tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 19, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EST
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lou: good evening, everybody. this aversion is president trump and his administration on will display this weekend. andrew mccabe actually confessed that he, deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, and a host of corrupt fbi and department of justice actors, sought to unseat a sitting president. >> discussion of the 25th amendment was simply, rod raciest issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other
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cabinet officials might support such an effort. what i can say, the deputy attorney general was definitely very concerned about the president come about his capacity, and about his it intent at that point in time. >> lou: ladies and gentlemen, that is a confession. where is the outrage about their treason? where is the republican party and its leaders demanding they arrest mccabe and the rest of his cohorts who conspired to overthrow the president of the united states? mccabe said mission attempted by the deep state went without a follow-up question by cbs. where is the national media? left-wing, though it may be, it in demanding answers, accountability, and transparency for this aversion and outright sedition. judicial watch president, tom,
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radio show host, tammy is here to discuss those questions and their answers. former vice president, joe biden, over the weekend : the united states embarrassing. as globalist foreign leaders and the radical dems applaud their approval of his careless and outrageous remarks on foreign soil. >> the america ic values basic human decency. not snatching children from their parents, or turning their back on refugees on our border. america's know that is not right the american people understand, and makes us and embarrassing. >> well, biden is the embarrassment. what should be embarrassing to biden is that he cannot even garner the support of his former president, former president
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barack obama. obama said he will not endorse a democrat for president even if biden decides to run. we take up fines in person trip overseas. republican strategist, ed rollins joins us. president trump today in miami issuing his strong support for venezuelan opposition leader, juan guido. the president issues clear and definitive. the united states will never be a socialist nation, we take up the president's address and much more here tonight. our top story, former acting director of the fbi, andrew mccabe, confessed there was in fact a deep state conspiracy among his cohorts in the justice department and fbi, to remove president trump from office. fox chief intelligence correspondent, catherine heritage with the story. >> counting votes, or possible vote. >> the former acting fbi director told 60 minutes that
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rod rosenstein openly discussed how many cabinet members would support invoking the 25th amendment to remove the president. but, the fbi former general counsel, james baker who met contemporaneously with mccabe and lisa page testified the effort went further. quote, i had the impression the deputy an attorney general had already discussed this with two members in the president's cabinet. and that they were on board with this concept are ready. on twitter the president responded to mccabe on 60 minutes. quote, while, so many lies by now disgraced acting fbi director, andrew mckay. he and rod rosenstein look like they were planning a very illegal act. mccabe another say president's firing of james, he left the fbi in justice department in turmoil. they concerned the firing was designed to be synced the russian probe. >> the deputy attorney general offered to wear wire into the white house.
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he said, i never get search when i going to the white house. i think the general counsel had a heart attack. when he got up off the floor he said, that's a bridge too far. >> but, baker who could face criminal penalties for lying testified quote, my recollection is that there were discussions about it over longer period than the course of one meeting, a couple of days. >> mccabe said rosenstein initially resisted special counsel because the deputy attorney general worried he might lose his job. a senior official told fox tonight the special counsel was appointed to ensure the russia investigation was truly independent and without bias. something the official said that mccabe could not have accomplished. >> lou: thank you, very much. joining us tonight, tom fitton, the president of judicial watch. he has worked with the international policy form, the leadership form, accuracy, among
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others. good to have you with us. what we just heard from the folks at 60 minutes at cbs, although they didn't ask a follow-up question, it was an outright confession by mccabe that he was committing felonies and an attempt to overthrow the president of the united states along with a number of his colleagues. your reaction when you heard? >> well, it's extraordinary. it confirms early reports last year that this discussion took place. you know, lou, if there were generals talking like this, there would be no doubt the media would be calling it a coup. because you have unelected bureaucrats, and appointed officials talking like this, the target is president trump, they don't care. america should realize this is how you can lose a republic. you have appointees of the president and bureaucrats to answer to virtually no one, talk about manipulating the law in order to overturn a presiden prl
