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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  February 23, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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person with them. you want someone without a jacket it's beto o'rourke. a buffet of everything! [laughter] lou: mark simone, gina, thank you very much. i appreciate it. thank you for being with us tonight. good night from new york. [♪] trish: unbelievable. break right now, the border crisis intensifying in venezuela. take a look at that. two dozen -- two actually dead. nicolas maduro ordered his military to fire on civilians attempting to cross the border. we are less than four hours from the deadline that's juan guaido set to get humanitarian aid to
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the people. either way, i will tell you right here and right now, nicolas maduro is done. because either that aid comes in and juan guaido is victorious or it doesn't. and nicolas maduro is recognized by everyone for the villain he has become. this weekend i head to latin america. monday i will be live from bogota, colombia where i will have an ex clues live interview with vice president mike pence. alexandria ocasio-cortez doubling down on the 70% tax rate on the rich. apparently she is not watching what's happening in venezuela. actor jussie smollett cut from "empire"'s final season after he was charged with a felony for filing a false police report.
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"trish regan primetime" begins right now. socialist dictator nicolas maduro ordering his army to open fire on venezuelans attempting to cross the venezuelan border. two people are now dead, more than a dozen are injured, and as of tonight, we know that maduro's troops have killed as i said two people and wounded dozens of others. this is the area right here on the map on venezuela's border with brazil that maduro blocked off in gra in sabana. the man we recognize as the rightful president to bring aid across that border with colombia. open defines of maduro.
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but d open defiance. what kind of guy would be willing to open fire on his own people when they are just trying to get necessities the global community is willing to provide. joining me, a former mayor in one of those boroughs living in exile afterring will threatened by nicolas maduro. >> thank you for this invitation on such an important day for us. trish: you heard me say i think this is the moment of truth, and i think it's the final hour. i don't know if it will be dozens of hours. but we are down to the point of no return for nicolas maduro. i don't see how he comes out of this ahead. am i right? >> well, i think for sure
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tomorrow will be an inflection point. things will never be the same after this weekend, no matter what happens. there is a lot of uncertainty what will happen tomorrow. the biggest one is if maduro will or will not use lethal force. trish: he's already photographen he's willing to hurt his own people today on the brazilian border. that's just crazy to me. >> that's the point. the whole world is asking for maduro to opt borders and allow the humanitarian help and for the venezuelan military respect the lives of the venezuelan people. but they started using lethal force today, and that's very, very dangerous. the world is watching closely. tomorrow could be a very difficult day for us. trish: it's looking like a
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million people are going to be marching towards that border where that concert happened. they will be marching to get to that border. we know they are also trying to get to the brazilian border. at what point does military say this is not the right thing to do? this is not the right thing to do, to fire on my own people when they are just trying to get food and water? >> one of the soldiers who participated in the shooting this morning against the indigenous people, one of the soldiers, a female, it's already on social media asking pardon and asking minister lopez not to use lethal force against convenience. d against venezuela. i think tomorrow people will be
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trying to get into venezuela with humanitarian aid. and that is the key point. the more people we have, the more chances we have for the military to turn back on maduro and start following the constitution and the constitutional president is juan guaido. trish: you are looking at videos of trucks they send around to the neighborhoods. they are trucks to give people eye exams. they are still running the chavez image on those eye exam trucks. they will give you a free pair of glasses. but the deal is you have got to vote for them. then they track how you vote. and there is a lot of intimidation. you can't have a free election if they are giving you stuff in exchange for the promise of a vote and threaten to take it
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away. people are saying get the h-e double l out of here. they don't want you there. they want freedom more than they want the exams or eye glasses. >> they are not real benefits. it's about propaganda, it's about making people believe in something that's not going to happen. they are always talking about happiness to the venezuelan people and look how we are doing. people are starving. and of course venezuelans have -- want change right now. the best humanitarian aid we can get is actually getting maduro out of power and starting democratic conditions that allow us -- trish: i don't know if it will be tomorrow or next week, but i
