years promised they will never again if they ever did, have intellectual property theft or you know forcible technology transfer. to get agreement with enforcement, to get some of the subsidies and identified and cult, to get some better court treatment of our cases when american companies file cases for intellectual property theft that's much harder to do. that will know by friday afternoon i think they'll be some conversations probable with the press in beijing. the much tougher deal that president trump really wanted that's looking very is difficult now. so you can get an agreement either way problem is that president is really unhappy with chinese offers. my hunch is stuart put the tariffs back on and raise them to 25%. >> if there was a koz met pick agreement china buys 200 billion dollars worth of beauings and soybeans or whatever it is. the market goes up. because you've got at least a
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smiling face in the agreement. if, however, the president is not satisfied with the mere koz met pick deal and he does impose those tariffs, the stock market goes way down. you agree with that financial analysis? >> well it goes down for a while. but the -- talks could continue and president already promised that back when he was on air force one coming home from buenos aires if there's no we'll go to 25% nothing conditional other than getting good deal but other possibility is extension we're already into almost 90 days now of an extension with the tariffs remaining at 10%. that could continue pending a summit. my hunch is that market would go up and this would see that as a positive sign. >> i think so. >> i'm going to throw this one at you china seems to be challenging hollywood they've
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got a big science fiction hit actually about the earth crashing into jupiter. is china going after hollywood now? you're the inside guy on this >> i like to watch these chinese movies i think there's some in hollywood too where they're trying to bring this chinese actors or chinese stories. into screen plays otherwise didn't have china in them. so yeah. the chinese have all out desire to be the number one economic power in the world. that, obviously, includes hollywood. >> there's been some sphapght money we're running clips i don't know if you can see it but there's been serious money on that. pleased to hear you can watch it in manged mandarin because you speak fluently and we're impressed. >> i want to say hello to susan lee -- fifi thank you so much. not bad. >> this is my show can i get in here. okay.
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>> you too stuart. >> i'm good for -- [inaudible conversations] there we go. that's cantonese. >> that's okay i took both. [laughter] >> thank you very much indeed. good stuff. >> thank you. we'll have you back. check futures up some more we're up 210, 215 a points up big gain for the nasdaq as well. jeff bezos has a new rival familiar face someone who woked closely with him at a amazon. that person is now working for "the national enquirer" what a story about about dualing billionaires. we've got it for you, coming up.
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i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today they introduced the so-called green new deal. it sounds like a high school turn paper that got a low mark. it would shut down american energy i don't think the people in texas would be. it would shutdown a little thing called air travel.
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how do you take a train to europe? [laughter] sorry, but that's funny it is, president trump there slamming the green new deal. now, ashley congresswoman alexandria cortez this was the tweet she put out she says oh yes she says a man who can't even read briefings in written in four sentences is providing literary criticism of a house. that's all she can say. but wait a second didn't aoc sorry for giving abbreviation about original version of the green new deal. on frequently asked questions part of the green new deal basically they stated that they are are willing and they want to provide economic security for those who are unable unwilling to work. not the case, in fact, they went through the extreme saying we are only guaranteeing economic security for those or that are willing to put in fair share of labor and willing to work, of course. >> uh-huh. bot it that's your aoc wrap of
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the day i do declare. oh, look pay attention to the market please because you're going to like that opening bell. it wrings dow up 200 points and big gain for the nasdaq as well we've got four minutes to go. we'll be back. that have made the rx the, crleading luxury suvhnology of all time. lease the 2019 rx 350 for $449 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. a business owner always goes beyond what people expect.
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you're going to like this and that market openses in precisely ten seconds. we're expecting a gain of 200 point for the dow industrials. >> yes looking like a rally putting us way above the 25,000 level. not quite 26 but at 25 thank you. [laughter] an away they go. we're up 156, 169 we're up 172. we're now up 171 okay last point that means we're up three quarters of one percent, there you go 176, 179, 252 is where we are. check out the s&p 500 i think we got a similar gain there. locket less up pngt 6% but still rising now nays dc i'm interested there because i like those big techs i want to see what they're doing and nasdaq is up three quarters of one percent so across the board, solid rally they're down now up 187dr barton is here mike murphy is back and suzanne and entire conspiracy --
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here. okay we've got a deal that will probably avoid a shutdown. so is trade the next hurdle? have we got over the border problem? do we get over the china trade deal? now, first of all dr, mike pills bur rehost insider here he just told us he expects a cosmetic deal i think that would raise the market. >> that would be enough to raise the market temporarily for the short-term. i think to get some longer some longer tail winds we need to get some key things done especially around ip but to say we keep the farmers and keep buying agricultural things china, that will help immensely. >> okay it would help. nice pop for the market if there's a xi jinping way -- >> absolutely a new high for the market as i've been telling you a new high but for people watching at home stuart is market rallies in front of this news, be careful. so you know, if all of the good
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news may be getting priced in. i still say china will get us to new highs. but i would rather when we were down 20% it was kind of easy. now that we've already rallied a lot is a lot of the easy money has been made. >> what you're saying in other words buy rumor -- and i really think a china deal for the border deal is helpful a china deal gets the market new legs, new life, new highs. >> investors keep talking about technical to moving average i know it is boring but when you cross levels that's when markets do take off and people feel more confident and we've gone above that for the dow. >> traders i talked to -- >> that wasn't boring. when i talk about technical sometimes. >> okay. traders i was talking to have the fear of missing out they don't want to have my cash on the sidelines if this thing happens and we get a big pop they say whoops that's one of the things in the market open. >> is that fomo -- fear of missing out. >> i'm with you.
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i got it. hip cash. >> two-year low very high, but at a two-year low that's kind of contradiction but not that bad. gallop, however, here's my interest they say confidence in personal finance at a 16-year highst that a huge number. >> 71 ask is all time high so sitting distance all time high the small business when we were on this shows last fall when it hit all time high so down but down a little. >> the consumer is kind of onboard with this -- >> consumer is onboard but most importantly consumer is better educated today than in a long time where i played venture capitol new thin deals are making it easier for consumer to understand their finances to save and plan for their retirement there are countless name out there to have a major
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positive impact on the country and the economy. >> very interesting. let's get to amazon several stories. they're buying a company which maybe makes routers to give you superfast internet in every room of your house. have i got that? >> so company is called eros. terms this deal it hasn't been disclosed but amazon what they typically do is buy one to two billion dollars they bought a ring bell maker last year for around that certain amount twitch was 3 billion. whole foods whole different story, of course, but 13 billion but the point, the point that this makes sense for them, of course, is alexa right. to be home connected get more faster internet, so you can, you know, basically wire up to your fridge and toaster and the the future, and you know, this is computing with google. apple has taken out of market just go, but for i think for alexa it is work. >> smart home idea is -- is that right? smart home, that's what it is called it is the next big thing. >> it is already here now it is
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a big deal but remember if we have wi-fi coming from amazon into your house. i don't know what you need verizon or at&t or any able providers for. so these guys need to refigure out what they're value will be but smart home isn't a big thing stuart but here now and it's a massive thing. >> one word for this, it makes wi-fi in your house pervasive everywhere no dead spots. and easy a that's the thing easier than other systems. >> okay i'm convinced. let's get to amazon more on amazon. backlash in new york city, over their proposed headquarters hq2 in the city. reportedly maybe they're having second thoughts about coming here. should they have second thoughts. >> they should have second thoughts but i think they're going come where headquarters is i grew up four block away from that area in long island cities. it's going to be great and revitalizes whole area.
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>> do you feel -- i do not -- [laughter] but it's going to be great i thinking there's posturing but amazon is coming. >> chicago wants them if new york doesn't it chicago does, and they have lots of time. there's no, there's no tax plan on the table chicago hasn't got a dime to offer them. a 150 grand they'll find ways all right. all right dow is close up to 200 points that's three quarters of one percent do take a look at starbucks ting they -- yeah they did they crushed 70 a share new record territory for starbucks. big name you know it jurngd armor they posted higher profit. however, they're north american sales were weak and that stock that was expression weak northern american sales overseas where they're looking and
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building at this point. taking stock down 1% so why are they struggle so much against getter nike? >> they have, they have had some execution problems. they did some restructuring less than a year ago. people were hoping that we would see some benefits from that in these rnings we did see a little bit not as a much as people were liking. nike still just beating them in lots of different areas. >> under armour down 20 a share they have been further down there but there you go. versus nike has upper what hand there. the bicycle people what is it stationary bicycles. >> and now also new treadmills they have as well. >> they're all hooked in to you do it at home and you can stream a live class from your home or go into a library and watch old classes from your home. >> so like you're enthusiasm suggest you're in favor of this idea. >> i love the product, and i think them coming to market is going to be great overall in
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full disclosure we hope to be involved with ipo but a company you talk about smart home, health and wellness and fitness is a big part of the country. doing it inside of your home is going to be a big part in the country and at the cutting edge there. >> okay. it is not for you, maybe -- mcdonald's -- it was. [laughter] giving duncan a run for money with no, new donut sticks i don't expect to spend too much time on this but stick -- [laughter] love it like the fried sticks so they have increased foot traffic after a lunch but mcdonald's wants to introduce it at breakfast a new battle ground for mcdonald's breakfast, of course, turned around their business, a few years ago that's where they see the foot traffic. >> if you can get a donut might as well grab a coffee while you're in there. traffic away from dunkin' donuts for me. >> a direct threat and duncan has been successful with very good coffee. mix of breakfast. >> mcdonald's i think you can
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get a good deal on the coffee. >> i do get a good deal on coffee. it has gone up 7 cents for a small black coffee for seniors, i am a senior -- >> if you -- with the car they look so old. [laughter] i don't have to -- 9:40 eastern time we're done. okay dr you're all right no -- you're all right. thank you very much. [laughter] quite a day. it is not that i'm put off i'm just ecstatic to see it go up well over 200 points what's wrong with that? a gain of pngt 88% still rising by the way. and i think we've got solid gains also for the nasdaq and for the s&p 500. okay. got a lot for you today it says ad lib tease, more varney coming up. we've got more on the president's speech last night what a speech it was. we have that for you guaranteed as you can see on your screen.