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election and attack a president they don't like. they don't like for any substantial reason. they don't like him because he fired their buddy, james comey. >> lou: at the recommendation of rod rosenstein, by the way. >> rate. a fight about a personal decision. they are going to overthrow the presidency. let's be clear, here, mueller is a successor to the school intent. the appointment flows out of this and we should recognize that the effort to overthrow the president is continuing through this out-of-control mueller investigation. >> lou: without so much and effort, explanation, rationalization. we are watching mccabe basically saying he was doing it for the country's own good. here's a man sworn to enforce the law, to enforce the constitution of the united states, to defend the united states, committing's aversions,
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in my opinion, sedition and treason. for those who want to say we are not at war should reference the war on terror that we have been engaged in for 19, almost 19 years. this is outrageous. we have not heard a word from their leadership of the republican party about arresting these people. we have not heard a word from the so-called establishment that is supposed to hold the tenants values of this great nation and primacy. they are just simply averting their eyes. it's appalling, it's discussio , there should be outrage throughout the country, across both parties, across every part of this nation. >> i agree. the problem with the justice department is mueller is still running the justice department effectively. any effort to uncover what went on behind the investigation, this is what went on behind the investigation, runs into the mueller juggernaut. the attorney general bar needs
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to step up and defend the president. the argument again about bars will he stand up against trump. the question is will he stand up for president trump, for the rule of law, against the deep stators who don't care about our constitution. president trump may have survived this attack on him, but maybe another president want. we will lose our republic and we will not even know it came. >> lou: i guarantee he will survive these attacks. he has already demonstrated he is stronger than the entire lot of these extraordinary venal, vicious actors in the justice department. what may not survive is his justice department and the fbi. tom fitton, should they survive? they are the root of the corruption and the malignancy of the others that want to subscribe to this administration. when, in point of fact, they have been the perpetrators of
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wrongdoing from the months preceding the presidency of donald trump. >> well, i am a small government conservative. i think all government agencies should be subject to scrutiny every year before any money is given to them. even the corruption at the doj. >> lou: the problem with that is, the appropriators and the investigators are also deep state actors and have been working just as viciously, frankly, behind the scenes as the people in the justice department and the fbi. my god. >> the problem with the fbi is the current leadership, mr. ray, has zero interest in reforming the organization. >> lou: where is he? we don't even hear from him. >> he is missing in action when it comes to uncovering the corruption. to a degree he has said anything, he has been excusing the corruption. >> lou: exactly. tom, it is good to have you here. i wish we are talking in better
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circumstances. but, as you intimated, the republic itself is at stake, here. the silence is absolutely chilling. thank you so much. and again, as always, and i mean it even when i don't say, thanks for everything that you and judicial watch do. thank you for watching. up next, one of the most embarrassing figures in modern american political history. former vice president, joe biden, has taken his anti- american message overseas, embarrassing the united states in front of our allies and many of his former colleagues in the obama administration. it is a shadow government. we will take that up and more, right after this quick b i switched to liberty mutual because they let me customize my insurance,
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>> lou: a new york times report today same former president obama's counseling the dems 2020 hopefuls, but he will not be giving the new york times assures us, anyone, anyone, not even joe biden, his endorsement. his former vice president taken a page out of his old obama playbook. apologizing for america overse
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overseas. >> the america i see values basic human decency. not snatching children from their parents. it makes us and embarrassing in the example we are setting. >> well, i should stop. as my mother would say, this too shall pass. we will be back. >> i would not bet on it. in any way, shape, fashion, at least not led by joe biden. he has just blown his chances for 2020 in all likelihood. biden, it seems forgot one important lesson from his former boss. president obama at least waited until he was elected and was in office before slamming america overseas. joining us tonight, former white house political director, ed rollins. ed, great to have you with us. what a day. let's start with biden, he just blew, didn't he? >> he certainly did something