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predict you guys are going to get that. >> there is no way back. trish: thank you. good to have you here. the cozy relationship again the maduro regime and russia on full display. venezuela's so-called vice president dulcy rodriguez mavis it moscow very soon. this development comes as the kremlin accuses the united states of deploying special forces to venezuela. joining me, anthony tata. what is russia's involvement in all this. explain why russia would be willing to meet with dulcy rodriguez. >> it's an information operation. i think the vice president is heading over there largely as a
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demonstration, as a display so that she can show that they have got russia on their side, and we better be careful and so on. then russia issue as statement about the movement of our special forces. and there is a lot of activity tonight at fort bragg. i spent the better part of my career there. trish: one would assume that we are not about to allow this two-bit dictator to fire on his own people. i would hope that there is some kind of protection. not just from us, but from the colombians and the brazilians and chill d and the chileans. they care very much about make
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sure there is democracy, and peace and freedom for those people. >> the organization of american states is going to come together, and there will be a coalition. the united states will can a part of that. you have bolton canceling his trip to korea. you have got vice president pence saying to pray for venezuela this weekend. you have got some activity at fort bragg. all of that reminds me of my days as a paratrooper. i can imagine what we are going to focus on is making sure the humanitarian aid gets to where it belongs. trish: if maduro's military starts firing on these innocent people that have trying to cross into colombia to get that tornado that the international community has set up, what are the colombians going to do? what are we going to do?
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>> everybody has a right to defend themselves. if the venlsian limit becomes aggressive and shows hostile intents they will die rather rapidly certainly with american forces there. and the bigger picture here is the venezuelan military helped guaido come back in and violate the restriction against him coming back in. trish: i spoke with his team yesterday and they said they got stopped and tried to prevent him from coming through. it shows you he's got some friends along the way. >> i think the more friendly it gets, once people realize maduro is not going to be sustained in office, that whole regime will come crumbling down. i think you have specialized types of forcing doing some specialized types of things that
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allow for that to happen. trish: can i ask you one more sning. >> yes, ma'am. the woman -- one of the women whose father is trapped in a venezuelan prison as a hostage because he's been there for 450 days along with four on the per americans and a green cardholder. she is very worried. she played a tape for us last night, a voicemail message he sent her. he's worried he could very much be in harm's way and all those americans in that prison could be in harm's way. how do we get those guys out in time if things start going south? >> as you recall, operation just cause, when we jumped into panama there were political prisoners who were high value targets for us to secure, and we did so. and specialized trooped went in
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and they extracted prisoners out of the prison. they had to fight through the prison guards to do that. that would be part of the mission here. and that's part of what i'm saying. there are some high-value targets that we want to protect. guaido is one of them. certainly these political prisoners are another. and an assortment of on the terse that are very well trained military is probably rehearsing right now and giving up the targets and they are preparing to execute should that order come. hopefully maduro will go to a condo in costa rica and live peacefully. but we can't count on that because he seems bent on maintaining power. trish: thank you for all your expertise. coming up, someone who is not watching it carefully. socialist darling alexandria
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ocasio-cortez doubling down on her 70% tax rate for high income earners. and bernie sanders refusing to acknowledge what nicolas maduro is, and that's a dictator. it's time for bernie sanders to get out of the way here. you really surprised that he's out there defending a dictator? his socialist buddy? i'm setting the record straight on bern christmas fascination with socialism.
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trish: a fresh round of media interviews, house freshman and socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez is pushing her 70% marginal tax rate idea and making headlines along the way with her grand plan that there should somehow be caps on how much money anybody makes because it's immoral. to make a lot of money. watch. >> if you make more than 10 million in one year, which is a pretty good year. your 10 millionth and one dollar gets taxed at 70%. isn't 10 million enough? like when does it stop? right? when -- at what point is it immoral that we are building jeff bezos a helipad when we have the most of homeless people
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in new york city? trish: she left me speechless. at what point is it immoral for to you deny opportunity and jobs to people who need them? i invited you on this program to have this very debate. you haven't responded. joining me right now, conservative analyst and author, andrew johnson. i think it's pretty immoral when you are creating a company take your country in a whole new direction and creating prosperity for a whole lot of people. we'll get to the morality of it. we says we'll tax you at your 10 millionth and one dollar. i guess you are better sticking below the 10 million mark.
