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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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country to go to the people. will that change? juan guaido calling for that change in 10 days from now they are having a conference about it tomorrow. we are going to stay on it. kennedy is next. >> thank you, trish. a news alert. there could be last-minute problems to fund the border wall. and avoid another government shutdown. the deadline of course is friday at midnight so what is the hold up this time? for one, lawmakers and the president have not had a chance to actually read the bill. marshall's vote on it. this morning president trump said, he will not make a decision until he gets to read the whole damn thing. watch. >> will be getting it, we will be looking for landmines. because you could have that, you know it is been known to happen before to people. but we have not gotten it yet. it will be sent to us at some
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point. we will take a very serious look at it. >> another issue, a number of conservatives signaled they do not like the compromise. among them, house minority leader, kevin mccarthy and the minority whip, steve scalise. democrats want to pass this bill but it only gives a present one third of the money he wanted to build a wall for 5.7 billion dental 1.4 billion. only enough for 55 miles of border barrier. today mark meadows said it is not good enough. >> the amount of money that is here, it would take 20 years to complete the wall. so are we going to wait b,20 to stop drug traffickers? are we going to wait 20 years to stop human trafficking? are we going to wait 20 years to allow cartels to control our southern border? i hope not. we can do better than that, we should do better than that. >> control the southern border, -- what? beside all that the president this afternoon declared that he would fulfill his signature campaign promise, and made a
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post that only our current resident could possibly make. >> the wall is very, very -- on its way. it is happening, as we speak. we are building as we speak. in the most desperately needed areas. it is a big wall, a strong wall. it is a well the people are not going to very easy. you have to be an extremely good shape to get over this one. they would be able to climb mount everest a lot easier, i think. >> 30,000 feet versus 30 feet. i like it! a brand-new fox poll shows 63 percent believe the board situation is an emergency. or a major situation pay 20 percent say no it is a minor problem.will the bill pass or are we going to see government shutdown number two, electric boogaloo? join me now thomas massey,
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welcome back congressman. >> thank you, kennedy.>> it is wednesday. shutdown deadline is two days away. there is still a lot of confusion and moving parts. i thought we had reached a deal in principle but it appears as though there are a lot of naysayers and much could still go wrong! >> one of the interesting things is he points that we only two days away from the shutdown. nancy pelosi came in and passed the new rules for congress and said we would have 72 hours to read every bill. guess what we did today? we voted on a resolution to suspend the rule that the democrats put in place to give us 72 hours to read a bill so that did not last very long. [laughter] it did not last very long did it? they introduced the bill in the same day i have not got to read it. here is the big issue. >> is it done? >> i don't think so. i think they are still floating trial balloons. i think the people writing it are watching the show right now looking at reaction from various congressman.
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to see if it will float and -- >> one republican participant said it is leaking oil. what does that mean? >> i don't know. i guess you put a court in every month or something if it is leaking oil. >> ores of the exxon valdez? >> i do not think it is leaking that badly yet. but it could be a disaster. here is the real question, okay, there may be a billion or 2 billion in there for a while or 50 miles of the wall. i want to know, that is the numerator. want to know what is in the denominator. okay?we will spend, what is it? $1 trillion? to get $1 billion or will we do like a two month -- to get $1 billion? that might be worth it because you know what i think the democrats hate? almost as much as shutting down the government, they hate not growing the government. >> absolutely right. >> the president could get $1 billion for a wall in exchange for keeping the government the same for three months, which would be acr, after the continuing resolution does.