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we will be back.
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>> all right nice solid gain to start this day on the the tuesday look at this we're up 228 point that's the best part of a 1% gain good stuff. barneys high end store getting into, watch this cannabis? hey christina. what's that all about? >> you said the name of the store within the store that is going to be called high end and it is going to be selling marijuana products. barneys says that they're going to be launching this store in beverly hills the first lox because it is legal to some marijuana in california. other locations are soon to
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follow the actual date of the store is beginning to be in march, you can see this is just one photo it is going to be an instagram influencers dream that's part of the reason why they're doing it. barney wants to show there's trendy adopting to changing attitude towards marijuana and then, of course, the president alluded to this instagrammers, instagrammers that go on store to look at these products when i talk about these products stu i don't know if you're interested but you have rolling pairs made from french hemp and hand blown water pipes you have a sterling silver pot grinder that will sell for 1,474 and even bongs up to well above 900 dollars. you can see that stocks for a lot of these marijuana xans have been climbing high today. some of them are a little bit lower. that's because cannabis did release earnings they saw revenue quadruple but margins are are what they're concerned
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about barney set to launch this high end cannabis store in march in beverly hills to become legal in new york. maybe it could happen here too. back to you. >> hey you never know. all right christina. it is true. thank you very much christina. now let's crisis it is a crisis in venezuela president maduro wants help from -- o'opec. yeah he says look ever since u.s. impose sanctions back in january of 8 on the 29th he had a lot to opec saying i need help this is not an attack on us or other o'opec members what does it do just ignore it is they don't get involved in politics but they stick with oil policy a similar request if from last year when u.s. imposed sanctions and opec did exactly the same thing said nope we deal with all policy politics it different. >> no help from opec from maduro. >> okay got it now then back to president, president trump rally in el paso last night listen to him tape a democrats to task, over -- wealth redistribution, roll
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tape. >> too many democrats are focused on tearing down their opposition. and instead of building up our country, they're trying to impose some of the most extreme measures and policies ever put forward by our congress. and by the way, i don't think anybody in this roomments to face 70, 80, and a 95% tax. does anybody want to pay a 90% -- >> market watcher jim is with us. he's with clear stead advisor. now look, jim you're a money guy. what do you make of this? this frequent repetition of income and wealth redistribution? >> well we're going to have a debate about it in the country you have had a increase in the disparity in wealth because of the easy money policies which is lifted assets more than lifted wages and the economy so there's a debate but the democrats are out of box with extreme proposals but i think they're
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trying to make a political point to get to get the argument going. you're not going to get in congress will pass the type of legislation that they're proposing, and it doesn't work. history shows that it doesn't work. you can have incentives to get people to act differently but you cannot take money for one to another and keep the incentive system in this country. >> is it a good goal to say we want to reduce income and a wealth inequality is that a worthy goal something we should be aiming for? >> it is something to be attentive to because it create ares anger and -- not rational afnght on the part of those who are the disadvantage. but you have to give them hope rather than just giving them a paycheck. in other words you can't just give them money you have to gi them incentive and pathway to -- to making more money and reducing that gap. which you can do through incentive on tax system but not through redistribution. >> you grow the economy.
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well grow this place? that's produces prosperity. whole votes to grow the the economy and grow it in in a way that on margin gives those who have been left out a little bit of a -- better chance so that they're not angry but you're with right growth is the answer, and a everybody benefits from growth. and nobody benefits from redistribution it will -- it will slow the growth. it will slow for everybody. and european countries have shown that so you don't want to destroy the great american miracle but we do is as a society we have to understand that you have had a tremendous increase in disparity here. >> on republican side of the fence i notice senator rubio he wants to tax the sale of stock is that let me get this basically looking for an a increase in capital gain tax. >> i was very surprised at that. but -- i would have thought the republican ares would have -- the best political position would have been the brand the democrats socialist and argue against it but what he's saying is that buybacks there have been too many buybacks and not enough
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investment in people and equipment. which creates growth so what he wants to do is to raise the capital game tax, you know that stop buybackses? smg well job yeah it would on the majorren reduce the incentive because people who are selling this stock back would pay a -- pay a higher tax rate that's the theory. i wases rather surprised to see that on his part but i will say you probably right now -- in 2019 have the lowest taxes that you're going to have over the next five or six years there's going to be some increase of -- taxes in some fashion we have to debate it let's hope they don't do it in a way that kills the golden taboos. >> you're doing just fine. flying along just wonderful. >> i'm -- yeah. i think you're right. i think there will maybe be a carbon tax and increase in the income tax at some point. maybe increase in corporate tax. i can see something coming down the pike. >> you hope that they don't do it in a way that reduces
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incentive for those that drive the economy. >> jim you bailed yourself out. thank you. always my pleasure stewart. all right look at this high of the day yes i told you to enjoy this. you are up 1% almost it shall 250 points the dow reached 25,300. and then there is this -- headset fox and friends guy, frequent guest here on this program. getting a lot of attention for something he said on his show over the weekend. about about how often he washes his hands. we're going to tell you all about it and have a little fun at his expense. promise.
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>> 25,300 right there. the dow is up 240 points and nasdaq is at the best part of 1% as well. check shopify okay there's a company that helps other companies sell things online. the stock is down 3% after they reported slow growth in sales that is shopify got it. bezos scandal here we go wall street journal reports that a former amazon executive has emerged as a direct opponent of jeff bezos. go. >> so in the post jeff bezos force uploaded on medium those two threatening e-mails coming from ami was a former employee
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of his for nine years. at amazon, and, in fact, wall street journal says a john fine the attorney at the center of this, actually used to interact social by with e jeff bezos what a tangled web it is. on said sides of the fence now. and enemies now you see attorney deputy journal counsel at ax mi sending e-mails enhe worked from 2006, 20 15 at amazon, and apparently helped grow their publishing business, their e-reader business, seen amazon ambassador, and now he's you know on now he's attacking former boss. >> it's fascinating story. interpersonal relationship story. >> got to be more to come. ash you have to tell us about bill gates who i believe is going after the democrats tax the rich plan. >> he says look, crazy talk he say there's some politicians he say when is it comes to taxes so extreme their proposals would lead to wealthy people and a cause bill gates one of the wealthiest in the world hiding incumbent stash it offshore and
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missing big picture he said very wealthy people don't have a lot of salary and that is true. instead they sell stocks and others to raise cash which as we know is not taxed income as anyway. he said it is completely ridiculous to go after the wealthy. >> it is like a state taxes. you can -- no one pays on them. very few people pay them because going the -- trust fund rout is really so easy and cheap. >> yes. yes. they hire very good tax accountants that's the money so as bill gates sounded like rounding era are of the day. and who pays if you think about it it is above a certain amount. right? >> essentially democrats in the left wants to punish wealth. they don't like it they want it shall it not to get more from the government but all about punishment because they don't like it. >> like killing american dream. absolutely they are. well said susan democrats
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overplayed their hand they are in disarray, and green new deal is an embarrassment to them all of that is my opinion. you'll hear more of it after this. what if numbers tell only half the story? at t. rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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wide range of all-in-one medicare advantage health plans that include medical and prescription drug coverage and valuable extras like: a 24-hour nurse advice line. the silver sneakers fitness program. and mail order prescription coverage. all for an affordable monthly plan premium. and, in some areas, no plan premium. with humana, you'll get more than original medicare alone and have the peace of mind of knowing you're covered for doctor visits and hospital stays. plus, routine physicals and preventive screenings. and when it comes to prescriptions, in 2017, humana's medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated $6900 on average on their prescription costs. so call a licensed humana sales agent today at the number on your screen, to see if you're eligible to enroll today. and say yes to getting the right health care coverage without having to wait for it. stuart: look at that. wouldn't you like it? we're up nearly 250 points.
