tv Kennedy FOX Business February 13, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EST
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if your child has an earache their no antibiotics. i spent all day on the phone. we have one joining me tomorrow night to talk about it. ♪ kennedy: bad news democrat, trump/russia conspareacey theories are coming to a loud screeching halt, almost finished, guess what, we're told they found no evidence of any shady behavior, come on ! the trump-hating left been pushing kannard that trump campaign teamed up with the radio ruskieo beat hillary clinton, never mind that hillary beat herself. but i degrees. richard burke summed it up.
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>> have you found any connection between trump campaign and russia. >> i am not sure how to put it and clearer, we have no factual evidence of collusion. >> he said they are not totally finish, new evidence could always emerge, one unnamed democratic aide told nbc news, we were never going to find a contract signed in blood saying, they, vlad we're going to collude. they still' to talk to president's former fixer, scumy lawyer michael cohen. he was to testify today on capitol hill, but never showed. even though he was under subpoena, his attorney claim, michael cohen was not feeling well with a case of the tuesdays. is it safe to say today's news is proof that russia investigation are a waste of time and money thus far. joining me now, former campaign
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manager. cory lou endows ski, senior shove and stuff. >> thank you. kennedy: the senate intel committee aid we are almost done, we will put this baby to bed after we talk to michael cohen. house intel committee, they are in the bullpen warming up. is there any objectivity left in washington d.c. >> we know there is not, senator burr said as clear as a statement as we've heard, there was no collusion, i have been saying that for two years now, i could have saved tax payers millions of dollars, i was there every day. we did not talk with russian, reason that hillary clinton lost, she was a terrible candidate. we know about adam schiff now, the secret meetings he had in colorado with fusion gps guys, he should recuse himself. from house inte intelligence
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committee, he is tainted, and dishonested, he liked testimony to media then tells half truth. the senate. senator bu burr and warner from virginia are clear, there no collusion. >> warner still has a few irons in the fire, he thinks there have been some misdeeds if not odd relationships in meetings. i know several democrats are up in arms about campaign willing to accept help from a for forein adversary, it may be a tired old theme, but was that the point of the clinton foundation? and the reason for being accept help. >> of course it was. llet's remember in 2016,
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president president obama, comey, clapper, brenon, they were responsible for election integrity, donald trump had no control as a private i citizen o control the out cam more than you or i did. obama should have stopped it from happening if there was something. in 2018, we didn't hear anything about that taking place. and 2020, if it happens again that donald trump's trump. but in 2016, if someone was interfering with the election, why done barack obama or clapper or brennan do something in their power to stop it. kennedy: they knew something was happening. comey, has sinciskism -- sincism implied they knew a great deal.
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i agree with you, why not to something then. if someone so strange was afoot, that is one thing. other thing, i don't know why we're so focused on russia. when they wrote the road map for chaos and disinformation and confusion that there are several countries that can just pick it up and read from this liberally and sprinkle that in their 2020 plans. i am talking about north korea, iran and china. >> sure, you know, the other question, if these guys be honest in their investigation, are they looking into what clinton campaign did? they have admitted 5 million dollars of their campaign money within to hire a former british spy to go to russia to create the false dassier -- dossier, no one has seen one will do for trump campaign go to a former spy, to someone overseas, iter
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never happened. when are they really going to look where the crimes were, all those people who got ir immunity from fbi, when are they going to be held accountable. >> there are people who think they don't have jobs any more, they are not in power. >> they should be in jail. kennedy: not as much as a priority. they are upset, and up in arms about people from trump campaign having contact with russian citizens, yet christopher steel go handsomely paid opposition research, god knows who he was talking to. i don't know how that does not cross over boundaries of acceptable ethics in presidential politics. he was also acting as an fbi informant. he was working for the u.s. government. >> and kennedy, fbi in their fiso application told -- fisa
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application said he was the a credible well established source, they scor swore to it be fisa court, where is the accountability. it is amazing, they want to make excuses why hillary clinton lost, so they blamed it on the russian, what we've seen, senator burr made the it very clear, there was no collusion. kennedy: you said there were people in the the campaign who were strange and en uni unic enn to manafort. >> same on clinton side. no one wants to talk about ta podesto's role, right. kennedy: it is not right on