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it keeps spending flat. i think that would be a victory.but i am afraid they will we allow this huge deal that will have $1 trillion of spending you know, or a couple hundred billion. whatever it is, probably too much. >> did we just get to $22 trillion today? >> we did. i haven't debt clock to my office.if you come over -- >> to use it as a fan on your desk? >> it spins so quickly, that's right. it is really depressing to watch. only in the month of december to be changed out that debt clock for a christmas clock and we count down the days of christmas. no christmas is gone so we are back to the debt clock displayed in my lobby. >> christmas is never coming back with democrats spending money the way they are. and it is a moral imperative to bankrupt the country that according to the green new deal. and one of your kentucky
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counterparts in the senate who happens to be the majority leader, mitch mcconnell, is talking about bringing this thing to a vote! what you think about democrat presidential hopefuls being forced to yell, yay or nay? >> a thing is going to put them on the record. they wear the green new deal will work if you don't afford panels they will find you and so you cannot. >> that's good for low-income people. force them to do things they can't afford. force them into bankruptcy and further dependency.that is rich logic! >> here's my question. i have solar panels on my house. i live off the grid. i think i'm the greenest member of congress. my question is, and i would never sponsor the green new deal.why don't the sponsors of the green new deal have solar panels on their houses? you cannot say they are too expensive. will know they make the same salary i make which is $174,000 a year. somebody needs to go ask the
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sponsors and their 90+ sponsors in the house of representatives. >> yet. >> there is only one i know of that has solar panels. ask the rest of them, why are you still buying coal-fired electricity? you like air conditioning and do not turn off your lights at night? >> yeah! that is it exactly. you remember al gore was a glutton with his energy! which, i applaud and i hope that someday we are all off the grid. i think it is something to aspire to. i do not think we need an $80 trillion series of government programs in order to get us there. there so distrustful of american technology and innovation! >> they don't trust anybody to do the right thing without government intervention. because they will not do the right thing themselves without government intervention. look, like i said, i have solar panels. they don't have them. ask them why -- i mean -- >> to have a victory garden?
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>> you know, i have a huge garden. it is more than victory it is total annihilation garden. [laughter] i also have cattle that they are coming after. >> i know, i cannot stand the war on meat! i have a problem -- i do not have a problem with people being vegan and a green diet and non-processed foods. if you want your own diet that's fine but do not impose it on me. and i think that is what cory booker -- >> i am glad that al gore coaches co2 into the air. my farm sequesters it everyday. the trees need it, the grass needed, the seeds and my cattle. i'm so glad, i should probably be paying al gore for all of the generous co2 he is giving to me that my farm needs.>> well, i would not be an inconvenient thing for him. let me tell you that! thank you so much congressman thomas massey. >> thanks kennedy. >> keep kentucky great. meanwhile back at the border conservative media voices slamming the president on the deal. they would get 1.4 billion for
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wall funding. critics when the president is going back on a campaign promise. his most critical premise to secure the entire border and citing that the bill to spell defeat in 2020. a new poll shows the presidents willingness to compromise may not be as dangerous as his critics would have you think. according to the fox news poll, released just a 46 percent of voters approve of the president 's job performance and february which is a three percent increase in january when there was no progress made at the border. it also put some of the same 46 percent where he was before the shutdown began.he has made up some ground. the compromise, is that wave of the future in washington? was the president is waving buy, buy, buy? joining me now, kayleigh mcenany. >> hi kennedy. >> many are stuck in between a rock and a hard place. others are very upset of the
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prospect of the president signing this compromise. where do you stand?>> we will see with the present disguise and want to get ahead of him. he may or not sign it. >> what are you hearing? >> you know, i haven't heard anything specifically because he is not even seen the bill yet. until he sees i don't think that he is ready to decide one way or another. but what i will say to the conservatives who are expressing dismay, do not be dismayed. as the president give us neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh and got us out of the paris climate accord and tpp and playing hardball with china. he has made good on every single one of his promises and he will do so with the wall. even if he signs us, again, who knows, it is 55 miles of fencing, a border barrier i should say. more than fencing it is steel slats. it basically puts the democrats on record saying, we are okay with a barrier. it is not immoral to have a wall. it actually works! get some on the record, start the process but we will see