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we're half hour into the trading session this tuesday morning. the dow is close to 25,300. please remember, the all-time record high for the dow is 26,800. so, roughly speaking, you're 1500 points away from the all-time closing high. all right. it is 10:00 eastern time. what we're waiting for here, is a breaking item of economic news. ashley: where are we? stuart: the jolts report. that means job openings. how many jobs are open, available for the taking. the number? ashley: 7.3 million. stuart: huge. ashley: we dropped down to 6.9. now we see a nice uptick. stuart: that is a nice number. ashley: that is a big, big number. stuart: quincy krosby trying to get into this. she is prudential chief market strategist. that is a big number. >> it is. one of the strongest numbers we've had if not the strongest. we're looking at labor turnover. people quitting another job, to
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get another job, stuart. why do they quit? not to go off the grid but get higher wages. stuart: i can't remember a time when there were 7.3 million job openings. we didn't have 7.3 million available to take them. >> that is exactly the problem. look at construction. even in tech. they are desperate for workers, manufacturing, desperate for workers. in the midwest, you see ads, signing bonuses. i'm ready to quit my job to get a signing bonus to do something in the midwest. it is a miracle that this is happening in the country. stuart: you just want to get away from new york city. i know you, quincy. stay there, please. i will get back to you shortly. look at the market for a moment please. we're up 255 points. we got a bump up with the jolt number. good. now this. identity politics is coming home to roost in the democrat party, holding together the often competing identities
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within one party is proving very difficult. the democrats are split and frankly, in my opinion, embarrassed. in virginia, the top three democrats are hanging on to high office, even though they are accused of serious racial and sexual transgressions. the african-american lieutenant governor is accused of rape, but he won't step down. the governor and attorney general, have a black face problem. they won't step down. what do african-americans and me too do about that in the party. if those officials were republicans they would be gone. there is it religious divide, newly-elected muslims oppose the state of the israel which is supported by many democrats including jewish members of comments. ihan omar has apologized for her anti-semitic tweets. she is on the powerful foreign affairs committee, which reviews policy on israel. how do they remain inside the party? the embarassment of the green
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new deal. its launch was hopefully botched. worse, presidential candidates offered their support. they are supporting economic nonsense. senators harris, warren and booker, are all cosponsors of the green new deal resolution. senators klobuchar, gillibrand and sanders support the concept. do they really want an end to all fossil fuels in 10 years? when asked about the grand plan, how it would be paid for, alexandria ocasio-cortez said, the federal reserve would simply extend credit, that is print money. surely there is embarassment among democrats when the party's leading light cheerfully sign on to such foolishness. times change fast in politics. only three months ago the democrats were riding high. they won control the house. the presidency was in their sights. now the party is being pulled apart by competing identities. the green new deal is just so laughable any moderates left in
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the party are cringing. the president? he is having a grand ol' time. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: you heard my take on the democratic party right there. let's bring in chris bedford. he is the "daily caller" editor-in-chief. chris, i say in abject disarray. where am i going wrong? >> i agree with you and it was kind of predictable. when president obama put modern democratic party brought us further to the left, did it with force of character, charisma, the man is natural leader, able to make anyone, whether you're conservative or liberal at some point feel like he might be speaking to you. he brought together disparate group, identity politics would be split, said i'm your leader together. who do they have? they have chuck schumer, they
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have nancy pelosi and the rising populism you've seen in the gop coming up in the ranks with ocasio-cortez. this green deal is so embarrassing that ocasio-cortez says it was a mistake. it wasn't even ready to go out yet. it was too late. democratic presidential candidates signed on, because they wanted to sign on to the cool new thing. stuart: from here on out every presidential candidate will be asked their opinion of the green new deal. if they express any support for it, any aspect of it, i think they have got a real problem. i just don't see this country voting for that kind of extremist measure. how about you? >> the amount of questions, the amount of questions you could ask the people who might support it. what do you say to the people of hawaii. how will they get to the united states if air travel is over? when it actually says in the green new deal, don't worry about how much it costs. all we have to consider is what to do with our new-found prosperity. i mean that's real demagoguery right there.
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stuart: but don't people see this as economic nonsense? the idea that the federal reserve can just issue credit, print money, for trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars of new government programs, doesn't anybody want to say, wait a minute, wait a minute, what are we recommending here? where is the reality check? i haven't seen it yet. >> these people have continuously compared it to world war ii and fight against fascism, the fight against communism. they say why would we even ask how much would it cost? the important thing is saving humanity. there is a problem with that folks concerned about carbon emissions were concerned about saving humanity, would look at nuclear energy. we don't see that, because their mantra of green energy. there are other technologies currently exist to lower carbon. that is not what they want. they want control.
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it is socialism and john lennon you may say i'm a dreamer kind of stuff. stuart: the gop and the president are having a grand ol' time. thanks for joining us, chris, we appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: yes, sir. check the big board. we're holding a gain of 1% for the dow industrials. that is 240, 250 point gain, following a very strong jolts number. record number. big tech doing very well. apple, 170. facebook 167. and alpha bet at 1121. look at under armour. posted a profit. issued a warning about declining sales in north america. that took the stock down to start wit. it has a modest gain now of 75% which is 3 1/2%. moulson coors, the beer people, they beat estimates, however, revenue fell. that is a problem. down 7 1/2%.
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electronic arts, its new game, apex legends attracted 25 million players very quickly. "fortnite" finally has a challenge. ea is up. look at coty, the beauty company, up big after big investment firms offer to raise its stake in that company. look at it go up right there. nice gain. 13%. we'll take it. all right, quincy krosby, there is an r in there, isn't there? i called you quincy. >> okay. stuart: this gallop survey, 69% of respondents said they will be better off a year from now than they are now. that's big. >> that is very big. because remember this is still a consumer-led economy. 70% of our gdp comes from consumer spending. when americans say they will be better off financially, it suggests that they will be spending more between now and
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then. that is exactly what this economy needs. because, when we see consumer spending pulling back, we'll have a snapshot of it with retail sales. stuart: yep. >> when that comes out. you will see the markets start pulling back, saying, oh, you see? we're slowing down, we're slowing down. this is a very important data point. stuart: yet, it is the exact opposite of all that i've been hearing about the consumer. how often have we heard, oh, 30% of the population doesn't have $400 in their bank account? half the population couldn't handle a sudden emergency? >> that may be true but as long as that, those people can get jobs, even if they live paycheck to paycheck, we know they will spend part of that. it may sound a little bit direct but it's a fact. as long as people feel confident about their own situation, they will continue to spend money. stuart: housing has been a laggard in this economic expansion. >> yes. stuart: but you think, i think you think that it is going to start an expansion, start looking much better in the
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spring. make your case? >> the case is lower mortgage rates. with the federal reserve on hold, pausing, more patient, quote, unquote, we've seen mortgage rates come down and it may not be in the main cities, the most expensive cities but we're seeing secondary, tertiary cities having millenials final lie looking deciding to move. jobs are moving as well in secondary, tertiary cities, giving the cities a buzz and we're starting to see foot traffic. foot traffic is picking up. that is a leading indicator to actually signing a contract. stuart: did you say earlier marquette as in market? >> market. stuart: are you from massachusetts. >> yeah. i lived overseas, i lived in the uk for many, many years. stuart: welcome back. stay here. quincy krosby, thanks for joining us. >> thank you very. stuart: coming up, more on, what
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i will call it frankly a disasterous rollout of the green new deal. she wants the fed, that would be alexandria ocasio-cortez, wants the fed to print money to pay for this grandiose scheme. we'll talk to a top senator, who calls the plan a socialist manifesto. he is next. this story has the internet buzzing. "fox & friends" pete hegseth, doesn't wash his hands. hasn't in 10 years he says. what us did his colleague brian kilmeade think about that? surely ask him later this hour. i'm told this is a big deal. door dash a food delivery company getting ready to go public. did you know i have never ordered food for delivery. last time i got a meal delivered was in the 1970s. kept me waiting an hour. ashley: still waiting for it. stuart: "varney & company" hour two rolls on. don't interrupt me. ♪
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stuart: off the high of the day. we'll still take it. the dow was off 220. it had been up 250. how about the price of oil? that is up today, $53 a barrel. that is up a buck 12. get to the green new deal. the congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says she wants the federal reserve to extend credit. that means print money to pay
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for the green new deal. come on in wyoming senator, republican, john barrasso, who happens to be the chair of the environmental and public works committee. senator, you're smiling because i don't think you can quite believe that the democrats accept this nonsense. go. >> i'll tell you, stuart, it's a raw deal to the american taxpayer. this is a raw deal to the economy. this would drive a stake through our strong, healthy, growing economy. it is really a terrible proposition. it is so extreme, so radical. that to me this is so far out of the mainstream of american, of the american public, that it is just scary that so many presidential candidates have already rubberstamped it. stuart: can you explain this to me, senator? i'm sure you know senators harris, warren and booker, senators klobuchar, gillibrand, sanders, they are either support the concept or are cosponsors of the green new deal. how could that happen with
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experienced politicians? >> well its astonishing to me. they're taking a hard left turn, the whole party is. i mean they're heading right over the cliff with their extremism. a number of them sit on the committee that i chair, the environment and public works committee and what we know is, look we all want to make energy as clean as we can as fast as we can, not to raise taxes on the american public. what they're proposing would actually raise electricity costs by up to $3800 per family each year. would raise heating costs, as well as raise taxes way you describe, what they want to do is just print more money. stuart: crazy stuff but i would like to see us vote on it. i would like to see this put to congress so everybody can vote on it, we'll see where everybody stands. what is the chances of that? >> i would love to have it up for a vote. "the wall street journal" called for that today in the editorial. it is not just energy they're going after, going for 100% renewable. they also want to take over agriculture.