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outrageous then anybody i have ever known. a former vice president to go before an important meeting and condemn america, it's just outrageous. you often do that if you are a presidential candidate in iowa, or new hampshire, or somewhere. but to go before our allies and take apart the administration's position is outrageous. >> lou: when president obama did that, his famous apology tour in berlin in cairo, he had been elected. there is a chance to make things right in 2012. romney did not make that happen. i think biden can just kiss it goodbye, personally. i would like to turn to this extraordinary piece on 60 minutes, in which andrew mccabe actually confessed to trying to overthrow the president of the united states, ed. where's the outrage from the republican -- i think the whole
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country. >> i have to tell you, from when i sat and watched it last night i was outraged. there's a conspiracy going on. the 25th amendment is for president to step aside if he has health issues or something else. it's not about removing the president from office. i think to a certain extent, you think she's justice department. >> lou: these guys are not only obviously corrupt, they were stupid beyond imagining for people who are supposedly trained in law and respectful of it. >> before this, any evidence of plotting and scheming to take out a president of the united states and talking to members of the cabinet, according to him with the full support of the acting attorney general, i found it appalling. it's so un-american. >> lou: so, where is the american party? why are the leaders of the republican party on capitol hi
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hill, every republican governor, every republican in this country, standing up and saying and the witchhunt. and the nonsense. it obviously is a conspiracy to overthrow the president of the united states. they are endorsing it with their silence. >> their silence is terrible. the reality is, we are in a fight of our life. president trump is doing everything he promised to do. but the democrats are revved up and will do everything they can to stop him. from lawsuits to what have you. they're not going to. >> lou: if there is -- in the land will join this president on the declaration of a national emergency. we know then that the corruption has absolutely grasped our judiciary system as well. we have every indication this is happened. for them to join a president in a matter of national security would be an act against the republic, the constitution
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itself. >> at the end of the day is going to end up being in the supreme court. the supreme court has to rule in the president's favor at the end of the day. it will go through the process. all of these political attorney general so what have you. >> lou: but honorable, honest and judges who are not overwhelmed by their partisan prejudice would understand that it could be absolutely litigated in our judiciary. without enjoining until a decision by the high court. that would be the honorable thing to do. >> that would be the honorable thing to do. i hope the supreme court was stepping quickly if they went on this process. >> lou: i learned more about chief justice john roberts, nine saying what will or will not occur and that high court.
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>> i am hopeful in the end that he will do the right thing. >> lou: we can all hope. but, i would rather have certainty. >> there is no certainty in life. >> lou: well, there isn't. in this constitution there should be absolute certainty. ed rollins, thanks much. we would like to hear your thoughts on all this. sure, some follow me on twitter. like me on facebook and follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. coming up next, chicago police one answers from actor, jussie smollett after their investigation into an alleged hate crime reverses. at a much more up next. i was talking with tammy bruce. let's take a look at the u.s. national debt, as if we don't have enough problems already. $22 trillion and climbing.
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>> if you choose this path, you have the opportunity to help safe and prosperous future, for all of the people of venezuela. or, you can choose the second path, continuing to support maduro. if you choose this path, you will find no safe harbor, no easy exit, and no way out. you will lose everything. [applause] lou: president trump also using his speech to continue to express his supportive venezuelan opposition leader, juan guido. a reported hate crime in chicago looking more and more like a hate hoax. chicago police say they no longer consider actor, jussie smollett, a victim. they are pushing for a follow-up interview which jussie smollett's attorney has
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resisted. the police request comes amid reports that jussie smollett paid to brothers to carry out the assault. both have been questions and released without charges. reverend al sharpton responding to the news. he is saying that jussie smollett should face accountability to the maximum if it's found t stage the attack. joining us tonight, tammy bruce, foxbusiness contributor. tammy, good to see you. let's start with jussie smollett in the hoax. i have to give reverend al sharpton great credit for standing up, which by the way all of the candidates who have been cap commenting on this, democratic candidates have not had the courage to do. >> democrat candidates want to pretend this didn't happen.