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what he decides. >> what can the present two of 1.4 billion is not enough to secure the parts of the border that he and other see as most problematic? >> as sarah sanders said early there are a lot of options open to them. i don't know that we publicly know about all of them. >> we should! i mean, -- not a vacuum i hope. >> the ones that we've heard about our national emergency power of course. it is been much discussed. moving around funding. if that is possible. and you know chuck schumer says no but others say yes. getting the deal, working another deal. there are a number of options but the present will get the wall one way or the other. >> i do not doubt that. i think is very determined and i think public support is going in his direction a little bit more. people oppose the wall more than supportive but however, there are more that support it now then did three months ago. so i think he's in a better spot and i think if you're looking at you know, the global
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view of all going on between republicans and democrats and the appropriations special committee and house and senate members getting together to hammer something out, the president acquiescing and signing it actually helps him i think with independence and i know the base is already on his side. he will not lose it it is not quite as dire as some are saying but how important are those to independence to the president in 2020? >> independence are of course very important. you look at the fox news poll and 66 percent supported a deal that included a barrier. it look like the one that is being are right to point your finger at independence. very important also very key to deliver for the conservative base and the president has and will continue to do so. it is a start. i will note that the president is on the rise. the rasmussen poll had met 52 percent.>> what you want to say to tommy and ann coulter and the big fat resistance the
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president? they are just so disappointed with him they cannot hide their contempt. >> i would say to them, trust the man who is out pacing ronald reagan and moving the conservative agenda according to heritage foundation for trust the person who is doing more than any president before us it had a hungaryr at the end name. >> the president is taking tommy and ann to mar-a-lago. but the plane is going down, the pilot has a parachute, that's fine. the president has and of course. there is only one left. who does he give it to? tommy or does he give it to ann ? >> i think you will find a way to give it to both. he finds a way to break the barriers and make the impossible possible. he will do it with the wall and with the parachute. >> you've got to pick a parachute!
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you cannot give everything to everyone! every politician tries, that is what has set this president apart. we shall see if this is politically toxic for him. i think he actually comes out looking better if he signs this and grouses about it than if you shuts down the government one more time. do you agree? >> he does not want to shut down the government he said. so i don't think that will happen he's been very clear about that. i think we may have found a way to make the deal better at the end of the day.>> kayleigh mcenany, thank you. >> thank you, kennedy.>> coming up, justin fairfax continues to deny sexual assault allegations against him. one of his accusers now plans -- we have that next. will it feel like the wheend of a journey?p working, or the beginning of something even better?
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the woman accused virginia democratic lieutenant governor justin fairfax of assault is reported to meet with prosecutors in boston about the alleged incident. according to an attorney. the da offered to investigate the claims. that he assaulted her during the convention. the massachusetts statute of limitations for sexual assault is 15 years. means criminal charges would have to be filed before july of this year. fairfax continues to deny the allegations claiming that their encounter was consensual. and is prepared to counter any criminal complaint against him. so should we expect charges against fairfax anytime soon? trimming outcome attorney, gayle trotter. welcome back. >> great to be with you, kennedy. >> obviously the statute of limitations is running out in a few months. is it enough time to complete an investigation for the suffolk county district attorney and potentially bring
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charges? >> it should be enough time because as you noted, the person who is making the allegations, said that there attorney that she is willing to cooperate with the investigation. justin fairfax has said that he is willing to cooperate with the investigation. he said he wants a fair and impartial investigation into the allegations. and since there is probably no physical evidence in this circumstance that needs to be collected, double chain of custody or investigated in that way, really we are relying on the statements to see if there's collaboration and the witnesses involved. there is certainly enough time to investigate it. i do think it is really important to remember that justin fairfax is entitled to due process. >> do they do! i don't have a problem with that at all. i do not think there should be a rush to judgment on either side. >> right. >> it seems that this is the more appropriate avenue versus