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they want to take over housing. almost a complete takeover of the economy, to me is a road to socialism which is where so many of them, including bernie sanders have been for a long time. now they're speaking freely about it. i think this is what they truly believe, which is what makes it so scary. stuart: we've got this compromise deal on border security. do you, would it be acceptable to the senate, the united states senate? are you on board with it? >> we're going to get details a little later today, stuart. i want to see what is in it. my goal is to secure the border, fund the government through the end of the year. the president hasn't weighed in on this yet but i want to make sure we get kind of money we need to secure the border, to make sure the homeland is safe. to me that is the key role and responsibility of a functioning, responsible government. stuart: the president says, we're going to build it. he said it last night, several times. we're going to build it. do you believe him? >> oh i do believe him. he is very resolute, very committed to do it. he said it from the beginning.
quote quote
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he will get it done one way or another. if congress doesn't fund it fully, i wish we would, because the experts, stuart, tell us we need certain number of areas, 10 locations they have identified, where we need border barriers as well as technology and manpower. we need to make sure money is there, so the president is able to repurpose other money. he may actually use his emergency powers if he doesn't get it done with congress and with the repurposing of money. stuart: senator john barrasso, republican wyoming, always a pleasure. thanks for being with us, mr. senator. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: sure thing. the city of chicago has a message for amazon. if new york doesn't want your headquarters in queens, new york, chicago might be your kind of town. details coming up for you next. ♪. ♪
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♪ the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet?
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stuart: jeff bezos "national enquirer" drama. get into it a bit more. questions about "the enquirer" parent company, american media, the connection to, saudi arabia. ashley: how much more, susan said earlier. complicated web, tangled web. listen, part of bezos' investigation how american media, the owner of "the national enquirer" got the photos. the saudi angle seems to have hit a particularly sensitive nerve, american media came back, said the source of the information for the coverage was not saudi arabia but there is a strong tie between saudi arabia and "the national enquirer," "the enquirer," american media went to saudi arabia to look for financial backing at one point
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to buy "time" magazine, "sports illustrated," "fortune" and "money." that didn't work out. they did a splashy magazine article on the new crown prince. that was seen as pr effort last year. to the point they contacted the justice department, american media, should we list ourselves as foreign agent? promoting public relations for saudi arabia? there is a strong tie. however, they say, saudi wasn't behind these texts and photos being released. stuart: cut right to it. the question is, who leaked the texts? ashley: exactly, and that effort is going far and wide, all the way to the middle east. stuart: bring everyone in. ashley: yes. stuart: thank you, ash. more on amazon, can't get away from it. chicago says if new york doesn't want their second headquarters, they, chicago, will take it. susan: that might be a hard sell. long island city, new york, giving $2 billion tax incentives to bring their hq2, half of
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their hq2 to the city. 150 grand for each one of these jobs, high-paying. amazon was looking at chicago on the finalist liz. stuart: they were? susan: were initially. they need people with the right type of tech skills. also a city that has access to different parts of country. chicago, how will they afford a 2 billion-dollar tax incentive and helipad downtown by the way? stuart: not mention of chime mat. minus 25 a few days ago in chicago. susan: don't know if you looked out the windows. not as cool. stuart: that is sixth avenue, right where we are. look out the window. that is what we see. snowing hard. susan: beautiful. stuart: let's get out of here. not just chicago. our next guest says amazon should build the headquarters in tennessee. i want to know what does tennessee have to offer them.
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ashley: a lot. susan: tech talent. stuart: that is what they need. check the big board. we're still flying high. up 230 points. 25,300 almost. more "varney" in a moment. ♪ - our markets are currently experiencing
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the longest bull run in history, so now is the perfect time to ask yourself, do you have wealth insurance. you know i made a good living, playing games on television, but my financial future, well, that's something i don't like to leave to chance. (gentle music) (door shutting) i decided years ago that i would protect my financial future by putting a portion of my money in precious metals and well, i'm glad i did. the last couple of times the market has taken
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i've covered on gold ownership. - number two, when is the right time to get started protecting my hard-earned money. well as we've seen, market volatility can happen with little to no notice, so now is the time to get the education and information you need to be prepared. and three, how do i get started on my wealth insurance program. call america's gold authority and ask for a free copy of the complete guide to protecting your hard-earned assets. so don't play games with your money, make your call today. ♪ stuart: but i do like this one. it was filled with tears. poignant. susan: ever do a beatles remix. stuart: like you know with post malone.
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stuart: no idea what you're talking about. susan: all right. stuart: i was 15, 16 years old, listening to this kind of music, my teenage years were enriched by the fab four, what could i say, in my late geriatric old age. don't say it. we're up 225 points. we will take it. the dow is at 25,279. big tech, i'm pretty sure it is all up, yes it is. apple at 170. amazon 1625. facebook, 167. 1123 on google, microsoft at 106, up all of them. let's get back to amazon, they are reportedly reconsidering their plan to put their second headquarters in new york city. andy puzder, is with us, former cke restaurant ceo. i know what you're going to say, andy. you will say, if amazon doesn't want to go no new york city, they should go to tennessee. i take it where you are now. tell us, i know that tennessee,
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the preferred retirement capital of america. what has it got to offer? >> no state income tax, no estate tax. capital-gains tax is low. it is 4%. going down a percent a year. very business-friendly environment here. it is why i moved cke restaurants here back in 2016 and 17 before i retired. this is a great state to do business. jeff bezos should open -- they're already going to open an office here. it didn't get as much publicity. in addition to arlington and new york, they're opening a 5000 person office here in nashville. expanded. we love profitable companies here. we love companies that create business. you won't have alexandria ocasio-cortez in your backyard. you won't have bill de blasio in your mayor. people don't have to pay 50% of whatever they make in taxes. come to tennessee. we would love to have you. stuart: that is a pretty strong push there. however, what would tennessee give to amazon? >> you know, i think they would make a rational offer to amazon.
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this is a very financially savvy state. they run the state extremely well. we're actually expanding our airport right now. this really would be an ideal place for amazon. i think if they come here to talk to us, they will find out they will get a good deal. stuart: are you on the payroll for the tennessee state government or something? you're making quite a pitch here? >> i do own property here. stuart: he declares his interest, finally okay. we got this report -- >> by the way, nice tie, stuart. stuart: what has my tie got to do with it. >> we're on a roll. stuart: we match. we match. i think we went to the same store in new york city is. susan: there you go. ashley: identical. stuart: jolts report, job openings, how many job openings are there. 7.3 million. what does that tell you about the economy? into this is spectacular news.
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as president pointed out in the state of the union, more people working than ever worked. the wages are up more than in a decade. with the tax cuts they're taking home more of what they earn. they're spending. spending drives 2/3 of our economic growth. for the coming year, what this tells you, there is another 7.3 million job openings out there. you have only got 6.5 million people that the bureau of labor statistics considers unemployed. wages continue to go up. people continue to spend. businesses are continuing -- this is spectacular news. stuart: it is so diametrically opposite to the kind of financial news you so often read in the establishment media. we got another one this morning. i think it was gallop, did a poll how you feel about your own personal finances. 69% thought they would be better off a year down the road. you don't hear stuff like that until now. >> that was the highest percentage since 1998. and, in 1998, they set a record of 71%.
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we're only a couple percent from setting the record for how good people feel. you know the democrats, financial press are almost in this position of arguing who are you going to believe, me or your wallet? obviously given the "gallup poll" people are believing their wallets. they know they're better off. the democrats are trying to convince -- stacy abrams did everything she could do with no facts or data to tell people the economy is in terrible shape. she made a good shot at it but the american people didn't believe her you because it is not true. stuart: you hear it all the time, we're hurting, terrible place to live, america is a mess, economy is disaster. ashley: not true. stuart: that is what i hear coming at us all the time. it doesn't feel like that to me. you could say i'm a privileged elitist, i, sit in the middle of new york city, et cetera, et cetera, but it doesn't ring true to me. >> stuart, think about it. this year we hit not only a-year
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low for unemployment rate, unemployment rate for african-americans, hispanics, teenagers, veterans, women, almost hit historic lows. the president is absolutely right to say that in the state of the union. the "gallup poll" shows, people understand it. americans understand what's happening. stuart: you're all right there, andy, you really are. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: that he very much. >> my pleasure. stuart: now let's get to bill gates. he is going after the democrats tax the rich plans. what is he saying. >> crazy talk he says. the top 400 earners in the u.s. are paying something like 20% tax rate, nothing to do with the 39.6% marginal because they -- susan: capital gains. ashley: they rely on capital gains. their amount of income is miniscule. only pay capital gains rates. that is ridiculous. it is crazy talk. stuart: but he is okay with going after capital gains?