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as soon as you go over that the whole thing will get hit at 70%. does she realize how asinine that is? >> it's a fundamentally different view of looking at the world. remember ronald reagan? every day is the 4th of july for republicans and for democrats it's april 15. she says people who made those marginal dollars don't deserve them. trish: let's just go three hours south of miami to venezuela and we can see how that has worked out. this is not a system that's productive in any way, shape or form. the minute you try and penalize and stop people from moving ahead, guess what? they don't do it. why would you bother? >> i'll tell you why this upsets
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me. in my business, right? i find great companies changing the world. american ingenuity. part of what they are doing is creating upside for the people who work for them and for all the rest of us. what she is doing is getting rid of the upside. what kind of message is that to send to the rest of america that we'll cap your upside. that's not what america is about. trish: that's a recipe for total disaster. you look at france when hollande tried to do that. nobody wants to be there if the government is going to be so onerous and grab everything for themselves. lept not forget lower taxes. do you know we had record tax revenue in the administration this year? all those democrats out there complaining they won't have as much money to spend as they
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want, it turns out you actually get more. >> let people keep the money they earned. they are much better at spending it than the government is. trish: she need to come on to defend this. to keep going to the liberal networks where they don't understand economics and they are not willing to ask her some shard questions. i would appreciate her coming on. civil dialogue. i would give her the time to try and explain this. she needs to explain herself. this is not a recipe for success. >> you don't want to tax people's upside. the people in this country who made over 10 million, they already pay 60% of the income tax. trish: people find a way and they will move to some timbuktu place. then she'll have to deal with
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what she is left with. i think that -- i think she wants the easy conversation. not the hard one. coming up. self proclaimed socialist, bernie sanders says he doesn't recognize juan guaido as the legitimate president of venezuela. but when asked if nicolas maduro is a dictator. he won't say. straight ahead. i'm setting the record straight on how this crazy fascination with socialism has to end. later on in the hour we'll take you back to venezuela and colombia where thousands gathered today to show their support for venezuela's freedom fighters. two celebrities there at today's humanitarian aid concert. don't go anywhere. this is the all-new chevy silverado. it's beautiful. beefy and mean looking.
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. >> you can see juan guaido the president of venezuela? should the president go? >> he has been abusive. >> i think there has to be free and fair election. trish: a decision of those venezuelan people .i'm sorry they did not get to make that decision. because the socialism program that says we will give you this and that. guess what? in order to give all of that you have to say that you will vote for nicolas maduro. and if you didn't then they take away this and that. believe me bernie sanders, those are not free elections. it is great that you're calling for them. but how can it be up to the venezuelan people previously
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when the guy was rigging the whole things? bernie sanders has officially jumped the shark. that was him in front of his shall we say, howard dean moment or his fonzie moment when dean left infamous scream? the one by which the country -- or when fonzie jumped over the shark and "happy days". and it was kind of all over after that? this was that moment for senator sanders. he has jumped the shark by exposing the world to his selfish stupidity by refusing to state the obvious. by refusing to admit that the socialist he considers a bud is nothing than a brutal dictator. bernie sanders is refusing to call a man that is taken five american hostages, all fathers and grandfathers, and has held the from of the 450 days all killing dozens of protesters
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including two more today who tried to cross the border into brazil to get food and medicine. he jails and tortures thousands of political prisoners. including some of the people that you've met on this very show. uses intimidation tactics and quartz bad guys like drug traffickers and hezbollah terrorist. he threatens to withhold basic necessities like food or medicine for anyone who dares to cast a vote against him. this is a man who stole the election and a man of the entire free world refuses to recognize. as the true president of venezuela. and yet, bernie sanders, he refuses to admit that he is a dictator. come on!we have a real problem in this world i will tell you. when we fail to see right from wrong. when we fail to see and understand humanitarian crisis for what it is. all because there is some