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a fbi investigation which is crazy. as with justice kavanaugh, he said i passed an fbi background check but that is not necessarily going to tease out these individual allegations . especially when accusers were silent during the background check process and investigators might not have note to talk to them at all. >> right, the fbi investigation, i don't even know justin fairfax was suggesting that. unless you try to say there was a larger conspiracy attacking him which there has been some discussion of that in the press related to political -- this was a state offense in the effort does not have a part in this at all. and you have to look at the state in question and like you said, there is a 15 year statute of limitations that pertains to this case. and it would really be on the district attorney in suffolk county, massachusetts to decide
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whether to go forward and press charges. >> now, the other case involves a young woman that justin fairfax went to college with a duke . she has presented a little bit more evidence of some of the conversations that she has had with people, at least a few years ago. she says that she filed a complaint, a sexual assault with duke university back in 2000. when she was allegedly assaulted or investable player that that went on to play in the nba.and you know, how, how do you fold that case into this and has a statute of limitations in north carolina run out? >> right, and carolyn does not have the same legal requirements or laws that massachusetts does.they do not have a statute of limitations on forcible rape. they allegations are little bit different on the facts for the massachusetts allegations versus the north carolina
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allegations. and remember, it is kind of two tracks going run a preview of the legal accusations and ramifications from those accusations. and then you have the political ramifications. at some point, doctor tyson 's attorneys were saying, if charges were not put forward -- i'm sorry if an impeachment process in virginia did not happen, which the democrats backed off of on monday, then they would look at going to massachusetts and pursuing criminal charges or an investigation. >> so than the democratic legislature would have no choice but to potentially begin impeachment proceedings against lieutenant governor. >> they would have a choice but they would pay a political price. if they had a lieutenant governor that had either been charged or convicted such a serious crime and they did not take action under the virginia constitution, which allows for an impeachment for high crime or misdemeanor. but it does not require impeachment. >> a horrible moment for politicians in virginia.
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my goodness! and it is only getting worse. gayle trotter, thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> bill gates says no one deserves to be as rich as he is. i will explain why billionaires talk the talk and walk the walk. my monologue is next. ♪ hoo - want to take your next vacation to new heights? tripadvisor now lets you book over 100,000 tours,
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you muppet nerd! the irs is a pretty straight forward website where you can make contributions anytime you want! they are night and they will take your guilt money, no questions asked. it is not about giving more money to the government, they're going to screw it up somehow. and more money does not eradicate big problems. and magically make everything better. howard schultz, when he was complaining at the corporate tax rate is now too low and how he should also be paying more taxes, went on to say, people don't trust the government because they cannot be certain the money will be spent wisely. exactly! warren buffett, who has pledged to give away most of his fortune admitted in a 2007 interview, charitable foundations like the ones run by his family and bill and melinda gates, do better work at lower cost than the government. so he's basically making the case against his own false altruism. he did not the money to the
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government come he gives the billions to people that are going to give it to people who need it. now where is this anti-success, anti-billionaire nonsense coming from? the construction of washington, socialist, while hating jellybeans like alexandria ocasio-cortez, she's pretty lousy at math. as miss zero-sum complaint a system that produces billionaires is inherently flawed and there are still kids with the ringworm in alabama. she meant hookworm. she always seems to stumble when she recites some external generated, a talking point. the insinuation is somehow warren buffett gave alabamians kids ringworm! he didn't! but you know who is working to cure malaria? bill gates and his tax-free billions are finding creative ways to sprinkle practical solutions on real problems. not just imaginary ones like democratic socialist invent in this country. there are mutual and compounded benefits and an engaged and dynamic society that only
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proliferate in a free market. hopefully, the stagnant multi socialism will soon be tossed out and the fickle garbage it is. until then, the irs's standby for those letters from the billionaire boys club . that is the memo.♪ ♪ [music] >> the majority of americans still prefer the system that has scores of leaners and massive wealth -- it should be so much higher than that, americans still have a favorable view of socialism, which is wrong! and bad. how long before american goes full socialist and takes jeff bezos and bill gates to the guillotine? tonight our panel will be here.