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ashley: no, if you go massively high, the rich people will hide their income, stash it away. stays stays ant report. ashley: all those things. it is ridiculous, that is history true. 10:36 apartment. we're joining the "brian kilmeade show." green new deal. i can't believe it is getting support from some of the people running for the presidency on democratic side in 2020. i can't believe they support this nonsense. where are you on this? >> you are putting it mildly. 70 lawmakers, 70 democrats on the house side, 12 on the senate side, almost every presidential candidate saying this new green deal is great, pie-in-the-sky, but let's shoot for the moon. i have news for you. we wanted to go to the moon made sense. to get this new green deal makes no sense. the fact they admitted, did the
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brains behind alexandria ocasio-cortez, said, oh, i made a mistake. on frequently-asked questions i put some of the wrong answers on the website. really? if you're not ready to launch it, don't go to the steps of the capitol and announce it. have everyone embrace it, including a senior senator from massachusetts. it is embarassment. we have gotten over some of the things. for example, airplanes. it is not an advanced society that says good-bye to airplanes, nor supports those who choose not to work. stuart: you have not explained why, people who have been in politics for a long, long time, as you mentioned, the senior senator from massachusetts, edward markey, why would someone like that, with that level of experience, go for and encourage this utter pie-in-the-sky, economic dreamers nonsense? why would they do that? >> put it this way, they wanted to make president trump's rallies more raucous. number two, you want my opinion,
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they see here instagram followers, see her social media presence, she has become a rock star. most of the men and women thirst for type of attention. she gave a seminar how most effectively use social media. now she is become in one month the leader of the house, a woman who won joe crowley ace district in queens by 14,000 votes. it is embarassment. stuart: it is incredible. hold on, brian, got to bring this up. your colleague, my friend, pete hegseth, set the internet on fire when he said this, roll tape. >> as i told you, my 2019 resolution say things on air that i say off air. i don't think i've washed my hands for 10 years. really. i don't really wash my hands. >> someone help me. oh, man. >> i inoculate myself. germs are not a real thing. i can't see them. therefore they're not real. stuart: brian you sit in the same place on the comfy couch, on the curvy couch as our
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colleague and friend, pete hegseth. was he joking? >> i think he was. it made international headlines. he said a few hours ago, yeah he washes his hands but doesn't go out of his way to do it, i think is his point. i do think this, pete is shocked it became international headlines. almost like the people who say the earth isn't round. that made a lot of headlines. i think tongue firmly in the cheek. i'm surprised international newspapers picked this up. if pete continues to say whatever is on his mind, we'll have to double the size of media relations at fox news. the amount of incoming requests for pete hegseth interviews and inquiries, mental health exams, doctors volunteering their time are overwhelming the switchboards here. they can't give you, stuart, the attention you need to handle all the increase for you, do features on stuart varney, the man behind the hit show. stuart: i'm disappointed,
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because when i said just the other day i never, ever, order food for delivery to my house or apartment, no reporting of that whatsoever. made no splash at all. i feel very disappointed in that. >> i just think you're a man who likes to go out to eat. or, or, kill his own meals. you go out in the woods and just eat what you find. stuart: kill it and grill it. okay. brian, i think we're done. thanks very much indeed. >> stuart thanks for sharing your audience with my audience, talking about my colleague. stuart: yeah, right. serious stuff. fda commissioner scott gottlieb announcing a major crackdown on dietary supplements. he says some supplement makers are falsely claiming that their products cure everything from alzheimer's to cancer. crackdown. good. a scene from beto o'rourke's rally. supporters in the crowd waving mexican flags at an american political rally.
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that doesn't sit right with me. more "varney" after this. ♪ val, vern... i'm off to college and i'm not gonna be around... i'm worried about my parents' retirement. oh, don't worry. voya helps them to and through retirement... ...dealing with today's expenses... college... ...while helping plan, invest and protect for the future. so they'll be okay... without me? um... and when we knock out this wall... imagine the closet space. yes! oh hey, son. yeah, i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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♪ ashley: china watcher michael pillsbury, says he is not very optimistic that the u.s. and china can reach a productive
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trade deal by the march deadline. roll tape. >> the chinese should be making major concessions by now. they're not. they're acting quite arrogant. i'm quite worried. the possibility of a cosmetic agreement, stuart that is about 100%. if the president wants to say okay, i made my point, sign something. the chinese already over the past few years promised they will never again, if they ever did, have intellectual property theft or forcible technology transfer. to get an agreement with enforcement, to get some of the subsidies, identified and cut, to get some better court treatment of our cases when american companies file cases for intellectual property theft that is much harder to do. ♪ mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i. i treat my mbc with everyday verzenio, the only one of its kind that can be taken every day.
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verzenio is the only cdk4 & 6 inhibitor approved with hormonal therapy that can be taken every day for post menopausal women with hr+, her2 negative mbc. verzenio plus an ai helped women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. serious liver problems can occur. symptoms include tiredness, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are pregnant, nursing, or plan to be pregnant. common side effects include nausea, infections, low blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. i'm relentless. and my doctor and i choose to treat my metastatic breast cancer with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio.
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stuart: holding on to a 200 point gain. we were up 250. we'll take a 250 point gain. google, the pixel was fastest growing smartphone during the christmas shopping season. that is helping the stock. it is up 11 bucks. president trump praising i.c.e. at his rally in el paso. roll tape. >> we will never abolish i.c.e. they want to abolish i.c.e. we're never going to abolish i.c.e. [cheering] let me state very clearly to those pushing this ridiculous and radical agenda, i will never
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sign a bill that forces the mass release of violent criminals into our country. [cheers and applause] and i will never abolish or in any way mistreat our great heroes from i.c.e. and border patrol and law enforcement. stuart: direct and to the point. you know where he is coming from. by the way, we have a tentative deal on border security. no internal enforcement cap for i.c.e. it will provide enough funding for more than 42,000 adults and 2500 child beds. and the deal will provide $1.3 billion, which is enough to fund 55 miles of wall along the u.s.-mexico border. okay. that's the deal. joining us now, thomas homan, former acting i.c.e. director. tom, apart from the money to build the wall, are you happy with the funding of i.c.e. and
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the detention bed? >> no. stuart: okay. what is wrong with it? >> look, i want to see the language. i have dealt with appropriators for the last 10 years when i was in headquarters here in d.c. and they're good ad playing games. depends what the language says. i.c.e. has 49,000 people in custody now. 49,000. they're still not able to detain everybody coming across-border. border is surging. numbers are continuing to go up. i heard from 49,000 to i heard 40,000, i heard 42,000. the number keeps moving. they're asking i.c.e. to release criminals and people currently detained at same time the border numbers are going up. the math doesn't work. stuart: would you encourage the president to do, as he said he would do, get the money for the wall someplace else and he said he will build it anyway? are you encouraging a very hard-line by the president, which could lead, not to a government shutdown but to, you know a real political crisis
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going on? >> absolutely, as a matter of fact i did it on sunday when i talked to him. what you just heard, sound bite you did from the rally protecting i.c.e. and holding to the rule of law, not letting i.c.e. release criminals. exactly same thing he told me on sunday. look this president will do the right thing. he will build the wall one way or other. that one point whatever is not same as 1.6 they agreed to. they might have got off the cap. the overall cap will affect them. when numbers are going up, beds are going down, that doesn't make sense that will cause mass releases. that is the wrong message to send to central america, not everybody can be detained. that will bring more people. stuart: i want to bring up something which the rest of the media has not noticed. beto o'rourke ace counter rally people were seen waving mexican flags. that to me is a very bad move. how do you see it? >> they're thanking beto
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o'rourke for supporting illegal immigration. beto o'rourke ran for senate. he says he wants to run for president. fly the american flag. if you want to be president of greatest country on earth, i would think you want the supporters to fly the american flag. like the caravans coming up. look at the caravans, they're carrying honduran flags, guatemalan flags. in my 5years of life, i never seen everybody carry the flag of per cutetores, they claim the country is persecuting them march proudly to the united states of america. you want to be part of the greatest country of the earth, respect this country, fly our flag, respect our laws. first two things they do, commit two crimes, enter country illegally, commit immigration crime which is another crime. stuart: tom homan sauce it how he sees it. we'll see you soon. >> thank you, sir. stuart: two big, ipos coming, that means going public. food delivery service, door dash, and high-end exercise
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bike-maker peloton. both planning to go public. we'll tell you all about it after this. ♪ ♪ driverless cars. all ground personnel please clear the hangar. trips to mars. $4.95. hydroponic farms. robotic arms. ♪ $4.95. delivery drones or the latest phones. no matter what you trade, at fidelity it's just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade.