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elaborate version of socialism which politicians like this one, bernie sanders, has fallen in love with. back here on planet earth, we know what socialism does. we know. and we know it chavez and madera have done. and if you're okay with all of that, you know, bernie, if you're okay with that, america, all of us, have a real problem with you. here is the good news, everyone. he will never be president. absolutely not. he has definitely tonight, jumped the shark. joining me right now, former senior advisor to george davis, mr. brad -- this is that moment. like fonzie, who is unwilling to say that nicolas maduro is a dictator. >> bernie has had many moments but this is the coup de grace
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of a dictator starving his people that kills his people, holding onto power by a thread. bernie could not see that his regime is over?bernie cannot see that he is denying aid coming to his country? and hurting his people?the only reason bernie will not throw the towel in his because he then will have to admit socialism is a failure. we know that socialism is a failure. we do not venezuela as an example. there been many many other socialist attempts that have been other disasters. in bernie's lifetime. bernie is the guy, he will always be, if you're forcibly bernie will always be against it. >> he is a selfish guy them. >> selfish, selfish. by the way, he is rich! he has three homes. he makes over $1 million a year. >> nicolas maduro -- >> absolutely! that is his bud.
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trish: an officer marches in the streets with hundreds of thousands of people that say they want and need change. whether it is the babies that are being kept in cardboard boxes. and laundry baskets in maternity caracas because they don't have incubators. how many kids are dying. they don't have the bassinet that you would put a child in. they don't even have the gloves so they can perform an emergency c-section. they don't have anything there. they don't even have running water. the majority of the time in these hospitals. and bernie sanders is willing to look the other way and say, let them figure it out when they can't figure it out because the guy that is giving them a box of food to feed their families for two weeks is saying, you have to vote for me. >> this is the same bernie sanders who believes we should have open borders. for people to come flooding into our country illegally. support century cities. it is a life of contradiction and exception for people at bernie sanders. he is more akin to the secretary-general of the un
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than the president of the united states. >> i don't think he is because i do not think he is smart enough. a selfish man that does not have a lot of brain cells because you don't talk like that and not admit what's going on right in front of you, brad. this breaks my heart! it really does. it breaks my heart to see these little tiny babies.some of them so badly nourished because their mothers don't have food. and they don't have the ability to feed them and this is a hospital maternity ward in caracas that we are showing. bernie needs to see that. >> why doesn't it break bernie's heart? what does he not see that we all see? why can't he stand up if he is supposed to be the champion of the oppressed? to see the kind of misery that socialism has brought what was once, a very prosperous country.bernie is not fit to be president of the nine states. no way! trish: he's done, i predict it.
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he won't get very far.he really is. alexandria ocasio-cortez. nonetheless, there are those, before i go, there are those fascinated with this ideal. amazing because hundreds of thousand people are marching the streets in venezuela begging for the opportunity for capitalism and democracy. you are looking at a hospital there. they don't have any running water but they have plenty of leaks that they can't fix. brad, it is very different situation. they are begging for capitalism and freedom and open markets while you have many young people here in america today that are saying, forget all that, we want bernie, we want aoc. what do the young people that are supporting this and their need to know. >> they need to wake up and understand that america, with nothing to apologize for. we are a light beacon as ronald reagan said, the city on the hill. with most generous country in the world. but give us an opportunity to
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help your bernie will not even let us help. they are denying humanitarian efforts. that the united states has in many other countries. blockading roads and bridges. bernie is on the wrong side of history here. >> you are right. you are right and that is what i predict he is done.brad, thank you so much. >> thank you. trish: come at major development in the jussie smollett story. but if you only get your news from shall we say, that network across the street, msnbc, -- chances are you have no idea what the actor allegedly states his own attack because they don't cover it! wait until you hear how many minutes they devoted to the story this week. -their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town. [ soft piano music playing ] mm, uh, what do you do for fun? -not this. ♪ -oh, what am i into? mostly progressive's name your price tool. helps people find coverage options based on their budget. flo has it, i want it, it's a whole thing, and she's right there. -yeah, she's my ride.