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either side. we are to clean up our politics. you know when one side is pointing fingers at the other, it is dishonest. future court nominee thank you cory. >> thank you. >> amen. kennedy: government shut down does not look like it is headed for a sequel. we're not out of the woods why the. it would provide president with 1.4 billion dollar to build 55 miles of the wall. far less than the 5.7 billion requested. president does not sound like he is a huge fan of the bill. >> conditio i can't say i'm thr. i can tell you, am i happy at first glance? i just saw it no. i'm not. i'm not happy. >> look at john bolton staring
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at him lovingly. president does not expect another shut down, and encouraged to sign the bill by minority leader tkachuk -- chuck schumer. it will be enough to make president sign on the dotted line? joining me now congressman zeldin. is this a hot pile of gather badge. >> almost as bad as it could have been, good that number came off zero, to 1.4, i still need to see the bill. kennedy: have you not seen it, you are a congressman? >> i have not, i have seen agreement in principal and different individuals providing some details. kennedy: lea let's say it is of
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we heard, not a cap on detention beds, not the wall money that president wanted. but enough to avert a shut down. what does the president do here in does he go, fine, you get it you don't get upset. and does he say, no, no, nancy, and shut the government again? >> i don't know so. i think from what i am hearing from him, seeing on twitter. that and what anonymous white house sources are being quoted as different media reporting, it seems like he is leaning toward signing it. but you know who know, president might wake up tomorrow and have a different idea after -- >> what happens in. >> one thing i am waiting to see in actual text, the president. kennedy: does president text you? >> i am sorry not the president's text, the bill text. kennedy: yeah. >> right.
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but sure, maybe he might text me, in the meantime to read the text of the bill, what you want we're looking at will the president have the ability to take funds from another pot and reprogram it for this purpose. kennedy: i hope not, i don't want any president to have that power. >> well, so. >> too much power already, take you're power back. >> not declaring a national merge merg merge or dod funds. if they determine we don't have operational control of our southern border we have ability were federal law, they can allocate money from the department of homeland security budget, today improving our physical border. that is what i'm referring to, there might be language that might get actual put into the text. that specifically says you can't do that i would have a problem
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where that. if it is 1.4 billion specifically plus, he is use other money from the dhs budget, for this purpose, then it with a few billion. kennedy: ted cruz said he should take el chapo's money. >> he does, that is a real idea. >> i don't think his wife would be happy. >> wives, right, all property assets all over mexico. challenge is to get el chapo's access. kennedy: i want to shift a little bit to one of your colleagues, who stepped in this this week and also with really offensive past tweets, congresswoman ilhan omar, i know you share space on foreign affairs committee, president has called on her to resign.
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do you find her very thinly valued anti-semitism inappropriate. >> president said resign or be removed from the foreign affairs committee. i have been calling for her to be removed from foreign affairs committee, for many different reasons, we are talking about the anti-semitic trove, she has a languaga long history of that. that. kennedy: yes, this is an on going themes for her. >> you can add she once requesteed -- leniency for isis fighters,. kennedy: she should go there and prop them up like weekend nicholases. >> she blamed american foreign policy for the al shabaab attack
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in kenya. kennedy: i remember that, there something to be said about blow back, you can have an interesting fil philosophical discussion about our involvement in too many country in world but that is not case for moral equivalence, and stereotypes she is poisoning the ether with are unacceptable. >> and really important to note, anti-semitism isal ove all over college campuses. i am jewish. i went through all school, i never once experienced anti-semitism, now i talk with 19, 20-year-olds at campuses they have their own personal stories. kennedy: it has been on rise in western europe, but it is not in the shadows, it is right there. in the very open. and it is incredibly
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disconcerting. this is not a private citizen just expressing free speech, this is a publicly elected official. who is constitutionally bound to up hold the laws in in country, hopefully comport herself where more decency than she has been, we'll be curious to see what happens to her on your shares committee, if she does have a miraculous change of heart, i am not holding my breath, congressman zell zeldin thank y. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up next, mitch mcconnell forces a vote on green new deal. to get democrats on record about where they stand on the insane progressive proposal. will calling the left's bluff will calling the left's bluff payoff for the
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♪ sometimes i give myself the creeps ♪ kennedy: we got trey cool, three people to party panel, if trump wins a second term, he may have alexandria ocasio-cortez to thank for it. mitch mcconnell told reporters he will hold a vote on the green new deal. so 2020 democrats can go on record about the freshman congresswoman ground breaking and budget breaking legislation. >> i noticed with interest the green new deal, we'll vote on this. given an opportunity to go on record. and see how they feel about the green new deal. >> oh, the president told an el paso rally last night, reposal reads like a high school term paper that got a low mark.