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stuart: door -- comment that is a food delivery service which i've never used, but it's valued at $6 billion. reportedly they are going to go public. more about this. reporter: you haven't used it because you said you'd never actually ordered food, but the story with this is "the wall street journal." already entered another round of funding a $500 million in the latest round lab i estate investment fund. the competition is fierce because it's not only doordash. you have uber eats, grab hub as an example. four business days ago you had post made. so maybe it is time for you to start ordering food. stuart: maybe, maybe not. maybe i should get myself on a
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bicycle. because as i understand it, they are considering going public as well. we're not mocking. reporter: we are not mocking you. they do a great job at getting people to get on these bikes are the bikes are valued at over $2000 not including a setup fee and if you want to take it up a notch you can sign-up for a streaming fitness service to winter cycling you have the video in front of you appeared this company is looking to go public. last year they told "the wall street journal" 2019 the scraper timing. evaluation for the the company could be $4 billion, a huge jump from when it started back in 2012. right now this year could potentially be the biggest year for ipos and possibly the year where you start getting on the bicycle and start ordering food. stuart: dream on.
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thank you. dueling rallies in texas last night. president trump said we're building a wall. we stand against walls. today, the president was the clear-cut winner on that. my take, next. ♪ shouldn't mean going back to the doctoro just for a shot. with neulasta onpro patients get their day back... to be with family, or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%,
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stuart: ladies and gentlemen, on the right-hand side of your screen, president donald trump. on the left, beto o'rourke within a mile of each other. they held competing rallies in el paso, texas last night. they were both talking about a border wall. the president said we will build a wall in a way. beto o'rourke said we stand against walls. my opinion, the president won this hands down. for a start, he had enormous overflow crowd and going over the heads of the media and appealing directly to middle america, he spelled it out. there is a crisis center border and it's got to be dealt with. for beto o'rourke, a much smaller crowd, no solution to the porous border and a vague statement, walls and lives? and when he joined a protest march, mexican flags appeared. i think that is a chronic mistake. don't fly a foreign flag in
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america's face on american soil. no mention of this in the means of media of course. this morning we are getting details of the compromise border security deal. $1.3 billion, the amount of money, not the 5 billion the president wanted. he says the president said you get it built anyway. good. as illegal immigrants who went through the entire process, i am here to say it's about time we got a grip on our country. the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: by the way, about 15 minutes will talk to mercedes shallot from the white house. i want to know if the president will sign onto this deal to avoid a shot down and whether he will build the rest of the wall. let's take a look at stock market prices this morning because we've got a new high for the dow. now we are up 289 points,
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25,338. 30 stocks in the dow industrial average. 28 of them are up. only two are down. so look at the s&p 500. a similar gain to the dow up 1%. check out the nasdaq. watch the game right there. i'm sure it's significant. guess it is. better for the gain for the dow or the s&p up 1.3%, 101 points higher for the nasdaq. and now this. new york's governor andrew cuomo in washington this afternoon. he's meeting with president trump did the subject, state and local tax deductions otherwise known as basalt, which really is hurting new york state. joining us now is others in morocco from a vision for distributors. all right, heather. do you want the salt adduction restored? >> welcome i don't necessarily want the salt adduction restored because i think it is helping to offset some of the individual and corporate tax cuts.
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that is why they are in place. so while states like new york, new jersey, connecticut and california are the mass exodus to know and come states like florida where they don't have state income taxes, i think it is because of the high stake local taxes not because of salt tax. stuart: i agree with you 100%. it's not the fault of tax reform. it the fault of high taxes and high tax states. that is the problem. however, if you restore the salt adduction, there would be a lot more money flowing into the economy as opposed to flowing into the treasury. on that basis would you support it? on that basis i would support it. president trump has said he is willing to address the state local property tax cap at 10,000 white house economic council kevin brady said no way, not going to change it regardless of new york governor cuomo's visit today to the white house. we will see major moving changes
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in the tax legislation, but i don't think there will be peered stuart: i agree with you entirely. i don't think there's any significant change to it. i want to talk about amazon reportedly reconsidering the plan to build the second headquarters in new york city while chicago wants the second headquarters of new york city doesn't. what's chicago got to offer, heather? >> the original proposal from chicago offered about to $.3 billion in job incentives and credits and now that is lower than new york's $2.8 billion offered. but you know what, they will offer a more peaceful existence. they won't have these protests that new york is experiencing because amazon is getting all these tax subsidies at the expense of the taxpayers. they are not in need of this private investment. stuart: they will not get the second headquarters. >> kaman pivoted got to try.
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stuart: i think they should go to tennessee but that's another story entirely. what do you make of the market? a solid rally up 270 points. is this because it got a deal to avoid the government shutdown looking towards maybe a deal on china trade, is that what it's doing it? >> absolute think it has more to do with chinese trade situation than the government shutdown. it matters to average everyday americans who don't go in and get a paycheck for their jobs. in terms of the market we were up almost 10% in the last government shutdown. the chinese trade situation with light or negotiating with trade officials as welcome as these markets higher when we get a deal and get rid of them. stuart: 22nd, heather. i'm in stocks. but i do the right thing to say in stocks? >> stuart come out after last numerous factors how old you are, time horizon, but look you
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obviously did. the markets agree with you at 276 on the dow. things are looking pretty good for you. stuart: i'm old enough to be your grandfather. but that's another story. >> no way, never. sure into it's fun to have you on the show. more on chicago. a robot tax could be on the horizon for companies that replace humans with automation. the city lawmaker wants to pass an ordinance that would find companies up to an entire employee salary for every job given to a robot. the money would be used for workforce redevelopment efforts. i think it should be called the bill. georgia, the latest state to consider pass from streaming like netflix, users would have to pay a 4% sales tax. for example of her netflix bill is $13 to an extra 50 cents in tax. the extra money would be used to pay for internet lines in rural
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areas. by the way, in four states already have a so-called netflix tax. the stock is up nine bucks. individual stocks, under armour had a higher profit went about declining sales in north america but the stock is up 6%. it opened lower, now it's way out. check molson coors, the brewer they beat estimates, revenue fell. donna goes nearly 10%, ouch. might run from a newly minted senator from indiana shaking things up on capitol hill. he's an outsider, business guy. you must put an end to taxpayer-funded pensions. he said d.c. totally dysfunctional and this new plan will help drain the swamp. he's going to join us later this hour. lawmakers could reach a compromise on border security. $1.3 billion enough to pay for 55 miles of all. next, and mercedes schlapp from the white house. i want to know what the president sign onto this compromise deal.
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also, what does the president inc. about beto o'rourke supporters flying the mexican flag? we'll ask about that, too. president too. president trump holding a cabinet meeting at the white house this hour. you can bet he will make news. any headlines you would get them first. the third hour of "varney & company." away we go. ♪ now i'm thinking...i'd like to retire early. let's talk about this when we meet next week. edward jones came to manage a trillion dollars in assets under care by focusing our mind on whatever's on yours. our grandparents checked zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today.
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>> walls save lives. while save tremendous numbers of lives. security should not belong only to the rich and to the powerful. safety is the birthright of every american, which is why we must finish the wall. stuart: talking about the wall with the president in el paso last night. by the way, congress did come up with a deal to avoid another shot down. they've negotiated one point to billion dollars worth of money in 455 miles of border barrier. come on in, white house director of strategic communications, mercedes schlapp. mercedes, great to see you again. will the president sign this president sign a steel assuming it goes to congress? >> first of all we have to read the fine lines in the steel.
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obviously it's not just about what they're going to propose in terms of all funding, but also what they're going to propose in terms of the i.c.e. detention. we know so far with the house democrats push forward in the past couple of days was an extreme proposal that a segue would have cut the funds for i.c.e. detention. we know this has a negative impact for local law enforcement and it literally would result in fewer criminals being detained and removed. and of course creating a public safety issue. again, we are awaiting the details of this deal. there's going to be a lot of fine print there that we need to review and then we'll make our decision. stuart: the president was emphatic last night. we are going to get it built already. he said it numerous times. he knew that they've got this compromise deal. they went right up there and
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said we are going to build it anyway. >> and that's right, stuart. the president has made the point that we are going to build the wall. obviously these physical barriers work. it's what our border patrol agents and officers have said time and time again that in order to reduce the illegal border crossings you need these physical barriers. democrats for a long time have been playing politics, calling the wall and moral, pushing forward and open borders agenda. the president, what he is pushing for his commonsense immigration fixes, which would of course include funds for building these physical barriers. stuart: i want to talk about something which is not appeared in the mainstream media and that is the appear in a mexican flags at beto o'rourke's rally last night. we've got a picture on the screen. left-hand side of the screen. you can see clearly a mexican flag being waved at the beto o'rourke rally. i think that is a terrible
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mistake. it is dreadful pr. i don't think you should wave a foreign flag on american soil when you're protesting the american president. has the white house picked up on this yet? >> i don't know if you have a british flag with you. i'm just figuring out where your flag is. stuart: i wouldn't dream of flying a british flag or any other foreign flag if i was protesting america's president. i don't care who the president is. >> here's the deal. robert francis o'rourke had a failed senate run. he had what i would call a week of model rally with president trump. the enthusiasm last night for this president for his policy it is no wonder when you look at the poll right now the president has an approval rating of 52%.