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this date's lame. he has pics of you on his phone. -they're very tasteful. he has pics of you on his phone. (butcher) we both know you're not just looking for pork chops. you're searching for something more... right this way. you thirst for adrenaline, you hunger for raw power. well, you've come to the right place.
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the road is yours, dig in. trish: knew tonight, jussie
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being written off the final two episodes of the next season empire show. prosecutors charged the empire acted with felony for allegedly faking his own hate crime. some liberal media
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consistently ignoring that the so-called hate crime was a hoax all along despite celebrities and politicians obsession when i thought he was targeted by trump supporters. take a look at this, this channel across the street here, spends zero minutes covering the story. during prime time this week. so if you say only watched that little news channel, you might think that jussie smollett is still the victim. here with me now, from 2020 campaign advisory board member medicine informing hillary clinton campaign advisor anthony seawright. good to see you both. you know, i mean -- the news is the news. if you are a journalist your duty is to get the news out. you may not always like the news. but you want to report on it. especially if you reported on it as they originally did. that it was some kind of maga hate crime. they do not even bother with the update? what's going on?
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>> trish, i'm very consistent with you every time we get together and chat about things like this and i think it's very unfortunate that we even have this discussion. because we are not talking about the fact that hate crimes are up, we're not talking about the fact that report came out south carolina that the number of hate groups are at a record high. we are not talking about that we have a white supremacist in the coast guard. >> you are not, can you answer my question right and then maybe we can get to all of that stuff? my question is, why is it a in other words organization is spent oodles of time covering the story and then not bothered to give the update that turns out the guy was not a victim after all? >> i am not here to bash another network but i think that you are right. they should be covering it. they should be given. journalism and covering facts case by case. this case is still ongoing but health allegations are true and if he is found guilty it's very unfortunate.
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>> madison, yes, if he is found guilty, this is extremely unfortunate. but you listen to at the chicago police chief was saying and my gosh, there's no doubt in his mind that this guy is guilty. and i would also point out that i talked to a lot of people on the left. i do not know where you are on this but a lot of people on the left, really have expressed concerns about this from the beginning.that really doubted it. i have to say, where was the media on this? why didn't they take a moment just like with the covington boys. right? why didn't they take a moment to think about it first? or like way back when i spent about six weeks down on the ground covering, the kids really did not get a fair shake. madison, why does it keep happening? >> what so disappointing is the fact that you are right. they're not covering what they should be covering. not because they're too busy or they are bigger stories. it is not covered because of
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the false narrative. so they continued to push a false narrative about trump supporters being homophobic or racist. in this case it is simply not the case for that's what jussie smollett wanted to push and much like the chicago pd superintendent, i am hanging my head asking why. when he -- why would he use this for political gain? it is sick! we've had so many horrific parts of the history involving race. we people in the country still healing. we've issue still being addressed and so for someone to do this is divisive, it is unacceptable.and not only may he face jail time and pay a crime -- [multiple speakers] trish: you said why did he do it? i wonder, it was easy. he knew that the media would buy the story. >> but it was irresponsible, it was stupid. i cannot believe you thought he
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would get away with something like this. it is so, so sad, is divisive like i said before.and it is unacceptable. ! go ahead, antjuan. >> we cannot sit here and pretend or put blindfolds on the fact that these hate crimes happen every single day of the week. >> but antjuan, you're trying to change the subject. [multiple speakers] >> i don't know if it is up to us to make sense of it. i will not throw him under the bus. is it a big bag of mistakes? absolutely! but a lot of people have made some awful, awful, big bad mistakes. we can make up whatever we want to make up about it. but he told a lie the same way the leader of this country does every day. >> and use hatred and bigotry and lying free on self and your young black kid, a young gay black kid you get died. if you do it when you are an old white guy you become president. >> i still don't know the details. i am waiting for the final
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results of all this. if in fact it is a hoax of course i will be disappointed. trish: that was maxine waters at the end. you heard many celebrity there. antjuan, absolutely refusing to call it what it was and is. trying to change a conversation. >> no, no i am not -- trish: trying to say that this is all, i do know going back to the president trump 's fault saying he's lying every day. >> i am not saying that at all. trish: how do we as a nation, sir,make sure that the facts are coming forward , fairly. >> we have a measure three times cut once. you and i are on the same page with that. we cannot pretend these things do not exist. trish: antjuan, no one is pretending that! [multiple speakers] >> it rolls back the progress we've made in this country. trish: if this is a different segment we can say that until next week.