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and alc shot back on twitter but no answer for gavin newsom, announced he is abandoning state a bullet train from jec i -- project because it would cost too much and take too long. panel is here. discussing, from town katy pavlich. with "reason" magazine editor at large, matt welch. federallest culture editor emily is here, welcome about hello. >> this is so satisfying, we have so much trolling and so much boundary pushing, when one side gets a points, there is an immediate rally. once again, it feels like we're at love. >> did you notice mitch mcconnell was wearing a greenspaa greentie, when he anns
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making democrats vote to the green new deal. senate democrats who are running for president. >> half of them. >> hopeful 3/4, have come out embraced green new deal before we knew what was in it it is right to say let's vote, talk about it debate the issues. and we'll see if americans of really interested. in getting rid of all this, and how about cory booker now he wants to regulate meat. i am sure that will play well in places like iowa, wisconsin, and ohio. kennedy: i am a vegan, make me your president. >> and make everyone else eat hiklike me. kennedy: he wants to food bully. i think that mitch mcconnell is living up to his nickname. >> mitch, this is high level trolling. it gets people on the record,
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they should be. my debbie downer buzz kill point is that cocaine mitch prevents republicans from voting on anything. there is over in amendments are not voted on, on senate floor any more. because of mitch mcconnell. so it is a game of how do we avoid having an uncomfortable vote. if donald trump declared an emergency at border tomorrow, republicans would have to vote one way or another. they are terrified of that vote. in -- this great, i think there would be a lot of incredible. >> yoincredible. >> you site -- vote for it. >> i wish we could vote on budget. >> such an incredible misstep, they put out this literature on-line, in resolution itself. that had so many holes in it. >> yes. kennedy: it made swiss cheese look solid. >> cory booker by the way eats vegan cheeses.
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>> fine, but don't make me eat it. >> it is okay, if you want a plant-based diet, you feel it is good for your soul, and your soul tells you, it can't eat eggs. >> he said it did not align with his spirit. but they said, they tried to come up with reasons that the draft document they put out, somehow got up loaded, magically. they tried to gas light media. >> republicanned said unwilling to work -- was not us. >> if you go to the regular that resolution it says same stuff. just more euphemistically. there is still healthcare for everyone, and jobs for everyone, this is the overhaul of transportation,. kennedy: they want to get rid of planes, and there is war on meat, that is unacceptable. i will take a high-speed train but not my new york steak.
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>> they want zoning to be a washington matter, that is insane. we'll tell you what to to where your stuff. >> don't take my cow. kennedy: i love beef. >> i am right, cow are sweet, they must evolve, we must process animals we eat humanly, that is good. >> we do that. kennedy: not the gd jung ill, j. luckily panel returns after the break, hillary clinton is upset that president trump reused her slogan from 2016, i guess she'll have to come up with another great one when she announces another 1, i'll tell you where the g.o.p. should welcome her the g.o.p. should welcome her back that have made the rx the, crleading luxury suvhnology
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kennedy: the nation's most desperate and pathetic arm chair quarterback at it again, hillary clinton is unnaturally fixated on the one that got away, not the white house, she is be on sissed with president -- obsessed where the president, she was watching last night's el paso rally. finally found the president said. >> i love this state. i love the people of this state. we had a great romance together, you know that. a great romance, we're only getting stronger together. kennedy: stronger together one of clinton's failed campaign slogans, and one of the most uninteresting books ever written by her and tim kaine, a piece of political ambien. two time loser.
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3 if you count being saddled with bill. she tweeted, now copy my plan on health care, and a fairer tax system and voting rights. no thanks, no one cheats off a loser, no one loses a cheater. her tax plan a p pathetic garbae pail. to fund big government programs known as failures in waiting, and buffett rule to gouge high earners, known as winner, gag me with a silver spoon you corporatist hypocrite harpy. i know she is running for president again, we all know that, she will lose the war of electoral attrition, she won't even make this through the primary, her rotten health care plan piggybacks on obamacare,
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like curing rosia with chicken pox. and throwing more government at a system ruined by too much of it is short-sighted on verge of being criminal, democrat party is stronger together by turning their collective back on its fast fading star, by presenting everything is about her, does little to materialize her almost presidency, but thought of another humiliates loss makes me' to indulge her illusion, with that, i'm with her, that's the memo. kennedy: republican national committee fired back at hillary clinton, say we'll give you your slogan back, if you run again, i hope she takes the bait, party
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panel is back, katy, matt, emily. only the reason she is tweeting this stuff, here my position, she's to run again, once warren got in and bernie will get in soon. >> she has fomo. 2020 t fomo, she got burned by republican party twitter account, that is saddest way to get burned. irtradinirtrait -- irritating tr present in universe. it is not her doing it, it is her staff, save. kennedy: surrounded by sycophantic millennials. she said it was bernie's job to unify progressives, and his insults were too much to bear and the party is fractured because of him.