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the most powerful state of the union that i've seen the president delivered talking about how we and socialism, how are going to protect our freedoms in america. talking about what we need to do to secure the border and ensure that smugglers and coyotes don't take advantage and abuse our immigration laws. this president is winning and the democrats last week between their anti-semitic remarks, the fact that they would literally sit there and basically protest the president during the state of the union in terms of not supporting this economic room of hispanic unemployment at the levels were seen. the fact that they don't celebrate with us is just wrong and it's why were seen that the president at the end of the day is winning. stuart: i just hope the president has something to say about the flying of the mexican flag on american soil protesting him. i'm sure you can take care of that, mercedes. thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it as always.
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let's break away real fast because look at this, look at this period of 308 points for the dow industrials. that is one and a quarter%. very solid economic news out this morning that is helping the markets. the price of gold this morning is $1313 an ounce up about today. the price or the value still around 3500, doesn't move much these days. the price of oil last time i checked is up $53 a barrel. the price of gasoline national average $2.27. that is down a fraction from yesterday. then there's this. japan's bank is investing nearly a billion dollars in california -based startup that is. it's called near row. this company makes driverless vehicles to deliver groceries and other items. muro's cars are for in town
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deliveries. cosco selling a five tier wedding cake made entirely of gourmet cheese from all around the world. it costs $440, 150 guess if you like cheese. that's for you. if you're looking to buy a third home and you don't know what ago, we can help. up next, we will tell you the best city in the country for the first time homebuyers. ♪
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stuart: why is the dow up whatever 300 points? point number one idea which might aboard a government shutdown. number two we've got the jolts report, a record number of job openings available job 7.3 million. number three, gallup says 69% of the people think that their personal finances going to be better a year from now. three block buster stories, the dow was up 310. before the break, remember we asked you to get us a top city for first-time homebuyers and lending tree says that pittsburgh. the study looked at things like cost of living, money needed for a down payment, quality of life. pittsburgh number one.
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second cleveland, for cincinnati, fifth ermine ham alabama. what's at the other end of the spectrum? los angeles, california. the golden state. mattel wants its latest barbie dolls to be more inclusive. one of the new ones has a removable prosthetic leg. another is in a wheelchair, which rolls up to the dream house, barbie dream house on a wheelchair accessible ramp. it is showcasing a multidimensional view of beauty and fashion. the first cashless stadium in the country home to the tampa bay rays. the concession stands, ticket office, souvenir shops are all cashless now. that means if you don't have a credit or debit card or improved mobile apps coming to have to stand out front where you can exchange your cash for gift cards. stuart: i thought it was so bad you didn't have to pay to go.
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stuart: extremely rare letter written by george washington could be yours going up for auction. the first president wrote a letter to the speaker the pennsylvania house of representatives in 1788. he praised god for the ratification of the constitution. a letter is being sold at a pennsylvania auction house. the current price is an online auction $140,000. luxury store barneys will open a cannabis lifestyle store in beverly hills. tommy moore. ashley: presidential letters to profit. we do with all on "varney." buy him luxury department store is now getting into the pot game or luxury cannabis and wellness concept shop in los angeles were of course cannabis is legal to sell. they're going to offer some high-end items along with the pot you can have jewelry, necklaces, and a leather ashtray, glass pipes by high-end
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designers. gold rolling paper from china. stuart: if it's legal you can expect non-cannabis specialty stores to start selling cannabis. stuart: of course and they're getting hundreds again. beverly hills. more problems for the green new deal. the rollout was a total mass and now the original version has been withdrawn. i think the democrats should be embarrassed and were all over this story. our economy continues to hum along with a total mess. which you believe this? economic output is now lower than it was 10 years ago. can you believe that? they've got nowhere. that is why the european union -- european union is headed for a breakout. we'll be back with. ♪
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stuart: alright come everybody. new high of the day, 317 points of the dow 30, all but one is in the green. that means it is out. president trump holding a
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cabinet meeting in the white house. he will likely comment on the deal reached to trying to avert a government shutdown if we get any headlines, any video from the cabinet meeting you will see it real fast. that's a promise. now this, europe's economy in not only is it slowing, but their economic output in 2017 was actually lower than it was in 2009. just think about that for a second. less economic activity. a smaller economy in 2017 than 10 years previously. can you imagine what would happen in america if we had the same thing? impossible to imagine. economics professor peter morici with us now. you can't have a whole group of countries not growing at all. you can't have that. >> while the european union institutions got -- in particular the euro. the yearnings have other thing europe doesn't have. as a consequence you don't have
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the adjustment mechanisms necessary. the drivers in europe or germany and the u.k. the u.k. is in a mess because of brexit not been properly executed by theresa may and germany is premised on export surpluses. that requires the italians, greeks and others to import them borrow forever and that's not possible. they need to go back to their own currencies and they need to get away from so darn much socialism. stuart: you are so right. that is so right. europe has a soft kind of socialism go nowhere cradle-to-grave security not sustainable. to give me a timeframe here. how much longer can the e.u. stay together? is eight years? is it a decade, is it months? >> you have to ask the italians because they are the ones after britain and they are big enough to bolton's stand on their own. you know, the italian economy is smaller than it was before the
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financial crisis. it's in recession again. the whole problem is they can't devalue their currency to jumpstart it. this austerity imposed on them is unworkable. so when do they tie and say enough is enough? go home goodbye. stuart: but don't we want a strong, viable european union as a strong viable ally for the united states? we don't really want them to break up, do we? >> we want them to read turn to the european union which is the community, which basically was free trade in goods, let workers go across borders to work at night in the morning and come back at night. not open immigration and one-size-fits-all product standards and common currency and all the rest of it. the real problem is brussels and there's only one answer for brussels and that is plywood and nails. board up the windows, send the bureaucrats home.
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put the responsibility for running the country back in the capital and just have a customs union. stuart: i think they're in the process of breaking up, maybe very, very slow but i think they're in that process. it's that bad for a stock market? >> it is right now because they are not making progress. the economy is poor. the european union is our largest export market still. whether it remains to be seen but just like were not making sales in china these days, apple sales are down. the american car companies have been gradually pulling out. if europe are growing again and didn't have this euro, and i would be very good for our exports. but most importantly, germany has to reform just like the chinese do. they are cracked to sing a very subtle form of mercantilism over there that has not-so-subtle raised tolls. they are strangling the rest of
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europe. it's that simple. you cannot have the largest economy on the continent deciding it will have a surplus every year that it will be export driven. all that does this mean the germans don't have unemployment except for the fact. migrants and the rest of europe has 10% unemployment. it just doesn't work. stuart: it just does not work. we love it when you're fired up, especially when you grew with me. morici user -- >> i thought it was subdued today compared to last week. i didn't call anybody a demagogue today. stuart: you are all right here thank you, sir. now for the botched and i mean truly botched rollout of the new deal. the version has been withdrawn. congresswoman ocasio-cortez says the federal reserve can just extend credit to pay for it all. that is nonsense. that is money by the trillions and trillions of dollars to pay
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for this nonsense. listen to what president trump said about the new deal at his rally in texas last night. roll it. >> they want to take away your car, reduce the value of your home and put millions of americans out of work, spend $100 trillion, which by the way there's no such thing. you have to spend $100 trillion remember this. no other country except us is going to do it. that's a little problem. while the world's real polluters like china would get many of our companies -- stuart: the president feasting on the green new deal. this man is jared meyer, senior fellow at the foundation for government accountability. go ahead. i just don't understand why so many democrats who are running for the president in 2020 would even vaguely support this
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economic nonsense. can you explain it? >> stuart, that's why it is great resident trump brought up the green new deal last night. as you talk about the withdrawn faq, and even promised economic security for those people unwilling to work. the president rightly understands that progressive vision of the green new deal isn't just going to help the very few americans unwilling to work. it's going to make it to the millions of hard-working americans are now unable to work. stuart: garrett, that is a good critique of the green new deal, but it does the next lane by leading presidential candidate should support it. why on earth would you get behind when you're running for the presidency, this utter nonsense. >> i think the idea with the green new deal was to be a vague framework, to signal to progressive voters that beating 2020 contender should be taken seriously ill used by their base. what happened with the botched faq coming out of show democrat true intentions and that is to
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move our economy, which right now is over 80% of energy coming from nuclear and fossil fuels completely down to zero in 10 years. it would completely destroy our economy and be a government takeover. stuart: do you think climate change is that big a threat? will the world come to an end in 12 years if we don't do the green new deal? where do you stand on this? >> of climate change with the aim of the green and deal, why did they add things like affordable housing, disbanded entitlement, free college. why add that and if what you're trying to do is fix climate change. this plays into the argument that progressives are taking advantage of climate change to get a government takeover of the economy. stuart: i think you're absolutely right. you are dead right about that. this is radical environmental socialism with the stress on socialism at the end. you are all right. if you're not careful you'll be back on the show real fast.