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from the greg gutfeld shall, cat is here. and also lawrence jones, and the author of mean dads for a better america, go by that now for your valentine. it is tom -- welcome everyone! so, kat, it is obvious that this file comes from false notions that have been disproven by historic and modern economics and flat out jealousy. >> i think chelsea has a lot to do with it. i am jealous of billionaires. >> sure! >> it would be nice to take like a helicopter to work instead of the subway. [laughter] it would be nice to have hair and makeup team all the time. not just at work. i do not think our still be single if i had a hair and makeup team all the time. >> are you kidding me? >> in a helicopter i mean, who
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is turning that down? >> you have an army of juggalos. >> 1000 percent. and is that not the dream, kennedy? it is jealousy and misunderstanding of how economics work because everyone was the same goal, everyone said to be a prosperous nation. nobody wants people to have diseases and be destitute and the way that people portray people who have a conservative or libertarian view on economics is that, that's what we want. which is so sickening and wrong. because we want the same thing. we just realize how to get there based on the facts. >> yet, and what are the facts, lawrence? >> i think there's a little rich guilt going on. and i get it because -- >> i agree completely.>> for someone that grew up poor and my mom had me at 16, it was always that striving for the next level. and then you get that money and you want to take it back for me as well? i think we are always blaming
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the rich people for being successful. we should be celebrating this. we should be telling young people, this is what you know, to get to it instead, there is a problem, you need to forcibly give their money to government. if the government will do anything productive with the money. >> no, that is a thing! there are too many layers of bureaucracy and it is too expensive therefore the money that goes to them, doesn't actually trickle down to people. >> and correctly you said the monologue, a letter billionaires are doing great things. why not invest money into those programs? >> exactly! or why not encourage the programs instead of taking, like the government does. i think it is just disingenuous when howard schultz and bill gates say, i should be paying more in taxes. >> when they made 12 million
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they did not say it, when they met hundred million they didn't say it. even people to make billions of dollars who are not on t.v. all this time do not say because no one likes to give away their money. but they want to be like, they are celebrities more than billionaires. we should craft it, we should not make it a number. we should put special provisions in the tax code that is if you have over $50 billion and you still live in the same dumb house in nebraska. [laughter] you have to pay. >> omaha? >> omaha. we should craft it just for them because there's a limit of 15 people that insist they should be paying more money. >> but that is the thing. of course not! they can do that! build gates assistant can say, open up your pc. go to go to settings, go to payments. have at it! >> you are able to admit that you love money. >> what is wrong with that? >> i love money, mine is great! >> we have to move on to cory booker because he is such a disaster. the new jersey democratic senator 20 turning helpful, a.k.a. spartacus, spartacus!
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addressing a potential running mate. like he is going to get the nomination! watch!>> if you got the nomination, would you commit to choosing a woman as your vice presidential running mate? >> i think it would be malpractice, i will not make any specific commitments but we clearly should have, i think there should be a woman president right now. and we are working hard to get one. we've a great field of leaders, i think you will rarely see a democrat taking it without diversity i think is something we should have. i will not box myself in but should i become you know i will be looking to win first. >> how big of you! if he really wants a fema president he should step aside because there is a record number of women for president. among the colleagues, -- along with elizabeth warren have all announced candidacy and kiersten gillibrand has announced an exploratory
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committee. should he instead commit to being the vp for one of these ladies? tom? >> that is it! he has to pick a lady. but it has got to be someone handicap, they have to struggle with addiction, a whole list of things! then is to switch roles with them and take -- you know because how could he have the gall to be a man picking a woman to being his running mate? after switch around. >> they are just -- >> spartacus. >> this is a problem with all of this identity politics is, where do you draw the line when it comes to intersection? you're going to pay -- piss someone off. >> instead of being honest, -- >> and lying about smoking weed is not cool. you're supposed to stop doing that when you are about 15. >> come on man! people are joyful sitting in prison in california?