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but, rafter and al sharpton is very well known for promoting one of the original hoaxes, if you will with a young woman who made some accusations against police officers which ended up the false. it's fascinated he would take that position. good for him if he has found the right direction. maybe, i don't know, maybe he's thinking that mr. smollett deserves a program on msnbc like eating has. who knows what that end result should be. lou: you brought that to us with a sense of appropriate justice. >> absolutely. lou: let's turn to venezuela, the president today and partly going to miami to announce his views in judgment and policies on the hemisphere and in venezuela in particular. your thoughts? >> perfect of course. we know for south florida it has a lot of people who are immigrants who have experienced in our lifetimes the impact of
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totalitarianism and tyrants. lou: and venezuelans as well. >> venezuelans and cubans. when he speaking it happens to be the right thing, but it also speaks to the venezuelans already in south florida were coming to south florida but speaking to the core people in this region, that understand the importance of freedom, this nation, capitalism and the value of the support of the american presidents. it will make a big difference. lou: i think he had a couple of other audiences in mind as he spoke. one who is the american people when he said, this country will never be socialist. that was a low, straightforward challenge to what seemed to be every one of the democratic hopefuls, so far. at least announced, this is not going to be an easy campaign for you. you have already gone to the
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left and against his country and its traditions. >> is the first education were receiving about real life. these are special young people, miss alexandria ocasio-cortez about how it destroys lives, destroys countries and economies. this is going to be her first indication, courtesy of the president come about realizing what socialism does to people. lou: this could be an expensive tutorial for aoc if it moves into, the 2020 presidential election. >> it could be. she won't understand this until 2020. the benefit of this education for the american people about what the democratic party is becoming, and how everybody is running on this kind of an issue. the president stands as a bulwark against this framework and as a reminder of how
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greatness really can be brought into our lives. it's not through that totalitarianism by any stretch. lou: to me, it's very encouraging to see the presidential tracking poll in popularity and approval rising. it's 52%. i confess, i personally think it should be significantly higher, i hope it soon will be. >> it probably is, as a matter of fact. lou: i would like to see it expressed in black-and-white. like you, have faith in the forgotten man and woman in this country. this president, i think now has turned an important corner. i think the national left-wing media is beginning to understand it. that's why they are not quite as free as their nonsense as they have been. in other words, jim acosta is receiving quite a bit, as is our his colleagues on the left. in that white house briefing room is an example of a barometer of this all.
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tammy, good to have you here. up next, british lawmakers say facebook is acting like gangsters with our personal information. now, the europeans are doing something about it. why in the world is in the united states? isn't privacy a bigger right for americans? we take that up with cyber expert, morgan right. stay with us, we will be right back. who, google,
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required to do anything. well, he would be required to do something, one would think, like pack his bags and get out of there. a north carolina elections board beginning deliberations over election fraud allegations. republican, mark harris leading in the ninth congressional election. the board consists of three democrats, two republicans, they will decide whether to certify a winner or's order a new election. harris leading the democrat by 905 votes. again, the vote that may count as the 3 - 2 vote on the elections board. a new report from the u.k. parliament calling facebook digital gangsters to influence elections. the report accusing c ceo mark zuckerberg of contempt of parliament. joining me now, morgan wright, former senior advisor in the
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antiterrorism assistance program. cyber security expert, morgan, great to see you. let me start with, first the gangsters that facebook and google. who knew that they were going to be declared gangsters first by the u.k., rather than the united states. >> i don't see al pacino playing mark zuckerberg in a movie. though, we talked about this before. why is the e.u. ahead of us with things like the general data protection regulations, privacy? i think it comes down to money. facebook figured out the google which is spend a lot of money on k street or m street and get in their lobby people, spread money around. during the hearings, how many members of congress do we see s to mark zuckerberg hoping to relocate jobs in their district. this is one reason you don't have it because everybody's hoping to get something from zuckerberg. lou: but, it reinforces the