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angst for joining us. a couple of stories on amazon. there's always a couple of stories on amazon. whole foods raising prices on a lot of products because of rising costs for packaging ingredients in transportation and because they can make a pricing power these days. amazon is requiring some companies to make a packaging more environmentally friendly. if they don't, they pay a fine? ashley: they do. $1.99 per shipped items. they want these to be sturdier, greener and cheaper to ship. if you don't get in line by september 1st on a lot of companies work with amazon, and you're going to be fine or pay an extra cost of $1.99 per item shipped. if you go the other way into everything amazon wants to get a credit of 1 dollar for every item shipped. stuart: by this incentive. what's wrong with that? no problem with it. the stock is up 38 bucks.
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let's go back to google. their phone is called the pics out. it was the fastest-growing smartphone during the christmas shopping season and the stock is up to 25%. huge gain for a company that size. twenty-seven dollars higher in alphabet. indiana senator has introduced a new bill to end taxpayer-funded congressional pensions. strong stuff. it's part of his plan to drain the swamp. senator braun will join us in a moment. we are waiting for headlines on president trump cabinet meeting happening right now at the white house. if we get anything, you'll see it first. real fast. ♪
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♪ ashley: the latest number and job openings this morning. 7.3 million. why these numbers are proving amazing. roll tape. >> this is spectacular news. as the president pointed out in the state of the union, where party got more people working than have ever worked. their wages are up more than a decade and they've got with the tax cut we are taking home more of what they earn.
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so they are spending driving two thirds of our economic growth. for the coming year, what this tells you is there's another 7.3 million jobs opening out there and you've only got 615 million people they considered unemployed. wages will continue to go up. people will continue to spend and business -- this is spectacular news. every curve, every innovation, levery feeling, a product of mastery. lease the 2019 es 350 for $399 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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stuart: venezuelans have mine up rotten the much-needed humanitarian aid from the country's opposition leader, one guiado completed the many others do recognize is the real president of venezuela. he said his team has just delivered the first shipment of a big aid package. he didn't say where the aide had come from. the president has threatened countries including america if they help. guiado against that he wouldn't say where the aid came from but it did get through. our next guest is an entrepreneur whose created hundreds of jobs and now he's the united states senator. he's introducing a new bill that would end taxpayer-funded congressional pensions. republican indiana joins us now. sir, under what circumstances would you -- key question, under what circumstances would you and congressional pensions?
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>> well, under all circumstances, when i ran for this seat, i wanted to do some things that were going to actually change d.c. and i've been a believer in term limits my entire life. a lot of people disagree with that here. 82% of americans agree with that. pensions, we haven't had an new pensions form because they're unsustainable. so many of them are underfunded. and my business like most americans, we live with 401(k)s. so i get here and philosophically and practically wanted to opt-out of the pension plan. i find you can't do it. so i've got a bill that will enable someone to opt-out of it and then eliminate pensions in general. no one else has done. they are grossly underfunded. and it's time, the folks here start living like most other americans. stuart: as i understand this, and was suppose i was elected
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for one term in the house of representatives, just two years, at that point because i'm a lack of them because i survey get attention for the rest of my life. is that accurate? >> as a senator that's true. three terms as a u.s. rap and every year you are here beyond not it adds to the incentive to stay even longer. let's take leader pelosi. she's been here 33 years. if she retired now, she would go home with 100 grand a year give or take. i mean, that is shocking not only to meet and most americans. the incentive is the longer you stay here, the more you get in the more that's invested fairly quickly. nobody else has it. we need to get rid of it. stuart: your new kind of senator the lucky major on money and private enterprise, then you got elected to the senate. you seem to be bringing the concept of business, how to run a good business to our political life. that's what you're doing really.
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>> i think we need more of that. my comrade in arms here would be senator rick scott. he's going to sponsor this bill with me. it is funny, most of our caucus, and the business done at the senate luncheons on tuesday, wednesday and thursday, three days in a row we are the only two that show up when it's supposed to start at 12:30. that is part of the problem here. but we've got to be good friends and you're going to hear that out of guys like asp or we've done things in the real world, no it means to change your forever going to set the example that starts to get change here in d.c. stuart: i have got 20 seconds left. would you support this deal on border security that the compromise committees come up with. would you support it? >> it is so watered down for more should be but i think were at the threshold where the president will support it. he's also resourceful. he's going to find other ways to
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add to it through other funds in different ways to bolster border security. i think we need to avoid government shutdown and this is a small place to start but i will support it. stuart: what a pleasure it is to have a man who understands business on a program like this. great stuff. come and see us again. the feds are going after the makers of the popular nutritional supplement accusing them of illegally selling products as treatments for diseases like alzheimer's. the judge will deal with that after this. ♪
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train to the fda calling out more than a dozen nutritional supplement makers over false marketing claims of these supplements can prevent or cure serious diseases like alzheimer's. judge andrew napolitano is here now. false advertising claim should be easy to go after. >> except the fda doesn't have the authority to go after supplement makers. that is the issue here. this is the trump appointed fda,
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a president who wants to reduce regulations has unleashed people personally involved with this to find another area over which they can expand their jurisdiction. seems to make perfect sense. if something is out there adulterated or something is out there in the claim is not rationally based, why doesn't the government address it? that's not the law. if they tell you they're going to cure your alzheimer's, and this is just a hypothetical and you take this pill and it's not a class of people and sues them. the fda is going to claim that it has authority to regulate. just like they did with tobacco. the statute doesn't give them this authority. stuart: if it really is false advertising here. >> that is precisely my argument. they will get their way on the right side of this issue. in doing so, they without authority from the congress expand their own jurisdiction. this must trouble you, mrs. may.
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talking about mrs. may during the break. stuart: a ham sandwich is unconstitutional to judge andrew napolitano. >> the government is not authorized to sell them. stuart: look -- >> i understand the argument. it is this claim on this bottle that i buy at the drugstore without getting a prescription is false and phony and erroneous, why does the government to rid of them? should the government protect me? stuart: in this case may be lawyers can get in court in may that is a false claim. out of fear. >> that the answer of the present time. the fda wants the authority they should go to congress and congress will give it to them and they wouldn't have to have this kind of conversation. i am profoundly against and i think you are too government grabbing more power for themselves because it's temporarily popular.
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you are made up of my hands-down? stuart: i am with you, judge. this is why cannabis okay in many parts of the country. they are going to make drinks out of the cannabinoid oil which doesn't get you high, but you can make claims for. you can simply say that oil is administering the. i don't know whether they'll say it makes you feel good for its anti--- >> antistress bearded calms you down. stuart: at enough you can make that claim. >> no end to the creativity that people put into cannabis products once the state start legalizing. i am personally in favor of your right to do whatever you want as an adult into your body, but i'm terrified of taking this step because i don't know what it's going to do. stuart: surely you are not in weber of a free market in opioid >> they'll kill you. i'm talking about marijuana. both units kill you.
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stuart: you don't want the government to stop you putting anything into the system you want to put in your system. >> you should do with her body which you want. do you under government -- body or does the government? stuart: opioids? >> i would be making a conscious choice. stuart: priceless but not everybody else. it's okay for me, but not you. we've got to go. [laughter] >> do you own your body or does the government own it? stuart: negotiable. [laughter] more "varney" after this. ♪ ♪
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♪ . . k on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet?
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stuart: we're covering this for you. whole foods racing their prices. they have a statement. like all grocers whole foods market increased prices from material, labor transportation and we absorbed the inflation. products decreased. we remain committed to continuing to lower prices with amazon as we deliver on our mission to make high quality, natural and organic food more affordable and accessible. as i said this morning they're
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raising prices because -- >> they can. stuart: they have got pricing power. they love it. they do. dow industrials at the high for the day. neil cavuto, i give you the show with the dow up, wait for it, 340 points. what a guy. neil: you also have a discussion about judge, are you taking opioids? stuart: we cover it all. p. neil: the life and death issues that matter. thank you very much, my friend. we're following that. as stuart pointed out we're at session highs. a lot driven by optimism that we will avoid a government shut down, that republicans democrats have a plan neither really flips over but ultimately up to the president of the united states. we're told he is in the middle after cabinet meeting. they invited cameras in, the proverbial pool spray is on. then they feed that tape back to us and we play it for


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