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right now we are just doing the news. then we will get to that. because i think that you are right, racism still sadly exists in this country. and it is something we should always be on guard for. because it is not acceptable and i fundamentally do not believe the majority of americans are racist. it is the most heinous thing that you can ever say about anyone. which is why is such a disgusting, lethal kind of thing to say about people in this conservative party. and i'm very disappointed that i hear that term thrown around as much as it is. but nonetheless, i will give you this, antjuan, you are right, there are still a lot of problems and as a nation we need to heal and fix that because there is no room in today's society for any of it. madison, antjuan, thank you very much. we have much more coming on "trish regan primetime". we are just hours away from a deadline of the venezuela interim president juan guaido, said to get humanitarian aid in the few minutes i will take u-2 the border where thousands are gathering to show
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support for their freedom fighters. two liberties from venezuela. one from a show and a latin pop star joining me next.♪ star joining me next.♪ ♪ [music] ve got to tell you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad. my twhe didn't have anyas an autisfriends as a result that's super easy. it broke my heart. ♪brother let me be your shelter♪ that was the inspiration behind my non-profit "score a friend" go! educating people to include the people with differences is so important because when jacob's included he feels like he can succeed in life and he feels like he actually has a purpose.
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the venezuela border is nicolas maduro opposition fighters attempted to bring humanitarian aid to those that desperately need the food and medicine. all of this happening is the major fundraising event happens, this concert a few miles away from the border. joining me right now, from the border, one of the performers today, the venezuelan musician, danny ocean and the former star of the bachelor, juan pablo --. how important was it for you to perform at this concert today? >> this is what we do music, the reason why music has a message. this thing -- in part
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everything you already know it's happening. for helping to get the message outside. it's just amazing it is my third show believe it or not and it is just an incredible -- the people have been incredible. >> the world is watching. the free world anyway is watching. and on your side, what is your expectation for your home country there tomorrow? >> wow, wow. i think for the past couple of days we've seen how the interim president has done a great job to get volunteers to get people through the border to try to -- you have that concert going on and we are finally going to try and i think we have to have
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that humanitarian aid into the country and have all of the people that are really in need. >> and they need it. right? danny, you have a lot of family back there now and and i spent some time outside of the country. but what is it that people need? >> i think they need unity. we had to learn how to work in the team. and they just, we just need, everyone has to be on point on this matter. it's already been 17 years and you can see how this, this changes families, it changes people. people. >> unfortunately i had to leave
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8:59 pm
>> on monday i have a veryspecim bogotá, colombia. vice president mike pence was going to be a bogotá to talk to
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the latin american leaders there. at the invitation of the latin american president will be my special guest. i hope you have a good one. maria bartiromo's >> an underwater strange inheritance. >> we've had this in the family since 1899. >> their world's an oyster. >> do you want to try and shuck >> i would. it's all about the shuck. >> but their biz is belly-up. >> they pretty much said this oyster-planting business is over. >> they want to revive it. >> a couple drinks make anything sound good. >> so, will they sink... >> we looked at our debt for the first time, like, "whoa. it's, like, $350,000". >> ...or float? >> okay, here we go. come to mama. ♪ [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪


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