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impression that half a dozen of big tech companies, including facebook and google, have such concentrated economic and technological and political power, that there almost so large that it is impossible to rein them in. is that fear well-placed? >> absolutely. i tell you, lou, we talked about this, when we talked about how globalism is killing patriotism. all of these companies have taken advantage of the u.s. it's coming home to roost now. now that they want to be global your subject to the e.u. regulations, germany regulatio regulations, they place a premium on privacy. for too long self-regulation, they tried it and it doesn't work. you will see self-regulation go away and more regulations starting overseas. not to put them out of business,
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but we have to put a check on the unchecked power they have. lou: there is no countervailing influence in our economy, our society, or are politic to the awesome power of big tech. that is simply a fact. to that, the power of wall street and corporate america. right now, the middle class in this country, if they were not the champion, the president of the united states would be defenseless against an onslaught that have rolled back the middle class for 20 years and under this president it is once again growing. >> something interesting that came out of the u.k. report, even though zuckerberg went in front of congress and said they don't sell data, it's clear they have been selling data and use apps to spy on the activities of users and their competitors. this is the modern version. the kgb only wish they had this power back in the day.
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an essay doesn't have near the power that facebook, google and amazon has just by but there's no consequences for. at some point there has to be because the carrot doesn't work. lou: this is a president who is keenly aware that u.s. policies haven't worked. he is also confident now by cte, he backed off of the consequences for cte, now paying the consequences for his role in spine. but doing so only within our court system, not as a result as a national security response. how much longer can we go before saying straightforward to the chinese, there will be a response on national security terms if you continue to steal
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from this country each year and carry out acts of espionage nonstop. >> i think they need to put the hammer down on them. the upcoming upcoming g but you have australia, new sheet ruling, japan the probably have to spend five years, the best way to stop this is to quit allowing the government of china to subsidize the electronic system to where is all chinese infrastructure. there is no infrastructure in place. it's not a fair fight. one way that you can stop espionage. >> and the administration is trying to do exactly that. they're bragging that they are
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now too big to stop. this again is advised rhetoric from the pla and from president she himself. the communist party is now flaunting their economic and political military power. the united states has to simply respond, hopefully before it becomes a military response. it looks as though we are absolutely vulnerable in cyberspace right now. is that a correct impression? >> absolutely. from our power grid toward nuclear plants commit to the real system and transportation, things are so vulnerable. even though we might have an overall plan we don't have an overall coherent ability to secure everything. the private sector owns 85% of the critical infrastructure. the government can provide support and help but the
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iranians, russia, and chinese are exploiting the gaps in the different infrastructures. the lack of coherence among the security plans. the old technology that is out there. we have out of date machines using windows that haven't been supportive for five or six years. lou: what morgan is not saying, that 85% that is in the private sector, it is often run by ceos and boards that are frankly, friendlier to chinese policies than they are to the policies of the trump administration and the u.s. government. that has to change, straightaway. i don't put words in your mouth, did i? >> lou, you're always right. lou: is good to see you. up next, new york governor -- new york mayor, bill de blasio says aoc doesn't know what she is talking about. we take that up after the
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cortez claimed the free deal would free up $3 million in tax incentives for the city to use elsewhere. the good mayor reminded her, even a socialist understood this, at least one of the socialist it. reminding her the money would only be available after the city secured the amazon jobs and revenue, and it was not in the budget somewhere. radical freshman congresswoman, there's a lot of those going around, omar was scheduled to raise money in march on the council of american islamic relations. omar received $5000 during her run for congress. she has since repeatedly made headlines for her anti-semitic remarks. most recently, suggesting support of israel is bought and paid for by the american israel public affairs committee. at some point, anti-semitic remarks result in being an anti-semite, it seems.