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>> remember the inconvenient truth al gore. kennedy: who knows how to shut up and go away. >> he got sad and fat. but like, he was like bewildered wandering trying to find herd, hillary needs to. >> to india for a romp committ weighing. kennedy: did see netflix series, but she needs to look for the -- >> a lot of us need to get out politics, and she probably leads that list, not helping anything, republicans want her to be there every day, she should let go. get out. kennedy: she can't help herself with a long laundry list of people to blame, she will never forgive them, she will never forgive men for not only being sexist but telling wives and girlfriends how to vote. >> last time she said in india
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women were voting for trump, because their husbands were telling them what to do. funny that hillary clinton thinks she made up the slogan stronger together. i think it has been said a million times, every campaign trail in history of campaigns, come on. kennedy: it is so -- again it shows her lack of self awareness, he put two words together. he has his campaign slogan for 2020. >> one thing that democrats are doing right is running everyone, she tried to not have a competition, and they got one crazy old socialist and almost rung her bell. >> she even said she revealed her hand, said, i don't want to run for president, i want to be president. >> her turn again. >> a great way to not be
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president. >> to alike like you are en entitled. >> mexican drug king pin ep pinl chapo fund guilty on all charges, and will spend the rest of his life rotting in a super max prison, in his trial, his gang and he accused of thousands of murders, and kidnapping and rain. , federal prosecutor describe his rise in 80s, various ways he smuggled drugs into u.s., and many brian bribes that kept copf his back, and two prison breaks, we will be sentenced to summer, will locking him up, stop the flow of drugs into nation. >> look at this, i live in a neighborhood wheral p -- el cape
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got married, i hope we can look back at monsters like this. we made a dumb policy mistake that gave these thugs power. creating a prohibition that created that black market they could leverage off off, in future we won't are people like this because, we will allow their people to do put their body what they want. without creating a horrifying hg black market. >> people still don't talk about the demand, but it is incredible. this sort of a lucrative enterprise, there is a place for what he was selling here in the united states and something that we don't acknowledge enough. but at same time, i was there on day that alex fuentes from a colombian drug cartel family and worked for el chapo a long time, saying he gave president nieto a
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hundred million dollars, and nieto has not said anything, if false you think he would say hell no, but not a thing. >> amount of corruption in mexico and people who suffered there. el papo -- el chapo, you read through testimony. it is horrific, but in sinaloa, and cartel running part of arizona by the way. hunters can't go into parts of arizona because the cartels run part of the territory, they are paying corrupt officials in mexico across border. kennedy: and this country as well. >> here as well, it is beyond the horrific nature of way they killed tens of thousands of people that will continue as power struggle will pre come a problem as people compete to take over wha what else chapo -l
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chapo created. >> this have been rivals that is where it so bloody. >> this whole thing is temps to look at as a spe spectacle, like tella novella it looked like they had matching velvet smoking jackets, crying mistresses. kennedy: cackling wives. >> everything, but, it just so pro found lee depressing, there could be no enjoyment. >> and there can be lessons learned. we have to take an exam nation to figure out what we learned to trial, apply it so thin get better not worse, and not just engage in exercises that make us feel good but make the world a better place, amen, hallelujah, thank you. >> great to see you. >> coming up, kamala harris,
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bust the for making' stories for listening to rap, and smoking weed in college, how bad will it get for pandering democrats? next. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. great news for anyone wh- uh uh - i'm the one who delivers the news around here. ♪ liberty mutual has just announced that they can customize your car insurance so that you only pay for what you need. this is phoebe buckley, on location. uh... thanks, phoebe. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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kennedy: first liz warren chuggedda awkward beer, and gilibrand ate fried chicken with a knife and fork. now kamala harris said she was smoking weed listening to tupac. in college, but she was only in elementary school, say stop it, lose your sycophant see. they say democrats can learn something from president trump who don't care what people think, will democrats heed the