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>> i don't think so. >> lives ruined, prosecuted for non- violent drug offenses. bony convictions in san francisco, shut up! it was over 60 percent. >> now she is -- now she is a criminal justice reform warrior. >> right.she is full of hot air. probably huffing cal forts that cory booker is trying to get rid of! i am a vegan. garbanzo beans. i want for nothing. >> is offensive to women in a way to say, i am picking a woman because she is a woman. you stand picking the best person and if it happens to be a woman -- >> absolutely! i did not know names, gender, i went on the list and i found the best happened to be a woman. that is actually quality. after the break we more to discuss. including esquire magazine getting blasted for a cover story chronicling the daily
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struggles of an average white teenager in america. you do not have to commit suicide, you can just bore yourself to death reading t article. we will talk about the controversy next. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. [indistinct conversation]
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44, 45, 46... how many of these did they order? ooh, that's hot. ♪ you know, we could sell these. nah. ♪ we don't bake. ♪ opportunity. what we deliver by delivering. [music] ♪
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♪ >> is a time when baseball ♪ was considered the national ♪ pastime. ♪ that was before we had ♪ manufactured controversies ♪ on social media. ♪ this week's winner and then ♪ several people sweepstake, and article the profiles the life of a b,17 boy growing up i the age of school shootings, toxic masculinity and more. they're blasting this for the interest of the life of a boring white teenager even some calling it tone deaf and an insult during black history month. never mind the article is from the march issue. the editor-in-chief was quick to point out that the piece is the first in an ongoing series of profiles of black, asian and
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lgbtq communities. does esquire need to get his act together? or does the twitter mob need to get a life? back with me, kat, lawrence and tom. i really did my best to make my way through this article and this is why print media is dead. >> the article sucked. just to begin with. but the second thing, this is part of a series, right? >> it is not part of a series. they were like what deep yogurt they were in. they had to put out because it is so boring. >> the problem though, kennedy, it doesn't even matter! i would love to be in gq one day. but they would never put me in! i will not get mad, i do not get to be mad at gq and force them to highlight me. there are plenty of magazines out there that highlight lacked beauty and woman that have beautiful hair and wear
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cultural colors that according to the african-american experience, you don't get to force this on people. i think we're just going way too far right now. >> but tom, i think what they're trying to do is show very subtly, that this kid is so annoying and he has the same kind of punchable face. >> it's like the covington one from new york a cultural snob, goes out there, the whole article is like one of those you know, americans under class you know it's a look at america, what it's like. she follows him around to class, she asked questions, and then she quizzes him on, she actually says at one point that he is mixed on gender issues. he is mixed. because some of his attitudes are you know, weird maga attitudes but that he also believes in gay marriage.
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[laughter] >> maga attitude?[laughter] >> they treat him as a bizarre species. my theory is that they planned it all along i think that a meeting and i would love to the minutes of the meeting released with a sad look, let's release this white kid during black history month and everyone will talk about it because -- >> they, the political suicide of this. >> you do not think -- [multiple speakers] >> they love it! >> i'm offended that we are profiling 17-year-old boys. who want to know anything about seven -- there idiots! they are 17-year-old boys! there is a whole article. i don't understand why had to read thishorrible , boring article. >> i actually liked it. >> said that was dumb, it was presumptuous, rambling. >> that too. >> it could have been 1/4 of length and still been just as boring. you guys have not failed but you have succeeded.
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>> thank you! >> thank you so much tom, lawrence and kat. tropical storm is next.♪ ♪ [music] the fact is, americans move more than anyone else in the world. on average, we'll live in eleven homes. and every time we move, things change. apartments become houses, cars become mini vans. as we upgrade and downsize, an allstate agent will do the same for our protection. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? walking a dog can add thousands walking this many?day. that can be rough on pam's feet, knees, and lower back. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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monkey in pakistan that stole a teller from the parents.