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joining me tonight is matt, the chairman of the american conservative union. why is that the left is so reluctant to say what is obvious? they have an anti- somatic strain within their party and on capitol hill and are not dealing with it. >> i completely agree with you, lou. i think it is more cynical than this. i think the democratic party has shed its longtime support of the state of israel. i think they're moving away from this policy point of view. i think it gives donald trump, who has done everything he has said he would do, getting rid of the iran deal, moving the embassy, gray chance with the voters. not with the liberal leaders potential of this community, but with everyday voters who can see anti-semitism when it is so clear. lou: anti-semitism, we sell reports today that the yellow vest in france, blaming them for
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a strain of anti-semitism within france. leaving out the entire ruling body i class in france. there is anti-semitism has been a huge issue in france. it is not only anti- israel, it is pro- palestinian. the expression is found throughout the political structure. this looks like another gambit to lay off blame for what is strengthening a strain of anti-semitism in france, and indeed europe. >> i think what is happening, what's iran neck and what's happening in israel is a one socialist country has been embracing free markets and innovation. they have become a kindred soul in our closest allies to america and to our way of life into our values. there are a lot of people who
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hate everything about the idea of entrepreneurs, free markets, for the little guy to go and take his markets to the customer. i love the fact that israel come america, freedom loving people including people in south america and freedom lovers in venezuela, we are working together to rid the world of this dreaded socialism. lou: try to so solution is not the same thing as anti-semitism. that is really what i was asking you about. the president assured us, this president will never be socialistic. what is in question is whether or not juan guido is going to be the successor to maduro. will he, or will he not? what is your sense from where you look? >> it's a great question, lou. i worry, i think it's a little bit of a jump ball. i think mike pompeo and john
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bolton are trying to do everything they can to use power and influence to stand up for the venezuelan people. maduro is a dictator. they have a lot of power at the end of their rings. we will see if he is able to use that power. i am hopeful that the right side will win out. >> there is a lot of hope running around this country right now. primarily because president trump is the leader of the free world. my question to you is, why is the establishment in washington, d.c. not screaming for the arrest of andrew mccabe and all of his core horses in the doj? why is that there seems to be almost a satisfaction in the status quo, no matter how rancid and corrupt that is to see. >> look, i'm disgusted by it. i guess there's only one person who can do something about it.
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that's bill barr. he's either going to do this, or he's not. lou: why the hell wasn't the republican party standing up and demanding his arrest? (n matt you know why. lou: i do not know why, or i would not be asking you (n matt it's because they do not want the controversy of taking the deep stayed on. >> in their gutless wonders, why should we tolerate these koch brothers hired excuses for legislators and they represent nothing but koch brothers, the chamber, it's enough to make you sick. >> lou, if that's where the republican party stays, were either going to represent the people were not. if we don't we deserve to lose and we ought to get out of the way. >> they either follow president trump weather going to be on the scrapheap of history. the problem is they could take
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the republican with you. matt, good to have you with us. up next, more of the dark political agenda of the deep stayed in their efforts to subvert the presidency of donald trump. great news, liberty mutual customizes- uh uh - i deliver the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: andrew mccabe, fired as acting director of the fbi, on "60 minutes" confessed he was in an effort to remove president trump from office and overthrow the government of the united states. tom fitton says mccabe, the department justice and the fbi were trying to overthrow the government and this rub. >> there were generals and colonels in the pentagon talking like this there would be no doubt the media would be calling it a coup. but if it's a bureaucrat talking like this and the target is president trump, they don't care. americans should realize this is how you can lose a republic.
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lou: tomorrow night congressman mark green and har met dillon along our guests. follow me on lauren: it is tuesday, februar. here are your market movers. 16 states have filed a lawsuit in the liberal ninth circuit over president trump's national emergency declaration for the southern border wall. the constitutional crisis brewing this morning. and are you on the key toe diet or have a food allergy? there's an app for that. how going to the grocery store is about to get a whole lot easier.
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