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warning or will pandering continue. joining me now. chris wilson, welcome back. >> thank you. kennedy: i think that is very funny. i was watching kamala harris, with charlamagne on the "breakfast club," i could tell she had a crush on him, but don't pander and make up stories, you don't have to, if your record is good, you don't have to make up details about your life to be electable, it makes it worse, why can't they see this? >> well, when "new york times" accused you of being elite, things off deep in, the problem with democrat field, they are made up of coastal elites people spend so much time in corridor they forget what it like to be american. you can't look like an alien anthropologist trying to figure out what middle america is,
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challenge, i would like to say there is nothing wrong with eating fried chicken with a knife and fork. >> i did eat a rib piece with a fork today. >> come on, keep your fingers clean. i think what we have gotten to level of pandering, someone -- they will site artists that have not cut albums in years they said they were listening, that is gone too far. i think it is what you see is a level. a group of people who are trying to be realistic, you mentioned warren shotgunning beer in a living room. it is too much. kennedy: beto o'rourke where his dental cleaning, close your mouth, get serious about a policy proposal or read for a change, instead of acting like -- >> either that or campaign on one thing he got done, a
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courthouse renamed after 6 years of being in congress. kennedy: what was his immigration fight when it was so necessary for congress to tackle our complicated r welcome im-- ridiculous immigration system. >> he was hanging out in chicago making more grunge rock songs. kennedy: look at my teeth, i am awkward le lee lely -- on a ska. >> he is america's favorite poet. kennedy: he is a dumb-dumb,. >> the remarkable aspect we talk about people who are fake, and coast elites, person most likely right now to emerge, because of where nomination goes through, new hampshire, iowa. south carolina. nevada, probably joe biden, the most normal person. kennedy: democrats sor o are are so mad that an old white man has
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a chance. >> or hillary clinton. kennedy: anything can happen, they have all plateaued they are boring, chris wril son thank you. >> thank you. >> topical storm is next. live from the starlite lounge. ♪ one plus one equals too little too late ♪ ♪ a sock-a-bam-boom ♪ who's in the room? ♪ love is dangerous ♪ but driving safe means you pay less ♪ ♪ switch and save ♪ yes, ma'am excuse me, miss. ♪ does this heart belong to you? ♪ ♪ would you like it anyway? [ scatting ]
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reselling ruth bader ginsburg themed valentine's day treats, so sweet, we would show you a picture, but no one has seen them in over a month, this is the topical storm. one. we begin in iowa. a cop stopped a speeding motorist, and decided to let it slide. there we go. he got a new car, took it for a spin. nobody was hurt. but his uber passengers gave him atary -- terrible rating, not true. uber drivers don't hit cops, they hit you. that showroom is located in bosnia. they shared video to warn motorists of danger of cold weather, so bad here in new york city, people are going to bathrooms indoors, you know on the subway. a refreshing change.
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topic two. spiking ospike spiking of numbeo houston men snuck into an abandoned house to smoke a reefer, a found a tiger inside. animal control received a tip from two men who admitted they went inside to puff the magic dragon, luckily they got out before the crouching tiger caught a contact high from their bong and got the munchies. the killer kitty was taken into custody. but a male tiger was spotted in an atlanta spring club over the weekend. this tiger does not hang out in the rainforest. he preferred the naked rain forest, yeah perkins.
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top thre philadelphia has some f toughest fans in sports, last night lebron james found out the hard way. one of few videos involving a philly sport fan we can show, i would hate to break it to the kid, making lebron james miss is not accomplishment it used to be. lakers are in 10th place, their shooting as accurate as buzzfeed reporting. trash talking tak tieks gone vir the game he sent the kid and family a new pet. let's hope no body is allergic. i smell meat, i bet cory booker
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is not around. topic 4. congratulation to houston texan defensive in, jjwatt, grand marshal of da of the the dayton. the race sunday on fox, and nascar chose watt because of his long record of community out reach, raised 41 million for hurricane harvey relief, and he handled some out of state disasters like the cincinnati bengals, jj is getting practice trekking cars, and nascar. good job. we'll be right back. that rocking chair would look great in our new house. ahh, new house, eh? well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. nice tip. i'll give you two bucks for the chair.
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e-mail fox business tomorrow night. return of kentucky congressman massey, i have mike baker the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey
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