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fortunately, gave the kid back a short while later because the market could not get any sleep with the toddler in the house! nevermind with what the kid was doing to the meeting schedule? welcome to the club! because this is the tropical storm.topic number one. begin tonight where motorcycle passenger had a very close shave. now there is gels angels. this biker babe decided to give her legs a touch up because it's florida. we reached out to us the real reason why she could not talk because she was waxing her mustache on the highway. mixed reactions from the kennedy team peer woman saying, i cannot believe she is shaving on a bike! and the guys are like, well, she has a nice pair of sticks, look at those legs! dirtbags. many call her mobile grooming regiment the worst idea ever. although if you google the worst idea ever, every link is
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about the green new deal. topic number two. high school wrestling matches are wildly competitive in wisconsin as you know. with all kinds of violent leg sweeps and chokehold. and it is just the parents. anyone can cheer on a kid at a wrestling match but only the greatest guardians become tagteam partners. sure! they could've stayed there and filmed it with her parents but why get a camel when you can get cauliflower ear? if i didn't know any better i would say they save money on the match but alas, the only legal way to gamble in wisconsin is to eat chipotle. the parents were not charged in the incident and we hope that they'll have a fantastic valentine's day. from the looks of things, they really need to pin somebody. it is a great whitney houston song. i want to pin somebody! topic number three.led
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zeppelin getting some attention from fans. because fans live in vans now they can walk in them too! who's ready for zeppelin? these bad boys are getting a lot of love from stinker fans. they're perfect for walking your black dogs. hiking over the hills or climbing the stairway to gets so much worse! they are made of nylon but they will go perfect with cashmere. if you're going to california, you will not end up looking like a fool in the rain. and getting trampled underfoot by the fashion police. what? my producers are begging me to stop the puns but i cannot qui ! dancing days are here again. i can ramble on all day! the shoes are expected to go on sale this spring in honor of their 50th anniversary. however, vans have not said how much it will cost. talk about a communication breakdown! okay. i am done now.
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thank you! we've officially gotten the lead out. topic number four. they are accusing chucky cheese of recycling unimpeded. if not failure, youtube is and investigator. they say it's a man put the conspiracy theories while not watching point. they say the charges were unequivocally false. when we believe them because judging by the size of today's kids not many are going on in. it's a creepy conspiracy but not as creepy as the adults that visit chucky cheese without kids! security! security is really coming in. we reached out to the ceo for, but she was stuck in traffic. i will be so smooth when i get to work, you guys! that is a reusable razor. and i may have just cracked the case! topic number five.
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finally, new jersey woman was busted for robbery but she still thinks that the cops are number one! yes, there she is! what a little lamb. 32 old shayna was allegedly caught with burglary tools designed to tear open a car door. but in jersey those could have been giant press on nails. police claim she broke into multiple vehicles in the town about 10 landfills outside of new york city. witnesses say that cops try to make her but it didn't work. they went with something stronger.and they used ax body spray. she's charged with burglary, criminal trespass and possession of burglary tools. if found guilty she will be sent where all of new jersey's criminals go. two bravo. i will be right back. ancer. (avo) another tru story with keytruda. (dr. kloecker) i started katy on keytruda and chemotherapy and she's getting
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results we rarely saw five years ago. (avo) in a clinical trial, significantly more patients lived longer and saw their tumors shrink than on chemotherapy alone. (dr. kloecker) it's changed my approach to treating patients. (avo) keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have new or worse cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased hunger or thirst, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in urine or eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant,
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or have lung, breathing, or liver problems. (katy vo) where i am now compared to a year ago, it's a story worth sharing. (avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. with more fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. we're finally going on the trip i've been promising. because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. ♪ so even when she outgrows her costume, we'll never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. only when you book with expedia. to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop.
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instagram. and also on fox tomorrow the show we are party swapping with ned ryun, richard fowler and hasn't happened yet but it already legendary. thanks to you! we will see you tomorrow night. supposed border deal. an increasing number of republican are unhappy as well. what is perhap more troubling is that radical dimms are moving a bill not only incomplete expun d unfinished but a bill overly long and complex, number of pages in bill reportedly between 700 and a thousand. if true is preposterous, which is more compelling evidence that radical dems and come littl coms are trying to restrict the president and his


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